Kye, you're doing a good job by trying to stay neutral in this catastrophe. But I would like to point out a few things:
1.) Claims made by whatever player are false accusations. Anyone who wanted to try to get the GMs in trouble and had large accusations should have been able to have proof. And if they had proof they would've posted it already. The fact remains they have none.
2.)As far as Tydamus CSRing for Jolt, we can't necessarily prove that, but we can guess. And as far as persons finding out information, well as many of you can recall there was a leak of information about the Jolt staff that is still floating around today on the hands of disgruntled players. Also, I would be careful where you get your 'information' from. As I understand a few CSRs did not like Telmaur, if that is Tydamus, and therefore would do anything in their power to try to discredit him. But like I said no one has proof that they are the same person.
3.) With account sharing I am sure that logs are able to be checked by the devs, and if so then the devs would be able to find out if Tydamus really did indeed account share his GM account. If this is true then either he would've been fired by now or this is not true and will still remain in the team.
4.) If Telmaur is Tydamus and Telmaur had gotten in trouble with Jolt for whatever reason I highly doubt he would've stayed on the Jolt CSR team (because of being removed for bad behaviour, if any of this is true) nor would he still be in charge of Support as an SGM. These false claims of any wrong doings would indirectly accuse the Devs of being dumb. Which I highly doubt they are.
5.)GM Tigane was not fired.
6.) I can't believe most players are even believing the ramblings of a banned/unbanned/banned player. And it seems most of the people who have signed are either dupes done by the OP himself or by players who don't have a clean history. Ryzom has more than 88 players. All of this is a waste of time being fueled by ex-Jolt CSRs and players with a bad history.
7.) I do hope with that if anyone sent in e-mails reporting the GM's have proof of their wrong doings and let it be looked into by the Devs. And if found guilty then remove them from their position. Plain and simple. But I highly doubt that if they are still in the CSR team today that they have done anything worthy of being fired for. I was muted once, and yes I got angry, but then I got over it. I guess some players do not have the maturity or common sense enough to just cool down and see that it is their actions that got them into the position and not Quote "CSRs being biased" Unquote. I believe it is easier to blame someone else rather than admit to it.
8.) If the Devs do investigate, which I am sure they will anyways for a lost cause, then I am sure they will not announce to the public any actions taken toward the CSR team because of privacy issues. Just like if a player had any actions taken against them the CSRs cannot explain any actions taken to another player or the community.
9.) Anyone who is intentionally harrassing, embarrasing, and spreading personal information of any players/CSRs deserves to be banned. Harrassment is a violation of the Code of Conduct as well as passing personal information. Though it doesn't imply specifically this is where common sense comes in and where Fasinus and his minions choose to not understand.
GM Tigane was not "fired"by Jolt, I suggest you apologise and make sure your facts are correct in future.
I will not apologize due to the fact that my words still hold true [if you read what I actually said]. I suggest you make sure your facts are correct in the future.
i dont know and probably will never found if any of the things in petition stated are true or not but i have sighned it as well
the reason of this petion is because a few people believe something going wrong and is the only way to raise their voice and force GF to have a look in more detail of that issue
i dont believe all in that petition is about but have that amount of people signed so far something must be going wrong
we are talking about a small community and see the amount of people sign so far definatelly represents a high percentage of unhappy people
about the proofs you asked i may not be the suitable person to talk with because this incidents dont affect me i will try though to give you another point of you through the eyes
about the cancellation of the ops .....its a reallity some op declarations were cancelled others work their way on ...the answer on the question why that happened was glitch of the server
it has never happened at the past
it may be was glitch but we wont know unless GF decides to investigate it further
its a reality and that has happened
you called all those who experienced that liers ?
about lixie for those who know lixie is a high lvl npc boss
how many people required and how many times has it been killed at the past in the english server?
will you call liers again all those who were there in order to help and could see certain GM monitoring their activities?
is this the role of a GM ?
