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Iran what should we do??????????



  • baffbaff Member Posts: 9,457

    I don't think they have Muslims in America.

    They are all so frightened of them.

  • JayBirdzJayBirdz Member Posts: 1,017
    Originally posted by baff

    Originally posted by JayBirdz

    1.  For starters who really cares if Iran gets nukes.  It won't change a dam thing.   Theres enough nuclear material floating around and forgotten from the collapse of the Soviet Union that what Iran can produce is a percent of a percent to whats already out there.  
    2. Why do they want them.  Its symbolic in their eyes.  A goal of acomplishment for them.  tho a poor one is all it is.  The more anyone deny's they should have them the more they are gonna want them.     As well as the more we get involved premachurely the more they will  rally people  for their cause.   If we don't care then the more hallow their cause is.  And the more it will appear to the people of that country to be a waste of materials and resources.  
    3.  Would they use them?  Who bloody knows. I seriously doubt it other than a bargain chip. The people of that country are not stupid.  They know that if one left their country. The world would soon turn everything they know into a sheet of glass.  Do we seriously have to point out the obvious? no....
    4. So what exactly do they have that we want or any major country for that case.  That a Nuclear arsenal could be used as a bargaining chip.     one answer, Oil.     The minute our country or any for that matter creates a system that actively uses a Bio fuel , or  more enviromental friendly fuel for our production and needs. Will be the minute that Iran is no longer The U.S.'s or any other country's problem that uses said fuel.   They will be back in the stone age and have to live in their own mess untill they show they can be civilized.   Tho I use the word Civilized loosely. Since I don't think half of what happens in the world today could be called civilized.   

    It would change the balance of power in the middle east.

    If they decided to hike the oil prices too high or cut of supply, we should not be in a position to militarily intervene.

    What do we care? In the time it takes them to make a Nuclear arsenal we could be weened off oil.  No income from their Oil no income for nuclear weapons or any of that dribble.

    If Iran has nukes and it's neighbours do not, in much the same way as we are currently able to attack countries like Iraq, Afhganistan and Iran without fear of any serious retaliation, Iran could attack all it's neighbours.

    It could also no longer be attacked by us or Israel.

    It could steal all the oil supplies in Saudi, Oman, Kuwait, Iraq. Invade or militarily intervene in countries that would not dare strike back at it's mainland.


    It could blockade the Straits of Hormuz. Without fear of military retaliation it could close the Gulf to shipping. Crippling the economies of the west and cutting off our Iraqi based forces from resupply or evacutaion.

    Read what I said again.   Therer would be no power what so ever in the middle east if we weened ourselves off oil.  It can already be done with  the technology we have today.    Unless of course you call sandcastle forts changing the balance of power.  Those Nuclear programs are funded because we Buy their Oil . No need for Oil, No way for them to fund their crazy endevors = no ones problem.  

    Why do they want them, because Iranians are proud of their empiric history. They seek regional supremacy. They wish to overturn the domination of the west and replace it with their own. They seek defence against intervention form us, and the ability to intervene with their neighbours retaliation free.

    And I believe i said  it was . Symbolic . Your argueing to me half the point I made ???

    If your gonna quote me and reply to my posts in general please show all of it or none of it at all.  Since your not replying to any specific part of my post or reference i made but to my posting as a whole.    Unless of course you convieniantly left it out on purpose. 

    The Part you left out when you Quoted me. 

      " 5 . The reason I say, "The minute one country produces a system that uses a Bio fuel/ enviromental firendly fuel".  Is because technology spreads fast amongst the major country's in this world.    All it takes is one country to fully develop a system that works and other country's will adopt a similar system to that fits their needs.    No one wants to be left behind in the technology race. But frankly worrying about half of these non issues has stunned the growth of technology by a fair bit. And turned atention away from the real matters at hand which sickens me even more.   #5 . Also includes that a country has to have the backbone and a non-corrupt political system  to stand up to those Companys who have made endless ammounts of money from Oil who would obviously be against said type of system or try to stunt its growth.

     I really don't see why people make this out to be such a difficult matter.  Its not like what I have said is a  could have.  would have,  should have.   The technology is out there already .   I think the corruption that exists in the State Offices and White House (from a US perspectivie)  should be more of a focus and to blame for this situation than anything else.  A country does not / should not  downgrade its technology to its   challengers lvl for a fair playing field. You out tech them and leave them for the history books. If they can  not  get their act straight. Simple as that.  "

    Did you misout totally on my point or did it just fly around your head while it punched Warp 10 into space? 

