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ok i downloaded and installed the game correctly for 2 times now but when it opens the autopatcher and it wants to log in it says an update error occurred : a connection attempt failed
and i cant even open the lotro webpage annymore...i badly need some help with this
The following information I copied from the LOTRO website:
Router Issue:
You are most likely using a router and the ports required to play LOTRO are blocked. You will need to forward your port through your router to your PC. The following ports will need to be opened outbound for Lord of the Rings Online: Port 80 Ports 9000-9010UDP Ports 2900-2910UDP
Firewall Issue:
The following ports will need to be opened outbound for Lord of the Rings Online: Port 80 Ports 9000-9010UDP Ports 2900-2910UDP Two files will also need to be added to your firewall exceptions list. These two files are turbinelauncher.exe and lotroclient.exe. Both of the files need to have full permission in the firewall to access the servers.
Hope that helps
thanx for the info i did place the launcher and the client exe in the exceptions folder but it still doesnt load plus i cant get into the webpage it just dont load...i have only no clue how to place the ports u just discribed,i do it in the same menu as i add the programs only this time i do add port but i see only a place to fill in name and port number...can u discribe me how to put it in?
manny thanx
p.s. i was able to go to the webpage before i downloaded/installed the game but now i somehow cant
who me ?
In America I have bad teeth. If I lived in England my teeth would be perfect.
manny thanx for the help ill call in for support think my testing days are ending verry soon so i prolly wont be able to test the game...i wont be playing this one then couse i dont want this kinda trouble when i buy the game so ill w8 for warhammer...hoping that that will be better.
manny thanx
Not to mention, that he lives in Europe, so most likely he is trying to update a US client with the EU patch server.
OP, make sure you have the EU client... your site would be
Denial makes one look a lot dumber than he/she actually is.
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