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the game is fine. not good, fine
buthe performance is honestly very bad..
i run 45 fps with all the tweaks etc out in the open, and the moment i hit a group with 5+ players it is slideshot heaven
mind you, i run the game on high performance... while some of you say thats '" all my hardware can take" don forget that:
- i run EQ2 on 1600+ high qual in raid
- i run WoW any raid/BG without a hickup
- i run Daoc 100 vs 100 rvr with not a single FPS drop,
mind you,, ALL of the above examples look WAY better then vanguard does at the setting i am running it.
too bad, the game has great potential. but this is nuts.
Any game right after launch will suffer the same. I'll wait it out for a bit and see if they get improvements in performance over the next few patches.
Consider this.. there's really no way to set up test labs and toss 30k users (scripts) at the game and see how performance goes. Post launch really is a beta for game companies. So for me, it's what they do next that's important.
If you do leave, check it back out in a couple of months.. or at least look here for folks hopefully discussing the performance improvements.
A lot of times there is just one minor tweek you can do and get the game running a lot better. Not saying that you havnt, if you have tried to work on it great...but a lot of people are complaining about performance but not really asking for advice from tech savy people either.
well tbh, all i hear is "your hardware sucks, your pc sucks, you should upgrade etc etc etc"
when a game comes along that requires me to, i will, but so far i have not seen anything graphic wise that requires me to do so.
it runs really crap on my system:
athlon 3500
2 gig corsair ram twins
6800GT little overclocked
best drivers for 6800GT (tried the lasted 3 nvidia ones, 84.21 has way better performance)
all the ini tweaks done offcourse
i dont get it.. oblivion runs silky smooth, neverwinter nights 2 runs like a madman, EQ2 always was a "heavy" game and that runs a 50fps in raid no problem and even daoc 100vs100 rvr wich is a pain in the butt to everyone i dont seem to have a problem with.. GRR
Edit: specs core2duo, 2Gb, ati x1900xt ; runs great at maxed out settings with 16x anisotropic
Hi Erinys, sorry to hear the framerate is sucking. You have the same video card I had prior to my upgrade last month. It was an awesome card years ago; and remains a good card today. 45fps is very impressive! And there are much more powerful cards on the market now, even for AGP. Check out
Upgrading to PCI Express was expensive. Everyone has to upgrade eventually, and I chose to do it in time for VG.
Luckily, i don't need you to like me to enjoy video games. -nariusseldon.
In F2P I think it's more a case of the game's trying to play the player's. -laserit
Honestly I wonder what people want, all the optimizing in the world isn't gonna change the fact the game was intended for current hardware. One of my friends is running the game with the same graphics card and is complaining about the same issue my best friend uses a similar system with a 7600gt oc and hasn't had a problem with performance what so ever.
I was replying to you comment : "ALL of the above examples look WAY better then vanguard does at the setting i am running it."
And as for "your a minority", well... I see so many people leaving the game and posting in frustration on these forums about performance problems or poor graphics on their lower end systems. That almost looks like 1/4 of this forum's population, so I don't think I'm a minority.
But anyway, if you like it or not, even the VG devs have said countless times that this game was not designed to look good on lower end hardware.
-----Zero Punctuation Eve Online Review-----
Luckily, i don't need you to like me to enjoy video games. -nariusseldon.
In F2P I think it's more a case of the game's trying to play the player's. -laserit
My biggest gripe about Vanguard is there is no central web site forum, maintained and policed by Sigil or SOE. Instead I have to hunt around for information on about 6 websites and the information I have to gleam is dubious at best. I have heard people defend the current policy, but really your telling me Sigil can’t afford to add game forums to there existing central site, and hire the talent need to do it right, if that is the case I worry a bout the longevity of this game. That’s some of Vanguard problem in a nutshell the information is out there but just hard to dig up and MMO research is not why I play a game, playing is, the game is so huge that finding things and quests can be a problem. This way you can avoid the constant shouts and questions in game chat.
You know I read a lot, and often times posters are barraged with various inane comments designed to start a flame war, so if that is you passion go ahead, but criticism is from the Greek root word “to make better”, and that’s all I’m trying to do. I want Vanguard to get better, so I will come back.
You have no clue what you are talking about when you say "the code is bad, that is all there is to it" ; or are you one of those "I know it all but I have no idea" dudes ? (no pun intended, its just a question, I don't make any assumptions)
This game's engine was made to run on current hardware, so the game was designed for this. One of the first technologies that come to mind is speedtree; apart from the trees and the grass drawing, speedtree also gives you this great viewing distance, so the engine has to take care of all this. There are many other components in this game that are made and/or tweaked for current hardware.
