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Ok, I love precu, but it's gone. Atleast for now...maybe forever.
That being said, I started playing again. At first I just played the trial and got frustated with the UI and controls and quit. After going back to WOW for a little while I decided I was tired of it. So back to SWG, only this time I read up on some posts regarding the UI and experimented with various settings. I think I've finally come to a compromise with the UI, where it doesn't feel like I'm fighting the game. Actually, I'm having fun at the moment. Infact, since I've been playing for a couple of weeks, it's even a bit addicting.
I started with new characters on Bria, a commando and a jedi. Right now I'm just working on the Leqacy quests, and the quests help you level up and give some decent rewards to keep you moving forward. Also, as you level your profession you get profession rewards and expertise points. The profession rewards also keep you moving forward and inspire you to keep going to get that next level. The expertise points allow you to experiment with your character and make him a bit more unique: it's similar to talents in wow.
They recently increased the npc ai difficulty, or so they have said. I didn't really get a good feel for how the difficulty was before chapter 6, but it feels about right post chapter 6, atleast for level 26 and under. I haven't tried any quests from the terminals though so I can't really comment there.
Population wise, the game is no where near precu level. Nothing close. But, it's not deserted either. Also, I have been meeting quite a few other vets returning and several of them said they were resubscribing as well.
Performance wise, the game runs pretty good most of the time. ( I upgraded my rig for Vanguard Saga of Heroes, which I'm no longer playing. ) SWG looks better than ever. I think I love SWG graphics more than most mmo's, but this is a subjective sort of thing.
The UI settings that seemed to make a difference for me are the following:
keymap: star wars galaxies modern
turn on auto aim
I bound auto attack to secondary mouse button
mouse left and right drives movement
allow actions to be fired from toolbar
toggle mouse mode by hitting alt key
I think that's it...worked for me. Maybe it will help someone else.
I hear you on that, I came back only because I heard about our houses being thrown into our Datapad and SOE offered me 14 days free. I found myself thinking I am only going to get my stuff in order and pay maintenance on my guildhouse so I dont lose my lot. Unfortunately I get hooked into playing the game and a new Chapter 6 was on the horizon, so I decided just to see what Chapter 6 had to offer.
Even though I am not really into Beast Master profession, I found out my Elder toon got some good loot (if your into house decorating) and the old SWG Universe has changed since I left it before the Combat Upgrade. Still the population is'nt close to what it was before, but there is life in the game. I noticed alot of people with the (Roleplay) tag up and they are'nt even Roleplaying.. LOL
Anyways, I found myself addicted to the game once again. As I said in a previous post, I dont know what it is, I cant even put my finger on it yet. But its definelty good to get away from the Fantasy world of Knights and Wizards if you know what I mean. Let just say I have burnout of the Fantasy MMO and decided to hit ole SWG again for good ole times sake. I have made new online friends in the SWG universe, but only a handful of vet players I used to play with. But its better than nothing at all.
CL67 Elder - Chilastra Server
Its amazing how we leave, I did, then return again. Alot HAS changed since NGE, for the better. A key part is being able to have a decent UI.
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I have been saying for months that all vets should give this game another go, but most arn't willing to try it.
the ones that do, end up enjoying it ALOT, and this topic is a perfect example of that.
To all that came back, Welcome back to SWG
hope more will be joining the fun ...
Noble and true, you are the hero other heroes aspire to be. You are a natural leader, selfless and kind, who will put the lives of others above your own, and are steadfast in your pursuit of justice.
Take the quiz!
You can even hunt different types of player classes now, if they got a Bounty placed on them.
Its just so damn buggy and the animations suck or dont excist at all !? The classes cut to, what 8 ? and jedi as playable class.
Jedi should have never been put as playable class ever. it really breaks the feel of the star wars when the jedis are being played by the powergamer retards.
I remember when i met my first "jedi" back in the old days and he being total idiot /12year old and using "LOLOLOL" etc. really breaks the atmosphere.
now playing LOTRO and its pretty good, too simplified compared to the preCU/NGE SWG though, but has some potential and nice players
You have not mentioned anything that has not been mentioned before atleast 200 000 times.
But, i do not believe you are correct on some of your info.
Firstly :
Jedi as a starting class is alot more balanced to jedi as an unlockable class. in pre cu to be able to keep up with elite classes you had to unlock jedi, otherwise you stood no chance, therefore there is alot more balance now. I think you are probly just pissed that you had such a hard time unlocking jedi and now everyone can start one from the word go, but in reality in the past the game was all about chasing the jedi unlockable toon, now instead it is more about building your current characters and having fun. So in reality nothing you said made much sense. I do agree lotro is an ok game, but it lacks depth as most of the other mmorpgs do and cannot even come close to SWG in this department.
