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Is WOW and EVE the ONLY MMOPRGs on the market?!



  • ManInTheBoxManInTheBox Member Posts: 75

    "I played eve for 6 months.  I gave it a fair try.  I liked the space theme, i liked the physics, i liked the market.  I loved the interface.  The graphics kick ass.  They need to add line of sight to weapons and PVP is a little too all-or-nothing, but for the most part there are many good things to say about it."

    You're oppinions. nothing wrong with those and the only part of your post that doesn't have a counter already in the game at the time you played.

    "Only one problem, and it's a big one: game play.  There is too much waiting.

    Waiting to complete warp.  Waiting for the next system to load.  Waiting to tow into station.  Waiting to leave station.  Waiting for your skills to finish.  Waiting for the market window to load.  Waiting for that BS rat to finally die (this is a big one).  Waiting, waiting, waiting.  I want to click, i want to type.  And when i do i want things to happen.  Occasions in which you interact with the game are sparsely placed between waiting sessions.  In this respect, eve plays kind of like those old animated movie games in which you make decisions at critical intervals in the plot, but otherwise just sit and watch.

    You have to find something else to do while you play the game, and i tried it all.  I tried reading the forums, watching TV, reading books, surfing porn, playing other games in windowed mode, etc, etc, etc. What it came down to was that i always needed something else to do while i played, and with that realization came the inevitable question, "why am i paying for this?"

    So i stopped"

    Eve is not for you. it's not for everyone :)

    1. since kali we have warp to zero(insta warp to within range) of target) = no more wating to come up to gate/station but a single afterburner or mwd took care of this even before kali.

    2. I only leave where i live to pick up new parts or to go out hunting for humans. if you jumped around all that much i have to ask what it was you were doing?

    3. You found what you were doing dull because to put it bluntly you were doing dull things. i mine and produce weapons in .0. if you stop watching your screen for an instant you are a dead man. If you stay in safe waters and never leave the shallow end of corse you will get bored. If you stayed in goldshire in wow you think you would never get bored?

    If all i did all day was mine omber in high sec i'd be bored out of my mind. if all i did all day was shoot at npcs i'd be bored out of my minds.
    But i don't. i chose to live in .0 where you could die in an instant. i get attacked by pirates atleast 5 times during a play session and then go grab my vexor and blow them to hell after i make a narrow escape in my mining cruiser. if you think eve is to slow. if you think it's dull. if you think it's to hard and many others dont seem to be having these problems here's a hint: maybe they know something you don't?

    Eve is free form. eve is not and never will be wow/cs in space. if you find eve dull you are missing something.
    You have the freedom to decide. do you want to be safe and stay in high sec? do you want to risk the voids of the outer rims and deep space? you could do either. the badlands are without a doubt going to be more exciting/profitable because eve is setup as risk vs. reward. 

    :If people never leave high sec and get bored this is not a game flaw- this is your flaw if you wanted excitement and couldn't find it

    :If people fly a ship they can't afford to chance loosing into low sec/.0 and get fuxed this is not a game flaw- This is what you get for ignoring one of the core rules of surviving in eve.

    :If(pre kali) people never figured out what a mwd was and thought the game to slow this is not a game flaw- afterburners and mwd have been in since the start of the game. all it takes is to stick one on your ship and the waiting is gone. if you spent 6 months and never figured this out eve was not ment for you.(post kali) there is warp to zero which was put in to reduce lag and reduce low sec gate camping but the people that were to daft to fit an ab on their ship will benifit as well.

    Eve is not for everyone. and that is why so many people love eve.

    It doesn't score as high or have as many players simply because it's not a "all things to all people" sort of game. as i've said it fills a niche. those that fit in that niche love eve more than anything else. those that don't often hate it just as much.

    High sec: ment for people/corps that are new to the game. also has major trade hubs because it's a safe place to sell

    Low Sec: Ment to act as a buffer zone between high sec and .0. acts as a further training ground as people learn the ropes of eve. higher risk than high sec, higher rewards. this is where people "cut their teeth". you have to start using your head or you end up dead

    .0: The open lawless void of space. this should be the end goal of all but a very few eve players. once you have built up funds and learned you're way around this is where you are ment to go. Out here your wits come into play. sometimes out thinking or out talking people is the only way to save your skin. the risk is wide open as is the reward.

