Originally posted by methane47 Originally posted by Draenor Wow are you serious? first of all, if they began to pay the immigrants "over the table" then their wages would remain the same, they would just be taxed, much like people already making minimum wage. And they aren't "probably" exempt from taxes, it's that the government has no way to tax them, because they aren't citizens. And how exactly is a bunch of people paying taxes going to cause america to have less money? You think that they will end up getting more money back from the government than they paid in ? HAH Prices wouldn't go up, because they wouldn't have to pay them any more than they are being paid right now...tell me why exactly they would be forced to pay them more? If they are already being paid minimum wage, what need would there be to raise their wages simply because they are now being taxes like everybody else?
Uh yeah... Business dont pay people under the table to be nice... They pay them under the table because it's cheaper... tHey can pay them less... Hence why it's illegal... You can't pay people less than min wage because then they can sue... and you would have to pay fines and all kinds of stuff
Paying under the table is illegal, because you are skipping out on taxes. Dosent matter how much they are paying them, paying under the table is illegal no matter what amount. If the employer was to pay the illegal regularly, the government would see the person is not a US citizen, and the employer would be screwed. He/she is not going to screw himself over for the benifit of some stranger.
Also, I was talking about income tax, not sales tax. There is a big....big difference.
"There's no star system Slave I can't reach, and there's no planet I can't find. There's nowhere in the Galaxy for you to run. Might as well give up now." Boba Fett
Originally posted by Spathotan Paying under the table is illegal, because you are skipping out on taxes. Dosent matter how much they are paying them, paying under the table is illegal no matter what amount. If the employer was to pay the illegal regularly, the government would see the person is not a US citizen, and the employer would be screwed. He/she is not going to screw himself over for the benifit of some stranger.
Also, I was talking about income tax, not sales tax. There is a big....big difference.
I know you were... But it's not like they skip out on all taxes only income tax... Hey I understand illegal immigration is a problem america is having... But i dont think the solution is as simple as saying Send them all back to where they came from... If you really look at it America would suffer from a descision like that.. not for ever... but economy would take a huge hit... I think a solution needs to be made... Maybe something along the lines as the wall they want to build... and then making the legalization process easier.... I dont know...
What's your Wu Name? Donovan --> Wu Name = Violent Knight Methane47 --> Wu Name = Thunderous Leader "Some people call me the walking plank, 'cuz any where you go... Death is right behind you.." <i>ME<i>
Originally posted by methane47 Originally posted by Spathotan Paying under the table is illegal, because you are skipping out on taxes. Dosent matter how much they are paying them, paying under the table is illegal no matter what amount. If the employer was to pay the illegal regularly, the government would see the person is not a US citizen, and the employer would be screwed. He/she is not going to screw himself over for the benifit of some stranger.
Also, I was talking about income tax, not sales tax. There is a big....big difference.
I know you were... But it's not like they skip out on all taxes only income tax... Hey I understand illegal immigration is a problem america is having... But i dont think the solution is as simple as saying Send them all back to where they came from... If you really look at it America would suffer from a descision like that.. not for ever... but economy would take a huge hit... I think a solution needs to be made... Maybe something along the lines as the wall they want to build... and then making the legalization process easier.... I dont know... Sending them all back isnt even an option, since its to late. What needs to be done is, a program or something needs to be started to get all of the illegals caught up and proficent in English, our culture and espically our laws. Then after they show good marks in every category, grant them citizenship.
Its not a hard process, the problem is our government is to lazy and cheap to do it.
"There's no star system Slave I can't reach, and there's no planet I can't find. There's nowhere in the Galaxy for you to run. Might as well give up now." Boba Fett
Originally posted by Spathotan I always figured the "illegal" part of their title would be enough to kick them the hell out of our (the US) country. But I guess this place is getting short on bright people.
what is your master plan for kicking a few million Mexicans back across the border?
Originally posted by Spathotan This is what is happeneing here, but the opposite. Spanish is now a required class to take in elementary schools, and these illegal immigrants are being allowed to just live wherever and do whatever without worry. They are taking over this country. Theyve already got the job market locked down almost, now they are hitting education and our government is making children learn their language.
