I'm just wondering if spawns are slow and XP is a tedious grind then how does one get 24 lvls in 2 days?
I haven't played the game much, just tried it out at a LAN center last week, and am patiently waiting on the parts for a home up grade.
Anyhow I think that's some fast leveling and it makes me ask the question.. Is it really that easy to level up in VG, that being if spawns are slow and all that business?
My question is a serious one BTW.
I was always under the impression that the game was more difficult to level in.
Preface: I played vanguard from 2 days after it opened until today. I doubt I will log in again. My main is ~L24 so I’ve played a good bit. This isn’t a definitive statement of everyone’s experience in Vanguard. It is mine. I don’t do crafting and wouldn’t even if they paid me, so I won’t be reviewing that. If you had tried it you might have found it to be a very indepth system. I don't normally craft in any game, but I found myself doing a LOT of it in VG. First crafting system I've accually liked. The baby card-game (diplomacy) is essentially a free run-around drool-proofed kiddie game that a child could win. It doesn’t give any meaningful reward that I could see and was hideously boring. So I didn’t continue after 20 or so wins. It might get better, but I couldn’t bear the thought of playing it any longer. Most of what you did was just the tutorial, designed to familliarise yourself with diplomacy; once you start to accually progress through the kiddie game you would have found it to be rather challenging. It's also couner to what most people have been complaining about I'm going to call BS on this. If it was so easy why did they need to adjust it, and why have people been complaining that it was to hard. And why did that damn Deacon of the Moon woop me like 6 times straight. Adventuring is where it is at for me. This was the make or break of the game. Unfortunately, there are several factors that I feel make the game’s aggravation outweigh the fun, even if it were free. Paying for this game is out of the question. I’ll outline what I see are the major problems and give short examples of each: 1. To get it out of the way: the client and world are badly bugged and broken. The majority of my deaths have come from being boot-killed, lag killed, insta-pop killed, kill-pop killed, and teleport killed. If you don’t know what those are, you haven’t played and I’ll explain them to you: This is a gross exageration as the world isn't broken, and pretty arogant of you to think that if anyone hasn't had the same experience as you then they haven't played. I haven't run into a single bug yet and I've been playing since 5 days before release. That's not saying there aren't bugs, just that I've been fortunate to not run into them. There is a memory leak I believe and usually when I start to get any kind of excessive lag a simple /flush does the trick. I play with a ATI x1300 and 2gb of RAM, about a mid grade system. Boot-killed: You get randomly booted to the desktop or the loading screen, but your character is still in game for 30 seconds or so and gets killed. Could be the memory leak or something wrong with your system, but I can't tell you that cause I don't knwo what you were playing the game with. The only time I get booted from the client is when I have media player, IE, and vent running all at the same time, but I played L2 so memory leaks aren't new to me; nor are they indicitive of a new release. L2 was having the problem almost 2 years after release. Lag-killed: The game randomly freezes up for up to 30 seconds at a time. (Due to memory leak problems and just bad code.) You will die while frozen and unable to act. This happens most often right after you cast a spell or use an ability. I have never had this happen unless I'm crossing chunks; so I'm calling BS on this and chalking it up to something with your rig as your the first person to state that they get random freezes. Pretty arogant to call bad code as well. Insta-pop killed: Randomly, when you kill the last mob in a spawn set, ALL the mobs will pop in the area the instant that mob is killed. They add, you die. It is impossible in most cases to flee from mobs over L15 (even with SOW). Kill-pop killed: Randomly, when you kill a mob, another level 0 mob clone will pop from the corpse and instantly agro. You get no xp or loot from killing it, but it will likely kill you in your weakened state. Is it possible that a mob is supposed to spawn on the death of another mob. I've seen this in several other MMO's. Teleport killed: my favorite. Randomly, you will get teleported into a random part of the world. In 2 cases (1 mine one someone elses), you get teleported into the field by the ruins of (whatever). It is the highest level zone in that part of the world and you die quickly. You will lose the xp as you will be FORCED to recall your shard. Your gong to have to explain this in a little more depth as it stands you're saying that you are getting randomly ported to parts of the world? I'm confused. There are also massive problems with equipment being lost or having to re-equip stuff time after time when logging in. Never had this happen to me. When you zone, your pet becomes a ghost and you now have a magical ghost copy that won’t work. Wolf form also drops every time you zone. I could go on and on about the client, but it is extremely buggy for a release product. WoW and Lineage 2 were also extremely buggy for a released product; this is an MMO problem in general and not just reserved for VG 2. The game is a huge grind. It takes over 400 kills at level 20 to go to level 21 solo (2 dot yellow mobs). The combat is brain-dead easy and boring as hell. It is like having to move 400 marbles 10 yards one at a time from one jar to the next. Tedious, unchallenging, and not fun. You're not supposed to be able to lvl fast, although a couple people who have dedicated there lives to the game are. Your opinion on combat is just your opinion; I personally like the combat in VG more so then any other MMO i've played. It's also geared toward group combat as most every ability has some impact on the abilities of your teammates. Also define grind, because in all honesty in every single MMO you play you have to grind, either by doing quests or not doing quests, in the end it's all grinding. You want to be able to progres faster, I don't, and neither does Sigil. All of the equipment sucks and really isn’t any better than any other. It might give some small bonuses, but you really won’t notice much difference between all rare equipment and none at all (if you are a caster, that is). There really isn’t much reward for anything you do besides xp and some token coin. You're crazy. There is a significant difference between the qualities of gear. Also, early on I know that the group quests give much better gear then the solo ones. The market interface sucks as well with only 10 sell slots. I just sell (to the trash vendor) or destroy all the green equipment as the inventory is so small. (So is the bank by the way.) Your opinion again. I would much rather be able to put something on the exchange and have it there till it sells then have to repost it every day. 3. The number one REAL reason is all the damned running around because “mindless clopping back and forth is supposed to be fun”. It takes over 20 minutes of running with the fastest horse + sow to reach the L20 – 25 areas. Across bland, horrible terrain. Cloppity cloppity clop. The game forces this on several levels: Honestly, this is your fault. You should have read more about the game. It's been stated over and over that travel was a big part of the game. It's also your opinion, you may not like to travel while others do. The first is your equipment falls off every time you begin to fight. It begins to take massive damage each time you begin to fight. (My equipment goes to 0% after around 4 – 6 hours of play.) They moved all the armor repair vendors back to the main city or at least 10 minutes run away, so it means a recall and a 20 minute run back after fixing your armor. You should rephrase this as well. Very misleading. Your armor doesn't fall of when you begin to fight, it stays on you. Honestly I'm not sure how the durability works, do you lose it when you take dmg or when you die. The most significant loses I've noticed is when I die, and it really isn't that much to me. also I've seen general vendors that can repair all around. The second is: the trainers are located ONLY in the starting city for most classes (warriors and such can just run the 20 minutes to the next city I guess). That means you are stuck teleporting back to the main city and running back every time you level. 