There are many things to be excited about, and a few I am.. concerned with.
I am concerned with the professions/classes.
YES there are "unique" classes per race. Awesome... but, how unique will they really be in terms of playing?
What I mean is, you have 4 basic archtypes:
How different will they really play out in terms of strategy and fun? Will Mythic be able to maintain a balance that is reasonable without being forced to do the WoW route of parity on all sides. Will the differences be so unique that my wife and I can spend the next 3 years leveling up and enjoying them all?
Or will they merely be the same 4 basic classes with graphical differences and a few "racial trait" changes.
I know that question won't be answered until we can step foot in the world, and to be honest, I am hard core for this game, and if ANYTHING bothers me, it's this aspect. I loathe the thought of mirror classes, but I am not much into separate but equal either.
What say you?
Always change your signature.
Go play DAoC.
You'll see how they keep things different among "shared" archtypes between opposing sides.
For an even bigger change, play a Minstrel in Albion, a Bard in Hibernia or a Skald in Midgard. The bolt casters are basically the same, but honestly, how different can you really make something that hurls magical bolts of something at people. The differences between those respective classes in DAoC is what they get attached as the other specable lines.
I'd expect a lot of diversity in each of the 24 professions.
Nothing made me want to throw large heavy objects at innocent people more then having someone slice and dice my Wizard in the middle of a group of Albion and he get's away..
Talk about ARGH!
But I hope they can continue that tradition.
Always change your signature.
I agree. Though it would be nice to have stealth and long endurance buffs in PVE zones, I think PVP should be all about skill. The more you do it, the more skilled you will get at it, too.
If I may offer a good case in point, take a look at the "Ranged DPS" classes of the Greenskins vs. the Dwarfs. While it may be "technically" correct to call them both "Ranged DPS", I think their play styles ends up being quite a bit different.
The engineer (from reading what is on the main warhammer site) is supposed to be up and at mid-to-close range throwing grenades, firing blunderbusses, and doing close-range bombardment of all sorts, as well as being a "capable melee fighter". In short you'll be close (but not necessarily right in) to the actio.
The goblin squig herder plays very differently (again from what I read on the main site and what I've seen at the WAR booth at Gamesday). You'll likely be mid-to-long range. They are equipped with a bow (and have some pretty neat abilities to go with it) and their squigs. With a bow you'll be best off if you're far outside melee range, where you can shoot arrows at the enemy and they can't punch you in the face, so already you're at a different combat range. In addition, your primary focus will also be your squigs. Sending them out and ordering them into the frey of things (depending on which squigs you pick). This means that you'll have lasting (hopefully) damage in the frey to distract your opponents and keep on them while you add damage from your bow.
So while it would be technically correct to say they're both "Ranged DPS", they play differently in the way they execute that role. I think you'll be pleased with the way things turn out. Using independant pets vs. short-range grensades and shotguns can be two quite different things.
To reinforce my point, also check out the "Ranged DPS" classes of the Empire and Chaos.
The Bright Wizard is about making you BURN! (you gotta type it in all caps or it doesn't work), and he brings the fire, all of it, all the time, all on you. It's a pyromaniac's wet dream. He's fragile as hell if you get in his face, but beyond everything else he brings burning flames and damage out the ying-yang. His whole motive is simply to BURN! you as much and as fast as he can. This makes him theoretically simple to try and protect yourself against, but the massive power he brings puts most protections to shame.
Conversely, the Magus is evil and full of much more guile. Sure he's also a spellcaster, but it's chaos. Chaos is not particularly strong in the whole "focused approach" (hey, it's chaos for cryin out loud). His strenght is that his spells have a wide variety of versatility to bring to the table. If you think you've got yourself protected one way, he can simply find a different way to kill you. His motive is to go around your strengths and assault all of your weaknesses, like a good Chaos soldier should. The way to counter his versatility is to turn it back on him, get him through multiple avenues of attack. If he defends one way, find another way to hit him before he defends against that too. If you're quicker on the fly then he is, you can switch tactics before he's realized and you've got him.
These two classes also offer a very good image of how a single role can be filled multiple ways. They are both ranged spellcasters, but play very differently. With the Bright Wizard it's a very focused "overwhelm with power" strategy, while with the Magus it's a multi-direction capability that allows him to take the easiest route to victory.
