Ok, I'm not generally a negative person, but overall I'm not very impressed.
The new "city" is not impressive at all. Just a platform in the trees. The Greater Faydark looks like a wanna-be Disney cartoon... I keep waiting for Williy Wonka to pop out and offer to take me on a tour of his chocolate factory.
The game is easy on the eyes I guess, but I have never become used to zones... the maps always feel so small, like restrictive even.
The voice acting is as annoying as ever too. Is this game designed for 5 year olds? Seriously....
I just don't get what has so many folks raving about how great it is. This game was never that impressive in my personal opinion. Far better than WoW, but still not that great.
Hope I am not offending anyone, but this is is my first impression of the expansion. I guess I just keep hoping this game will become something it was never designed to be, and never was, from day one.
Vanguard is a real RPG, and am really looking forward to it.
I miss the good ol' days when nerds were actually intelligent.
Vanguard is still nothing at the moment so lets not go making claims how great it is.
Aside from that any game will have its pluses and minuses ......... while one may grin and bear it another may be totally in love with it. In my opinion though we are all just waiting, waiting for that better game. Some people talk about game x and say its the greatest thing ever, how do they know though? I can promise most haven't given other games a chance. Its bias as is any opinion, the more facts that back our understanding help display our opinion, nothing more.
The poster has an opinion and even attempts to visualize his/her point of view, a following poster just voices there contradicting opinion in order to tally up with an opposing force .......... why type anything in response if you really have nothing to say.
I will have my first impression of the expansion soon as well, it may be good and it may be bad. Will my view be attacked with unsupported bias as well? Bet on it.
My view of eq2 zones is the same ........... i am told how massive they are but yet feel constricted. THe voice acting, while charming to the fantasy of the game, annoys quickly with all the mini back and forth quest. I was like many of the other people before eq2 launch ........ excited from seeing screenshots and hearing rumors ...... a bad design launch and some further bad decisions later only dissapointed me after realizing this is not the game i had envisioned eq2 would be.
I came from years of eq1 hoping eq2 would be the new and improved eq1. Continue the legacy but becoming something more by remembering the players who do not have 4 hours to raid and such. It didn't really happen though, no worries really i just wont play it as much, become part of the community, add to my guilds resources and so forth.
What i can say about eq2 is it has potential, but its not realized and harnessed by the developement team for what ever reasons, be it manpower or money. So we watch, we wait, and always hope for something better to come along be it in this game at one point or a competitor.
What you have to realize is that Faydark is a special place in the hearts of most of the people who played EQ I. I never understood why EQII did not have that zone at the start. I no longer play EQ II but I am glad they finally put it in EQII.
By the way a lot of people in EQ I called it greater faymart.
Support Bacteria, its the only culture some people have.
I see the voice acting hasn't improved. EQ2's voice acting was one of the most embarassing things ever. It's like listening to someone off a pre-school show like High 5.
Ok, gave it another run. My second impression is worst than my first.
My horse looks better, more realistic. But the animations are worst. I like the jumping bit, but the animal just looks even more silly than before when looking at it run from the rear. And now your character does not even mount the horse - just pops on it. Plus the horse looks too small for any of my characters. I remember being annoyed when it first came out that you could not dismount your horse and walk away from it or teach it commands. The mounts just keep getting worst. One step forward, two steps back.
Rode all around the new city and gosh it's just so absurd. The acorn houses are just plain... well, plain. A four room home is so uninspiring it almost laughable. Almost. When you stand outside the house it's small as hell. Then once your inside it's all the sudden much bigger than it should be. The art direction (something this game has never really had) of the new houses is so bare. Does not inspire me to decorate it at all. The giant leaf ramp at the front door is especially annoying. The thing is super thin and it's a leaf. Would not a leaf crumble and die? Is not great fantasy and sci-fi based in some semblance of logic?
lillin, I have to respectively disagree with you on one point: Vanguard is everything we hoped EQ II would be, trust me. The info is out there so no need for me to go over it point by point. I stand by my statement - it's a real RPG.
