Okay to start off with the fraps was very entertaining but disrespectful irl to the person who lost there life and this imo is wrong, theres a boundry between real life and in game life, imo that has been crossed here with the wording on this fraps.
To hold such a ceremony is an invatation to be attacked, those who plan such an event should not be so naive to not think so and should have really planned for such an assault.....There in-game, 'simple as that' people pay there money to play the role they want to play and if its a griefer, terrorist, ganker ect then so be it and tbh thats one of the reasons I play the type of mmo's I play. I usually choose not to play such roles, but prefer to play games with this element.
The guys involved in this assault probably didnt know this person on a personal level and probably just saw an opportunity to have a little fun, the asshat who added the text to the fraps is the one who needs to be slated for making and pulicising this, there the ones who have overstepped the mark. Appart from that I see nothing wrong with the actual in-game act which from what I can gather from the fraps went down perfectly to plan.
These are the views of someone who has never played this game (nore would I want to)
I think ljfseven brought up a good point about Shadowbane. That is more pvp-centric than WoW by far so I'm sure things similar happen. I think WoW's vast success and notoriety made more people aware of what Serenity Now did. Had they did the same thing in SB, much fewer people would of known about it.
Originally posted by ljfseven But because it happened in happy fluffy bunny land (WoW) everyone is up in arms.
Not everyone is up in arms..Only a few stick in the mudds have their panties all in a bunch.. FFS this crap happend near a year ago and people are still complaining about it.
Personally I thought it was funny as did alot of people on the Illidian boards and other places, especially when I remember all the crap that person used to talk on the forums. I guess I am a bad person because I don't give a f about a person that lived and when I found out they died I still feel the same.
Forgive me, but I think I need to go pray now for not feeling emotion for all the people that died who I could careless about.
------------------------------ You see, every mammal on this planet instinctively develops a natural equilibrium with their surrounding environment, but you humans do not. You spread to an area, and you multiply, and you multiply, until every natural resource is consumed. The only way you can survive is to spread to another area. There is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern. Do you know what it is? A virus. Human beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet.-Mr.Smith
Gank is also used in relation to Player vs. Player games where a group of 2 or more people gang up and kill another player, especially if they have an unfair advantage over the person being killed, and is an abbreviation for Gang Kill. Popularised by the MMORPGUltima Online, it is now often used in any situation where the person being killed is at a significant disadvantage to the person killing, as in "That jerk just ganked me!". The term has evolved in MMORPGs so that a player can be "ganked" by one other player if that other player is of such significantly higher level that the ganked player has no realistic chance to beat the ganker, or even escape with his life, regardless of skill.
The word ganking has a diffrent meaning in MMORPGS then it does In real life. Ganking has nothing to do with playerlooting.
Good thing you just "Know too much about MMORPG's".
Originally posted by DrowNoble Tinybina I can't believe you just said that someone deserved to die
Stop right there mouth... Never said anyone deserved to die, I said she had it comming meaning the gank and beatdown at the funeral.
As far as my friend your enemy statement... Let me put it to you like this.. If Bin laden dies im sure there will be those around him that will mourn him, but there will also be others out their that would love to dig him up and chop him to pieces or something like that.
Same can be said of Muderors, Politicians, Heads of State, and yes trash talkers. Not everyone is loved and some people make real bad enemys of people. Just because one of my enemys dies, doesnt mean my hate for him will.. Same can be said for alot of people.. Thats just the way it is for some, we can't all be hollier then thou and walk around on water and ****.
I suppose then you support the palastinions throwing grenades at israile funeralls [excuse my spelling im drunk].
Bin laden is a evil terrorist the woman in question was a WoW player just like you.
For gods sake its just a game
Comparing a girl that played WoW to Bin Laden and politicians, GJ! I'm sure she commited many terrorist acts and deserves that comparison.
Oh ya im sure that many people would just hate people who trash talk in MMO's and want people to die because of it.
Wow....I cant believe there's still this much hype about this video and guild. It happened like 6 months ago! They said they were sorry, i'm not sure if they meant it. The people should not have held a funeral on a PvP server if they didn't have a way to enforce the peace. My guild held an ingame funeral on my SWG server right on a battleground with pvpmode turned on. Yes, we got attacked by about 10 people. Did we cry and complain and say it wasn't right? No, instead we set them up so that when they came they got crushed...just like our leader (one who died) would have wanted.
PvP servers are to have fun in PvP and compete at all times, it is just a game so they did nothing immoral. If they were to bash the real life funeral, then that would be bad. But you cannot blame Serenity Now for wanting to PvP at a big in-game event. And for the bragging, that could have been ONE person in their whole huge guild that posted the video. If you go to their site, you'll see that they say it was only a handful of people in their guild that did that and the majority of the members were against it.
Don't complain unless you know all the facts or if you were there.
Originally posted by malachidark Wow....I cant believe there's still this much hype about this video and guild. It happened like 6 months ago! They said they were sorry, i'm not sure if they meant it. The people should not have held a funeral on a PvP server if they didn't have a way to enforce the peace. My guild held an ingame funeral on my SWG server right on a battleground with pvpmode turned on. Yes, we got attacked by about 10 people. Did we cry and complain and say it wasn't right? No, instead we set them up so that when they came they got crushed...just like our leader (one who died) would have wanted.
