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Before I begin I would like to note that I'm not a member or in any way affiliated with 'Overrated.' I have no clue who they are and I don't support using cheats.
Now that that has been said.
To all of you jumping with glee that 'Overrated' got disbanded....STOP and THINK for a second. Is it really that great or do we begin to see some alarming trends?
Just a few minutes ago I have read a post by a forum member whose guild was disbanded for using an 'offensive' name. (Test Tube Babies, sorry I forgot your name whoever you are, but props for the post). Who is Blizzard to judge what's politically correct or incorrect? What is this an extension of G Dubs anti-abortion craze?
Does anyone else get the 'Big Brother' feeling here? Yes, Blizzard is the king and god and can do whatever it deems necessary to keep the game the way they want it. But wait! I thought that this game was created for the players?! Has Blizzard bothered to hear the opinion of a majority(whatever it may be), it should be players deciding in the end how to deal with larger issues like this. Nope, Blizzard reserves the right to judge what is wrong and what is right. And as history demonstrates, when that happens interests of thousands of people get stomped in the face of greater benefit of everyone (dubious 'greater benefit' at best).
Have you thought about the players of the guild who have been away from the game for a while? What about those who did not participate in the cheating raids?
Only recently blizzard has banned 80K people(maybe rightly so for using bots to farm, but what do we - other players know? Who knows if it was only those people who got banned.) and now more bans?
It seems like a ban is the ultimate and easy solution the company is willing to use at any point when it dislikes something, without trying actually to understand the player's viewpoint or find another way to resolve the conflict. No dialogue? No warnings? You messed up, we shoot you down. Sorry.
Ahhhhh the harsh reality of the autocratic State of Warcraft.
Keep playing but remember, The Big Brother is watching and you may be next on the list whether you like it or not.
Sorry, you will get no sympathy here. The guild hacked and exploited to avoid mobs they were supposed to fight. They used a 3rd party mod NOT allowed by Blizzard, to do this. It gave that guild an unfair advantage over others who were playing the game as it was meant to be played.
Bottom line is they are cheats.
I was a WoW raider for a year and a half. I also quit playing the game a few months back because it had became stale and I had better things to do with my time. I agree that their designs etc leave MUCH to be desired but myself and the other 5.9 million gamers play the game legit. It doesn't give them the RIGHT to alter the game. It DOES give you a right to quit WoW or do encounters in a legitimate way.
People like you are what ruin MMORPG's. The fact you are seeking to justify their actions by saying Blizzard are Big Brother and "you might be next" only goes to show how little moral fortitude and sense of personal integrity you possess.
The reasons they hacked are irrelevant. if you have hacked, exploited and cheated you deserve the boot in the ass Blizzard gave you.
Seriously cry me a river.
That guild was obviously and very clearly disbanded for reasons that were logical and reasonable. Hell, if I had any power I'd have banned every account in that guild regardless of whether or not every member of the guild had cheated. It was highly unlikely that people didn't know that the guild was using shady practices, and for anybody who clearly feels they didn't deserve to be banned (i.e. people who are taking a break from the game) well then they can petition the moderators to have their account unlocked. Enough said. No warnings for cheaters. Its not like the guild slipped and accidentally fell into a cheat. That BS doesnt just happen. Blizzard makes the game, Blizzard moderates the game, Blizzard creates the rules. Its their game and they can do what they want with it when they want. If you don't like it stop paying for it. They owe you nothing.
EDIT: Oh please note that a lot of this angry-vibe I am giving off is in no way directed at you personally, just at the whole situation in general.
Eternally mine,
The MMO gaming blog I write for.
I remember back in "old" UO a few guilds being entirely banned. Because a few, most .. whatever were cheating. They basicly said you were responsible for knowing what the people were doing that had the same guild tag as you.
Did people that were more or less innocent get caught in that? I'm sure they did. Not really sure of any other game that had a policy that severe. I think they later changed it.
Personally if I was in that guild I wouldn't have had to think about whether it was wrong or right. I would have disbanded and gone my way.
I had a guild in DAoC that sometimes back before their SI expansion for this mob.. it dropped some item that gave back like 940 bars of some metal. It was a common drop but it shouuld have given like 14 bars. Anyway through tradeskills you could make a ton of money.
So the guild formed groups to go farm the item. I disbanded and went to another server for a while. I knew it wasn't right and 10 or 12 of my guildies got banned.
Just saying.. everyone that took part in the raids.. they had to know that wasn't how the encounter was meant to happen. So beyond someone that didn't know what they were doing at all.. they got what they should have.
Why should there be a warning !!....You buy the game and agree to the rules when you click can argue this all you want but a fact is a fact.
Hmmm...don't like the rules ? Don't play
Waiting on Guild Wars 2
Big Brother is watching? Lol? Blizzard is following and enforcing their rules and policies, and these dumbass cheaters are not following said rules and policies. There is no rootkit, or 3rd party background software here that Blizzard is using other than "The Warden" (if they still use that) and the details of that program have been discussed over and over. So that debunks youre "Big Brother" crap. These shitheads were caught cheating because they were stupid, and the people with dumbass names were taken care of accordingly.
