Here's the deal. I'm in Alaska, and with the exception of barhopping (ugh) and skiing / snowboarding (a good weekend activity), there's not a lot to do. I used to play WoW, but had issues with my computer and with the design of WoW (insane lag, highly unstable environment, etc). The only other MMORPG I've played was text based, so I'll be using WoW as a comparison, only because it's my only other experience.
I'm getting a new computer late October, a maxxed out XPS 700. I was thinking of going back to WoW, but after reading through the forums, it looks like I'll experience serious performance issues between the dual core proc. and the Nvidia 7950 GX2 (artifacting problems, graphics lag out the backside, etc). So, I'm looking for something else.
Things I don't like:
Games that require a higher math degree to simply get started, it has to be simple to learn the basics (it's learning all of the complex nuances that's the fun part anyways).
Games that throw you into the middle of everything and provide no intro and tutorial.
Games that are designed to force you to rely upon other people to do anything beyond the most basic "quests" / "missions" etc.
15 - 20 second server-side lag spikes. Happened on the servers I was on in WoW. It sucked.
Things I do like:
PvP that invovles strategy
Soloing (I did a decent number of "PUG"s in WoW, mostly for dungeons. For everything else, Troll Priest FTW!)
Intense Action and "space dogfights" a la the various Wing Commander games.
Specialization. In WoW I was the healer, in other games (mostly team based FPS) I've always been the one to scout / snipe.
Stuff to do. That is one of the things I liked about WoW. No matter where I was, I always had stuff to do, be it quests, grinds, or being the rabbit in PvP raids. Even moving between areas wasn't tedious as I could always detour and fight for a few seconds.
Roaming. Exploring is great.
Another thing I'm curious about is the corporations. I play gamed to have fun. I don't like the idea of being told exactly what to do, what skills to get, or how to play. Are most corporations run like an actual business (ugh), are they mostly more relaxed (woo), or is it just a mix (crapshoot, boo)?
I'm cool with things taking time, as long as there is stuff to do to pass the time.
If this isn't the game for me, does anyone have any other suggestions?
I would say give the 14 day trial a shot and see what you can do. Join a player ran corp as soon as you can because that is where the fun really is.
The game is PVP based. So, the more the better. There have been fleets of 200+. Sometimes combat can get very laggy, but it's not server side.
EVE is ALL about PVP and Strategy. The game has very little in the way of NPCs because it's based around PVP. Although, if you have only played WoW you have yet to see REAL PVP.When you die in EVE you lose EVERYTHING. You ship is gone. All your equipment is gone. If you get pod killed, you have to buy a new clone.
Although, the game is built for this. There is an unwritten rule that says "Don't fly anything you can't afford 4 of" meaning... that if you can't afford to replace it right away, then don't fly it.
EVE also doesn't really have any Epic Items, besides the Uber Ships. (see Titan thread a few down).
You can solo being a pirate, but you'll die alot. Very doable. Just be smart.
No. EVE is point and click. You tell it what to do and it does it for you. You don't have direct control over your ship other than telling it what to do. (IE: Manuevers don't exist in EVE)EVE Skills train in REAL Time. So the more time put into the game, the more skills you have. If you want to compete, you have to specialize in something.
EVE is a Sandbox Game. You can find and run missions all day. There is plenty to do, but it's not going to fall in your lap like WoW. WoW is a very dumbed down game made for young-teens, EVE is made for adults.
EVE universe is HUGE. You will NEVER see all of it. Although, it's mostly the same. Not a whole lot in the ways of Enviroment.
It's also slow to move in EVE. You could spend hours just moving. I spent 3hrs today just setting up to start ratting in 0.1 space.
Corporations = Guilds
You'll find the Hardcore Corporations and Relaxed Corporations just like you find the same in WoW.
That's good. Because, you have to be patient in EVE. EVE is not for those with a lsmall attention span.
Skills train in REAL Time.
So before you will actually be able to participate in PVP, you will have been playing the game for about 2-3 months.
I agree.
