OMG...the first two pages in this thread consist of nothing but whining!
It's not EVE, so it's crap.
It's not really an mmorpg so it's crap AND it shouldnt' be listed here.
It's for the kiddies, so it's crap.
I haven't played it. I have played WoW. I've played EQ2. I've played EVE. I've played SWG. This game looks interesting and I may very well give it a try myself. Somehow I will decide for myself whether I like it without the pointless hating that seems to be going on here. Maybe you guys should try it first as well, before b****ing and moaning and crying like a 6 month old.
Originally posted by elvigy OMG...the first two pages in this thread consist of nothing but whining! It's not EVE, so it's crap. It's not really an mmorpg so it's crap AND it shouldnt' be listed here. It's for the kiddies, so it's crap. CAN SOMEONE WHO'S ACTUALLY PLAYED THE GAME GET A WORD IN!!??? I haven't played it. I have played WoW. I've played EQ2. I've played EVE. I've played SWG. This game looks interesting and I may very well give it a try myself. Somehow I will decide for myself whether I like it without the pointless hating that seems to be going on here. Maybe you guys should try it first as well, before b****ing and moaning and crying like a 6 month old.
Ouch...taking things personal. Sorry. Though I agree with you it shouldn't be listed in Not sure why you wanted to cause more grief. There's enough here already. I'll be playing PSU, no matter what others think about what it should or shouldn't be. Only because it's something different.
Elvigy, your post is one of the most ignorant post yet. I reread all the previous post before and I don't see that anyone said the game was crap. I did say it shouldn't be listed here, but never that it was crap. You and a few others are really the only whiners to post so far. You need to read thoroughly before posting here. There are plenty of other websites that preview/review games of this type, so why get all stupid when people say it shouldn't be listed on this site. If your too young to think clearly or have no life, don't take it out on us.
Originally posted by elvigy OMG...the first two pages in this thread consist of nothing but whining! It's not EVE, so it's crap. It's not really an mmorpg so it's crap AND it shouldnt' be listed here. It's for the kiddies, so it's crap. CAN SOMEONE WHO'S ACTUALLY PLAYED THE GAME GET A WORD IN!!??? I haven't played it. I have played WoW. I've played EQ2. I've played EVE. I've played SWG. This game looks interesting and I may very well give it a try myself. Somehow I will decide for myself whether I like it without the pointless hating that seems to be going on here. Maybe you guys should try it first as well, before b****ing and moaning and crying like a 6 month old.
Originally posted by elvigy OMG...the first two pages in this thread consist of nothing but whining! It's not EVE, so it's crap. It's not really an mmorpg so it's crap AND it shouldnt' be listed here. It's for the kiddies, so it's crap. CAN SOMEONE WHO'S ACTUALLY PLAYED THE GAME GET A WORD IN!!??? I haven't played it. I have played WoW. I've played EQ2. I've played EVE. I've played SWG. This game looks interesting and I may very well give it a try myself. Somehow I will decide for myself whether I like it without the pointless hating that seems to be going on here. Maybe you guys should try it first as well, before b****ing and moaning and crying like a 6 month old.
Ouch...taking things personal. Sorry. Though I agree with you it shouldn't be listed in Not sure why you wanted to cause more grief. There's enough here already. I'll be playing PSU, no matter what others think about what it should or shouldn't be. Only because it's something different.
Err, I think you misunderstood me. I'm not saying it shouldn't be listed here. Unlike JT and many others, I don't presume to decide for the owners of this site what should and should not be listed here. I'm fine with listing it. It's their site. I read this thread hoping for other comments from people who've actually played the game. Not the same old same old from people who feel they can decide what is and what isn't appropriate for this site (start your own website guys, and only list the games you feel are appropriate, if you want). So I read through the entire thread and find out what about this potentially good game? Zip. Zilch. Nothing.
As for my age, you obviously didn't check my user info, JT. I'm either older than you or the same age as you, having graduated from high school in 1981. You indicated you graduated in the early 80s. Get your own life. Or better yet, get your own website and review and list the games you want to.
ok I bought this game today and I have to say it ROCKS! Ive just started story mode(offline game) and I plan to finish it before I go online But this is way better than i hoped.
Well, you won't be having a choice about online, at least not tonight.
People have been trying to register for their online I.D. for hours. Sega's registration servers can't handle the traffic, and have been damn near overloaded.
Doesn't look like I'll be getting to try this game online tonight
Waiting for something fresh to arrive on the MMO scene...
Well I have a bit of time to contribute to this discussion since I have to wait for my copy to ship to me anyway (ugh).
To JT, the similarites PSU/O share with Guild Wars is the instancing and "lobby towns". Other than that however, they are far different. For one, PSU has a traditional leveling scheme (in PSO, the maximum level went to 200), while Guild Wars has their level 20 + skill points leveling scheme. PSU also has an intricate crafting system, while Guild Wars has none. Overall, while PSU is not really an MMO thanks to instancing, it really has a lot of features traditional MMOs have, except for the combat system. The combat system from PSU is an actual action oriented (very button mashing oriented) style of combat. It's not the sandwich style of combat we have been acustomed to (well ok, we're breaking away from that mold now). I think it's the battle system that sets PSU apart from the rest, it's so simple, yet so much fun to use. They had a 360 demo of the game last week, and I had to say, I had not had that much fun with a game since Guild Wars back during the e3 demo, and that's saying something on a personal level. I honestly think those that are MMO vets and are a bit tired of what's out there right now will find PSU enjoyable, as long as you can get past the fact that PSU isn't an MMO, but it is still a game that will bring you a lot of entertainment.
