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I have read some statements as of late that people actually think are "ok" or even better -- acceptable.
I have to wonder what on earth makes this seem normal? I get razzed for ranting or posting truths alot... but see when you see things in perspective at times I have to wonder what people think.
Hey, I have had this car I bought new, they have changed the engine 3 times and now they have it working 60% isn't that great? Sure there is still bugs but hey... it's only 4 years old now. It did have alot of promise though...
I have had my T.V. now for a year,my other one was taken off the market, it had alot of features and diversity to it, but I had no choice and had to buy this new version, they are just now getting some of the features added back that I had on my old TV isn't that great?
I have these shoes that were used for walking, work, play.. they were working great, comfortable and quite sporty looking but then the shoe company came back to me and wanted to change them after I paid for them and said "We need to make some changes WE THINK ARE FOR THE BEST"... and now the shoes don't even fit.. yet people tell me they are different now and to just accept that no matter if they are worse then before. ?
In the end I know what a polished product with a good foundation and core look like. Now I have to wonder if the SWG population does... that is now the question.
The sooner people wake up and realize what they are paying for the sooner we get a new company to carry the Star Wars IP and get a new MMO. (If there is not one being done now for that matter).
I am just at a loss as to how people pay for a car that has square wheels and only 3 of them for that matter.... it just amazes me.
I usually picture the Career builder commercial with the room full of monkeys and upside down sales chart when thinking about the SOE/SWG decision making process.....
SOE's John Blakely and Todd Fiala issued a warning: "Don't make our mistakes." Ref NGE
Winner of the worst MMOS goes to.... the NGE and SWG..!!!
I had quit playing SWG prior to them making all the changes so when I got the "come back and try us for 10 days free offer" I figured what the heck it's free. To be honest I was stunned at the changes in the game, half the stuff I had was gone, skills gone, very few people playing and did they change the topography of the whole planet of Tattoine?? Anyways to make a long story short I had no desire to try to figure out the new training system let alone take the time to train those skills again. Net result, I ended my free subscription in about 3 days and will never go back.
It's kind of sad because it appears that Sony grasped defeat from the jaws of victory. All they had to do was fix bugs and add some new content and the game would have been good for at least a decade. I guess that's what happens when greed makes you stupid.
Guys, the game was losing players rapidly, SOE had to do something.
And they did the smart thing, they polled the players and came up with study groups and hence the NGE was born.
They lured in the younger players by making the game more iconic and "Star Warsy" and it worked, the game is actually crowded now. And the bugs are fixed at last. You no longer need a PHD to play the game, and that brought a whole new group of players in for whom the game was previously too complicated. They can now enjoy the game in it's current state and not have to think so far in the future which was required by the old game.
So basically the console kids saved the game.
They saved a dying game and deserve credit for that. It's nice to see the cantinas crowded again and Theed with a hundred players gathered about.
Apathy is the enemy when it comes to MMO development.
Both on our part as the consumer, and on the developers part for making generic and bland MMO's.
This genre needs a revolution!
Thalos Vipav
Star Wars Galaxies: R.I.P.
SWGLOVER, are u shitting me. The game is not very populated at all. Last sat. i created a toon on the only heavy server, which was Bloodfin. I went to Coro, Theed, Mos Eisley, Dant, and Reustess. I counted around 150 people total. Take into account the people that are in space and spread out on other planets and one could assume adding in another 100 peeps or so. This is what is considered heavy now in SWG. I remember very well during pre-cu, Dant alone had over 300 people during peak hrs.
The game is more broken now than it's ever been. The code is so screwed up, the devs cann't even bring back the origional animations, because the system won't handle it. SWG is a joke now, and will not be returning.
Perhaps the reason some would claim it was dying is simply because not enough attention was given to it. If I recall correctly it took approximately 3 years just for Imps to wear the Imperial officers hat!
Also, by Julio Torres' own graph it was shown that the population evened out between the release of the CU and the NGE. There simply was not a continual slide as they've claimed - at least by his graph.