isnt there something more helpfull to do for new players than waste two hours watching techinques used? imo he could rather log with his charachter and give a hand in that case
about the ban i dont know what the real reasons of that is but assuming certain people were muted and banned after announcing of names in certain chats i take it that the reason was not because of botting
if people had evidence of that ; that actions would probably have been taken earlier and not at the certain day and time
will you call again liers all those who saw that happened ?
i dont know what the truth is and maybe actually would be best if i never find out because this subject has gone way too far and enough damage has been caused
i suppose all those who have sign that petition did that after mature thinking of incidents that have happened recently which created question amongst them and they are not just liers who want to protect one person
if i was in position of those GMs that their names appear i would first sign and clear my name from all those that have been mentioned against me
if all of us are liers for looking at facts, thinking, question ourselves and judge
maybe it would be the best for all, for us to move on and leave the world of atys
sorry if its not clear enough for you or anyone else
as i said i m just one person out of 100 who have signed that petition
i didnt post in order to influence more people to sign i just sign because imo i do believe something weird going on
i could be totally wrong and you could be totally right
but it could also be the other way around
i dont think it matters anymore since GF decided to look through this issue and i just hope that the truth will be revealed whatever that truth is
best we can all do for now is to give them a few days to work on it cool down and wait
i doubt if we get an official anouncment of what has happened but as long as this case is monitored by the proffecional stuff of GF those who are innocent and have nothing to hide will not be affected
after all i m pretty sure all of us who have posted our thoughts here would like to know what the truth is
I know I shouldn't respond to one of the issues raised here, but I cannot help myself.
For those that think the banned player mentioned is responsible for the petition and any of the posts regarding the petition, you need to get your head checked. I know that player very well, and have had to correct his english many times. As long as most of you who are complaining have played, you should know that that player's english just isn't that good.
The issues at hand are not to get the one mentioned, unbanned, but to have all the actions of certain CSR(s) investigated because they have acted unprofessionally on multiple occasions.
As mentioned here, if you believe these CSR(s) have done nothing wrong (which, of course most of you would if you'd been shown any type of favor), then you should not react so, hatefully and flamingly, to a petition for investigation.
I have no problem with an investigation. Infact, since this escapade has started, I have no problem with it. The problem I do have is the absurd accusations people are claiming. Exploiting tenwos? C'mon! The tenwo is a GM mount. People complaining about faction chat being monitored? It has been seen by CSR since its creation. Although I think they cant chat in it anymore. Back in Ep II, I remember Dever chatting with us, and Zerlin at times. Not to mention some of the devious routes said banned player (or an associate) has taken in order to try and pollute our community. I have seen corrupted CSR *cough*EVE*cough*, and I have yet to witness any form of corruption besides people whom been caught for doing bad things whine.
So is this the Saga that Ryzom has become? I because I 'ed that game...
Nope, the game is just as great as usual. I have never had any problems with the CSR's or the community.
If you love Ryzom keep playing because it is people like you that make it a great place to be.
This is true, most of the CSR work hard and do a good job. There is no bias for one faction or the other, although perhaps too much leniancy to individual players consistantly exploiting at OP wars in the past.
CSR is for to help player ingame ornot ? a suspicion is sufficient to get them exchanged . I don't trust them anymore and as a customert i have a right to trustfull CSR's.
Countless times i saw CSR for no reason in a place occasionally if Kami had an NPC event or other type. Other times were they needed but noone around.
They showed they love only to Yrkanis by organizinmg only there events and ignored the Kami races. Only Kami got banned and you all see in this thread here how Kara behave.
-----MY-TERMS-OF-USE-------------------------------------------------- $OE - eternal enemy of online gaming -We finally WON !!!! 2011 $OE accepted that they have been fired 2005 by the playerbase and closed down ridiculous NGE !!
"There was suppression of speech and all kinds of things between disturbing and fascistic." Raph Koster (parted $OE)
CSR is for to help player ingame ornot ? a suspicion is sufficient to get them exchanged . I don't trust them anymore and as a customert i have a right to trustfull CSR's.
Countless times i saw CSR for no reason in a place occasionally if Kami had an NPC event or other type. Other times were they needed but noone around.