(1 last note, if you decide to get it for the PC, I can't stress enough that you get a controller, PSU is designed to be played on a controller, and playing it with a keyboard is just so awkward it's not even funny, when I tried PSO:BB with a keyboard, I was so turned off by it, but playing PSU on my 360 is such a different experience.)
Originally posted by Cymdai This is NOT a promising start... Billing server woes, login server problems, the complete inability to play the game for other people. Might wanna wait for a little before you pick up this game, folks.
Hehe, Thats Sega alright. same problems as they had with every Phantasy Star Online (or Universe in this case) they will never learn...
Im really looking forward to this game. It will probably be another month before its for sale in Europe tho.
I dont think this game should be in the games list on the site. People will simple bash it because it isnt a "real" MMO. You dont see PSO 1&2 or Diablo 1&2 in the list and there based on the same principle.
I also think to really enjoy this game you should know its history. As a Dreamcast owner this was one of the games that would have made you proud to have a SEGA console. When everyone else was playing Mario on there N64 or Metal Gear Solid on there PS1. Us Dreamcast users where playing this game (PSO 1) online.
I truly loved the mission updates in that time. Although there where not allot they where great addons with good music. I would often just start a mission and wander around just to listen to the music alone.
I didnt really followed the development of this version and the release really came as a surprise to me. Now im all psyched and even thinking about getting an xb360 just to play this game online, even when I have sworn never to buy a M$ product ever again.
EQ and UO started it right by the fact everyone in the world was in the same world, and if you went somewhere, others might be there, and it might lead to conflict or to cooperation. Interaction.
Buddy, your short reply is the best one i've ever read on this site. You have basically summed up what MMORPGS are suppose to offer and why I loved Ultima Online so much. When you explored Ultima, you had no idea what you would encounter. Friend or Foe? Should I talk, attack, run ? Will this guy help me kill this dragon or wait till I die and then loot my corpse? So raw but so sweet !!
EQ and UO started it right by the fact everyone in the world was in the same world, and if you went somewhere, others might be there, and it might lead to conflict or to cooperation. Interaction.
Buddy, your short reply is the best one i've ever read on this site. You have basically summed up what MMORPGS are suppose to offer and why I loved Ultima Online so much. When you explored Ultima, you had no idea what you would encounter. Friend or Foe? Should I talk, attack, run ? Will this guy help me kill this dragon or wait till I die and then loot my corpse? So raw but so sweet !!
That type of game sucks. Its like walking naked through Harlem. Those days go boom for Nyquil Yo.
I really appreciate all the information in this thread. If it wasn't for MMORPG having this game featured for its release, I might not have seen it, or understood anything about it.
I'm actually kind of intregued by the idea of the 'lobby.' I have a -crappy- satellite connection that can bork out quite badly when (in what people have been calling a 'true' MMO) lots of people are signed on. I hate having to wait until like three in the morning just to play a game, especially if I'm PAYING for it. Now I've heard before, 'get a better connection' but unfortunately my living situation doesn't allow for me to have anything else. I have 1.0 d/l and 256 u/l and still, lots of games just lag me so bad it's barely worth playing.
I've played lots of games out there; I'm a veteran of FFXI, EQ2, CoH, WoW, Ryzom, AA; the list goes on and on. I'm always looking for the win-all, beat-all fun game that I can really sink my teeth into. Now, I seriously doubt the 'Holy Grail' of MMORPGs really exists, as there will always be issues with any game, however, from what I have read about this game I think it might actually be worth trying out.
I appreciate all the warnings from people about the system being clogged, needing a controller to be able to appreciate the fighting system(when using PC) and other USEFUL information. I intend to purchase this game soon and give it a try. I'm kind of looking forward to trying to rope a few friends into trying the game with me and doing some random instancing fun.
One question I have is, do people actually Roleplay? I'm very interested to see if people, sitting around the lobbies and hanging out in the towns, if there is actual ROLEPLAY! I'm a huge roleplayer and if I can find some roleplay along with the good aspects that people have listed here, WOO-BOY I might have a winner.
Once I get a chance to check this title out, if I notice anything that hasn't been mentioned, I'll be sure to let you guys know.
First of all, I was expecting to have some advantage playing on PC over console. However there is absolutely no mouse usage, which sucks when you're on a pc, and no pvp system (although there are rumors of one in development). The game play is amazing, very fluid very unrestricted and the lag is pretty good and the music is good (deep drum and bass). There are big community issues its common to have a feeling that you're the only one playing at times. I think this game needs a little more work. It's obvious this game wasn't meant to be played on the pc and for people who like to build their characters solely for the purpose of killing other players.
PSO had pvp, but it was small, and not many people played in. PSU is a PVE game. If your looking for a pvp game, you better look elsewhere. the PC thing can be fixed easily by buying a gamepad for your computer, I personally recommend the xbox360 windows controller. it works wonderfull with PSO & PSU.
All right, I actually have the game now! I have to say that I really like this game.
As I had hoped, even with my crappy connection I don't have any substantial problems playing.
I really like the fighting system. I can't even begin to gush about having 'real time' fighting instead of turn-based. It's just...neat!
I play on PC and I will say, I broke down and got a controller. It was like 15 dollars at WalMart. Just a generic PC gaming pad works fine. I'm sure the more expensive ones could make for a -better- gaming experience, but with my little crappy GGE909 'Z' retractable for USB problems.
