Played from beta till pre-NGE, came back for a month to check out what all the hub-bub was about. Left again with my head shaking and never have been back.
Never have seen a game with so much promise get totally trashed like SWG.
Just let what's left of a once great game die in peace, the quicker it leaves the quicker LucasArts grats the rights to another company for its sequel. In theory....
I started on the 7th or 11th november 2003 i think it was, the day the Euro servers went live. Played all the way up to just before the NGE kicked in.
Ill always remember the day i made my first camp kit when i got Novice Scout. I ran all the way to Bens house ( no mean feat as a noob on foot i can tell you ) and built my camp and sat and watch the Suns go down over Tatooine. It made me feel like a kid again, can you remember that feeling you got when you first saw the movies?
My wife got really pissed because when we moved into our new place I drove to my parents house and spent the night there so I could play SWG because we hadn't gotten our service hooked up yet. She hated that game everyday after that.
I played until about a week or so after the NGE. I tried to like it, but I couldn't.
I decided that everything deserves a second try, so I went back a few months back, but I only logged in once or twice. I just can't stand the way the controls are.
In fact, I think I'm pretty much burnt out on MMORPGs all together.
I canceled all my subs except for CoX.
I was subbed to Vanguard, WoW, CoX, and I was also playing LotRO's beta.
The genre is just so redundantly borning right now it's not even funny.
I'll take my Wii and my 360 any day over paying a subscription to a grindfest/timesink.
I'm gonna try Huxley when it comes out, but I'm not too impress with anything else on the horizon.
Now I'm just hoping Areae will put a game out that is all that pre-CU was plus. I'm getting impatient to find out more about what they are working on because I know it takes a long time to create the game and I want it today. (There sure isn't anything else out there that meets what I'm looking for in an MMO, if nothing else, pre-CU SWG killed leveled games for me...I'll play them for a little while, like I'm about to play LOTRO which I beta-ed a bit...but I tire of them quickly because leveling players kills community. /sigh I remember the "good ole days" when noobs grouped up with people in "elite" part of profession trees to go out and kill mountain squill and we had a blast doing it and EVERYONE got xp from it.)
Now I'm just hoping Areae will put a game out that is all that pre-CU was plus. I'm getting impatient to find out more about what they are working on because I know it takes a long time to create the game and I want it today. (There sure isn't anything else out there that meets what I'm looking for in an MMO, if nothing else, pre-CU SWG killed leveled games for me...I'll play them for a little while, like I'm about to play LOTRO which I beta-ed a bit...but I tire of them quickly because leveling players kills community. /sigh I remember the "good ole days" when noobs grouped up with people in "elite" part of profession trees to go out and kill mountain squill and we had a blast doing it and EVERYONE got xp from it.)
Ya know I really enjoyed that type of thing in SWG.
I remeber when the Hologrind craze was going on, my first holo was Pistoleer. I didn't want to master it because I was so into the melee aspects of the game. (go go gadget Pikeman/Doc) So I eventually gave up my old skills and went about trying to master pistoleer. The problem was up until that time I had never really played any of the ranged professions.
This master Pistoleer, took me out Endor to show me thr ropes. He taught me how to pull, kite, all that. It was alot of fun.
I did enjoy grouping with a ton of people that were all different mixes of professions. Some people just had a few skills, some people were almost maxxed out.
The thing that I missed most of all is that lvling up skills wasn't really the focus of the game so there was no need for them to make progression slow so that they could extend the life of the game.
Old school SWG shined in that the meat and potatoes of the game didn't start until you were closed to or all ready a Master of at least one profession if not 2. The reason this worked is because it really wasn't all that hard or time consuming to master professions. The same is true for changing professions. As long as you didn't mind losing your old ones.
Also, you didn't have to pay in game currency to change your build or "respec". You just gave up the skill or skills you didn't want, then proceed to gain the appropriate exp for the skill or skills that you wanted instead.
The aforementioned coupled with the fact that there were litteraly 100s of different proffession combonations and the character customization was just freakiin light years ahead of every single game out, with the exception of CoX, is what made old school SWG the shining trophy of what every single new school MMORPG lacks.
Frankly, it's not only disheartening, but very frustrating.
I started in 2004 sometime. It was with a bunch of friends from work..I think it was pub8 not sure.
