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Left Wing or Right Wing...What are you?

outfctrloutfctrl Member UncommonPosts: 3,619
It seems I get blasted allot on here because of my beliefs, so I am
curious on what the majority of people on here are and why you feel
like this.

For those that need some guidance:

Left wing -The people and groups who advocate liberal, often radical
measures to effect change in the established order, especially in
politics, usually to achieve the equality, freedom, and well-being of
the common citizens of a state.

Right Wing - A descriptive term for an individual or a political faction
that advocates very conservative policies. Right-wing groups generally
support free enterprise In the United States, the right wing generally
argues for a strong national defense program and opposes federal
involvement in promoting social welfare.

Thanks all




  • ZykeZyke Member Posts: 335

    I generally consider myself somewhere in the middle, it all depends on the issue. I don't vote for a party, I vote for an idea (or ideas). I tend to take pieces of both- I am very conservative on issues such as national defense, but very liberal when it comes to things such as stem cell research. So it really depends.

    As for you getting blasted, I've read most of your posts. The reason you tend to get blasted is because of your support for GW Bush, who is largely disliked by the majority of liberals, middlemen, and many conservatives, plus almost all non Americans everywhere :P Though to be honest I'm not sure I can blame them. (For not liking GW, not blasting you- just to clarify)

  • viadiviadi Member Posts: 816
    I'm  a 100% left

    Tin Foil hats dont work.. its all a conspiracy

  • baffbaff Member Posts: 9,457

    Right wing here.

    The enviroment to create wealth and the means to protect it is the solution to 99% of all my concerns.

  • Brann0cBrann0c Member Posts: 25

    Originally posted by outfctrl
    It seems I get blasted allot on here because of my beliefs, so I am curious on what the majority of people on here are and why you feel like this.

    For those that need some guidance:

    Left wing -The people and groups who advocate liberal, often radical measures to effect change in the established order, especially in politics, usually to achieve the equality, freedom, and well-being of the common citizens of a state.

    Right Wing - A descriptive term for an individual or a political faction that advocates very conservative policies. Right-wing groups generally support free enterprise In the United States, the right wing generally argues for a strong national defense program and opposes federal involvement in promoting social welfare.

    Thanks all

    not sure.. I just like BBQ wings
  • olddaddyolddaddy Member Posts: 3,356

    I am a Bobby Kennedy Left Wing Liberal Democrat:

    I believe in a strong central federalist government to administer social programs for the citizens while regulating free enterprise from moving toward it's natural monopolistic state. If left unchecked capitalists tend to overabsorb capital. Eg: the rail, industrial, and steel barons of the late 1800's/early 1900s. If you were Joe everyday working class you owed your soul to the company store. The government should work for all the people, not just the political donor class, and the 5 monopolistic oil companies.

    I believe in a strong national defense to prevent wars. Nobody ever rationally goes out and intentionally takes on the tough guy. You don't tread on Superman's cape, you don't spit into the wind, you don't pull the mask off the lone ranger and you don't mess around with a anyone named Big Bad Jim. FDR, JFK and LBJ were also strong on defence.

    I believe in tax increases to stabilize our budget deficit, with future spending directed not a pork, but at repair and replacement of our nation's infrastructure...that is, roads, sewers, water distribution, bridges, electrical grid, etc. It has not kept up with the increasing usage/population since the initial outlay in the 1950s. If left to the conservatives, with their tax cut priorities, this will never get done due to the human nature concept of "leave it for others". I would also like to see my tax dollars utilized for a viable space program to learn, explore, and hopefully develope new products that will benefit mankind.

    Equality is not a liberal concept. The liberal concept is to provide a safety net for those less fortunate citizens, whether it be a health care safety net, a minimum wage safety net, or a guarantee of affordable housing, a meal in their belly, and clothes on their back. A liberal realizes that equality is unachieveable, but that the privileged have a social obligation to help those less fortunate than them. Unlike the neo conservative Christian Coalition, that feels it is up to the individual to decide whether to help those less fortunate, or make that SUV payment. What would Jesus do/drive, General Motors had an ad campaign in which they said he'd buy the biggest SUV he could to transport his disciples. A liberal believes that Jesus would take public transportation.  

    Freedom is a liberal concept, the freedom to be an individual and not have to meekly slink around the herd in fear. Eg: The freedom to be openly black, gay, religious or not religious.

