I was looking forward to play this game. I fired it up and I looked at the class / race selection. They didn't finish the game it is incomplete. You can't pick evil men, orc, goblin and all the other evil races. You are forced to be a good guy competing against EVIL npc's which offers 0 challenge. The game is set to "super easy" mode. This game is soooo easy I think it is for kids 12 and under.
I heard of something stupid called "monster play".. lol.. Are you kidding me?...
Anyone know if they will fix/complete the rest of this game and let us play the evil races as real characters?
Maybe they will patch this obvious error/bug/incompletion.
Are they going to ship an incomplete game?
Aerowyn's Video Compilation of ALL things Guild Wars 2
The game was designed around good characters only. It's not "incomplete". It's just the way it is, and it isn't a surprise-- it's been planned that way all along. How much could you possibly have been looking forward to the game if you didn't actually check it out before now?
Lots of people like PvE and roleplaying, and those people seem to like LoTRO a whole lot. I haven't tried Monster play, but it seems to spice things up for people who like a little PvP thrown in with their PvE.
This is not the game you are looking for. You can go about your business. Move along.
This is where I draw the line: __________________.
I wish I could remember when I first looked at the race selection for Middle-Earth Online. Then I could point out the full and total absurdity of this post. Incomplete denotes they were going to build something and did not or that something absolutely essential but taken for granted was excluded. Since saying that it is the latter requires drawing on "Ye Tome Of Ye MMOG Designe Lawes", the only way your comment even makes sense would be to say that at some point it was implied you would be an Orc or Evil Man. Interestingly enough, it never actually was. They weren't included in Sierra-Vivendi's race list. Nor at any point was it said or implied you would be in the subsequent years.
Sorry guy.............
They changed all that when the game switched from middle arth online to LOTRO. The original game was intended to allow you to play the evil men part but I guess they decided against that in the "New imrpoved" version of Middle earth.
I still hope that an expansion will bring the ability to play some evil races.
Critical thinking is a desire to seek, patience to doubt, fondness to meditate, slowness to assert, readiness to consider, carefulness to dispose and set in order; and hatred for every kind of imposture.
You have like...no clue, do you?
They claim they NEVER had any intention of putting in evil characters that you can play as a race. That's not the scope of the LoTR universe. They kept it to the fact the whole world centered around good. How often did you see much if any character development in the LoTR series? There wasn't much if anything.
If they did, they'd end up with what Star War Galaxies has become. Almost all of their worlds have more rebels than imperials. That doesn't fit in with the universe or the story for it's supposed time frame. And Jedi run rampant, probably every second or third character you see; but yet Jedi were supposed to be extinct save for a small handful. That's what happens when you try and force aspects of gaming into a world where it doesn't belong. You can't have the Orc controlling the Shire, because that would violate the story and the world.
The way they are adding the player monsters in actually sounds kind of cool. In Ettenmoore there will be a big free-for-all zone. If you want an evil character you find a certain pool (forget the name) and it will create a monster for you. The creature is then in that zone. As you do "evil" things with that character you will gain infamy. It is going to be the "elite" zone of the world (or so they claim) and other hero's will try to venture in there for quests or to get to uber-loot and crafting things. Now you're evil monster will be able to attack them while they are trying to do their quest/etc. As you kill other players it will also let you level up. You will get to pick what type of evil character you have (i.e. meleer, archer, etc.)
Not everyone is a PvP-aholic. There are many good games out there that have limited PvP capabilities.
Before calling shenanigans on a game, at least READ the articles that are posted in the news section (namely: this one ). They post those articles so you can actually know what you are talking about..... Repeating what your friend's, buddie's, second-cousin's, half-brother's, 3rd cousin twice removed, has to say doesn't really hold much water when it comes to what the developers are saying. And since this game is on the verge of coming out, there probably won't be drastic changes (such as adding evil characters).
Once a game reaches beta testing, that generally means it's pretty much finished. Very rarely will you see drastic changes taking place once a game reaches this stage. They are trying to work out the bugs and get everything working well before release, not to add more chunks of code that will break other things.
People keep saying this but it is a complete fiction as far as I know. I don't recall anything from MEO saying you could actually be the evil side, as in aligning with Sauron or any PVP details. Of course, Sierras website was basically just some artwork with sketchy descriptions so maybe people read into it differently.