The setting is very different. I keep saying to friends the only way I can describe it, is as if someone made Star Wars into an anime. I've played both the online and the offline. The offline acts almost like a movie or an anime and you're in it. You go along watching lots of really beautiful cut-scenes and in between you beat the shit out of things with a glowing sword or a lazer gun.
There's lots of content in the online version. The main setting is a space station between three planets. The station has five levels, one for your housing, two shopping malls, the space port to missions and other planets and the 'HQ' for the organization you belong to. Atop of doing missions and exploring the planets and space station, you get your own room that you can decorate with things you buy or find. I currently have a lava lamp and a model train in my room *coughblushcough*. Supposidly your little 'helper' who is a robot that lives in your room can 'evolve' if you give him gifts. I'm not sure what to give him so I just keep feeding him random stuff I find. He's kind of like an FF Moogle. He stores your stuff and gives you pointers. If you want to synthesize things you give him a 'board' which is the recipe for what you want to make, then put the ingredients in your storage. He'll make the stuff on his own and you just come back to check on it later. I've made a few sets of handguns pretty easily.
I do have a few beafs about the game. I've found that if you're playing alone, as I often do, you end up having to cycle through the same missions over and over again. Basically you end up 'grinding' in a lowbie area. The missions are set up with levels. You have level 1, level 5, level 10, level 15, and level 20 (there's more, but this is just what I have access to with my character right now). While if you're level 5 you can go and try the higher level missions, I speak from experience when I say it's -very- difficult to get anywhere. Now if you had an entire team and went through, I'm sure you can lay waste, but soloing is difficult. NOT impossible, but difficult. From what I can tell you can probably solo the entire game, but it'll take a lot longer than if you have a decent static, or even a good partner.
Weapon upgrades, new armor and items are very expensive. Money isn't exactly hard to come by, but with the amount of soloing I do and the amount of money I spend on health potions and what-not, I'm very very broke. I've heard people talking to each other in the lobby that if you want money, you basically end up farming. It's easy to find decent loot in the game, but new abilities and new weapons cost a pretty penny.
I've had the experience as some others have said, walking around and feeling like you're the only one on. However, just in the past day or so, I'm seeing A LOT more people playing. A few friends of mine have attempted to get the game and said it's basically sold out...everywhere. The game is starting to take off and the worlds are starting to fill up. There are certain times of the day that it's still pretty quiet, but more people are starting to play.
Another thing I've noticed now that more people are starting to play, if you're on a mission and you do not set a 'password' to your party, the server might randomly stick people in your party. It seems like if the server fills up and the instances are full, people that try to join will be stuck in random parties. Now this might not always be a bad thing, but if you don't want random people being stuck in your party, make sure you set up a password.
Something else a bit annoying that happened to me specifically. Since all the fighting is instanced, if you end an instance with just a few exp before you level, you'll have to go through again to get the level. There doesn't really appear to be any other ways to get exp, atleast not that I've found.
As someone else has said, there is no PvP. I'm not particularly upset by this. I don't really like PvP all that much and so this game is really, right up my ally. I will say that lots of games start out without PvP and then add more content in later. This game is set-up like it's going to have much more content later. There are even areas and places that aren't finished yet.
Just a note to people, PS2 and PC play on the same servers, but those who play on XBox are on completely different servers. If you want to play with friends, you all pretty much need the same platform or you can't.
All-in-all this game gets two thumbs up from me. This is just scratching the surface. I have TONS more stuff that I can talk about, but this is getting a bit long-winded so I think I'm just going to stop and let people find out for themselves how it works.
The reason a lot of people are bringing up eve is that this game is claiming to do something that only Eve has managed so far - put everyone in one world. In actual fact, they do nothing of the sort.
Quote from the newsletter email: Phantasy Star Universe, a MMORPG for the XBOX360, PS2 and PC launched around the world on October 24th. This franchise laden game from SEGA puts all three platforms into a single world. We released our preview (PC version) on the day of it's launch.
They specifically say that it puts all of them into a single world. A poor choice of wording, considering that the game runs a Diablo-style instanced server system and doesn't have one game world. It doesn't even have a sharded game world, it has a lobby where players form a party then make an instance of a particular area. This is just another online game that is being called an MMORPG, like guild wars. It's an online game alright and you could argue that it's a multiplayer online roleplaying game but that first M in MMORPG stands for "massively", as in "Massively multiplayer", which infers that a large number of players are thrown into the same game world together.
That just isn't the case here. It isn't the first game to be mislabled and mismarketed as an MMO and it won't be the last, but it's disappointing nonetheless.
Insert signature that doesn't break the rules here
Originally posted by Nyphur The reason a lot of people are bringing up eve is that this game is claiming to do something that only Eve has managed so far - put everyone in one world. In actual fact, they do nothing of the sort.Quote from the newsletter email: Phantasy Star Universe, a MMORPG for the XBOX360, PS2 and PC launched around the world on October 24th. This franchise laden game from SEGA puts all three platforms into a single world. We released our preview (PC version) on the day of it's launch.They specifically say that it puts all of them into a single world. A poor choice of wording, considering that the game runs a Diablo-style instanced server system and doesn't have one game world. It doesn't even have a sharded game world, it has a lobby where players form a party then make an instance of a particular area. This is just another online game that is being called an MMORPG, like guild wars. It's an online game alright and you could argue that it's a multiplayer online roleplaying game but that first M in MMORPG stands for "massively", as in "Massively multiplayer", which infers that a large number of players are thrown into the same game world together. That just isn't the case here. It isn't the first game to be mislabled and mismarketed as an MMO and it won't be the last, but it's disappointing nonetheless.
