My first game was Everquest 1 and I started playing it, (after much proding and poking from my daughter who began at launch) around the time they released Velious. I never thought I would thoroughly enjoy a game like I did Everquest 1. I played it for hmmm, 4-5 years I guess. Up til the time they released Everquest 2. I believe the expansion for EQ1 OOM had just been released a month or so prior. Anyway, I played EQ2 for a bit over a year then moved on to WoW once our guild disbanded and left EQ2 because of the expansion being released. We all felt at the time that EQ2 wouldnt fix what was broken at the time just to release more broken content so we all refused to pay good money for broken content and our whole guild left the game and moved on.
Anyway, I then began playing WoW. I found WoW to be a game for kids basically. A game that was easy and rarely a challenge to be had in it. I was on a PvP server and altho I enjoyed the PvP at first it became very irritating after the glory of it faded away. I found it frustrating dealing with the millions of kids in that game on the server. Trying to find an 'adult' guild was totally impossible and my last straw was on a raid one night the MA told us all in vent, I have to go to Walmart for my mother, I will be back in 30min. Hold things here. /shakes head. I truly believe the 'common' WoW player has no stamina. If they dont have the strat from someone else or cant figure it out on their own in the first or second try, they lose interest and want to log or do something else real quick. I seriously believe the 'common' WoW player will find Vanguard to challenging for their taste. It's not a game you can level to 60 or so in 2-3 weeks then spend your time complaining there is nothing left to do.
I along with many friends and thousands out in the virtual communities have longed for another EQ1 feel in a game. A game that holds a long time interest and takes stamina and determination to continue throughout to the very end. Altho the end rarely comes in a game such as the Everquest type games. So, I will breathe a sigh of relief the 'children of WoW' will not occupy space in Vanguard for very long due to their desire for the easy road that Vanguard does not offer. I believe, in the time I have been in Beta and especially the past 4-5 days playing the game prior to launch that our hunger for the 'adult' game will be satisfied in this game and I look forward to experiencing all Vanguard has to offer, corpse runs and all lol!
EQ1 - 70 Shaman (876 AAs), 56 Druid, 62 Ranger
EQ2 - 60 Templar, 60 Inquisitor (prior to KoS releasing)
WoW - 58 Shaman (first toon) rolled a 60 Undead Priest (lvl 1 - 60 in 9 days played)
Imagine WoW with more realistic graphics, Gryphons you can fly anywhere you want, Ships you can craft and Pilot yourself, Player Housing and NO INSTANCES! This is Vanguard!
Imagine WoW except now you can be killed on the way back to your corpse, and the gear that you were wearing is trapped on it. Additionally, each time you die, you lose xp.
Also, imagine a huge world that is mostly barren and only made large so that traveling between objectives and getting to your friends is more difficult.
Imagine a game that doesn't have mini-maps or radar so that finding where you are going and what to do is extremely inaccessible.
Imagine WoW except that if you play solo, your gear will be crap. You'll need to join groups to get gear that is good enough that you can eventually join in raiding.
There are some cool things in Vanguard to be sure, but don't kid yourself that it will appeal to the millions that loved WoW. There is a reason that most of these hardcore elements are not in popular games.
Possibly the most innacurate statement(s) i've ever read about Vanguard. The only thing that's right is the part about the death penalty, but any gamer with a sack can get past that.
Launch is today. I dont know if there was a specific time set, but I picked up my software today at EB Games waiting for the notice that my allotted pre-order time in game is over. I am just glad I wont be in the newbie zones with all those coming into game the first time when it launches hehe.
I levelled a ranger to level 17, then i decided to move on and cancel my preorder, simply put this game sadly has nothing to offer atm, sure the idea is great but what it really is right now is a huge timesink.
The scenery is amazing, something that is very unique to the game but i kinda need more than that to keep on rolling, i really wish they had put in the same effort on the characters, they are average at best which is sad.
And then to the real point the title of this thread is probably the most misleading ever, people coming from WoW to Vanguard will puke themselves to death over the progression rate currently in Vanguard, WoW is easy to level Vanguard is not, personally i decided to move on because of this, i dont find joy in ganking the same shit over and over, id rather prefer to bang my wife instead.