    Bobby Kennedy told an audience of college students that he wanted affordable education for minorities. They asked him how he was going to pay for it, and he flat out told them the money was coming from them, because they were the privelged class of society. Bobby Kennedy was also an advocate for Civil Rights, and, in the riots following Martin Luther King's assassination, went out and spoke to a black audience to reassure them there would not be one step back. Bobby Kennedy was also strong against crime, as Attorney General he went after Hoffa and the mob. Bobby Kennedy saw the futility in the Vietnam War, and was pro withdrawal, as was Nixon. Today, neo-cons bury their head in the sand and call anyone for withdrawal unpatriotic, rather than admit it's the wrong war, at the wrong time, in the wrong place, being fought for the wrong reason, with the wrong strategy.  And daddy Bush, Nixon, and Clinton were for a balanced budget, not unchecked spending based on borrowing. Nixon also imposed price controls to check inflation. I love it, using neo con logic daddy Bush and Nixon were pinko liberals! 

    I admit that the Democratic party has lost touch with it's roots, and long for the day of the return to the ideals of Bobby Kennedy in the 1960s. The far left hijacked the Democratic Party, and the far right has hijacked the Republican Party, and insanity prevails. Nobody represents the working class in America today, and that is one reason voter apathy prevails. All we get each election is a choice between Cancer and Polio.


  • zieenzieen Member, Newbie CommonPosts: 414

    I'm neither, but I'm not technically 'middle'. I'm a conservative-liberal, a libertarian. A minarchist to be exact. I believe in a minimal state. The government should provide protection from foreign and domestic crime and nothing more. No welfare, no public healthcare, no affirmitive action, etc. etc. etc.

    Our government does WAAAAAY to much. It has far too much power over what we can do and say.

    EDIT: I'm basically the exact opposite of the post before me.

    The modern MMORPG is simply not worthy, of the acronym RPG. The straight grind and lack of atmosphere leave me with no choice. From this day forth, World of Warcraft, Everquest 2, and all the games like them shall be referred to as PIGCRAP. People In Guilds Constantly Raiding And Power-leveling

  • baffbaff Member Posts: 9,457

    Originally posted by olddaddy

     Nobody ever rationally goes out and intentionally takes on the tough guy.


    I thought every wannabe tough guy makes a bee line straight for him.  As long as you present a threatening or aggressive posture, violent people will be drawn to you. 

    In the wolf pack, it is the alpha male that fights the most, not the least. Everybody wants to take a shot at the tough guy's title.

  • IcoGamesIcoGames Member Posts: 2,360

    I'm a Libertarian, who keeps a pocket copy of the US Constitution readily available.

    As for US politics:

    Democrats have lost the ideal of Kennedy: Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country. As Chris Rock would say 'Just rub some taxes (Tussin') on that'.

    Republican have accrued too much political debt to the Religious Right. Anyone who believes the Party stands for fiscal responsibility needs to look no further than the recent Highway Bill.

    Oh, cruel fate, to be thusly boned. Ask not for whom the bone bones. It bones for thee.

  • outfctrloutfctrl Member UncommonPosts: 3,619
    Basically, you have two choices and two choices only.  Maybe a third (Independent), but he/she never wins.

    A majority of Americans now say they would like to see new parties to challenge
    the Democrats and Republicans, but our current single-member district system
    makes it almost impossible for such minor parties to succeed. It requires that a
    candidate get a majority or plurality of the vote to get elected -- and by
    definition, most minor party candidates cannot attract that many votes.

    Potential minor party supporters quickly realize that to vote for a minor party
    candidate who cannot win is a waste of their vote -- and so they reluctantly
    switch to a more "realistic" major party candidate. This plurality barrier
    explains why virtually all of the more than thousand minor parties started in
    the U.S. during the last two hundred years have died out relatively quickly.

    So, with that said......


  • PraetorianiPraetoriani Member Posts: 1,147
    So this thread is for Americans only then?

  • olddaddyolddaddy Member Posts: 3,356

    Originally posted by baff

    I thought every wannabe tough guy makes a bee line straight for him.  As long as you present a threatening or aggressive posture, violent people will be drawn to you. 

    In the wolf pack, it is the alpha male that fights the most, not the least. Everybody wants to take a shot at the tough guy's title.