So there you have 4 of the same "Ranged DPS" role classes, each of which plays very differently. Not to mention that we still got 2 more to go
Having played the game during the recent Gamesday, I'm quite happy to say I'm sure you'll be pleasently surprised when you actually get your hands on it.
"Because it's easier to nitpick something than to be constructive." -roach5000
"DPS" is a wow term.... when it is used as an adjective, verb or noun.
translates into normal daoc speak as . "I deal damage from range"
"Im gonna DPS your face" translates into Im going to DD you in the face. DD for all you who where born in the wow era insted of prior to that means Direct Damage. (single target nukes, Aimed shots)
Im a DPS'er!!! translates into "Im a damage dealer"
Charachters with burst damage (low normal damage and then front load damage at a singular outburst) are not "dps" because there are too many seconds in which light to moderate damage is being done. (fyi D.P.S translates into damage per seconds.
"I dps'd him down with my dots" is an innaccurate phrase. Since Damage over time is not fast, its over time, hence being called a dot.
In daoc DPS was a score on your weapon. If you where DPS melee, that was the understanding that you would use fast weapons that hit for less damage insted of using hard heavy hitting weapons. DPS and UO players at no time was used to replace the word Damage just because we had a mod that recorded how much damage we did in an 11 sec timeframe.
Certain terms migrate from game to game, this one is a pet peeve of mine and it kills me to see people use it incorrectly to replace another word thats already used for the act.... sorry about venting back to work I go
Reading stuff like this makes me wonder why I pour my heart and soul into writing reviews and guides, and nobody reads them.
this is a list of all the career profiles of various charachters in WARhammer online found here on
That is a listing of some of the skills and abilities found on various classes in war from the pre beta client.
So by your own "archtype" concept. "melee dps" (known in normal gaming circles as light tank) melee tank (called just tank as mythic dosent have hybrid tanks like blizzard) Ranged dps (ranged classes only deal damage so no need for the DPS slogan)
Empire for instance dosent have your ranged class. They have a primary melee (which I think will have slight magical abilities) in knight of the blazing sun, and withc hunter which is a Hybrid fighter(magical abilities,melee, gun used mostly in melee) Brite mage (caster) and the warrior priest (melee support).
Chaos infact has no class that can pick up a bow or gun what so ever. As they have a healer who used debuffs and a nuker who uses debuffs... to go along with a heavy tank who uses minor debuffs in Chaos warrior/Chosen and a light tank who debuffs himself to gain more damage in marauder.
DAOC has 3 primary tanks per realm and 2 light tanks per realm with midgard getting 1 extra light tank because they where the "melee realm"
All 3 primary tanks played different. They got all the same buffs and rule changes applied to eachother according to their roles, but they all used seperate skills , abilities and weapon styles. Who remembers getting impaled by "Spearoes" or shield slamed stuned and hit over the head with a 2hander by Warriors?
Already we see the skills of an Ironbreaker who takes damage and gets stronger compared to its rival class the black orc (prevents damage from being delt) so if the classes that are rivals dont even have similar abilities or fight the similar way, how can you expect opposite classes to do so?
here let me put it in WoW terms for you since people only seem to speak and think wow anyway. Paladin and Shaman are both "support hybrids" in the mythic world. can you think of 2 classes further apart in playstyle? Druid is also a support hybrid, does the druid play like the shaman or paladin? NO
well war will do the same thing only on a wider scale pluss mythic already has 5 years of know how in game ballance between seperate but equal classes.
Reading stuff like this makes me wonder why I pour my heart and soul into writing reviews and guides, and nobody reads them.
this is a list of all the career profiles of various charachters in WARhammer online found here on
That is a listing of some of the skills and abilities found on various classes in war from the pre beta client.
So by your own "archtype" concept. "melee dps" (known in normal gaming circles as light tank) melee tank (called just tank as mythic dosent have hybrid tanks like blizzard) Ranged dps (ranged classes only deal damage so no need for the DPS slogan)
Empire for instance dosent have your ranged class. They have a primary melee (which I think will have slight magical abilities) in knight of the blazing sun, and withc hunter which is a Hybrid fighter(magical abilities,melee, gun used mostly in melee) Brite mage (caster) and the warrior priest (melee support).
