WOW with a Star wars skin. Only problem is, wow works, swg doesnt. Lots of fun grinding your way to the top, fighting mobs 50+ levels over you that dont even fight back.......... Have fun paying for a beta.
Here is a sample of that pure non-sense...... LOL
Please let me watch you take on Mobs 50+ levels higher than you.
Yeah thats the problem one can figure shit out for themselves. they want everything spoon fed to them in games. And I would be more than willign to make you eat your words, wire my pay pal account , lol.
What per tale do I want spoon fed to me? Please indulge. I know about grauls that don't fight back. I have never played any MMO that is bug free. Those non fighting mobs are dwindling in numbers. They are still there but they are fewer and far between.
Please come try to fight a ranged mob 50+ lvls above you now. You know a worse bug then the one you mentioned is the line of sight bug that allows npc to shoot through and around walls when you can't hit back.
Oh and by the way I wouldnt pay you a damn thing. I would rather pay SOE for 8 SWG accounts.
I respect you like to play....but that is no lie. I was level 30 or so jedi killing mobs 40-50 levels higher that over 1/2 would not fight back. That was back in november after I gave it a shot. Like I said...........its a bug , does nto work like a lot of other things in the game.
You know, there's a big difference between November 06 and late May 07. Anyways, Ch6 increased the difficulty of mobs... I don't know by how much, but I do know, from my current trial experience, yellows are sometimes quite tough to kill. And killing 2 yellows is luck without a heal. Of course, this is just my experience at lvl 21 (so far).
So, before you use outdated information from 6+ months ago, maybe you should remember that mmorpgs are ever evolving with patches (for the most part). Therefore, try the current game before you spout out-dated stuff.
Its still there way to grind to the top still. And of course another lowbie answering questions or tryign to discredit discrediting someone with absolutely no information to back him up.
And to clarify for the rest of the posters that will discredit me .............. this is not all mobs. And this is certainly not at a low level, you have to attain an apropriate level of skills to do these things. But Ill leave it at that. Believe it if you want or not, dont really care. Too many people dont know how to play mmo's in general, swg has more than theyre full share these days .
Well, it's kind of hard to take you seriously when you said the last time you played was November. Anways, unless you actually have tried in Ch6, then you have no clue if this bug was fixed or not. I'm only pointing out the flaws with the information you provided as it is outdated. And, as I said, you never made reference that you have tried Ch6, therefore I made the inference that you are using outdated information.
Oh, and inform us oh high and mighty mmo player... how are we supposed to play an mmo? Placing yourself on a higher-than-thou area makes you sound extremely pompous. You definitely are not the mmo guru that you may think you are. Everyone has their own way of playing a game. A lot of us like specific genre of mmorpgs. Unlike you, there are still a lot of players who want to play mmorpgs legit. And before you go and try flaming me on that accusation, you stated that you have used this bug. Therefore you are a cheat.
for me its never been about NGE being good, bad, fun, etc. Its about SOE and how it treated me and the rest of the vet players.
1. They lied about the CU. It was supposed to be a fix for the vets who stuck around and played a buggy broken game. It was supposed to fix the overpowered rifleman profession. It was supposed to make smuggler actually smuggle stuff. It was supposed to fix the battlefields that had been busted since launch. Instead, the CU was changed last minute to make it more WoW like to appeal to a different type of gamer.
2. They lied about the NGE. I was told the CU was here to stay and would take 6 more month of fixes to be workable. I was told jedi knight trials were being redone so be patient. We were told smuggler revamp was coming. We were told the ne expansion would have an item to allow CH to tame even higher lvl mobs. Rumors kept popping up that said some new SWG as coming. We were told those listings were misprints. We heard rumors that all melee classes were being removed and jedi would be a starter profession. Again SOE said it was all lies.
Two stinkin days after we bought the expansion, SOE announces the NGE. I'll never forget what they did to us.
1. They stole 6 months of my money. None of us would have stuck around if we knew that there would never be another knight trial. SOE told us that lie knowing full well the NGE was in the works.
2. They stole my money for the expansion. I would never have bought that piece of crap if I had known the NGE as coming. Yes they offered a refund but the requirements were so limiting that very few qualified.
