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After a while downloading I played this game...
At first I was like "wicked stuff", but then It got confusing... I wanted to punch that h00kr robot 'training' thing in the mouth. So I squashed it with my finger... BUT NOOOOOO IT STILL WAS SPEAKING! I WAS LIKE OMG! WHY WONT YOU DIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE???
.....ANYHOW. It has nice graphics and all, pretty lights, yadayada. But it's confusing for a game unless you're hardcore into it and have a handbook in handy. The makers of EVE should make a more 'down-to-Earth' sort of game where the controls are nicer and easier....
And there are no hookr robots.
Change is inevitable, except from vending machines.
I really hope this is sarcasm. If it isn't all of the above red text clearly indicates that EVE really just isn't for you. If you truely want to learn the game then ask questions instead of making innane posts. Otherwise please go find a game more suited to you.
"A ship-of-war is the best ambassador." - Oliver Cromwell
oh yeah just wanted to add the amount of unbelievably stupid people on this planet never let me down
I'm a big ol' fluffy carewolf. Be afraid. Be very afraid.
2) EVE is not for the "average", "WOWesque", "GWesque", type of a player. It requiers some time and dedication to discover its potntial.
3) Average EVE player is over 25 years of age or older.
4) EVE is not for young people, at least not most young ADD moppets out there. If you want to go "frag" or "zerg" something, then EVE is not for you.
EVE is extremly complex and involved game. It takes months to trully apreciate it, it will take years to do and discover everything that this game has to offer. If you want to kill wabbits and hobbits and other annimal and plant life, then EVE is not for you. Loses are real, the travel is real, the pain to get stuff is real and the pain to loose stuff, and get more stuff is real. You can make a fortune in an hour, and loose just as quickly. Or it may take you months to make 100 mill, and if you are smart you can turn it into billions.
EVE is for adults, EVE sometimes takes allot of time, and will require you to give it a break for a while to live a RL a little, but it is still the best and the most addicting MMO outthere.
i also began with elite and privateer and all those games for the pc and i just love sci-fi, so when this game came out in 2003? i bought it right away, but 10 weeks into the game i quit, dont know why, it was a little buggy and slow i think so i just left, then i jumped on one of those 14-day trials and started a new character and i got stuck right away..
i love it.
"Oveur on GameSpot UK: EVE's charm lies in its complexity"
And I agree, EvE is not a simple thing for WoW brains, In EvE its strategie and thats it, You´ll have to use those small grey things in your brain..:P
and I like it..:)
The game is a mirror of the real society,, almost.. Life ain´t easy.-.;)
That was a mistake. The tutorial is not the best I have ever seen but Eve is the one game I have played that mandated you actually do the tutorial. After that it wasn't so hard. I made my first million isk that very day just by doing what the tutorial said. I hooked up with a 0.0 alliance and even in my little osprey was helping rake in the isk, because I could haul too. After 7 months though I still think I am a noob because Eve offers so much to learn. I quit WoW and SWG for this game because of its depth. I also like to carry a few exotic dancers with me wherever I go though.
Wouldn't that define some special aspect of masochism?
From my personal point of view, yea, life sucks, so I want a game thats absolutely NOT like RL. A game where people can all be happy and have fun together. I'm not a deluded kid, I KNOW life can't be like that, still, why on earth should I glorify the injustice, greed and hate of this world in posts like "hell yea, EvEs like RL, that makes it so exciting"...
And yea, I have a job, I have a girlfriend, I dont hava cancer but still: Dude, life isnt exciting, life sucks,
EVE may be many things to many people, but high on the list of importance (IMO) is the fact that EVE is a great escape from RL.
Have you actually tried EVE? If not, maybe you should
- I love to PvP, but EvE, being a total PvP game, actually held me back from pvping. Why was that? Simple, I was afraid to lose stuff, so I never equipped a ship to truly go PvP. I didnt want to get blasted to pieces so I carefully stayed in HighSec Space; As this fact may not apply to other players, I am the worst loser you'll probably ever get to know. Im the kinda guy that would - exceeding the image a litte - stab your tyres if you bet me in a poker session, just to see you suffer. Without the "ok sucker, Ill get you next round"-effect, PvP for me is just frustrating.
- which leads me to the very next issue. the real paralells to real life. Things take long (everything, travelling, mission-running, skilling). One of the most irritating things in real life is the fact that everything takes so darn long. Im studying medicine in Germany and it takes 6 years, visiting friends in munich takes 4 hours, even getting dressed takes 3 minutes. you get the point, yes, I AM a very impatient person.
