Does a person deserve to lose thier job for making a comment about co-workers skin color?
No. Although they are racist bastards, it is still freedom of speech.
Also, she needs not let it bother her - if she does, then they person stating the comment "wins". Shrug it off. Who is this person anyways to let something so trivial affect her well-being?
I believe they do deserve to lose their job. Their are laws against this sort of thing in the workplace and racism usually results in instant dismissal.
Apparently while she was at lunch she went into the break room to get something out of the snack machine. She accidentally got a candybar with coconut in it. The girl hates coconut; so she told an associate in the room that she's known the past 3 years or so that he could have it, and proceeds to walk out of the room. Then female associate that was also in the room stops her and cusses her for interupting her conversation with another gentleman. My girl apologizes, and tells her that she didn't mean to. As my girlfriend turns to leave again a comment was made to the associate that my girl has known for some time, a comment in regard to the color of my girls skin. I told her to go to someone and let them know what happend, but she's upset and thinks that she would be causing trouble if she did. Crap like that really breaks my heart people. There is no reason for anyone to bring such a view to work, let alone out of thier house. If you feel that way about another person then keep it to your damn self. We're all of the same species here and in this day and age it is just uncalled for. It's like that stupid Akon thread cursed me. Here's the question. Does a person deserve to lose thier job for making a comment about co-workers skin color? Edit: I forget to give a third option. I don't know, because I don't know. That's a hard call to make. A part of me says the person should be fired, but another part says that things should be forgiven and you should rise above such things and set an example that such behavior won't guide your actions.
I really cannot answer unless you post a picture of her. A lot of stuff in life depends upon personal appearance.
Apparently while she was at lunch she went into the break room to get something out of the snack machine. She accidentally got a candybar with coconut in it. The girl hates coconut; so she told an associate in the room that she's known the past 3 years or so that he could have it, and proceeds to walk out of the room. Then female associate that was also in the room stops her and cusses her for interupting her conversation with another gentleman. My girl apologizes, and tells her that she didn't mean to. As my girlfriend turns to leave again a comment was made to the associate that my girl has known for some time, a comment in regard to the color of my girls skin. I told her to go to someone and let them know what happend, but she's upset and thinks that she would be causing trouble if she did. Crap like that really breaks my heart people. There is no reason for anyone to bring such a view to work, let alone out of thier house. If you feel that way about another person then keep it to your damn self. We're all of the same species here and in this day and age it is just uncalled for. It's like that stupid Akon thread cursed me. Here's the question. Does a person deserve to lose thier job for making a comment about co-workers skin color? Edit: I forget to give a third option. I don't know, because I don't know. That's a hard call to make. A part of me says the person should be fired, but another part says that things should be forgiven and you should rise above such things and set an example that such behavior won't guide your actions.
I really cannot answer unless you post a picture of her. A lot of stuff in life depends upon personal appearance.
Lol, I'm not sure how it's relevant, but ok. Made me laugh at least.
She's beautiful and looks intelligent, in a 1920's ish sort of way. I'd say she's in the right, however she wants to handle her scenario at work. Tell her Fugnudz says go for it.
I would tell the boss and if he/she did not do anything about it then I would send it to the local news. I am not a racist and I don't take kindly to that stuff. Not cool for anyone to say that kind of crap to anyone.
Be cool to people, and try and stay cool that way you never have to regret making someone feel bad. Don't take what ya got granted because some people never get to feel happy. We get to play these great MMOs and surf a good site. Be thankful for what ya got and next time ya feel down imagine a fat sea otter waddling with a pillow and a night cap. Bam! smiles!
I've always believed in things such as ratting someone else out as a last resort.
In a situation like that, confront the person, see if an ammends can be made. If no ammends can be made, then tell them that harassment will not be tolerated, and that to keep away, and to keep things professional. If that doesn't work, and it is TRUE harassment, and not just your lady being paper-thin skinned. Then she should go to the higher-ups.
No one likes a narc, just remember that.