Chaos infact has no class that can pick up a bow or gun what so ever. As they have a healer who used debuffs and a nuker who uses debuffs... to go along with a heavy tank who uses minor debuffs in Chaos warrior/Chosen and a light tank who debuffs himself to gain more damage in marauder.
DAOC has 3 primary tanks per realm and 2 light tanks per realm with midgard getting 1 extra light tank because they where the "melee realm"
All 3 primary tanks played different. They got all the same buffs and rule changes applied to eachother according to their roles, but they all used seperate skills , abilities and weapon styles. Who remembers getting impaled by "Spearoes" or shield slamed stuned and hit over the head with a 2hander by Warriors?
Already we see the skills of an Ironbreaker who takes damage and gets stronger compared to its rival class the black orc (prevents damage from being delt) so if the classes that are rivals dont even have similar abilities or fight the similar way, how can you expect opposite classes to do so?
here let me put it in WoW terms for you since people only seem to speak and think wow anyway. Paladin and Shaman are both "support hybrids" in the mythic world. can you think of 2 classes further apart in playstyle? Druid is also a support hybrid, does the druid play like the shaman or paladin? NO
well war will do the same thing only on a wider scale pluss mythic already has 5 years of know how in game ballance between seperate but equal classes.
I know these people can get annoying some times, but you are an employee, and I would expect you to treat them with a little more decency. Your tone doesn't help at all. You shouldn't talk down to this person jsut because they use a different categorization system for classes. There are many different ways to classify classes. I don't think any of them can really do justice the the complexity of a well-designed class.
And for the record, Warrior and Mage are more different in playstyle than Paladin and Shaman, punk.
"There are two great powers, and they've been fighting since time began. Every advance in human life, every scrap of knowledge and wisdom and decency we have has been torn by one side from the teeth of the other. Every little increase in human freedom has been fought over ferociously between those who want us to know more and be wiser and stronger, and those who want us to obey and be humble and submit."
John Parry, to his son Will; "The Subtle Knife," by Phillip Pullman
Don't say its not true cuz it is.
The fact is is i think mythic does a great job making content ... and a very poor job of maintaining it. (If something is way op it should never see the live servers in the first part).
The other aspects ar not realistic each one of the classes will play differnt they will be similarities but they will be more different then those seen in daoc (for prime positions)
"Society in every state is a blessing, but government even in its best state is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one ..." - Thomas Paine
One thing I have always enjoyed about Warhammer (the table top version) is that there is a very distinct feel and play style associated with each race/army. I hope that Mythic does their best to mirror this in WAR. Each side doesn't to have the exact same classes, arc-types, and abilities to ensure balance.
Kraiden way to take a thread way off track with an irrational rant.
Its late im sleepy and very ready to get home from work, I rant sometimes!
But I digress back to our topic.........Warrior and mage are vastly seperate classes, but warrior is a primary tank (or primary/light tank in mythic world) and mage is a primary caster. They arent in the same "Arch type" that the OP thinks all the classes fall into.
Healing hybrid is one of the archtypes though and paladin and shaman both fall into the same archtype. They play vastly seperate however. Just like warlock (Cloth caster) Shadow priest (cloth caster) and Mage (cloth caster) all would fall under the similar archtype but they do not play the same at all and the jobs of each class do not feel the same.
Albion for example in daoc has 6 cloth casters. Sorcerer, Theurgist, Wizard, Cabbalist, Necromancer, Heretic and also had a primary healing that could nuke in the Cleric. All 7 classes played seperate roles and none of them felt similar at all. Infact the game was balanced in a way that even with 6 caster classes going against midgard (who only had 2 casters at release and 4 overall) the fights where even.
You can balance a game and make things seperate but equal if its the primary goal of your game, and you can make an infinite number of classes with similar board roles, all function in seperate and unique ways so they dont ever feel like the same thing. remember, more of these classes have 25 years of story and skills behind them, I dont think they will be boring
Im here to inform, and give food for thought.
ok back on topic people!!
From wikipedia about DAoC class makeup
The classes are essentially broken down into one of five archetypes: Tanks and light tanks, casters, healers, and hybrids.