I can understand people being a bit disappointed when they read this. However, it was that claimed this. It's very clearly stated on the PSU official websites that this is not the case. Please, don't knock a game because a gamer chose some poor wording.
A semi-side note. I can't imagine how anyone could even run this game if it was a free world where everyone was thrown in together. Newbies would never get any mobs. The lag would be attrocious. Loot stealing would be unreal. This is a good game, but if it was set-up as people seem to think all online rpgs, 'should' would end up being a piece of crap, in my humble opinion.
Originally posted by TheSaintACE I can understand people being a bit disappointed when they read this. However, it was that claimed this. It's very clearly stated on the PSU official websites that this is not the case. Please, don't knock a game because a gamer chose some poor wording.
A semi-side note. I can't imagine how anyone could even run this game if it was a free world where everyone was thrown in together. Newbies would never get any mobs. The lag would be attrocious. Loot stealing would be unreal. This is a good game, but if it was set-up as people seem to think all online rpgs, 'should' would end up being a piece of crap, in my humble opinion.
True true, it's's fault.
Insert signature that doesn't break the rules here
Originally posted by Nyphur Originally posted by TheSaintACE I can understand people being a bit disappointed when they read this. However, it was that claimed this. It's very clearly stated on the PSU official websites that this is not the case. Please, don't knock a game because a gamer chose some poor wording. A semi-side note. I can't imagine how anyone could even run this game if it was a free world where everyone was thrown in together. Newbies would never get any mobs. The lag would be attrocious. Loot stealing would be unreal. This is a good game, but if it was set-up as people seem to think all online rpgs, 'should' would end up being a piece of crap, in my humble opinion.
True true, it's's fault. I had the experience of friends wanting to play with me, but wanting to use Xbox. It was definately a real headache trying to get together. He ended up having to buy a lot of stuff (DVD-Rom drive, Gamepad, etc.) in order to play with me, because Xbox players aren't on the same servers. I was definately one that was disappointed in finding out that, unlike the review, all the platforms CAN'T play together. A few times he wanted to throw his hands in the air and just say 'forget it,' but we finally got everything worked out, he went through the tutorial and met me in game. He said, so far the game was awesome and he looked forward to getting more into it. So even through disappointment, people seem to enjoy the game.
Also, in the past day or so, I've seen BAJILLIONS! of people playing. There's some 20 servers set up for PC and PS2 and almost all of them have been full lately. They must be doing something right.
TheSaintAce above sums it up pretty good. I got this game as well and he (she?) hits the high points. Combat is very fun. It's fast paced and real-time, with some nice graphics. I started out as a Newman Force character (think mage). It was a bit tough for him to solo, as it usually is with "magic" based characters. Basically, the usual blast one to bits, run, stop, blast again. I played him for several days and decided to see what the "tank" type character was like and created a Beast Hunter. Wow, also a lot of fun. I was using the default weapon I got when creating the character, something akin to brass knuckles, and combat was very fast paced. I ended up buying him a big honking two-handed sword and just started tearing through the mobs.
But don't get me wrong-it's not too easy. My Force character has died quite a bit and there are two missions of my level (15) that I can't solo yet because even though I can blast my way to the end boss, I don't have the hp to face either one of them. They one or two shot me before I can heal myself. The Hunter has not died once yet, but he's only level 5 and I haven't faced a serious boss yet. I'll be interested to see how he fares.
As far as playing in the same world, it's kind of yes and no. You are on different servers (called Universes) but you can easily move to another Universe if you want to meet up with someone who is playing on another Universe. So even though you don't see everyone playing, as you would in EVE if you could see the whole galaxy, you can easily play with anyone who has created a character on another server.
As mentioned, it is instanced. All missions are in their own separate instance. I'm not really picky on this. I think it would be nice to have at least some non-instanced areas with combat, but I can live without it.
My biggest complaint is the lack of a guild/team system. You can exchange "cards" in the game that make it possible to keep up with others while in game, but there is no structured way to form a group that can chat or easily coordinate missions etc. I have found a guild that I think would be fun to play with, but so far just haven't managed to run into any of them online. Basically, I'll just have to arrange to meet with them at a predesignated time and place to get their cards and to party.
Music is also not to my taste, but even when I like the music in a game I get tired of it and eventually turn it off. I just happened to turn off the PSU music faster than usual.
Overall feel to the game is very much as someone described-kind of an anime SWG. I'll have to give it more time to see the long term potential (I've only just started synthesizing for example, which is crafting). But for the moment it is a lot of fun and is a nice break from the slower paced games I'm used too.
One note though-definitely get a gamepad if you buy the PC version. I got an Xbox 360 controller from Walmart for $25.00. It makes a huge difference.
All in all, for $9.00 a month it's pretty good and if they continue to add content as they promise, I think it will be a great game.