    In low/no sec- you have to use your head. i run a solo mining up in a weaponless cruiser in .0 and i've never once lost a ship. some people will swear to/at you untill they are blue in the face this can't be done. eve is not for those people.

    To do well in eve you have to use your head as much as your guns and this is why so many people just don't get it and leave flaming.

    :If you sit on the shore looking for coins with a metal detector you're not going to find much excitement or much gold. if you buy bigger and bigger metal detectors sure you will find more and more coins but it's never going to get more interesting

    :If you charter a ship to go out to pirate infested international waters and look for a shipwreck you are bound to have a more exciting time than the guy sitting on the shore wondering why his life is dull.

  • XXenXXen Member Posts: 88

        @LeJohn, good Post, really.

        To say about WoW and marketing, when WoW hit two years ago the shelves, it was really biased oferhyped by a     multimillion advertising campaign overloading every magazine with (pseudo) reports and Ads all over the place
        like they invented the wheel new (they didnt actually).
        So i can't get really upset about telling in the main Fora, that theres a vote running, not
        after blizzard spammed my life from two years ago till now (burning crusade, same stupid hype) with
        something i dont want (i plain dont like that fuzzy fantasy setting) and all of you got pissed by
        some little post of a Dev on their forums, to tell the community.
        So i think if a 10 (now some more, around 50) Person Start-Up Compnay can stand againt a hundred million
        shitpile like blizzard (they were used to be good, but atm they're just changing in a second EA) and get
        they're piece of the cake its great.
        On the other side, WoW was and is good for the MMO market, people buy it, because they saw the adverts,
        read some stuff about it, getting pissed, but searching for an alternativ, ending in some other MMO
        and after a few coming to what they like.
        EVE (despite having other theme concept gameplay whatever) just gained on that fact, cause
        player searching deeper find something about it, or other games (i personally came directly to EVE, cause i         searched a multiplayer alternativ for X-Tension, started later then to play other MMOs or at least, trial them)
        and start to subscribe those underdog games they like and which have most times a really nearly familiar             Community.

  • McgreagMcgreag Member UncommonPosts: 495

    Originally posted by Pride7

    1. The idea that WOW has plateaued is only your Eve fanboi wishful thinking. They continue to dominate the NPD Top Ten Selling Games list and will have a huge bump when Burning Crusades comes out.
    2. Speaking of the Eve fanboi wishful thinking - I just had to laugh at your counting of Beta Accounts in China.
    3. The only place with any data to support subscription arguments is which shows Eve has having less players than EverQuest, SWG, and COH/COV. Sorry if I tend to believe research over fanboi ramblings.

    Wasn't there some news or fairly well backed up post here not long ago that claimed wow had lost something like 450k customers in the US in the last year? They are still growing in china but seems to have topped of in the west.

    Eve been out of beta in china for a while now, the numbers are not so good atm. The max simultaneously players online has been dropping constantly since release. Seems to have flopped there but it will be a few more months before we can really say for sure.

    As for mmogchart the latest update was in july, since then eve has increased to almost the level swg/eq2/cox was shown to have at the time. And in that graph all those game where fairly rapidly loosing subscribers. If they have managed to stop the fall they might still be above eve but if it has continued to drop at the same speed they will all have less. Guess we will see in the next big update.

    "Memories are meant to fade. They're designed that way for a reason."

  • isurusisurus Member Posts: 396

    I'm sorry but 0.0 isn't that exiting.  You make it sound like you're always fighting for your life and that is misleading.  

    Pvp in eve is all about picking your fights.  Local is your shield and the scanner is your sword.  And like i said it is all-or-nothing.  If shots get fired then the  battle is already over and someone gets to spend the next x hours flying all over the region replacing his fit.  

    Blob on blob combat may be different but i wouldn't know.  

    Kali brought 0km warp but i had instas.  I made instas everywhere i went.  I spent probably half of my time on the fringes of 0.0 (.1 to .3) and half in high high sec (.8 or so).  Lowsec was funbut eventually i got sick of losing ships and not making any meaningful profit so i "retired" to a raven in high sec and farmed lv4 missions until i was bored out of my mind.  

    I couldn't tear myself away from it because the ISK was so good and no one was sending me off on a galactic shopping spree to replace my fit every day.  But by the time i pimped out my raven and saved up a few hundred mil, i had subbed to DDO which i played on one monitor while my raven killed BS spawns on the other.  Every once in a while i would click my shield booster or select a new BS to kill, but for the most part i just ignored it and played DDO.  