The only thing I remember from MEO was that there was an alignment system, the only thing I carried away from it was that it was the "use the ring" and "destroy the ring" mentalities. The "evil side" in MEO were the people willing to use the weapons of Sauron against him. This alignment choice was supposed to change your class from a root class to a subclass. The only example I can remember in detail was that the Elves (at that time, they only had 1 root class for Elves, Dwarves, and Hobbits I believe) would start out as a "Scout" and if they became "corrupt" they'd become an "Avenger", if they stayed good they'd become something like a Hunter.
The alignment's effect on your class was as far as MEO went that I can recall. I don't remember it being in any way about RvR or FFA PVP, or even "evil playable races".
The reason you can only play good characters is because you have free will, evil characters are under the will of Sauron and so are not free.
This has been said from the begining that you cannot play as Orcs or Goblins except in monster play that I personally believe to be a very good idea.
You were looking forward to it based on what? This evil race issue is not a new thing. They never said PCs would be allowed to be evil races. The monster thing is fun side game IMO.
You obviously know nothing about LOTR or the lore. This isn't the game for you.
Currently: AION, an MMO Beta under NDA
Played: WAR, LOTRO, Hellgate: London, CoX, GW, SotNW, DAOC, EQ2, SWG, WoW, AO, Horizons, Second Life, There, TSO
Beta'd: There, Second Life, EQ2, DAOC:LotM, LOTRO, Tabula Rasa, Gods and Heroes, Hellgate: London, Requiem:Bloodymare, AoC, WAR, DDO, Fallen Earth
You obviously know nothing about LOTR or the lore. This isn't the game for you.
I am pretty sure both LOTR and the lore had evil characters/races. I for one think he is right on some level. Being able to experience the story from an evil point of view would be refreshing. When I heard Lotr the third age allowed you to play the evil side, I was very much looking forward to it. That is until I found out it was also nothing more than 'monster play'.
"You see, many fans of Tolkiens books are as much a fan of the utterly evil races as they are the bright and shiny hero races. Lord of the Rings was, for me growing up, the ultimate story of good vs. evil"
So to say that you 'know nothing of lotr or the lore' is outrageous. Also, if you are a true roleplayer, and you wanted to do it in the LOTR universe..Wouldn't you also love to have players as orcs attacking areas and providing ways for you to be the 'hero'. It would provide a game dynamic that can't be scripted. You could protect your younger adventurers from wandering groups of evil players. It would provide what LOTR was all about, good and evil.I have been in the beta testing of LOTR since phase 1, and I have to say it is not turing out to be what I dreamed it would be years ago when it was announced.
Ranghar LoD
Lords of Death
I am suprised someone actually remembers middle earth online. I was very dissapointed that it never turned up. I was looking forward to the perma death
Ranghar LoD
Lords of Death
My specific recollection is that middle earth online was not letting players be evil PCs.
"Are they going to ship an incomplete game?"
Well it has just happened with Vanguard by Sigil & SOE so it does happen.
The Lord of the Rings Online game does interest me, but by description of what I've read I find it lacking elements of what I like to play so far.
Vanguard on the other hand conceptually had the elements, but they ened-up being lies to coerce purchase ... so far.
We all just have to go & find a MMO we enjoy I guess.
who me ?
The amount of completely inaccurate information here is amazing.
I've been following this game several days a week for nearly four years now. MEO would never have evil races. It was never going to have FFA PvP.
I hope LOTRO never introduces evil races since it will keep more r-tards like the OP away.
That the OP choose to attack LOTRO's strong point, the Fact that it is a pretty complete game, shows signs of desperation.
Currently Playing: LOTRO; DDO
Played: AC2, AO, Auto Assault, CoX, DAoC, DDO, Earth&Beyond, EQ1, EQ2, EVE, Fallen Earth, Jumpgate, Roma Victor, Second Life, SWG, V:SoH, WoW, World War II Online.
Games I'm watching: Infinity: The Quest for Earth, Force of Arms.
Find the Truth: http://www.factcheck.org/
This isn't the first Turbine neglected evil characters (See DDO.com), you can only be good character just like DDO. Monster player and playing monster is Turbine take on Horde and Battlegrounds.It's stupid because it requires you to play 10 level of a normal character before taking over an evil character instead of just giving players the option in the first place.
The game still has quite few bugs in it and Dual wielding is broke.