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Let me start by saying I am experienced in UO, Eve-Online, DAoC, GW and WoW; I am also not going to make an immature posting with regards to V:SOH; however, I do want to ‘say my piece’ in a constructive manner.
I pre-ordered Vanguard based on several promising features of the game and playing on a friends beta account for several days. Vanguard is, conceptually, a great game and has potential to pull in a lot of mmorpg players bored of WoW, GW etc.
I have never seen such a bad launch week. Not only is the game full of bugs and ‘missing’ elements but the obscure public relations is not helping the situation.
There seems to be some ignorant / arrogant assumption by the support staff (on community forums, via e-mail support) that problems are generally client side. NO.
I’m Sigil, sorry but your game code is not ready for retail. The numerous crashes, ludicrous FPS, failing logins, missing items, memory leaks etc. are your fault and should have been dealt with before launch.
People can say ‘its just launched give it time’, but a retailing product that you pay £30 for should be playable; the game in its current state is not. Personally I crash every 10 minutes regardless of the operating system and settings. Two of my friends who play BOTH can’t even enter the game world! These aren’t isolated incidents Sigil, they are widespread regardless of OS, hardware and settings.
Sigil I hope you wake up, listen to your community (which is dwindling) and deal with major playability issues before Vanguard becomes just another mediocre mmorpg.
I suggest compensating players with at least an extra week of game time, possibly scraping the monthly subscription for now and asking players to help ‘beta’ the code. You should also publicly admit that the game is not ready and ask the community to be patient.
Yeah, all that was in beta also... but people are having fun.
"Anyone posting on this forum is not an average user, and there for any opinions about the game are going to be overly critical compared to an average users opinions." - Me
"No, your wrong.." - Random user #123
"Hello person posting on a site specifically for MMO's in a thread on a sub forum specifically for a particular game talking about meta features and making comparisons to other titles in the genre, and their meta features.
How are you?" -Me
Your post is a good indication that out of all of those games listed you have never seen a launch before.
With MMOs and with the rest of games in general that are being released now. . it has become a "Give it time" Kinda thing, there are numerous games on the PC, 360, PS3 are releasing screwed up. . .we have reached the end of an era in receiving a decent product. . .as long as there is an internet connection and a hard drive to make the changes to the developers of all games will consider them as in beta and never launch until they run out of their last red cent. . .
You will either be one of the people who quits the game or never buys it until later on when you would actually consider that time your launch week or you will be one of the people who enjoys playing the game. . .I myself had my first crash for the first time. If you are crashing to the desktop and both of these people are your friends whose computers you are playing on it is feasible to say they have done something foolish.. . . You could come to my house and I will make you pancakes while we play vanguard. . lmao - Friendly Vanguard:Saga of Heroes Qalia based Guild.
On the other hand they are making DAILY patches which contain more changes then most of warcraft's content patches, everything is getting fixed and everything is being added etc etc so they are fufilling their promise to us. The only thing that is bugging me about it is when a monster just magically dissapears offa the screen when your in the middle of a fight. Apart from that learn to role with the punches eh?
Most of the bugs I have encountered that still exist in my starting area are cosmetic, such as being able to buy an ability twice, or a quest reward which is shown twice in the same window.
Yes, the game is bug infested. Take grouping for instance:
And these are all very basic features that are needed to play the game! Very annoying, poorly coded game that I.. just... gotta... play...
I am assuming that you are actually from Sigil. I have questions for you.
1. Are we going to see new and improved animations, and cities with more NPC movement and life?
2. Are there any plans to improve the appearance of water, names the horrific appearance of water as it touches the shore in a boxy, polygonish way?
3. Speaking of water, any plans for underwater plant life to spruce it up? I can get more life leaving a glass of water on a the counter overnight.
4. Any plans to changing and/or expanding character creation options to make characters look more unique?
5. Clipping plane. It doesn't seem to go anywhere about 900 meters even though the slider bars goes further, will this change in the future? What about how objects and creatures don't appear until ~50 meters, I hear it is going to be fixed. Is this true, and if so, how much improvement can we expect?
6. If yes to any of the above, can you give us an idea of their priority?
Thanks for the reply!
another thing. I noticed that tapestry, like flags are stiff and don't move, I don't suppose you know about those either?
And lastly, if I'm allowed to ask this, why was the game release so early in its current state? The incompleteness of the game is tangible and is turning off many people.
R u rilly from sigil?
Maybe abit off topic but I am just amazed how people not that just accept but acctualy defend a product that hit the shelfs unfinished.
