w00h000 what i have been waiting for ages is finally here. IMHO i do not see one problem with any of the updates that are coming or busy being deployed. What do you all think? what are your feelings? what do you like / dislike?
What are you looking forward to doing to you battleships / cruisers???
New Hp boost for all ships - finally recon ships wont be insta popped by other cruisers.
New tier 3 Bs's and tier 3 BC's - wohoo I no longer have to look at the stinkin Ferox... unsymmetrical ugly POS
New boost for new players - this is going to help bring new players to the game and actually dump them in decent ships - I mean 5 days for mech 5 and everysingle one of these new players can fly an Assault Frigate with decent skills.
New graphic update is to be released next year...
"Just because there are other colours to use in chat does not mean you have to use them..." - Please follow
Scheduled for 0200 GMT 29/11/06 to be back up.
I like invention. It means that the prices of t2 stuff is going to come down.
Also like the new ships.
Dislike the new scanning system and warp to zero.
Also don't like the way that Eve is being dumbed down. I know that as Eve gets bigger there are going to be more thick people playing, but I don't think that the game should be aimed at them.
Though the t2 gear price dive will finally make it worthwhile to buy t2 caldarian ships again.
"Just because there are other colours to use in chat does not mean you have to use them..." - Please follow
Personally im looking forward to Revelations, im glad we can finally warp to zero as making bm's was a pain in the butt! Not sure about the other upgrades, will have to wait and see, but I have really bad EVE withdrawl symptoms
Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
Final Fantasy 7
Ouch, that's harsh.
Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
Final Fantasy 7
You could always jump on sisi, head to FD-MLJ (lag city) and test out the new ships, rigs, and the new setups they make possible, grab some friends and head to one of the pvp free for all beacons
Btw... I Hurricane! 7:1 k/d ratio with a group of friends in FFA1. Great fun. Tanked a rokh and abaddon simultaneously with dual rep setup. 4,391 m/s with speed setup
Looking forward to the Hurricane.
Hate to pop any balloons here, but after previous significant patches it's generally been close to another week before the game was really playable. There are just too many bugs right after a patch.
And this is no ordinary patch. With this many changes in the game, be prepared for a suboptimal gaming experience for a good while after the servers come up.
I hope I'm wrong about this, and it goes more smoothly this time.
Test Server FTW
As a bonus I get to play with all the new toys while I wait for Tranq to be up
"A ship-of-war is the best ambassador." - Oliver Cromwell
Is this an assumption?
He's assuming the worst, of course. Odds are things will run longer than planned and servers won't be up till some time tomorrow most likely. And things will likely be upsy-downsy for the next few days after that if this patch runs anything like prior ones. Though the last patch was pretty smooth other than a minor DB glitch that was fixed in under 4 hours.
So this could run long or they could finish early. It could have stability issues all week or it could go smooth as sillk.
Best plan on patch day(week) is to plan for the worst and hope for the best and expect something somewhere in between.
"A ship-of-war is the best ambassador." - Oliver Cromwell
It won't be "down" for a week, but there might be some bugs or minor issues for a while. It's suggest to keep long skill training set in case something happens and you can't log in to change a skill, but by all means play once the servers come up later today.
Sheesh. Please read my post again. I never said anything about "down for a week". What I did say was that there is a real possibility that for a week (or longer) after the patch, many parts of the game won't work correctly. That has indeed been the pattern for many patches in the past. And this patch is bigger, with more changes to basic game mechanics, than many past patches have been. Depending upon how much doesn't work, and whether/if there are unexpected downtimes/crashes, the gameplay experience may not be what it should be for days/weeks following the patch. Again, I never said "down for a week" and I certainly don't expect that to happen.
Actually they had considered it but decided not to implement it. At least not at this time. Whether it ever gets put back on the table is anyone's guess. Warp to 0 is counter balanced by the WCS changes.
"A ship-of-war is the best ambassador." - Oliver Cromwell
Its coming up in a mater of hours, reason being they said 24hours! The are going to give the players a few hours to change there skills Then then are going to going to shut it off to do final touchs.
Still, hopefully it will work out well.
From a ganking point-of-view they shouldn't have implemented it, because now it'll be more difficult to defend your territory. I was never a fan of pirates gate camping but it's something you get used to, learn to deal with and work around and i liked having to be cautious and smart about where i flew my hauler, containing important contents - it gave reality to the game.
for the last couple hours hoping that maybe they finished early. I
think everything in the update is great for the game and the
community.Of course a lot of "undesirables" might find their way into
our beloved game but I dont see how this will really change a whole lot
considering the Free Trial with no Credit Card requirement has been in
effect for how long now?
I don't think Revelations will be quite as bad as say... RMR. Since RMR, they've upgraded to the super hamsters providing much improved performance, as well as implemented the dragon code for increased efficiency. They've also found and fixed various bugs and defficiencies that plagued RMR in various patches since then. Kali has a LOT of new features and changes I give you that. More than any other patch I've experienced. I wouldn't be surprised if it was another 5 hours after the ETA of Kali that the server actually goes up and even then I would expect less than average server performance and unscheduled reboots/crashes for the next 2 days. After that, everything will be cleared up.
As far as warp to 0 goes. I think this was the smartest move they've made for this patch and its not because I think it should be easier to slip past gate camps. I live for pvp. My corp has just moved 1 jump away from 0.0. (We used to live in 0.0 in another region but are looking for more targets). I roam about and gate camp alike nearly every day and have been doing so for the last 6 or 7 months. I will tell you from my experience that most combat does not happen going to a gate (unless there's a bubble) but rather jumping through a gate and geting caught on the other side. Most smart people that fly through 0.0 have instas anyway so making warp to 0 doesn't change what they can do much. Sure, it gives people who didn't use instas in 0.0 or low sec the power of instas but, instas have been made available to them already. Its their fault if they choose not to use them and get blown up going to a gate.
However, this does wonders for server load. With people not needing instas anymore, this reduces the ammount of bm creation, usage, and copying significantly which will improve server performance which is the number 1 priority on most people's minds when it comes to additions/modifications to eve. "Fix the lag!!1one". Not to say there won't be any lag but there will be much less from the server processing bms as the majority of bms are instas.
I have to agree with you. Warp to 0 will save time and help retain players. Thoes players stay, gain skills, joing corps, and help diversify EVE as a whole. This is my THIRD time trying EVE. Each time I was lured in by the amazing graphics. But the time it took to get my neubie frig to the jump gate or astroid field or starbase was painful at best and the #1 reason for leaving the game twice before.
THIS time hoever I got invested in my character. And thank god for the new character generator! They walk you through, step by step!
I think people will have a better understanding of the choices they are making.
Question: Have they upgraded the planet textures? I was flying around last night and was amazed at the planets.