Been lurking here a long time, thought id chime in finally. I started playing SWG about a week after release, and i loved the game. For its day it was great, looked great, played great. I played for about a year i think, and the reason i quit was because the game was already goin down the toilet, and this was way before the CU and NGE. Proffesions were screwed, things were unbalanced as hell, if you were a tka or a commando you could pretty much take out anything or anyone in the game. I had a master weaponsmith/Rifleman and after a year there was still no cert for one of the rifles i was able to make. And the lag, jesus the lag. Things like that were rampant in the game.
Every so often ill log in with the free trials just to check out if things are any better, im sorry to say things are pretty damn sad. I was on eclipse, and back in the day even on that 3rd string server, if ya went into a major city it was a lag fest due to all the people runnin around, busy as hell. Now its a ghost town, yeah ya might see 10 or 20 people in a major town now but thats about it. You can run around for hours and never see another soul. Now thats pretty pathetic.
CU didn't kill the game, NGE didn't kill the game, but they sure as hell didnt help. If those two never came out though the game would still be damn near as big of a mess as it is today anyway. The lag would still be terrible, and that damn cert still prolly wouldnt be there.
Sony did screw over players by changing the game instead of fixing it, and those who say its just dandy now are fooling themselves.
I appreciate your opinion and in no way do I mean to disrespect it.
However, it is funny to me how different people have different opinions on different professions in pre-CU SWG. It seems that every other profession was unbalnced except their own!
To date I've seen people make the same accusations (of course some may be true) that the following professions were unbalanced.
Rifleman, Pikeman, Combat Medic, Swordsman, Pistoleer, Carbineer, Fencer, Jedi, Bounty Hunter, Creature Handler, and of course now TKA and Commando.
I'm sure I'm missing some others but I think you get my point. So many people like to use the term FOTM as a bad and negative part of SWG. I didn't find it a negative thing, rather I found it to be dynamic and ever-changing! It was a positive for SWG! You had to adapt to the world around you, not the world adapting to you.
Survoc, yeah you could say things were everchanging, they were constantly nerfing classes every month back in those days. Changing this, tweaking that, people seem to forget that they were screwing things up royally way before CU. And yes you have a point, those other classes im sure have been said to be overpowered at some point or another, but tka and commando were pretty much from the start considered more powerful than the rest, until jedis showed up of course.
And Wow with blasters clone that they call SWG today is a poor excuse for what used to be. I'd love to go back and play the game pre-CU but only if they fixed the mountain of crap that was already broken with it.
SWG is still low population. Yah there are a few servers that have players. But the majority are ghost towns.
SOE didnt save the game. You actually think getting rid of a current players in hopes for another saves a game? A game is the players. Without the players its not a game. Its just so many bits and bolts on a glorified drink coaster. Imagine your neighborhood is falling apart. Literally going down the tubes. Imagine the government moves everyone out to make room for others to come live there. Do you consider that saving the neighborhood?
SOE is consistent is about two things. First is lying for which they are experts. They should get an award for most lies told in a single day. Second is knee jerk reactions. From the very beginning SOE would give knee jerk reactions. Taking a problem and going completely over the top with it. The solutions for these problems always creating more.
The first time I saw this was with the creature handlers. I will be the first to stand up and say they needed balance early on. But SOE went overboard. They wielded that nerfhammer like a 5 year old wields his daddy's gun. Literally making the CH profession completely useless.
The second time they did this was with Bounty Hunters versus Pistoleers. The Pistoleers in the community whined that they should be able to drop a BH quickly. And SOE responded by nerfing BHs so hard that one Pistoleer could drop 3 master BH without even sweating.
The big one though was holocrons. A few comments on the forums about where jedi was and why no player had popped jedi yet and SOE went ballistic. Started dropping holos to give hints. They never thought it through one bit. Didnt think how it would effect the economy. Nor the planet of Dantooine. Nor did they think how much trouble it would cause in the community in general. It did alot of damage.
