I got into the game fully understanding that the game isn't fully polished.
I rolled a dark elf necromancer and entered game.
I got into the game and felt that I was dropped head first into it with no idea what to do. Standing behind you is a guy that gives you a quests. He even has an icon over his head to indicate that maybe this person has something for you.
If you do his quests you will eventually be led to a camp right behind him. You'll learn here to purchase new abilities. If you wander around the camp you will run into a multitude of NPC"s who also have an icon over thier head that indicates they might have something for you. One of them teaches you how to harvest.
Eventually you end up going ino the city, oddly enough situated right behind the camp. In the city you'll find NPC"s with icons over thier head that indicate that they just might have something for you. One of those NPC's, oddly enough, located in the crafting area will have one of those icons over thier head. He'll start you on a quest to learn how to craft.
I tweaked the graphics to the point they looks pretty good and I didn't lag much.
If I didn't know about crafting, diplomacy, and others features from Reviews I read I would of had no idea they existed. Or if you don't do any of the quests right were you enter the game at. I think the quests run something like a kind of tutorial that actually leads you around the dif. parts of the starting area. This helps to familliarise you with the area and find other NPC's that will also give you quests.
I spent a few hours crafting and had to pretty much learn myself on how it works, the best hints were tool tips and they weren't that explanatory There was a guy standing right in the crafting area that gives you quests to learn to craft. Strangely enough you also have to do these quests in order craft. You see, you have to choose what kind of crafter you want to be.
I did have some fun on crafting, but after a while decided to go back to leveling
I finally logged out for the final time this morning, and will not be continuing the last 9 days of my trial.
I rolled on a FFA PvP (Tharidon) server and the majority of the community is very nasty and immature. People were fighting nonstop, spamming, cursing and trash talking each other. You mean on the open PvP server people were PvPing? I don't get this. Shouldn't they do something other then PvP on the PvP server. Maybe PvE. Also, I don't beleive you, and I hope that others have enough sence not to. You couldn't have described any worse a community. It's not true.
I like pvp also, I don't want to play a game where people can pvp at all, so that eliminates any other non pvp server.
I hate to say this but it was by far Worse than the average WoW community. Never found anything wrong with either community. Just individuals.
I even got pm'd by a gold seller and had no idea how to petition him. I know. They should have some way of looking at keybinds for stuff...wait, they do.
I asked people for help, when I had a lot of questions and no one bothered, all they did was trash talk me, 1 person pm'd me and helped in my whole time ingame.
Also when I first logged on and said hello, I was declared KOS because my name was somewhat related to someone else's that wasn't liked, and immediately people started throwing accusations how im a alt and all that. I don't believe you.
Also the Population, i saw a total of 4-5 people face to face in 1 whole day ingame. Even with 3 servers merged into 1, I would then see 15 people in one day. The population at this point cannot be saved made healthy with just a few server merges. You couldn't figure out how to work chat or get a quests. Again, I don't believe you. Your experience was in the starting area, and doesn't represent the rest of the world in game. I'm not saying the pop is good, it's not, just that I don't believe you developed any kind of credentials in game to call out the pop. Def. not from the starting area.
The 2nd reason is serious graphic problems, the lag I didn't have a bad time with but I actually believe Vanguard was "Damaging" my video card. No it didn't.
I have a 6800 Nvidia 256mb card which works pretty well in all games. No it doesn't! It will RUN games, but I know first hand that it doesn't run all games "pretty well".
The first thing that was weird was my characters clothes which were green and blue all turned white wen I logged back in and never changed back.
I believe this had something to do with the pixel/vertex shaders acting up. You couldn't figure out how to get a quest or work chat, but you know about pixel and vertex shaders and the way they work?
Then the Static screen started occurring, I would open my map or a option and instead of the box I would get a square shaped thing with thousands of white red blue green etc. dots in it. When was the last time you updated your drivers? Did you check to see if the drivers you have were compatible? Ever try another driver? This happens in a few dif. games I have on a dif. card. Would change between 2 and sometimes 3 dif. drivers depending on the game. Some worked well with one game, but didn't work well with another. Had a problem simillar to this and it turned out it was the drivers I was using. I changed them and the problem was fixed.
Then came what worried me my whole screen turned black except for the options and chat, I re logged and it didn't fix itself, I then quit and after I was back at desktop and the game was fully off My whole desktop turned pure white with thousands of rainbow dots all over and nothing responded.
I was forced to unplug my computer to get it to turn off.
Overall the game has potential but the community from what i saw, and the serious bugs made the game not worth it for me.
Sounds like someone just took some of the stuff they heard on forums and put them together for a review of a game they never played.
Yeah, I'm saying it. I don't believe for a minute you played the game. So much gross exagerationg an crazyness in your review I just don't buy it.
If because of no other reason then I don't recall being able to craft without talking to the NPC that explains crafting to you. It's like diplomacy, you can't do it till you talk to the guy that gives the tutorial. You wouldn't get your crafting gear, tools, and skills until you talk to the crafting trainer.
You did not play this game, and only wanted to create a negetive post about it.
If I can echo Urdig's post, I think the game is a heck of a lot better than what you read about around here. Oh, and I do have "issues" and things about the game I dislike. But I have issues and things I dislike about all games!
Many of us whom do play really do enjoy it.
----- WoW and fast food = commercial successes. I neither play WoW nor eat fast food.
Hmmm, Vanguard damaging your video card... sounds more like the settings you ran the game at pushed your card of three generations ago rather hard and it might not have been getting sufficient cooling. It's common knowledge that Vanguard pushes both cpus and gpus hard depending on settings. Nothing new there.
Sorry you found the game wasn't for you. Some do and many more will in the future. Hope you find one that suits you.
lol I see that Vanguard's community is STILL its worst enemy.
I started my account on MMORPG on the date specified to learn about Vanguard. I see that little has changed about this game since early beta.