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EVE is my favorite game, I have been playing this game for like 2 and a half year now and still enjoys the game, however I do find time to do other stuff as well, ofcourse you can get tired of all games from time to time and I just put on a huge skill and start doing something else like try out some other alternatives but I always return to EVE, infact I am almost daily in eve to check things out.
I'm the ceo of a corporation of friends there, we are not a huge corp but a small corp of friends (some real life friends as well), we are all freelancers so the main rule in the corp are.
Don't pirate, and we don't force people to do things they don't like that being things like forced mining ops for corp.
We ask players in corp to come together to help mine for a new battleship to members who are unlucky and loosing theirs.
And I build them for free without charge for them if they supply the minerals.
We are not in any alliances because I refuse to be a alliance whore, some we where in talks to mentioned alliancemining ops, I mean we are more than willing to fight for the alliance but not if they force us to do things we really don't want to.
Apart from this, the game rocks... it is very open game type, like someone said the pvp aspect is forcing people to think before throwing themself into a fight, I who are a mission/production type is frequently attacked while I am in low sec doing my missions, or I join in on anti-pirate huntingops with other missionrunners/pvp'ers.
Also if you like production/market playing like I who like to produce items and get them sold and make my isk that way.
This game got a very good market, where like over 90% of the items on the market is playercreated (from blueprints and such) and so I belive it got one of the best market for those who like that such of things.
As someone here said, you should take the 14 day trial (it is free after all), try out the game abit... 14 days is probably not enough to find out if you like it... it is a complex game and I even learn something new from time to time LOL.
You can engage in PvP almost from day one if you like, the problem is that as a one day or very young character you probably won't stand a chance against older players.
That does not mean that you will never catch up because honestly a 8 million skillpoint character can beat the crap out of a 30 million skillpoint character.
In our corp we have from time to time frigfights where we enter into t1 frigs and fit them as we please, I have yet not won any of those fights.
Even that in some cases I have had more skillpoints than the rest of the group, mostly because they sometimes band together to take me out or have better tactics.
In a one vs one I had with a corpmate and we where to shoot to we come into hull.. (Shield, armor and then hull is the latest to go before ship goes boom).
My corpmate beat the crap out of my ship!!!! he where then at around 8 million skillpoints and I where beating him in every category of skills and had like 30 million skillpoints.
2 days ago they asked people to come to the test sever to test some fleet battles so they could get data to fix the problem, around 200 people came which is enough for a medium fleet battle (a large one would be 3-400 people). And guess what happend? We crashed the server again Hopefully they gathered enough data to fix the problems.
BUT this is when there are 200+ people fighting. Most pvp in eve (and also the most fun pvp) are small group fighting. 1-20 on each side. That kind of fighting is virtualy lag free.
"Memories are meant to fade. They're designed that way for a reason."
try it
you will probably "not get it"
Get another trial
try it again
If you are still on the fence then buy it. You'll like it once you "get it"
If you don't like it... then stay away... because you won't like it.
You're in that nebulous "50/50" category... as others have said. Some things will probably turn you off, at first, some will excite you. My guess is if you give it enough time you'll wind up really liking it but the only way to be sure is to give it an honest try.
"A ship-of-war is the best ambassador." - Oliver Cromwell
Download the free trial (14 days... plenty of time (link in my sig)), do the tutorial, and see for yourself.
No one can really tell you what you will or won't, even if something sounds great to you, it normally ends up being rubbish when you actually play it for yourself, and you end up feeling disappointed.
I've noticed that this game is a "you either love it, or you hate it" type of game... i think that's why there's less trolls on these parts of the forums. ;P
Well, tried it. It's not too bad except for the whole getting killed by someone who was 23km away when I was try simply getting an upgrade for my ship. I ran into 0.4 space and got killed before docking with the space station thing. Think that killed it for me right there. I hate getting ganked, especially when there's not even the slightest prayer of being able to fight back. <br /><br />As for the whole "shouldn't have gone into 0.4 space newb!" stuff, well there wasn't any place that I saw that it was listed. If it was buried in some right click window, well then that plain sucks. Besides, nothing like getting seriously screwed over for making a newbie mistake. New ship got blown up, I wound up getting shot back to home base because the pirate bastage decided blowing up my pod was sporting. <br />
After reading your orginal post I would say:
"I know I said this was my last post, but you my friend are a idiotic moron." -Shadow4482
1) Game mentality - WoW is a game. Super Mario Brothers is a game. Eve is a virtual world.
