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I know most companies posted a link on their websites to vote for their mmorpg and thats fair advertising it. When you see EVE win everything it was up for then you start to wonder lol....
Specially seeing as it beat WOW in best PVE, wanna know how it done that lol.
Just because you do not agree doesnt mean it's rigged. I've played both WoW and Eve and when it came time to vote I didn't just pick one out of the blue, I actually thought about the topic I was voting for and then decided. In all cases Eve was an option I choose it simply because I felt it was the better choice for me. Doesn't mean the other game(s) it went up against were bad, just not my #1 pick.
Isnt the whole fanbois term getting old? I mean does it really offend anyone?
To quote
There you have your awnser. Hardcore players tend to go well out of their way to advertise their own "hardcore" game. And yes i play Eve Online too with 2 accounts but i didn't voted PVE eve
Doktar - 70 Troll Priest - Perenolde
Get a grip on reality. Eve has roughly 160k subscribers. Eve players average 2 accounts each so figure 80,000 players verses WoW with 7.5 million subscriptions. Even if WoW also averages 2 accounts per player (which I doubt) it would still have 3.5 million players.
Now ask yourself: How would EVE with only 80,000 players be able to rig it so WoW with 3.5 million players loses ?
Answer: It's impossible unless the WoW players don't really feel that WoW has the best PVE. Remember: A lot of EVE players (myself included) did not vote for EVE as the winner in every category. I even voted for WoW in one of them
"A ship-of-war is the best ambassador." - Oliver Cromwell
I'm not saying it didn't deserve best PVP and graphics and maybe even story tho when i was in game theres very little.
How it won best PVE tho? Theres hardly any PVE worth talking about
Is there a link, where I can see, who won in which category?
Because I do not believe this, lol^^.
I mean, i wouldn´t wonder, if WoW would win the PvP contest, because WoW often appears to be the only known MMOG by ppl.
But EVE in PvE? Normally you come to EVE, after have tested 2-3 "more famous" MMOGs. And I remember the EVE community as an adult one.
"If you want a picture of the future, imagine a robot foot stomping on a human face -- forever."
Go into an eve chatroom and be prepared to be chased out by a stick if you say bad things about their game.
Oh yeah and everyone who doesn't play wow blames wow for stealing players from their game and ruining their community so you have an army of people who will vote 0 out of spite.
THIS I can believe... and actually makes sense
"A ship-of-war is the best ambassador." - Oliver Cromwell
I dont know about my fellow eve fans but i voted WoW for best PvE i was at least honest.
Thoas to why eve wins so often well there are 2 reasons i can think off.
1. Not many WoW players care at all about such things and kepp on leveling up.
2. There are a lot of WoW haters and considering the finalists were WoW and EvE they would obviously not vote for the game they hate.
I myself ended up simply not voting for the best PvE category, quite simply because I felt niether of the finalists deserved the title at all. I still don't have a clue how the hell WOW and EVE made it to the end.
Don't get me wrong, both have their strengths, especcially EVE, but saying they have the best PvE?
No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main. any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind, and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.
No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main. any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind, and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.
Ditto, voted for WoW.
EVE PVE is pretty crappy.
A Work in Progress.
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Actually its always seemed to me the EVE fans are vastly outnumbered by the WoW fanbois who complain because EVE is more highly regarded and think WoW deserves the highest rankings just because it has more subscribers.
there is one other even simpler answer.
WOW players are playing so not only dont have time to vote but did not know that there was a vote. I also had never heard of until a few months ago and spotted the link while if was in a corp mine. When Im just mining I have EVE windowed so i can read my email, surf the net, post in forums and watch movies. Note: this is a good thing about EVE.
Anyhow, I really doubt that most of the WOW community has ever heard of this site. I played both EVE and WOW from gold but had no idea this site existed until as I said I was surfing the EVEO looking at the dev blogs when I saw the link about the interview.