The tank/light tank classes represent the pure "in your face" melee fighter. The tanker has very little at its disposal in regards to ranged attacks, but they wear the heaviest armour and have the highest melee damage output of any other class. Light tanks have slightly lower damage output and usually wield 2 weapons at the same time, and have slightly more vulnerable type of armor. Some examples of Tank classes are the Armsman, Hero, and Warrior. Some examples of light tank classes are the Mercenary, Blademaster and Berzerker.
The casters have the highest damage output potential of all the classes in DAoC, and played correctly, can be the most powerful characters both in PvP and PvE. Casters have the lowest hitpoints and are limited to the lowest level of armour in the game, but their extra abilities of "crowd control", spells that immobilize an opponent, and the immense damage capability aids in their survivability. However, their spells can be interrupted and they are usually victims of stealthers as they die easily. Some Casters specialize in the use of "pets", using summoned or controlled pets to aid them in their fights. Some examples of Caster classes are Wizards, Sorcerers, Bainshees, Enchanters, Bonedancers and Runemasters.
Healers are the "medics" of DAoC. Specializing in healing and enhancement(buffing) spells, healers are always in demand for both PvP and PvE groups. In most cases, the Healers offensive capability is relatively limited and they can be a difficult class to "level" and nearly impossible to play "solo". Examples of Healing classes are Clerics, Druids and Shamans.
Hybrids are a combination of 2 archetypes, but are primarily tank/caster. Hybrids offer a level of versatility not available to the other classes. Hybrids can be difficult to play, as they are not an "expert" in any one discipline and must know how to use their capabilities to complement each other. However used correctly, hybrids can be very effective. Examples of Hybrids are Reavers, Paladins, Valewalkers, Thanes, Wardens and Champions.
Hate to be a bit of a stickler but DPS isn't a "WoW" term. I know this because we used it all the time way back in EQ1 (which is I think where the term originated) especially when planning raid strategies. (I believe they had it on weapon stats in EQ1 as well, iirc)
"DPS" (which stands for damage per second) is a term to describe a level of sustained average damage. Generally people like rogues and other high-damage melee characters are considered "DPS" because they can get in the fight and keep outputting a constant level of damage, in some cases this can also mean casters with a good source of DoT (damage over time) spells that beef up the sustained amount of damage a particular creature (or person) is taking. "DD" (which stands for direct damage) is often used interchangeably with the word "Nuke" or "Nuker". This is usually describing people like wizards who will output a high amount of damage directly onto the health of the person/creature. While they put out a good amount of damage, it's usually over a short amount of time.
Of course, people will tend to use terms however they want, and sometimes the way they explain it to new people isn't exactly the best way. So in general, DPS is now used more as a term to signify someone whose main role is to add damage output to a group/raid. It's pigeon-holing (which I dislike) but it works. This makes it a bit easier for people to plan out their groups (or for devs to plan out classes) according to what type of things they think are needed in a group. In common useage, DPS is simply a label to tell people that person's role in the group. Generally, it states that they help a group kill things faster because they put out more damage per second, and that's the game mechanics role they are suited for.
For a great look at how the different classes can play differently even while filling the same role in a group, check out my post above where I briefly went over the 4 known "Ranged DPS" classes.
"Because it's easier to nitpick something than to be constructive." -roach5000
Being a "DPS melee character" doesn't necessarily mean using quick, light weapons. It means that you are using a combination of high damage potential (max damage per swing), minimal damage variance (meaning between the minimum and maximum values of a weapon) and minimal time between attacks to generate the highest possible consistent damage per second of combat. In most games, the statistics corresponding to this setup include dual-wielding daggers of small swords.
If a two-handed weapon was given high damage, a virtually non-existent damage variance, and was somehow enchanted to swing with a delay as short as a dagger's, its wielder could be considered "DPS" as well. I'm happy that at least development 'typically' give the right attribute to larger weapons; they should hit harder but much slower, normally making them ineffective for a character looking to maximize Damage Per Second.
DPS wasn't originally used in conjunction with characters/classes; it was just a rating system. Using a data capturing utility, players would look at how much damage they did in a given timeframe with designated equipment. DPSign came from this, to represent a character/class/build that was designed to maximize all values that would cause the person to genrate as much damage as possible in a given window of time.