They showed they love only to Yrkanis by organizinmg only there events and ignored the Kami races. Only Kami got banned and you all see in this thread here how Kara behave.
Last time I checked, Pyr was not in Yrkanis and the Fyros were not a Kara race. So if your statement is true, then why was the last celebration (The Welcome) held in Pyr.
Again, I have never had any problems with the CSR's if I send a ticket, I usually get an answer within one hour. If one is online, and I send a tell, I get a response within minutes.
And if you really want to know, my character is a Kami, and participates as a Kami in OP events.
Ok what i didn't know event CSR teams are different from other CSR and these jobs are separeted. New to me stated by the Head of CSR Team vince.
About the other things :
17:48:28 <vince> also as i mentionned above, the team strucutre will change, some people will leave it (if not already done)
17:48:40 <vince> in which case, you will simply not see them again doing CSRing
Sounds good to me. Our concerns are treated seriously and broom is sweaping.
-----MY-TERMS-OF-USE-------------------------------------------------- $OE - eternal enemy of online gaming -We finally WON !!!! 2011 $OE accepted that they have been fired 2005 by the playerbase and closed down ridiculous NGE !!
"There was suppression of speech and all kinds of things between disturbing and fascistic." Raph Koster (parted $OE)
They can't think outside of their poor misguided perception of reality. Nice cheerleader skirt you got there DarthRaiden. Go back to SWG, Ryzom doesn't need you.
I'd choose to play next to someone willing to make trouble over something they think is right, and back down and admit they were wrong if that turns out to be the case, over playing next to an ignorant, self-righteous bigot, any day.
They can't think outside of their poor misguided perception of reality. Nice cheerleader skirt you got there DarthRaiden. Go back to SWG, Ryzom doesn't need you.
Well i was there for the fascistic like climate they give me alone for mentioning the word "Pre CU "- if i remember right their tools were to mute the truth and to ban people who spoken trouth out.
Happy and thankfull i am for Ryzom and his owners -GF aswell as former nevrax (still) developers for to be in no way comparable with the $OE scum, for to listen to their community and for their friendly vision for the community.
-----MY-TERMS-OF-USE-------------------------------------------------- $OE - eternal enemy of online gaming -We finally WON !!!! 2011 $OE accepted that they have been fired 2005 by the playerbase and closed down ridiculous NGE !!
"There was suppression of speech and all kinds of things between disturbing and fascistic." Raph Koster (parted $OE)
1.) Claims made by whatever player are false accusations. Anyone who wanted to try to get the GMs in trouble and had large accusations should have been able to have proof. And if they had proof they would've posted it already. The fact remains they have none.
2.)As far as Tydamus CSRing for Jolt, we can't necessarily prove that, but we can guess. And as far as persons finding out information, well as many of you can recall there was a leak of information about the Jolt staff that is still floating around today on the hands of disgruntled players. Also, I would be careful where you get your 'information' from. As I understand a few CSRs did not like Telmaur, if that is Tydamus, and therefore would do anything in their power to try to discredit him. But like I said no one has proof that they are the same person.
3.) With account sharing I am sure that logs are able to be checked by the devs, and if so then the devs would be able to find out if Tydamus really did indeed account share his GM account. If this is true then either he would've been fired by now or this is not true and will still remain in the team.
4.) If Telmaur is Tydamus and Telmaur had gotten in trouble with Jolt for whatever reason I highly doubt he would've stayed on the Jolt CSR team (because of being removed for bad behaviour, if any of this is true) nor would he still be in charge of Support as an SGM. These false claims of any wrong doings would indirectly accuse the Devs of being dumb. Which I highly doubt they are.
5.)GM Tigane was not fired.
6.) I can't believe most players are even believing the ramblings of a banned/unbanned/banned player. And it seems most of the people who have signed are either dupes done by the OP himself or by players who don't have a clean history. Ryzom has more than 88 players. All of this is a waste of time being fueled by ex-Jolt CSRs and players with a bad history.