"The greatest trick the devil played on humanity in the 20th century was convincing them that he didn't exist." (Paraphrasing) C.S. Lewis
"If a mother can kill her own child, what is left before I kill you and you kill me?" -Mother Teresa when talking about abortion after accepting the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979
Apparently while she was at lunch she went into the break room to get something out of the snack machine. She accidentally got a candybar with coconut in it. The girl hates coconut; so she told an associate in the room that she's known the past 3 years or so that he could have it, and proceeds to walk out of the room. Then female associate that was also in the room stops her and cusses her for interupting her conversation with another gentleman. My girl apologizes, and tells her that she didn't mean to. As my girlfriend turns to leave again a comment was made to the associate that my girl has known for some time, a comment in regard to the color of my girls skin. I told her to go to someone and let them know what happend, but she's upset and thinks that she would be causing trouble if she did. Crap like that really breaks my heart people. There is no reason for anyone to bring such a view to work, let alone out of thier house. If you feel that way about another person then keep it to your damn self. We're all of the same species here and in this day and age it is just uncalled for. It's like that stupid Akon thread cursed me. Here's the question. Does a person deserve to lose thier job for making a comment about co-workers skin color? Edit: I forget to give a third option. I don't know, because I don't know. That's a hard call to make. A part of me says the person should be fired, but another part says that things should be forgiven and you should rise above such things and set an example that such behavior won't guide your actions.
*Act like a care about your or your personal dilemmas*
Man, I feel for you buddy. Best of luck.
Jesus Christ, why don't you come save my life. Open my eyes and blind me with your light and your lies.
Tell her to sleep on it and see if she feels the same the next day.
Very sound advice. I'll tell her just that.
Allthough she migth be ok with it after a nigth of sleep not everyone can shrug such things of.
So even if she finds she can overlook this grosse overstep she should still consider letting someone know.
People like the "perp" should not be allowed in a workplace and chances are your girlfriend is not the last to be a target.
If not for her own sake so for others.
Just my view on it.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Originally posted by Jerek_
I wonder if you honestly even believe what you type, or if you live in a made up world of facts. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
She needs to go to her boss, preferably with the people who also heard the insults and report her. I doubt very much that she will get fired, probably just get a warning. If it happens again then get her to do the same thing, all the time making it very clear that if it continues and they do nothing about it that they are condoning it and she will take it further with higher authorities against them also.
If she doen't feel comfortable speaking about it, then write a letter to them.
That's the most illogical thing I saw on this board, if race didn't matter as you seem to think. Then this whole thread doesn't matter as well and same goes for this whole debate. The politically correct goes to the toilet and I will say once again, OP your forgot to state what race your girlfriend is.
If you have any doubts, go to work, stand up and start shouting some swear words, racial insults, sexual comments, etc. See how long it takes for them to put your ass in the unemployment line. Call a lawyer, and tell them you were unfairly fired for exercising your right to free speech. See how fast they can hang up on you.
There is a big difference in what you described and what happened to the OPs girl. Employers could not fire you for cussing. racial slurs, etc unless you signed an employment agreement stating otherwise or if the comments were construed as sexual harassment. However, what you described above would get them fired not for the comments, but for interrupting the workplace.
edit: To add, if anyone (addressed to US citizens, I know you others do not care ), here is the First Amendment:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
In this context, freedom of speech, by definition, means frankness of manner or speech. Does this make what he said right? No, of course not. Anyone can insult anyone. However, it is the insultee who grants power to the words of the insulter. I've been called "cracker", "whitey", etc. numerous times. Does it phase me? No. Why? Because they are just words. Let something that small affect you and you will have no control over any aspect of your life.
funny how quite a lot of people are showing their true beliefs on this board, I hate racists enough said, personally I think anyone who tries to defend them or have a go at this person for getting upset about them are likely to be racists themselves
Quoting people doesn't make you clever, in fact, it makes you all the more stupid for not bothering to read the quotes you post in the first place.