And I'm not saying EQ II is not fun, so please don't mistake my meaning. It is fun, but it's also very sad that it is so deeply flawed in so many ways.
Has anyone ever read Smed's blog? That guy is such a yuppie. He whines about his kids and even tells his daughter if anyone ever asks her age to put them on an ignore list immediately and tell him right away. Seems a bit paranoid to me. I mean, that's a pretty harmless question in my opinion. Not everyone is some perverted stalker. That guy is such a fruit. Read his blog and you'll realize why this game is so childish. He used to be a cool dude, one of us. An old-school role player and gamer. Now he is a rich fat-cat and has completely lost touch with average player desires.
I played EQ I Leasa. And I'm all for nostalgic goodness. But in defense of EQ as a whole, we have been given a raw deal with this game. Brad McQuaid (creator of EQ) himself has stated that it is NOT the vision he had in mind for EQ II. He also said that Vanguard is the "spiritual successor of EverQuest." I'm also a huge Star Wars fan, but that did not stop me from criticizing the new movies. That's enough said about that.
I dislike being negative (seriously) but I have sunk way too much money into this title not to express my frustration with it's direction. Like I stated above, it never was a great game. Really, can't figure out why I thought EOF would make it one, nostalgia not withstanding. It's just a way to pass the time till the real "everquest" comes out: Vanguard.
It's hard to be an EQ fan (and even harder to be a MMORPG player) these days. With new games coming next year like Vanguard and Warhammer thats about to change.
My opinions are my own and I mean not disrespect to anyone (except Smed, the butcher of SWG ). /Peace
I miss the good ol' days when nerds were actually intelligent.
what ive played of it, i like it. but thats just me.
Oo and Vanguard is gonna rock
Its a sad year for MMOs indeed.
I so much hope Vanguard will - if not be good - at least be mmorpgish
"Before this battle is over all the world will know that few...stood against many." - King Leonidas
"God, please help us sinful children of Ivalice.."
I miss the good ol' days when nerds were actually intelligent.
kelethin looks like kelethin of the old game with improved graphics.I am sure much more people are happier the way it is then if it had a complete revamp.Then you see spam moaning .
zones.Well it has had zones since day one.So nothing to do with the expansion.You like or hate it the game is a zone game from 2004 nov when it launched.So if you have not got used to zoning by now then you probably should not play the game.
voice over is optional.Many love it as it gives whole text not just some repeatitive macros like other games.If however u don't like it erm turn it off.There a feature for that u know.
Well no not offending anyone but clearly its not the game for you.Zones for instance will be there forever and its a matter of accepting it or getting another mmorpg.
As for vangard .Never ever judge a mmorpg before its live and i mean live.It can be the best thing ever or the worst thing ever.Most who "leak" info are either fanboys or trolls who never touched the game before.I recall hearing amazing things about RV and DnL argueably the most worst mmorpgs to be released ever.
kelethin looks like kelethin of the old game with improved graphics.I am sure much more people are happier the way it is then if it had a complete revamp.Then you see spam moaning .
zones.Well it has had zones since day one.So nothing to do with the expansion.You like or hate it the game is a zone game from 2004 nov when it launched.So if you have not got used to zoning by now then you probably should not play the game.
voice over is optional.Many love it as it gives whole text not just some repeatitive macros like other games.If however u don't like it erm turn it off.There a feature for that u know.
Well no not offending anyone but clearly its not the game for you.Zones for instance will be there forever and its a matter of accepting it or getting another mmorpg.
As for vangard .Never ever judge a mmorpg before its live and i mean live.It can be the best thing ever or the worst thing ever.Most who "leak" info are either fanboys or trolls who never touched the game before.I recall hearing amazing things about RV and DnL argueably the most worst mmorpgs to be released ever.
see highlighted text. wth r u talking about? there are videos of the game man. theres no "leaked" info about it, lol. its all right out in front of you. and frankly, i think it looks freagin awesome, and i cant wait to get me hands on it.
also, its entirely ok for someone to start a post stating why they dislike a game. you arent required to "set the straight". in fact, you apparently missed the entire point of this persons post in the first place. he/she likes the game, he/she is just stating what they dislike about the expansion pack. entirely allowed to do that.
see highlighted text. wth r u talking about? there are videos of the game man. theres no "leaked" info about it, lol. its all right out in front of you. and frankly, i think it looks freagin awesome, and i cant wait to get me hands on it.