They lied so often its hard to even recall how many times. I cant in good conscience give SOE money ever again for SWG. Even if they brought back classic servers, I wouldnt go back. SOE cant be trusted.
Anyone who pays SOE money for SWG is saying its okay to break the cardinal rule of all MMO's...not to change the core essence of the game. Otherwise why play any MMO if all the work you invest into the game will be tossed out.
In all honesty the whole game engine is terrible and bugged..LOS bugs abound and over course there is stil the tribute to benny hill poke fest combat..There is no depth no diversity any longer and therefore my FUN left..I play games to be challenged and to emerse myself how i choose to..SOE forced me into being 1 thing and a certain level and removed half of my content..For me the whole mix and matching of the professions of my choosing was my main draw to SWG..
Not to mention the fact i could craft and still be able to be a combat based toon..Then if i wanted to just entertain and still kill stuff i could do that as well..I have tried to give the NGE a fair shake by trying it out every publish but IMO its still not good enough for me..In Precu i over looked the bugs cause i had fun and lots of friends..My guild left my community left so did i..The communities wont ever come back until the SOE removes the CUNGE parts.There just isnt enough of the good things vs the bad anymore.
Of course some do still enjoy playing SWG and thats fine i have no issues with it.But everytime i try to find all this wonderfull rosey crap that some spew here i never see it. But again its cause i dont like the core engine anymore to me its just bad code..I hate all this balanced classes but still see the crying for nerfs.The NGE fixed nore changed none of the core issues all the cry babies whined for which was balance..The game was balanced and populated before april 05, just some failed to learn how to play..
Precu is dead and gone so why bother, if you like the New Garbage Enhancements then by all means go enjoy it.If its so fun and so great how come everyone has to come here and tell us..Dontcha think if we liked it we'd be playing too? Id come back if the level system was dropped and skills came back, and if they removed the poke fest combat..Hell id settle for them renaming New professions..
Ive been in since beta till the NGE and well id rather be back in beta TBH..At least then i knew things would drastically change..The reasons SWG didnt excell in things was the fact it was changed too much for the wrong reasons..They changed things never asked for nore needed, and parts players loved..All SWG ever needed was No holos ever given, the path to jedi secret, and content, and lastely bug fixes..Hindsight is 20/20 and SOE themselves have admitted the NGE is bad..Its why they are scrambling to try and fix it with old parts called new names ala beast master..Good luck NGErs soon you'll be vets too and then youll get nerfed just like we did lol..
In all honesty the whole game engine is terrible and bugged..LOS bugs abound and over course there is stil the tribute to benny hill poke fest combat..There is no depth no diversity any longer and therefore my FUN left..I play games to be challenged and to emerse myself how i choose to..SOE forced me into being 1 thing and a certain level and removed half of my content..For me the whole mix and matching of the professions of my choosing was my main draw to SWG.. Not to mention the fact i could craft and still be able to be a combat based toon..Then if i wanted to just entertain and still kill stuff i could do that as well..I have tried to give the NGE a fair shake by trying it out every publish but IMO its still not good enough for me..In Precu i over looked the bugs cause i had fun and lots of friends..My guild left my community left so did i..The communities wont ever come back until the SOE removes the CUNGE parts.There just isnt enough of the good things vs the bad anymore. Of course some do still enjoy playing SWG and thats fine i have no issues with it.But everytime i try to find all this wonderfull rosey crap that some spew here i never see it. But again its cause i dont like the core engine anymore to me its just bad code..I hate all this balanced classes but still see the crying for nerfs.The NGE fixed nore changed none of the core issues all the cry babies whined for which was balance..The game was balanced and populated before april 05, just some failed to learn how to play.. Precu is dead and gone so why bother, if you like the New Garbage Enhancements then by all means go enjoy it.If its so fun and so great how come everyone has to come here and tell us..Dontcha think if we liked it we'd be playing too? Id come back if the level system was dropped and skills came back, and if they removed the poke fest combat..Hell id settle for them renaming New professions.. Ive been in since beta till the NGE and well id rather be back in beta TBH..At least then i knew things would drastically change..The reasons SWG didnt excell in things was the fact it was changed too much for the wrong reasons..They changed things never asked for nore needed, and parts players loved..All SWG ever needed was No holos ever given, the path to jedi secret, and content, and lastely bug fixes..Hindsight is 20/20 and SOE themselves have admitted the NGE is bad..Its why they are scrambling to try and fix it with old parts called new names ala beast master..Good luck NGErs soon you'll be vets too and then youll get nerfed just like we did lol..
