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If you have played VG, please indicate your satisfaction. Take into consideration the bugs you deal with. I see bugs too but if I had the choice of waiting for a less-buggy release or playing now with bugs, I'd MUCH rather be playing now. Considering how much enjoyment I get from VG, the bugs seem very very minor.
Also, please post if you think VG is 3rd Gen. If it isn't, then please post what you think 3rd Gen should be.
I think Vanguard IS 3rd Gen for two very big reasons:
1. Graphics are awesome, world is awesome, combat is dynamic with finishing moves, fantastic animations, and sometimes very tough mobs.
2. The game UI is simply incredible. It may not look all that exciting since it takes up little space. BUT the devil is in the details and you eventually realize everything you need to know is there in plain sight! There are so many improvements that I simply can't list them all. But yesterday I had my first experience with group looting. The group leader can specify loot rules. Last night, any player could look at the loot of a mob and click the "random" button. Doing so will pop up a rand box on everyone's screen. Players click "roll" or "pass." After all rolls have been made, the item automatically transfers from the mob corpse to the winners inventory. That is friggin awesome!!
Luckily, i don't need you to like me to enjoy video games. -nariusseldon.
In F2P I think it's more a case of the game's trying to play the player's. -laserit
That is funny. At the time I'm posting your poll has 3 votes and each of us voted dif.
Dunno, just sorta tickled my funny bone.
17 votes later, and VG clearly is in the "good to awesome" rating on average. I know this post will get buried in the 100+ posts made daily on this forum. Boo! I want all the players to stop playing VG for a few minutes and come vote!
For those who don't like it, I wonder how many of them spent more than an hour on the game. Honestly at first I thought the game was beautiful but a little weird because it was so different. Each day you realize more and more what a gem of a game it is.
Luckily, i don't need you to like me to enjoy video games. -nariusseldon.
In F2P I think it's more a case of the game's trying to play the player's. -laserit
It just needs work and a ton of it.
The more I play the game the more I enjoy it, but it is very far from complete and still has quite a few bugs.
Despite all the flaws its awesome, but if they whether or not it will endure and become one of the truly greatest games depends on how well and fast Sigil patches it up.
I'm honestly suprised that I am enjoying it as much as I am.
I wasn't expecting to, but I cancelled my WoW and EQ2 accounts and will be cancelling my UO account tonight.
VG is filling the gap completely right now. I'm playing the heck out of it and it just keeps getting better and better for me.
I was not 100% inpressed at first, but each day it got better and now I am just blown away nightly.
Finding performance to be better than i expected after being worried by posts.
The world is simply breathtaking, as is everything in it, and i know im in for many more surprises yet.
Wouldnt swap my Vanguard for anything
It's about what I expected. It plays alot like some other MMORPGs, has some neat differences (crafting, diplomacy are sweet), and has it's share of initial lanch jitters. So far I have played two of the starting areas just to experience content/storyline difference, and will fool around in several others. Overall, I'd give it a C+/B- at this point. A more polished product with less bugs at launch would have raised the grade, which, in a matter of time will happen. By the way, I don't give out A's easily, a developer really has to work their ass off to get one, and I've never given one out a launch yet.
It will be interesting to see how this game does at the end of 2007, with competitive launches of Tabula Rasa, Gods and Heroes, LOTRO, and Spellborn, to name just a few. Overall, this will be a very competitive year in MMORPGs, a plus for players, and pressure for developers. If Vanguard is polished fast, it should be a keeper.
It's not 3rd gen because...
It has very average graphics. The world looks good... but the mobs and pcs don't. Combat animations are horrible.
The combat system is hardly a great advance in the MMO world. It's slow and repetitive and is still the "wait for best dps skill to cycle and push button" that is in every other MMO.
And being able to change loot types is hardly a new thing, nor the criteria for a genre changing feature.
It’s a decent 2nd gen game, but that’s about it.
The above post is purely my opinion. If you disagree, that's your right. However, don't be an ass about it.
This game basically managed to achieve nothing that hasn't been done before and wrapped it up in graphics that are lacking.
The game is bug ridden, without a doubt we're paying to play a beta. For some thats okay, but me, I avoided the beta for this game and am not thrilled I ended up paying to play it after all.
The graphics are mediocre, the animations are lacking to say the least. The coding and performance of this game are really poor.
That all being said. If they fix the rediculous amount of bugs, manage to clean up thier code and improve system performance, maybe work on improving the character customization.. well, basically put a hell of a lot of effort into making this game something special, it could be good. At either rate, since Conan pushed its release date back again, I'm hoping it will be entertaining for a while at least.
Just think its pretty sad that this is all they managed to come up with.
The above post is purely my opinion. If you disagree, that's your right. However, don't be an ass about it.
