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I guess the military knows what they're talking about, and it appears they've spoken up about who they want in the Presidency next term
Go, Ron Paul!!!
The US Department of Elections has released the Selected Presidential Reports for the 2007 July Quarterly, and there are a few surprises. No surprise, of course, is that people in the armed services and veterans overwhelmingly support the Republican Party. However, after digging through individual candidates’ contributions by employers, we find an elating (or disturbing, if you’re rooting for Rudy McRomney) trend. The breakdown? Here you go.
Army | Navy | USAF | USMC | VET | TOTAL | |
Ron Paul | 6975 | 7765 | 4650 | 1500 | 1250 | 22140 |
McCain | 6225 | 6480 | 1570 | 1600 | 800 | 16675 |
Romney | 2051 | 0 | 1500 | 0 | 1000 | 4551 |
Giuliani | 1450 | 370 | 250 | 0 | 250 | 2320 |
Hunter | 0 | 1000 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1000 |
Richardson | 50 | 750 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 800 |
Huckabee | 250 | 0 | 500 | 0 | 0 | 750 |
Tancredo | 350 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 350 |
Brownback | 71 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 71 |
Thompson | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
This table expresses in dollars the total campaign contributions that each candidate has received from individuals who marked “Air Force,” “US Marines,” “USMC,” “Army,” “Navy,” or some other such permutation of letters as their employer that gives the appearance that they are a member of the armed services. The “veteran” column was derived by looking for “retired ______,” “______ retired,” or anything containing the word veteran, with the exception of Veterans’ Affairs (or the like).
What conclusions can be drawn from this surprising, exciting information? One might jump to the conclusion that the troops are tired and demoralized and angry to be fighting in the desert sand, and willing to leap on the only Republican candidate who wants an immediate end to the war. But that’s an insufficient explanation, since veterans favor Ron Paul as well.
Our military forces have a strong tradition of valorization and an implicit belief that they have served to protect the freedom of private citizens in the United States. So profound is this belief that it ranks as the #1 reason that veterans and active duty say they joined (even though education ranks as the #1 reason prior to enlistment).
This culture of pride in service particularly to safeguard American liberties and freedoms — regardless of whether it is true or not — disinclines those in service to contribute to candidates like Romney and Giuliani who want to expand Executive power and increase spying on Americans. This is why Ron Paul and John McCain are the clearest front-runners in terms of contributions. Well, that and the fact that McCain was a Captain in the Navy and Ron Paul was a flight surgeon.
Or … (one final thought) … does it run in the other direction? Does the military favor Paul and McCain because they were military, or do Ron Paul and John McCain have a favorable set of values for military servicemen and women because they themselves have served?
Look for more analysis of these contribution schedules in the upcoming days!
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I'll be going to Basic in a few months, for the Air Force. And I adore Ron Paul.
This doesn't surprise me one bit.
I have plenty of military friends who think Iraq was a mistake and want the federal government scaled down in it's size and influence. .
Ron Paul is the only one speaking a true historical conservative message. Neo-Con does not equate to conservative. Using the government to force your will on people is not a conservative ideology. Neither is leaving our nation vulnerable on the borders while simultaneously saying fighting a war to keep the enemy from coming here and hurting us is needed.
I wish I could see how many contributions came from CIA employees.
"When Saddam flew that plane into those buildings, I knew it was time to kick some Iranian ass!"
-cheer leading, flag waving American
I wouldn't vote for anyone that's all about pulling out of Iraq. If we pull out now, everything we did was just a waste.
p.s. who the hell is ron paul
The Iraqi government is taking a whole f'ing month of vacation in August, same with our government. The Iraqi government seems to not care about progression very much.... Now our troops can die for these politician's, and the the politicians DON'T EVEN CARE.
Iraq is not making us safer. A lot of insurgents are actually foreign and they just come to Iraq to kill our soldiers. So those insurgents had two choices: Go to America or go to Iraq. We could easily be "Fighting them here" if the terrorists wanted too, and so much of our security and resources are in Iraq or dead.
This whole war was a waste.
"When Saddam flew that plane into those buildings, I knew it was time to kick some Iranian ass!"
-cheer leading, flag waving American
From everything I hear the other highly supported candidate is of course Senator McCain. That might have more to do though wiht the fact that I am in the Navy and the McCain family has a long tradition with the Navy.
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LOTRO & WoW (not much WoW though because Mines of Moria rocks!!!!)
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Bioware games (Dragon Age & Star Wars The Old Republic)
That article is about campaign contributions. Try as you might you can't twist that into public support.
Wouldn't your argument make more sense if Ron was actually the number one with campaign contributions?
If anything your argument is pro-Ron Paul....something I would actually say to people when promoting Ron Paul.