7.) I do hope with that if anyone sent in e-mails reporting the GM's have proof of their wrong doings and let it be looked into by the Devs. And if found guilty then remove them from their position. Plain and simple. But I highly doubt that if they are still in the CSR team today that they have done anything worthy of being fired for. I was muted once, and yes I got angry, but then I got over it. I guess some players do not have the maturity or common sense enough to just cool down and see that it is their actions that got them into the position and not Quote "CSRs being biased" Unquote. I believe it is easier to blame someone else rather than admit to it.
8.) If the Devs do investigate, which I am sure they will anyways for a lost cause, then I am sure they will not announce to the public any actions taken toward the CSR team because of privacy issues. Just like if a player had any actions taken against them the CSRs cannot explain any actions taken to another player or the community.
9.) Anyone who is intentionally harrassing, embarrasing, and spreading personal information of any players/CSRs deserves to be banned. Harrassment is a violation of the Code of Conduct as well as passing personal information. Though it doesn't imply specifically this is where common sense comes in and where Fasinus and his minions choose to not understand.
~Webby "This MMO needs more dead bird."
Games Tried: TCOS, 12sky, 12Sky2, Rappelz, LoA, GO, HO, GMU, Warrock, TR, PWI, SotNW:GE, PotC, EVE, MxO, PotBS, KO, HO, 9Dragons, LotRO, DDO, L2, Maplestory, Second Life, CoX, GW, EQ2, Ryzom, WoW, Planetside, SWG, FE, Aion, Allods, CO, etc
the reason of this petion is because a few people believe something going wrong and is the only way to raise their voice and force GF to have a look in more detail of that issue
i dont believe all in that petition is about but have that amount of people signed so far something must be going wrong
we are talking about a small community and see the amount of people sign so far definatelly represents a high percentage of unhappy people
about the proofs you asked i may not be the suitable person to talk with because this incidents dont affect me i will try though to give you another point of you through the eyes
about the cancellation of the ops .....its a reallity some op declarations were cancelled others work their way on ...the answer on the question why that happened was glitch of the server
it has never happened at the past
it may be was glitch but we wont know unless GF decides to investigate it further
its a reality and that has happened
you called all those who experienced that liers ?
about lixie for those who know lixie is a high lvl npc boss
how many people required and how many times has it been killed at the past in the english server?
will you call liers again all those who were there in order to help and could see certain GM monitoring their activities?
is this the role of a GM ?
isnt there something more helpfull to do for new players than waste two hours watching techinques used? imo he could rather log with his charachter and give a hand in that case
about the ban i dont know what the real reasons of that is but assuming certain people were muted and banned after announcing of names in certain chats i take it that the reason was not because of botting
if people had evidence of that ; that actions would probably have been taken earlier and not at the certain day and time
will you call again liers all those who saw that happened ?
i dont know what the truth is and maybe actually would be best if i never find out because this subject has gone way too far and enough damage has been caused
i suppose all those who have sign that petition did that after mature thinking of incidents that have happened recently which created question amongst them and they are not just liers who want to protect one person
if i was in position of those GMs that their names appear i would first sign and clear my name from all those that have been mentioned against me
if all of us are liers for looking at facts, thinking, question ourselves and judge
maybe it would be the best for all, for us to move on and leave the world of atys
Games Tried: TCOS, 12sky, 12Sky2, Rappelz, LoA, GO, HO, GMU, Warrock, TR, PWI, SotNW:GE, PotC, EVE, MxO, PotBS, KO, HO, 9Dragons, LotRO, DDO, L2, Maplestory, Second Life, CoX, GW, EQ2, Ryzom, WoW, Planetside, SWG, FE, Aion, Allods, CO, etc
as i said i m just one person out of 100 who have signed that petition
i didnt post in order to influence more people to sign i just sign because imo i do believe something weird going on
i could be totally wrong and you could be totally right
but it could also be the other way around
i dont think it matters anymore since GF decided to look through this issue and i just hope that the truth will be revealed whatever that truth is
best we can all do for now is to give them a few days to work on it cool down and wait
i doubt if we get an official anouncment of what has happened but as long as this case is monitored by the proffecional stuff of GF those who are innocent and have nothing to hide will not be affected
after all i m pretty sure all of us who have posted our thoughts here would like to know what the truth is
So is this the Saga that Ryzom has become?