And too make matters worse, they didnt see the effect it caused the way it should have been seen. In a game world where content was almost non-existent everyone flocked to the holocron craze. Why? Because it was something to do. You could go to only so many parties or weddings before it started to wear thin. But the developers didnt see as a need for content. They saw as everyone wanting to be jedi. So more focus was put on jedi then anything else.
That is why people were leaving the game the way were. You ask anyone that left game before NGE why they left, I am willing to bet jedi will be somewhere in their reasons. But SOE didnt look at the cause. They only looked at the effect. And as usual did the typical knee jerk thing. That is one reason we got the NGE.
I am willing to bet if SOE hadnt ever dropped holocrons and hadnt put so much work into jedi the game would still have a huge population and the NGE never would have happened.
But there was another reason behind the NGE. Smedley admitted it himself. They didnt know how to fix the game. They were clueless. Incompetent is a better word. They were using a hand me down engine that even the original developers of, hated. And refused to actually find someone that could understand it. Instead they just chopped out things they couldnt fix and BOOM the NGE was born. Instead of trying to fix the game they just passed the buck.
And dont think you are safe either. They have changed it twice. Dont think SOE wont completely rip up the game even more to suit themselves. Dont think your special. Soon as they want to admit they messed up you could get the same announcement we got. No warnings. No polls or questions. Just an announcement that everything you enjoyed about this game is going to change to find another target audience. And you will be left the same as us. Tossed to the side like so much rubble.
oh, man that was a good one.
somebody needs to post up the picture of that Iraqi propaganda minister for this guy...better yet...let's find a snapshot of Joseph Goebbels.
If the the console kids saved the game it'd be slightly more populated than Antarctica. Now, let's play devil's advocate and assume that there are a few hundred players online at any given night on a server. What about the other scores of servers? I doubt they are as populated. And let's consider how crowded SWG used to be before the NGE! It doesn't even compare. I won't argue with you that the game wasn't broken. It was, and things needed to be fixed through slow but well placed patches and fine tuning. What SOE did was take the jackhammer to the somewhat frumpy and crude but still moderately admirable ice sculpture. It's only a matter of time before they do it again...or completely shut down the game.
SWG ADDICT...clean since the NGE
SWG ADDICT...clean since the NGE
well said.
i've been gone from swg for about a year now and i was very surprised to see this forum here with folks still griping. i too still miss the good ol days of swg. i too know it was broken. that said it didnt need to be gutted. even tho people were already leaving the die hards were plenty enough to keep that game afloat. i mean i was in a guild full of them and we played every day. but that final patch killed everything. the day after the patch there were only 6 of us left in the guild from about 50. most never even came back to say goodbye. and i understand cuz they were prolly just too distressed to speak without ranting.
anyway hopefully someday a dev house will get the ok to make a sw mmo that does the name justice. personally i could live with a remake of pre cu days without all the bugs of course. but the core idea of that original game was enough to pull me in for bouts of 24/7 gaming so there was fun there that could have gone on for a long time. too bad they got tired of us and kicked us to the curb.
oh and one year later my ban on all things sony continues and i also go out of my way to discourage anyone i see or know trying to buy sony products. i hope to never see a dime from my pocket in their coffers ever again. they truly are the worst company on the planet and their customer disservice is legendary. anyone who supports that is a fool.
Guys, I'm wondering how many of you are actually playing the game now?
I've been told that there are *thousands* of players on per server, not hundreds, and that the game is now every bit as populated as when it first started.
Take a look at the Ofiical forums - do you see negative posts? Nope.
The NGE saved SWG and with it's skyrocketing popularity, it's will be number 2 in population again, just below WoW. And when WoW starts it's eventual loss of players, SWG is well positioned to be the number 1 MMORPG again.
There's not thousands of players playing SWG . At peak hrs. most servers are light to vey light, with maybe 4 or 5 being medium. SWGLOVER, i don't know who is feeding you ythis stuff, but that are flat out lying. With SOE giving out 1 month free trials to vets, the servers see a very small spike with every new ch. , then it drops back down to dismal nembers again.