GoD dAm those illegal aliens.. Now Its' SOOO hard for me to find a job i love because they already have The garbage men/gardeners Job market locked down...
Thats' why the job market is so rough for me and my friends who go/went to college... All those mexicans have taken up all our prospective jobs..
If you don't think that there are Americans and legal aliens who work entry level jobs because they didn't go to college then you are naive.
Originally posted by Draenor It's not that I think that illegal immigrants are taking jobs that Americans really want, but it hurts our economy to have so many people working and being paid under the table...in addition to requiring extra programs and tax money to accomidate their unwillingness to assimilate into our society.
Yeah I can't wait till America starts paying immigrants over the table... So that the can get PAID more than they do now... AND since they probably are exempt from taxes... They can start filing for all their taxes back... Great idea... I can't wait so that america can have less money... And another good thing... since companies would have to pay them more... Prices for items would go UP!! I CAN"T WAIT!!!
Ahh so the truth is you do acknowledge the problem of lower wages impacting the entry level job market, but because you are selfish and want to save a couple dollars on less expensive goods, and you of course have a job which is unaffected by the illegals who are exploited, you don't care. Thanks for being honest, at first I thought you were one of those misguided liberals who think they are promoting some higher just cause.
Most economists and financial planners disagree with you. They say it's important to set a minimum value for work that matches the cost of living of the region. Current minimum wages are a joke and even the proposed federal increase by the Democrats is too little too late. $7.25 an hour by 2009 is not a living wage for most parts of the United States, unless of course you want to live as an illegal, cramming many persons in a living space designed for a few persons, and relying on emergency rooms as your provider of health care.
The market controls how much consumers are willing to bear in increased costs, and it has little to do with an increase in minimum wage, except that salaries across the board should increase slightly, thus giving everyone more expendable income.
You are misrepresenting what most economists say about the minimum wage. They aren't saying that this increase is needed, they are saying that a minimum wage in general is needed. Which I agree with. Lilith is right about this one, and anyway, the minimum wage isn't intended as a living wage...it's there to protect people who are just starting to get into the job market, namely teenagers and those who have just come to this country and don't have a high enough education for a "real" job.
Your argument is like a two legged dog with an eating disorder...weak and unbalanced.
Your condescending attitude that low paying jobs are not "real" jobs, speaks volumes. Many of these lower paying jobs require hard backbreaking work, something I doubt you are familiar with. It's easy to say minimum wages are not meant to be living wages when you have a higher education and aren't dependent on the entry level job market. American teenagers don't usually work entry level jobs these days because Mommy and Daddy suckle them thru college.
Originally posted by Draenor I find it absurd that they can require that all children learn to speak a foreign language, I know that almost all Europeans speak multiple language, but that's a geographical thing, over in America, there is really no need for it, except for lazy Mexicans who don't want to learn English when they come HERE...it's so backwards.
Originally posted by LilithIshtar You do realize that raising the miminum wage is one of the stupidest thing anyone can do.
Sure, it's great in the short run. People will be able to afford things alittle better. BUT ONLY for a few years, maybe less.
Because than, the price in housing, products and everything else will go up, take make up for the raised wage.
Sadly, this is one mistake the Democrats are blind too, though I wish they were not. -sighs.-
Inflation goes on anyways, can't really stop it.
--When you resubscribe to SWG, an 18 yearold Stripper finds Jesus, gives up stripping, and moves with a rolex reverend to Hawaii. --In MMORPG's l007 is the opiate of the masses. --The absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence! --CCP could cut off an Eve player's fun bits, and that player would say that it was good CCP did that.
Well since our country currently has the "invade for peace" thing goin on for it, why don't we just send some troops down to Mexico and magically make it a better place to live so they don't feel obligated to sneak into our country?
I'm not racist, but illegals are bad every way and I would love to see a mass exodus of them out of our country.