And which 'early' beta was this... would it be beta 2 where they completely changed the combat system, How bout beta 3 where they completely changed the harvesting, Or maybe it was beta 4 where they changed the animations making them more fluid (and then did again after the launch) and reworked many of the abilities of the various classes.
How bout after launch where lag and crashes decreased, content added to adventuring, diplomacy, and crafting spheres, textures optimized, etc, etc, etc,
<sarcasmon> Yep yep hardly any changes at all <sarcasmoff>
Vanguard is a great game that is why everyone is playing it. The "Haters" like the OP are just making things up. Me and my pet rock Hammertoe are having a blast!
The "Haters" are also saying the game is not stable? Yes it is! Most stable wonderful game on the market! Everyone "claims" it crashes but the truth is that the game has special magical programming built in that shuts down when it senses you've playing too long.
You played for one day!! And you expect everything to be perfect? Let me tell you something! This game is "Hardcore" and what that means is, NOT only is the erm.. content made for "hardcore" players but to get the game running ALSO requires a "Hardcore" player with a CIS degree! The community are jerks!? Well I see some of the uber "hardcore" players here responding to you!! Yeah harshly but that's because they are "Hardcore"! Let's see you polish a turd for 6 months and not be "Hardcore"
waaa the game is breaking my hardware.. Well it's you fault for not being "hardcore" enough and not having a liquid nitrogen cooled video card! Only noobs or carebears would NOT spray freezing gas to get a game up and running! sheesh these nubs nowadays!
But that is fine you go ahead and leave like the other two hundred thousand before you! We dont' need you cause me and my in game pet rock prefer an empty sandbox with people spouting profanity at one another while calling each other liers when the dare to complain!
I don't care if they roll all the servers into one and it's just me and my ingame pet rock playing cause VG is the bestest game out there and I love Brad our founder cause not only is he neato but I heard his ear wax cures cancer!
Vanguard is a great game that is why everyone is playing it. The "Haters" like the OP are just making things up. Me and my pet rock Hammertoe are having a blast! The "Haters" are also saying the game is not stable? Yes it is! Most stable wonderful game on the market! Everyone "claims" it crashes but in the truth is that the game has special magical programming built in it that shuts down when it senses you've playing too long. You played for one day!! And you expect everything to be perfect? Let me tell you something! This game is "Hardcore" and what that means is NOT only does the erm.. content made for "hardcore" players to get the game running ALSO requires a "Hardcore" player with a CIS degree! The community are jerks!? Well I see some of the uber "hardcore" players here responding to you!! Yeah harshly but that's because they are "Hardcore"! Let's see you polish a turd for 6 months and not be "Hardcore" waaa the game is breaking my hardware.. Well it's you fault for not being "hardcore" enough and not having a liquid nitrogen cooled video card! Only noobs or carebears would NOT spray freezing gas to get a game up and running! sheesh these nubs nowadays! But that is fine you go ahead and leave like the other two hundred thousand before you! We dont' need you cause me and my in game pet rock prefer an empty sandbox with people spouting profanity at one another while calling each other liers when the dare to complain! I don't care if they roll all the servers into one and it's just me and my ingame pet rock playing cause VG is the bestest game out there and I love Brad our founder cause not only is he neato but I heard his ear wax cures cancer! /tongue hater!
LOL enjoy the game. Hope you have better performance than I did with it. I've PLAYED it longer than most. just got tired of the bugs and performance issues.
Hmmm, Vanguard damaging your video card... sounds more like the settings you ran the game at pushed your card of three generations ago rather hard and it might not have been getting sufficient cooling. It's common knowledge that Vanguard pushes both cpus and gpus hard depending on settings. Nothing new there.
Sorry you found the game wasn't for you. Some do and many more will in the future. Hope you find one that suits you.
It's also common knowledge that the "next generation" MMORPG Vanturd has issues with the "next generation" in GPUs like say the 8800. Vanguard pushes the CPU hard because it has some of the worst coding in the MMO industry, not because it's so u84h 1337 and not because his card suxs.
I think Sigil and Vanguard will be big winners at this years MMOWTF awards, perhaps beating SOEs previous record. I'm sure people will be flocking to Vanguard next year when it goes F2P and they start selling all the decent gear in the SOE shop!
"Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience"
I got into the game fully understanding that the game isn't fully polished.
I rolled a dark elf necromancer and entered game.
I got into the game and felt that I was dropped head first into it with no idea what to do.
I tweaked the graphics to the point they looks pretty good and I didn't lag much.
If I didn't know about crafting, diplomacy, and others features from Reviews I read I would of had no idea they existed.
I spent a few hours crafting and had to pretty much learn myself on how it works, the best hints were tool tips and they weren't that explanatory
I did have some fun on crafting, but after a while decided to go back to leveling
I finally logged out for the final time this morning, and will not be continuing the last 9 days of my trial.
I rolled on a FFA PvP (Tharidon) server and the majority of the community is very nasty and immature. People were fighting nonstop, spamming, cursing and trash talking each other.
I like pvp also, I don't want to play a game where people can pvp at all, so that eliminates any other non pvp server.
I hate to say this but it was by far Worse than the average WoW community.
I even got pm'd by a gold seller and had no idea how to petition him.
I asked people for help, when I had a lot of questions and no one bothered, all they did was trash talk me, 1 person pm'd me and helped in my whole time ingame.
Also when I first logged on and said hello, I was declared KOS because my name was somewhat related to someone else's that wasn't liked, and immediately people started throwing accusations how im a alt and all that.
Also the Population, i saw a total of 4-5 people face to face in 1 whole day ingame. Even with 3 servers merged into 1, I would then see 15 people in one day. The population at this point cannot be saved made healthy with just a few server merges.