I was understanding and intently reading your post till I came to this highlighted portion. How can you say that the game was balanced when unhealable mind was in effect. Oh yeah, that means that riflemen, swordsmen (2h melee), and whatever had a mind DoT could kill anyone cause stims couldn't heal mind. Yeah, talk about being king of the hill there. That, in my mind, was totally unbalanced. It seems to me that you were more than likely fall under one of these three professions/issues, and just was ticked when that was taken away from you with CU/NGE.
However, I do agree that there is a lot less people around now than there was pre CU.
Keep in mind at this moment allot of vets are taking advantage of the 14 day vet trial (like myself). A few of them will probably go ahead and subscribe for another month or two and then the population will plummet just like it always does after a free vet trial period.
In any case, today's population is a shadow of what it used to be. Before the NGE it even started to bust at the seams with Bria when SOE offered free server moves to anyone wanting to get out of Bria because it was so full.
Keep in mind at this moment allot of vets are taking advantage of the 14 day vet trial (like myself). A few of them will probably go ahead and subscribe for another month or two and then the population will plummet just like it always does after a free vet trial period.
In any case, today's population is a shadow of what it used to be. Before the NGE it even started to bust at the seams with Bria when SOE offered free server moves to anyone wanting to get out of Bria because it was so full.
So, based on the highlighted portion of your quote, where's your facts? The only one I've seen is that you are using population to base on your unfounded conclusion. First off, majority of the pro-NGE'rs have already stated that the population is not the same as it was in Pre-CU. So, your screenshots are a moot point. In my eyes, you are here just to troll, as was evident in your first attempt.
Hmm I guess some people here dont have a sense of humor. Ive spend the past couple of weeks playing the game with the free vet trial so my sweeter OPINION, to play with your ear, is "I like the new features put into these past few publishes and the returning of some of the pre-cu features (thats the perfume) but the foundation of the game, which is the NGE is flawed (thats the poo)". There, that sound better?
I put up those screenshots for some people to get a better sence of the difference. To put a measuring stick if you will not just hearing "Its lower". Excuse me for showing the facts. I'll ask you for permission next time ok?
WOW with a Star wars skin. Only problem is, wow works, swg doesnt. Lots of fun grinding your way to the top, fighting mobs 50+ levels over you that dont even fight back.......... Have fun paying for a beta.
I respect that you dont like the game, and dont want to play it, but what you wrote is a lie. I cant kill a mob thats 5 levels stronger than me, and I think most people that are playing will agree with me. (I I'm playing since sunday and have a lvl 14 smuggler)
I dont know how it was before (I only played untill 2004, so I didnt get to see the NGE when it hit) but the current game I'm playing is difficult and thers no superman mode anymore, in a way it reminds me of the beggining, when people would group to kill strong mobs.
I dont want to start any flame wars here, and I think the topic is not made in that direction, so lets all be friends and everyone should play the games they like and respect the others who do the same.
low level toons kiting grauls anyone? That was suggested by some ofthe most ardent defenders of the NGE on this forum as a way to get past the miserable lack of content at launch of the NGE so they could level. 4 months ago that still worked. I was lvl 35 twice my level. The majority of reviews and NGE defenders admit the game is solo-centric nowadays. This was the problem alleged with Pre-CU (and indeed it had some merit.) Grouping was not a valid choice, because it was relatively pointless and not needed. Originally, the CU attempted to force grouping. This didn't work, so what you had was an attempt to strike the balance, and a thousand double xp weeks. When the NGE came out, due to the fact there was no longer any noticeable differences between the classes (differences that required grouping), the game became solo-centric again.
For example, I went from lvl 1 to lvl 60 without grouping ONCE. (I got to level 61 by having an elder jedi friend wipe out a base because i wanted to eat quickly rofl.) I had friends who went from noob toon to fully lvled without ever grouping. This sounds like the old "solo group" days, where people grouped only to pull tougher missions, and used buffs to solo everything, so one went from novice brawler to master swords in a weekend.