People say they work the jobs Americans don't want, true, but only because they stole those jobs from Americans who were perfectly happy with them, and then lowered the wages for those jobs to the point where "only a mexican would do that for that pay".
The don't pay taxes.
They raise healthcare costs for all americans.
The government spends a lot of money and resources fighting illegals and controlling them.
They create crime.
Bleh, you get the point.
What greater tribute to free will than the power to question the highest of authority? What greater display of loyalty than blind faith? What greater gift than free will? What greater love than loyalty?
I think the best solution to this problem would be to enforce very strict penalties on employers for hiring illegal immigrants. If they can't work, they have no reason to be in this country, problem solved...
Originally posted by Awakened I'm not racist, but illegals are bad every way and I would love to see a mass exodus of them out of our country. People say they work the jobs Americans don't want, true, but only because they stole those jobs from Americans who were perfectly happy with them, and then lowered the wages for those jobs to the point where "only a mexican would do that for that pay". THEY STOLE OUR JOBS!!!! LOL get over yourself pal The don't pay taxes.Yeah they do... Sales tax They raise healthcare costs for all americans.How? by having to pay cash for all their healthcare needs? The government spends a lot of money and resources fighting illegals and controlling them.Government spends alot of money doing alot of things... Actually you can say that Illegals in the country has CREATED jobs for americans.. They create crime.Because Americans dont commit crime? Bleh, you get the point.
What's your Wu Name? Donovan --> Wu Name = Violent Knight Methane47 --> Wu Name = Thunderous Leader "Some people call me the walking plank, 'cuz any where you go... Death is right behind you.." <i>ME<i>
They raise healthcare costs for all americans. How? by having to pay cash for all their healthcare needs?
Uhh.. yeah right. They don't pay anything. Emergency rooms have to provide free health care wether you can pay for it or not and guess who picks up the tab for those unpaid costs? That's right, Americans and legal aliens who have insurance and pay higher premiums and fees at hospitals to cover the slacker illegals.
You can google the topic of the plight of emergency rooms and hospitals that have had to close them because of so many persons legal and illegal who can't pay their bills.
There was this infamous case of a Mexican girl who came to the US illegally with her parents because she needed a heart transplant, but her country would not give her one because she could not afford it. Well she got one for free in the US, I think it was somewhere in North Carolina, and they screwed up her operation by mistyping her blood type so she ended up dying. Then her parents sued the hospital and doctors for a huge amount of money. She had no business being here and getting a free operation on taxpayers backs in the first place. Only in America is this kind of abuse possible.
"We feel gold selling and websites that promote it damage games like Vanguard and will do everything possible to combat it." Brad McQuaid Chairman & CEO, Sigil Games Online, Inc. Executive Producer, Vanguard: Saga of Heroes www.vanguardsoh
Originally posted by Awakened I'm not racist, but illegals are bad every way and I would love to see a mass exodus of them out of our country. People say they work the jobs Americans don't want, true, but only because they stole those jobs from Americans who were perfectly happy with them, and then lowered the wages for those jobs to the point where "only a mexican would do that for that pay". THEY STOLE OUR JOBS!!!! LOL get over yourself pal True they are only really stealing jobs no one wants to do so no problems here other then its all being done illegally
The don't pay taxes.s Yeah they do... Sales tax
Some states don't have sales tax on all items and I am sorry sales tax doesn't count for that much of tax's I would love to only have to pay sales tax They raise healthcare costs for all americans. How? by having to pay cash for all their healthcare needs? My wife works in adminstration at a hosptial she was telling me how like 90% of the unpaid bills are due to illegal immigrants and due to them no paying bill that does get passed to the general public
The government spends a lot of money and resources fighting illegals and controlling them. Government spends alot of money doing alot of things... Actually you can say that Illegals in the country has CREATED jobs for americans.. The goverment spends lots of money doing a lot of things I don't understand how this is a retort. I think instead of spending so much money fighting immigration we need to spend it helping them become legal citizens
They create crime. Because Americans dont commit crime? Where I live most the crime is commited by illegal immgrants now where I live has very little crime but there biggest offense is driving illegaly and with no insurance which is a huge problem due to fact if they get into an accident costs person they hit a lot of money
Originally posted by Mizab Originally posted by Awakened People say they work the jobs Americans don't want, true, but only because they stole those jobs from Americans who were perfectly happy with them, and then lowered the wages for those jobs to the point where "only a mexican would do that for that pay". THEY STOLE OUR JOBS!!!! LOL get over yourself pal True they are only really stealing jobs no one wants to do so no problems here other then its all being done illegally
This is the main untruth I keep hearing Liberals spewing in defense of illegals.