"When Saddam flew that plane into those buildings, I knew it was time to kick some Iranian ass!"
-cheer leading, flag waving American
Wouldn't your argument make more sense if Ron was actually the number one with campaign contributions?
If anything your argument is pro-Ron Paul....something I would actually say to people when promoting Ron Paul.
anyone who doesn't know who ron paul is, love him or hate him, doesn't need to be voting.
im not saying the guy should be president but if you don't even know people who are running and have never heard the name of the one guy who is making a major impact on the entire race then why even bother to vote?
duhh i heard of this rudi guy i think ill vote for him? that how its done ?
Wouldn't your argument make more sense if Ron was actually the number one with campaign contributions?
If anything your argument is pro-Ron Paul....something I would actually say to people when promoting Ron Paul.
I thought these people were just lobbying for support of thier party to run for president?
If the presidential candidates haven't been selected yet, does it really matter if people know who he is? Aside from it having a negetive impact on the republican push for the presidency. It's not like the guy that comes in second in the republican primaries (is that what this is? I don't know) is going to be president.
I don't think the magority of the public even follows this phase of the elections, and only knows who these people are when the presidential campaigns actually begin. Or when they get into the news. Like being a black man or a woman trying to win on the democratic race. That's going to get way more attention and get those people in the spot light.
Did that chart show how many donations were made to the democrats by the armed services?
Wish Darkfall would release.
Not to derail or nitpick, but that is not exactly correct. April had 104 casualties which is #7 and May had 126 casualties, which is #3 out of 51 full months of the war. Note that casualties include combat and non-combat deaths which account for about 5-10% of casualties each month. If you want to figure in June, with 101 casualties and #8, you could definitely say that April, May, and June 2007 are the bloodiest consecutive months since the war began. July, however, is on track to be below average or average at this point at less than 3 casualties per day.
how could it not matter? they don't just let 10 guys hang out for awhile then tell 9 to go home..the people vote for who wins the republican nomination. so yeah, it would be a good idea, if you want the best candidate for the country, to know who they are.
how could it not matter? they don't just let 10 guys hang out for awhile then tell 9 to go home..the people vote for who wins the republican nomination. so yeah, it would be a good idea, if you want the best candidate for the country, to know who they are.
See, you're operating under the erroneous assumption that a majority of people in this country either A)are capable of thinking, let alone thinking for themselves. or haven't completely bought into the Bread 'n' Circuses that is our modern media, particularly when it comes to political coverage.
Most people have been conditioned to find the political process bland and boring. If it's more than a 6 second soundbite, or a one sentence quote, usually taken totally out of context, people tune it out.
Then there's those that have bought into the belief that their vote for an Independent candidate is stealing votes from Republicans/Democrats. Because if a third party candidate actually wins a certain percentage of the popular vote, they get matching Federal funds the next go round.
Or worse yet, they believe their vote doesn't matter at all.
The biggest thing in the way of anyone not following the One Party under Corprocracy line?
Why aren't you over there putting your ass on the line then?
CH, Jedi, Commando, Smuggler, BH, Scout, Doctor, Chef, BE...yeah, lots of SWG time invested.
Once a denizen of Ahazi
Most Americans are neither Democrat or Republican, but on election day they either vote D or R.
Then they wonder why their salaries have income taxes, then why they cannot afford college education, and why there is no job security.
Although the powerful evade taxes, easily get into and can afford college, and of course have "job security." I for one feel sorry for American tax-paying, work-class people. LOL.
Boycott EA Games. RIP Sim City.
"When Saddam flew that plane into those buildings, I knew it was time to kick some Iranian ass!"
-cheer leading, flag waving American
"When Saddam flew that plane into those buildings, I knew it was time to kick some Iranian ass!"
-cheer leading, flag waving American
You might want to read this too. It's not all what talk radio is telling you...
Poll of troops signals most hope U.S. leaves Iraq soon
The U.S. should pull out of Iraq "within the next year," said 72% of the 944 U.S. military personnel in Iraq who were surveyed for a LeMoyne University/Zogby International project, which was published today. Just under a quarter - 23% - said U.S. forces should stay "as long as they are needed."
I can't believe the amount of bullshit they are saying about Ron Paul and how he somehow rigged all of this. For some reason the media absolutely refuses to acknowledge the fact that more and more people support Ron Paul and he is only going to get bigger the more people hear what he stands for..
Ron Paul must be some kind of internet mastermind to be able to rig polls left and right all the time.
The Brave Do Not Fear The Grave
Yep just think at present rate in another 18 years the Iraq military casualty total may equal that of Vietnam. Also at present rate we got about 6 more years before the Iraq casualty rate equals that of June 6, 1944. Such a high percentage of our force lies dead on the fields of Iraq right now. <chuckles> Don't believe everything the leftist media spews. Tell me again how many battles we have lost in Iraq?