I am not sayn' Vanguard is not a good game, or a bad one, certainly it have potantial.BUt from a customer point of view, would you buy a car wich "sound to be cool'" but the salemans will fgive it to you without wheels?"We will deliver the super turbo wheels included in the next month sir"..
Come on people get real and have a little respect for the money you spend on something as customer at least..The game market made such a habit to sell unfinished products in ther past years that it become a rule.
Soon they will "patch" our grocery too lol
Because it has "wheels". Just a lot of dents, etc.
I won't defend it to the point where I won't admit it has flaws, because it has glaring ones.
I play this because it is the MMO I am interested in. WoW is higher quality, but I'm bored with it. The expansion didn't do much at all to wet my appitite either.
EQ is past its prime.
Tried EQ2, but I can't get into it. Instancing drives me away from MMOs.
Tried Eve, definitely not my style.
Shadowbane had an awesome skill system that more MMOs should "borrow", but beyond that was a hollow shell and completely devoid of anything even remotely resembling balance.
Horizons...... lol.... enough said.
Asheron's call - see EQ, and it wasn't that great to begin with.
Ashreon's call 2 - train wreck of a game.
DDO - again with the instancing. I could just play regular D&D.
LOTRO - was in beta. Wasn't very impressed, Controls were at a super nintendo level of physical realism, and that is coming from a man who loved to jump in a circle backwards on his mount in WoW.
So here I am.
The pro- I got this game earlier then I expected.
The horrible, horrible con - it isn't actually done yet.
Ehm, am i the only one that is having some problems with mobs disappering in combat and some times im not eable to form groups.
Teres also the "lost connection to your group" bug
Had hoped that they would have fixed these anoing bugs before going out of beta.
However i still love the game
Currently playing : Eve-online
Fightz Zeen
Clearly their priority should be on bringing the Gnome area up to snuff relative to the other races starting areas. I think it shows a great deal of disrespect for what is obviously an inherently superior Gnomish way of life.
Some more cowbell wouldn't hurt, either.
I am the type of player where I like to do everything and anything from time to time. - pre-WW2 genocide.
I miss DAoC
Having "MMO'd" for so long, I can take a lot and still call something playable... But in a game where every 30 seconds something 'odd' happens, it's tough.
I really think Sigil is getting more heat because the game has the potential to be so immersive, so that when a quest giver doesn't 'rez in' for a good 30 seconds, or a MOB up and vanishes, or the game turns into a slide-show for no apparent reason, it's more apparent that something is wrong.
So, yes, while there are no "Blocker bugs" for the most part and the game is technically 'playable', I don't concider it enough for the monthly fee.
To use the oft-used car analogy; it's much like paying monthly for a car that, while both beautiful and technically driveable, has no heat, the driver's side windows won't roll down, and occasionally the engine just turns off on it's own.
Sharkey I am in two betas art the moment. I respect NDAs so I will not say which ones specifically, however both are in better shape as of now than Vanguard was on release day. Now can you actually contribute to the thread or is your purpose on this forum just to make personal attacks against me?
I miss DAoC
Sharkey I am in two betas art the moment. I respect NDAs so I will not say which ones specifically, however both are in better shape as of now than Vanguard was on release day. Now can you actually contribute to the thread or is your purpose on this forum just to make personal attacks against me?
Constructive? You? When? You are NEVER constructive and I don't attack you. I merely point out that you dont bring anything constructive to the table. You start threads like "Vanguard can only survive via the station pass" etc. Maybe you think you are constructive but what you actually are is A : Negative and B : A fanboy of other games (which are in Beta).
Sharkey I am in two betas art the moment. I respect NDAs so I will not say which ones specifically, however both are in better shape as of now than Vanguard was on release day. Now can you actually contribute to the thread or is your purpose on this forum just to make personal attacks against me?
Constructive? You? When? You are NEVER constructive and I don't attack you. I merely point out that you dont bring anything constructive to the table. You start threads like "Vanguard can only survive via the station pass" etc. Maybe you think you are constructive but what you actually are is A : Negative and B : A fanboy of other games (which are in Beta).
Wow, you are actually going to say that you don't attack him when just a few posts up, you obviously did? Instead of focusing on what kind of person that Jackdog is, how about telling us why you believe what he's saying is wrong? He's brought up some good points, but all I'm hearing is that Jackdog has an agenda, or Jackdog is a hater, or whatever. I still haven't heard why Jack's wrong.