20 minutes again. Clop clop clop. considering you get new abilities every 2 lvls this doesn't seem like such a big deal and it also goes back to the travel thing. If there is one thing that kills this game for me it is the constant damned boring ass running across featureless, bland, uninspired, and uncreative terrain. (Yes, I can do better.) Personally I think the world looks great, and unless you have some art background, specifically 3d modelling, I'm going to say BS again; you can't do better. 4. Like CoH, you get ~3 - 4 basic abilities and these are copied for 50 levels. All the abilities on the classes I checked repeat over and over. You only get them every other level (in most classes, there are some exceptions). Many of them are completely useless. I could go on and on about that, but the abilities are uninspired and boring clones. That's odd because I had something like 8+ abilities that I used on a regular basis in CoH, and I have 7 already in VG; not counting buffs and 2 heals. Did you expect to get a new ability with every lvl? So: Combat boils down to the same exact thing in the same sequence. They shortened the casting and effect time (such as 30 second roots), like EQ2, so it gives you buttons to frequently push like a fisher-price activity set. Sounds like the same form of combat in every other MMO, except that Sigil took grouping into consideration and gave it more depth. Opinion again, I like the combat. 5. The mobs spawn far too slowly. A single grinder can eliminate an entire dungeon of mobs when they are level appropriate or huge swaths of terrain. I saw this time and time again and did so myself. It makes questing a pain in the butt. It also means that in some areas (like the entire giant starting area to around level 15 at least) the few people that are there have a hard time finding something to kill. This is strange because I didn't think that you could solo the dungeans unless you were higher lvl then the mobs in the dungeon, and then you don't really have much of a point in being in there. Again this is another part of the group aspect that is so prevelent in VG, and you seem to be missing. Don't make blanket statements, and I wouldn't say few and starting area in the same breath; especially if you're making a point that there aren't enough mobs per players. You're contradicting yourself becuase earlier you said that mobs will respawn to fast and kill you. So wich is it, to fast or to slow. 6. The game is pretty much populated by children and ass hats. It has the worst community I have ever seen. I haven’t played WOW, but that’s how I would imagine the community to be. Another blanket statement and I'm not even going to chalk this up to opinion but ingnorance, and I don't mean the lack of information type of ignorance either. You never played WoW but you imagine that's how the community would be? That's a joke right? I've had a pretty damn good experience with the community. People have been friendly and helpfull, and this is on a ffa pvp server were I would expect a community full of children and ass hats. It's been my experience that the people that make statements like this are usually bad elements in a community anyways. 7. The overall experience is just irritating and not fun or challenging. It is very easy, but too aggravating for me to spend my time or money playing. Once again with the opinion. I find the gameplay to be more challenging then any other MMO I've played; heres my list: CoX, Eve, AO, L2, WoW, EQ2, DaOC, Guild wars, Auto Assualt, MXO, SWG, RF online. FoM, SoR. That’s pretty much it. I could write pages on this, but it’d be beating a dead horse. (Clop clop clopity clop?)
Oh yes: the server I played on showed medium population but I almost never saw more than a couple of people at a time and usually went for hours without seeing anyone else (except for the forced trips back to town). It seems to have gotten more sparse in the past few days. I only played on the European-like continent so maybe everyone is on one of the other continents. As there really isn’t a reason for me to go there before 50 (I’d be afraid there weren’t any trainers of my type there and I’d just have to come back), I really don’t care. To me they don’t exist.
Of course this is all your opinion, and I respect you for that, but this is not a review. You didn't list a single thing about the game that you liked, not one. Wich leads me to believe that you didn't like a single thing about the game; so it's really just your opinion. You also made a lot of blanket and crude statements that were really not needed. You also never indicate how you played the game, did you solo, group, a mix of both? How many hours a night did you play to get to 24? What games have you played other then CoH? How long have you been playing MMO's? Do you have any previous launch experience?
Really you just came across as a disgruntled gamer to me.
I am going to recommend a game to you. World of Warcraft.
Limited travel, fast lvling, the kind of AH system you seem to be looking for. WoW has been out for 2 years so it's had time to be polished and build a player base. I really do think you would be a perfect fit for that game. I played for 2 years since release and had a lot of fun, but the game is very casual without enough depth for me. It's also geared toward raiding at end game and I'm not a big fan of needing 20 to 40 people to experience content, nor did I like being up till all hours of the night. if you like casual leveling with hardcore raiding for endgame I think you'll love WoW, and the community isn't as bad as people make it out.
The baby card-game (diplomacy) is essentially a free run-around drool-proofed kiddie game that a child could win. It doesn’t give any meaningful reward that I could see and was hideously boring. So I didn’t continue after 20 or so wins. It might get better, but I couldn’t bear the thought of playing it any longer. I'm up to skill 243 atm with diplo. It gets alot harder once you leave the newbie quests. Theres loads of lore to read and you need to think if you wanna win. It's not for 10 year olds. Again, I guess I didn't explain myself well enough. My experience was what it was. Maybe it is harder. I didn't care. *shrug* There are also massive problems with equipment being lost or having to re-equip stuff time after time when logging in. This has happened to me once, I play alot so im not sure if you unlucky or just moaning about a very minor bug. Do you play over 3 hours at a time? This hasn't happened to me lately since I learned to camp every 2 hours or so and come back in. I'm also out of the Khegan's End zone. They rebooted that one a lot when I was there. (Some times several times a day.)
The market interface sucks as well with only 10 sell slots. I just sell (to the trash vendor) or destroy all the green equipment as the inventory is so small. (So is the bank by the way.) You buy new bags. I have over 70 slots and im on lvl 16. I'm sure if you looked on the market you would find bags to use. Also you get 3 banks. one on each continent. You probally have over 150 slots with each. Then you can buy a house and get loads more slots. I have 3 12 slot bags. I'm not going to travel to another continent just to bank! My inventory is always full after a couple hours of soloing but a vendor is usually around a 3 to 10 minute round trip to sell it for scraps, but sometimes it can be a long freakin trip. That's why I just sell most of it to the junk vendor.
If there is one thing that kills this game for me it is the constant damned boring ass running across featureless, bland, uninspired, and uncreative terrain. (Yes, I can do better.) I would love to see you try. *shrug* give me a chance. I write pretty decent content-generation stuff and design rather well.