    And believe it or not DDO actually kept my attention (despite all the bad things i say about it on this forum).  I cancelled my eve sub and don't really miss it. 


  • ManInTheBoxManInTheBox Member Posts: 75

    "I'm sorry but 0.0 isn't that exiting.  You make it sound like you're always fighting for your life and that is misleading."

    Maybe you found a more peacfull spot than i did :)  i'm in the middle of a .0 highway. most risk most reward :)

    "Pvp in eve is all about picking your fights.  Local is your shield and the scanner is your sword.  And like i said it is all-or-nothing.  If shots get fired then the  battle is already over and someone gets to spend the next x hours flying all over the region replacing his fit."

    Kind of hard to pick your fights when you are mining with no guns? also always picking easy targets may be another reason you found eve dull :)  

    "Blob on blob combat may be different but i wouldn't know."

    *shrug* avoiding blob is why i do this alone :)  

    "Kali brought 0km warp but i had instas.  I made instas everywhere i went.  I spent probably half of my time on the fringes of 0.0 (.1 to .3) and half in high high sec (.8 or so).  Lowsec was funbut eventually i got sick of losing ships and not making any meaningful profit so i "retired" to a raven in high sec and farmed lv4 missions until i was bored out of my mind."

    All that combat that never happens to much for you?
    "Low sec was fun"
    weee it's nice not being on the beach

    "Kali brought 0km warp but i had instas.  I made instas everywhere i went."

    yah those 3 seconds to warp must of been terribly slow for you

    While i do enjoy the thrill of combat more than anything else in eve i'm currently producing weapons and selling them in low sec because i just had to see if i could take down that bc lol. i learned what my ship could do and that's why i attacked him. i'll work out here for a while then i'll be right back to swarming people with angry bees >:)

    "I couldn't tear myself away from it because the ISK was so good and no one was sending me off on a galactic shopping spree to replace my fit every day.  But by the time i pimped out my raven and saved up a few hundred mil, i had subbed to DDO which i played on one monitor while my raven killed BS spawns on the other.  Every once in a while i would click my shield booster or select a new BS to kill, but for the most part i just ignored it and played DDO."

    Metal detector on the beach  

    "And believe it or not DDO actually kept my attention (despite all the bad things i say about it on this forum).  I cancelled my eve sub and don't really miss it."

    you enjoy ddo more. i respect that. However the post i replied to had many things stated about eve that are simply false. once those are gone we will have nothing further to discuss and i'll leave you to your game. i hated ddo online for my own reasons but i don't go around putting up false statements about it's gameplay.

    1. It's not slow to get around even less so with kali

    2. it's fun if you move off the beach(you just said as much)

    3. you enjoy ddo more and i respect that

    4. in low/no sec scanner+local ftw ;)

    5. if you are staying in one system mining i admit there isn't constant danger but if i wanted a fight i could find one within a few mins and they often find me.

    6. more or less money can be made in .0 depending on the losses you take. i cant afford my fittings due to my own stupidity so i spend my days happily building up a fortune selling things out here for atleast double the price they go for in empire.

    The reasons for 6 are two fold
    1. people would rather not jump all over the place to refit or resupply and will pay more to avoid hassle
    2. traders are afraid of the outer rims because of all the killing but the killing jacks demand through the roof creating very high demand and very low supply.
    Those two things together = isk for me :) there is great risk but at the same time i make killing :)

  • BrainyBrainy Member EpicPosts: 2,238

    The real problem with this Award the way it is currently.  Is that it is absolutely meaningless and conveys almost no information.  The only real thing that actually can be gained by its result is, that EVE Dev's felt the Award was useful enough to give it attention on its News Site and Forums.

    What should have happened, is that once the voting began, no new person should have been allowed to vote.  At least then, the Award could have had some value too its result.  You could then say, the community voters likes xxxx game.

    The way it is now thou, you cant even say this sites community likes the winner more.  Because EVE is directing people here from its main site, to sign up for 1 day and vote.  These customers probably dont even read the forums 1 time.  Just come here vote for thier game, probably fill out the user game review for EVE and leave.

    The problem with this thread is that some people in it actually believe the AWARD is meaningful, and that it really shows which is the best game, and refuse to admit the bias involved makes a huge impact.