    Have to disagree partially with you, as usual, Baff (lol). During the Cold War, neither the US or the Soviet Union, the two tough guys, went after each other directly. That was a no-no. Also, when Hitler re-entered the Saar/Rhineland Nazi troops were under orders to withdraw if France showed some backbone and committed their troops in opposition. Hitler was actually concerned about taking on the French, and their lack of backbone contributed to WW 2. Even in the days of the old (American) west, there was no shootout at high noon in which both gunslingers stepped out into the middle of the street to go mano a mano. Most gunfights were setup to be one sided ambushes. The alpha male fights the most, whether in the wolfpack, Celtic or African history, because the others don't want to take on the other sides alpha male, or any male, out of fear of what they might lose. Your statment is generally true for individual combat, but not for mass combat. The Zulu tribe in Africa became dominant because they just didn't fight the opposing sides champion, they actually created a set of tactics for mass slaughter. Ditto the Romans vrs the Celts. In a battle between two cultures, the one of which relies on combat between single champions, and the other that is prepared for mass slaughter, the side that is prepared for mass slaughter has alwaysl prevailed. Thus, with a strong defence, an aggressor will look elsewher for an easier victim.  Try walking through a high crime area with a bullet proof vest and an AK 47 and see how many of the criminals attack you, rather than the little girl. Except for the alpha types, which are few, they will generally go for the little girl, or get their buddies and ambush you.
  • olddaddyolddaddy Member Posts: 3,356

    Originally posted by outfctrl
    Basically, you have two choices and two choices only.  Maybe a third (Independent), but he/she never wins.

    A majority of Americans now say they would like to see new parties to challenge the Democrats and Republicans, but our current single-member district system makes it almost impossible for such minor parties to succeed. It requires that a candidate get a majority or plurality of the vote to get elected -- and by definition, most minor party candidates cannot attract that many votes.

    Potential minor party supporters quickly realize that to vote for a minor party candidate who cannot win is a waste of their vote -- and so they reluctantly switch to a more "realistic" major party candidate. This plurality barrier explains why virtually all of the more than thousand minor parties started in the U.S. during the last two hundred years have died out relatively quickly.

    So, with that said......

    hmmmm....that changes the thread from left/right wing, to Democrat/Republican, and makes this an American thread. In that case I support neither party, though I remain a Bobby Kennedy liberal democrat, and continue to await a party that reflects my beliefs. I think that makes me a member of the Apathy Party.
  • outfctrloutfctrl Member UncommonPosts: 3,619
    ok, I am sorry.  I dont really understand the parties in Europe and how the sytem works. 

    How many parties in Europe actually get on the Ballot? 

    Here in the US there is usually only three. 

    ok....Lets keep the voting out of it since our Euro friends are different then the US.


  • olddaddyolddaddy Member Posts: 3,356
    Agreed, I sincerely, really want to hear the views of those in the rest of the world. Just the liberal in me coming out (lol).
  • BeboppBebopp Member Posts: 17

    Im a fiscal liberatarian and a social conservative.  

    My current most hated political scams;

    1.) eminent domain- Unless its used to buldoze the crack houses next to my neighborhood (just joking of course).

    2.) activist judges - (power belongs to the people and their elected reps to make the country what it is or isnt.  Not a group of appointed judges)


  • baffbaff Member Posts: 9,457

    The Romans fought the Celts because they wouldn't back down. They couldn't be bought. Two tough guy nations battling it out for the title. Most of the Celtic tribes didn't fight. Only the hardnuts. The Zulu's did the same with the British. Most of the Zulu nation did not exterminate eachother they united peacefully under the dominant tribe.

    Russians and Americans have been pointing guns at eachother for the entire cold war. Spoiling for a fight. There have been countless proxy wars throughout the cold war period. To this day there is still friction between the two cultures, each one obsessed by their own superior military prowess. Each Military geared to destroy any rival. 

    The dominant male has to fight off contenders to maintain diominance, the dominant society the same.

    If I try walking through a high crime area with a bulletproof vest and an AK47, the police will attack me. A violent posture attracts violence.

  • viadiviadi Member Posts: 816

    Originally posted by baff

    Originally posted by olddaddy

     Nobody ever rationally goes out and intentionally takes on the tough guy.


    I thought every wannabe tough guy makes a bee line straight for him.  As long as you present a threatening or aggressive posture, violent people will be drawn to you. 

    In the wolf pack, it is the alpha male that fights the most, not the least. Everybody wants to take a shot at the tough guy's title.

    if your talking about the USA its never EVER won a war on its own. So you carnt be saying that its a tough guy

    Tin Foil hats dont work.. its all a conspiracy

  • baffbaff Member Posts: 9,457

    Originally posted by outfctrl
    ok, I am sorry.  I dont really understand the parties in Europe and how the sytem works. 
    How many parties in Europe actually get on the Ballot? 

