Originally posted by idukilla Crappier and CRS is now on a witchhunt
lying alot are we.. I just can't understand why all these loosers who don't like the game seems to turn obsessed about it and can't just leave and play something else.
No, the performance is up on an all time high, especially with the latest beta executable they released for 1.25.
The next couple of patches will have Jaegers performance improvements in them, 1.26 is at the doorstep of being released which will be a major performance patch.
Then later this year the new game engine will arrive and support will be dropped for old gfx cards.. which will mean that they can start using shaders 2.0 and other hardware run goodies that will leave alot of room both for grafics and performance.
lying alot are we.. I just can't understand why all these loosers who don't like the game seems to turn obsessed about it and can't just leave and play something else.
No, the performance is up on an all time high, especially with the latest beta executable they released for 1.25.
The next couple of patches will have Jaegers performance improvements in them, 1.26 is at the doorstep of being released which will be a major performance patch.
Then later this year the new game engine will arrive and support will be dropped for old gfx cards.. which will mean that they can start using shaders 2.0 and other hardware run goodies that will leave alot of room both for grafics and performance.
Im glad to know im lying.
I fing love the game but it is becoming problamatic i bought a new c2d rig and i bearly get 60 most days im at 30
i play suppremme commander at much higher quality and manage 60
so considering this ya the game still has poor performance my old comp was bearly playable and it was recomended specs if not higher
if you plan to fly there are many studders
the only good place to play is navy and that doenst have any cool toys sure dds are fun but meh too little
i hope the new engine does good but im not holding my breath same wiht TOEs
Originally posted by idukilla Crappier and CRS is now on a witchhunt
lying alot are we.. I just can't understand why all these loosers who don't like the game seems to turn obsessed about it and can't just leave and play something else.
No, the performance is up on an all time high, especially with the latest beta executable they released for 1.25. The next couple of patches will have Jaegers performance improvements in them, 1.26 is at the doorstep of being released which will be a major performance patch. Then later this year the new game engine will arrive and support will be dropped for old gfx cards.. which will mean that they can start using shaders 2.0 and other hardware run goodies that will leave alot of room both for grafics and performance.
Im glad to know im lying. I fing love the game but it is becoming problamatic i bought a new c2d rig and i bearly get 60 most days im at 30 i play suppremme commander at much higher quality and manage 60 so considering this ya the game still has poor performance my old comp was bearly playable and it was recomended specs if not higher if you plan to fly there are many studders the only good place to play is navy and that doenst have any cool toys sure dds are fun but meh too little i hope the new engine does good but im not holding my breath same wiht TOEs
The game has had bad performance, hardly more now than before and greatly improved since day one.. my two year old computer runs the game at about the FPS you seem to be getting.. so I would drop your dxdiag at the support forums to see if you are lacking a driver or something like that.
Sigh... what a waste of time and money. This game still runs like crap. I more then exceede the recommended settings and can run every single game and mmo on the market yet still get constant stutters and low frame rate in this garbage looking game. I have tried the beta patch, it makes 0 difference. For new people or those thinking of coming back, don't bother. Performance is lower then it ever was.
Sigh... what a waste of time and money. This game still runs like crap. I more then exceede the recommended settings and can run every single game and mmo on the market yet still get constant stutters and low frame rate in this garbage looking game. I have tried the beta patch, it makes 0 difference. For new people or those thinking of coming back, don't bother. Performance is lower then it ever was.
Sigh... what a waste of time and money. This game still runs like crap. I more then exceede the recommended settings and can run every single game and mmo on the market yet still get constant stutters and low frame rate in this garbage looking game. I have tried the beta patch, it makes 0 difference. For new people or those thinking of coming back, don't bother. Performance is lower then it ever was.
Mine is running better than ever. I guess you haven't been playing for very long. The performance of the game has been degrading for years. I was a subscriber from the beginning up until recently. Every once and a while they say they are going to release an epic performance patch and the performance increase is minimal, but it doesn't matter because then they introduce some crappy looking trees (or something to that effect) and it cancels any performance gain out.