Ch. 6 will be the new CH expertise, that will have some vets going back to see what it is like. The thing i found out about the way SOE has been handling the game since the NGE is, they are reimplementing very few things they took out. The things they are putting back, are just not as good as what it was in the beginning.
Like i said in a earlier post, the NGE system can't even handle the old animations. There is even more lag in places like Dant, even with it being empty. None of the proffessions feel right anymore, and when logging in, makes you feel disattached and akward.
As far as combat goes, the game is still in the Benny Hilll mode. Pvp is the biggest joke, they took the jedi proffession, made it be a starter class, nerfed it to hell, and stripped it of what made jedi unique. Told evewryone that jedi wasn't balanced and that couldn't be achieved with a alpha proffession.
So what did they do, set up the dumbest expertise system, and now has made commando the alpha proffession. Balance in pvp right now is so horrible, and add in the GCW general buffs, and a lvl 90 commando, with no buffs, and cloning sickness, can take out 2 or 3 lvl 90's fully buffed.
The crafting system is a joke as well. They turned what once was the most unique things in SWG, into being a junk collector, that can't really craft anymore, but now can reverse engineer stuff, that is no better than loot items.
The only thing that can save SWG right now, and have a instant impact, would be to create some classic servers. I think that, enough vets who hasn't put anything SONY on the major band list, would return.
Ladies and Gents, now THAT's how to troll!
SWG Team Mtg.
Dear SWGLover,
Thank you very much for your heartfelt enthusiasm! Enclosed, please accept this cookie as means of payment.* Your continued loyalty is commendable.
Keep up the good work.
Respectfully SWG
*Cookie was pre CU, may not be usable with any data pad currently in game. If cookie did not unlock, please troll more, you may well get the cookie. Cookie may or may not be on a populated server, may or may not be found in a ghost town. If cookie did not come with the original letter sent, please become a new subscriber and you will receive one free cookie after patch 10878647645923874.1. If you are a current subscriber, please void the cookie, it is for new members only. If cookie was purchased along with JTL, Jedi Trials, or Wookie expansions, or prior to unlocking your Jedi, cookie will be void. If you did receive a cookie, and your current profession was "downsized" due to our vision of what we thought might be the the top professions our paying customers should change to, please disregard aforementioned cookie. If you feel you should have received more than one cookie, please post your documentation in the Customer Service area, where it will turn stale and some Bothan will either steal it, sell it or otherwise dispose of the cookie.
I just have to say LOL... here as that this has got to be a joke, so yeah this is funny... real funny.
Lol..... crowded now, lol
You so
Less thinking yeah we know, but all that other stuff? lol....good one.
I usually picture the Career builder commercial with the room full of monkeys and upside down sales chart when thinking about the SOE/SWG decision making process.....
SOE's John Blakely and Todd Fiala issued a warning: "Don't make our mistakes." Ref NGE
Winner of the worst MMOS goes to.... the NGE and SWG..!!!
HAHA again??
Your trying your jokes again?
Dude, come on... your almost just now starting to be funny... but then you had to go and ruin it by trying to act smart.
Negative posts...
What you should say is:
"Man its been over a year don't we have all the people weeded out that had common sense by now to argue how bad the game is?"
This way nobody will complain because there will not be anyone left that has a
This is funny though, I have to think you are just making a joke though, no way can I take you serious thats for sure.
1000's LOL.... good
I usually picture the Career builder commercial with the room full of monkeys and upside down sales chart when thinking about the SOE/SWG decision making process.....
SOE's John Blakely and Todd Fiala issued a warning: "Don't make our mistakes." Ref NGE
Winner of the worst MMOS goes to.... the NGE and SWG..!!!
When I read these threads, I think of Vanguard for obvious reasons.
Just thought I would share that with everyone.
EDIT: except VG was born doomed, not turned into doom.
Currently Playing: Everything but MMORPGs
Cancelled: L2, FFXI, VSoH, LotRO, WAR, WoW
Looking Forward To: SW:TOR
as much as i hate sony these days if they put up classic servers i'd go back in a heartbeat. i'd take the pre cu bugs and unbalanced proffs over what they created any day.