Originally posted by Inferum That's the most illogical thing I saw on this board, if race didn't matter as you seem to think. Then this whole thread doesn't matter as well and same goes for this whole debate. The politically correct goes to the toilet and I will say once again, OP your forgot to state what race your girlfriend is.
First off, political correctness is ruining the United States - I will leave it at that. Second, how about human race? There you go. Race does not matter. When you look at race, or group people by race, you are a racist. Everyone has differences, but we all share the trait of being human.
Mmmmmh mokay? You kinda forgot to state what race your girlfriend was...
Nope. It's irrelevent, although it may be obvious from the picture I put up.
I didn't state the race of the other person either; also becuase I don't think it matters.
They are 2 people of a dif. race and color, and the only important thing in my opinion. Being of any particular race doesn't make it any worse or better; it's just wrong.
funny how quite a lot of people are showing their true beliefs on this board, I hate racists enough said, personally I think anyone who tries to defend them or have a go at this person for getting upset about them are likely to be racists themselves
Hating racists is still spreading hate.
If it's a tough area in which to find a job, firing someone for making racist comments may well be more extreme than the person deserves and may not even teach them a lesson as one poster pointed out. We don't know the circumstances. This girl could be a single mother with kids to feed and a "sacked for racism" lable could prevent her from ever working again, which is a pretty extreme punishment for something which is usually down to what is essentially ignorance and up-bringing. Sometimes, forgiveness, tolerance, a quiet word to one side, and being the bigger person, can be the best way to handle such situations. Maybe she should keep her job and be the one to feel uncomfortable in her place of work and be put in the position to buck up her ideas and apologise.
My girl got home a bit ago. The woman needs to be fired. After my girl left the room a couple people informed her that the woman went on quite a rant about her. The woman apparently has quite an opinion of people that don't look like her. It's a shame because nothing the woman had to say had anything to do with my girl as an individual, just the color of her skin. She also seemed to think that because all the other people in the room were of the same color as herself that it was ok to spew out a bunch of racist hate. She went to one of her bosses after one of the guys in the room told her he would be a witness to what the woman said. A report was written and they are going to deal with it tomorrow when the big guy is in. This is at a retail chain and the woman works at the customer service desk; if she's willing to be that open about her beliefs with the people she has to deal with on a daily basis, then I can't imagine what she might say to someone she may only see once in her life. I'm a firm believer that if you can't treat your coworkers with respect, then you're not going treat your customers with the respect they deserve either.
Glad your gf reported it and I hope the racist biotch gets fired.
If you have any doubts, go to work, stand up and start shouting some swear words, racial insults, sexual comments, etc. See how long it takes for them to put your ass in the unemployment line. Call a lawyer, and tell them you were unfairly fired for exercising your right to free speech. See how fast they can hang up on you.
There is a big difference in what you described and what happened to the OPs girl. Employers could not fire you for cussing. racial slurs, etc unless you signed an employment agreement stating otherwise or if the comments were construed as sexual harassment. However, what you described above would get them fired not for the comments, but for interrupting the workplace.
edit: To add, if anyone (addressed to US citizens, I know you others do not care ), here is the First Amendment:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
In this context, freedom of speech, by definition, means frankness of manner or speech. Does this make what he said right? No, of course not. Anyone can insult anyone. However, it is the insultee who grants power to the words of the insulter. I've been called "cracker", "whitey", etc. numerous times. Does it phase me? No. Why? Because they are just words. Let something that small affect you and you will have no control over any aspect of your life.
I can agree with you in part.
I went to school in the inner city, and daily had racial slurs yelled at me. In the 90's I was a yo boy, wannabe, and a wigger. Being called these things didn't ALWAYS bother me. At the same time I was shaving my head at time when white guys weren't shaving thier head; so I got called a skin head, nazi, and racist a lot; that usually just made me laugh, cause most of the time I would be called this while hanging out with a few black guys. (people can be incredibly oblivious, and stupid sometimes.)