I had to kill 1004 mobs to progress from 15-16, yah you read it right there is not a zero to much, this was on even con mobs not low level crap, i mean aint that a tad to much....... its like 10 times as hard to level as it was in old EQ1 Kunark velious time, with hell levels and all.
Maybe i was xp bugged of whatever, some problems arrived in the game with people and xp, i could have accepted this amount of hardcore gameplay at 30+ or so, but 10+?
But anyway before people blame me for having a crap gaming rig and thats the reason the character models suck, im running the game on QuadCore, 2gig of RAM, and dual 8800GTX in SLI, with everything turned to max.
but anyway im gonna follow the game from the sideline in hope they will adjust it to something that aint plain retarded.
I've been playing non-stop since this morning and I am in love. This game rocks. Coming from M59 and UO through EQ1, AC1, AO, DAoC and every mainstream and not-so-mainstream (minions of Mirth, Rubies, etc...) since, this is easily the best mmorpg I've played in the early levels. I am only level 10, so i can't comment beyond yet, but it shows no sign of letting up on the fun.
*shakes head at the majority of WoW bashing posts*
To all those who consider themselves superior than the average WoW player (I consider myself to be fairly typical WoW player), you're really showing your ignorant elitism. If anything you are more pathetic than the loud minority that do like to flood the very low level areas with chat. Shame on you for lending yourselves toward the hardcore gamer stereoptype, in fact, shame on you for using stereotypes in a derogatory manner at all.
WoW is a fantastic game.
Vanguard, so far, is a fantastic game.
Deal with it like adults, or consider the average WoW player to be something you should aspire to.
Recant if your comment was pointed at me....well I am only giving you my experience in WoW and my opinion AND we all know what opinions are like. I can only vouch for what I found to be true in the game and the server I was on. I was not bashing WoW..I was stating my experiences pure and simple. I think Vanguard is a breath of fresh air. WoW and Vanguard are 2 different games with some similar feels of WoW in VG, but IMHO Vanguard offers much more of a challenge than WoW ever did and I believe the average age of the players will be more fitting to my that stated a bit more politically correct? /wink
I think Jack and Anarch have good points. And Jack I love your point about "WoW is the McDonalds of MMO." Some of the WoW players may be a bit wiser now and seek a challenge in VG. Contrary to posts here, I have found VG is much easier and faster than EQ1. Little death penalty and no corpse runs. Also, the regen rate when not in combat is massive. You return to full health just seconds after a fight.
/edit. someone mentioned slow leveling. Yes, past level 10, your xp moves barely for each mob you kill. But this is offset by the massive amount of xp you get from completing simple quests. It is as if VG prefers players complete quests instead of mindlessly kill mobs. VG needs to tweak this because the xp from quests is too high and the xp from mobs seems about right or maybe a bit low.
/edit again. BTW, the voices in VG absolutely suck. Sorry, they are totally out of place. It's like adding a polk-a-dot paintjob to an awesome mercedes. It detracts from what would otherwise be an amazing experience. Sigil should disable the voiceovers until they get it right.
Luckily, i don't need you to like me to enjoy video games. -nariusseldon. In F2P I think it's more a case of the game's trying to play the player's. -laserit
I hated WoW and LOVE VSoH. I would have titled it: "If you miss MMO's with Depth, you'll love Vanguard."
I loved WoW, hated it's lack of depth. Such is Vanguard.
Also love WoW, but wish there was more depth to it. Will try Vanguard in a few months once I get a new computer. Hopefully by then the game will be more polished.
*shakes head at the majority of WoW bashing posts*
To all those who consider themselves superior than the average WoW player (I consider myself to be fairly typical WoW player), you're really showing your ignorant elitism. If anything you are more pathetic than the loud minority that do like to flood the very low level areas with chat. Shame on you for lending yourselves toward the hardcore gamer stereoptype, in fact, shame on you for using stereotypes in a derogatory manner at all.
WoW is a fantastic game.
Vanguard, so far, is a fantastic game.
Deal with it like adults, or consider the average WoW player to be something you should aspire to.