Originally posted by elvigy TheSaintAce above sums it up pretty good. I got this game as well and he (she?) hits the high points. Combat is very fun. It's fast paced and real-time, with some nice graphics. I started out as a Newman Force character (think mage). It was a bit tough for him to solo, as it usually is with "magic" based characters. Basically, the usual blast one to bits, run, stop, blast again. I played him for several days and decided to see what the "tank" type character was like and created a Beast Hunter. Wow, also a lot of fun. I was using the default weapon I got when creating the character, something akin to brass knuckles, and combat was very fast paced. I ended up buying him a big honking two-handed sword and just started tearing through the mobs. But don't get me wrong-it's not too easy. My Force character has died quite a bit and there are two missions of my level (15) that I can't solo yet because even though I can blast my way to the end boss, I don't have the hp to face either one of them. They one or two shot me before I can heal myself. The Hunter has not died once yet, but he's only level 5 and I haven't faced a serious boss yet. I'll be interested to see how he fares. As far as playing in the same world, it's kind of yes and no. You are on different servers (called Universes) but you can easily move to another Universe if you want to meet up with someone who is playing on another Universe. So even though you don't see everyone playing, as you would in EVE if you could see the whole galaxy, you can easily play with anyone who has created a character on another server. As mentioned, it is instanced. All missions are in their own separate instance. I'm not really picky on this. I think it would be nice to have at least some non-instanced areas with combat, but I can live without it. My biggest complaint is the lack of a guild/team system. You can exchange "cards" in the game that make it possible to keep up with others while in game, but there is no structured way to form a group that can chat or easily coordinate missions etc. I have found a guild that I think would be fun to play with, but so far just haven't managed to run into any of them online. Basically, I'll just have to arrange to meet with them at a predesignated time and place to get their cards and to party. Music is also not to my taste, but even when I like the music in a game I get tired of it and eventually turn it off. I just happened to turn off the PSU music faster than usual. Overall feel to the game is very much as someone described-kind of an anime SWG. I'll have to give it more time to see the long term potential (I've only just started synthesizing for example, which is crafting). But for the moment it is a lot of fun and is a nice break from the slower paced games I'm used too. One note though-definitely get a gamepad if you buy the PC version. I got an Xbox 360 controller from Walmart for $25.00. It makes a huge difference. All in all, for $9.00 a month it's pretty good and if they continue to add content as they promise, I think it will be a great game. 8/10 from me.
Nice review. ^^ Just wanted to let you know that I'm a chick. GASP! The illusive female gamer! Doesn't all gamer guy groups have the one token girl? Most do...anyways.
I agree with you about the communication system. It leaves something to be desired. Even in chatting you can only type out two lines. If you miss anything, trying to go back and look at the log is a pain. What I will probably do is run an Instant Messenger to talk with people of importance instead of relying on the actual in-game system. If I say anything much in-game, it's going to be 'in character.' Waving, talking, dancing with people. It'll be my Newman char, if you want to talk to ME to organize attacks or figure out times to be on, we can chat on IM.
I started out as a Newman as well, specializing in Force. I farmed for a bit and picked up a healing technic from the Newman home planet. Makes a BIG difference. Anyone that wants to be a mage in this game, it's a balance of nuking AND healing. If you don't like healing, eh mmm...maybe team up with someone who does and let them focus on all healing?
It's the only kind of character I've played so far, so I'm not sure about the others. The friend I mentioned before who is starting to play is going hand-to-hand with a Beast. He, in the long long ago, did Monk on FFXI, so I think he'll enjoy his biiiiig beast woman. (Man she's like twice as big as my little Newman man!)
I agree about the music as well. It's kind of neat, but after the same tune has played over and over again you start to twitch. But! thankfully because it's such a smooth game, you can turn on music in the background and fight to whatever you like. I'm partial to Metal, so the fast-paced game play goes right along with my MP3 list.
Just a note to people, since no one has really said anything about it. Your little buddy in your room, supposidly he will 'evolve' and eventually join you on missions. I think I've figured out the system to training him. When you give him gifts he essentially 'eats' them. There's nothing I've found that he won't eat. If you give him a sword, his striking goes up, give him food or metals and his ranged goes up, give him armor and his armor goes up, etc. I -think- that if you fill up one of the bars in his status page that he will 'level up.' I can't confirm this yet, as I haven't gotten one all the way full.
Since I enjoy party combat I may have to give this game a try.
It does seem to be a bit like Guild Wars but I doubt it will hurt GW's fan base.
OMG...the first two pages in this thread consist of nothing but whining!
It's not EVE, so it's crap.
It's not really an mmorpg so it's crap AND it shouldnt' be listed here.
It's for the kiddies, so it's crap.
I haven't played it. I have played WoW. I've played EQ2. I've played EVE. I've played SWG. This game looks interesting and I may very well give it a try myself. Somehow I will decide for myself whether I like it without the pointless hating that seems to be going on here. Maybe you guys should try it first as well, before b****ing and moaning and crying like a 6 month old.
Err, I think you misunderstood me. I'm not saying it shouldn't be listed here. Unlike JT and many others, I don't presume to decide for the owners of this site what should and should not be listed here. I'm fine with listing it. It's their site. I read this thread hoping for other comments from people who've actually played the game. Not the same old same old from people who feel they can decide what is and what isn't appropriate for this site (start your own website guys, and only list the games you feel are appropriate, if you want). So I read through the entire thread and find out what about this potentially good game? Zip. Zilch. Nothing.
As for my age, you obviously didn't check my user info, JT. I'm either older than you or the same age as you, having graduated from high school in 1981. You indicated you graduated in the early 80s. Get your own life. Or better yet, get your own website and review and list the games you want to.
Well, you won't be having a choice about online, at least not tonight.
People have been trying to register for their online I.D. for hours. Sega's registration servers can't handle the traffic, and have been damn near overloaded.