4. Like CoH, you get ~3 - 4 basic abilities and these are copied for 50 levels. All the abilities on the classes I checked repeat over and over. You only get them every other level (in most classes, there are some exceptions). Many of them are completely useless. I could go on and on about that, but the abilities are uninspired and boring clones. Thats not true and you know it. I'm guess you play a druid like me. Well druid have loads of different abilities. I do play a druid. I've looked at those ability lists. Tell me you get more than 1 kind of dd and more than the 3 dot lines (2 of which are mana efficient at any given time). Tell me the colossus is different than your earth pet I, II, or III. Tell me group sow is a different spell than the single version. Wolf pack is a utility spell. The berries scale up. As you know, druids are also a utility class and therefore have the most varied of abilities between the different classes. They are the worst-case for my argument and they still only have a few things additional they get as they climb levels. Many of them will be rarely used or not at all. (Like Okelli's shield or whatever.)
So: Combat boils down to the same exact thing in the same sequence. They shortened the casting and effect time (such as 30 second roots), like EQ2, so it gives you buttons to frequently push like a fisher-price activity set. Find me a mmo that isn't like that or a first person shooter where you don't keep shooting or a racing game where you don't keep turning. EQ1. Combats took a good long time and spells lasted for minutes before having to be recast. EQ2 sort of started the speedy-cast trend. Basically they took a 2 minute dot in EQ1 and shifted it time-wise down to 20 seconds so you have to push the button 6 times to get the same effect. FPS games aren't MMORPGs as board games aren't hopscotch. We aren't discussing racing games either. The argument doesn't follow.
5. The mobs spawn far too slowly. A single grinder can eliminate an entire dungeon of mobs when they are level appropriate or huge swaths of terrain. I saw this time and time again and did so myself. It makes questing a pain in the butt. It also means that in some areas (like the entire giant starting area to around level 15 at least) the few people that are there have a hard time finding something to kill. I guess you're talking about the spider area at khengors end. Never had a problem looking for mobs there with 4 other groups around. I've seen the same thing in a number of places. I'm past Khengor's, but the spider area was mostly clean on flamehammer just about all day (I know because I killed them all in a circuit for hours and some days someone else was doing the same thing, usually a necro or sorc). Maybe someone got a spider or 2 when I was down at the far end near that group of 5, but whatever. Several days ago, when I was level 12, I was able to walk freely all around riftseekers because it was clean and kept clean by a constant parade of groups. I couldn't've killed anything if I'd wanted to. C<whatever> keep near Stormwynd is always empty because a single paladin (17 - 19) is usually there wiping out the whole place. When I soloed stuff several places, I kept the entire spawn clear and people would run by now and then to check. As soon as they see someone they truck on by because the spawns are cleaned. I had a hard time finding WHERE the outlaws were (when I hunted them) because they were killed completely for hours by people running up and down the road. I had no idea that is where they spawned because they were always dead. The stonesmasher enclave was cleared pretty much constantly during the weekends by a single group sitting in the middle until the grief-griffon drove them away for a couple of minutes. I could go on, but why. I've made my point.
6. The game is pretty much populated by children and ass hats. It has the worst community I have ever seen. I haven’t played WOW, but that’s how I would imagine the community to be. This is the point i thought you're talking bs. 99% of the ppl in the game a kind and helpful. Again, you're talking bs or your server or mine is unusual. Go on flamehammer. Ask a question. Anything. Try to find someone to help you do pretty much anything. You won't. (Not unless I or one of the other rares are around.) Go near one of the quest bottlenecks (such as the stonesmasher enclave on a weekend) and try to pull a mob from the east (I think) gate. There will be a group there. They will either KS you or they will kill-train you. Do that anyplace, really. If you have a camp, and a group comes along... they'll KS or train you out without even thinking. It is just the way it's done. I've asked questions and never received a single answer. Nor have I ever seen anyone answer a question asked by anyone else. Go and see for yourself.
7. The overall experience is just irritating and not fun or challenging. It is very easy, but too aggravating for me to spend my time or money playing. That’s pretty much it. I could write pages on this, but it’d be beating a dead horse. (Clop clop clopity clop?)
Oh yes: the server I played on showed medium population but I almost never saw more than a couple of people at a time and usually went for hours without seeing anyone else (except for the forced trips back to town). It seems to have gotten more sparse in the past few days. I only played on the European-like continent so maybe everyone is on one of the other continents. As there really isn’t a reason for me to go there before 50 (I’d be afraid there weren’t any trainers of my type there and I’d just have to come back), I really don’t care. To me they don’t exist. I'm on the gelania server. Maybe you playing at night or the morning? Where i am its normally very busy. Every town has loads of ppl. On saturday night theres major lag because of so many ppl.
I play on flamehammer during a good part of the day and night. Usually all day on the weekends.
Lol, I laugh at this topic, and everyone like it. Read this in his FIRST post "This isnt a definitive statement of everyones experience in Vanguard. It is mine." This was HIS experience, not yours. He states a valid review of the game, and you all become immature and call him either 1) A noob that hasnt played the game, 2) Ignorant, 3) Or other childish insults. And by what Ive read, he knows to much about the game to be some random newbie. Get over yourselves, its a GAME, have FUN. And boy, I just cant wait to get flamed for speaking my opinion.
Diplomacy is pointless because you can never rally lose : you just do it over and over again until you win.
Well actually thats not strictly true. It is in the early days (under 40 skill) but after 50, you will lose diplomatic prestige and faction for losing a hand. Then theoratically if you kept losing you would not have enough prestige/faction to start the encounter again. I am of course talking about civic diplomacy, but the same is tru for quests after 40 skill, there are consequences for losing.
+-+-+-+-+-+ "MMOs, for people that like think chatting is like a skill or something, rotflol" http://purepwnage.com
-+-+-+-+-+-+ "Far away across the field, the tolling of the iron bell, calls the faithful to their knees. To hear the softly spoken magic spell" Pink Floyd-Dark Side of the Moon
Of course this is all your opinion, and I respect you for that, but this is not a review. You didn't list a single thing about the game that you liked, not one. Wich leads me to believe that you didn't like a single thing about the game; so it's really just your opinion. You also made a lot of blanket and crude statements that were really not needed. You also never indicate how you played the game, did you solo, group, a mix of both? How many hours a night did you play to get to 24? What games have you played other then CoH? How long have you been playing MMO's? Do you have any previous launch experience?
So, because I didn't list anything I liked about it it isn't a review? Of course that isn't right. All reviews are also opinions. The argument doesn't follow.