The 2nd reason is serious graphic problems, the lag I didn't have a bad time with but I actually believe Vanguard was "Damaging" my video card.
I have a 6800 Nvidia 256mb card which works pretty well in all games.
The first thing that was weird was my characters clothes which were green and blue all turned white wen I logged back in and never changed back.
I believe this had something to do with the pixel/vertex shaders acting up.
Then the Static screen started occurring, I would open my map or a option and instead of the box I would get a square shaped thing with thousands of white red blue green etc. dots in it.
Then came what worried me my whole screen turned black except for the options and chat, I re logged and it didn't fix itself, I then quit and after I was back at desktop and the game was fully off My whole desktop turned pure white with thousands of rainbow dots all over and nothing responded.
I was forced to unplug my computer to get it to turn off.
Overall the game has potential but the community from what i saw, and the serious bugs made the game not worth it for me.
Quite a bad start. The tech problems are strange and i never heared something similar. /shrug. Really sorry about that. Not bashing your PC, but do you have AGP ?
That you couldnt get started with the game is funny. Usually there is a guy right in front of you with a yellow shield above his head when you roll a char and log in. Talk to him and it will lead you into the game.
Ah yes the FFA server. I think it sucks there. But i think almost all PvP sevrer suck. But i admit the vanguard FFA server suck most. I even read FFA people want to move to PvE after merge. However, no game is responsible for its community...
This is your unbiased review? This is a joke of a review, i kind of doubt you even tried the game at all, and please explain me where is the dificulty in starting playing? when all you have to do is follow the quests and they lead you all the way to diplomacy and crafting, think kind of make me doubt you even tried the game. And secondly you talk about low population, but also about lot's of trash talk going on, so what is it? (I know it's low populated, but you make it feel like it's crowded with idiots but then that it's empty...)
Hell, i know the game got his problems, played it for 2 month, was fun, but i left when the population started thining to the point of making the whole "making a party" a hell of a ride, but random bashing on things that they actually did well doesnt help lol.
Again, the faithful VG community's comments show why their inability to see any flaw in the game became a significant contributing factor to the game's failure.
Way to show what an understanding and thoughful community VG has, guys. When you look around and don't see any other players in-game, remember your comments here - they helped to drive away potential players.
PS - could ya'll get off your fake superiority kick and keep your sarcastic comments to yourselves for a while? SOE might fix the game and we'd like to return to it with at least *some* platers present!
Seriously....If the comments I've made as well as many of the comments other active VG players have made..that I've read have driven any players away then.......that's fine. Likely they are a bit too thin in the skin ...likely they need to season up in a carebear game a bit more anyways. I've found many of the players in Vanguard in the 30+ age group. I think one will find folks in the 30+ range less likely to pull punches.....a bit more critical .... less tolerant to whining.... more experienced in life and mmorpg's....and more patient with bugs and such. Why? ..because we remember the days when there was no internet ! * gasp*...it's true. There actualy was a day ..alot of em..where nobody had internet. I remember back in the day..trying to make friends with the kid who lived in the house on the corner because they had cable TV !!! ..... I remember the days when MTV actualy played music videos !! I remember watching the premier episode of the Simpsons !!
Suffice to say...we have a different perspective on things. I obviously can't speak for all..but for myself and many people I know..this holds true.
Not doggin on the younger folks...ain't their fault...but that is just the way life works. The older you get ..the more you learn and understand how life works. Life experience has a great impact on ones perspective on gaming or anything else in this world. I know I don't want to raise kids all day and then log into my happy place only to have to raise ( deal with ) more kids in game.
If Vanguard was full of obnoxious teenagers raising hell...I certainly would NOT be playing it. I do play however...because it is not full of teenagers acting stupid simply because they can. The game is too slow for most of them...lacks a sense of instant gratification.
SoE has made statements in reference to trying to attract a younger player base....this does kinda worry me. It could lead to a watering down of the mmorpg experience in Vanguard. I hope not. They SHOULD cater to us older folks...why?
Generaly speaking !!! Older folks make more money, tend to be more loyal, and keep multiple subs longer. We less likely to hop from game to game and more likely to endure any potential hardships a game has, because we understand the value of potential and have the patience to wait for it.
Of course there are exceptions...many even..but not a majority. I've had 16 year olds as high ranking officers in my guild because they handled themselves very well in game. This is an exception though...not a rule. As a rule...younger folks generaly do not feel comfortable in the Legendary Heroes guild for very long. Mostly because we expect them to earn their way ....not only into the guild..but also through the game.
" give a man a fish and feed him for a day....teach him to fish and feed him for a lifetime " ...that is one of our mottos and I've encountered many in Vanguard who think along simular lines.
lol I see that Vanguard's community is STILL its worst enemy.
I started my account on MMORPG on the date specified to learn about Vanguard. I see that little has changed about this game since early beta.
I aggree with Elsabolts. This OP obviously doesn't know squat about Vanguard and should not have even posted.
Though I do give the OP props for at least letting folks know he wasn't in game very long as opposed to those who play a few hours and talk like they have 1000's of hours in game.
Ya..it's a game with higher percentage of older folks than most mmorpg's. Older folks have less tolerance for ignorance. Mind ya..ingorance is not a bad thing..simple means..uninformed. Once informed...one is not ignorant about that matter anymore.
+ edited because I was ignorant of the proper spelling of ignorant...I am no longer ignorant to the proper spelling of ignorant.
I guess you can learn some in these forums...but ya gotta know how to weed out the many trolls and flame baiters here. Public..easily accessable forums such as this tend to have more than it's fair share of riff raff.
I think it best you don't play Vanguard....doesn't sound like your game anyways.
If you aren't playing though...please keep to whatever game you ARE playing ..threads. It makes no sense to frequent the threads of a game you don't like. Crazy people do that.
If you and Elsa really cared about VG, you wouldn't be posting here, but rather in game...