Recant if your comment was pointed at me....well I am only giving you my experience in WoW and my opinion AND we all know what opinions are like. I can only vouch for what I found to be true in the game and the server I was on. I was not bashing WoW..I was stating my experiences pure and simple. I think Vanguard is a breath of fresh air. WoW and Vanguard are 2 different games with some similar feels of WoW in VG, but IMHO Vanguard offers much more of a challenge than WoW ever did and I believe the average age of the players will be more fitting to my that stated a bit more politically correct? /wink
My post was addressed to those who "consider themselves superior to the average WoW player". And by your reply it would seem that you do, and you should get some damned perspective. You are not superior, or more mature than a collection of 8,000,000 people, you have simply failed to understand WoW. You are easily persuaded by the vocal minority of WoW players that there are no mature people there. You have failed to "get it". Try harder next time.
WoW is continuously praised in the mainstream media yet despised in the more hardcore community simply because it's popular. If you can't find challenge then you truly do suck at WoW. If you applied the same effort that you spent ignoring bugs to playing WoW properly, you would "get it". You have become victim of accessibility, and have been made too lazy to look deeper into the game, into the the meta-game of guild politics, into the challenge of PvP, into the difficult end game content. Yes, it's difficult - maybe you got carried by the rest of your guild but some people there actually put craptons of effort into progressing your guild.
I found level 16 in Vanguard to be easier to reach than WoW was. What? You think less solo content = more challenge? Pfft, wrong. It's just a different type of content. You think corpse runs = more challenge? Pfft wrong, just a bigger time penalty. You think class interdependancy = more challenge? Pfft wrong it just means less availablity of content when you can't find a healer or a tank.
Time != challenge. You have failed to grasp this simple concept, you are easily persuaded and you can't find challenge in WoW.
This is by no means a Vanguard bash, I am just defending WoW from the ignorant "elite", who probably suck at Vanguard as well. WoW has lots of people of all ages playing. This is very differnt than most MMOs that have mostly the 18-34 crowd. The people that get noticed are the kids.
The mainstream media praises so much crap that I can't believe you would ever bring this point up. By your reasoning Titanic is a better movie than Life is Beautiful. WoW isn't crap (I enjoyed it until the faction and raid grinding endgame) but that argument doesn't hold water.
There were challenges in WoW but not many. Raiding was only difficult because it was tough to get 40 decent players together. Since most of the mobs had such static routines once you figured out the strategy there was no challenge at all. Trying to get 40 players to listen and not screw around = challenge. Trying to get people to farm ingredients so you have lots of pots = challenge. I was part of a guild going through MC and we died not because the encounters were hard but because we didn't have uber farmed consumables and there were a lot of VERY bad players. Dire Maul was the only instance where I found TRUE challenge. PvP and guild politics is part of every game and has nothing to do with WoW. WoWs PvP system also was mainly about time /played and not actual skill once BGs made it in. WoW is and will always be only about time /played. WoW is such a grinding game it's unbelievable. VG may end up like that too but I'm having fun for now.
If you find 16 easier in VG than you do in WoW you suck at WoW. The only difficult part of leveling in WoW is the stupid quests that require you to run on foot for 30 mins to get to the next step. In VG I have had genuinely difficult quests that required me to actually think a little. Also I have had to fight multiple mobs so much more than in WoW it isn't funny. The only challenge in WoW is succeeding when you have idiot groupmates.
Class dependancy is worse than WoW? WTF are you smoking? 4 healing classes that can all be a main healer. Lots of DPS classes that all do the job very well. 3 tank classes that all tank very well. SO you need 1 tank 1 healer and 2 DPS and the last 2 group spots can be a mix of almost anything. In WoW you needed 1 tank, 1 healer 1 DPS and the other 2 spots could be almost anything. Not to mention that priests are by far the best overall healers in WoW where in VG all 4 choices are different but equal. Really you have no idea what you're talking about. Healing and tank classes are pretty interesting in VG and I seen lots of both running around.
Naked corpse runs are challenging. Sometimes you can make it sometimes you can't. Losing exp means you have a greater fear of death which makes things more interesting.
WoW is all about time played for endgame. Time != challenge applies to WoW more than any game I've played. Look at any faction items from BGs. It was anything but hard to get them but it required a TON of time. Hell everything I've heard about TBC says it's just another huge timesink faction grind. People also say it's easy.
I wouldn't say VG is a difficult game but it is much more challenging than WoW and it has nothing to do with how long things take.