Running around with the name "test tube babies" isnt exactly wise. It dosent take much more than common sence to know it was stupid and a ban was comming.
"There's no star system Slave I can't reach, and there's no planet I can't find. There's nowhere in the Galaxy for you to run. Might as well give up now."
Boba Fett
Shrug, perception is reality. The way I took his entire post was in the vein of o, I dunno... Boo-Hoo, the people should have the right to do whatever they want and define the political correctness because who is Blizzard to say what is and is not politically correct. Well, you should maybe read a little more into it. I guess you can call me a conservative because the way I see it, the people shouldn't and do not have control over privately owned companies like blizzard.
It's a corporation and it's also personal choice to play the game. So, the argument about my reading comprehension is completely unfounded on the basis of you attempting to portray my argument from your own perspective. The irony is that no matter what I say, I suppose I am guilty of doing the same thing to Hex. That is a conundrum tho, no?
Then when they get busted for cheating they make a big deal about how much of an injustice it is.
Yes, now post something RELEVANT to the topic!
What greater tribute to free will than the power to question the highest of authority? What greater display of loyalty than blind faith? What greater gift than free will? What greater love than loyalty?
Blizzard could care less about how you "feel" about being banned.With record # of players and profit they can afford not to care.
Afterall they actually own the servers you play on and have developed the software you purchased.The game wasnt created for players it was created for Board of Directors of Blizzard and whatever company owns them for the sole purpose of making money.
They did not do these things to make a person happy to play the game.
If you want to control and create your own content i suggest NWN or NWN2 or a whole slew of games that allow for player created content.
You actually pay for UPDATED content in a mmo not the CONTROL of it.So get over the "big brother" conspiracy theory.It isnt a theory at all nor is it a conspiracy it is the reality of Blizzard and any other developer to do what they want with it when they want.
To say the players should be making decisions about who gets banned or not would imply partial ownership of the game itself.
That wont EVER happen.
Anyway with the next expansion around the corner they dont care.If you dont like it dont play it.
Most likely they rent them.
Also there is a difference to owning the intellectual propertywright/copywright to a game and owning the game. Everyone who bought the game owns the game. Only Blizzard owns the right to reproduce and make profit from it.
Most likely they rent them.
Also there is a difference to owning the intellectual propertywright/copywright to a game and owning the game. Everyone who bought the game owns the game. Only Blizzard owns the right to reproduce and make profit from it.
Seriously did you actually read what you typed?
With all the money Blizzard makes every month they would choose to rent?
BTW you dont own the game if you have the software.You only purchased the client that enables you to play the game on Blizzard owned/rented servers.Implying ownership is like saying WoW has player created content.Not 1 single player actually owns any part of the game.They payed to install the client on their own PC.
Just so you know, the entire guild was not Banned, Only about 80% so your complaining about those that took no part getting unfair treatment is not valid. Once they learned of the expoit, it's a simple and easy way for them to detect EXACTLY who did it.
Plus, Blizzard does have the right to police their game. You acept a little contract everytime you update or whatever that you agree to their rules am I right? If you signed a contract in real life saying you wouldn't Name your dog Jessie or it gets taken away from you, why act surprised and outraged when you do it and it's gone? Your paying for the right to play in their world, they have a right to police it any way they please. If your not satisfied, you simply don't accept and stop playing. No one forces your hand here.
You are waisting your voice pal.
Everyone knows anyone still loyal to WOW is a machohistic person withouth any backbone.
And generally anyone that reacts to the post refering to player rights being treaded , with answers "cry me a river" or "you dont have to play it"
Is a complete and utter idiot. And is harming himself more than he harms everyone around.
That said WOW is builded upon meek individuals. That will eat any worm pile of turd served on a plate
And never cry
"Before this battle is over all the world will know that few...stood against many." - King Leonidas
For a sec there I thought that some one will actualy agree with OP. Gj MMORPG community
It's better be hated for who you are, than loved for who you aren't.
The WoW client is free.
When you buy WoW you are buying the rights to use an account. You do not however own the characters nor do you own their virtual equipment. All of that stuff is Blizzards.
In essence, you are just renting your account. Nothing else.
Anyway, to the Big Brother thing which should really be a seperate post rather than include the aspect of the cheating incident. Yes Blizzard may at times act like Big Brother with that gay guild fiasco and some of their policies ingame eg. regarding swearing.
Your examples are appallingly bad.
Some people have been banned from WoW for very questionable reasons. Do some research. Read back a few messages on the WoW forums here and look for cases where people have been unjustly banned. Your case could be made alot stronger.
Personally I don't have alot of problem with companies being dictators of the current crop of MMOs. If they make too many stupid decisions and ban too many innocents then they will just be giving money away to their competitors. Shrug.
There may be a problem in the longer term future if MMOs develop into more than just games, but become virtual worlds where people have a higher level of commitment (cf cyberpunk style vitual realities.) Then a dictator may be a problem. But we are currently a long way from that situation.
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