I didn't feel anything was crude. That's your opinion.
The blanket vs concise is a silly catch 22. If I listed scores of specifics, you'd say I only listed special cases. If I make broader statements, you say they're "blanket". What're you saying? I gave some examples.
I played solo and in a group. I have no idea how many hours I've played, but I play a lot, sometimes over 12 hours at a stretch.
And, to belay the authority argument: I've played mmorpg's since UO. I've played: UO, EQ1, Anarchy Online, CoH, DDO, Eve, EQ2, Guild Wars, MxO, Ryl, "second life", SWG, and Vanguard. Most of them I have played to near endgame or endgame. All of them over half-way (except Eve. I only have 6 months there.)
Really you just came across as a disgruntled gamer to me.
Because I didn't like this ONE game I'm a disgruntled gamer? It follows then that because you like this one game you're an unabashed apologist for all games? That'll nullify both of our opinions.
I am going to recommend a game to you. World of Warcraft.
Well, thanks for your recommendation. Until I read the following paragraph I thought you were trying to insult me. I have no interest in easy games. That was part of my argument here, which I guess you didn't follow or read. I have no interest in WOW as I don't like the graphics. FF XI either for that matter.
Limited travel, fast lvling, the kind of AH system you seem to be looking for. WoW has been out for 2 years so it's had time to be polished and build a player base. I really do think you would be a perfect fit for that game. I played for 2 years since release and had a lot of fun, but the game is very casual without enough depth for me. It's also geared toward raiding at end game and I'm not a big fan of needing 20 to 40 people to experience content, nor did I like being up till all hours of the night. if you like casual leveling with hardcore raiding for endgame I think you'll love WoW, and the community isn't as bad as people make it out.
Lol, I laugh at this topic, and everyone like it. Read this in his FIRST post "This isn’t a definitive statement of everyone’s experience in Vanguard. It is mine." This was HIS experience, not yours. He states a valid review of the game, and you all become immature and call him either 1) A noob that hasnt played the game, 2) Ignorant, 3) Or other childish insults. And by what Ive read, he knows to much about the game to be some random newbie. Get over yourselves, its a GAME, have FUN. And boy, I just cant wait to get flamed for speaking my opinion.
See, what you wrote was the same thing the OP wrote, an opinion.
A review is an unbias and objective look at something. The OP wrote his opinion not a review because it was incredible biased (he's obviously agitate over the game) and non objective (he didn't give a single pro only cons).
If the OP had delivered this body of work in a fashion that would allow others to absorb ALL of the information, both good and bad, then it would have been cool. Instead what we have is some pissed of gamer who didn't like something and just wanted to tell everyone what was wrong with the game as he saw it. There was nothing there that would allow someone to make an informed decision on whether or not to buy the game.
And yes I'm aware that not all games get good reviews and it is possible to review something and it be all bad, but when you don't even tell anyone of the differnt features that are available to them and only focus on the stuff that pissed you off it makes you sound like your, well...QQ
A review is someones opinion on something, there are no rules for making a review. He could of posted some of the pros, but he chose not too. His review was based on the bugs, and bad things he encountered when playing, and I THANK him. I havent played this game yet, and the only reason Im on this board is cause I was looking to see peoples opinions on the game, before I decided to try the game. The game is new, is it not? New games are always buggy, and they will be until the company patches things up. Like I just said, and you did too, he should of posted some of the good things about the game in his opinion, but it was his choice not too. So dont flame him, even if his review was biased. Oh, and Im new to these forums, so Im guessing "OP" stands for "Original Poster"?
Of course this is all your opinion, and I respect you for that, but this is not a review. You didn't list a single thing about the game that you liked, not one. Wich leads me to believe that you didn't like a single thing about the game; so it's really just your opinion. You also made a lot of blanket and crude statements that were really not needed. You also never indicate how you played the game, did you solo, group, a mix of both? How many hours a night did you play to get to 24? What games have you played other then CoH? How long have you been playing MMO's? Do you have any previous launch experience?
So, because I didn't list anything I liked about it it isn't a review? Of course that isn't right. All reviews are also opinions. The argument doesn't follow.
No, because you obiously don't like the game and simply wanted to tell everyone what it was you didn't like. You didn't list the features available or even the premise behind the game. Because some of the "game breakers" that you didn't like are INTENDED featurs of the game. How serious can I take you when you complain about travel when travel is a big part of the game. Because the tone of your writing comes across with the intent to disuade others from playing the game, yet you don't really present objective case, only what pissed you off.
I didn't feel anything was crude. That's your opinion.
No, that's a fact. When you refer to people as "ass hats" that's is crude.
The blanket vs concise is a silly catch 22. If I listed scores of specifics, you'd say I only listed special cases. If I make broader statements, you say they're "blanket". What're you saying? I gave some examples.
No, because once again when you refer to a community as a whole as being "ass hats" you are making a blanket statement no matter how you cut it. It's also arrogant of you to make a statement in regards to how I would respond to something considering you are in no way privy to what goes on in my head or who I am.
I played solo and in a group. I have no idea how many hours I've played, but I play a lot, sometimes over 12 hours at a stretch.
And, to belay the authority argument: I've played mmorpg's since UO. I've played: UO, EQ1, Anarchy Online, CoH, DDO, Eve, EQ2, Guild Wars, MxO, Ryl, "second life", SWG, and Vanguard. Most of them I have played to near endgame or endgame. All of them over half-way (except Eve. I only have 6 months there.)
Previous experience can give you credibility. If you had said this was the fist mmo you've played then I would have just told you to go play a few more then come back.
Really you just came across as a disgruntled gamer to me.
Because I didn't like this ONE game I'm a disgruntled gamer? It follows then that because you like this one game you're an unabashed apologist for all games? That'll nullify both of our opinions.
No, because your tone is very beligerant. Apologist? Nope, I read the title of your thread and thought that you might accually have something intelligent to say, then I read it realised you were just a pissed off gamer. You wrote what you wrote and if you didn't want it to sound like you were pissed you could have writen it in a different tone. Context.
I am going to recommend a game to you. World of Warcraft.
Well, thanks for your recommendation. Until I read the following paragraph I thought you were trying to insult me. I have no interest in easy games. That was part of my argument here, which I guess you didn't follow or read. I have no interest in WOW as I don't like the graphics. FF XI either for that matter.