  • BrainyBrainy Member EpicPosts: 2,238

    Originally posted by Mcgreag

    Wasn't there some news or fairly well backed up post here not long ago that claimed wow had lost something like 450k customers in the US in the last year? They are still growing in china but seems to have topped of in the west.

    I would like to see some evidence of this.  Because I surely dont see how that could be possible.

    They have added like 30+ USA servers this year.  And have added servers as recently as 3 months ago.  Additionally they have a top #20 ranked game on amazon.  They are also selling original WoW top 100 at amazon and WoW is still on the shelves at most game stores.  With Xmas any game on the shelf will sell like crazy.  Also when games release a big XPAC they have a spike in customers.

    Why would a game that is losing 25% of its customer base per year add 30 servers each holding 10k+ accounts each?

    Something tells me your information is wrong.  Maybe they are losing in a different country but in USA they are expanding around 300k to 600k accounts from all indications.

  • paulscottpaulscott Member Posts: 5,613
    unfourtantly long posts don't prove anything, otherwise eve would be #1.  sure achievement is good and all but I want to enjoy my free time.  yes I've been through the trial and yes I can see how eve can be likeable to some people.  

    I find it amazing that by 2020 first world countries will be competing to get immigrants.

  • Pride7Pride7 Member Posts: 289

    Originally posted by Brainy

    Originally posted by Mcgreag

    Wasn't there some news or fairly well backed up post here not long ago that claimed wow had lost something like 450k customers in the US in the last year? They are still growing in china but seems to have topped of in the west.

    I would like to see some evidence of this.  Because I surely dont see how that could be possible.

    They have added like 30+ USA servers this year.  And have added servers as recently as 3 months ago.  Additionally they have a top #20 ranked game on amazon.  They are also selling original WoW top 100 at amazon and WoW is still on the shelves at most game stores.  With Xmas any game on the shelf will sell like crazy.  Also when games release a big XPAC they have a spike in customers.

    Why would a game that is losing 25% of its customer base per year add 30 servers each holding 10k+ accounts each?

    Something tells me your information is wrong.  Maybe they are losing in a different country but in USA they are expanding around 300k to 600k accounts from all indications.

    Look at all the TV ads WOW is now running as well in the US.  TV ads increase sales and more sales equal more subs.  There is no evidence that WOW has topped off in the west just more speculation.
  • cakemikzcakemikz Member Posts: 1

    I didnt want to read through this entire thread, since it seems to be mostly the same thing on every page anyways, but I thought I would drop my opinion on the two games most prevelant in the voting.

    I will try to just give my opinions based on my experience without being a fanboy, but they are my opinions and I am not going to change them because somebody thinks I am biased.  Of course I am biased, my opinions are my opinions.  That is what opinions are, your bias.

    WoW:  I played WoW for about 6 months, and I eventually quit out of frustration.  I really enjoy video games, but I am not someone who can sit down and play through something like Final Fantasy 12 and be satisfied.  That doesnt do it for me, I need real competition and intelligent opponants to keep me occupied.  That isn't to say WoW is not competitive, or that everyone who plays it is an idiot.  But the competition isn't really based around any real player thought or skill.  Most of the competition in the game seems to revolve around the item grind.  Indeed, when they added battlegrounds, which Blizzard was touting as the big answer to the PvP issues in WoW, the game got even worse for me.  It became quite impossible to get a group of players together to go raid a horde town, or do anything exciting.  Everyone wanted to play capture the flag.  That seemed odd to me, the game didn't have any kind of war, or the crafting of war in it.

    That said, I did have fun with it for awhile, but it really dulls fairly quickly.  The moment you realize that the game will always just revolve around waiting for that next content update or expansion because there is no form of player driven story or community, you get sick of it real fast.  Also, the game can be one of the largest time sinks available in MMORPGs, nearing the old Everquest.  I really don't have time or the will to commit so much of my time to a game to make it exciting.  I have a lot of other things I want to do with my life.

    Eve:  Eve is the best mmo I have played.  Certainly the most advanced.  I don't actually care for the leveling system, but I can't think of a better way for it to work.  And it does allow me to play the game off and on without worrying about keeping up with my buddies.  Which is nice.  The graphics in Eve are dated, and the ship designs look like ass.  But these are both things that are being corrected in early 2007 with the new graphics update (hopefully anyways, the screenshots and videos look good so far).  But Eve definately has a long ways to go.  Even with the graphic update eventually it will just come down to staring at the same ships, in front of the same stargates, with the same backdrop, and the same space stations..over and over again.