Dear boy if you been around mmorpg long enough you would know never ever judge a mmorpg by its video.
Anyone remember those DnL videos?Stunning weren't they.
Even if vangard is graphically great.How is the combat?How intresting is the crafting?How good are the quest?Is exploration fun?
You can never answer this without playing it.mmorpg go way further then what you can judge from a video.
And yes this is a forum.So if someone says this is great or bad ,its within every poster right to say their own version of what they feel about things.
see highlighted text. wth r u talking about? there are videos of the game man. theres no "leaked" info about it, lol. its all right out in front of you. and frankly, i think it looks freagin awesome, and i cant wait to get me hands on it.
Dear boy if you been around mmorpg long enough you would know never ever judge a mmorpg by its video.
Anyone remember those DnL videos?Stunning weren't they.
Even if vangard is graphically great.How is the combat?How intresting is the crafting?How good are the quest?Is exploration fun?
You can never answer this without playing it.mmorpg go way further then what you can judge from a video.
And yes this is a forum.So if someone says this is great or bad ,its within every poster right to say their own version of what they feel about things.
lol, this is funny.
1. you can check me user info and tell that im not a "boy".
2. ive been around MMOs at least as long as you or anyone else in these forums.
3. its called closed beta tests, and Vanguard is in one.
4. i remember the DnL videos. yes, stunning and unfinished, and known to be unfinished way before launch.
5. im not saying that Vanguard is great, frankly, ive never actually played it, but ive seen all the videos and read everything about the game and read all the testamonials from the beta testers. and from what ive seen and heard, its a great game.
6. and no one is arguing about whether or not YOU can say your own version of what they feel about things, me issue was the way you were treating the other poster as if they didnt have the right to the same.
7. you were the one claiming that the info available was "leaked", i was simply pointing out that the info is published.
8. alittle less condescending, and alittle more listening will go along way, friend.
But brad tells uss it isnt like eq.
Though, its remarkably close.
Starwars Galaxies, An Empier Diveded, That's what it says on my box anyway.
see highlighted text. wth r u talking about? there are videos of the game man. theres no "leaked" info about it, lol. its all right out in front of you. and frankly, i think it looks freagin awesome, and i cant wait to get me hands on it.
Dear boy if you been around mmorpg long enough you would know never ever judge a mmorpg by its video.
Anyone remember those DnL videos?Stunning weren't they.
Even if vangard is graphically great.How is the combat?How intresting is the crafting?How good are the quest?Is exploration fun?
You can never answer this without playing it.mmorpg go way further then what you can judge from a video.
And yes this is a forum.So if someone says this is great or bad ,its within every poster right to say their own version of what they feel about things.
lol, this is funny.
1. you can check me user info and tell that im not a "boy".
2. ive been around MMOs at least as long as you or anyone else in these forums.
3. its called closed beta tests, and Vanguard is in one.
4. i remember the DnL videos. yes, stunning and unfinished, and known to be unfinished way before launch.
5. im not saying that Vanguard is great, frankly, ive never actually played it, but ive seen all the videos and read everything about the game and read all the testamonials from the beta testers. and from what ive seen and heard, its a great game.
6. and no one is arguing about whether or not YOU can say your own version of what they feel about things, me issue was the way you were treating the other poster as if they didnt have the right to the same.
7. you were the one claiming that the info available was "leaked", i was simply pointing out that the info is published.
8. alittle less condescending, and alittle more listening will go along way, friend.
I've played it. It's not as great as you think it is. If you haven't played it, I don't think looking at screenshots or videos of a game are much of indication of a game to begin with. They show you what they WANT you to see.
I was looking around to see what people are saying about EOF, since my friend keeps beggin me to come back (of course he's an obsseive compulsive/ADD player, so he likes the tired repetitive crap of EQ2 but always feigns ignorance in it's flaws..*sigh*), and came here to get people's impressions of EOF when I came across this and had to throw my 2 cents in here.