Anyway we all had a blast learning the game. My fondest memories were of when we set up a group of homes between Mos Eisley and Anchorhead, next to the soon to be sprawling metropolis of Jealhimet (Chimera). We were all pretty full of ourselves until we got hemmed in our houses by multiple spawns of Dewbacks...they were pretty tough back then lol. Great fun.
The Anchorhead bridge where people were making squill hunting groups was memorable, especially when the Imps came attacking. Memories...fantastic stuff.
I couldnt find the game when it came out, then I went on a trip and when I got back I finally got a copy and funny enoughI joined the same day Shadowfire started (forget date, I just remember the announcement). So I joined Shadowfire. Ahhh...the good ol' days. I havent played an MMO yet that brought back the feel that SWG had. The community was great in that game, very active. I'm hoping for another StarWars MMO in the near future (KOTOR maybe?). I stopped playing I think last year...long time after NGE came. When I left the game was headed uphill though...but it was still too quiet and most of my friends left. 200-300 friends, I was lucky to find one of them online at a given time.
Skauna Reki - Shadowfire - Rifleman/Smuggler - Only grinded in the game twice (Slicing and Spices) - Rebel Colonel (not that it meant anything lol)
First account was a few months before mounts were introduced. 5K m runs across Talus to the guild city. Dodging Binyare Pirates and foamers all the way. Great fun! Five accounts all cancelled within a month of NGE.
-- Xix "I know what you're thinking: 'Why, oh WHY, didn't I take the BLUE pill?'"
I was almost whole 04 infront of a friends computer and played SWG, or sat and watched it. Then i got my own computer and begun to play.
I even stayed after NGE, but it was horribly I stayed because of all my friends.
Just a month ago i told my gf to uninstall it, i couldent do it myself. She did a very good job, she uninstalled Mount&Blade and Voyage Century Online to.
At midnight, on the 15'th of November 2005, I drank a bottle of Bacardi 151 and uninstalled SWG. On the day before I deleted all of my characters except for the first one I ever made, I just could not delete/kill him. And I still have not gotten over that bitterness, when I think about it, I just get pissed.
I know the feeling. Although I have truly tried to fogive SOE. I couldn't bring myself to delete my main either. At the time I thought there might be some hope SOE would come to their senses. I packed up my medium tatooine house from our guild's player city on rori and headed to the desert north of Mos Entha. Entha was were I started the game and feel in love with SWG. It seemed only appropriate my charcter should end there.
My sub didn't expire until like November 27th, but I didn't want any of my character tainted by the NGE or for anyone to mistake me logging in during the NGE as tacit support for it.
Started just shortly after the vehicles patch. I can still remember running into Moenia and hitting a lag wall from the sea of blow-up speeders littering the streets. Walk into ANY cantina and find literally 100 people milling about. Even on the more remote cities like Moe. I remember the first time I kited a Plains hunter with my DL44 and managed to kill it while only about 2 boxes into marksman pistol. I remember the day I made Novice Pikeman and fell in love with pikes. Nothin like the feeling of running into a big PVP fight, hittin an area dizzy, area knockdown attack and watching all the Imps around me land on their butts
Nothing will replace this game, I have come to accept this.
Stopped playing 2 days before the NGE. I tried the NGE on the test center. Told myself if this crap goes live I can't do it. Canceled right after they announced when the NGE patch would go in. Have logged in once or twice for vet trials. Just ends up depressing me. All that I worked for and was proud of means nothing. I unlocked jedi just before Pub-9. Means nothing.
I mourn the loss of SWG everytime I start a different MMO.
Day 2, I pre-purchased from directly, assuming I would get it on day 1. Day 1, Day 2, didn't matter much since the account creation service was largely hosed the first day with people freaking out that the server wouldn't accept their credit card and just desperately wanted to play.
started about 8 months after launch and played up until the axe fell. i miss it as well. wow is cool but it's not a true replacement for the swg days i had. boy they were good once.
started about 8 months after launch and played up until the axe fell. i miss it as well. wow is cool but it's not a true replacement for the swg days i had. boy they were good once.
They were...
There was diversity, freedom ( in so many ways that contemporary MMOs don't have, i.e. Character looks, clothes, skills, transport (planetside and space), housing, player cities, tons of RP-centric items and background.