Pretty much sums it up for me too.
Im enjoying it, but Im looking forward to whats ahead as a main motivation to play because right now.... its a bit dull.
Crafting is great, Diplomacy would have to be the best thing I have seen in an MMO for years. Combat gets more and more fun and involved as you progress and its a lot more thought oriented than other MMO's.
However the world feels decidedly empty and lifeless. I have been to many unpopulated "caves" that appear to be dungeons in waiting and I have spent some time running around in completely open areas without so much as a rabbit running past... hey theres a thought.... there are no rabbits in VG lol.
But Im sticking with it because what the game has in bucket loads is potential and if the rate of current improvement is anything to go by, most of that potential will be realised.
Id say my greatest concern is that the population is not going to meet SOE's expectations and I would predict we will see server merges this year. Im playing mainly on the FFA PvP server and I have to say that even in prime time it feels empty... Hopefully this will get better rather than worse.
Vanguard is an awesome game!
Yes, there is alot of bugs ATM but they seem to be on top of it.
The Graphics are great! After tweaking the settings a bit im getting 30-45FPS on my GF 6800GS (256 MB) .
At first i really didnt care for the game that much, but after putting in 10-12 hours over acouple days it grew on me. It took that long for me to get the UI layout to my personal liking, get a good idea of how the combat,chat,quests work, the general layout of the land, and the graphics setting at the right level.
I cant stop playing now. Its starting to look like ill be around for awhile. I played EQ1 for 6years, SWG for about a year,EQ2 beta, and im curently playing CoH/V (one year vet) and this game is right up there with them! So, for now, im gonna pony up my $15 a month!
Well, I rarely bump my own posts, but in this case I'd like to get some more votes; and the topics on this forum are so frequent that 5 mins later you find yourself on page 3.
That said, Olddaddy, I wanted to comment on one game you mention; LOTRO. At first, I thought this might be serious competition for VG; but if you read the LOTRO site you'll see they aren't really the same. LOTRO looks like much smaller scale world; and one key phrase stopped me. They boast "hundreds of hours of gameplay." Now, any major MMO offers thousands upon thousands of hours of gameplay. That statement alone made me think phew, this game is much limited in scope compared to VG. Perhaps an awesome game, but not in the same genre. Correct me if i'm wrong.
Luckily, i don't need you to like me to enjoy video games. -nariusseldon.
In F2P I think it's more a case of the game's trying to play the player's. -laserit
Any new votes today? Use your voice! Vote.
Last night was my first real encounter with a bug. A few times, I was bumped to the login screen and returned losing half a bar of experience. Luckily, it booted me again minutes later and I returned back to normal. Phew. I would suspect somehow a duplicate record for my character was created in the database.
Hey someone else bump this sometime today please. Because it's an actual metric instead of mounds of babbling about why VG roolz or sux.
Luckily, i don't need you to like me to enjoy video games. -nariusseldon.
In F2P I think it's more a case of the game's trying to play the player's. -laserit
Hmm would be nice to get a sticky...
Luckily, i don't need you to like me to enjoy video games. -nariusseldon.
In F2P I think it's more a case of the game's trying to play the player's. -laserit
I'll start my own SWG... with Black Jack... and Hookers!!!
In fact, forget the SWG!!!!
Well based of atleast 5 characthers to lvl around lvl 10(Beta) and one retail characther to lvl 12...These were all played in diffrent areas
It's rather ugly (most of the time) and maybe the jerkiness in some places has to do with this..But it's taking away from the experience overall..I think the graphics are pale in some odd way, and the characther/NPC's are horrible..But times it also rather good looking..Yes i run with very high settings...But its no where close to EQ2..its more like Ac2 or Horizons in graphics..
And the seamless world that is suppose to be the one thing "vanbois" is claiming to be so good etc is just annoying, they have to scale the graphics due to this and all you see now is almost empty huts with brainless NPC's staring at a wall, and even at it's empty state almost everytime you open a door the game engine lags or when you enter a city/village area.
Voice overs Oh forget about it, it's not voice overs its some really really cheap version of NPC voice..Basically they say Hi and farewell in 1000 diffrent ways, and most of the time its so poor..Well they could have left these voices out of the game since they only destroy the game feeling more..Again..compared to EQ2 this is as bad as it gets..Havent heard voices this bad since germans trying to speak english in their games..And pls..The Vulmane voices really makes me laugh, with some sort of echo effect placed over the already poor voices plus they used the same voice on each and every NPC the only diffrence is male/female...But again voices makes no game, it adds to the overall experience and this is really bad..
The Good..
Its rather fun and addictive game so far...plenty of quests playing as a Vulmane and some are rather fun..a good improvement since beta,,I think..
The combat is rather fun so far, better than beta..