    The combat isn't what I would call boring, quite the contrary, its fairly exciting.  But not because of anything you are doing really.  The reason combat in Eve is exciting is because you dont want to lose your ship, or your implants, or have to fly another 20 jumps because your clone is so far away.  This really isnt the best reason for exciting combat, but it certainly is a reason.  And I can't complain about that.  The combat isn't immersive at all, and players flying all races ships in packs against other groups of all races ships make each fight look quite the same.  That isn't to say you won't find diversity in the combat, but rather fleets will never really seem all that exciting.  Because it is the same thing you have seen a thousand times before.

    I find I spend more time thinking about Eve than actually playing it.  I stare at quickfit (a player designed tool that allows you to test ship setups and run statistics on them before putting them together in the game) and imagine ship builds and fantasize about the ridiculous potential the game has, but I never really feel that potential while I am playing.  The alliance system, and the economy are what keeps Eve going.  These two things are what brings players in, and keeps them.  The economy is probably the strongest I have seen in a game, extremely well rounded between mining, researching, manufacturing, and trading.  The constant combat where once your ship gets blown up you have to buy another ones keeps demand high, and that really allows the game to keep moving as long as it has.  And the alliance system is very dynamic, with having something like 90% of the star systems conquerable, it allows for a player driven story.  Which can add to the replayability near infinitely.  They could probably anounce tomorrow that they didnt plan to ever add any new content and the game would probably stick around for another 4 or 5 years because of this player driven element.

    The game has been shaping up quite a bit over the past year, but it still has a long way to go.  There is definately room for another game that takes place in a scifi setting such as EvE.  It would probably be difficult to win over some of the long term players however, because of the perpetual leveling system.  Its a nice way to keep players playing, and keep their eye on your game.

    All in all I definately believe that Eve is the superior of the two games.  But that doesnt mean it is perfect, far from it.  I really hope there will be newer games in the future that follow a similar model.



  • JoolsJools Member UncommonPosts: 6
    Yulgang (China) has over 9 million subscribers to date.

    Yulgang wins this thread

    (Sorry if this was posted before in this thread, but its just i cba going through 9 pages......)

  • -aLpHa--aLpHa- Member UncommonPosts: 852

    Originally posted by SonofSeth

    No some people dont enjoy EvE becouse everybody have a other taste of Game. You just show why we shouldnt play EvE at all. Insulting people as stupid becouse they dont like it, simply amazing.
  • SonofSethSonofSeth Member UncommonPosts: 1,884
    *bows deeply*


  • AedosenAedosen Member Posts: 234

    Originally posted by SonofSeth

    I play EVE but that was quite hilarious :)


  • spineshankspineshank Member Posts: 106

    Eve and WoW are the 2 mmos that i am currently subscribed to.    Neither is my favorite mmo,  but my life is rather busy right now and these games allow me to play w/o prioritzing them over anything important.  Eve allows me to train my skills while i'm doing other things,  and WoW allows me to log in for an hour and do a couple quests.  Another thing about WoW is any mob can drop damn near anything,  which makes grinding a little more enjoyable for me.  Unfortunately i seem to have found the least mature server,  and i dont know how much longer my nerves can handle greedy, immature, begging little brats ruining my game experience.  I can see why WoW has so many subscribers,  absolutely anyone can play it.  10 year old children,  even 80 year old grandmothers can play the game w/ ease.  They might not have any of the great gear,  but it's not needed to get anywhere in the game. 

    As for Eve,  I think it needs to thank this website for about half of its playerbase.  If you think it's a "titan" (is that the term we're using?) you just spend too much time on this website.  I believe it only has 150k subscribers.  I do really like the game,  but if you're just going by this website you would think it has a couple million subscribers.  Any time an Eve fan posts something good about the game,  or suggests it,  it seems to turn into a 15 page argument about how Eve sucks or it's the greatest thing since one night stands. 



    There is no best MMORPG, only favorites.

  • elgidum666elgidum666 Member Posts: 18

    Okay, 2 things.

    1. Stop clogging the forums with rhetorical rants about games that many people ( me, for example) dont want to hear about.



  • elgidum666elgidum666 Member Posts: 18

    Thats the spirit. I tried WoW, and almost shot myself.

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