Old School SWG was a plethora of choices that led to a much more fullfilling MMORPG experience.
Damn I wish developers would learn from the past and move on instead of copying what sold the most units last quarter
started about 8 months after launch and played up until the axe fell. i miss it as well. wow is cool but it's not a true replacement for the swg days i had. boy they were good once.
Damn I wish developers would learn from the past and move on instead of copying what sold the most units last quarter
that's the whole prob right there. no dev house wants a niche title or niche audience they want everything blockbuster. if they ever get back to making games for players instead of just money then we may see some spectacular mmo's.
but as long as the bottom line guy with the noose is standing over their shoulders we'll never see that mmo.
btw i know there are some good mmo's out there and i currently have been a wow player for over a year but i have been looking for something new for awhile now. just cant seem to find one to interest me more than wow. but the fact is had sony not pulled the shenanigans they did i'd still be playing that. and i know i'm not alone. if sony could have just fixed some things that needed fixing instead of the total gutting they did they'd still have a decent audience there. not the gobs of money making cash cow that wow is but still a fine game for the audience it should have been courting. but since money is their only motivation we all got shafted and now i wouldnt play that pos if i was being paid to do it.
funny thing when i left swg too. you all seem to remember how poulated the game used to be back in the day right. well the day i left i was giving my creds away 1mil at a time(had 30 to distribute) and after like 20 minutes of waiting i made some n00b rich by giving him what i had left since i did not wanna wait any longer just to see a live person. i had only given away 5 of it during the 20 minutes. by the sound of it live people are still few and far between.
I've found myself playing MMOs less and less and playing xbox 360 and Wii more and more.
I've canceled all my subs except for CoX and if Issue 9 doesn't inspire me to play more often I'm going to cancel my sub there as well. I was subbed to 4 MMOs at once and now I could care less about them and I could care even less about the upcoming MMOs.
The only game that I'm even halfway interested in is Huxley, and I have my doubts about that game because I like FPS but they have to have smooth, fluid controls and fast and variable gameplay.
I think the MMO genre is stagnant.
The only thing that will save it is if we all stop paying for lackluster crap. Stop buying and subbing to rehashed crap and vote with your wallet.
The thing is it will never happen because there are too many MMO-crack heads out there that would rather buy and sub to a crappy game then to stand firm and do something else until a worth while game is developed.
I think publish 8. I remember started playing the same year I graduated from highschool, so whatever patch the game was on at the start of summer 2004.
After the CU came out I played off and on, when the NGE came out, I cancelled my account for good. It was funny, my and a friend said we were going to stick with SWG this time and then the NGE came to slap us in the face, changing our mind around completely. Sad, SOE just lost two customers that were willing to pay for a year of gametime.
I was following swg since about 1 year before it came out when the oringal release date was in december then pushed back to june. I played in the last stage of beta testing. Then bought the game when it was released. I still remember when the game was released the servers were so overloaded no one could log in on the first day or just maybe log in for a couple of hours till the game crashed on you. My first server was Starsider because it was the unoffical rp server. My guild was the 2nd one on my server (1st rebel guild) to have there guild hall up. Was my fav mmorpg till cu then nge came out. I quit a few months later nge came out trying to give it a chance but all my friends left and the community changed. I played for about 4 yearsish.
Played from beta till pre-NGE, came back for a month to check out what all the hub-bub was about. Left again with my head shaking and never have been back.
Never have seen a game with so much promise get totally trashed like SWG.
Sep03 -- NGE
Just let what's left of a once great game die in peace, the quicker it leaves the quicker LucasArts grats the rights to another company for its sequel. In theory....
I started playing on day 1. Was about the second of our cummunity that came online back then.
Now I'm playing the 14 day trial just to see what's going on.
Ill always remember the day i made my first camp kit when i got Novice Scout. I ran all the way to Bens house ( no mean feat as a noob on foot i can tell you ) and built my camp and sat and watch the Suns go down over Tatooine. It made me feel like a kid again, can you remember that feeling you got when you first saw the movies?
I started playing at launch.
My wife got really pissed because when we moved into our new place I drove to my parents house and spent the night there so I could play SWG because we hadn't gotten our service hooked up yet. She hated that game everyday after that.
I played until about a week or so after the NGE. I tried to like it, but I couldn't.