PvP servers are to have fun in PvP and compete at all times, it is just a game so they did nothing immoral. If they were to bash the real life funeral, then that would be bad. But you cannot blame Serenity Now for wanting to PvP at a big in-game event. And for the bragging, that could have been ONE person in their whole huge guild that posted the video. If you go to their site, you'll see that they say it was only a handful of people in their guild that did that and the majority of the members were against it.
Don't complain unless you know all the facts or if you were there.
They obviously weren't sorry if they are bragging about it making a video and posting it, and its the same principal to gank a funeral and it is still immoral to kill people who are trying to honor a friend who has passed away.
Okay to start off with the fraps was very entertaining but disrespectful irl to the person who lost there life and this imo is wrong, theres a boundry between real life and in game life, imo that has been crossed here with the wording on this fraps.
To hold such a ceremony is an invatation to be attacked, those who plan such an event should not be so naive to not think so and should have really planned for such an assault.....There in-game, 'simple as that' people pay there money to play the role they want to play and if its a griefer, terrorist, ganker ect then so be it and tbh thats one of the reasons I play the type of mmo's I play. I usually choose not to play such roles, but prefer to play games with this element.
The guys involved in this assault probably didnt know this person on a personal level and probably just saw an opportunity to have a little fun, the asshat who added the text to the fraps is the one who needs to be slated for making and pulicising this, there the ones who have overstepped the mark. Appart from that I see nothing wrong with the actual in-game act which from what I can gather from the fraps went down perfectly to plan.
These are the views of someone who has never played this game (nore would I want to)
herb...herb is a plant
I think ljfseven brought up a good point about Shadowbane. That is more pvp-centric than WoW by far so I'm sure things similar happen. I think WoW's vast success and notoriety made more people aware of what Serenity Now did. Had they did the same thing in SB, much fewer people would of known about it.
Personally I thought it was funny as did alot of people on the Illidian boards and other places, especially when I remember all the crap that person used to talk on the forums. I guess I am a bad person because I don't give a f about a person that lived and when I found out they died I still feel the same.
Forgive me, but I think I need to go pray now for not feeling emotion for all the people that died who I could careless about.
You see, every mammal on this planet instinctively develops a natural equilibrium with their surrounding environment, but you humans do not. You spread to an area, and you multiply, and you multiply, until every natural resource is consumed. The only way you can survive is to spread to another area. There is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern. Do you know what it is? A virus. Human beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet.-Mr.Smith
Gank is also used in relation to Player vs. Player games where a group of 2 or more people gang up and kill another player, especially if they have an unfair advantage over the person being killed, and is an abbreviation for Gang Kill. Popularised by the MMORPG Ultima Online, it is now often used in any situation where the person being killed is at a significant disadvantage to the person killing, as in "That jerk just ganked me!". The term has evolved in MMORPGs so that a player can be "ganked" by one other player if that other player is of such significantly higher level that the ganked player has no realistic chance to beat the ganker, or even escape with his life, regardless of skill.
The word ganking has a diffrent meaning in MMORPGS then it does In real life. Ganking has nothing to do with playerlooting.
Good thing you just "Know too much about MMORPG's".
Nice try though
And knowing is half the battle.....YO JOE!!!
As far as my friend your enemy statement... Let me put it to you like this.. If Bin laden dies im sure there will be those around him that will mourn him, but there will also be others out their that would love to dig him up and chop him to pieces or something like that.
Same can be said of Muderors, Politicians, Heads of State, and yes trash talkers. Not everyone is loved and some people make real bad enemys of people. Just because one of my enemys dies, doesnt mean my hate for him will.. Same can be said for alot of people.. Thats just the way it is for some, we can't all be hollier then thou and walk around on water and ****.
I suppose then you support the palastinions throwing grenades at israile funeralls [excuse my spelling im drunk].
Bin laden is a evil terrorist the woman in question was a WoW player just like you.
For gods sake its just a game
Comparing a girl that played WoW to Bin Laden and politicians, GJ! I'm sure she commited many terrorist acts and deserves that comparison.
Oh ya im sure that many people would just hate people who trash talk in MMO's and want people to die because of it.
PvP servers are to have fun in PvP and compete at all times, it is just a game so they did nothing immoral. If they were to bash the real life funeral, then that would be bad. But you cannot blame Serenity Now for wanting to PvP at a big in-game event. And for the bragging, that could have been ONE person in their whole huge guild that posted the video. If you go to their site, you'll see that they say it was only a handful of people in their guild that did that and the majority of the members were against it.
Don't complain unless you know all the facts or if you were there.
Currently Playing: Tabula Rasa
Gaming History: EQ, EQ2, SWG, EVE, Anarchy Online, CoX, GW, SRO, Rakion, Ryzom, WoW, Rappelz, Shadowbane, 9Dragons, DAoC, Dungeon Runners, DnD Online, Space Cowboy, LotRO, Vanguard, Fury, Hellgate
Wanting to Play: WAR, TCoS, Darkfall, Aion