So I didn't read the last several pages of rubbish, by I do like what the OP said. If you like WoW, you will love Vanguard! I love how some Vanbois try so hard to distance themselves from WoW, and here is this guy begging for WoW's players! I do agree that Vanguard is as simple as WoW. No real challenge.
So I didn't read the last several pages of rubbish, by I do like what the OP said. If you like WoW, you will love Vanguard! I love how some Vanbois try so hard to distance themselves from WoW, and here is this guy begging for WoW's players! I do agree that Vanguard is as simple as WoW. No real challenge.
So I didn't read the last several pages of rubbish, by I do like what the OP said. If you like WoW, you will love Vanguard! I love how some Vanbois try so hard to distance themselves from WoW, and here is this guy begging for WoW's players! I do agree that Vanguard is as simple as WoW. No real challenge.
Anarchy is definately a fan of Vanguard. No doubting that. He is just being passionate for a game that he loves. I don't think he's begging ANYONE to join him.
I for one though, happen to disagree with his initial premise of "If you liked WoW you will LOVE vanguard".
But that being said, if you love a game your playing don't you want to try and get more people involved because it's something that you love? It's only human nature...humans being the social animal that they are.
Can't blame the guy for wanting to share his passion.
I just don't happen to share his passion right now. Perhaps I will later when I think that enough promises have been fulfilled that I think it's worth my hard earned cash without upgrading my current PC.. AND there's a free trial.
Never be afraid of choices. More choices are always good things.
$OE lies list " And I don't want to hear anything about "I don't believe in vampires" because *I* don't believe in vampires, but I believe in my own two eyes, and what *I* saw is ******* vampires! "
My first game was Everquest 1 and I started playing it, (after much proding and poking from my daughter who began at launch) around the time they released Velious. I never thought I would thoroughly enjoy a game like I did Everquest 1. I played it for hmmm, 4-5 years I guess. Up til the time they released Everquest 2. I believe the expansion for EQ1 OOM had just been released a month or so prior. Anyway, I played EQ2 for a bit over a year then moved on to WoW once our guild disbanded and left EQ2 because of the expansion being released. We all felt at the time that EQ2 wouldnt fix what was broken at the time just to release more broken content so we all refused to pay good money for broken content and our whole guild left the game and moved on.
Anyway, I then began playing WoW. I found WoW to be a game for kids basically. A game that was easy and rarely a challenge to be had in it. I was on a PvP server and altho I enjoyed the PvP at first it became very irritating after the glory of it faded away. I found it frustrating dealing with the millions of kids in that game on the server. Trying to find an 'adult' guild was totally impossible and my last straw was on a raid one night the MA told us all in vent, I have to go to Walmart for my mother, I will be back in 30min. Hold things here. /shakes head. I truly believe the 'common' WoW player has no stamina. If they dont have the strat from someone else or cant figure it out on their own in the first or second try, they lose interest and want to log or do something else real quick. I seriously believe the 'common' WoW player will find Vanguard to challenging for their taste. It's not a game you can level to 60 or so in 2-3 weeks then spend your time complaining there is nothing left to do.
I along with many friends and thousands out in the virtual communities have longed for another EQ1 feel in a game. A game that holds a long time interest and takes stamina and determination to continue throughout to the very end. Altho the end rarely comes in a game such as the Everquest type games. So, I will breathe a sigh of relief the 'children of WoW' will not occupy space in Vanguard for very long due to their desire for the easy road that Vanguard does not offer. I believe, in the time I have been in Beta and especially the past 4-5 days playing the game prior to launch that our hunger for the 'adult' game will be satisfied in this game and I look forward to experiencing all Vanguard has to offer, corpse runs and all lol!
EQ1 - 70 Shaman (876 AAs), 56 Druid, 62 Ranger
EQ2 - 60 Templar, 60 Inquisitor (prior to KoS releasing)
WoW - 58 Shaman (first toon) rolled a 60 Undead Priest (lvl 1 - 60 in 9 days played)
EQ2 (after leaving Wow awaiting release of VG) - 70 Fury
Vanguard - from Beta 3 on
Also, imagine a huge world that is mostly barren and only made large so that traveling between objectives and getting to your friends is more difficult.