I've found that sometimes, depending on the situation you're in, words mean nothing, and sometimes they mean a lot. Being called a wigger by a guy driving downt the road or off in the distance meant very little to me. Having a man in my face calling me one has provoked fights.
To me, it's the dif. between being an A-hole and trying to intentionally hurt someone. Sometimes people use words to be an A-hole, but don't really mean what they say. In my girls case the woman was trying to hurt her, and the things she said after my girl left the rooms was a clear indication of her beliefs.
It's one thing if you're at work and get into a heated argument with another person, and one or both persons uses a racial slur in the heat of the moment, it's wrong, but people say things they don't mean when they get angry. If both parties can work out thier dif. and make amends to one another, then those words can be forgiven.
There was no argument in this case. There was no reason for this woman to say the things she said. The guy my girl was interacting with wasn't involved in a conversation with the other woman; he was sitting off to the side alone. She was unprovoked, she didn't say what she said in the heat of an arguement. She said them becuase she believed in the things she said, and to intentionally hurt another person.
Aparently this woman told 2 gentlemen that all white woman are pieces of shit trailer trash, that don't have any business being in the same room as her, or have the right to speak when she is. The two guys in the room with her said that they asked her to stop several times and she wouldn't.
I do believe that it is ok to have your opinions, regardless of how baseless and down right messed up they may be, but you don't have a right to not just bring them to work with you, but to make them known.
After hearing what my girl had to say when she got home last night I firmly believe this woman needs to be let go. Every employee represents the company they work for, and I wouldn't want someone who is that open about thier belief system representing my company. Imagaine what would happen if what this woman said got around to everyone she worked with, and the enviroment that it would create. If she would behave like this just because a someone of a color she doesn't like is in a room with her, what would she do, or say if she really had a problem. What might she say if a customer was rude to her?
The funny thing (not in the ha ha way) a big part of my girls lineage is American Indian. Her grandfather was full blooded Cherokee. (sp?) She's not quite as white as she looks.
There is a very big difference between making a passing comment and harassing her. From your OP, it sounded as if she just made a passing comment, but, if she is flat out harassing your girl and it is an ongoing thing, then yes, terminate the racist wench.
If your girlfriend decides that it is the other girl who must leave, she should be aware that starting disciplinary proceedings over racism or anything else will marr her own position within the company. Having trouble maker or unable to get on with peers written between the lines on her C.V. isn't so great.
In England companies only need to take action in these cases if it can be shown to be racial harassment or racial discrimination. One comment isn't enough, although starting a ruckus about one comment is enough to draw attention to yourself.
Every time it happens she should right down the time and place and names of witnesses if she intends to pursue it. She should also be able to demonstrate that she has made the effort to explain that she found this behaviour unexceptable in the work enviroment to the offending person and that the problem has continued even after this.
If they can't get on, one of them has to go. If your girlfriend decides that it is the other girl who must leave, she should be aware that starting disciplinary proceedings over racism or anything else will marr her own position within the company. Having trouble maker or unable to get on with peers written between the lines on her C.V. isn't so great.
In England companies only need to take action in these cases if it can be shown to be racial harassment or racial discrimination. One comment isn't enough, although starting a ruckus about one comment is enough to draw attention to yourself. Every time it happens she should right down the time and place and names of witnesses if she intends to pursue it. She should also be able to demonstrate that she has made the effort to explain that she found this behaviour unexceptable in the work enviroment to the offending person and that the problem has continued even after this.
I could see that if it was a case of them having a prior encounters, but she'd never had dealings with the woman before.
My girls a very likable lady. She's quite, respectfull, and a hard worker ( I would know, I was her boss once. )
It's a shame. Going by your description she sounds like a really nice girl. Unfortunately there are a lot of very ignorant people out there. I would say that if this is the only time it's happened to be the bigger person and let it go. If it happens again she should tell whoever is in charge.
Also, she needs not let it bother her - if she does, then they person stating the comment "wins". Shrug it off. Who is this person anyways to let something so trivial affect her well-being?