By my estimations, with you two posting here, your server is short about 50% of it's population...
I play about 20-30 hours a week and spend about 5 hours a week here ...defending and promoting the game I love to play. Why? because I saw the need for it.
Too many lies and extreme exagerations being posted here. I feel the need to counter that with some positive vibe and challenge some that outright lie......post opinions based on a few hours of gameplay ....and / or post information that is months old ( and obsolete ) for the sole purpose of trying to drive people away from VG.
Frequenting various forums and websites....for me...is PART of the game !
How I choose to spend my time is of no concern of yours.
lol I see that Vanguard's community is STILL its worst enemy.
I started my account on MMORPG on the date specified to learn about Vanguard. I see that little has changed about this game since early beta.
I aggree with Elsabolts. This OP obviously doesn't know squat about Vanguard and should not have even posted.
Though I do give the OP props for at least letting folks know he wasn't in game very long as opposed to those who play a few hours and talk like they have 1000's of hours in game.
Ya..it's a game with higher percentage of older folks than most mmorpg's. Older folks have less tolerance for ignorance. Mind ya..ingorance is not a bad thing..simple means..uninformed. Once informed...one is not ignorant about that matter anymore.
+ edited because I was ignorant of the proper spelling of ignorant...I am no longer ignorant to the proper spelling of ignorant.
I guess you can learn some in these forums...but ya gotta know how to weed out the many trolls and flame baiters here. Public..easily accessable forums such as this tend to have more than it's fair share of riff raff.
I think it best you don't play Vanguard....doesn't sound like your game anyways.
If you aren't playing though...please keep to whatever game you ARE playing ..threads. It makes no sense to frequent the threads of a game you don't like. Crazy people do that.
If you and Elsa really cared about VG, you wouldn't be posting here, but rather in game...
By my estimations, with you two posting here, your server is short about 50% of it's population...
I play about 20-30 hours a week and spend about 5 hours a week here ...defending and promoting the game I love to play. Why? because I saw the need for it.
Too many lies and extreme exagerations being posted here. I feel the need to counter that with some positive vibe and challenge some that outright lie......post opinions based on a few hours of gameplay ....and / or post information that is months old ( and obsolete ) for the sole purpose of trying to drive people away from VG.
Frequenting various forums and websites....for me...is PART of the game !
How I choose to spend my time is of no concern of yours.
Then don't flame other people for not wanting to play your unpolished game
And may i inform you that people have the rights to post what they will as long as they don't break any rules.
No matter if he has played 1 day or 9 days , he is still entitled to his opinion , and off what he wrote, well that aint a lie, people do flame eachother all the time ingame, no matter what game it is.
LoL, nice reply there but you fail to realize it only takes less than 1 day to turn a new player/customer off the game completly.
Me, i lasted just under 4 weeks, at times i was happy i bought the game but it wouldnt take long for that to be turned, especially when there was that many bugs and broken stuff in the game. It was rediculous. Then there was the 1st weekend of double XP (i think the 3rd weekend on release), double xp LOL that soon HAHAHA, not saying i didnt take part because i did, i rolled a new character and had taken it to the mid 20's in that time (half the lvl cap) and i only played for a day on that toon.
Anyways that was the 2nd weekend of me having the game, another double xp weekend was announced but i didnt take part in this one, i had been completly turned off by the game.
Now to original poster, i am sad to learn that the community has gone like this, as when i was there and asked for help, there would have been half the community willing to jump down your throat and help, the other half wouldnt respond to you (even if you pm'ed them). However i do think most of the decent players have left (the last guy i was in touch with left the game last weekend), he wouldnt say much apart from the community had gone shite and the game still wasnt being fixed to expectations.
That was my last link to getting information back from the game, i am not going to pay for a month and waste more money on it. This game is doomed in my opinion, and needs to be put down, much like you would a dying animal.
If i was SoE i would pull it straight back into beta and sort the whole game out, and prey its not too late to sort it. Then start the servers from scratch giving everybody who bought the game the initial first month back for free (this way it may bring back alot of players to see a polished game) and hopefully the community would take off again. Alas i cannot see SOE doing anything like that. So everyone who has seen the game would not return (and thats quite a lot of lost customer potential).
This game had a real good potential, which has ben ruined by an extreamly poor release, which was way too early. Players who are in the game are in my opinion PAYING to TEST an UNFINISHED/UNPOLISHED game that i would call early BETA stage. I have and am in fact testing a couple of BETA games right now and they are far better than VG is at release.
And may i inform you that people have the rights to post what they will as long as they don't break any rules.
No matter if he has played 1 day or 9 days , he is still entitled to his opinion , and off what he wrote, well that aint a lie, people do flame eachother all the time ingame, no matter what game it is.
The flaming is mild at best.....and not direct at the OP rather...more in OP's general direction.I have not made any personal attacks on OP whatsoever .... my statements are generalizations ....with perhaps..strong implications...but not an outright flame.
I too have that same " right " to post what I want within the boundries of forum rules. That freedom comes also with responsibility and accountability. If OP can't handle the responses then OP shouldn't post on a public forum without adult supervision..or play mmorpg's for that matter.
OP posted to gain responses...I assume..that's why we do this thing called ...posting. Otherwise we could just write letters to ourselves.
I believe one of the forum rules are....
Stay on topic !
I am not the topic here tyvm. You are welcome to start a thread " Thamoris is a Vanbois Emo " if you want. Then we can discuss me all we want. This thread is not about me however. It's about a very incomplete...supposedly a review...of Vanguard. I am simply stating it was a joke of a review and why I think so.
And may i inform you that people have the rights to post what they will as long as they don't break any rules.
No matter if he has played 1 day or 9 days , he is still entitled to his opinion , and off what he wrote, well that aint a lie, people do flame eachother all the time ingame, no matter what game it is.