You need 2 gigs of RAM, a good CPU, and a decent graphics card to appreciate this game. Don't even bother if you have under 1 gig of RAM. Even on the lowest graphics settings, it's impossible for me to fly a plane in to combat in the game without it locking up for seconds at a time (keep in mind I can run BF2/HL2 on maximum settings). Don't let anyone tell you that you can run this game on a modest computer; you can't. Anyone who says otherwise is probably from their dev team who are currently grasping at straws to rebuild their dwindling playerbase (only around 10,000 subscribers with ~500 on at any given time, spread out over a map that's half the scale of western Europe.)
Sigh... what a waste of time and money. This game still runs like crap. I more then exceede the recommended settings and can run every single game and mmo on the market yet still get constant stutters and low frame rate in this garbage looking game. I have tried the beta patch, it makes 0 difference. For new people or those thinking of coming back, don't bother. Performance is lower then it ever was.
Mine is running better than ever. I guess you haven't been playing for very long. The performance of the game has been degrading for years. I was a subscriber from the beginning up until recently. Every once and a while they say they are going to release an epic performance patch and the performance increase is minimal, but it doesn't matter because then they introduce some crappy looking trees (or something to that effect) and it cancels any performance gain out.
You need 2 gigs of RAM, a good CPU, and a decent graphics card to appreciate this game. Don't even bother if you have under 1 gig of RAM. Even on the lowest graphics settings, it's impossible for me to fly a plane in to combat in the game without it locking up for seconds at a time (keep in mind I can run BF2/HL2 on maximum settings). Don't let anyone tell you that you can run this game on a modest computer; you can't. Anyone who says otherwise is probably from their dev team who are currently grasping at straws to rebuild their dwindling playerbase (only around 10,000 subscribers with ~500 on at any given time, spread out over a map that's half the scale of western Europe.)
I have been playing since 2004. And if you don't think you would need to upgrade your computer every now and then to keep playing then you are dreaming. That's probably you're problem. You're probably still using the same computer that would've ran the game back in 2001. Guess what? It isn't 2001 anymore.
I have been playing since 2004. And if you don't think you would need to upgrade your computer every now and then to keep playing then you are dreaming. That's probably you're problem. You're probably still using the same computer that would've ran the game back in 2001. Guess what? It isn't 2001 anymore.
Yeah, because the computer that I played WW2OL with in 2001 can run BF2 and HL2 on maximum settings... Wow. Some interesting thought processes you must have going on in that head of yours... Saying that you have been running the game better than ever before is a totally idiotic statement if you have to upgrade your gaming rig every six months to keep up with this dying game.
I call BS on a computer from 2001 running BF2 on max settings. You are so full of crap.
Wow. Just wow. I laid that sarcasm on there pretty thick, but somehow you didn't pick up on it. Maybe you should reread my post, and if you still don't get it, go play WW2OL. They need more people like you.
I have been playing since 2004. And if you don't think you would need to upgrade your computer every now and then to keep playing then you are dreaming. That's probably you're problem. You're probably still using the same computer that would've ran the game back in 2001. Guess what? It isn't 2001 anymore.
Yeah, because the computer that I played WW2OL with in 2001 can run BF2 and HL2 on maximum settings... Wow. Some interesting thought processes you must have going on in that head of yours... Saying that you have been running the game better than ever before is a totally idiotic statement if you have to upgrade your gaming rig every six months to keep up with this dying game.
Maybe next time you should think before you post.
I'm able to compare it when I last upgraded genius.
I don't get what you people are complaining about. My old comp runs this game fine. I am just about at the recommended settings. I do have some trouble with flying, but I don't like to fly much anyways. I would say the biggest problem you're going to see with this game is that your processor is too old. All the people who are complaining probably have old ass computers, and just been upgrading RAM and graphics cards, thinking that is good enough.
If your going to complain about your comp not being able to run this game, put up your specs.
Also, my brother's PC runs this game amazingly. It was top of the line about a year ago. So all of you people saying you have awesome comps and still can't run this game are idiots.
I think RAM is crucial for this game. 2GB will make it run much better compared to 1Gb.
I had 20-30 FPS on max settings on AMD64-3700, 2Gb RAM, 6800 GT. Then i upgraded to E6600, 2Gb RAM, 8800 GTX. Got 40-50.
I remember one time we were defending FB for 3-4 hours. Gradually my FPS went from 30 to 70. I asked why. So somebody explained that server population went down due to the superbowl game.