Imagine a game that doesn't have mini-maps or radar so that finding where you are going and what to do is extremely inaccessible.
Imagine WoW except that if you play solo, your gear will be crap. You'll need to join groups to get gear that is good enough that you can eventually join in raiding.
There are some cool things in Vanguard to be sure, but don't kid yourself that it will appeal to the millions that loved WoW. There is a reason that most of these hardcore elements are not in popular games.
Possibly the most innacurate statement(s) i've ever read about Vanguard. The only thing that's right is the part about the death penalty, but any gamer with a sack can get past that.
Star Citizen – The Extinction Level Event
4/13/15 > ELE has been updated look for 16-04-13.
Enjoy and know the truth always comes to light!
I levelled a ranger to level 17, then i decided to move on and cancel my preorder, simply put this game sadly has nothing to offer atm, sure the idea is great but what it really is right now is a huge timesink.
The scenery is amazing, something that is very unique to the game but i kinda need more than that to keep on rolling, i really wish they had put in the same effort on the characters, they are average at best which is sad.
And then to the real point the title of this thread is probably the most misleading ever, people coming from WoW to Vanguard will puke themselves to death over the progression rate currently in Vanguard, WoW is easy to level Vanguard is not, personally i decided to move on because of this, i dont find joy in ganking the same shit over and over, id rather prefer to bang my wife instead.
I had to kill 1004 mobs to progress from 15-16, yah you read it right there is not a zero to much, this was on even con mobs not low level crap, i mean aint that a tad to much....... its like 10 times as hard to level as it was in old EQ1 Kunark velious time, with hell levels and all.
Maybe i was xp bugged of whatever, some problems arrived in the game with people and xp, i could have accepted this amount of hardcore gameplay at 30+ or so, but 10+?
But anyway before people blame me for having a crap gaming rig and thats the reason the character models suck, im running the game on QuadCore, 2gig of RAM, and dual 8800GTX in SLI, with everything turned to max.
but anyway im gonna follow the game from the sideline in hope they will adjust it to something that aint plain retarded.
I've been playing non-stop since this morning and I am in love. This game rocks. Coming from M59 and UO through EQ1, AC1, AO, DAoC and every mainstream and not-so-mainstream (minions of Mirth, Rubies, etc...) since, this is easily the best mmorpg I've played in the early levels. I am only level 10, so i can't comment beyond yet, but it shows no sign of letting up on the fun.
I think Jack and Anarch have good points. And Jack I love your point about "WoW is the McDonalds of MMO." Some of the WoW players may be a bit wiser now and seek a challenge in VG. Contrary to posts here, I have found VG is much easier and faster than EQ1. Little death penalty and no corpse runs. Also, the regen rate when not in combat is massive. You return to full health just seconds after a fight.
/edit. someone mentioned slow leveling. Yes, past level 10, your xp moves barely for each mob you kill. But this is offset by the massive amount of xp you get from completing simple quests. It is as if VG prefers players complete quests instead of mindlessly kill mobs. VG needs to tweak this because the xp from quests is too high and the xp from mobs seems about right or maybe a bit low.
/edit again. BTW, the voices in VG absolutely suck. Sorry, they are totally out of place. It's like adding a polk-a-dot paintjob to an awesome mercedes. It detracts from what would otherwise be an amazing experience. Sigil should disable the voiceovers until they get it right.
Luckily, i don't need you to like me to enjoy video games. -nariusseldon.
In F2P I think it's more a case of the game's trying to play the player's. -laserit
Also love WoW, but wish there was more depth to it. Will try Vanguard in a few months once I get a new computer. Hopefully by then the game will be more polished.
My post was addressed to those who "consider themselves superior to the average WoW player". And by your reply it would seem that you do, and you should get some damned perspective. You are not superior, or more mature than a collection of 8,000,000 people, you have simply failed to understand WoW. You are easily persuaded by the vocal minority of WoW players that there are no mature people there. You have failed to "get it". Try harder next time.
WoW is continuously praised in the mainstream media yet despised in the more hardcore community simply because it's popular. If you can't find challenge then you truly do suck at WoW. If you applied the same effort that you spent ignoring bugs to playing WoW properly, you would "get it". You have become victim of accessibility, and have been made too lazy to look deeper into the game, into the the meta-game of guild politics, into the challenge of PvP, into the difficult end game content. Yes, it's difficult - maybe you got carried by the rest of your guild but some people there actually put craptons of effort into progressing your guild.