The flaming is mild at best.
I too have that same " right " to post what I want within the boundries of forum rules. That freedom comes also with responsibility and accountability. If OP can't handle the responses then OP shouldn't post on a public forum without adult supervision..or play mmorpg's for that matter.
OP posted to gain responses...I assume..that's why we do this thing called ...posting. Otherwise we could just write letters to ourselves.
I believe one of the forum rules are....
Stay on topic !
I am not the topic here tyvm. You are welcome to start a thread " Thamoris is a Vanbois Emo " if you want. Then we can discuss me all we want. This thread is not about me however. It's about a very incomplete...supposedly a review...of Vanguard. I am simply stating it was a joke of a review and why I think so.
Now..back on topic please
I don't care if your a vanboi or whatever you call it , i dont use such expressions.
As for on topic, well i played the game my self in closed beta where the whole flaming thing werent really going on but just alot of bugs, but it was still fun for a while , tho they kept unbalancing the game.
No game is flawless, but vanguard is still only the 65% done if you ask me, they still havent been bothered to fix the graphics problem that keep screwing with your computer, even when you have exited the game, thats a major flaw which should have been fixed ages ago.
But yea you stick to Vanguard , its your money , use it on whatever you want.
I love how the fanboys some in telling the OP that he doesn’t know enough about the game to post.
That’s some bullshit, its not the players responsibility to romance the game, its the games responsibility (and developers) to romance the player, if that doesn’t happen in a short amount of time, FAIL.. It doesn’t matter what a fan thinks, and there is no "Reading and experience" requirement for fun. It hooks you, or it does not, you have no responsibility to "Give it a chance", you owe them nothing, but you purchase of the game, and any subsequent fees do make the developers (and game) owe you some fun. To sit here and tell someone that “If you knew more about it, you would have had fun” is the most fanboyish thing I have ever heard. The game failed to capture this user, not, the user failed to capture the game.
And no amount of lore, or “understanding” will ever excuse the elitist, arrogant, asshats that you will meet in any game, or in any concentration, That the developers grew.
And he has every right to post his opinions on the game and his experiences had with in it, that’s what this forum is for, and just because someone posts a negative review, does not make them a hater, it makes them a gamer with opinions and not a sheep.
Ok, while I agree with 100% on the whole "hook" concept, I said the same thing about LOTRO infact. However, the OP simply seems to have ignored the very immediate and required information presented to him, and then come here suggesting that the information was not there in the first place!
"The game failed to capture this user, not, the user failed to capture the game."
Wrong, the user, for some reason, decided to ignore, missunderstand or bypass the immediate newbie information presented to every new character.
If you enter ANY new game and choose to ignore the "get you started quests, info, dialogue" thats up to you, but to then complain that the game gave you no hint as to where to go or what to do? Cart before the horse? The more I think about it the more I find the whole OP to be just plain wrong.
When I played VG I was guided through the first 10+ levels, step by step, and I tried nearly all the classes/races.
As for the GFX issues, well to be fair the 6800 is getting on a bit now. Did you bother to check for known issues with your card? I always do, it's sad that one would need to this day in age, but it seems a fact of software ~issues, conflicts, driver issues and work arounds~.
Sigh... too bad after almost 3 months since I quit the game. It sounds like the same old game with a few necessary bug fixes. Guess I'll check back again in another 3 months.
And may i inform you that people have the rights to post what they will as long as they don't break any rules.
No matter if he has played 1 day or 9 days , he is still entitled to his opinion , and off what he wrote, well that aint a lie, people do flame eachother all the time ingame, no matter what game it is.
What if the OP never played the game? Or do you think that it's ok to create false reviews just to spread negetive opinion of the game?
I'm still trying to figure out how the OP crafted without doing the crafting quest.
I played the game, and who said I didnt do the crafting quest? You are putting words rigth into my mouth and than saying im lying because of the contradiction.
Anyways I have a 2nd post in these forums.
I made a review of my 2nd day, it went a lot better than my first.
Overall the game has some nice features now like awesome and complex crafting, graphics are decent even on lowest settings, the performance issues are getting rarer. it also seems some servers are much nicer than others.
The bad part is even though there are less performance issues lag wise, there are a lot of graphic glitches it seems, I was only able to eliminate my graphic problems by playing on the lowest settings.
It seems one of the setting was making my card go haywire ( pure black screens, maps and other popup windows werent opening or opening to a weird staticky screen"
Lastly the population, im worried even with the mergers, Im not sure even with 3 servers combined the population willl be healthy
enough unless a large influx of people start coming.
I personally think first impression is everything. Sony needs to stop advertising FIX the game add all the content needed and then start a massive advertising campaign.
because for every person that comes in now a good portion of them will be turned off by the lack of polish.
Also if they made the game 100% Free to Play for a 2 week trial (no credit card, no up front fee) after its all fixed up a load of people would come.
it's good to see that the OP hasn't actually just blasted the game. he has came back and posted again with sensible comments and good points. you seem to be giving the game a go at least which in my opinion makes you a player to listen too. i am not saying that people who dont give it time owe anything to the game! just that if you hate it and other people like it then why try to change thier minds? the people that like the game and play it have every right to post on the games forums. but why post on these forums if you're not interested in the game?
i dont post on WoW forums or other forums because for me to be there would only be because i have an interest. i have an interest in this game and like to hear other VG players opinions. be it good or bad. i just dont want to hear players who have not touched the game for months so have no idea on improvements. ok some left for other reasons like gameplay and that's ok. but the more mature players will just say " tried it ,was not for me" then they go elsewhere.
Yeah, I'm saying it. I don't believe for a minute you played the game. So much gross exagerationg an crazyness in your review I just don't buy it.
If because of no other reason then I don't recall being able to craft without talking to the NPC that explains crafting to you. It's like diplomacy, you can't do it till you talk to the guy that gives the tutorial. You wouldn't get your crafting gear, tools, and skills until you talk to the crafting trainer.