I love how people are saying that Vanguard is going to be THE best mmorpg "evah" without having actually played it. I thought the same of EQ2 when I saw all the videos and screenshots of it. Come launch day and had fun....for about a few months and realized how boring it is. I went back twice, and seriously, the game just kept getting worse. The devs keep changing it constantly that you don't know your characters anymore from month to month with so many ridiculous changes they make to the game. If they had just waited longer to actually get as many bugs out instead of trying to beat WOW to the market, they would've had a better quality product.
Speaking of which: Content. I've been hearing ppl on EQ2 forums realizing that they couldn't betray with their Fae and are pisssed about it! LOL! Gee what a suprise: SOE putting out something without it being finished!
And I love how EQ2 players are such masochists and just say "Oh it's ok, they'll add it in later". NO it's NOT "ok". I can say this because I played it from launch for almost a year, and here's a perfect example:
Remember that Frogloks were supposed to be an unlockable server wide quest?
Remember when they (SOE) revealed that they weren't actually IN the game...that they didn't have time to put them in? So basically they LIED right from the beginning telling people that they had to embark on a huge server wide quest FOR SOMETHING THAT WASN'T EVEN THERE!
You should've seen the EQ2 boards were LIT UP with angry people! Wouldn't you be if you had invested a bunch of time and effort into something that wasn't even there??
This is why I stopped playing. No QA on the stuff they're realeasing, false promises of things not there, pumping stuff out constantly to get you to buy it and let YOU be the bug finder/reporter (while you pay for it of course).
If you like EOF, good for you; but I'm not wasting another penny on EQ2 ever again. And as far as the constant posts of people saying that Vanguard is going to be the be all end all MMORPG....sorry to dissapoint you but it's basically EQ 2.5--and unless you've actually played it for a decent amount of time (as I have: up to mid lv 20ish) please stop saying that it's going to blow everything else out of the water.
Again: screenshots/videos are meant to show you what they WANT to show you--but shouldn't be taken as a "wow! that's what I'll be playing when it comes out!" idealogy.
But just keep in mind that anything from SOE is pretty much half-assed non-QA releases that they quickly try to patch and fix the majority of the problems upon releasing it. My friend wasted 6 hours just trying to get on and play on the day of release.
As far as me liking EQ2, I did (bought the CE version instead of teh WOW CE versions!). I bought WoW and EQ2 at the same time and ended up spending more time on EQ2...I kept an active WOW account for months and never played it because at the time I thought EQ2 was a superior game. Well, I was wrong. And all the ridiculous changes they've made (combat, crafting,etc) since launch has made me not want to come back. I still get the urge sometimes, but I just can't do it. The last time I played (4 weeks ago or so) I was horrified by the f**cked combat mechanics.
Well, whatever. I'm just a waiting in teh wings to see what comes around (some freinds told me LOTR wasnt impressive either, and I was highly dissapointed with DDO). I'm just tired of people posting in other topics and stating that Vanguard will detroy everything....it's a load of BS and it should stay on their forums.
I just came here looking for people's impressions of EOF, that's all.
Who cares. And it's my topic, I can say whatever I want. In fact, I can express myself any way I want anywhere. We live in a free society my friend.
As for Vanguard, the game has everything I would put into an online RPG if I was designing it myself. No zones/huge world, awesome player housing features, super character creation customization, endless clothing options, player boats/massive sea travel, flying mounts, endless types of player mounts, being able to teach mounts commands, player driven economy/interdependence, player designed weapons, armor and clothing, a world that the comminity shapes, a serious fear of death, tons of real RPG elements - I could go on and on. It is a true RPG, perhaps the first REAL online RPG ever created.
And for the record, the game is NOT Everquest, the design takes the best from all previous games and improves upon it. They have mentioned that many design ideas for Vanguard have come from Star Wars Galaxies, DAoC, etc. (As well as games like D&D.), not just EQ1.