Combining those facts there are a bunch of games that fit my needs very much better than EvE does. WoW, for example, which has many flaws, but has one advantage: Its fast and furious. Like a really good shooter (which are my preferred PC-games besides MMOGs).
So yea, I hope I could enlighten the understanding of "eves like RL, and RL sucks" *grins*
And no, I'm not a lunatic, I'm just strange
I've read on this forum website that there exists an elitist gamer-mentality within the game of Eve. Can anybody corroborate this? I'm no stranger to playing within a MMO community such as this, but it certainly makes for a bad show all around when folk are referred to as simpletons or noobish nincompoops simply for not understanding a basic aspect of the game straight away.
Shoot, just curious Meridion but what happens when you become a Nurse, Doctor, Scientist, Pharmacist or College Professor, whatever, when you're done studying medicine? If you're so impatient how will you succeed in any of these fields where patience may save a life or nurture a troubled student's future career whereby he/she goes on to find a cure for diabetes? Just wondering...heh.
I KNOW its not for everyone, but mainly I wanted to state that its not "for intelligent people only" - like some people like to say. EvE just requires a certain type of "work"-playing mentality that I do NOT own; totally independent from my age or social status (which is implicated very very many times when argueing about quality MMOGs)
the Teaming up aspect - thats more to do with the people your with then the game. Most of the groups I join/lead for defense of our region form up in less then 3-5 minutes for a 12+ person gang. Then again I've been in groups where just getting a 3rd person grouped up could take up to a hour by the time they finally got set.
Missions take about 10-30 minutes which seems to be about par for most MMORPGs.
Mining- yeah can't argue this one it takes a while, okay it takes forever. I can only stand it in a large group of people chatting on TS.
Traveling does take a while, its significantly faster now that everyone can warp right on top of a stargate manually. However travel must take some amount of time to have a viable territory control based game.
Research - god will I ever agree on this, Though the unacceptable time sink is more on the fact there just isn't enough lab slots in empire and the requirements to setup a POS in secure space is a bit unreasonable. Over all the actual research time isn't too bad.
Improving the character - its not as bad as it sounds, its not hard to get into any one role pretty quickly (2months) the ships/ goals that are a real pain to get into the capital ships should be very difficult to get into. They're speciallized ships doing a task that only they can do, and for the most part they should not be in wide circulation or use.
For me I have found that i enjoy EVE best when I'm not focusing my free time around playing it, which is something It excels at that I have found other MMOs fail. EVE tends to suit the people that are more interested in a game that they can drop, so that they can do stuff in real life, and come back with out them getting really penalized for having a real life. EVE comes at the issue of how much time players spend playing thier MMO from a different perspective. Instead of making the game so that constantly playing the game is a bonus its actually can hurt how much you enjoy the game.
I tried Eve, just for the two week trial and I found it to be very pretty graphically. Gameplay was slow but as Nicoli said previously it means you can do RL stuff while researching etc. I found the interface to be user friendly, and during my trial period managed to up the classification of my ship.
A nice game, slow gameplay but kept me there for a while. While not normally my kind of thing, I could see if i decided to dedicate some time to it could become a regular hobby.
I've read on this forum website that there exists an elitist gamer-mentality within the game of Eve. Can anybody corroborate this? I'm no stranger to playing within a MMO community such as this, but it certainly makes for a bad show all around when folk are referred to as simpletons or noobish nincompoops simply for not understanding a basic aspect of the game straight away.
The attitude within the game itself is pretty much the complete opposite of elitist. I've been playing the game for less than a week but the community is easily the best i've ever seen. Everyone i've met and talked to has been more than helpful in answering my questions about the game.
The people on the forums have an attitude that comes off as elitist but to be honest the amount of people that come on and talk about how EVE is bad for reasons like "it takes too long to skill up" and "we need new servers so we can get a fresh start" and "this game is bad because it's too complicated and there's nothing to do" is insane.
I played WoW for two years, and this attitude that the EVE bashers have is the exact same attitude as 99% of the people i played WoW with. These people come to the game expecting it to be easy like their old game (*cough* WoW *cough*) and when they find that the game takes planning and work and *ghasp* social interaction they get mad and bash EVE. I'd say "go back to WoW" is a justifiable thing to say in 90% of the cases on the forums here.
If you suck at the game and whine about how it should be changed so your idiotic ass can succeed, I hate you. I will make sure you know how much you suck. If you have a problem with that, go play games you don't suck at.