So basically game renders all objects around you even those you cant see behind the landscape. All those tanks, aircrafts, soldiers in the bushes etc. Which it keeps in memory. If there are too many of them, game starts using swap file. Therefore you get those 1-2 sec lag spikes.
It is extemely annoying in aircraft as i understand its high point of view makes game to render everything around.
Devs said that engine update is going to change renderer and the way it uses system resources. So hopefully performance will improve.
Just handing out some info that I found from another forum about latency/ping n stuff. It could help understand why two different people have 2 different results with wwiiol.
From Joker007..."This is a specific answer to the players who ask about LATENCY.
PING TIMES (Latency) is an INTERNET phenomenom. The INTERNET is provided by ALL the servers world-wide who retransmit your packets (your game client to Texas, USA and back to your game client).
CRS is only giving you the client (your WWIIOL inside your computer); and providing the *final* game server (WWIIOL server in Texas, USA).
There are tools you can look up that allow you to determine how many OTHER SERVERS that are NOT CRS that *must* receive, hold, analyze, and retransmit your packets from your house in the world - to Texas, USA. 5 different computers in different parts of the world, and different parts of the United States are *not* unusual to get your information from your house/computer to Texas, USA computer.
Servers on the internet go UP and go back down and ping times change constantly. Servers pass on your packets slower or faster depending on the load on that server in that part of the world. And how many other people are trying to download pr0n (usually). Pr0n is slowing your computer - especially when you are downloading it AND playing the game at the same time - so stop that. It hurts your mouse and your joystick trigger."
With this computer I can run HL2 on max settings (no HDR) on 1680x1050 and get flawless framerate. I can run Oblivion on the same resolution with medium settings and HDR and get 25-30 fps outside and 40-70 inside and double that without HDR and max settings. I can run Planetside (a game with battles just as large if not larger then WWIIOL) on max resolution and max settings with perfect framerate no matter what and the view distance for that game is just as large.
I can run any game on the market really, you name it, and I can run it decently on this computer.
As for WWIIOL though, my framerate bounces between 1-50.
90% of the time it will stay around 10-15 (as of latest v1.26), which is not very playable for a shooting / action game. This is at 1024x768 on the lowest possible settings.
I've been playing this game for 2 years now on and off and performance has decreased with pretty much every patch while visually the game is not that much better.
Like one of the guys above said, they keep preaching about releasing epic performance patches that end up making very little difference. Last time they said they were going to bring out a major performance patch, performance got cut in half (literally) and my squad disbanded because most of us couldn't even run the game anymore. Literally, whatever framerate you had before, it got cut by half from a patch that they claimed would bring major performance improvements. Because their development team consists of something like, 2 programmers and 8+ art designers, most of the patchs just add newer graphics at ridiculous framerate costs. They introduce some stupid new trees that looks almost exactly the same as previous trees but now drops my framerate by another 4-5 frames a second.
A lot of the things CRS says, they never end up doing. They were talking about putting mortars in the game.. 2 YEARS AGO!!!. and they are still not in, they are just still "talking about it"
I even when to one of their chat meetings where you get to ask questions about the game and what their plans are. They preached all kinds of wonderful changes that.. never happened..it's been almost 2 years now, nothing they said is in the game. They make excuses like how they have limited reasources and they can't take somebody off a project to make a certain addition to the game that's not "critical" ..... yet every patch (honestly go read toe patch notes), all you see is. new trees, new bushes, new weapon models, new weapon animations, new player animations, new buildings, new graphics for the UI, new graphics for the menus. Ya I guess those are all very critical and having a game engine that isn't a peice of crap is just fluff.
This is why there are so few people left in this game and population just keeps decreasing. You get all these stupid fanboys here telling everybody how you need to upgrade..... no idiots.. I don't need to upgrade, I can run every other game out there except this one. I'm not going to go and spend another couple of thousand dollars to make up for CRS's terrible programming and development. I'm not going to buy a $5000 machine so I can run one game, that has less subscribers then Runescape. There are not many people left. Most city battles have what? 30-40 people? Because the world is so massive, you just have 30-40 people loaded.. but you won't see that many on your screen ever. Chances are you will see maybe 5.