As for bugs, there are alot less bugs now than there was pre cu, so that is really a poor excuse, and animations ? PFFF - please, in old pre cu two jedi duelling looked like they were standing miles apart and not even hitting each other, kinda looked like a stick man system compared to the current combat system, also animations are getting a revamp soon to even add more improvement.
Nope, i never had jedi nor tried to unlock one. i played rifleman/CH combo and other character was pistoleer/BH. And what i meant with the jedi class, it should not have been available to players in any way due to the timeline the game was based on.
maybe ill give it another go once more improvements are made.
I think you should give it another go, because your post was extremely inacurate. you mentioned everything that everyone in the past mentioned. your arguement was the same one we have seen over and over and over again for the last year. here we have a topic with a bunch of honest opinions, and then we have yours. I don't care if yours is negative or positive, as long as it is honest, and i am sorry but you have been out of the loop too long, so much has changed in the game that no one focuses on jedi anymore of the PRE CU, only pre cu guys that have not played recently still bring up that point. There are negatives and positives to both PRE CU and NGE. to just make the game sound totaly negative is wrong, it is very clear that the dev team have made a bunch of REALLY GOOD improvements over the last few chapters, but you completely ignored those in your post, giving anyone that does not know the game the impression that the game is total crap, which it is not.
You have not mentioned anything that has not been mentioned before atleast 200 000 times. But, i do not believe you are correct on some of your info. Firstly : Jedi as a starting class is alot more balanced to jedi as an unlockable class. in pre cu to be able to keep up with elite classes you had to unlock jedi, otherwise you stood no chance, therefore there is alot more balance now. I think you are probly just pissed that you had such a hard time unlocking jedi and now everyone can start one from the word go, but in reality in the past the game was all about chasing the jedi unlockable toon, now instead it is more about building your current characters and having fun. So in reality nothing you said made much sense. I do agree lotro is an ok game, but it lacks depth as most of the other mmorpgs do and cannot even come close to SWG in this department. As for bugs, there are alot less bugs now than there was pre cu, so that is really a poor excuse, and animations ? PFFF - please, in old pre cu two jedi duelling looked like they were standing miles apart and not even hitting each other, kinda looked like a stick man system compared to the current combat system, also animations are getting a revamp soon to even add more improvement.
Um jedi being balanced relied on a little bar called FORCE without it you jedi was weak. You didnt have to be a jedi to be good obviously you never were one precu or any other time..Jedi shouldve remained hard to gain and hard to beat with the risk system still in place..Defining balance precu was based on what you were,what gear you had,what quality foods you could find/make, how good you were with your toon ect. There were many many varibles that made each build unique. Many times i see this unfacts based on things one never experienced cause they didnt play as a jedi or never built a pvp specific toon..Precu allowed you to do what you pleased but at a cost to being weak vs someone else or everyone else but one specific profession.
Balance is a farce and can never be obtained an why would you want a system were everyone is basically the same?.Precu wasnt perfect by any means but as far as being balanced it was based on YOU and other PLAYERS..The game may be quote balanced but yet you read the same cires and the same whines that profession A owns B C D E an F as before..When you have strengths and weaknessess built in to each profession is the only balance you will ever have.. NO game maker can ever balance peoples skills behind the keyboards.. SWG can only go up now its hit bottom hopefully more diversity will come as well as new professions..Still not good enough for me yet but i wait and watch till it may become Fun and intresting to me again..The current combat system just isnt good enough yet..
You have not mentioned anything that has not been mentioned before atleast 200 000 times. But, i do not believe you are correct on some of your info. Firstly : Jedi as a starting class is alot more balanced to jedi as an unlockable class. in pre cu to be able to keep up with elite classes you had to unlock jedi, otherwise you stood no chance, therefore there is alot more balance now. I think you are probly just pissed that you had such a hard time unlocking jedi and now everyone can start one from the word go, but in reality in the past the game was all about chasing the jedi unlockable toon, now instead it is more about building your current characters and having fun. So in reality nothing you said made much sense. I do agree lotro is an ok game, but it lacks depth as most of the other mmorpgs do and cannot even come close to SWG in this department. As for bugs, there are alot less bugs now than there was pre cu, so that is really a poor excuse, and animations ? PFFF - please, in old pre cu two jedi duelling looked like they were standing miles apart and not even hitting each other, kinda looked like a stick man system compared to the current combat system, also animations are getting a revamp soon to even add more improvement.
Um jedi being balanced relied on a little bar called FORCE without it you jedi was weak. You didnt have to be a jedi to be good obviously you never were one precu or any other time..Jedi shouldve remained hard to gain and hard to beat with the risk system still in place..Defining balance precu was based on what you were,what gear you had,what quality foods you could find/make, how good you were with your toon ect. There were many many varibles that made each build unique. Many times i see this unfacts based on things one never experienced cause they didnt play as a jedi or never built a pvp specific toon..Precu allowed you to do what you pleased but at a cost to being weak vs someone else or everyone else but one specific profession.