Awakened is correct. These aren't jobs that Americans don't want, they are jobs that Americans don't want at below cost of living wages. Big difference.
The way the free market is supposed to work is, if an employer can't find someone to take a job, they have to offer higher wages and benefits to attract someone to fill that position. When you allow illegals and ringers from foreign countries to sweep in and accept below standard wages, it destroys the free market system. These foreign laborers are not living at Amercian standards and often are not subject to year round cost of living expenses.
"We feel gold selling and websites that promote it damage games like Vanguard and will do everything possible to combat it." Brad McQuaid Chairman & CEO, Sigil Games Online, Inc. Executive Producer, Vanguard: Saga of Heroes www.vanguardsoh
Excesising the right to assemble in protest (although they seemed to have skipped over the "peacefully" part of that) against what someone has to say (free speech). Think about it.
You know,immigrants (legally or not) are a really tough call. If you try to draw a line, you become judegemental, even prejudicial, in the process.
In a lot of cases, being able to get her "legally" is a problem in itself. If you wanted out of a coffin bad enough, would it matter to you if you needed a permit?
When I saw the woman on TV shot in the head simply because she didn't wear a mask over her face, I really understood why some people want to come here. When I watched documentaries on woman in Iraq and other countries taking anti-depressants and pain killers to stay stoned out of their minds because rape is a daily way of life, and the pills make it less "memorable," I wanted to welcome them to this country.
But sadly, when I watched a plane fly into the WTC, I wanted to seal our borders off and deny anyone the right to come here.
Where do you draw the line and how do you decide who to allow in and who not to? Either way, someone gets hurt. That's what the U.S. is about, giving people a chance...but everyone knows, if you kick a dog long enough, eventually it will bite back
Methane, please stop saying that they pay taxes because of the fact that they pay sales tax...it's laughable that you think that it qualifies. Everyone knows that state, local, and federal income taxes are what matter, some states don't even have sales tax.
Your argument is like a two legged dog with an eating disorder...weak and unbalanced.
Originally posted by Mizab Originally posted by Awakened People say they work the jobs Americans don't want, true, but only because they stole those jobs from Americans who were perfectly happy with them, and then lowered the wages for those jobs to the point where "only a mexican would do that for that pay". THEY STOLE OUR JOBS!!!! LOL get over yourself pal True they are only really stealing jobs no one wants to do so no problems here other then its all being done illegally
This is the main untruth I keep hearing Liberals spewing in defense of illegals.
Awakened is correct. These aren't jobs that Americans don't want, they are jobs that Americans don't want at below cost of living wages. Big difference.
The way the free market is supposed to work is, if an employer can't find someone to take a job, they have to offer higher wages and benefits to attract someone to fill that position. When you allow illegals and ringers from foreign countries to sweep in and accept below standard wages, it destroys the free market system. These foreign laborers are not living at Amercian standards and often are not subject to year round cost of living expenses.
Ah sorry I just assumed it was same all over country where I am from illegals generaly do jobs no one else wants to do like asphault concrete and other crap constrution jobs. They almost always are just the guys carrying stuff for other people or just shoveling so I really don't think anyone wants those jobs.
