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all these problems with billing and hacked server is sickening. this bowman character was always a bit shady.
looks like this was a quick way to gain some cash fast then worry about the chargebacks later. just this EI's actions and non-actions spell out SCAMMED. It development companies like this that make it really hard for the "little guys" to get any where in the mmorpg business.
I mean how dumb can people be to know how to program and design the code for a billing system but not know that info is over secure lines only? Such BS if you ask me. "oops lets us bill you 3 times today cause bob forgot to buy donuts for the office."
Luckily for me i left this game quickly after beta. it was so obvious where this was heading after release and they went bankrupt. To tell you the truth, spite all the bugs and content that was not in release there was still something about this game that i liked. though i would never give out my info to these #*@(*&(
"thanks for using our unsecure lines, we promise it was criminals who did the hacking, not us."
Wonder if they went and dumped all that cash into some stocks. what ever it is that was done, no matter what they say, this was all planned in advance. looks too smooth.... cough cough, ya right....
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Yep, even if Tulga was responsible, EI still knew what was happening and did nothing. I'd say that maybe Bowman and the rest did have something to do with it, but then EI said "hell, we'll just blame it all on Tulga and Bowman. Free money!! Don't fix it 'til we have to!" Personally, I'm waiting to see what comes out from the Attorney General investigation. I really hope some arrest are made so anyone else will think twice before pulling this crap.
Well I for one really appreciated the expose' that this web site did on EI. Loved the way they held Ed Andercheck accountable for his blatent spindoctoring and the announcement the next week after that they were being investigated was icing on the cake.
I wish they EI folks would sell the game to the fans and let the thing go F2P as shadowbane and other games have gone. There are people who can develope the game and grow it better, even on a shoestring budget.
Just shows to beware games with a bad history where you need to use a credit-card.
If you get no answer from customer service, contact The Better Business Bureau to let them know and then contact the Atlanta Attorney General's Office, as they already have an investigation going.
If you get no answer from customer service, contact The Better Business Bureau to let them know and then contact the Atlanta Attorney General's Office, as they already have an investigation going.
Some issues are outside of our ability to influence altogether and you will need to contact PayByTouch. They can be reached at
1-866-729-2986 (US)
0800 032 6048 (UK)
Here is how to cancel.
If you get no answer from customer service, contact The Better Business Bureau to let them know and then contact the Atlanta Attorney General's Office, as they already have an investigation going.
Billing Issues
We understand the frustration some are having with billing and other related issues. We would like to ask players to keep communications about billing off the forums and instead go directly to EI. You can contact myself, Amadan, or Nagafen on the boards and PM us with your problems, you can email us at .Some issues are outside of our ability to influence altogether and you will need to contact PayByTouch. They can be reached at 1-866-729-2986 (US) 0800 032 6048 (UK)
Here is how to cancel.
I always love that part. Why don't they just come out and say "Don't let the other players know that you are getting fleeced the same as them. Talk to us directly so we can ignore you, continue to bill you, and still try to look good to people who don't know."
I used to love HZ...I HATE EII.
These mother F'ers stole money from me. I haven't subscribed to HZ since last April. I check my account this past month and guess what? Your right, they have been charging me. The didn't charge me in May, or June, or July, or August, but I got charged in September somehow and in October somehow. I haven't reactivated my accoutn or even attempted to log into the game. These bastards are criminals.
How does that free you of debt? Maybe my understanding of US business law isn't all there, but that's fraud, IMHO.
They basically moved themselves to a state where the officers of a company cannot be legally held liable for the actions of the corporation.
right now they are under investigation by the Montana AG for wire fraud and several other issues related to the rather crooked billing system they have in place. If they had stayed as EII based where they would People like Ed Anderchuck and Mr Rask could personally be held responsible and LIABLE for those charges. Now the best that can happen is that the company PME can be held but that would absolve Anderchuck and Rask from their persona decisions during this all. hey are trying to avoid personal legal persecution should it come to that.
However some say that doesnt matter.
Just like what Tulga did? My gawd, hasn't this game and it's community been abused enough?!
Just like what Tulga did? My gawd, hasn't this game and it's community been abused enough?!
=( I was only with Tulga for a few months. Trust me, From what I had seen, the Tulga team were angels compared to these guys. They are businessmen looking to make a buck at any cost. There are no developers, no programmers, no real community interaction, and the forums are ruled with an iron fist. Their maintenance consists of rebooting the servers. It's just a matter of time before a major problems comes up that they can't rely on rebooting the server to fix. Anyone who says it's a matter of taste in gaming, needs their head checked or has some other motive for publicly supporting the game.