So in that case, why not just go play BF1942 or something? Or Call of Duty? It has just as many people playing in one area, and it's free. This is what people have realised and this is why so many have left. Why pay $15 a month to play a crappier and frustrating version of Battlefield?
1. You don't have to spend $5000, just $150 for another Gig of RAM.
2. I've been in battles with 100+ people.
3. There is not a single game on the market with physic and damage model like this one.
4. It is unfair to compare WW2OL to Battlefield or Call of Duty. They are different games. WW2OL is a battlefield simulator, while those two are arcade shooters. The thing is if you like shooters Call of Duty 2 or Battlefield are much better than WW2OL.
If you like to get at least relatively close to what soldiers feel and do during combat then WW2OL will do the trick. i care less about infantry game (being a trackhead), it has it's quirks especially compared to Red Orchestra (the best inf combat sim so far). But armoured combat in WW2OL is impressive to say the least.
And i did quit this game. For some reason (may be they have logs how many people play which unit or something), devs like sappers. Like them to the point to make it unplayable for tankers. Fine with me. I'll go play something else.
i tried this game for a bit, but saddened by the performance. i wont dare make any opinion on it now. i gotta admit i loved the simulation/realism despite the crummy old graphics :P hey ill admit if i dont have pretty lights and thing i tend to go into a ADD induced stupor lol. but despite that, this game has alot of support and still going strong fromw hat i seen ever often as i checked on it. if it improves more with the graphics to give it a more visually realistic look i may very well comeback. color me shallow but i tend to need graphics with my gameplay :P
but im checking on it ever so often and the game looks like its in a good state, and only improving, if its lasted this long, the devs gotta be doing something right. at its current state i dont see myself playing it :P
3.4ghz Phenom II X4 965, 8GB PC12800 DDR3 GSKILL, EVGA 560GTX 2GB OC, 640GB HD SATA II, BFG 1000WATT PSU. MSI NF980-G65 TRI-SLI MOBO.
Crappier and CRS is now on a witchhunt
lying alot are we.. I just can't understand why all these loosers who don't like the game seems to turn obsessed about it and can't just leave and play something else.
No, the performance is up on an all time high, especially with the latest beta executable they released for 1.25.
The next couple of patches will have Jaegers performance improvements in them, 1.26 is at the doorstep of being released which will be a major performance patch.
Then later this year the new game engine will arrive and support will be dropped for old gfx cards.. which will mean that they can start using shaders 2.0 and other hardware run goodies that will leave alot of room both for grafics and performance.
lying alot are we.. I just can't understand why all these loosers who don't like the game seems to turn obsessed about it and can't just leave and play something else.
No, the performance is up on an all time high, especially with the latest beta executable they released for 1.25.
The next couple of patches will have Jaegers performance improvements in them, 1.26 is at the doorstep of being released which will be a major performance patch.
Then later this year the new game engine will arrive and support will be dropped for old gfx cards.. which will mean that they can start using shaders 2.0 and other hardware run goodies that will leave alot of room both for grafics and performance.
Im glad to know im lying.
I fing love the game but it is becoming problamatic i bought a new c2d rig and i bearly get 60 most days im at 30
i play suppremme commander at much higher quality and manage 60
so considering this ya the game still has poor performance my old comp was bearly playable and it was recomended specs if not higher
if you plan to fly there are many studders
the only good place to play is navy and that doenst have any cool toys sure dds are fun but meh too little
i hope the new engine does good but im not holding my breath same wiht TOEs
Did you download the 1.25.6 executable?
Noone that tried it complains about stutters..
The game has had bad performance, hardly more now than before and greatly improved since day one.. my two year old computer runs the game at about the FPS you seem to be getting.. so I would drop your dxdiag at the support forums to see if you are lacking a driver or something like that.
decreased unless they came out with a miracle patch in the past week.
You need 2 gigs of RAM, a good CPU, and a decent graphics card to appreciate this game. Don't even bother if you have under 1 gig of RAM. Even on the lowest graphics settings, it's impossible for me to fly a plane in to combat in the game without it locking up for seconds at a time (keep in mind I can run BF2/HL2 on maximum settings). Don't let anyone tell you that you can run this game on a modest computer; you can't. Anyone who says otherwise is probably from their dev team who are currently grasping at straws to rebuild their dwindling playerbase (only around 10,000 subscribers with ~500 on at any given time, spread out over a map that's half the scale of western Europe.)