If you were born in the US you are know a subcitizen. I say this for a couple reasons. I cannot commit fraud (using anothers SS# and get benefits I did not earn) This is happening daily, the latest was a 25 year old who was audited and asked to pay the medicare of the illegals that stole his SS#. They told him he was young and could make up the loss of credits that thew illegal had taken in benefits from the US government. So this poor kid not only is paying but now paying twice as much for anothers fraud. In California most do not know that back in March the Govenator signed a bill that authorizes elective surgery for illegal aliens free of charge. They benefit while i get to pay. Meanwhile I know of a case where kaiser dropped a new patient after the surgery saying that they had a pre-existing condition and now this 19 year old kid owes 27k in doctor bills. Oh ya, you cannot go bankrupt on medical bills. Why the double standard? I would rather my money go to the kid who had health insurance only to have it revoked when he tried using it.
Paying under the table is illegal, because you are skipping out on taxes. Dosent matter how much they are paying them, paying under the table is illegal no matter what amount. If the employer was to pay the illegal regularly, the government would see the person is not a US citizen, and the employer would be screwed. He/she is not going to screw himself over for the benifit of some stranger.
Also, I was talking about income tax, not sales tax. There is a big....big difference.
"There's no star system Slave I can't reach, and there's no planet I can't find. There's nowhere in the Galaxy for you to run. Might as well give up now."
Boba Fett
I know you were... But it's not like they skip out on all taxes only income tax...
Hey I understand illegal immigration is a problem america is having... But i dont think the solution is as simple as saying Send them all back to where they came from... If you really look at it America would suffer from a descision like that.. not for ever... but economy would take a huge hit... I think a solution needs to be made... Maybe something along the lines as the wall they want to build... and then making the legalization process easier.... I dont know...
What's your Wu Name?
Donovan --> Wu Name = Violent Knight
Methane47 --> Wu Name = Thunderous Leader
"Some people call me the walking plank, 'cuz any where you go... Death is right behind you.."
I know you were... But it's not like they skip out on all taxes only income tax...
Hey I understand illegal immigration is a problem america is having... But i dont think the solution is as simple as saying Send them all back to where they came from... If you really look at it America would suffer from a descision like that.. not for ever... but economy would take a huge hit... I think a solution needs to be made... Maybe something along the lines as the wall they want to build... and then making the legalization process easier.... I dont know...
Sending them all back isnt even an option, since its to late. What needs to be done is, a program or something needs to be started to get all of the illegals caught up and proficent in English, our culture and espically our laws. Then after they show good marks in every category, grant them citizenship.
Its not a hard process, the problem is our government is to lazy and cheap to do it.
"There's no star system Slave I can't reach, and there's no planet I can't find. There's nowhere in the Galaxy for you to run. Might as well give up now."
Boba Fett
what is your master plan for kicking a few million Mexicans back across the border?
how ironic..
Thats' why the job market is so rough for me and my friends who go/went to college... All those mexicans have taken up all our prospective jobs..
If you don't think that there are Americans and legal aliens who work entry level jobs because they didn't go to college then you are naive.
Great idea... I can't wait so that america can have less money...
And another good thing... since companies would have to pay them more... Prices for items would go UP!! I CAN"T WAIT!!!
Ahh so the truth is you do acknowledge the problem of lower wages impacting the entry level job market, but because you are selfish and want to save a couple dollars on less expensive goods, and you of course have a job which is unaffected by the illegals who are exploited, you don't care. Thanks for being honest, at first I thought you were one of those misguided liberals who think they are promoting some higher just cause.
Sure, it's great in the short run. People will be able to afford things alittle better. BUT ONLY for a few years, maybe less.
Because than, the price in housing, products and everything else will go up, take make up for the raised wage.
Sadly, this is one mistake the Democrats are blind too, though I wish they were not. -sighs.-
Independant, Shinto, Lesbian, and Proud!
Most economists and financial planners disagree with you. They say it's important to set a minimum value for work that matches the cost of living of the region. Current minimum wages are a joke and even the proposed federal increase by the Democrats is too little too late. $7.25 an hour by 2009 is not a living wage for most parts of the United States, unless of course you want to live as an illegal, cramming many persons in a living space designed for a few persons, and relying on emergency rooms as your provider of health care.