I do recall DPS being used in EQ as a term of boasting (I was able to hit 50dps versus so and so), but it started getting more use in DAOC as certain classes were predisposed to doing more damage than others (sacrificing hit points, armor, etc in exchange).
Mythic learned more and more about balancing their classes as time went on, because as you mentioned, the corresponding classes in each realm were QUITE different (besides satisfying the designated archtype for the realm). While a Bard in Hibernia was not only the "singer" for the realm, they were also competent healers; Skalds in Midgard were the "singer" with light tank capabilities; Minstel in Albion was a "singer" with enhanced Crowd Control abilities. All three played completely different, while offering some mirroring abilities and roles. Healing classes were even worse ("StunGard") of a disparity....
WAR seems to be going somewhat the same route, except some archtypes aren't even mirrored (which is odd given the small number of classes per faction). Maybe instead of balancing by faction (Human, Elf, Dwarf), they are balancing by "Good vs Evil" (or however the Warhammer Universe classifies them). I'm just afraid that while trying to offer distinct playing experiences from each side, we may find tremendous balance issues in the first few months of playing.
Either way, I'll be playing on launch day
Btw, I looked at some of the preliminary guides... a great start, and I can't wait for more info!
Mythic learned more and more about balancing their classes as time went on, because as you mentioned, the corresponding classes in each realm were QUITE different (besides satisfying the designated archtype for the realm). While a Bard in Hibernia was not only the "singer" for the realm, they were also competent healers; Skalds in Midgard were the "singer" with light tank capabilities; Minstel in Albion was a "singer" with enhanced Crowd Control abilities. All three played completely different, while offering some mirroring abilities and roles. Healing classes were even worse ("StunGard") of a disparity....
WAR seems to be going somewhat the same route, except some archtypes aren't even mirrored (which is odd given the small number of classes per faction). Maybe instead of balancing by faction (Human, Elf, Dwarf), they are balancing by "Good vs Evil" (or however the Warhammer Universe classifies them). I'm just afraid that while trying to offer distinct playing experiences from each side, we may find tremendous balance issues in the first few months of playing.
Either way, I'll be playing on launch day
Btw, I looked at some of the preliminary guides... a great start, and I can't wait for more info!
OH man you really havent read up on the lore of this game have you?
EVERYONE , with perhaps the exception of the dwarves..... are evil. High elves and dark elves you would think at first glance that the high elves are good and fair, but the back story goes that they betrayed their overly aggressive king and then backstabed him and all of his followers. They then cast them all out and they have been roaming ever since, their anger over the betrayal has led them to become scorned and filled with wrath and turn to a life of drugs slavery and hate.
Empire is so corrupt, its based of germany not england and not "humans". The actual job of the witch hunter class is that he actually kills all of the corrupt and evil people inside the empire. Play the game mark of chaos and you will see how many evil people are actually in that realm. There is no clear cut good and evil..... ok wait.. scratch that... Chaos is TOTALLY evil... ok wanted to clear that one up.
As far as balance goes, I have never seen a group of gaming devs nerf as fast and as hard as the devs at mythic. if you like to powergame and be elite and have thin skin about the first class you choose, I would suggest playing another game.
Check out for the history of patch notes and look how often they came out with balance patches. Skills get added, taken away, and outright totally changed, each time however for the sake of rvr balance. its a good thing if you want an even game.
I'm concerned like you about the classes mainly. A lot of people are saying play daoc, and you'll see how they keep themselves different but honestly they're not that different at all. All 3 main tanks on each realm are very similar except for types of armor and weapons they can use and what type of dmg they're putting out (i.e. slash,piercing,blunt dmg ect...).
I think the classes will be similar but it will keep it balanced.
Still as a s/s hero you can't 2-h hand like a warrior can (or you can but then you have less shield or parry).. and the style for every sword/hammer/crush/mac/etc/etc/etc/etc are all different.
But i agree, however why don't you compare warlocks to something, or Vamps, or sorcs... or 20 of the other classes. They have almost no real match.
"Society in every state is a blessing, but government even in its best state is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one ..." - Thomas Paine
For you? SURE!