I believe they do deserve to lose their job. Their are laws against this sort of thing in the workplace and racism usually results in instant dismissal.
I really cannot answer unless you post a picture of her. A lot of stuff in life depends upon personal appearance.
I really cannot answer unless you post a picture of her. A lot of stuff in life depends upon personal appearance.
Lol, I'm not sure how it's relevant, but ok. Made me laugh at least.
Hope that helps.
Wish Darkfall would release.
Be cool to people, and try and stay cool that way you never have to regret making someone feel bad. Don't take what ya got granted because some people never get to feel happy. We get to play these great MMOs and surf a good site. Be thankful for what ya got and next time ya feel down imagine a fat sea otter waddling with a pillow and a night cap. Bam! smiles!
I've always believed in things such as ratting someone else out as a last resort.
In a situation like that, confront the person, see if an ammends can be made. If no ammends can be made, then tell them that harassment will not be tolerated, and that to keep away, and to keep things professional. If that doesn't work, and it is TRUE harassment, and not just your lady being paper-thin skinned. Then she should go to the higher-ups.
No one likes a narc, just remember that.
"The greatest trick the devil played on humanity in the 20th century was convincing them that he didn't exist." (Paraphrasing) C.S. Lewis
"If a mother can kill her own child, what is left before I kill you and you kill me?" -Mother Teresa when talking about abortion after accepting the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979
Man, I feel for you buddy. Best of luck.
Jesus Christ, why don't you come save my life.
Open my eyes and blind me with your light
and your lies.
Allthough she migth be ok with it after a nigth of sleep not everyone can shrug such things of.
So even if she finds she can overlook this grosse overstep she should still consider letting someone know.
People like the "perp" should not be allowed in a workplace and chances are your girlfriend is not the last to be a target.
If not for her own sake so for others.
Just my view on it.
Originally posted by Jerek_
I wonder if you honestly even believe what you type, or if you live in a made up world of facts.
I feel sorry for your gf, i hate bitches.
She needs to go to her boss, preferably with the people who also heard the insults and report her. I doubt very much that she will get fired, probably just get a warning. If it happens again then get her to do the same thing, all the time making it very clear that if it continues and they do nothing about it that they are condoning it and she will take it further with higher authorities against them also.
If she doen't feel comfortable speaking about it, then write a letter to them.
That's the most illogical thing I saw on this board, if race didn't matter as you seem to think. Then this whole thread doesn't matter as well and same goes for this whole debate. The politically correct goes to the toilet and I will say once again, OP your forgot to state what race your girlfriend is.
edit: To add, if anyone (addressed to US citizens, I know you others do not care ), here is the First Amendment:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
In this context, freedom of speech, by definition, means frankness of manner or speech. Does this make what he said right? No, of course not. Anyone can insult anyone. However, it is the insultee who grants power to the words of the insulter. I've been called "cracker", "whitey", etc. numerous times. Does it phase me? No. Why? Because they are just words. Let something that small affect you and you will have no control over any aspect of your life.
Quoting people doesn't make you clever, in fact, it makes you all the more stupid for not bothering to read the quotes you post in the first place.
Nope. It's irrelevent, although it may be obvious from the picture I put up.
I didn't state the race of the other person either; also becuase I don't think it matters.
They are 2 people of a dif. race and color, and the only important thing in my opinion. Being of any particular race doesn't make it any worse or better; it's just wrong.
I intentionally left it out.
Wish Darkfall would release.
If it's a tough area in which to find a job, firing someone for making racist comments may well be more extreme than the person deserves and may not even teach them a lesson as one poster pointed out. We don't know the circumstances. This girl could be a single mother with kids to feed and a "sacked for racism" lable could prevent her from ever working again, which is a pretty extreme punishment for something which is usually down to what is essentially ignorance and up-bringing. Sometimes, forgiveness, tolerance, a quiet word to one side, and being the bigger person, can be the best way to handle such situations. Maybe she should keep her job and be the one to feel uncomfortable in her place of work and be put in the position to buck up her ideas and apologise.