I found level 16 in Vanguard to be easier to reach than WoW was. What? You think less solo content = more challenge? Pfft, wrong. It's just a different type of content. You think corpse runs = more challenge? Pfft wrong, just a bigger time penalty. You think class interdependancy = more challenge? Pfft wrong it just means less availablity of content when you can't find a healer or a tank.
Time != challenge. You have failed to grasp this simple concept, you are easily persuaded and you can't find challenge in WoW.
This is by no means a Vanguard bash, I am just defending WoW from the ignorant "elite", who probably suck at Vanguard as well. WoW has lots of people of all ages playing. This is very differnt than most MMOs that have mostly the 18-34 crowd. The people that get noticed are the kids.
The mainstream media praises so much crap that I can't believe you would ever bring this point up. By your reasoning Titanic is a better movie than Life is Beautiful. WoW isn't crap (I enjoyed it until the faction and raid grinding endgame) but that argument doesn't hold water.
There were challenges in WoW but not many. Raiding was only difficult because it was tough to get 40 decent players together. Since most of the mobs had such static routines once you figured out the strategy there was no challenge at all. Trying to get 40 players to listen and not screw around = challenge. Trying to get people to farm ingredients so you have lots of pots = challenge. I was part of a guild going through MC and we died not because the encounters were hard but because we didn't have uber farmed consumables and there were a lot of VERY bad players. Dire Maul was the only instance where I found TRUE challenge. PvP and guild politics is part of every game and has nothing to do with WoW. WoWs PvP system also was mainly about time /played and not actual skill once BGs made it in. WoW is and will always be only about time /played. WoW is such a grinding game it's unbelievable. VG may end up like that too but I'm having fun for now.
If you find 16 easier in VG than you do in WoW you suck at WoW. The only difficult part of leveling in WoW is the stupid quests that require you to run on foot for 30 mins to get to the next step. In VG I have had genuinely difficult quests that required me to actually think a little. Also I have had to fight multiple mobs so much more than in WoW it isn't funny. The only challenge in WoW is succeeding when you have idiot groupmates.
Class dependancy is worse than WoW? WTF are you smoking? 4 healing classes that can all be a main healer. Lots of DPS classes that all do the job very well. 3 tank classes that all tank very well. SO you need 1 tank 1 healer and 2 DPS and the last 2 group spots can be a mix of almost anything. In WoW you needed 1 tank, 1 healer 1 DPS and the other 2 spots could be almost anything. Not to mention that priests are by far the best overall healers in WoW where in VG all 4 choices are different but equal. Really you have no idea what you're talking about. Healing and tank classes are pretty interesting in VG and I seen lots of both running around.
Naked corpse runs are challenging. Sometimes you can make it sometimes you can't. Losing exp means you have a greater fear of death which makes things more interesting.
WoW is all about time played for endgame. Time != challenge applies to WoW more than any game I've played. Look at any faction items from BGs. It was anything but hard to get them but it required a TON of time. Hell everything I've heard about TBC says it's just another huge timesink faction grind. People also say it's easy.
I wouldn't say VG is a difficult game but it is much more challenging than WoW and it has nothing to do with how long things take.
No real challenge? Try getting to level 15 solo.
Anarchy is definately a fan of Vanguard. No doubting that. He is just being passionate for a game that he loves. I don't think he's begging ANYONE to join him.
I for one though, happen to disagree with his initial premise of "If you liked WoW you will LOVE vanguard".
But that being said, if you love a game your playing don't you want to try and get more people involved because it's something that you love? It's only human nature...humans being the social animal that they are.
Can't blame the guy for wanting to share his passion.
I just don't happen to share his passion right now. Perhaps I will later when I think that enough promises have been fulfilled that I think it's worth my hard earned cash without upgrading my current PC.. AND there's a free trial.
Never be afraid of choices. More choices are always good things.
$OE lies list
And I don't want to hear anything about "I don't believe in vampires" because *I* don't believe in vampires, but I believe in my own two eyes, and what *I* saw is ******* vampires! "