Now, all the realms are Seperate but equal. You came up with "my hero cant use sword and shield like a warrior... wait.. yes he can but he cant have as much parry" you pretty much answered your own statement. the classes had seperate skills, but overall where equal. The warrior didnt have a 15 minute timer buff that healed them for 50% of their life, nor did they have access to powerful attacks with improved damage and effects like the large weapon specialization. Also you couldnt use Blunt, piercing, and Slashing weapons all in 1 spec like you could with large weapons. Seperate but equal.
So you wanted me to compare totally seperate classes, that are totally unrelated? Uhh sure I guess so, but that would be going away from my point, that as a whole the realms where seperate but equal. but I will try anyway.
Mentalist of hibernia
Healer of Midgard
Mentalist is a cloth caster from the realm of hibernia. Keeping with the ethos of hibernia it is a land of nature. Thus they have more healing and supportive classes than any other realm. They have a Melee that can heal, a support than can heal and even have a caster that can heal in the mentalist. The mentalist has baseline heals that are not very powerful but when speced to heal can use direct heals that are just as powerful as the ones the primary healing classes use for all realms. They also gain the use of heal over time spells to add to the effective heal per sec they would use. To go along with their top level heals, the class also has single target nukes that are just as strong as nukes from any other cloth caster in the game. the combination of top level nukes with top level heals.... is there any dowbpoint to the class? low HP, cloth armor, no aoe, no long range attacks, no long duration cc and no group support.
Healer is the primary healing class of midgard. In keeping with the ethos of midgard the healer can spec to make themselves potent in melee combat and enhance the melee of their group to greater levels. You can carry a 2handed hammer and wear the best armor of your realm. As a primary healer you have top tier speced heals that are the same as the mentalist, but you aslo gain group heals and spread heals which heal many people in your group. The healing of a healer is such that they can keep 3-5 people alive by themselves.But what better way to prevent your allies from taking damage... than to stop the things attacking them from moving. Healer can use almost every type of Crowd control in the game and has and aoe version of 3 of them. This along with potent healing makes them as important on a battlefield as the queen in chess. take this 1 and all shal fall! CC, Group melee buff, heals in the best armor? this class has no rival obviously! not so fast. The healer has ZERO, offense. you would have time killing monsters 3-4 levels under you, and once someone is on you, you dont have a quick cast ability to get them off like cloth casters have.Also you lack the buff and passive group support abilities that other primary healers have from other realms.
ok there you have it. Both classes explained, both classes totally seperate (I closed my eyes and pointed at 2 random spots on a list and these 2 came up) both classes are seperate, yet equal in total power, but add seperate features to the group and to theri realms.
seperate but equal, just like it will be in warhammer
The fact is other than the main tank classes and maybe the bolting classes nothing in daoc is seperate but equal.
And a hero can not be as effective with parry shield and 1-h and 2-h as a warrior ... its a fact. Tho the difference is small. (For people out there the reason is the fact that armsmen and heros have to spec (train) 2-h weapons and or 1-h ... but warriors 1-h and 2 -h spec is the same. [this results in them having more points to train shield and or parry higher])
My point was the fact that if you compare vamp or locks, or sorcs , etc ,etc with other classes the result will be ... this is a very different class.
The fact reamins that WAR =/ DAOC and from the videos and skill lists and everything we know we can see similarities and differences between classes. To the point where no class to me seems similar (at this stage, with limited info ... i am betting each class will be quite different).
PS ments can't have the strongest nuke and heal as well as a healer (with a single target heal) at the same time because of specing. And in reality single target heals are not the end game heals anyway (for most rvr anyway). They also get stun (cc)and do have aoe dds. (ps this is my fav class) No ment ever gets those heals (high) becuase the spec line is total gimp.
Also healers no matter what anyone says do not have good melee abilities. And to get those good melee abilities you lose the CC that your talking about. While you may know this i just wanted to make this clear to readers because it not as if the classes HAVE all these abilities they have to PICK from them. An healer can spec aug/pac and have some melee and some cc but at the cost of healing. This is the way all daoc toons work other than a few like main tanks.
"Society in every state is a blessing, but government even in its best state is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one ..." - Thomas Paine