The market controls how much consumers are willing to bear in increased costs, and it has little to do with an increase in minimum wage, except that salaries across the board should increase slightly, thus giving everyone more expendable income.
Your argument is like a two legged dog with an eating disorder...weak and unbalanced.
Your condescending attitude that low paying jobs are not "real" jobs, speaks volumes. Many of these lower paying jobs require hard backbreaking work, something I doubt you are familiar with. It's easy to say minimum wages are not meant to be living wages when you have a higher education and aren't dependent on the entry level job market. American teenagers don't usually work entry level jobs these days because Mommy and Daddy suckle them thru college.
This is a recent article in Forbes which reinforces the need to raise the minimum wage.
minimum wage
living wage
A wage sufficient to provide minimally satisfactory living conditions. Also called minimum wage.
I want my children to learn less at school too.
Let the age of enlightenment begin.
Inflation goes on anyways, can't really stop it.
--When you resubscribe to SWG, an 18 yearold Stripper finds Jesus, gives up stripping, and moves with a rolex reverend to Hawaii.
--In MMORPG's l007 is the opiate of the masses.
--The absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence!
--CCP could cut off an Eve player's fun bits, and that player would say that it was good CCP did that.
I'm not racist, but illegals are bad every way and I would love to see a mass exodus of them out of our country.
People say they work the jobs Americans don't want, true, but only because they stole those jobs from Americans who were perfectly happy with them, and then lowered the wages for those jobs to the point where "only a mexican would do that for that pay".
The don't pay taxes.
They raise healthcare costs for all americans.
The government spends a lot of money and resources fighting illegals and controlling them.
They create crime.
Bleh, you get the point.
What greater tribute to free will than the power to question the highest of authority? What greater display of loyalty than blind faith? What greater gift than free will? What greater love than loyalty?
What's your Wu Name?
Donovan --> Wu Name = Violent Knight
Methane47 --> Wu Name = Thunderous Leader
"Some people call me the walking plank, 'cuz any where you go... Death is right behind you.."
Uhh.. yeah right. They don't pay anything. Emergency rooms have to provide free health care wether you can pay for it or not and guess who picks up the tab for those unpaid costs? That's right, Americans and legal aliens who have insurance and pay higher premiums and fees at hospitals to cover the slacker illegals.
You can google the topic of the plight of emergency rooms and hospitals that have had to close them because of so many persons legal and illegal who can't pay their bills.
There was this infamous case of a Mexican girl who came to the US illegally with her parents because she needed a heart transplant, but her country would not give her one because she could not afford it. Well she got one for free in the US, I think it was somewhere in North Carolina, and they screwed up her operation by mistyping her blood type so she ended up dying. Then her parents sued the hospital and doctors for a huge amount of money. She had no business being here and getting a free operation on taxpayers backs in the first place. Only in America is this kind of abuse possible.
"We feel gold selling and websites that promote it damage games like Vanguard and will do everything possible to combat it."
Brad McQuaid
Chairman & CEO, Sigil Games Online, Inc.
Executive Producer, Vanguard: Saga of Heroes
I'm not racist, but illegals are bad every way and I would love to see a mass exodus of them out of our country.
People say they work the jobs Americans don't want, true, but only because they stole those jobs from Americans who were perfectly happy with them, and then lowered the wages for those jobs to the point where "only a mexican would do that for that pay".
THEY STOLE OUR JOBS!!!! LOL get over yourself pal
True they are only really stealing jobs no one wants to do so no problems here other then its all being done illegally
The don't pay taxes.s
Yeah they do... Sales tax
Some states don't have sales tax on all items and I am sorry sales tax doesn't count for that much of tax's I would love to only have to pay sales tax
They raise healthcare costs for all americans.
How? by having to pay cash for all their healthcare needs?
My wife works in adminstration at a hosptial she was telling me how like 90% of the unpaid bills are due to illegal immigrants and due to them no paying bill that does get passed to the general public
The government spends a lot of money and resources fighting illegals and controlling them.