This was the first thing I read of this responce and I though, "eh, hes a an ok guy", then I read the stuff you wrote first and though, "eh, hes an "ass hat"
Limited travel, fast lvling, the kind of AH system you seem to be looking for. WoW has been out for 2 years so it's had time to be polished and build a player base. I really do think you would be a perfect fit for that game. I played for 2 years since release and had a lot of fun, but the game is very casual without enough depth for me. It's also geared toward raiding at end game and I'm not a big fan of needing 20 to 40 people to experience content, nor did I like being up till all hours of the night. if you like casual leveling with hardcore raiding for endgame I think you'll love WoW, and the community isn't as bad as people make it out.
Lol, I laugh at this topic, and everyone like it. Read this in his FIRST post "This isn’t a definitive statement of everyone’s experience in Vanguard. It is mine." This was HIS experience, not yours. He states a valid review of the game, and you all become immature and call him either 1) A noob that hasnt played the game, 2) Ignorant, 3) Or other childish insults. And by what Ive read, he knows to much about the game to be some random newbie. Get over yourselves, its a GAME, have FUN. And boy, I just cant wait to get flamed for speaking my opinion.
Glad someone caught on to this. This just goes to show you what kind of community Vanguard: Saga of a MMO Flop has. Rapid Vanbois that are desperate to make this THE game to play while slobbing all over BMQ's nob.
I agree, the post title would be more honest to say: Why I didn't like Vanguard.
To the OP:
I understand you didn't like the game. That's fine. However, a lot of what you said was very limited in scope, enough so to give a very narrow to even a misleading impression of the game. Vanguard has bugs and every community will have it's twits and unhelpful people.
I abhor the pain in the butt crashes, the annoying bugs and the people who think their plight should be everyone else's immediate concern. However, I've found the Vanguard community to be far and above that of WoW (as a whole after 2 years + of playing). The world is huge... the further away you are from a city, the less likely it is you will run directly into others. Hmmm, isn't that perhaps like the Western US was when it was first being explored?
I've found trainers in other places beyond the starting areas (this is for Thestra), namely: Renton's Keep, New Targonor, and Wardship of the Sleeping Moon, among others. As a cleric, I have a ton of tools at my disposal at level 20, not all of them are used all of the time. It depends on what I'm fighting, where and whether or not I'm in a group. If you feel things are that limited, perhaps it's the fact that you solo all the time. The devs stated at the very beginning that this is a primarily grouping game. Sure you can solo, I do a lot. However, if you're expecting the very best of experiences from soloing, you're definitely in the wrong game.
To Everyone else:
I've been having a fantastic time in Vanguard having played since early Beta 3. It is not a game for everyone. I would recommend that gamers looking at Vanguard do their research, take a look at the fan sites, magazine reviews, etc. Take individual reviews (both bad and good) with a grain of salt. Get a buddy pass if you can to take a glimpse for a few days and try it out for yourself. Realize that what you'll see in that short time is just a small portion of what the world of Telon has to offer.
If we see you there, welcome! If we do not, good luck to you in your chosen past time.
Lol, I laugh at this topic, and everyone like it. Read this in his FIRST post "This isn’t a definitive statement of everyone’s experience in Vanguard. It is mine." This was HIS experience, not yours. He states a valid review of the game, and you all become immature and call him either 1) A noob that hasnt played the game, 2) Ignorant, 3) Or other childish insults. And by what Ive read, he knows to much about the game to be some random newbie. Get over yourselves, its a GAME, have FUN. And boy, I just cant wait to get flamed for speaking my opinion.
Glad someone caught on to this. This just goes to show you what kind of community Vanguard: Saga of a MMO Flop has. Rapid Vanbois that are desperate to make this THE game to play while slobbing all over BMQ's nob. Notice how they never if rarely bring up arguments at all? They just tend to discredit the posters. Oh, and my personal favourite is "I looked up your post history, you clearly hate the game .... bla, bla, bla -- unlogical conclusion -- bla, bla"
I mean what type of people look up post history?
Probably those who read a post in the lines of "I quit the game ..... etc", and then they are unsure wether the poster falls in the "hater" or "fanboi" category, so they must search up other posts, simply because their reading comprehension sucks.
I completely agree with OP. I actually did try crafting, it felt like playing whack-a-mole. I tried diplomacy..its about as fun as shooting marbles, you get 3, you lose 2, gain 4 etc...and as for the "adventuring" sphere its the longest , most bug-prone, laggy grind I have yet seen. I also do agree with the OPs statement about the community. The community does pretty much consist of little kids and bitter old men who played EQ1 and have since been waiting a game that will let them return to playing EQ. They will defend the game more out of principle than anything else. I think most of them may just be trying to convince themselves that VG is a dull, buggy and uninspired game.
I like a review, good or bad, but when it's so far off from the reality of the game it's not a review anymore. Kid yourself all you want but what he posted was garbage.
And again, I can't see anyone proven that What he Said is not true , (except for the diplomacy, that HE said that He didn't try much). His review looks right to me, Same of what many people are posting, Heck! When people are NOT PLAYING THE GAME, to be in the forums whining, something must be wrong. (swg-nge anyone). The fact is That even sigil Said that the game was not ready for release , They had to do because of money trouble(Funny How they spent so much money on it, and can't get a few extra months to get the game ready).
Why play any MMORPG's if one hates the huge grind? The entire point of any RPG is to level. In fact every game that is on this web site just about has a grind. I am really not getting the purpose of this thread- no offense.
That statement caused physical pain!!!! The point of an RPG has nothing to do with leveling and grinding aaaaaaaaahhhhhhh the pain, the pain....its no wonder MMOs are in the shape they are in.
MmoRPG are all mainly about lvling. The all have some kind of grind system. WOW = quest grind. eve= isk grind, vg, eq2, eq1 = mob grind.
I would prefre a game that more about the world and story and pvp. That has no levels / skill system. I want a first person shooter, Grand theft auto, real estate, business, battlefields, space combat game with interest solo storys and fun tactical groups. Mixed in with a bit of real time strategy. Shame no ones created it yet. If anyone has a spare 50 mil in the bank ill help you create a fun mmo.
MmoRPG are all mainly about lvling. The all have some kind of grind system. WOW = quest grind. eve= isk grind, vg, eq2, eq1 = mob grind. I would prefre a game that more about the world and story and pvp. That has no levels / skill system. I want a first person shooter, Grand theft auto, real estate, business, battlefields, space combat game with interest solo storys and fun tactical groups. Mixed in with a bit of real time strategy. Shame no ones created it yet. If anyone has a spare 50 mil in the bank ill help you create a fun mmo.
Thats why you can easily make the arguement that MMOs are very poor to not RPG's.
I wish I had time to get into this but I'm off to work. MMOs are a wierd twisted version of an RPG. Yes levels are common but that is just a mechanic and the not the primary feature of an RPG. Its just a metric used to measure your character nothing else.