2) Stuff to do - There is no "stuff to do." You make GOALS, plan out the steps, and work toward them.
3) Sport - There is no sport. People don't kill you for sport. They kill you for money, or to make you move out.
4) Solo - You can do alot of things solo, but it is an empty experience. In a group is the best way to experience Eve.
5) Dark - Eve is dark and serious. You will feel pain deep down in your soul.
6) Light - Eve is triumphant. You will feel the ice around your heart melt.
7) Feel - You will FEEL. Joy, Agony, Fear, Betrayal, Trust, Injustice, Kindness.
Yes, it hurts to lose your ship.
What's the lesson here?
What did you learn?
How could you avoid losing your ship the same way in the future?
This is Eve's learning curve.
The Learning Curve is what seperates the people we want from the people we don't want.
Eve is not for everybody.
Well yeah it might suck loosing a ship, after 2 and a half year I still remember my first ship I lost to a player.
It was while I still was in CAS (Noobcorp/starter corp known as Center for Advanced Studies), anyway we where a group of people working together as a "corp" within this starter corp, someone was suggesting that hey we should go low sec mining.
He knew about a 0.1 system that was "claimed" by some pirates but that should not be a problem he felt, anyway so we agreed on the system, armed us and traveled.
At the station in that system we had a few cruisers and one battleship, the battleship where our protection and back at those days a Battleships was a mighty ship!!!! then again ... so was Kestrels with 4 cruisemissiles LOL.
I where in my new shiny Vexor and had just about enough to buy it to be honest, also had it insured so I felt that hey .. feels nice to do something with my friends online right ?.
While we where mining some where watching local for possible enemies, and the rest where busy mining.
Suddenly someone said, pack your drones in guys... pirates in the system... get lined up.
I retract my drones as instructed, starts to line up... when we see 2 pirates enter the belt we where in, our battleshippilot starts to fire at the pirates while he wanted us to start warping out, he where to be the last of us to warp out, leave nobody behind you know the drill
I saw these two nice lights coming from the pirates... I did not think much about it before two cataclysm cruisemissiles slams into my vexor leaving only fragments of my hull left, my ship is on fire while I am just about to enter warp and home free.... a third missile slams into my ship and it blows up and my pod warps into safty.
Our brave battleshippilot lost his Megathron that day to those pirates while defending our tiny miningfleet... and to this day, I still remembers this episode... not because I lost a ship... well alittle that too but mainly because the whole thing was so damn exiting !!!
After that loosing a cruiser where not so hard, it became hard to loose my first battleship... I remember that I had difficulty to tell my corpmates that had been working so hard to aquire battleships to me...
We where mining in Thoraxes back then (the best mining cruiser in those days and miningbarges where not invented yet), took us and we where like 4-5 people about 2 weeks to get enough minerals to build the megathron plus selling minerals to buy enough Zydrine and Megacyte we needed, and back then the price for Isogen where about 65-79 isk ... while zydrine and Megacyte where slighly more expensive than today.
There are some methods to knowing what sec status you're moving in to.
The easiest is the row of dots that appear on the left side of your screen when you set a destination. if the color turns orange to red, it's low sec (0.0 for red)
Another method is looking at your path in the map, orange to red segments signify low sec areas.
Also, in the market screen, you can right click the market entry to show info in the location bar (it'll just be the station info, to find out the system info you have to go into the location tab, click the info box on the system listing to get the sec status).
Also know you can set your autopilot to avoid low sec areas (there's usually a route, but it can be much longer.)
The places that are well known for piracy are the systems Amanake and the surrounding low sec systems in Heimatar and the Bleak lands, and Gehi in Khanid (not as much in my experience.) Those are to be insta-ed through.