    Theres a great term for this.  Keep it simple stupid.   (no I am not calling you stupid. I am useing it in general.  As in appling it to congress the President , and any State Offices in the US.)  Today people seem to make a bigger headache outta situations than their really needs to be made 

    The real issue is greed, corruption , and hidden agenda's that allow Oil companys to have so much control over our goverment.  We have almost stagnated for so long on not bettering our independence as a country.

    They have no Power if other country's  don't acknowledge them.  They have no power without the sale of Oil , They have no country without the saile of Oil.  They are a forgotten relic without the sale of Oil.  Unless of course the decide to become more civilized.  Then we can help them along.

    Its seems you left off half my reply on purpose.....    You people and your gung-ho ways are gonna be the downfall of this country if it ever happens. Because like I said your argueing just to argue.  You make no valid reasons why this isn't the best course of action.  You make no sense other than for the fact of sending in  human lifes for the satisafaction of knowing  they are fighting a war for you and the Oil companys profits.

    In closeing if we don't need Oil , they don't have any hold on us and loose everything they have been working for. With out the sale of their Oil they have nothing! Absolutely nothing.  Now re-read the post you quoted me on before this last thought exscapes your head. and you might grasp the concept this time. 

  • baffbaff Member Posts: 9,457

    If I didn't quote it, it wasn't something I was intrested in giving an opinion on.




    Iran can potentially have it's first nuke by next year.

    We won't be weened off oil for another 50. It can't be done on the technology we already have today. Using more expensive fuel sources increases the cost of production.

     You cannot maintain the same economic strength, military strength or even living standards without oil.

    Higher priced goods, commodities and distribution directly equates to less available resources. The reason we are addicted to oil is because it is a very cheap resource. There are other resources technologically available for us to use, but we do not have the technology to make them as cheap as oil and we don't have the infrastructure installed to make use of them if we could.

    As oil resources become more scarse, the price will naturally inflate and other fuel sources will become more prevalent. It's already happening, but you can't expect everyone in the U.S. to buy a new car with a hydrogen engine by next year. Or all the aeroplanes to be replaced by next year, or the navy.

    Iran can develop a bomb far faster than we can adapt to a new fuel source.

  • flakesflakes Member Posts: 575
    Originally posted by EricJLeach

    I mean, they are led by a fruit cake with a insanley long name, who has said Isreal should be wiped off the map, and reccently said "the world will witness the destruction of Isreal in the near future" I mean they are asking for a war. They know if they attack Isreal the USA and Britan will come and help. Iran has no chance, I think before they can attack Isreal, we should launch a premptive strike. Taking out nucluear facilities, and hopefully killing their leader..... It seems as the middle east will never have peace. Its like the west and Isreal vs the middle east.... Its weird. But the USA could already declare war, for lets see supplying terroists and weapons which have killed 170+ US troops. They are holding american citizens hostages under bogus charges, and want nucluear capability. We have stated we wont let them and they say they will. So there is a near future war, which is inevitable. /rantoff /discuss


    America is really really starting to scare me.

    If anything will trigger a world war III it's the so called "war on terror" it's you guys.

    Don't pretend to save the world and be the good big brother....most people don't fall for that any more and a lot are even considering america as a higher "threat" then the middle-east to be honest.My hopes are aimed at the thought that bush isn't speaking and handling on behalf of most americans.....

    In addition i read a lot reacrions about Iram or other countries ableto make nukes and this is also something Bush tells us when a country is "bad".Yeah they are making weapons of mass destruction.This coming from the one country that has mass destruction weapons written all over it is somehow ironic don't you think?And saying of your own/your own country that it will not be used for "bad intentions" is only a matter of opinion because what you find a good cause another country will find a bad cause....

  • flakesflakes Member Posts: 575
    Originally posted by Bfighter

    Originally posted by MadAce

    Originally posted by EricJLeach

    Right.... There was a fox news special about Muslims and Islam. The Muslim proffesor even said that Muslim/Islam is a very violent religion. If you are not muslim then they are suppost to convert you, if you dont convert, they are suppost to kill you for being a infadel.So please shut the hell up and learn something, because you obviously dont know.
    You just fucked up your point and your case.

    Come back when you've talked/lived with muslims and when you've read the Qur'An. Not that I'm saying it's an easy book.

    Don't come back until you've opened your eyes ("You've never used them before, Neo") and stopped getting your info from... *spits* Fox News.