You need 2 gigs of RAM, a good CPU, and a decent graphics card to appreciate this game. Don't even bother if you have under 1 gig of RAM. Even on the lowest graphics settings, it's impossible for me to fly a plane in to combat in the game without it locking up for seconds at a time (keep in mind I can run BF2/HL2 on maximum settings). Don't let anyone tell you that you can run this game on a modest computer; you can't. Anyone who says otherwise is probably from their dev team who are currently grasping at straws to rebuild their dwindling playerbase (only around 10,000 subscribers with ~500 on at any given time, spread out over a map that's half the scale of western Europe.)
I have been playing since 2004. And if you don't think you would need to upgrade your computer every now and then to keep playing then you are dreaming. That's probably you're problem. You're probably still using the same computer that would've ran the game back in 2001. Guess what? It isn't 2001 anymore.
Yeah, because the computer that I played WW2OL with in 2001 can run BF2 and HL2 on maximum settings... Wow. Some interesting thought processes you must have going on in that head of yours... Saying that you have been running the game better than ever before is a totally idiotic statement if you have to upgrade your gaming rig every six months to keep up with this dying game.
Maybe next time you should think before you post.
Yeah, because the computer that I played WW2OL with in 2001 can run BF2 and HL2 on maximum settings... Wow. Some interesting thought processes you must have going on in that head of yours... Saying that you have been running the game better than ever before is a totally idiotic statement if you have to upgrade your gaming rig every six months to keep up with this dying game.
Maybe next time you should think before you post.
I'm able to compare it when I last upgraded genius.
If your going to complain about your comp not being able to run this game, put up your specs.
Also, my brother's PC runs this game amazingly. It was top of the line about a year ago. So all of you people saying you have awesome comps and still can't run this game are idiots.
my computer is about 2 years old...
I had 20-30 FPS on max settings on AMD64-3700, 2Gb RAM, 6800 GT. Then i upgraded to E6600, 2Gb RAM, 8800 GTX. Got 40-50.
I remember one time we were defending FB for 3-4 hours. Gradually my FPS went from 30 to 70. I asked why. So somebody explained that server population went down due to the superbowl game.
So basically game renders all objects around you even those you cant see behind the landscape. All those tanks, aircrafts, soldiers in the bushes etc. Which it keeps in memory. If there are too many of them, game starts using swap file. Therefore you get those 1-2 sec lag spikes.
It is extemely annoying in aircraft as i understand its high point of view makes game to render everything around.
Devs said that engine update is going to change renderer and the way it uses system resources. So hopefully performance will improve.
Just handing out some info that I found from another forum about latency/ping n stuff. It could help understand why two different people have 2 different results with wwiiol.
PING TIMES (Latency) is an INTERNET phenomenom. The INTERNET is provided by ALL the servers world-wide who retransmit your packets (your game client to Texas, USA and back to your game client).
CRS is only giving you the client (your WWIIOL inside your computer); and providing the *final* game server (WWIIOL server in Texas, USA).
There are tools you can look up that allow you to determine how many OTHER SERVERS that are NOT CRS that *must* receive, hold, analyze, and retransmit your packets from your house in the world - to Texas, USA. 5 different computers in different parts of the world, and different parts of the United States are *not* unusual to get your information from your house/computer to Texas, USA computer.
Servers on the internet go UP and go back down and ping times change constantly. Servers pass on your packets slower or faster depending on the load on that server in that part of the world. And how many other people are trying to download pr0n (usually). Pr0n is slowing your computer - especially when you are downloading it AND playing the game at the same time - so stop that. It hurts your mouse and your joystick trigger."
AMD 64 3000+
1 Gig DDR
Asus K8VSE Deluxe
ATI Radeon x1600 Pro
With this computer I can run HL2 on max settings (no HDR) on 1680x1050 and get flawless framerate. I can run Oblivion on the same resolution with medium settings and HDR and get 25-30 fps outside and 40-70 inside and double that without HDR and max settings. I can run Planetside (a game with battles just as large if not larger then WWIIOL) on max resolution and max settings with perfect framerate no matter what and the view distance for that game is just as large.
I can run any game on the market really, you name it, and I can run it decently on this computer.