Here is a sample of that pure non-sense...... LOL
Please let me watch you take on Mobs 50+ levels higher than you.
Yeah thats the problem one can figure shit out for themselves. they want everything spoon fed to them in games. And I would be more than willign to make you eat your words, wire my pay pal account , lol.
What per tale do I want spoon fed to me? Please indulge. I know about grauls that don't fight back. I have never played any MMO that is bug free. Those non fighting mobs are dwindling in numbers. They are still there but they are fewer and far between.
Please come try to fight a ranged mob 50+ lvls above you now. You know a worse bug then the one you mentioned is the line of sight bug that allows npc to shoot through and around walls when you can't hit back.
Oh and by the way I wouldnt pay you a damn thing. I would rather pay SOE for 8 SWG accounts.
"The stupid neither forgive nor forget; the na
So, before you use outdated information from 6+ months ago, maybe you should remember that mmorpgs are ever evolving with patches (for the most part). Therefore, try the current game before you spout out-dated stuff.
Its still there way to grind to the top still. And of course another lowbie answering questions or tryign to discredit discrediting someone with absolutely no information to back him up.
And to clarify for the rest of the posters that will discredit me .............. this is not all mobs. And this is certainly not at a low level, you have to attain an apropriate level of skills to do these things. But Ill leave it at that. Believe it if you want or not, dont really care. Too many people dont know how to play mmo's in general, swg has more than theyre full share these days .
Well, it's kind of hard to take you seriously when you said the last time you played was November. Anways, unless you actually have tried in Ch6, then you have no clue if this bug was fixed or not. I'm only pointing out the flaws with the information you provided as it is outdated. And, as I said, you never made reference that you have tried Ch6, therefore I made the inference that you are using outdated information.Oh, and inform us oh high and mighty mmo player... how are we supposed to play an mmo? Placing yourself on a higher-than-thou area makes you sound extremely pompous. You definitely are not the mmo guru that you may think you are. Everyone has their own way of playing a game. A lot of us like specific genre of mmorpgs. Unlike you, there are still a lot of players who want to play mmorpgs legit. And before you go and try flaming me on that accusation, you stated that you have used this bug. Therefore you are a cheat.
for me its never been about NGE being good, bad, fun, etc. Its about SOE and how it treated me and the rest of the vet players.
1. They lied about the CU. It was supposed to be a fix for the vets who stuck around and played a buggy broken game. It was supposed to fix the overpowered rifleman profession. It was supposed to make smuggler actually smuggle stuff. It was supposed to fix the battlefields that had been busted since launch. Instead, the CU was changed last minute to make it more WoW like to appeal to a different type of gamer.
2. They lied about the NGE. I was told the CU was here to stay and would take 6 more month of fixes to be workable. I was told jedi knight trials were being redone so be patient. We were told smuggler revamp was coming. We were told the ne expansion would have an item to allow CH to tame even higher lvl mobs. Rumors kept popping up that said some new SWG as coming. We were told those listings were misprints. We heard rumors that all melee classes were being removed and jedi would be a starter profession. Again SOE said it was all lies.
Two stinkin days after we bought the expansion, SOE announces the NGE. I'll never forget what they did to us.
1. They stole 6 months of my money. None of us would have stuck around if we knew that there would never be another knight trial. SOE told us that lie knowing full well the NGE was in the works.
2. They stole my money for the expansion. I would never have bought that piece of crap if I had known the NGE as coming. Yes they offered a refund but the requirements were so limiting that very few qualified.
They lied so often its hard to even recall how many times. I cant in good conscience give SOE money ever again for SWG. Even if they brought back classic servers, I wouldnt go back. SOE cant be trusted.
Anyone who pays SOE money for SWG is saying its okay to break the cardinal rule of all MMO's...not to change the core essence of the game. Otherwise why play any MMO if all the work you invest into the game will be tossed out.
In all honesty the whole game engine is terrible and bugged..LOS bugs abound and over course there is stil the tribute to benny hill poke fest combat..There is no depth no diversity any longer and therefore my FUN left..I play games to be challenged and to emerse myself how i choose to..SOE forced me into being 1 thing and a certain level and removed half of my content..For me the whole mix and matching of the professions of my choosing was my main draw to SWG..