You did not play this game, and only wanted to create a negetive post about it.
Wish Darkfall would release.
If I can echo Urdig's post, I think the game is a heck of a lot better than what you read about around here. Oh, and I do have "issues" and things about the game I dislike. But I have issues and things I dislike about all games!
Many of us whom do play really do enjoy it.
WoW and fast food = commercial successes.
I neither play WoW nor eat fast food.
Hmmm, Vanguard damaging your video card... sounds more like the settings you ran the game at pushed your card of three generations ago rather hard and it might not have been getting sufficient cooling. It's common knowledge that Vanguard pushes both cpus and gpus hard depending on settings. Nothing new there.
Sorry you found the game wasn't for you. Some do and many more will in the future. Hope you find one that suits you.
Chanter, Spatalos Server
lol I see that Vanguard's community is STILL its worst enemy.
I started my account on MMORPG on the date specified to learn about Vanguard. I see that little has changed about this game since early beta.
And which 'early' beta was this... would it be beta 2 where they completely changed the combat system, How bout beta 3 where they completely changed the harvesting, Or maybe it was beta 4 where they changed the animations making them more fluid (and then did again after the launch) and reworked many of the abilities of the various classes.
How bout after launch where lag and crashes decreased, content added to adventuring, diplomacy, and crafting spheres, textures optimized, etc, etc, etc,
<sarcasmon> Yep yep hardly any changes at all <sarcasmoff>
Vanguard is a great game that is why everyone is playing it. The "Haters" like the OP are just making things up. Me and my pet rock Hammertoe are having a blast!
The "Haters" are also saying the game is not stable? Yes it is! Most stable wonderful game on the market! Everyone "claims" it crashes but the truth is that the game has special magical programming built in that shuts down when it senses you've playing too long.
You played for one day!! And you expect everything to be perfect? Let me tell you something! This game is "Hardcore" and what that means is, NOT only is the erm.. content made for "hardcore" players but to get the game running ALSO requires a "Hardcore" player with a CIS degree! The community are jerks!? Well I see some of the uber "hardcore" players here responding to you!! Yeah harshly but that's because they are "Hardcore"! Let's see you polish a turd for 6 months and not be "Hardcore"
waaa the game is breaking my hardware.. Well it's you fault for not being "hardcore" enough and not having a liquid nitrogen cooled video card! Only noobs or carebears would NOT spray freezing gas to get a game up and running! sheesh these nubs nowadays!
But that is fine you go ahead and leave like the other two hundred thousand before you! We dont' need you cause me and my in game pet rock prefer an empty sandbox with people spouting profanity at one another while calling each other liers when the dare to complain!
I don't care if they roll all the servers into one and it's just me and my ingame pet rock playing cause VG is the bestest game out there and I love Brad our founder cause not only is he neato but I heard his ear wax cures cancer!
/tongue hater!
see another great community leader from VG!
LOL enjoy the game. Hope you have better performance than I did with it. I've PLAYED it longer than most. just got tired of the bugs and performance issues.
I think Sigil and Vanguard will be big winners at this years MMOWTF awards, perhaps beating SOEs previous record. I'm sure people will be flocking to Vanguard next year when it goes F2P and they start selling all the decent gear in the SOE shop!
"Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience"
CS Lewis
That you couldnt get started with the game is funny. Usually there is a guy right in front of you with a yellow shield above his head when you roll a char and log in. Talk to him and it will lead you into the game.
Ah yes the FFA server. I think it sucks there. But i think almost all PvP sevrer suck. But i admit the vanguard FFA server suck most. I even read FFA people want to move to PvE after merge. However, no game is responsible for its community...
This is your unbiased review? This is a joke of a review, i kind of doubt you even tried the game at all, and please explain me where is the dificulty in starting playing? when all you have to do is follow the quests and they lead you all the way to diplomacy and crafting, think kind of make me doubt you even tried the game. And secondly you talk about low population, but also about lot's of trash talk going on, so what is it? (I know it's low populated, but you make it feel like it's crowded with idiots but then that it's empty...)
Hell, i know the game got his problems, played it for 2 month, was fun, but i left when the population started thining to the point of making the whole "making a party" a hell of a ride, but random bashing on things that they actually did well doesnt help lol.
Seriously....If the comments I've made as well as many of the comments other active VG players have made..that I've read have driven any players away then.......that's fine. Likely they are a bit too thin in the skin ...likely they need to season up in a carebear game a bit more anyways. I've found many of the players in Vanguard in the 30+ age group. I think one will find folks in the 30+ range less likely to pull punches.....a bit more critical .... less tolerant to whining.... more experienced in life and mmorpg's....and more patient with bugs and such. Why? ..because we remember the days when there was no internet ! * gasp*...it's true. There actualy was a day ..alot of em..where nobody had internet. I remember back in the day..trying to make friends with the kid who lived in the house on the corner because they had cable TV !!! ..... I remember the days when MTV actualy played music videos !! I remember watching the premier episode of the Simpsons !!
Suffice to say...we have a different perspective on things. I obviously can't speak for all..but for myself and many people I know..this holds true.
Not doggin on the younger folks...ain't their fault...but that is just the way life works. The older you get ..the more you learn and understand how life works. Life experience has a great impact on ones perspective on gaming or anything else in this world. I know I don't want to raise kids all day and then log into my happy place only to have to raise ( deal with ) more kids in game.
If Vanguard was full of obnoxious teenagers raising hell...I certainly would NOT be playing it. I do play however...because it is not full of teenagers acting stupid simply because they can. The game is too slow for most of them...lacks a sense of instant gratification.
SoE has made statements in reference to trying to attract a younger player base....this does kinda worry me. It could lead to a watering down of the mmorpg experience in Vanguard. I hope not. They SHOULD cater to us older folks...why?