You can turn a lot of the gfx output down on low quality settings, but the engine still has to run with its components and as it is it is still far from optimized to bypass everything it doesn't need, to draw the minimum on the screen. And so, the design (as opposed to the WOW design for example, which was designed to look good on hardware 3 years ago), was not made to look good on older hardware.
He said he is running the game on high performance, which is the lowest graphics quality setting. It's a bit cunfusing, because they changed all the setting names in the last storage of beta. I agree, the game looks pretty good at balanced, but look at the difference between the bottom two settings. The lowest setting is just plain ugly, using extremely low detail textures. there really isn't any excuse for it to run as poorly as it does at that setting, where it looks like a 5 year old game. The real issue isnt the system requirements of the hihest quality setting, it is the performance of the lowest quality setting.
@ the guy with the sony forum link.... There are no official gameplay discussion forums for vanguard. Sigil shut them down about three weeks ago.
-----Zero Punctuation Eve Online Review-----
people with low end machines actually exist?!
i think thats like talking m&m's
can you smell that?!!...............there is nothing quite like it.....................the smell of troll in the morning............i love that smell.
You have no clue what you are talking about when you say "the code is bad, that is all there is to it" ; or are you one of those "I know it all but I have no idea" dudes ? (no pun intended, its just a question, I don't make any assumptions)
This game's engine was made to run on current hardware, so the game was designed for this. One of the first technologies that come to mind is speedtree; apart from the trees and the grass drawing, speedtree also gives you this great viewing distance, so the engine has to take care all all this. There are many other components it this game that are made and/or tweaked for current hardware.
You can turn a lot of the gfx output down on low quality settings, but the engine still has to run with its components and as it is it is still far from optimized to bypass everything it doesn't need, to draw the minimum on the screen. And so, the design (as opposed to the WOW design for example, which was designed to look good on hardware 3 years ago), was not made to look good on older hardware.
For the record, I have my MCSE, CCNE and BWACNE, I manage a wireless ISP and offer full PC hardware and software service and support. Prior to my career focusing on this path I did Video Game support. I am not a game developer, and I admit that I am not intimately familiar with the code of the game. I do have a decent grasp of the concepts in layman's terms, and pretty good idea of what the average gaming machine is made up of. I run a moderate sized gaming team that I founded 7 years ago. I had 3 beta accounts in my house, all on different machines, and had opportunity to see it run on my little brothers machine, which is pretty top of the line. I generally try not to get in to arguments where I am speaking from a position of ignorance.
That said, your post only reinforces my original point that this games problems are in it's code. It is not properly optimized to run on medium to low end gaming machines. The problem, by your own admission is one of optimization...therefor, a problem with their code. The problem isn't that the game doesn't run at high quality settings on medium range machines, it is that the only setting it will run at looks like crap. They have not made a sufficient efforts to optimize the settings and allow the game to run and look good on the machines most people currently have.
There are at least 10 other MMOs I can think of that look better than vanguard at "high performance", but still run silky smooth.
-----Zero Punctuation Eve Online Review-----
I just think that optimization should have been higher on the priority list. The reason it really bugs me is that they knew it was a problem for at least the entire time I was in beta. They kept saying that it was a top priority, but there weren't any significant improvements in the last few months before launch. I don't expect everyone to agree with me, and i can understand that for people with very high systems specs it might seem like the problem doesn't exist at all. I guess it's all about perspective. I foresee a lot of people buying the game based on the specs on the box and then being pretty upset to see how it runs on their machine.
I have a p4 3.2, 1 gig of ram and a geforce 6800 gs. Despite being well above minimum requirements, performance at the lowest setting is still unacceptable. I shouldn/t have to spend 2 days tweaking files to make ti run right... that is their job. I was really thinking this would be the next game my team would play, but not a single one of the guys in my guild that tried it were willing to buy it at launch.... they would honestly rather play AO. By the time they get it sufficiently optimized, we'll probably playing AOC or WAR. It's a shame, because if it ran better, it would certainly be my game of choice right now. I'm just glad I only lost 5 bucks on my preorder and not the 60 bucks that a lot of people are wasting to find out it won't run for them.
-----Zero Punctuation Eve Online Review-----
Although priorities can be a hell of a pain in the ***. I am not sure it would have been better to put optimizations for lower end systems higher on the list, as this would certainly have meant that other essential parts of the game would be in an even worse state than they are today.
As it is now we have a game that is, content wise, good for 30% (?) of the player base and constantly improving; I think this is still better than a bad game (content wise) that 100% of the player base can play with good graphics.
The bottom line is that this game should not have been released now, but we all already know this.
The reason why it is a resource hog is that it draws more on the screen & very large textures (high end systems) (it takes 17Gb HD space) , and is not optimized for low end systems yet.