Doesn't look like I'll be getting to try this game online tonight
Waiting for something fresh to arrive on the MMO scene...
To JT, the similarites PSU/O share with Guild Wars is the instancing and "lobby towns". Other than that however, they are far different. For one, PSU has a traditional leveling scheme (in PSO, the maximum level went to 200), while Guild Wars has their level 20 + skill points leveling scheme. PSU also has an intricate crafting system, while Guild Wars has none. Overall, while PSU is not really an MMO thanks to instancing, it really has a lot of features traditional MMOs have, except for the combat system. The combat system from PSU is an actual action oriented (very button mashing oriented) style of combat. It's not the sandwich style of combat we have been acustomed to (well ok, we're breaking away from that mold now). I think it's the battle system that sets PSU apart from the rest, it's so simple, yet so much fun to use. They had a 360 demo of the game last week, and I had to say, I had not had that much fun with a game since Guild Wars back during the e3 demo, and that's saying something on a personal level. I honestly think those that are MMO vets and are a bit tired of what's out there right now will find PSU enjoyable, as long as you can get past the fact that PSU isn't an MMO, but it is still a game that will bring you a lot of entertainment.
(1 last note, if you decide to get it for the PC, I can't stress enough that you get a controller, PSU is designed to be played on a controller, and playing it with a keyboard is just so awkward it's not even funny, when I tried PSO:BB with a keyboard, I was so turned off by it, but playing PSU on my 360 is such a different experience.)
This is NOT a promising start...
Billing server woes, login server problems, the complete inability to play the game for other people.
Might wanna wait for a little before you pick up this game, folks.
Waiting for something fresh to arrive on the MMO scene...
I dont think this game should be in the games list on the site. People will simple bash it because it isnt a "real" MMO. You dont see PSO 1&2 or Diablo 1&2 in the list and there based on the same principle.
I also think to really enjoy this game you should know its history. As a Dreamcast owner this was one of the games that would have made you proud to have a SEGA console. When everyone else was playing Mario on there N64 or Metal Gear Solid on there PS1. Us Dreamcast users where playing this game (PSO 1) online.
I truly loved the mission updates in that time. Although there where not allot they where great addons with good music. I would often just start a mission and wander around just to listen to the music alone.
I didnt really followed the development of this version and the release really came as a surprise to me. Now im all psyched and even thinking about getting an xb360 just to play this game online, even when I have sworn never to buy a M$ product ever again.
ne chance they wil release game time cards?
if not it will be a mongo bummer for me bc i dont have a credit card
That type of game sucks. Its like walking naked through Harlem. Those days go boom for Nyquil Yo.
wasn't for MMORPG having this game featured for its release, I might
not have seen it, or understood anything about it.
I'm actually kind of intregued by the idea of the 'lobby.' I have
a -crappy- satellite connection that can bork out quite badly when (in
what people have been calling a 'true' MMO) lots of people are signed
on. I hate having to wait until like three in the morning just to
play a game, especially if I'm PAYING for it. Now I've heard
before, 'get a better connection' but unfortunately my living situation
doesn't allow for me to have anything else. I have 1.0 d/l and
256 u/l and still, lots of games just lag me so bad it's barely worth
I've played lots of games out there; I'm a veteran of FFXI, EQ2, CoH,
WoW, Ryzom, AA; the list goes on and on. I'm always looking for
the win-all, beat-all fun game that I can really sink my teeth
into. Now, I seriously doubt the 'Holy Grail' of MMORPGs really
exists, as there will always be issues with any game, however, from
what I have read about this game I think it might actually be worth
trying out.
I appreciate all the warnings from people about the system being
clogged, needing a controller to be able to appreciate the fighting
system(when using PC) and other USEFUL information. I intend to
purchase this game soon and give it a try. I'm kind of looking
forward to trying to rope a few friends into trying the game with me
and doing some random instancing fun.
One question I have is, do people actually Roleplay? I'm very
interested to see if people, sitting around the lobbies and hanging out
in the towns, if there is actual ROLEPLAY! I'm a huge roleplayer
and if I can find some roleplay along with the good aspects that people
have listed here, WOO-BOY I might have a winner.
Once I get a chance to check this title out, if I notice anything that hasn't been mentioned, I'll be sure to let you guys know.
Ok I just got the game
General Advice: Wait a little bit before buying.****OFFICIAL GAME-PLAYER HERE****
First of all, I was expecting to have some advantage playing on PC over
console. However there is absolutely no mouse usage, which sucks when you're on
a pc, and no pvp system (although there are rumors of one in development). The game
play is amazing, very fluid very unrestricted and the lag is pretty good and
the music is good (deep drum and bass). There are big community issues its
common to have a feeling that you're the only one playing at times. I think
this game needs a little more work. It's obvious this game wasn't meant to be
played on the pc and for people who like to build their characters solely for
the purpose of killing other players.
As I had hoped, even with my crappy connection I don't have any substantial problems playing.
I really like the fighting system. I can't even begin to gush
about having 'real time' fighting instead of turn-based. It's
I play on PC and I will say, I broke down and got a controller.
It was like 15 dollars at WalMart. Just a generic PC gaming pad
works fine. I'm sure the more expensive ones could make for a
-better- gaming experience, but with my little crappy GGE909 'Z'
retractable for USB problems.
The setting is very different. I keep saying to friends the only
way I can describe it, is as if someone made Star Wars into an
anime. I've played both the online and the offline. The
offline acts almost like a movie or an anime and you're in it.