While this sight may be important to the regulars I mentioned it to my clan of 10 years (we have been playing OG, MOG, MMOGs since 1996 and only one of the 80+ players had ever heard of this place.
See to a majority of the game players in the world the awards are like some movie getting a sundance or cable ace award, the responce is "and?" (read this as so what).
EVE won the MMORPG best PVE award.... "And?"
An so it begins
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So, you are suggesting that WoW players dont have jobs, and therefore never brows from work and cant work their PC to do anything else but play WoW? Im not a fan of the game and think it has a very high percentage of childish players but even I think you are being too harsh. No, WoW players browse the web during their breaks from work/school just like every other gamer and they use their PC for web browsing just like almost everyone else.
In fact for the longest time WoW was the highest ranked game on this site, so obviously some of them were visiting and voting. Strangely, until EVE surpassed WoW in the game ranking no one ever complained about it, but once it did there have been weekly threads started by WoW fanbois dedicated to dedicated to complaining about nonexistent EVE fanbois.
What WoW does have is a player base that consists mostly of players who have never played any other MMO, and dont really care about the MMO genre in general and so they wouldnt visit any non WoW site.
This site, in contrast caters to people with a more general interest in MMOs and have played quite a few. While initially very popular with this type of crowd, WoW has increasingly fallen out of favor. People who have played a number of different games and have something to compare WoW to frequently feel one of two ways. Many like the game up to level 60 but dont like the sudden transition to it being a raid-grind. There are also people like myself who think the 1-60 game feels like a solo grindfest.
There are also people who like rerolling or like the end game raiding. In general though there is no great conspiracy. The community of people who like MMOs in general and have played lots of them have mostly given WoW a try and are not that impressed by it. Opinions vary of course but in general this community views WoW as a good but not great game. Since this is the community a site like this is trying to reach WoWs voting and ranking reflects that opinion.
Then you lead a very sheltered life. Almost every company in the world will link to sites it considers important voices for their business. This includes important sites running awards voting.
The fact that Blizzard does not speaks more to the fact that they dont consider the community of people that follow MMOs to be very important or very relevant. Given that they have more subscribers then that entire industry did a few years ago perhaps they are right, at least from a business perspective.
Of course there is always the possibility that they simply dont want to run the risk of their player base finding out WoW isnt the only MMO in existence.
Then you lead a very sheltered life. Almost every company in the world will link to sites it considers important voices for their business. This includes important sites running awards voting.
The fact that Blizzard does not speaks more to the fact that they don’t consider the community of people that follow MMO’s to be very important or very relevant. Given that they have more subscribers then that entire industry did a few years ago perhaps they are right, at least from a business perspective.
Of course there is always the possibility that they simply don’t want to run the risk of their player base finding out WoW isn’t the only MMO in existence.
Then I'm sure you will be more then happy to show us the newsposts of all those companies that posted a link to the votings.i think the eve players are way more die hard gamers then the wow players. wow is still for the whole famalie. EVE aint a game for beginers. and most visitors of this site are quite hardcore gamers.
Next to that there are also alot of WoW haters. A game that already got 7millions players and kinda fucks up the "mmorpg scene'' might not be apreciated by all. I didnt vote EVE for PvE just becouse it wasnt realistic xD.
Of course there is always the possibility that they simply don’t want to run the risk of their player base finding out WoW isn’t the only MMO in existence.
That simple sentence is probably not only true but speaks volumes
thats actually funny lol.
We all know EVE plastered the link to over 1 year ago about the voting and loads of eve plaers came and never left is all.Prior to this eve was not even top 5 rated game on this site.Suddenly after that front page on offical site whoopie eve so improved it became number 1.
thats actually funny lol.
We all know EVE plastered the link to over 1 year ago about the voting and loads of eve plaers came and never left is all.Prior to this eve was not even top 5 rated game on this site.Suddenly after that front page on offical site whoopie eve so improved it became number 1.
Then you are seriously misinfomed WoW boy.