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Improved a lot

joe11joe11 Member Posts: 12
Well since as I can't rate games yet, I thought id point out that this game has just received a major new patch containing a new interface, and several other new features that have given it a new fresh edge.  Although at first glace mir can seem to be a grind fest with few working quests and dated graphics; after a couple of days playing im sure most people will see that it has still got what it takes.

I have tested many new mmorpgs including tycoon games such as WoW and none of them have the edge that mir has.

So for those of you reading and wondering - dont be frightened by the graphics - give it a go!


  • yomomma233yomomma233 Member Posts: 32
    yep i agree it beats mir 3 hands down aswell
  • JG-GrendelJG-Grendel Member Posts: 1
    True, graphics is a little primitive, but it's not so bad. :)  If
    anything, it probably helps the speed of the action since the data
    packets aren't so large.  Besides, what's the real point in
    playing a game?  Having fun with it....the gameplay!  I can
    tellya, it's pretty addicting.  Pleasant surprise. 

  • sam1234sam1234 Member Posts: 2
    mir is a great game for me because the pvp aspect of the game has few restrictions that most new mmorpgs are full of, such as not being able to fight in most areas of the game and even when u do fight u only get some boring points system that makes u have to collect x amount of points to get an item. In mir u can use all the dirty tricks u want to take them down ( pulls bossmonster onto unsuspecting player and random teleports away, then returns a few minutes later pulls the bossmonster away use another random teleport and hey presto uve got a dead player  who dropped his weapon that took him ages to get). all in all it makes for some really intense pvp sessions.
  • dozer002dozer002 Member Posts: 37
    its boring to train ur char tbh.. takes ages and yeah.. if the graphics arent  really good then the killing gets soo boring.. PVP is the  only good thing about this game.

    H3/\/I $/\MP0

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