You go along watching lots of really beautiful cut-scenes and in
between you beat the shit out of things with a glowing sword or a lazer
There's lots of content in the online version. The main setting
is a space station between three planets. The station has five
levels, one for your housing, two shopping malls, the space port to
missions and other planets and the 'HQ' for the organization you belong
to. Atop of doing missions and exploring the planets and space
station, you get your own room that you can decorate with things you
buy or find. I currently have a lava lamp and a model train in my
room *coughblushcough*. Supposidly your little 'helper' who is a
robot that lives in your room can 'evolve' if you give him gifts.
I'm not sure what to give him so I just keep feeding him random stuff I
find. He's kind of like an FF Moogle. He stores your stuff
and gives you pointers. If you want to synthesize things you give
him a 'board' which is the recipe for what you want to make, then put
the ingredients in your storage. He'll make the stuff on his own
and you just come back to check on it later. I've made a few sets
of handguns pretty easily.
I do have a few beafs about the game. I've found that if you're
playing alone, as I often do, you end up having to cycle through the
same missions over and over again. Basically you end up
'grinding' in a lowbie area. The missions are set up with
levels. You have level 1, level 5, level 10, level 15, and level
20 (there's more, but this is just what I have access to with my
character right now). While if you're level 5 you can go and try
the higher level missions, I speak from experience when I say it's
-very- difficult to get anywhere. Now if you had an entire team
and went through, I'm sure you can lay waste, but soloing is
difficult. NOT impossible, but difficult. From what I can
tell you can probably solo the entire game, but it'll take a lot longer
than if you have a decent static, or even a good partner.
Weapon upgrades, new armor and items are very expensive. Money
isn't exactly hard to come by, but with the amount of soloing I do and
the amount of money I spend on health potions and what-not, I'm very
very broke. I've heard people talking to each other in the lobby
that if you want money, you basically end up farming. It's easy
to find decent loot in the game, but new abilities and new weapons cost
a pretty penny.
I've had the experience as some others have said, walking around and
feeling like you're the only one on. However, just in the past
day or so, I'm seeing A LOT more people playing. A few friends of
mine have attempted to get the game and said it's basically sold
out...everywhere. The game is starting to take off and the worlds
are starting to fill up. There are certain times of the day that
it's still pretty quiet, but more people are starting to play.
Another thing I've noticed now that more people are starting to play,
if you're on a mission and you do not set a 'password' to your party,
the server might randomly stick people in your party. It seems
like if the server fills up and the instances are full, people that try
to join will be stuck in random parties. Now this might not
always be a bad thing, but if you don't want random people being stuck
in your party, make sure you set up a password.
Something else a bit annoying that happened to me specifically.
Since all the fighting is instanced, if you end an instance with just a
few exp before you level, you'll have to go through again to get the
level. There doesn't really appear to be any other ways to get
exp, atleast not that I've found.
As someone else has said, there is no PvP. I'm not particularly
upset by this. I don't really like PvP all that much and so this
game is really, right up my ally. I will say that lots of games
start out without PvP and then add more content in later. This
game is set-up like it's going to have much more content later.
There are even areas and places that aren't finished yet.
Just a note to people, PS2 and PC play on the same servers, but those
who play on XBox are on completely different servers. If you want
to play with friends, you all pretty much need the same platform or you
All-in-all this game gets two thumbs up from me. This is just
scratching the surface. I have TONS more stuff that I can talk
about, but this is getting a bit long-winded so I think I'm just going
to stop and let people find out for themselves how it works.
Now I just need to find me a good static
The reason a lot of people are bringing up eve is that this game is claiming to do something that only Eve has managed so far - put everyone in one world. In actual fact, they do nothing of the sort.
Quote from the newsletter email:
Phantasy Star Universe, a MMORPG for the XBOX360, PS2 and PC launched around the world on October 24th. This franchise laden game from SEGA puts all three platforms into a single world. We released our preview (PC version) on the day of it's launch.
They specifically say that it puts all of them into a single world. A poor choice of wording, considering that the game runs a Diablo-style instanced server system and doesn't have one game world. It doesn't even have a sharded game world, it has a lobby where players form a party then make an instance of a particular area. This is just another online game that is being called an MMORPG, like guild wars. It's an online game alright and you could argue that it's a multiplayer online roleplaying game but that first M in MMORPG stands for "massively", as in "Massively multiplayer", which infers that a large number of players are thrown into the same game world together.
That just isn't the case here. It isn't the first game to be mislabled and mismarketed as an MMO and it won't be the last, but it's disappointing nonetheless.
Insert signature that doesn't break the rules here
can understand people being a bit disappointed when they read
this. However, it was that claimed this. It's
very clearly stated on the PSU official websites that this is not the
case. Please, don't knock a game because a gamer chose some poor
A semi-side note. I can't imagine how anyone could even run this
game if it was a free world where everyone was thrown in
together. Newbies would never get any mobs. The lag would
be attrocious. Loot stealing would be unreal. This is a
good game, but if it was set-up as people seem to think all online
rpgs, 'should' would end up being a piece of crap, in my humble
Insert signature that doesn't break the rules here
had the experience of friends wanting to play with me, but wanting to
use Xbox. It was definately a real headache trying to get
together. He ended up having to buy a lot of stuff (DVD-Rom
drive, Gamepad, etc.) in order to play with me, because Xbox players
aren't on the same servers. I was definately one that was
disappointed in finding out that, unlike the review, all the platforms
CAN'T play together. A few times he wanted to throw his hands in
the air and just say 'forget it,' but we finally got everything worked
out, he went through the tutorial and met me in game. He said, so
far the game was awesome and he looked forward to getting more into
it. So even through disappointment, people seem to enjoy the game.