    I make lots of mistakes too, but it's not my bloody mothertongue. Sounds like someone trying to convert someone else to Islam. Read the Qur'an? open your eyes? Hmm?

    Uhm no sounds like someone who is a muslim and is getting sick and tired of the way he's being judged on things claimed to be true but far off the truth.And to be honest i agree with him.Regarding the violent religion...uhm isn't america mainly christian since i hear Bush uses the word god helps us every time a missile hits a foreign country?So wich religion was violent....?Ah no right your saving the world......
  • FugnudzFugnudz Member Posts: 480

    Bottom line:  anyone you cannot trust to board a plane is probably someone you should not trust with a nuke.  The thought of any Middle Eastern nation, aside from Israel, with a nuke is just madness.  Madness.  MADNESS.


  • JayBirdzJayBirdz Member Posts: 1,017
    Originally posted by baff

    If I didn't quote it, it wasn't something I was intrested in giving an opinion on.
    Iran can have it's first nuke by next year.
    We won't be weened off oil for another 50. It can't be done on the technology we already have today. Using more expensive fuel sources increases the cost of production.
     You cannot maintain the same economic strength, military strength or even living standards without oil.
    Higher priced goods, commodities and distribution directly equates to less available resources. The reason we are addicted to oil is because it is a very cheap resource. There are other resources technologically available for us to use, but we do not have the technology to make them as cheap as oil.

     Your reply  was to my post in general.   So why wouldn't you want to show it all?   I gave a problem , a way to fix it,  and my projected outcome. To not show the conclusion or my predicted outcome is disrespectfull in a way as well as  misleading others who might read your post.       You didn't point out anything specific in what you left in the quote. But replyed to my post as a whole.  All I ask is you show the shame respect I would show you.     

    Now you make an arguement that I was waiting for or expecting.  And one I would have made myself. Well part of it. 

      I am sure we have enough oil resources of our own to last us for 50 years.  Tapp the snot out of Alaska. Since so many in office today think Global Warming is a myth and seem to be Anti Enviromentalists anyways. make the Ocean look like Swiss cheese its the Oil companys plans anyways.       And if we are Bio / alternative fuel focused we as a country could be off of oil within 50 years.  Reasonably. 

     Theres no reason why The navy could not share its resources and  Knowledge in Nuclear carriers for our over sea's shipping. Given the fact that these Shipping fleets will and should be  supervised by the Navy and maintained by the Navy not for free of course.  We have the resources just sitting around anyways and graveyard full of unused and retired  Naval Ships  to escort these cargo carriers.   Not to mention we have such a huge unemployed society,  filling in these  labor gaps should not be an issue.      Do you know how long a Naval Carrier can go without refueling.  Its quite amazeing tbh.     

        As far as the trucking industry goes. Im speaking from my own experiance and what I have seen when I worked for Werner Entriprises.    I am almost 100% sure all the major shiping and trucking companys would invest and help develop a working alternative fuel system.  In fact some already have got plans in place for when the day comes  and are rdy for the change.   Werner , Schnieder National and a few others.   

    Civil transit as far as alternative fuels go are the easiest and should be least worry some to change.  New Yorks goal is what 5 years for taxi's to be an all Hybrid fleet? If New York can do a large scale change so quickly theres no  reason anyone else can't.  

    As to your last part.  I would not call Oil being a cheap resource anymore.  We have and still are loosing how many lives over it? The prices at the pumps average how much?  Now who's pockets are those profits going into.   I have to say that given the situation of the world today their is no better time than to fully inforce a change of Industrial fuel.

    But after all we are merely posters on some anonomous website.  Nothing more nothing less.  However I do see it as a prime example of whats wrong with the goverment today.  I didn't say  there was not better ways or a different way to implement such a plan. 

  • flakesflakes Member Posts: 575
    Originally posted by Fugnudz

    Bottom line:  anyone you cannot trust to board a plane is probably someone you should not trust with a nuke.  The thought of any Middle Eastern nation, aside from Israel, with a nuke is just madness.  Madness.  MADNESS.


    Like i stated before..this coming from people off a country who has the biggest amount of nukes is funny and ironic.And as i also stated the fact that you will claim the USA will only use it for "the good" is a matter of opinion caus what you may find a good thing could be a verry verry bad thing for me.

    Going through all the previous posts i can only make one conclusion : You guys are scared off something you don't know anything about and too ignorant and stubborn to even try and comprehent it.You'd rather just nuke the wholemiddle-east than actually dig into the matter and see where the true problem lies.......within yourself....