Ask yourself this, "if any MMO was a single player game, would you play it?"
"The overall experience is just irritating and not fun or challenging. It is very easy, but too aggravating for me to spend my time or money playing" Ok first you say its a major grind then you say its too easy? Yeah um I don't think you even played this game.
grind as is repeating the same thing over and over and over, there is nothing "hard" to grinds, you could see it as some kind of achievement to go through it but frankly it is for lack of better and more interesting content that mmo designers rely on this cheap trick.
the fact is that they had to rush the game out to prod and it shows, the map might be huge but the interesting parts are the exception, you can have fun with a good group in some dungeons but i find the ride pretty bland.
if the quests were fun and rewarding in themselves, i would not care less if i was level 10 for a week, but most of them are just the standard delivery boy / body parts harvester variations, nothing new or exciting there, just another mindless boring level grind in an extremely bugged gaming world
I agree, the post title would be more honest to say: Why I didn't like Vanguard.
So no review can be a review unless it contains something positive? *sigh*
Lets take a look at the definition of review:
This from dictionary.com, but you're welcome to check other sources:
"a critical article or report, as in a periodical, on a book, play, recital, or the like; critique; evaluation."
"the process of going over a subject again in study or recitation in order to fix it in the memory or summarize the facts."
"a general survey of something, esp. in words; a report or account of something."
"a viewing of the past; contemplation or consideration of past events, circumstances, or facts."
"to view, look at, or look over again."
"to survey mentally; take a survey of: to review the situation."
Notice a common thread? Nothing here mentions that this has to contain something good about something reviewed. How about a review on serial killers? Is it not valid because it doesn't contain some good or happy facts?
I won't introduce something artificial or back off my title just because people attempt to redefine a concept to fit their current agenda.
To the OP:
I understand you didn't like the game. That's fine. However, a lot of what you said was very limited in scope, enough so to give a very narrow to even a misleading impression of the game. Vanguard has bugs and every community will have it's twits and unhelpful people.
Thank you for OKing my right to have an opinion.
I said a lot more than that, gave my opinion, stated that, and was hardly disingenuous as you imply.
I also stated that I wouldn't fall into the sophomoric trap where someone else mentioned that I made broad statements and I'm not going to here either. So which is it? On one hand, I've made narrow statements that falsely limit scope. At the same time, I've (apparently) made sweeping over generalizations. Damn I'm good.
I think I'll say then that I must've got it correct in the first place. Neither overly broad or narrow.
I abhor the pain in the butt crashes, the annoying bugs and the people who think their plight should be everyone else's immediate concern. However, I've found the Vanguard community to be far and above that of WoW (as a whole after 2 years + of playing). The world is huge... the further away you are from a city, the less likely it is you will run directly into others. Hmmm, isn't that perhaps like the Western US was when it was first being explored?
Technically, depending on who was doing the exploring, it might've been inhabited. They were just inconvenient at the time.
The world isn't that big either. There are a few places where people go when they're questing or grouping up. I could understand if I was wandering around the housing plots or something. (Which I did.)
Pedantic attempt at patronizing me aside; I had also stated that I hadn't played WoW. I assumed, based on what others have said, that the community was like I felt Vanguard's to be.
I've found trainers in other places beyond the starting areas (this is for Thestra), namely: Renton's Keep, New Targonor, and Wardship of the Sleeping Moon, among others. As a cleric, I have a ton of tools at my disposal at level 20, not all of them are used all of the time. It depends on what I'm fighting, where and whether or not I'm in a group. If you feel things are that limited, perhaps it's the fact that you solo all the time. The devs stated at the very beginning that this is a primarily grouping game. Sure you can solo, I do a lot. However, if you're expecting the very best of experiences from soloing, you're definitely in the wrong game.
I didn't go to the Wardship as it was on the other side of the newbie areas in a 24 - 29 zone. I didn't want to get stomped. It'd be a longer run than Tursh. I've been to Renton Keep and I don't remember seeing any trainers, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt on that one.
As for New Targanor, a friend of mine went there yesterday and said that it was completely empty. No vendors at all. Just some random townspeople. (This is on flamehammer.) I haven't been there, so I can't confirm it, but he's usually reliable. New Tangor would be even more inconvenient than Tursh as well.
To Everyone else:
(You know, I liked that virtual shoulder. Very subtle. (I'm not being sarcastic. It was pretty good.))
I've been having a fantastic time in Vanguard having played since early Beta 3. It is not a game for everyone. I would recommend that gamers looking at Vanguard do their research, take a look at the fan sites, magazine reviews, etc. Take individual reviews (both bad and good) with a grain of salt. Get a buddy pass if you can to take a glimpse for a few days and try it out for yourself. Realize that what you'll see in that short time is just a small portion of what the world of Telon has to offer.
Since you've played since beta 3, I'll bet you've invested a lot of time and emotion into the game. Your level of commitment is therefore higher and you probably feel you owe it to Vanguard to stick up for 'em. That's understandable.
I'm really glad you're having a blast, too.
I would recommend anyone looking at playing any game (or doing anything else requiring significant time or resources for that matter) look into something before you commit.
However, I wouldn't listen to any magazine review because they generally accept advertising from the reviewed companies or their distributors. I consider them to be so biased as to be worthless. In addition, the online sites or magazines never seem to put enough time into the review to give a good estimate. They play for a little in the newbie area and come up with a review off of that.
I'd recommend going to someplace like this, actually, that is not controlled by the game companies and browse around. Look for repeated topics and points of interest. Someone will ALWAYS be whining.
So look for common threads. Are they whining about balance? Then the mechanics must be ok. Are all the classes whining about the other classes? They must be balanced. Are they whining about high-end content? You're probably pretty good to go 'til the endgame.
Problem signs are when people begin to whine about mechanics, such as: memory leaks, really bad video, a client that is a hog for no reason, bugs, glitches, and so on. Generally, that is a sign nothing above it is working very well and these take the company lots of money to fix. Sometimes it never recovers, such as MxO and AO.
Some way to play for free would be great as well, as you could see how the basic game works. However, be advised that the game experience will probably change beyond the free time as you climb out of the newbie experience.
The way I look at it, the client includes the first month's play. I play for a month fairly heavily and if I don't like it (as in this case), I don't feel I've wasted my money because I was at least in some part entertained. <-- Look at that. I said something nice about Vanguard.
If we see you there, welcome! If we do not, good luck to you in your chosen past time.
This isn’t a definitive statement of everyone’s experience in Vanguard. It is mine.
Quoted for emphasis, since the Vanboys around here seem to have overlooked it.