Generaly speaking !!! Older folks make more money, tend to be more loyal, and keep multiple subs longer. We less likely to hop from game to game and more likely to endure any potential hardships a game has, because we understand the value of potential and have the patience to wait for it.
Of course there are exceptions...many even..but not a majority. I've had 16 year olds as high ranking officers in my guild because they handled themselves very well in game. This is an exception though...not a rule. As a rule...younger folks generaly do not feel comfortable in the Legendary Heroes guild for very long. Mostly because we expect them to earn their way ....not only into the guild..but also through the game.
" give a man a fish and feed him for a day....teach him to fish and feed him for a lifetime " ...that is one of our mottos and I've encountered many in Vanguard who think along simular lines.
lol I see that Vanguard's community is STILL its worst enemy.
I started my account on MMORPG on the date specified to learn about Vanguard. I see that little has changed about this game since early beta.
I aggree with Elsabolts. This OP obviously doesn't know squat about Vanguard and should not have even posted.
Though I do give the OP props for at least letting folks know he wasn't in game very long as opposed to those who play a few hours and talk like they have 1000's of hours in game.
Ya..it's a game with higher percentage of older folks than most mmorpg's. Older folks have less tolerance for ignorance. Mind ya..ingorance is not a bad thing..simple means..uninformed. Once informed...one is not ignorant about that matter anymore.
+ edited because I was ignorant of the proper spelling of ignorant...I am no longer ignorant to the proper spelling of ignorant.
I guess you can learn some in these forums...but ya gotta know how to weed out the many trolls and flame baiters here. Public..easily accessable forums such as this tend to have more than it's fair share of riff raff.
I think it best you don't play Vanguard....doesn't sound like your game anyways.
If you aren't playing though...please keep to whatever game you ARE playing ..threads. It makes no sense to frequent the threads of a game you don't like. Crazy people do that.
If you and Elsa really cared about VG, you wouldn't be posting here, but rather in game...
By my estimations, with you two posting here, your server is short about 50% of it's population...
I play about 20-30 hours a week and spend about 5 hours a week here ...defending and promoting the game I love to play. Why? because I saw the need for it.
Too many lies and extreme exagerations being posted here. I feel the need to counter that with some positive vibe and challenge some that outright lie......post opinions based on a few hours of gameplay ....and / or post information that is months old ( and obsolete ) for the sole purpose of trying to drive people away from VG.
Frequenting various forums and websites....for me...is PART of the game !
How I choose to spend my time is of no concern of yours.
lol I see that Vanguard's community is STILL its worst enemy.
I started my account on MMORPG on the date specified to learn about Vanguard. I see that little has changed about this game since early beta.
I aggree with Elsabolts. This OP obviously doesn't know squat about Vanguard and should not have even posted.
Though I do give the OP props for at least letting folks know he wasn't in game very long as opposed to those who play a few hours and talk like they have 1000's of hours in game.
Ya..it's a game with higher percentage of older folks than most mmorpg's. Older folks have less tolerance for ignorance. Mind ya..ingorance is not a bad thing..simple means..uninformed. Once informed...one is not ignorant about that matter anymore.
+ edited because I was ignorant of the proper spelling of ignorant...I am no longer ignorant to the proper spelling of ignorant.
I guess you can learn some in these forums...but ya gotta know how to weed out the many trolls and flame baiters here. Public..easily accessable forums such as this tend to have more than it's fair share of riff raff.
I think it best you don't play Vanguard....doesn't sound like your game anyways.
If you aren't playing though...please keep to whatever game you ARE playing ..threads. It makes no sense to frequent the threads of a game you don't like. Crazy people do that.
If you and Elsa really cared about VG, you wouldn't be posting here, but rather in game...
By my estimations, with you two posting here, your server is short about 50% of it's population...
I play about 20-30 hours a week and spend about 5 hours a week here ...defending and promoting the game I love to play. Why? because I saw the need for it.
Too many lies and extreme exagerations being posted here. I feel the need to counter that with some positive vibe and challenge some that outright lie......post opinions based on a few hours of gameplay ....and / or post information that is months old ( and obsolete ) for the sole purpose of trying to drive people away from VG.
Frequenting various forums and websites....for me...is PART of the game !
How I choose to spend my time is of no concern of yours.
Then don't flame other people for not wanting to play your unpolished game
List of SOE lies
And may i inform you that people have the rights to post what they will as long as they don't break any rules.
No matter if he has played 1 day or 9 days , he is still entitled to his opinion , and off what he wrote, well that aint a lie, people do flame eachother all the time ingame, no matter what game it is.
List of SOE lies
LoL, nice reply there but you fail to realize it only takes less than 1 day to turn a new player/customer off the game completly.
Me, i lasted just under 4 weeks, at times i was happy i bought the game but it wouldnt take long for that to be turned, especially when there was that many bugs and broken stuff in the game. It was rediculous. Then there was the 1st weekend of double XP (i think the 3rd weekend on release), double xp LOL that soon HAHAHA, not saying i didnt take part because i did, i rolled a new character and had taken it to the mid 20's in that time (half the lvl cap) and i only played for a day on that toon.
Anyways that was the 2nd weekend of me having the game, another double xp weekend was announced but i didnt take part in this one, i had been completly turned off by the game.
Now to original poster, i am sad to learn that the community has gone like this, as when i was there and asked for help, there would have been half the community willing to jump down your throat and help, the other half wouldnt respond to you (even if you pm'ed them). However i do think most of the decent players have left (the last guy i was in touch with left the game last weekend), he wouldnt say much apart from the community had gone shite and the game still wasnt being fixed to expectations.
That was my last link to getting information back from the game, i am not going to pay for a month and waste more money on it. This game is doomed in my opinion, and needs to be put down, much like you would a dying animal.