    Just because a few radicals caused the terror of 9/11 -wich i also found shocking btw and in no way a good thing - doesn't give you the right to start a holy war all over again.We've done that once remember and if you also remember correctly that didn't work out the way the christians had planned back then.... 


    Before anyone starts guessing... i am european , dutch to be precise and i have no religion what so ever.

  • MadAceMadAce Member Posts: 2,461
    Originally posted by Bfighter

    Originally posted by MadAce

    Originally posted by EricJLeach

    Right.... There was a fox news special about Muslims and Islam. The Muslim proffesor even said that Muslim/Islam is a very violent religion. If you are not muslim then they are suppost to convert you, if you dont convert, they are suppost to kill you for being a infadel.So please shut the hell up and learn something, because you obviously dont know.
    You just fucked up your point and your case.

    Come back when you've talked/lived with muslims and when you've read the Qur'An. Not that I'm saying it's an easy book.

    Don't come back until you've opened your eyes ("You've never used them before, Neo") and stopped getting your info from... *spits* Fox News.


    I make lots of mistakes too, but it's not my bloody mothertongue. Sounds like someone trying to convert someone else to Islam. Read the Qur'an? open your eyes? Hmm?

    Just saying people shouldn't judge things they know shit about.

    Like me for example.
  • KelkyenKelkyen Member Posts: 45
    My attempt to win this thread...


  • baffbaff Member Posts: 9,457
    Originally posted by JayBirdz

     Your reply  was to my post in general.   So why wouldn't you want to show it all?  
      I am sure we enough oil resources of our own to last us for 50 years.  Tapp the snot out of Alaska. Since so many in office today think Global Warming is a myth and seem to be Anti Enviromentalists anyways. make the Ocean look like Swiss cheese its the Oil companys plans anyways.       And if we are Bio / alternative fuel focused we as a country could be off of oil within 50 years.  Reasonably. 
     Theres no reason why The navy could not share its resources and  Knowledge in Nuclear carriers for our over sea's shipping. Given the fact that these Shipping fleets will and should be  supervised by the Navy and maintained by the Navy not for free of course.  We have the resources just sitting around anyways and graveyard full of unused and retired  Naval Ships  to escort these cargo carriers.   Not to mention we have such a huge unemployed society,  filling in these  labor gaps should not be an issue.      Do you know how long a Naval Carrier can go without refueling.  Its quite amazeing tbh.     
        As far as the trucking industry goes. Im speaking from my own experiance and what I have seen when I worked for Werner Entriprises.    I am almost 100% sure all the major shiping and trucking companys would invest and help develop a working alternative fuel system.  In fact some already have got plans in place for when the day comes  and are rdy for the change.   Warner , Schnieder National and a few others.   
    Civil transit as far as alternative fuels go are the easiest and should be least worry some to change.  New Yorks goal is what 5 years for taxi's to be an all Hybrid fleet? If New York can do a large scale change so quickly theres no  reason anyone else can't.  
    As to your last part.  I would not call Oil being a cheap resource anymore.  We have and still are loosing how many lives over it? The prices at the pumps average how much?  Now who's pockets are those profits going into.   I have to say that given the situation of the world today their is no better time than to fully inforce a change of Industrial fuel.

    My reply was addressed at the parts quoted, as is this.



    Bio fuel is more expensive than oil.

    Nuclear fuel is more expensive than oil, harder to maintain, very dangerous and a security risk.

    Whatever civilian and trucking companies may or may not be willing to invest in; even if you could convince someone to willingly choose the more expensive option, even if you were willing to put up with the damage this would do you your national economy, it takes time to build the factories, it takes time to manufacture the engines. It takes time to install a nationwide distribution network for any new fuel and it takes time for each individual to find the money to upgrade.

    It does not matter how much oil America has, what matters is how much it costs to deliver it to the pumps. Price is defined by world supply and demand, not by American domestic only.

    Oil, while not as cheap as it was 10 years ago is still very cheap compared to the other options.


    The effects of cheap fuel are felt all throughout the economy for every user for every employee. It's not just the oil magnates that benefit, it's everyone. Oil magnates benefit more from high priced oil than from cheap oil. Should you change fuel sources, new energy magnates would emerge who would also benefit.



    Given that New Yorks time frame is 5 years for taxi's alone and that Irans time frame is only 1 or two years I'm sure you can see the urgency of the matter.