I because I 'ed that game...
<p align=center><a target=_blank href=><img border=0 src=></a></p>
I know I shouldn't respond to one of the issues raised here, but I cannot help myself.
For those that think the banned player mentioned is responsible for the petition and any of the posts regarding the petition, you need to get your head checked. I know that player very well, and have had to correct his english many times. As long as most of you who are complaining have played, you should know that that player's english just isn't that good.
The issues at hand are not to get the one mentioned, unbanned, but to have all the actions of certain CSR(s) investigated because they have acted unprofessionally on multiple occasions.
As mentioned here, if you believe these CSR(s) have done nothing wrong (which, of course most of you would if you'd been shown any type of favor), then you should not react so, hatefully and flamingly, to a petition for investigation.
Its quite amusing.
Games Tried: TCOS, 12sky, 12Sky2, Rappelz, LoA, GO, HO, GMU, Warrock, TR, PWI, SotNW:GE, PotC, EVE, MxO, PotBS, KO, HO, 9Dragons, LotRO, DDO, L2, Maplestory, Second Life, CoX, GW, EQ2, Ryzom, WoW, Planetside, SWG, FE, Aion, Allods, CO, etc
Nope, the game is just as great as usual. I have never had any problems with the CSR's or the community.
If you love Ryzom keep playing because it is people like you that make it a great place to be.
Nope, the game is just as great as usual. I have never had any problems with the CSR's or the community.
If you love Ryzom keep playing because it is people like you that make it a great place to be.
This is true, most of the CSR work hard and do a good job. There is no bias for one faction or the other, although perhaps too much leniancy to individual players consistantly exploiting at OP wars in the past.Grand Master
NPC Armour crafter
Countless times i saw CSR for no reason in a place occasionally if Kami had an NPC event or other type. Other times were they needed but noone around.
They showed they love only to Yrkanis by organizinmg only there events and ignored the Kami races. Only Kami got banned and you all see in this thread here how Kara behave.
$OE - eternal enemy of online gaming
-We finally WON !!!! 2011 $OE accepted that they have been fired 2005 by the playerbase and closed down ridiculous NGE !!
"There was suppression of speech and all kinds of things between disturbing and fascistic." Raph Koster (parted $OE)
Last time I checked, Pyr was not in Yrkanis and the Fyros were not a Kara race. So if your statement is true, then why was the last celebration (The Welcome) held in Pyr.
Again, I have never had any problems with the CSR's if I send a ticket, I usually get an answer within one hour. If one is online, and I send a tell, I get a response within minutes.
And if you really want to know, my character is a Kami, and participates as a Kami in OP events.
Damn favouritism! When will events be played out in the stix, why is it always the capitals?!
About the other things :
17:48:28 <vince> also as i mentionned above, the team strucutre will change, some people will leave it (if not already done)
17:48:40 <vince> in which case, you will simply not see them again doing CSRing
Sounds good to me. Our concerns are treated seriously and broom is sweaping.
$OE - eternal enemy of online gaming
-We finally WON !!!! 2011 $OE accepted that they have been fired 2005 by the playerbase and closed down ridiculous NGE !!
"There was suppression of speech and all kinds of things between disturbing and fascistic." Raph Koster (parted $OE)
And left.... think about that paranoid people!
~Webby "This MMO needs more dead bird."
Happy and thankfull i am for Ryzom and his owners -GF aswell as former nevrax (still) developers for to be in no way comparable with the $OE scum, for to listen to their community and for their friendly vision for the community.
$OE - eternal enemy of online gaming
-We finally WON !!!! 2011 $OE accepted that they have been fired 2005 by the playerbase and closed down ridiculous NGE !!
"There was suppression of speech and all kinds of things between disturbing and fascistic." Raph Koster (parted $OE)