But as far as getting ganked my friend, it's bound to happen at least some times in your EVE life, especially if you live in 0.0 space. My advice is to have insta BMs through common low sec routes that you travel, and fit haulers with a lot of shield expanders and hardeners so you can weather a suicide gankers assault until Concord WTFPWN's them.
Also, this is a low exploit and I really hope that CCP does something to reticfy it, but if you're carrying important cargo make sure you have auto reject invitations selected in your generic options menu. Otherwise a pirate can send you a gang invite that you could accidentaly accept and they can destroy you.
I hope you can look past the fact that there is piracy, EVE is so much more than that, but if not, you gave the game a fair try. Thank you for that, and I hope you find a MMO that suits you.
God Bless
Based on this , you can flat out spare yourself from even thinking about EVE
This is not a geme for you
"Before this battle is over all the world will know that few...stood against many." - King Leonidas
Only in 0.0 though. No low sec ratter/miner griefing for me.
Others were good tips, fizzle.
A) You don't die
or the easier one...
You update your clone when you get podded before you even say "Oh ****, I just got podded. That bas****!" ect.
... what you fail to include tho is that:
1. all that time and money you spent to gear up yoiur ship aside from pods is gone
2. even if you pod and you are left with only pods you can still get blown away permantly since you are left with nothing but pods at that time.
so yea, ultimately i stand correct, the game is for you if you like starting over.
You guys are wasting your breath. He only had a 50/50 shot at liking the game and probably start crying when he ate his first pod. He doesn't like Griefing, EVE PVP is based on two things: Being a "Griefer" or Killing a "Griefer" and he hates "Griefers".
The game is not for him, I doubt he's even coming back here to check.
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The game is about those two things? if that is how you look at it then its no wonder why the percentage is 50%. Although there are more than just 2 aspects that you speak of, I have yet to address the points I dislike. You assume that if I state 'If you like...." than that would necessitate a dislike? could you elaborate on this since your batting at 0 atm.
I'm not quite sure what you said.
And re-read what you replied to. I said EVE PVP not "the game". Although EVERYTHING in the game revolves around PVP, so I guess it could be the game. But I was referring to PVP specifically which is the main point of the game. Unless you're a miner, which most miners that I know of are Alt accounts.
Wars? Wars are abunch of ppl griefing another bunch of ppl to either move out or be so broken they have to withdraw.
Yes, I was correct in my original statement.
I have 2 questions for you:
If you dislike the game why do you play?
If you don't play, then why are you in our forums? Go away.
A Work in Progress.
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I'm not quite sure what you said.
And re-read what you replied to. I said EVE PVP not "the game". Although EVERYTHING in the game revolves around PVP, so I guess it could be the game. But I was referring to PVP specifically which is the main point of the game. Unless you're a miner, which most miners that I know of are Alt accounts.
Wars? Wars are abunch of ppl griefing another bunch of ppl to either move out or be so broken they have to withdraw.
Yes, I was correct in my original statement.
I have 2 questions for you:
If you dislike the game why do you play?
If you don't play, then why are you in our forums? Go away.
Note the following:
-Im not quite sure what you said-
Then you try and correct yourself by addressing your reply to my post which incidentally was reflecting on one aspect to the game not towards YOUR attempt at the pvp aspect. Your reply was never the initial reflection that I was putting into subjection, therefore, your reply has no bearing whatsoever to my INITIAL statement. Furthermore my post does not imply the following:
1. I dislike...
2. I hate...
or any other ad lib that you may want to present. If you like... is the premise to my statement not an avenue to misconstrue. Like I stated earlier, I have not even addressed the things or aspects of the game I dislike while you go off into a wild tangent about your reply to MY post. Lets get that cleared up before going off into another wild tangent.
I never went off into a wild tangent, but I would like to know what you call what you're doing?
I was mearly making a statement about the PVP. That is just one way to describe the PVP. Not everyway, but it fit the post.
Grab a chill pill and get the fuck off my ass. K? You got some problems.
A Work in Progress.
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