    Death toll.  Try and offset in your mind the number of your people dying over oil per year, with the number of people who owe their lives to it. Not least, ambulance passengers, but also all those whose income is derived in oil using industries. How many young couples can afford to raise a new child this year because America is the worlds most successful economy? How many pensioners can now afford life saving drugs? How many accident victims medical care, or unemployed social security. Do you see in your homeland the kind of rampart poverty that can be found in countries with no access to cheap energy? Is their rampant poverty and disease? Famine?

    People die so that you might live the way you live. Perhaps you have forgotten (or never learnt)what it is like to be poor. It doesn't have to be them, it could be you if you want it to be. Resources are limited. You have to fight for them.

  • FugnudzFugnudz Member Posts: 480
    Originally posted by flakes

    Originally posted by Fugnudz

    Bottom line:  anyone you cannot trust to board a plane is probably someone you should not trust with a nuke.  The thought of any Middle Eastern nation, aside from Israel, with a nuke is just madness.  Madness.  MADNESS.


    Like i stated before..this coming from people off a country who has the biggest amount of nukes is funny and ironic.And as i also stated the fact that you will claim the USA will only use it for "the good" is a matter of opinion caus what you may find a good thing could be a verry verry bad thing for me.

    Going through all the previous posts i can only make one conclusion : You guys are scared off something you don't know anything about and too ignorant and stubborn to even try and comprehent it.You'd rather just nuke the wholemiddle-east than actually dig into the matter and see where the true problem lies.......within yourself....

    Just because a few radicals caused the terror of 9/11 -wich i also found shocking btw and in no way a good thing - doesn't give you the right to start a holy war all over again.We've done that once remember and if you also remember correctly that didn't work out the way the christians had planned back then.... 


    Before anyone starts guessing... i am european , dutch to be precise and i have no religion what so ever.


    Well, let's put your European moral equivalency arguments to the test.  Let Iran have nukes and see what happens.  I live in the countryside, so I think i can survive any mischief those clowns make in some large Western city.

    Oh, and tell your Dutch newspapers to hold off on the Allah cartoons, lest your new Islamo-fascist masters come down hard upon you.

  • MmoseaotterMmoseaotter Member Posts: 163
    If you are voting yes on attacking Iran then get off your backside and join the military. If you do not get up off your backside and join the military then your a coward.

    It is that simple, if your not in the Military and are up in arms about going to war then your a coward.

    I say since we can't even fight a war in a country with no leader and no weapons that we should stay clear of some that do have weapons and a leader.

    Be cool to people, and try and stay cool that way you never have to regret making someone feel bad. Don't take what ya got granted because some people never get to feel happy. We get to play these great MMOs and surf a good site. Be thankful for what ya got and next time ya feel down imagine a fat sea otter waddling with a pillow and a night cap. Bam! smiles!

  • baffbaff Member Posts: 9,457

    Does that mean if I'm not a student I shouldn't tell my son to go to school also?

    When the military starts paying it's own wages, I'll stop finding jobs for it to do.

  • MmoseaotterMmoseaotter Member Posts: 163
    Like I said in my first post here,  if you do not sign up the the army and promote war your a coward.

    I don't care if you pay a tax or not, you can make whatever excuse you want to make yourself feel better but it does not change anything.

    Be cool to people, and try and stay cool that way you never have to regret making someone feel bad. Don't take what ya got granted because some people never get to feel happy. We get to play these great MMOs and surf a good site. Be thankful for what ya got and next time ya feel down imagine a fat sea otter waddling with a pillow and a night cap. Bam! smiles!

  • baffbaff Member Posts: 9,457

    When you pay the bills, you get to make the rules. Until then, if you are in the military, you will go where we send you, when we send you.

    A pizza delivery boy is more likely to die at work than a member of military. Ooo so brave.