I decided that everything deserves a second try, so I went back a few months back, but I only logged in once or twice. I just can't stand the way the controls are.
In fact, I think I'm pretty much burnt out on MMORPGs all together.
I canceled all my subs except for CoX.
I was subbed to Vanguard, WoW, CoX, and I was also playing LotRO's beta.
The genre is just so redundantly borning right now it's not even funny.
I'll take my Wii and my 360 any day over paying a subscription to a grindfest/timesink.
I'm gonna try Huxley when it comes out, but I'm not too impress with anything else on the horizon.
1st account....May 1, 2004
2nd account....June 1, 2004
3rd account....late 2004/early 2005
Now I'm just hoping Areae will put a game out that is all that pre-CU was plus. I'm getting impatient to find out more about what they are working on because I know it takes a long time to create the game and I want it today. (There sure isn't anything else out there that meets what I'm looking for in an MMO, if nothing else, pre-CU SWG killed leveled games for me...I'll play them for a little while, like I'm about to play LOTRO which I beta-ed a bit...but I tire of them quickly because leveling players kills community. /sigh I remember the "good ole days" when noobs grouped up with people in "elite" part of profession trees to go out and kill mountain squill and we had a blast doing it and EVERYONE got xp from it.)
Ya know I really enjoyed that type of thing in SWG.
I remeber when the Hologrind craze was going on, my first holo was Pistoleer. I didn't want to master it because I was so into the melee aspects of the game. (go go gadget Pikeman/Doc) So I eventually gave up my old skills and went about trying to master pistoleer. The problem was up until that time I had never really played any of the ranged professions.
This master Pistoleer, took me out Endor to show me thr ropes. He taught me how to pull, kite, all that. It was alot of fun.
I did enjoy grouping with a ton of people that were all different mixes of professions. Some people just had a few skills, some people were almost maxxed out.
The thing that I missed most of all is that lvling up skills wasn't really the focus of the game so there was no need for them to make progression slow so that they could extend the life of the game.
Old school SWG shined in that the meat and potatoes of the game didn't start until you were closed to or all ready a Master of at least one profession if not 2. The reason this worked is because it really wasn't all that hard or time consuming to master professions. The same is true for changing professions. As long as you didn't mind losing your old ones.
Also, you didn't have to pay in game currency to change your build or "respec". You just gave up the skill or skills you didn't want, then proceed to gain the appropriate exp for the skill or skills that you wanted instead.
The aforementioned coupled with the fact that there were litteraly 100s of different proffession combonations and the character customization was just freakiin light years ahead of every single game out, with the exception of CoX, is what made old school SWG the shining trophy of what every single new school MMORPG lacks.
Frankly, it's not only disheartening, but very frustrating.
Anyway we all had a blast learning the game. My fondest memories were of when we set up a group of homes between Mos Eisley and Anchorhead, next to the soon to be sprawling metropolis of Jealhimet (Chimera). We were all pretty full of ourselves until we got hemmed in our houses by multiple spawns of Dewbacks...they were pretty tough back then lol. Great fun.
The Anchorhead bridge where people were making squill hunting groups was memorable, especially when the Imps came attacking. Memories...fantastic stuff.
I couldnt find the game when it came out, then I went on a trip and when I got back I finally got a copy and funny enoughI joined the same day Shadowfire started (forget date, I just remember the announcement). So I joined Shadowfire. Ahhh...the good ol' days. I havent played an MMO yet that brought back the feel that SWG had. The community was great in that game, very active. I'm hoping for another StarWars MMO in the near future (KOTOR maybe?). I stopped playing I think last year...long time after NGE came. When I left the game was headed uphill though...but it was still too quiet and most of my friends left. 200-300 friends, I was lucky to find one of them online at a given time.
Skauna Reki - Shadowfire - Rifleman/Smuggler - Only grinded in the game twice (Slicing and Spices) - Rebel Colonel (not that it meant anything lol)
-- Xix
"I know what you're thinking: 'Why, oh WHY, didn't I take the BLUE pill?'"
I was almost whole 04 infront of a friends computer and played SWG, or sat and watched it. Then i got my own computer and begun to play.
I even stayed after NGE, but it was horribly I stayed because of all my friends.
Just a month ago i told my gf to uninstall it, i couldent do it myself. She did a very good job, she uninstalled Mount&Blade and Voyage Century Online to.