I don't disagree that Iraq may not have been the best idea, but we are there now. Running away will just make the whole situation a whole lot worse. America needs to grow up we made the mess now we have to clean it up. Any other solution will cause us to loose what little prestige we have in the world.
<ahref=""><img src="" width="450" height="34" /></a>
Voting shouldn't be relocated to a popularity contest, but to who is capable of doing the job. Sadly with the era of media biased and general marketing we deal with daily, not to mention 'opinion polls' there seems to be a misconception about quality versus quantity.
The Old Timers Guild
Laid back, not so serious, no drama.
All about the fun!
An opinion should be the result of thought, not a substitute for it. - Jef Mallett
Okay, then. You find me a recent poll saying the military backs the war and the direction this President is taking them.
Christ I thought you were smarter then this. I got sometime so I will respond to this.
What the difference between illegal and legal immigration? Illegal means you are breaking the law. Legal means you are following the law. Do you punish people that fellow the law? If you’re a Demarcate/liberal, yes punish people that fellow the law. Punish the people that come to the States legally.
People that come to the States illegally break the law. Do you want to reward rapists that raped your daughter? Do you reward a person that killed your son? I have no problem with immigration as long as they fellow the law. When people come to our country illegally they are breaking the law and those that break the law should be punished. They should not be rewarded. You know how moral deprive you are when you reward someone that break the law.
You still don’t understand politics. Politics does work the way you want it to be. The world doesn’t revolve around you. I’m going to make this simple so hopefully you understand how politics works.
What does politician sell? Themselves. That’s all they have. Ron Paul didn’t sell himself to the conservatives of the Republican Party. If he did he would be in the lead (critical thinking skills). However Ron Paul did a good job at selling himself to the conspiracy faction of the general public, which you are in Alex(critical thinking skills). Unfortunately for Ron Paul the Republican Party is not made up of conspiracy people. It is made up of conservative. Ron Paul is better of in the Democrat party where there is a large faction of conspiracy people.
Second, only a very small percentage knows Ron Paul. He doesn’t have brand name as said, Fred Thomson or Hillary Clinton. To the general public Ron Paul is a nobody(critical thinking skills), he won’t win the Republican’s nomination he won’t win the White House. When this is over and done the conspiracy people will blame the conservatives, big power, corporation, CIA, etc. However they won’t blame Ron Paul failure to sell himself to the conservatives of the Republican Party and the American people.
Apparently you haven’t watched the Republican debates. He apologized to the terrorists in front of every conservative that was watching that day. Naturally every Republican candidates pounce on him for that remark. Funny thing is that they asked the moderator to give everybody equal time to rebuke Ron Paul comments.
Yes some states have open primaries. To me it is stupid. It is a private affair and shouldn’t open to the public. The people they are voting for in the primaries are not running for office. They are running to get elected to run for public office. However, it is the electors that go to the Party’s convention that is the doing the actually voting and at times those electors will vote against what the voters wanted. In other words, the open primaries have little effect on how the party electors vote in the convention.
To the rest of you, I know that the public school system has stop teaching critical thinking skills. I would asks you for a second to think what you have been reading and watching on the liberal media. Where is most of the fighting in Iraq located at now compare to three years ago? How many Iraqi insurgents the US killed compare to how many they killed each day? Why is Iraqi citizens turning over the location of insurgents hideouts?
The US Army's 1st Air Cavalry Brigade, engages an insurgent sniper trying to make a getaway. Baghda
Marines Counter Ambush A Group Of Insurgents
US Marines Takeout An Insurgent Bus (uncut footage)
Insurgents Attack Foiled
AH-1 Cobra Attacks An Insurgent Position In Hit, Iraq
I also support Ron Paul.
When I look at his voting record, he is the only candidate that is consistent in his voting and ALWAYS refers back to the Constitution and the original intent during its writing.
I do not support this war we are in, I did not support it from the beginning when everyone else was going nuts over blowing up all the supposed Al-Quaida in Iraq along with the WMD that was stockpiled. Remember that story that Bush was trying to sell us? He said he was certain it was there. Oooops. And in the process he took his eye off the ball and now we've got Al-Quaida growing in numbers in two hot spots in the world. Not to mention, we never caught that elusive snake in the middle east Bin-Laden. Oh, and then there's that porous thing we call a border!
So, I guess I kind of put your theories about who all of us Ron Paul supporters are to rest.
Now, what do you have against someone who follows the Constitution and believes in the protection of freedom and liberty along with the belief that self reliance and determination is the best path for each unique individual?
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