As for WWIIOL though, my framerate bounces between 1-50.
90% of the time it will stay around 10-15 (as of latest v1.26), which is not very playable for a shooting / action game. This is at 1024x768 on the lowest possible settings.
I've been playing this game for 2 years now on and off and performance has decreased with pretty much every patch while visually the game is not that much better.
Like one of the guys above said, they keep preaching about releasing epic performance patches that end up making very little difference. Last time they said they were going to bring out a major performance patch, performance got cut in half (literally) and my squad disbanded because most of us couldn't even run the game anymore. Literally, whatever framerate you had before, it got cut by half from a patch that they claimed would bring major performance improvements. Because their development team consists of something like, 2 programmers and 8+ art designers, most of the patchs just add newer graphics at ridiculous framerate costs. They introduce some stupid new trees that looks almost exactly the same as previous trees but now drops my framerate by another 4-5 frames a second.
A lot of the things CRS says, they never end up doing. They were talking about putting mortars in the game.. 2 YEARS AGO!!!. and they are still not in, they are just still "talking about it"
I even when to one of their chat meetings where you get to ask questions about the game and what their plans are. They preached all kinds of wonderful changes that.. never happened..it's been almost 2 years now, nothing they said is in the game. They make excuses like how they have limited reasources and they can't take somebody off a project to make a certain addition to the game that's not "critical" ..... yet every patch (honestly go read toe patch notes), all you see is. new trees, new bushes, new weapon models, new weapon animations, new player animations, new buildings, new graphics for the UI, new graphics for the menus. Ya I guess those are all very critical and having a game engine that isn't a peice of crap is just fluff.
This is why there are so few people left in this game and population just keeps decreasing. You get all these stupid fanboys here telling everybody how you need to upgrade..... no idiots.. I don't need to upgrade, I can run every other game out there except this one. I'm not going to go and spend another couple of thousand dollars to make up for CRS's terrible programming and development. I'm not going to buy a $5000 machine so I can run one game, that has less subscribers then Runescape. There are not many people left. Most city battles have what? 30-40 people? Because the world is so massive, you just have 30-40 people loaded.. but you won't see that many on your screen ever. Chances are you will see maybe 5.
So in that case, why not just go play BF1942 or something? Or Call of Duty? It has just as many people playing in one area, and it's free. This is what people have realised and this is why so many have left. Why pay $15 a month to play a crappier and frustrating version of Battlefield?
1. You don't have to spend $5000, just $150 for another Gig of RAM.
2. I've been in battles with 100+ people.
3. There is not a single game on the market with physic and damage model like this one.
4. It is unfair to compare WW2OL to Battlefield or Call of Duty. They are different games. WW2OL is a battlefield simulator, while those two are arcade shooters. The thing is if you like shooters Call of Duty 2 or Battlefield are much better than WW2OL.
If you like to get at least relatively close to what soldiers feel and do during combat then WW2OL will do the trick. i care less about infantry game (being a trackhead), it has it's quirks especially compared to Red Orchestra (the best inf combat sim so far). But armoured combat in WW2OL is impressive to say the least.
And i did quit this game. For some reason (may be they have logs how many people play which unit or something), devs like sappers. Like them to the point to make it unplayable for tankers. Fine with me. I'll go play something else.
i tried this game for a bit, but saddened by the performance. i wont dare make any opinion on it now. i gotta admit i loved the simulation/realism despite the crummy old graphics :P hey ill admit if i dont have pretty lights and thing i tend to go into a ADD induced stupor lol. but despite that, this game has alot of support and still going strong fromw hat i seen ever often as i checked on it. if it improves more with the graphics to give it a more visually realistic look i may very well comeback. color me shallow but i tend to need graphics with my gameplay :P
but im checking on it ever so often and the game looks like its in a good state, and only improving, if its lasted this long, the devs gotta be doing something right. at its current state i dont see myself playing it :P
3.4ghz Phenom II X4 965, 8GB PC12800 DDR3 GSKILL, EVGA 560GTX 2GB OC, 640GB HD SATA II, BFG 1000WATT PSU. MSI NF980-G65 TRI-SLI MOBO.
What's wrong with the graphics???
One thing this game's got over anyother shooter out there, realistic ranges. Notice 0 mindfields surrounding the town that box you in