  • JayBirdzJayBirdz Member Posts: 1,017
    Originally posted by baff

    Originally posted by JayBirdz

     Your reply  was to my post in general.   So why wouldn't you want to show it all?  
      I am sure we enough oil resources of our own to last us for 50 years.  Tapp the snot out of Alaska. Since so many in office today think Global Warming is a myth and seem to be Anti Enviromentalists anyways. make the Ocean look like Swiss cheese its the Oil companys plans anyways.       And if we are Bio / alternative fuel focused we as a country could be off of oil within 50 years.  Reasonably. 
     Theres no reason why The navy could not share its resources and  Knowledge in Nuclear carriers for our over sea's shipping. Given the fact that these Shipping fleets will and should be  supervised by the Navy and maintained by the Navy not for free of course.  We have the resources just sitting around anyways and graveyard full of unused and retired  Naval Ships  to escort these cargo carriers.   Not to mention we have such a huge unemployed society,  filling in these  labor gaps should not be an issue.      Do you know how long a Naval Carrier can go without refueling.  Its quite amazeing tbh.     
        As far as the trucking industry goes. Im speaking from my own experiance and what I have seen when I worked for Werner Entriprises.    I am almost 100% sure all the major shiping and trucking companys would invest and help develop a working alternative fuel system.  In fact some already have got plans in place for when the day comes  and are rdy for the change.   Warner , Schnieder National and a few others.   
    Civil transit as far as alternative fuels go are the easiest and should be least worry some to change.  New Yorks goal is what 5 years for taxi's to be an all Hybrid fleet? If New York can do a large scale change so quickly theres no  reason anyone else can't.  
    As to your last part.  I would not call Oil being a cheap resource anymore.  We have and still are loosing how many lives over it? The prices at the pumps average how much?  Now who's pockets are those profits going into.   I have to say that given the situation of the world today their is no better time than to fully inforce a change of Industrial fuel.

    My reply was addressed at the parts quoted, as is this.



    Bio fuel is more expensive than oil.

    Nuclear fuel is more expensive than oil, harder to maintain, very dangerous and a security risk.

    And we all know Oil is cheap ,  easy to maintain, not very dangerous and not a security risk.  If you don't see the irony in this your closed minded.  

    Whatever civilian and trucking companies may or may not be willing to invest in; even if you could convince someone to willingly choose the more expensive option, even if you were willing to put up with the damage this would do you your national economy, it takes time to build the factories, it takes time to manufacture the engines. It takes time to install a nationwide distribution network for any new fuel and it takes time for each individual to find the money to upgrade.

    It does not matter how much oil America has, what matters is how much it costs to deliver it to the pumps. Price is defined by world supply and demand, not by American domestic only.

    Oil, while not as cheap as it was 10 years ago is still very cheap compared to the other options.

     I wasn't aware You had to Build new engines for BioDiesel. Atleast do some research before you post nonsense. Biodiesel involves a diesel conversion kit.  Are you just making this stuff up as you go without atleast looking at google or yahoo or whatever your prefered search engine is?   

    The effects of cheap fuel are felt all throughout the economy for every user for every employee. It's not just the oil magnates that benefit, it's everyone. Oil magnates benefit more from high priced oil than from cheap oil. Should you change fuel sources, new energy magnates would emerge who would also benefit.

    If what you refer to as cheap being human life.  which is definately the cost. Any loss of human life in a war  over a fuel is unacceptable. Exspeacially  when theres other options and yes the technology is there.  Educate yrouself. don't expect other to do so.    Hydrogen? Alchohol?, Biodiesel?, Nuclear power?,  need I go on.  don't be nieve.

     Given that New Yorks time frame is 5 years for taxi's alone and that Irans time frame is only 1 or two years I'm sure you can see the urgency of the matter.

     And we all know with a 5 missle arsenal Irans gonna launch a bloody war and then be wiped off the face of the planet by everyone else.  We stop  today,  Not tomorrow,  but today buying outside Oil.  And start the conversion process. Iran is no longer our problem.  Let someone else handle them.  or leave them for History.  No money = no Missles.    Its now the persons responsability who is buying their oil not ours. 

    Death toll.  Try and offset in your mind the number of your people dying over oil per year, with the number of people who owe their lives to it. Not least, ambulance passengers, but also all those whose income is derived in oil using industries. How many young couples can afford to raise a new child this year because America is the worlds most successful economy? How many pensioners can now afford life saving drugs? How many accident victims medical care, or unemployed social security. Do you see in your homeland the kind of rampart poverty that can be found in countries with no access to cheap energy? Is their rampant poverty and disease? Famine?

    No life is expendable for a fuel that can be made obsolete in a matter of a few years considering how old the Earth as well as mankind is. It isn't justified.  And never should be.  You got a warped mind for even making it seem alright to justify and weigh the loss of Human life lost to the Human lives that have benefited.  In the Midevil Period this kind of thinking might be acceptable.  But In this day in age it surely isn't and should not be with the knowledge and power we have.   