Balance is a farce and can never be obtained an why would you want a system were everyone is basically the same?.Precu wasnt perfect by any means but as far as being balanced it was based on YOU and other PLAYERS..The game may be quote balanced but yet you read the same cires and the same whines that profession A owns B C D E an F as before..When you have strengths and weaknessess built in to each profession is the only balance you will ever have.. NO game maker can ever balance peoples skills behind the keyboards.. SWG can only go up now its hit bottom hopefully more diversity will come as well as new professions..Still not good enough for me yet but i wait and watch till it may become Fun and intresting to me again..The current combat system just isnt good enough yet..
Please don't insult me, i collected my three year vet reward over a month ago and i have been playing the whole time, i think that my knowledge of the game is far superior to yours. Firstly in PRE CU everyone had similar templates and there was absolutely no balance in the game. right now jedi can change their talents as they want, they can chose between a combination of Dark side or not, each jedi in the game is currently unique because of the talent system, i won't deny they are far less complicated, but they are weaker as well, as it should be. In PRE CU most people were chasing to unlock jedi, atleast everyone i knew did, right now everyone i know is questing, collecting armor, having fun, taking part in guild activities, helping out noob players etc ...
the game is in FAR BETTER SHAPE NOW than pre cu, just go read some of the topics that returning vets are creating and read for yourself, these were people that flamed SOE for the last 2 years and suddenly they love the game again. does that not tell you anything ? and these topics are poping up on a daily basis too.... I think my point has been made.
You have not mentioned anything that has not been mentioned before atleast 200 000 times. But, i do not believe you are correct on some of your info. Firstly : Jedi as a starting class is alot more balanced to jedi as an unlockable class. in pre cu to be able to keep up with elite classes you had to unlock jedi, otherwise you stood no chance, therefore there is alot more balance now. I think you are probly just pissed that you had such a hard time unlocking jedi and now everyone can start one from the word go, but in reality in the past the game was all about chasing the jedi unlockable toon, now instead it is more about building your current characters and having fun. So in reality nothing you said made much sense. I do agree lotro is an ok game, but it lacks depth as most of the other mmorpgs do and cannot even come close to SWG in this department. As for bugs, there are alot less bugs now than there was pre cu, so that is really a poor excuse, and animations ? PFFF - please, in old pre cu two jedi duelling looked like they were standing miles apart and not even hitting each other, kinda looked like a stick man system compared to the current combat system, also animations are getting a revamp soon to even add more improvement.
Um jedi being balanced relied on a little bar called FORCE without it you jedi was weak. You didnt have to be a jedi to be good obviously you never were one precu or any other time..Jedi shouldve remained hard to gain and hard to beat with the risk system still in place..Defining balance precu was based on what you were,what gear you had,what quality foods you could find/make, how good you were with your toon ect. There were many many varibles that made each build unique. Many times i see this unfacts based on things one never experienced cause they didnt play as a jedi or never built a pvp specific toon..Precu allowed you to do what you pleased but at a cost to being weak vs someone else or everyone else but one specific profession.
Balance is a farce and can never be obtained an why would you want a system were everyone is basically the same?.Precu wasnt perfect by any means but as far as being balanced it was based on YOU and other PLAYERS..The game may be quote balanced but yet you read the same cires and the same whines that profession A owns B C D E an F as before..When you have strengths and weaknessess built in to each profession is the only balance you will ever have.. NO game maker can ever balance peoples skills behind the keyboards.. SWG can only go up now its hit bottom hopefully more diversity will come as well as new professions..Still not good enough for me yet but i wait and watch till it may become Fun and intresting to me again..The current combat system just isnt good enough yet..
Please don't insult me, i collected my three year vet reward over a month ago and i have been playing the whole time, i think that my knowledge of the game is far superior to yours. Firstly in PRE CU everyone had similar templates and there was absolutely no balance in the game. right now jedi can change their talents as they want, they can chose between a combination of Dark side or not, each jedi in the game is currently unique because of the talent system, i won't deny they are far less complicated, but they are weaker as well, as it should be. In PRE CU most people were chasing to unlock jedi, atleast everyone i knew did, right now everyone i know is questing, collecting armor, having fun, taking part in guild activities, helping out noob players etc ... the game is in FAR BETTER SHAPE NOW than pre cu, just go read some of the topics that returning vets are creating and read for yourself, these were people that flamed SOE for the last 2 years and suddenly they love the game again. does that not tell you anything ? and these topics are poping up on a daily basis too.... I think my point has been made.