If i was SoE i would pull it straight back into beta and sort the whole game out, and prey its not too late to sort it. Then start the servers from scratch giving everybody who bought the game the initial first month back for free (this way it may bring back alot of players to see a polished game) and hopefully the community would take off again. Alas i cannot see SOE doing anything like that. So everyone who has seen the game would not return (and thats quite a lot of lost customer potential).
This game had a real good potential, which has ben ruined by an extreamly poor release, which was way too early. Players who are in the game are in my opinion PAYING to TEST an UNFINISHED/UNPOLISHED game that i would call early BETA stage. I have and am in fact testing a couple of BETA games right now and they are far better than VG is at release.
The flaming is mild at best.....and not direct at the OP rather...more in OP's general direction.I have not made any personal attacks on OP whatsoever .... my statements are generalizations ....with perhaps..strong implications...but not an outright flame.
I too have that same " right " to post what I want within the boundries of forum rules. That freedom comes also with responsibility and accountability. If OP can't handle the responses then OP shouldn't post on a public forum without adult supervision..or play mmorpg's for that matter.
OP posted to gain responses...I assume..that's why we do this thing called ...posting. Otherwise we could just write letters to ourselves.
I believe one of the forum rules are....
Stay on topic !
I am not the topic here tyvm. You are welcome to start a thread " Thamoris is a Vanbois Emo " if you want. Then we can discuss me all we want. This thread is not about me however. It's about a very incomplete...supposedly a review...of Vanguard. I am simply stating it was a joke of a review and why I think so.
Now..back on topic please
I too have that same " right " to post what I want within the boundries of forum rules. That freedom comes also with responsibility and accountability. If OP can't handle the responses then OP shouldn't post on a public forum without adult supervision..or play mmorpg's for that matter.
OP posted to gain responses...I assume..that's why we do this thing called ...posting. Otherwise we could just write letters to ourselves.
I believe one of the forum rules are....
Stay on topic !
I am not the topic here tyvm. You are welcome to start a thread " Thamoris is a Vanbois Emo " if you want. Then we can discuss me all we want. This thread is not about me however. It's about a very incomplete...supposedly a review...of Vanguard. I am simply stating it was a joke of a review and why I think so.
Now..back on topic please
I don't care if your a vanboi or whatever you call it , i dont use such expressions.
As for on topic, well i played the game my self in closed beta where the whole flaming thing werent really going on but just alot of bugs, but it was still fun for a while , tho they kept unbalancing the game.
No game is flawless, but vanguard is still only the 65% done if you ask me, they still havent been bothered to fix the graphics problem that keep screwing with your computer, even when you have exited the game, thats a major flaw which should have been fixed ages ago.
But yea you stick to Vanguard , its your money , use it on whatever you want.
List of SOE lies
Ok, while I agree with 100% on the whole "hook" concept, I said the same thing about LOTRO infact. However, the OP simply seems to have ignored the very immediate and required information presented to him, and then come here suggesting that the information was not there in the first place!
"The game failed to capture this user, not, the user failed to capture the game."
Wrong, the user, for some reason, decided to ignore, missunderstand or bypass the immediate newbie information presented to every new character.
If you enter ANY new game and choose to ignore the "get you started quests, info, dialogue" thats up to you, but to then complain that the game gave you no hint as to where to go or what to do? Cart before the horse? The more I think about it the more I find the whole OP to be just plain wrong.
When I played VG I was guided through the first 10+ levels, step by step, and I tried nearly all the classes/races.
As for the GFX issues, well to be fair the 6800 is getting on a bit now. Did you bother to check for known issues with your card? I always do, it's sad that one would need to this day in age, but it seems a fact of software ~issues, conflicts, driver issues and work arounds~.
PvP server. Enough said IMO
Sigh... too bad after almost 3 months since I quit the game. It sounds like the same old game with a few necessary bug fixes. Guess I'll check back again in another 3 months.
I'm still trying to figure out how the OP crafted without doing the crafting quest.
Wish Darkfall would release.
I played the game, and who said I didnt do the crafting quest? You are putting words rigth into my mouth and than saying im lying because of the contradiction.
Anyways I have a 2nd post in these forums.
I made a review of my 2nd day, it went a lot better than my first.
Overall the game has some nice features now like awesome and complex crafting, graphics are decent even on lowest settings, the performance issues are getting rarer. it also seems some servers are much nicer than others.
The bad part is even though there are less performance issues lag wise, there are a lot of graphic glitches it seems, I was only able to eliminate my graphic problems by playing on the lowest settings.
It seems one of the setting was making my card go haywire ( pure black screens, maps and other popup windows werent opening or opening to a weird staticky screen"
Lastly the population, im worried even with the mergers, Im not sure even with 3 servers combined the population willl be healthy
enough unless a large influx of people start coming.
I personally think first impression is everything. Sony needs to stop advertising FIX the game add all the content needed and then start a massive advertising campaign.
because for every person that comes in now a good portion of them will be turned off by the lack of polish.
Also if they made the game 100% Free to Play for a 2 week trial (no credit card, no up front fee) after its all fixed up a load of people would come.
it's good to see that the OP hasn't actually just blasted the game. he has came back and posted again with sensible comments and good points. you seem to be giving the game a go at least which in my opinion makes you a player to listen too. i am not saying that people who dont give it time owe anything to the game! just that if you hate it and other people like it then why try to change thier minds? the people that like the game and play it have every right to post on the games forums. but why post on these forums if you're not interested in the game?
i dont post on WoW forums or other forums because for me to be there would only be because i have an interest. i have an interest in this game and like to hear other VG players opinions. be it good or bad. i just dont want to hear players who have not touched the game for months so have no idea on improvements. ok some left for other reasons like gameplay and that's ok. but the more mature players will just say " tried it ,was not for me" then they go elsewhere.