The OP offered up his own personal experiences with Vanguard. Just because his experiences are different from yours doesn't mean he's a n00b, or that he's lying. Those are HIS observations, and HIS experiences. He said so at the beginning.
"if any MMO was a single player game, would you play it?"
I'm not sure what you mean. Ill try to answer your question tho.
If you're asking if i would play vanguard, eq2, wow on my own little server with no one else on, I would have to say no. Without other ppl playing the feeling of reward and excitment would feel lessened. I play mmoRPGs because there online and multiplayer, not because they have enjoyable gameplay.
Why play any MMORPG's if one hates the huge grind? The entire point of any RPG is to level. In fact every game that is on this web site just about has a grind.
That's the best comment in the whole thread and no one's even acknowledged it. Funny how people in gamers forums always ignore (or worse, dispute) the comments that really make sense.
Pointing out the obvious in mmo's is redundant , kind of like the grind
Haha you mean all this time, you people were already aware of the obvious and no one needed to point it out to you? Totally amazing, +5 intelligence masking skills, I never would have known. Honestly
I'm just wondering if spawns are slow and XP is a tedious grind then how does one get 24 lvls in 2 days?
I haven't played the game much, just tried it out at a LAN center last week, and am patiently waiting on the parts for a home up grade.
Anyhow I think that's some fast leveling and it makes me ask the question.. Is it really that easy to level up in VG, that being if spawns are slow and all that business?
My question is a serious one BTW.
I was always under the impression that the game was more difficult to level in.
Of course this is all your opinion, and I respect you for that, but this is not a review. You didn't list a single thing about the game that you liked, not one. Wich leads me to believe that you didn't like a single thing about the game; so it's really just your opinion. You also made a lot of blanket and crude statements that were really not needed. You also never indicate how you played the game, did you solo, group, a mix of both? How many hours a night did you play to get to 24? What games have you played other then CoH? How long have you been playing MMO's? Do you have any previous launch experience?
Really you just came across as a disgruntled gamer to me.
I am going to recommend a game to you. World of Warcraft.
Limited travel, fast lvling, the kind of AH system you seem to be looking for. WoW has been out for 2 years so it's had time to be polished and build a player base. I really do think you would be a perfect fit for that game. I played for 2 years since release and had a lot of fun, but the game is very casual without enough depth for me. It's also geared toward raiding at end game and I'm not a big fan of needing 20 to 40 people to experience content, nor did I like being up till all hours of the night. if you like casual leveling with hardcore raiding for endgame I think you'll love WoW, and the community isn't as bad as people make it out.
"MMOs, for people that like think chatting is like a skill or something, rotflol"
"Far away across the field, the tolling of the iron bell, calls the faithful to their knees. To hear the softly spoken magic spell" Pink Floyd-Dark Side of the Moon
Of course this is all your opinion, and I respect you for that, but this is not a review. You didn't list a single thing about the game that you liked, not one. Wich leads me to believe that you didn't like a single thing about the game; so it's really just your opinion. You also made a lot of blanket and crude statements that were really not needed. You also never indicate how you played the game, did you solo, group, a mix of both? How many hours a night did you play to get to 24? What games have you played other then CoH? How long have you been playing MMO's? Do you have any previous launch experience?
So, because I didn't list anything I liked about it it isn't a review? Of course that isn't right. All reviews are also opinions. The argument doesn't follow.
I didn't feel anything was crude. That's your opinion.
The blanket vs concise is a silly catch 22. If I listed scores of specifics, you'd say I only listed special cases. If I make broader statements, you say they're "blanket". What're you saying? I gave some examples.
I played solo and in a group. I have no idea how many hours I've played, but I play a lot, sometimes over 12 hours at a stretch.
And, to belay the authority argument: I've played mmorpg's since UO. I've played: UO, EQ1, Anarchy Online, CoH, DDO, Eve, EQ2, Guild Wars, MxO, Ryl, "second life", SWG, and Vanguard. Most of them I have played to near endgame or endgame. All of them over half-way (except Eve. I only have 6 months there.)
Really you just came across as a disgruntled gamer to me.
Because I didn't like this ONE game I'm a disgruntled gamer? It follows then that because you like this one game you're an unabashed apologist for all games? That'll nullify both of our opinions.
I am going to recommend a game to you. World of Warcraft.
Well, thanks for your recommendation. Until I read the following paragraph I thought you were trying to insult me. I have no interest in easy games. That was part of my argument here, which I guess you didn't follow or read. I have no interest in WOW as I don't like the graphics. FF XI either for that matter.
Limited travel, fast lvling, the kind of AH system you seem to be looking for. WoW has been out for 2 years so it's had time to be polished and build a player base. I really do think you would be a perfect fit for that game. I played for 2 years since release and had a lot of fun, but the game is very casual without enough depth for me. It's also geared toward raiding at end game and I'm not a big fan of needing 20 to 40 people to experience content, nor did I like being up till all hours of the night. if you like casual leveling with hardcore raiding for endgame I think you'll love WoW, and the community isn't as bad as people make it out.
See, what you wrote was the same thing the OP wrote, an opinion.
A review is an unbias and objective look at something. The OP wrote his opinion not a review because it was incredible biased (he's obviously agitate over the game) and non objective (he didn't give a single pro only cons).
If the OP had delivered this body of work in a fashion that would allow others to absorb ALL of the information, both good and bad, then it would have been cool. Instead what we have is some pissed of gamer who didn't like something and just wanted to tell everyone what was wrong with the game as he saw it. There was nothing there that would allow someone to make an informed decision on whether or not to buy the game.
And yes I'm aware that not all games get good reviews and it is possible to review something and it be all bad, but when you don't even tell anyone of the differnt features that are available to them and only focus on the stuff that pissed you off it makes you sound like your, well...QQ
Of course this is all your opinion, and I respect you for that, but this is not a review. You didn't list a single thing about the game that you liked, not one. Wich leads me to believe that you didn't like a single thing about the game; so it's really just your opinion. You also made a lot of blanket and crude statements that were really not needed. You also never indicate how you played the game, did you solo, group, a mix of both? How many hours a night did you play to get to 24? What games have you played other then CoH? How long have you been playing MMO's? Do you have any previous launch experience?
So, because I didn't list anything I liked about it it isn't a review? Of course that isn't right. All reviews are also opinions. The argument doesn't follow.
No, because you obiously don't like the game and simply wanted to tell everyone what it was you didn't like. You didn't list the features available or even the premise behind the game. Because some of the "game breakers" that you didn't like are INTENDED featurs of the game. How serious can I take you when you complain about travel when travel is a big part of the game. Because the tone of your writing comes across with the intent to disuade others from playing the game, yet you don't really present objective case, only what pissed you off.