Government spends alot of money doing alot of things... Actually you can say that Illegals in the country has CREATED jobs for americans..
The goverment spends lots of money doing a lot of things I don't understand how this is a retort. I think instead of spending so much money fighting immigration we need to spend it helping them become legal citizens
They create crime.
Because Americans dont commit crime?
Where I live most the crime is commited by illegal immgrants now where I live has very little crime but there biggest offense is driving illegaly and with no insurance which is a huge problem due to fact if they get into an accident costs person they hit a lot of money
Bleh, you get the point.
This is the main untruth I keep hearing Liberals spewing in defense of illegals.
Awakened is correct. These aren't jobs that Americans don't want, they are jobs that Americans don't want at below cost of living wages. Big difference.
The way the free market is supposed to work is, if an employer can't find someone to take a job, they have to offer higher wages and benefits to attract someone to fill that position. When you allow illegals and ringers from foreign countries to sweep in and accept below standard wages, it destroys the free market system. These foreign laborers are not living at Amercian standards and often are not subject to year round cost of living expenses.
"We feel gold selling and websites that promote it damage games like Vanguard and will do everything possible to combat it."
Brad McQuaid
Chairman & CEO, Sigil Games Online, Inc.
Executive Producer, Vanguard: Saga of Heroes
Excesising the right to assemble in protest (although they seemed to have skipped over the "peacefully" part of that) against what someone has to say (free speech). Think about it.
You know,immigrants (legally or not) are a really tough call. If you try to draw a line, you become judegemental, even prejudicial, in the process.
In a lot of cases, being able to get her "legally" is a problem in itself. If you wanted out of a coffin bad enough, would it matter to you if you needed a permit?
When I saw the woman on TV shot in the head simply because she didn't wear a mask over her face, I really understood why some people want to come here. When I watched documentaries on woman in Iraq and other countries taking anti-depressants and pain killers to stay stoned out of their minds because rape is a daily way of life, and the pills make it less "memorable," I wanted to welcome them to this country.
But sadly, when I watched a plane fly into the WTC, I wanted to seal our borders off and deny anyone the right to come here.
Where do you draw the line and how do you decide who to allow in and who not to? Either way, someone gets hurt. That's what the U.S. is about, giving people a chance...but everyone knows, if you kick a dog long enough, eventually it will bite back
Your argument is like a two legged dog with an eating disorder...weak and unbalanced.
This is the main untruth I keep hearing Liberals spewing in defense of illegals.
Awakened is correct. These aren't jobs that Americans don't want, they are jobs that Americans don't want at below cost of living wages. Big difference.
The way the free market is supposed to work is, if an employer can't find someone to take a job, they have to offer higher wages and benefits to attract someone to fill that position. When you allow illegals and ringers from foreign countries to sweep in and accept below standard wages, it destroys the free market system. These foreign laborers are not living at Amercian standards and often are not subject to year round cost of living expenses.
Ah sorry I just assumed it was same all over country where I am from illegals generaly do jobs no one else wants to do like asphault concrete and other crap constrution jobs. They almost always are just the guys carrying stuff for other people or just shoveling so I really don't think anyone wants those jobs.
The problem is our government.
If you were born in the US you are know a subcitizen. I say this for a couple reasons. I cannot commit fraud (using anothers SS# and get benefits I did not earn) This is happening daily, the latest was a 25 year old who was audited and asked to pay the medicare of the illegals that stole his SS#. They told him he was young and could make up the loss of credits that thew illegal had taken in benefits from the US government. So this poor kid not only is paying but now paying twice as much for anothers fraud. In California most do not know that back in March the Govenator signed a bill that authorizes elective surgery for illegal aliens free of charge. They benefit while i get to pay. Meanwhile I know of a case where kaiser dropped a new patient after the surgery saying that they had a pre-existing condition and now this 19 year old kid owes 27k in doctor bills. Oh ya, you cannot go bankrupt on medical bills. Why the double standard? I would rather my money go to the kid who had health insurance only to have it revoked when he tried using it.