I can tell your a negatve soul, so why would I care much about your silly comments? EverQuest II is fine for what it is, but I'm of the opinion that it could have been more immersive and RPG-like. Not here to TELL folks what to think and act all high and mighty like my opinion is the only one that counts (like you seem to enjoy doing).
And you betray your extreem lack of knowledge (and maturity...) about Vanguard with comments like "But just keep in mind that anything from SOE is pretty much half-assed...." If you were in-the-know you'd know that SOE has zero imput into it's design.
And if you beta tested the game like you 'claim,' what of the Non-Disclosure Agreement? Why would I take to heart the opinions of someone who just displayed to all that they are a dishonest person? Not that I believe you for a second, or even care.
'Nuff said. [give me all your little hatreds]
I miss the good ol' days when nerds were actually intelligent.
Unfortunately Vanguard is Brads baby and theres the rub. Brad likes hardcore. Brads idea of hardcore is 'how can we get people to sink 1000's of hours into the same repetative task'. imvho much of what is wrong in 'the industry' can be directly attributed to Brad and EQI. Grinding, camping for x,y,z etc. all taken to the extreme by Brads baby. Of course really EQI's success was being in the right place at the right time. And the cutting edge graphics of course. But sadly, so much was removed that was good in things like UO and the muds that it was based on. Even sader designers and publishers have been trying to emulate this watered down grindy campfest formula ever since - hoping for the same comercial success.
On the upside I think we are on the threshold of a new era but I dont think Vanguard is going to be its vanguard.
couldnt disagree more. youre entitled to your opinion, but i strongly disagree. Brad's ideas are not the "how can we get people to sink 1000's of hours into the same repetative task", and if thats what you think, then youre not going to enjoy anything that is currently on the market, man. No, what Brad and for that matter, alot of devs and game designers are trying to come up with is immersion. they dont always nail it, but that is the goal. when you have millions of people that have played EQ1 for literally 5+ yrs, you cant say that he did it wrong. maybe you didnt quite enjoy it as much as the next guy, but it obviously worked for someone, eh? now this is where Vanguard comes into play. people (meself included), have been complaining for a couple of yrs now that the current model of MMO is too kiddish and non-immersive. some blame WOW, some blame EQII, but all agree that the games are too easy and without risk. personnally, i like that in FFXI, if you dont have a White mage lvl 35 or above or a good friend that is WM 35 or above, that youre choices of travel are limited to chocobo or on foot. i like the fact that it takes you (on foot) about an hour to get from Bastok to Windurst. (travel + boat ride) it makes me feel like im actually apart of a real "world", and not a game. see, nowadays, in these type of games, everyone, even lvl 1s can fast travel. shoot, in the game Knight Online, you type /town and youre instantly teleported to the town. omg, how do you get the sense of reality in that. no traveling, no risks, no rewards to speak of. back to FFXI, i remember the first time i walked from Windurst to Jueno at lvl 18. anyone that has ever played the game, knows what im talking about. see, in that game the mobs are somewhat inteligent, they dont just stand in the zone and stare at the sky doing nothing. they move around and go about their everyday thing. you have some of them that are aggroed by line of sight, some by smell, some by sound, and some by combos of the three. so walking thru some of the zones can be very dangerous. me point is this, when you feel like something takes more planning and work, your sense of accomplishment is greater. the first time i stepped foot in Jueno, i felt like a god (lvl 18 mind you). and like i had actually done something. it was exciting. thats what i want in a game, and thats what Brad's goal and any good game designer's goal in these games is. to bring it alive. no, it wont be everyones favorite game. im sure that by now youve learned that pleasing everyone is impossible. but there are already an abundance of "easy travel" games out there. im looking forward to grabbing me dragon and riding it across the continent for an hour or two, feeling like im actually in the game world. not just "playing a game".
btw, i know someone is going to point this out, so im going to beat you to it, in FFXI there is also a spell called "warp" that a black mage can get at like lvl 35 that instantly teleports you to your homepoint (a set respawn point), and then there are the airships. but i would also point out that only black mages have this spell and only at lvl 35 and above. and the airship you can only ride if your national rank is 5 or above (thats alot of quests). and even that airship only travels to the towns.