Does that make you think I'm a racist, Ok21?
edit: To add, if anyone (addressed to US citizens, I know you others do not care ), here is the First Amendment:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
In this context, freedom of speech, by definition, means frankness of manner or speech. Does this make what he said right? No, of course not. Anyone can insult anyone. However, it is the insultee who grants power to the words of the insulter. I've been called "cracker", "whitey", etc. numerous times. Does it phase me? No. Why? Because they are just words. Let something that small affect you and you will have no control over any aspect of your life.
I can agree with you in part.
I went to school in the inner city, and daily had racial slurs yelled at me. In the 90's I was a yo boy, wannabe, and a wigger. Being called these things didn't ALWAYS bother me. At the same time I was shaving my head at time when white guys weren't shaving thier head; so I got called a skin head, nazi, and racist a lot; that usually just made me laugh, cause most of the time I would be called this while hanging out with a few black guys. (people can be incredibly oblivious, and stupid sometimes.)
I've found that sometimes, depending on the situation you're in, words mean nothing, and sometimes they mean a lot. Being called a wigger by a guy driving downt the road or off in the distance meant very little to me. Having a man in my face calling me one has provoked fights.
To me, it's the dif. between being an A-hole and trying to intentionally hurt someone. Sometimes people use words to be an A-hole, but don't really mean what they say. In my girls case the woman was trying to hurt her, and the things she said after my girl left the rooms was a clear indication of her beliefs.
It's one thing if you're at work and get into a heated argument with another person, and one or both persons uses a racial slur in the heat of the moment, it's wrong, but people say things they don't mean when they get angry. If both parties can work out thier dif. and make amends to one another, then those words can be forgiven.
There was no argument in this case. There was no reason for this woman to say the things she said. The guy my girl was interacting with wasn't involved in a conversation with the other woman; he was sitting off to the side alone. She was unprovoked, she didn't say what she said in the heat of an arguement. She said them becuase she believed in the things she said, and to intentionally hurt another person.
Aparently this woman told 2 gentlemen that all white woman are pieces of shit trailer trash, that don't have any business being in the same room as her, or have the right to speak when she is. The two guys in the room with her said that they asked her to stop several times and she wouldn't.
I do believe that it is ok to have your opinions, regardless of how baseless and down right messed up they may be, but you don't have a right to not just bring them to work with you, but to make them known.
After hearing what my girl had to say when she got home last night I firmly believe this woman needs to be let go. Every employee represents the company they work for, and I wouldn't want someone who is that open about thier belief system representing my company. Imagaine what would happen if what this woman said got around to everyone she worked with, and the enviroment that it would create. If she would behave like this just because a someone of a color she doesn't like is in a room with her, what would she do, or say if she really had a problem. What might she say if a customer was rude to her?
The funny thing (not in the ha ha way) a big part of my girls lineage is American Indian. Her grandfather was full blooded Cherokee. (sp?) She's not quite as white as she looks.
Wish Darkfall would release.
If they can't get on, one of them has to go.
If your girlfriend decides that it is the other girl who must leave, she should be aware that starting disciplinary proceedings over racism or anything else will marr her own position within the company. Having trouble maker or unable to get on with peers written between the lines on her C.V. isn't so great.
In England companies only need to take action in these cases if it can be shown to be racial harassment or racial discrimination. One comment isn't enough, although starting a ruckus about one comment is enough to draw attention to yourself.
Every time it happens she should right down the time and place and names of witnesses if she intends to pursue it. She should also be able to demonstrate that she has made the effort to explain that she found this behaviour unexceptable in the work enviroment to the offending person and that the problem has continued even after this.
I could see that if it was a case of them having a prior encounters, but she'd never had dealings with the woman before.
My girls a very likable lady. She's quite, respectfull, and a hard worker ( I would know, I was her boss once. )
Wish Darkfall would release.
In which case she should save all the drama until she's had some more and they've all gone the same way.
She doesn't have a leg to stand on.
member of
Wish Darkfall would release.