Not to mention the fact i could craft and still be able to be a combat based toon..Then if i wanted to just entertain and still kill stuff i could do that as well..I have tried to give the NGE a fair shake by trying it out every publish but IMO its still not good enough for me..In Precu i over looked the bugs cause i had fun and lots of friends..My guild left my community left so did i..The communities wont ever come back until the SOE removes the CUNGE parts.There just isnt enough of the good things vs the bad anymore.
Of course some do still enjoy playing SWG and thats fine i have no issues with it.But everytime i try to find all this wonderfull rosey crap that some spew here i never see it. But again its cause i dont like the core engine anymore to me its just bad code..I hate all this balanced classes but still see the crying for nerfs.The NGE fixed nore changed none of the core issues all the cry babies whined for which was balance..The game was balanced and populated before april 05, just some failed to learn how to play..
Precu is dead and gone so why bother, if you like the New Garbage Enhancements then by all means go enjoy it.If its so fun and so great how come everyone has to come here and tell us..Dontcha think if we liked it we'd be playing too? Id come back if the level system was dropped and skills came back, and if they removed the poke fest combat..Hell id settle for them renaming New professions..
Ive been in since beta till the NGE and well id rather be back in beta TBH..At least then i knew things would drastically change..The reasons SWG didnt excell in things was the fact it was changed too much for the wrong reasons..They changed things never asked for nore needed, and parts players loved..All SWG ever needed was No holos ever given, the path to jedi secret, and content, and lastely bug fixes..Hindsight is 20/20 and SOE themselves have admitted the NGE is bad..Its why they are scrambling to try and fix it with old parts called new names ala beast master..Good luck NGErs soon you'll be vets too and then youll get nerfed just like we did lol..
However, I do agree that there is a lot less people around now than there was pre CU.
Mike Rowe would not be fooled by the NGE.
Speaking of server populations, here is what it looked like before the NGE:
Here is how it looked this past monday, memorial day at prime time USA:
Both screenshots taken by myself.
Keep in mind at this moment allot of vets are taking advantage of the 14 day vet trial (like myself). A few of them will probably go ahead and subscribe for another month or two and then the population will plummet just like it always does after a free vet trial period.
In any case, today's population is a shadow of what it used to be. Before the NGE it even started to bust at the seams with Bria when SOE offered free server moves to anyone wanting to get out of Bria because it was so full.
I put up those screenshots for some people to get a better sence of the difference. To put a measuring stick if you will not just hearing "Its lower". Excuse me for showing the facts. I'll ask you for permission next time ok?
I respect that you dont like the game, and dont want to play it, but what you wrote is a lie. I cant kill a mob thats 5 levels stronger than me, and I think most people that are playing will agree with me. (I I'm playing since sunday and have a lvl 14 smuggler)
I dont know how it was before (I only played untill 2004, so I didnt get to see the NGE when it hit) but the current game I'm playing is difficult and thers no superman mode anymore, in a way it reminds me of the beggining, when people would group to kill strong mobs.
I dont want to start any flame wars here, and I think the topic is not made in that direction, so lets all be friends and everyone should play the games they like and respect the others who do the same.
low level toons kiting grauls anyone? That was suggested by some ofthe most ardent defenders of the NGE on this forum as a way to get past the miserable lack of content at launch of the NGE so they could level. 4 months ago that still worked. I was lvl 35 twice my level. The majority of reviews and NGE defenders admit the game is solo-centric nowadays. This was the problem alleged with Pre-CU (and indeed it had some merit.) Grouping was not a valid choice, because it was relatively pointless and not needed. Originally, the CU attempted to force grouping. This didn't work, so what you had was an attempt to strike the balance, and a thousand double xp weeks. When the NGE came out, due to the fact there was no longer any noticeable differences between the classes (differences that required grouping), the game became solo-centric again.
For example, I went from lvl 1 to lvl 60 without grouping ONCE. (I got to level 61 by having an elder jedi friend wipe out a base because i wanted to eat quickly rofl.) I had friends who went from noob toon to fully lvled without ever grouping. This sounds like the old "solo group" days, where people grouped only to pull tougher missions, and used buffs to solo everything, so one went from novice brawler to master swords in a weekend.