I didn't feel anything was crude. That's your opinion.
No, that's a fact. When you refer to people as "ass hats" that's is crude.
The blanket vs concise is a silly catch 22. If I listed scores of specifics, you'd say I only listed special cases. If I make broader statements, you say they're "blanket". What're you saying? I gave some examples.
No, because once again when you refer to a community as a whole as being "ass hats" you are making a blanket statement no matter how you cut it. It's also arrogant of you to make a statement in regards to how I would respond to something considering you are in no way privy to what goes on in my head or who I am.
I played solo and in a group. I have no idea how many hours I've played, but I play a lot, sometimes over 12 hours at a stretch.
And, to belay the authority argument: I've played mmorpg's since UO. I've played: UO, EQ1, Anarchy Online, CoH, DDO, Eve, EQ2, Guild Wars, MxO, Ryl, "second life", SWG, and Vanguard. Most of them I have played to near endgame or endgame. All of them over half-way (except Eve. I only have 6 months there.)
Previous experience can give you credibility. If you had said this was the fist mmo you've played then I would have just told you to go play a few more then come back.
Really you just came across as a disgruntled gamer to me.
Because I didn't like this ONE game I'm a disgruntled gamer? It follows then that because you like this one game you're an unabashed apologist for all games? That'll nullify both of our opinions.
No, because your tone is very beligerant. Apologist? Nope, I read the title of your thread and thought that you might accually have something intelligent to say, then I read it realised you were just a pissed off gamer. You wrote what you wrote and if you didn't want it to sound like you were pissed you could have writen it in a different tone. Context.
I am going to recommend a game to you. World of Warcraft.
Well, thanks for your recommendation. Until I read the following paragraph I thought you were trying to insult me. I have no interest in easy games. That was part of my argument here, which I guess you didn't follow or read. I have no interest in WOW as I don't like the graphics. FF XI either for that matter.
This was the first thing I read of this responce and I though, "eh, hes a an ok guy", then I read the stuff you wrote first and though, "eh, hes an "ass hat"
Limited travel, fast lvling, the kind of AH system you seem to be looking for. WoW has been out for 2 years so it's had time to be polished and build a player base. I really do think you would be a perfect fit for that game. I played for 2 years since release and had a lot of fun, but the game is very casual without enough depth for me. It's also geared toward raiding at end game and I'm not a big fan of needing 20 to 40 people to experience content, nor did I like being up till all hours of the night. if you like casual leveling with hardcore raiding for endgame I think you'll love WoW, and the community isn't as bad as people make it out.
To the OP:
I understand you didn't like the game. That's fine. However, a lot of what you said was very limited in scope, enough so to give a very narrow to even a misleading impression of the game. Vanguard has bugs and every community will have it's twits and unhelpful people.
I abhor the pain in the butt crashes, the annoying bugs and the people who think their plight should be everyone else's immediate concern. However, I've found the Vanguard community to be far and above that of WoW (as a whole after 2 years + of playing). The world is huge... the further away you are from a city, the less likely it is you will run directly into others. Hmmm, isn't that perhaps like the Western US was when it was first being explored?
I've found trainers in other places beyond the starting areas (this is for Thestra), namely: Renton's Keep, New Targonor, and Wardship of the Sleeping Moon, among others. As a cleric, I have a ton of tools at my disposal at level 20, not all of them are used all of the time. It depends on what I'm fighting, where and whether or not I'm in a group. If you feel things are that limited, perhaps it's the fact that you solo all the time. The devs stated at the very beginning that this is a primarily grouping game. Sure you can solo, I do a lot. However, if you're expecting the very best of experiences from soloing, you're definitely in the wrong game.
To Everyone else:
I've been having a fantastic time in Vanguard having played since early Beta 3. It is not a game for everyone. I would recommend that gamers looking at Vanguard do their research, take a look at the fan sites, magazine reviews, etc. Take individual reviews (both bad and good) with a grain of salt. Get a buddy pass if you can to take a glimpse for a few days and try it out for yourself. Realize that what you'll see in that short time is just a small portion of what the world of Telon has to offer.
If we see you there, welcome! If we do not, good luck to you in your chosen past time.
Chanter, Spatalos Server
I mean what type of people look up post history?
Probably those who read a post in the lines of "I quit the game ..... etc", and then they are unsure wether the poster falls in the "hater" or "fanboi" category, so they must search up other posts, simply because their reading comprehension sucks.
That statement caused physical pain!!!! The point of an RPG has nothing to do with leveling and grinding aaaaaaaaahhhhhhh the pain, the pain....its no wonder MMOs are in the shape they are in.
MmoRPG are all mainly about lvling. The all have some kind of grind system. WOW = quest grind. eve= isk grind, vg, eq2, eq1 = mob grind.
I would prefre a game that more about the world and story and pvp. That has no levels / skill system. I want a first person shooter, Grand theft auto, real estate, business, battlefields, space combat game with interest solo storys and fun tactical groups. Mixed in with a bit of real time strategy. Shame no ones created it yet. If anyone has a spare 50 mil in the bank ill help you create a fun mmo.
Thats why you can easily make the arguement that MMOs are very poor to not RPG's.
I wish I had time to get into this but I'm off to work. MMOs are a wierd twisted version of an RPG. Yes levels are common but that is just a mechanic and the not the primary feature of an RPG. Its just a metric used to measure your character nothing else.
Ask yourself this, "if any MMO was a single player game, would you play it?"
the fact is that they had to rush the game out to prod and it shows, the map might be huge but the interesting parts are the exception, you can have fun with a good group in some dungeons but i find the ride pretty bland.
if the quests were fun and rewarding in themselves, i would not care less if i was level 10 for a week, but most of them are just the standard delivery boy / body parts harvester variations, nothing new or exciting there, just another mindless boring level grind in an extremely bugged gaming world
The OP offered up his own personal experiences with Vanguard. Just because his experiences are different from yours doesn't mean he's a n00b, or that he's lying. Those are HIS observations, and HIS experiences. He said so at the beginning.
"if any MMO was a single player game, would you play it?"
I'm not sure what you mean. Ill try to answer your question tho.
If you're asking if i would play vanguard, eq2, wow on my own little server with no one else on, I would have to say no. Without other ppl playing the feeling of reward and excitment would feel lessened. I play mmoRPGs because there online and multiplayer, not because they have enjoyable gameplay.
"Freedom is just another name for nothing left to lose" - Janis Joplin
"Freedom is just another name for nothing left to lose" - Janis Joplin