I wasnt insulting you i was pointing out i didnt agree with you and your views..And BTW Since Wow has talents and SWG has the expertise system it really shows your vast 3 year vet reward knowledge...Well all i ask is if its so balanced now why the current cries on the official forums to nerf anything? Again why is jedi one of the worst professions and 'weak' in your words? Balance would mean that no one was weak and all the same wouldnt it? It would be as strong as the best combat profession currently in the NGE according to you because its now balanced..Dont matter you love it i see its faults and much room for vast improvement in all areas its still just an opinion..
There is your fault right there. you concerntrate only on the negitives, and frankly i think everyone is kinda sick to the point where they want to vommit if they hear one more person B!tch about nge. there is a vet section in the forum where all the boring people sit all day and moan about NGE, why don't you join them there, instead of trying to destroy descent topics here ?
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The refugee vets are just agitated because they are alienating everyone that has a positive opinion of NGE. They don't want those people over there, therefore they have no one to argue with. So, they break the purpose for each of these forums, and come over here and try to "infect" us with their hatred. It's sickening really.
The refugee vets are just agitated because they are alienating everyone that has a positive opinion of NGE. They don't want those people over there, therefore they have no one to argue with. So, they break the purpose for each of these forums, and come over here and try to "infect" us with their hatred. It's sickening really.
We got people who talk about vg who never have played it, yet that can give opinions. We are people who have played it, and tried the new changes up to this point, yet we cant give our opinions? I am not sure you have the right to block us, don't you?
The refugee vets are just agitated because they are alienating everyone that has a positive opinion of NGE. They don't want those people over there, therefore they have no one to argue with. So, they break the purpose for each of these forums, and come over here and try to "infect" us with their hatred. It's sickening really.
We got people who talk about vg who never have played it, yet that can give opinions. We are people who have played it, and tried the new changes up to this point, yet we cant give our opinions? I am not sure you have the right to block us, don't you?
Well, on the same note, the vets who are pro-NGE are basically revolted against on the veterans refugee forum. So, it's in the same boat. These forums were used to keep each other separated... just look at and These are the purposes for each forum... therefore there is a dividing line between the two forums. So, if the pro-NGE vets are unwelcome in the veteran's refugee forum, then the current players that hate NGE are unwelcome here.Oh, and until the moderators change these rules, then that's how they will stand.
Just wanted to send a big welcome to all new/returning players!
Here is a few things that might help.
1. First, go through the controls & key maps. It is highly customizable and hopefully you can find a good balance.
2. Macros are your friends. This game has a killer (perhaps even exploitable) macro system which can be useful. I don't know what I would do without macros with my Smuggler, ranged & melee toolbar/arming switching is a god sent.
3. I just found this out, you can keep notes ingame. Create a file called notes.txt and place it in Program FilesStarWarsGalaxiesprofilesYOURNAME. When in game type /note and a window will open with the content of that file which you can view & edit. Very useful.
4. Having trouble with difficulty increase, buy & program a combat droid. Great for taking an alpha or set it on guard and just use it for the extra firepower. Don't forget to buy spare batteries!
5. The official forums are full of useful information, just ignore the trolling/flames.
Just a few things off the top of my head, enjoy the game.
Never once did i say the word Hate..And for you and your Rosey colored Yes posters i am currently playing..You can come to Lowca and do a /who mobosh 90 level elder jedi, or Mox 90 trader/master Beast master..So on that note....I see Room for improvements and lots of them..And SWG's Expertise is just like WoW's they are the same I PLAY BOTH..Do you? I didnt post negative points except for your lack of knowledge on subject relating to balance and what is considered balance.Also your lack of Jedi knowledge of them being supreme win all toons was also given an opinion..So yours is off IMO so what?.At least i do give the game a try each publish unlike some of the quote vets..And you'd think just because i disliked the NGE at the start and i still do think it needs lots of work but still give it a shot, means i cant comment except in the vet forums
If i hated it so much why waste 15 bucks to retry it out? If i went on every current posters words and not experience for myself then how could i see any positives for myself? Its not hard to dislike alot of things about SWG but still enjoy parts of it? I am currently a 90 trader and a master Beast handler..So i guess i should not ask Obriak for help or post any opinion even if its not the same as yours? i still dislike the combat and the UI but doesnt mean i dont like beast mastery..I find it funny alot of you current players take offense if i dont see SWG as perfect.It does Need Improvement and more things Added and polished..
I have a toon on chili :P havent logged him in in ages..Just because i think SOE is a blundering company who took parts of the game i originally loved out doesnt mean i cant Get back into SWG..Also i dont like fantasy games and am relearning SWG to have something to do.I still dont like it but Beast master isnt half bad so far..So get off my Vet status of 4 years and keep posting your Opinion only.. Thats right 4 years june 03 on 1 account and dec 03 on another..Ive seen everything and every change SWG has had.I survived those and protested but still played..SWG is a game that has parts yah hate and something that can change your dislikes enough to keep playing..Dont mean a darn thing its My 15 bucks to spend as i see