I am going to be getting FFXI over the nest 4 or so days i am thinking for my 360. I was just wondering 2 things. Does this game take as long as WoW to get through it and do you have to go to instances/raids for hours at a time and if its better to get on the plain PC or through 360 .
If som1 could tell me either of these it would be a great help thnx.
the gameplay is better on the PC but the graphics are better on the 360. That opinion is generated from the various views of tons of reviewing websites
Originally posted by Xerion12 So what... Is Fenrir some kind of Private Server?
Nope, There arn't any Private servers. People just want to join with other people. Unreal has been recuriting for awhile now. FFXI is heavily party dependant, So joining a server you know other people are joining takes a bit of the strain off making friends, meeting people, partying, etc.
Hey all, just about to start the game and would really like some people to play (and learn from :P, I'm gonna be a real newb). I would greatly appreciate a World Pass. PM me or MSN me - Shadow_ak47@hotmail.com.
Ok seeing as how unreal barely plays anymore, ill get a world pass today and give you guys the code....... please hit me up at MSN brazilzfinest52@hotmail.com if you want a code to get in and just to clear this up.....you cant Transfer characters, your gonna have to delete your character now and make a new one =/ and it would be better to catch me on xfire so i dont have to log out and get your message because ALT+TAB is forbidden unless you have the windower...but anyway get xfire so i can give the code ingame and then you can delete it. once i get the world pass ill put it in here so people can see what the code is and how many uses left:
Id like a Worldpass and linkshell on fenrir please =] I just got the game on monday and really want to play my email is frog_luver93@yahoo.com or finalfantasyxikid@yahoo.com either one you can email =]
Originally posted by Telaki Originally posted by Kaizer407 I dont know how that happened....people are supposed to message me once they use my pass >.>
Lol, And you thought they really would, How cute
And I wouldn't give out POL Stuff like that, You can't block peoeple >.>, Make them send messages through MMORPG or somthing like that.
If anyone would still happen to have a spare Fenrir world pass, please send me a message using the forum system...I've just bought the game and I'd like to start in a friendly evironment, which from reading this thread, Fenrir seems to be. Anyhow, if someone could hook me up with a pass, it'd be greatly appreciated...thanks.
thanks for keeping this going for me kaizer. no I havent stopped playing here is a report of my last 3 weeks:
2 weeks ago: was catching up with programming and school work 1 week ago: was finishing essays and stuff for my school work getting ready to play FFXI again this week: got hit by major illness, fever, constant headaches, throwing up...tons of things... this puts me behind on my school work and programming again but I am going to make some time tomorrow hopefully to come on FFXI again. I am too busy to be a real gamer in FFXI so I take the game at a slower pace it doesnt bother me.
Yeah there are quite a few low level people on this server, I havent checked my money so I dont know if I have enough for a world pass.
@Whoever made the "how cute" comment to Kaizer, FFXI has such a great community that Kaizer (like me) has a large amount of trust with the users on this forum. Worldpass theft is not expected. Anyway I have 30 hours nonstop to waste tomorrow so I will spend some of that on FFXI
Originally posted by UnrealSWAT @Whoever made the "how cute" comment to Kaizer, FFXI has such a great community that Kaizer (like me) has a large amount of trust with the users on this forum. Worldpass theft is not expected. Anyway I have 30 hours nonstop to waste tomorrow so I will spend some of that on FFXI
That would been me. Worldpass theft is expected... I've seen it countless times. People search FFXI forums for worldpasses to a diffrent server. And most of the time they don't even make accounts to the forums. That is why sending messages asking for WP's is best. (Through Email or Forum messages, NOT through PoL)
Unless you don't care, in Whichcase every couple days post new Worldpasses for people. I would do this for Diabolos but it looks like Fenrir has a better lowbie population from all these WP requests.
I am going to be getting FFXI over the nest 4 or so days i am thinking for my 360. I was just wondering 2 things. Does this game take as long as WoW to get through it and do you have to go to instances/raids for hours at a time and if its better to get on the plain PC or through 360 .
If som1 could tell me either of these it would be a great help thnx.
Which FF Character Are You?
Hey I just got the game yesterday and I'd like some people to play with.
Email - Astrofender@aol.com
AIM - Astrofender
Ok seeing as how unreal barely plays anymore, ill get a world pass today and give you guys the code....... please hit me up at MSN brazilzfinest52@hotmail.com if you want a code to get in and just to clear this up.....you cant Transfer characters, your gonna have to delete your character now and make a new one =/ and it would be better to catch me on xfire so i dont have to log out and get your message because ALT+TAB is forbidden unless you have the windower...but anyway get xfire so i can give the code ingame and then you can delete it. once i get the world pass ill put it in here so people can see what the code is and how many uses left:
Server name - Fenrir
World Pass code -
Uses left -
Hours left -
Server name - Fenrir
World Pass code - XXXXXXXXXX
Uses left - 0
Hours left - 000
In game name : Lionil
Hey guys.. i ended up randomly rolling Fenrir.. funny, because I didn't want to be there :-P.
Tarutaru WHM
Character name: Bhagamu
/tell me, it's like im a newb all over again.. i went out and died, first order of business.
Gore '08
it said ur world pass is expired.
If anyone got a world pass can u send me one ar gurlokovich20@hotmail.com
There is two thing in life are infinite man stupidity and the universe and im still not sure about the first one.
I dont know how that happened....people are supposed to message me once they use my pass >.>
From now on if you want a code, Message me
And I wouldn't give out POL Stuff like that, You can't block peoeple >.>, Make them send messages through MMORPG or somthing like that.
And I wouldn't give out POL Stuff like that, You can't block peoeple >.>, Make them send messages through MMORPG or somthing like that.
Ah i see
And I wouldn't give out POL Stuff like that, You can't block peoeple >.>, Make them send messages through MMORPG or somthing like that.
Are there still low lvl ppl playing on this one?
2 weeks ago: was catching up with programming and school work
1 week ago: was finishing essays and stuff for my school work getting ready to play FFXI again
this week: got hit by major illness, fever, constant headaches, throwing up...tons of things... this puts me behind on my school work and programming again but I am going to make some time tomorrow hopefully to come on FFXI again. I am too busy to be a real gamer in FFXI so I take the game at a slower pace it doesnt bother me.
Yeah there are quite a few low level people on this server, I havent checked my money so I dont know if I have enough for a world pass.
@Whoever made the "how cute" comment to Kaizer, FFXI has such a great community that Kaizer (like me) has a large amount of trust with the users on this forum. Worldpass theft is not expected. Anyway I have 30 hours nonstop to waste tomorrow so I will spend some of that on FFXI
Which FF Character Are You?
Unless you don't care, in Whichcase every couple days post new Worldpasses for people. I would do this for Diabolos but it looks like Fenrir has a better lowbie population from all these WP requests.