So now i have no game to play
Why SOE...why???
I know the feeling. Although I have truly tried to fogive SOE. I couldn't bring myself to delete my main either. At the time I thought there might be some hope SOE would come to their senses. I packed up my medium tatooine house from our guild's player city on rori and headed to the desert north of Mos Entha. Entha was were I started the game and feel in love with SWG. It seemed only appropriate my charcter should end there.
My sub didn't expire until like November 27th, but I didn't want any of my character tainted by the NGE or for anyone to mistake me logging in during the NGE as tacit support for it.
Started just shortly after the vehicles patch. I can still remember running into Moenia and hitting a lag wall from the sea of blow-up speeders littering the streets. Walk into ANY cantina and find literally 100 people milling about. Even on the more remote cities like Moe. I remember the first time I kited a Plains hunter with my DL44 and managed to kill it while only about 2 boxes into marksman pistol. I remember the day I made Novice Pikeman and fell in love with pikes. Nothin like the feeling of running into a big PVP fight, hittin an area dizzy, area knockdown attack and watching all the Imps around me land on their butts
Nothing will replace this game, I have come to accept this.
Stopped playing 2 days before the NGE. I tried the NGE on the test center. Told myself if this crap goes live I can't do it. Canceled right after they announced when the NGE patch would go in. Have logged in once or twice for vet trials. Just ends up depressing me. All that I worked for and was proud of means nothing. I unlocked jedi just before Pub-9. Means nothing.
I mourn the loss of SWG everytime I start a different MMO.
Thalos Vipav
Star Wars Galaxies: R.I.P.
Rejoined 11-02-2006 Quit 11-02-2006
They were...
There was diversity, freedom ( in so many ways that contemporary MMOs don't have, i.e. Character looks, clothes, skills, transport (planetside and space), housing, player cities, tons of RP-centric items and background.
Old School SWG was a plethora of choices that led to a much more fullfilling MMORPG experience.
Damn I wish developers would learn from the past and move on instead of copying what sold the most units last quarter
Damn I wish developers would learn from the past and move on instead of copying what sold the most units last quarter
that's the whole prob right there. no dev house wants a niche title or niche audience they want everything blockbuster. if they ever get back to making games for players instead of just money then we may see some spectacular mmo's.
but as long as the bottom line guy with the noose is standing over their shoulders we'll never see that mmo.
btw i know there are some good mmo's out there and i currently have been a wow player for over a year but i have been looking for something new for awhile now. just cant seem to find one to interest me more than wow. but the fact is had sony not pulled the shenanigans they did i'd still be playing that. and i know i'm not alone. if sony could have just fixed some things that needed fixing instead of the total gutting they did they'd still have a decent audience there. not the gobs of money making cash cow that wow is but still a fine game for the audience it should have been courting. but since money is their only motivation we all got shafted and now i wouldnt play that pos if i was being paid to do it.
funny thing when i left swg too. you all seem to remember how poulated the game used to be back in the day right. well the day i left i was giving my creds away 1mil at a time(had 30 to distribute) and after like 20 minutes of waiting i made some n00b rich by giving him what i had left since i did not wanna wait any longer just to see a live person. i had only given away 5 of it during the 20 minutes. by the sound of it live people are still few and far between.
I've found myself playing MMOs less and less and playing xbox 360 and Wii more and more.
I've canceled all my subs except for CoX and if Issue 9 doesn't inspire me to play more often I'm going to cancel my sub there as well. I was subbed to 4 MMOs at once and now I could care less about them and I could care even less about the upcoming MMOs.
The only game that I'm even halfway interested in is Huxley, and I have my doubts about that game because I like FPS but they have to have smooth, fluid controls and fast and variable gameplay.
I think the MMO genre is stagnant.
The only thing that will save it is if we all stop paying for lackluster crap. Stop buying and subbing to rehashed crap and vote with your wallet.
The thing is it will never happen because there are too many MMO-crack heads out there that would rather buy and sub to a crappy game then to stand firm and do something else until a worth while game is developed.
After the CU came out I played off and on, when the NGE came out, I cancelled my account for good. It was funny, my and a friend said we were going to stick with SWG this time and then the NGE came to slap us in the face, changing our mind around completely. Sad, SOE just lost two customers that were willing to pay for a year of gametime.