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Gods and Heroes deservers a place in the most anticipated games list



  • holythoughholythough Member Posts: 236

    Originally posted by darkisamux

    its just hard to have any faith in the game. look at the people that run perpetual. they are all ex EA execs. 
    one of them had something to do with earth and beyond and motor city online. 
    thers a guy that worked at origin, but he did stuff like testing and support side of UO
    and there is one guy that worked for lucas arts. but hes working on the star trek mmo.
    the company itself has no games under its belt, and 2 in production.
    the execs and board of directors seem to mostly have worked on ea console sports games.
    it kind of makes sense now, why when i last looked at the game, it looked to me like something that could easily be an xbox single player console game with xboxlive support.
    i really have no faith or interest in this game, especially with the other games coming down the pipe.
    teamwork isn't a concept that you grasp is it ?

    personal growed isn't a concept that your grasp either is it.

    I was ones a helpdesk employee and im now a system engineer&consultant. if you look at my "track record" you could lable me a helpdesk employee just because i was one ones. As for the persons i see a lot of peeps that have experience with mmo's where i already seen a companies with NO experience in mmo's succeed (blizzard with WoW). there's a saying don't judge a book by it's cover, you don't know these people you don't know what they really done on those games you mentions you don't know if they where giving even a change to do good work you judging the book by it's cover not the substance

  • holythoughholythough Member Posts: 236

    Originally posted by Zorvan

    Originally posted by holythough

    Originally posted by Anofalye

    Is it so surprising?
    I mean, we are talking about a game which want you to RAID with scores of pets behind you and behind each player.  Come on, give it a rest.  Raiding alone is bad...raiding with scores of pets?  Gimme a rope!

    I have seen raiding in EVERY mmo i played and i played a lot different mmo's. So your not an mmo player but do give opinions on them ? so sad so sad

    What he's saying is you get enough trouble with lag and such with 50+ players in one area, now add 150 (3 each average) minions.


    Reading comprehension. It's not just for school any more.


    I get lag with playing more then 35 WoW players in one area. But in DAoC i have played with 300 (and the right settings) with less lag i have with 35 players in WoW. A large part of lag is how well programming is on the game, are you willing to programme your own objects for netwrok communication or you just use a standard one. It's just about how well it's programmed.

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