    People die so that you might live the way you live. Perhaps you have forgotten (or never learnt)what it is like to be poor. It doesn't have to be them, it could be you if you want it to be. Resources are limited. You have to fight for them.

    Do the way out there comments you make ever stop?  I served my  time as a Comabt Engineer in the US Army,   before I drove a truck.  Question is have you?   Since your so quick to bring this  nonsense.    I was stationed in 12b Combat Engineer.  C. Company 326 Eng. BN. " light infantry support unit. "  and then sent over seas to Korea, C. Company 44th Eng BN. Hemitt driver for company Assets.  and Demo.   I wasn't a lifer but I did my time.  You got no right to even touch that subject. And show your true colors to even touch that subject.     its everyones choice to serve if they want to or not currently and no ones place to question wether they did.

    It doesn't matter if your poor, middle class,  or rich.  The change is needed and would be the best step we could take to end this conflict of interrest peacefully. War should never be a first resort, or a second or third.     

  • MmoseaotterMmoseaotter Member Posts: 163
    I also say again, read the post and the second and this one so you understand.

    if support war <--- you understand this correct?

    If no fight war <--- this part to?

    coward you be <--- its a tough one so I see how you have had trouble.

    I don't get why you can't handle the fact.

    Be cool to people, and try and stay cool that way you never have to regret making someone feel bad. Don't take what ya got granted because some people never get to feel happy. We get to play these great MMOs and surf a good site. Be thankful for what ya got and next time ya feel down imagine a fat sea otter waddling with a pillow and a night cap. Bam! smiles!

  • baffbaff Member Posts: 9,457
    Originally posted by Mmoseaotter

    I also say again, read the post and the second and this one so you understand.

    if support war <--- you understand this correct?

    If no fight war <--- this part to?

    coward you be <--- its a tough one so I see how you have had trouble.

    I don't get why you can't handle the fact.

    I'll say this again then.

    When you pay the bills, you get to make the rules. Until then, if you are in the military, you will go where we send you, when we send you.

    Can't handle this, seek employment elsewhere, we will hire someone else who can..



    Am I insulting the bravery of a soldier, or you the bavery of a pizzaboy?

    Riding a moped in city traffic is very dangerous.

  • MadAceMadAce Member Posts: 2,461
    Originally posted by Fugnudz

    Originally posted by flakes

    Originally posted by Fugnudz

    Bottom line:  anyone you cannot trust to board a plane is probably someone you should not trust with a nuke.  The thought of any Middle Eastern nation, aside from Israel, with a nuke is just madness.  Madness.  MADNESS.


    Like i stated before..this coming from people off a country who has the biggest amount of nukes is funny and ironic.And as i also stated the fact that you will claim the USA will only use it for "the good" is a matter of opinion caus what you may find a good thing could be a verry verry bad thing for me.

    Going through all the previous posts i can only make one conclusion : You guys are scared off something you don't know anything about and too ignorant and stubborn to even try and comprehent it.You'd rather just nuke the wholemiddle-east than actually dig into the matter and see where the true problem lies.......within yourself....

    Just because a few radicals caused the terror of 9/11 -wich i also found shocking btw and in no way a good thing - doesn't give you the right to start a holy war all over again.We've done that once remember and if you also remember correctly that didn't work out the way the christians had planned back then.... 


    Before anyone starts guessing... i am european , dutch to be precise and i have no religion what so ever.


    Well, let's put your European moral equivalency arguments to the test.  Let Iran have nukes and see what happens.  I live in the countryside, so I think i can survive any mischief those clowns make in some large Western city.

    Oh, and tell your Dutch newspapers to hold off on the Allah cartoons, lest your new Islamo-fascist masters come down hard upon you.

    1. If Iran has nukes... Then what? They can't use them because they'd simply be obliterated.
    2. It was a DANISH newspaper which published them cartoons.
  • baffbaff Member Posts: 9,457

    I do apologise for any misspelling, perhaps you might be able to point me in the direction of some of my more obvious mistakes. I like to get these things right. (Hence all the editing as you so rightly noticed).

    I feel that you over-estimate the importance of being in the military and in doing so underestimate the importance of the many other roles people play within society.

    Bravery and courage come in many forms and I don't consider enrolling in the military to be one of the greatest of them. 

    Neither do I feel that it is only a soldiers right to call for war. A soldier is not the only person in the firing line. Not the only person who's life is placed at risk. Wars are not fought by militaries alone, they are fought by entire nations.