Also, in the past day or so, I've seen BAJILLIONS! of people
playing. There's some 20 servers set up for PC and PS2 and almost
all of them have been full lately. They must be doing something
TheSaintAce above sums it up pretty good. I got this game as well and he (she?) hits the high points. Combat is very fun. It's fast paced and real-time, with some nice graphics. I started out as a Newman Force character (think mage). It was a bit tough for him to solo, as it usually is with "magic" based characters. Basically, the usual blast one to bits, run, stop, blast again. I played him for several days and decided to see what the "tank" type character was like and created a Beast Hunter. Wow, also a lot of fun. I was using the default weapon I got when creating the character, something akin to brass knuckles, and combat was very fast paced. I ended up buying him a big honking two-handed sword and just started tearing through the mobs.
But don't get me wrong-it's not too easy. My Force character has died quite a bit and there are two missions of my level (15) that I can't solo yet because even though I can blast my way to the end boss, I don't have the hp to face either one of them. They one or two shot me before I can heal myself. The Hunter has not died once yet, but he's only level 5 and I haven't faced a serious boss yet. I'll be interested to see how he fares.
As far as playing in the same world, it's kind of yes and no. You are on different servers (called Universes) but you can easily move to another Universe if you want to meet up with someone who is playing on another Universe. So even though you don't see everyone playing, as you would in EVE if you could see the whole galaxy, you can easily play with anyone who has created a character on another server.
As mentioned, it is instanced. All missions are in their own separate instance. I'm not really picky on this. I think it would be nice to have at least some non-instanced areas with combat, but I can live without it.
My biggest complaint is the lack of a guild/team system. You can exchange "cards" in the game that make it possible to keep up with others while in game, but there is no structured way to form a group that can chat or easily coordinate missions etc. I have found a guild that I think would be fun to play with, but so far just haven't managed to run into any of them online. Basically, I'll just have to arrange to meet with them at a predesignated time and place to get their cards and to party.
Music is also not to my taste, but even when I like the music in a game I get tired of it and eventually turn it off. I just happened to turn off the PSU music faster than usual.
Overall feel to the game is very much as someone described-kind of an anime SWG. I'll have to give it more time to see the long term potential (I've only just started synthesizing for example, which is crafting). But for the moment it is a lot of fun and is a nice break from the slower paced games I'm used too.
One note though-definitely get a gamepad if you buy the PC version. I got an Xbox 360 controller from Walmart for $25.00. It makes a huge difference.
All in all, for $9.00 a month it's pretty good and if they continue to add content as they promise, I think it will be a great game.
8/10 from me.
review. ^^ Just wanted to let you know that I'm a chick.
GASP! The illusive female gamer! Doesn't all gamer guy
groups have the one token girl? Most do...anyways.
I agree with you about the communication system. It leaves
something to be desired. Even in chatting you can only type out
two lines. If you miss anything, trying to go back and look at
the log is a pain. What I will probably do is run an Instant
Messenger to talk with people of importance instead of relying on the
actual in-game system. If I say anything much in-game, it's going
to be 'in character.' Waving, talking, dancing with people.
It'll be my Newman char, if you want to talk to ME to organize attacks
or figure out times to be on, we can chat on IM.
I started out as a Newman as well, specializing in Force. I
farmed for a bit and picked up a healing technic from the Newman home
planet. Makes a BIG difference. Anyone that wants to be a
mage in this game, it's a balance of nuking AND healing. If you
don't like healing, eh mmm...maybe team up with someone who does and
let them focus on all healing?
It's the only kind of character I've played so far, so I'm not sure
about the others. The friend I mentioned before who is starting
to play is going hand-to-hand with a Beast. He, in the long long
ago, did Monk on FFXI, so I think he'll enjoy his biiiiig beast woman.
(Man she's like twice as big as my little Newman man!)
I agree about the music as well. It's kind of neat, but after the
same tune has played over and over again you start to twitch.
But! thankfully because it's such a smooth game, you can turn on music
in the background and fight to whatever you like. I'm partial to
Metal, so the fast-paced game play goes right along with my MP3 list.
Just a note to people, since no one has really said anything about
it. Your little buddy in your room, supposidly he will 'evolve'
and eventually join you on missions. I think I've figured out the
system to training him. When you give him gifts he essentially
'eats' them. There's nothing I've found that he won't eat.
If you give him a sword, his striking goes up, give him food or metals
and his ranged goes up, give him armor and his armor goes up,
etc. I -think- that if you fill up one of the bars in his status
page that he will 'level up.' I can't confirm this yet, as I
haven't gotten one all the way full.
So...I guess that's it for now.
if it was free like guildwars i would play it only becouse its instance with small group not realy exploring.
Even when its prolly a great fun game i would not pay for games like this.
Played pso for year on my dreamcast that game was great but cost me alot on normal modem 56k.
Games like this should be free no monthly fee i say.
But all who wanne play psu and pay for it have fun:)
Hope to build full AMD system RYZEN/VEGA/AM4!!!
MB:Asus V De Luxe z77
CPU:Intell Icore7 3770k
GPU: AMD Fury X(waiting for BIG VEGA 10 or 11 HBM2?(bit unclear now))
PSU:Corsair AX1200i
OS:Windows 10 64bit