    In GB, as many as get nominated. Plus independents. It's not often you see less than 5 candidates contesting a seat. It is however still essentially a two party contest, with the Liberals coming in a clear but significant third.  
  • baffbaff Member Posts: 9,457

    Originally posted by viadi

    Originally posted by baff

    Originally posted by olddaddy

     Nobody ever rationally goes out and intentionally takes on the tough guy.


    I thought every wannabe tough guy makes a bee line straight for him.  As long as you present a threatening or aggressive posture, violent people will be drawn to you. 

    In the wolf pack, it is the alpha male that fights the most, not the least. Everybody wants to take a shot at the tough guy's title.

    if your talking about the USA its never EVER won a war on its own. So you carnt be saying that its a tough guy

    I wasn't talking about the U.S.A. specifically, but rather tough guys. The U.S.A. however is a VERY tough guy. I bet it's won more than a few wars on it's own.
    (Perhaps Indian wars, Cuban, Mexcian, Panama, Civil, etc).

    However I do agree, mostly we don't fight wars alone. We gang up together for success.

  • NierroNierro Member UncommonPosts: 1,755
    Neither, Democrats are weak pussies, Republicans are belligerent fools. 

  • outfctrloutfctrl Member UncommonPosts: 3,619

    Originally posted by Nierro
    Neither, Democrats are weak pussies, Republicans are belligerent fools. 
    you get old enough, you will have to pick a party and vote.  If
    you dont vote, you have no right to complain about whoever wins or
    voice your opinion to a voter.


  • GorukhaGorukha Member Posts: 1,441
      I think some people forget this is just about left and right. For euroes its between socialists and capitalists, thats the simplest way to explain it :)

      I'm an independant, I commit to no political party or ideal.  I might favor one over the other but I will not be labeled by some general term.  I'm pro abortion, pro capitalism, pro-social healthcare, guess I want it all :)

    It's better be hated for who you are, than loved for who you aren't.

  • XeximaXexima Member UncommonPosts: 2,698

    Originally posted by outfctrl
    Originally posted by Nierro
    Neither, Democrats are weak pussies, Republicans are belligerent fools. 
    When you get old enough, you will have to pick a party and vote.  If you dont vote, you have no right to complain about whoever wins or voice your opinion to a voter.

    Liberatarian.  There are other parties than republicrats and they actually have *gasp* brains.  We are capitalists that believe in a live and let live policy. Democrats are commies and republicans are nazis. And they're all freakin retarded.

  • IcoGamesIcoGames Member Posts: 2,360

    Originally posted by outfctrl

    Originally posted by Nierro
    Neither, Democrats are weak pussies, Republicans are belligerent fools.
    When you get old enough, you will have to pick a party and vote. If you dont vote, you have no right to complain about whoever wins or voice your opinion to a voter.

    Citizens should vote on the person, not the party. For example, I detest the religious right in the Republican Party, but I still support the few Republicans that follow a more libertarian policy. If Republicans return to the Party that Barry Goldwater envisioned, than maybe I could support the Party as a whole.

    The same could be said for a few Democrats.

    Oh, cruel fate, to be thusly boned. Ask not for whom the bone bones. It bones for thee.

  • zieenzieen Member, Newbie CommonPosts: 414

    Originally posted by outfctrl
    When you get old enough, you will have to pick a party and vote. If you dont vote, you have no right to complain about whoever wins or voice your opinion to a voter.
    You don't have to pick a party to vote. I'm registered as Independent, which does not label me as a member of the Independent party, but of no affiliation. I vote for Libertarians when I can. Every once and a while you'll get one of the whack-job libertarians running for a position, in which case I won't vote for them.

    Saying that voting for third parties is throwing away your vote is exactly the thing that we need to get rid of. For almost every voter I know, voting is picking the lesser of two evils. As a college student, most of my friends are liberals. In the last presidential election, my friends had a real problem. They didn't like Bush because he was a Republican, but they wouldn't vote for Kerry because he was a douche. I think most of them ended up voting for Bush, because they thought him the lesser of two evils, and I think that's the truth.

    Most people are, in fact, most closely labeled as Libertarians. They may not like the Libertarian party, but the core beliefs are there. It's just a shame so many people feel they are throwing away their vote. Even a small percentage of the vote means a lot, such as government funding for the next election.

    The modern MMORPG is simply not worthy, of the acronym RPG. The straight grind and lack of atmosphere leave me with no choice. From this day forth, World of Warcraft, Everquest 2, and all the games like them shall be referred to as PIGCRAP. People In Guilds Constantly Raiding And Power-leveling

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