    Who is braver, the soldier driving in his armoured tank watched over by a hundred armed men, or the bank clerk, back on the underground the very next day after it was bombed? Who is braver, the soldier driving in his armoured tank watched over by a hundred armed men or the wife he leaves at home? There is a lot more to war than being in the army.

    It is a soldiers right to choose the field of battle. That is the part of war that he is best equiped to decide. Which wars to fight however and when to fight them, are decisions to be made predominantly by others. 

  • FugnudzFugnudz Member Posts: 480

    It's not that Iran would openly launch a strike (although they might), but that Iran secretly funds terrorist activity.  I'd hate for a terrorist group to acquire a small tactical nuke they could then smuggle into a major city, set off, and watch the West scramble and wonder how to respond to such a devastating and anonymous attack.

    Look, if you are in high school and you know the bad kids are building a pipe bomb in shop class, would you not think it prudent to take preemptive action?   This is sort of the scenario, but on a much grander scale.

  • JayBirdzJayBirdz Member Posts: 1,017

    In reply to Fugnudz 

    you have a very valid point.    

     There is I'm sure plenty un-accounted for nuclear material from the fall of the Soviet Union.  Was my reasoning. ( A very questionable statement from me I reckon.  ) 

     This is a situation  that can not and should not be ignored.   And I don't think it could be debated intelligently other wise with that kind of thinking.  

     Obviously it is  no easy matter to deciede on for the person making the decissions.  Nothings full proof and nothings a given with any decisions of a similar matter to what the  world has at hand with Iran.  Are Irans intentions as a country hostile. I don't believe so. I find it foolish to think so.  

     Are there people in Iran (or for that matter in the world today) who would not pass up the chance if it presented itself.  Hard to say really.  They would be daming their own country and beliefs and the people they care about if they used such weapons.   Alot of this also has to do with trust.  Tho Iran has alot of trust issues. If they say they are ready to step up to the plate and be a nuclear power for whatever reason.  We should let them and  hold them accountable for their in-actions if such materials fall into the wrong hands. Imediately.  No excuse me.  The countrys in range of said missles should unltimately hold them accountable in their actions.  And then ask for assistance if they think its needed. And as a country we should be ready to act swiftly and decisively.

    Last I was aware.  Irans missle capability's can not hit the direct land of the U.S.   And at this point I don't think theirs a country that will give them the long range capabilitys if they can't develop it themselves.   Exspeacially if they are in range of such missles.    Feel free to correct me if I am wrong.

    As I grow older and wiser.    I think acting with to much haste is not a good solution given the U.S.'s current situation.  With so many available options on the table. And to be honest it should not directly be the U.S.'s responseability to hold them accountable. That should come from the country's in range of their missles. This is where Biofuel alternative fuel comes into play.   If they don't have anything we want.  We are not funding them anymore.       

    At this moment in time we need leadership similar to how JFK and his advisors handled the cold war.       He was called yellow  for his non-actions and fairly few people believed he was handling the outcome the right way.   As far as I know , I am no history major and was not alive during the Cold War.  But in the end he handled the situation outstandingly. Not a single nuke was enchanged from Russia or the US. No matter how closely each country's fingers were on the button.    Tho the solution was not perfect some might say.   All in all the outcome was.  Not a single Nuke left either sides defenses.   It doesn't get much better than that.

    And I have no reason to believe this could not be handled the same way. As well as improveing Iranians perception of the West.  Fanatics are not born fanatics something tramatizes them into being a fanatic.  Perceptions can always be changed. And geeze I never thought I would be talking in such a matter tbh.   Anyways back to whatever else I was doing. 


    Cheers Fugnudz


  • baffbaff Member Posts: 9,457

    Bio fuel is a great argument but it's no substitute for oil. It works, but it's hardly the optimum solution.

    The Germans used biofuel after we captured all the middle eastern oil fields in WW2, but it can't meet the demand and it isn't cheap. At the Battle of Bulge it was the shortage of fuel that lost it for them.



    The countries in range of Iran's missiles are not capable of holding them to account unless they go nuclear too. If Iran gets it, Saudi needs be next. Where does it end?

    The more countries have them, the greater the probability of them being used.

    I think they have a right to defend themselves and would be foolish not to develop nuclear weapons. But it's not in my personal intrests for them to do so.

  • JayBirdzJayBirdz Member Posts: 1,017

    As far as my the Solution I gave.  Its already in the works.  I just put my own spin on it to fit the situation and the topic. Which it does incredibly well, Ironicly.  Enjoy! 



    Have a good one





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