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Sooo.. anyways I am currently playing wow due to nothing else.
Now I'm American, but I play on the European side of wow because I have alot of friends there and would rather play with them. But one thing that really gets under my skin is that there is a lot of people in the European wow who just simply dislike Amercians and have a very strong biased against them even if they do not know anything about them other then what they hear or read. It just seems extremely immature in my opinion. It seems like they think of us as fat rich stupid people (who basically sit around eating McDonalds), I just don't understand these type of stereo-types and why it seems to be so harsh in euro-wow.
If you go into US wow you really don't see this type of biased vs european players, at the least I know I haven't personally (I don't think US players actually care). Most of my best online gamer friends are europeans, and I'm a pretty mature person so I try to just ignore this type of stuff. But after awhile it can just become frustrating seeing these stupid stereo-types being thrown around constantly, it's honestly to the point of where when people ask where I am from I don't like to answer (lol).
I guess it just seems reallly hypocritical to belittle someone you know nothing about as a culture in whole, and after awhile it got under my skin. But the reason I posted it here was imagine if i posted this on the wow-eu forums, I'd be flamed to hell and back.
Myself trying to rationalize would just say that every culture we have our share of idiots and that is where this type of shit comes from, and since wow is a larger population it is more noticeable and has something to do with a bandwagon effect. As I said all of my best gamer friends are europeans so I know they all don't think like this.
I really don't know what I set out to accomplish with this post other then to vent a little and see if any other people have seen this type of stuff, because personally it seems that in all the games I've played this has only been apparent in wow.
Like lets say yesterday, someone asked on the forums how to play on US realm wow with the EU game installed and I explained that I was doing the opposite (playing EU with US installed) and that i was from America, and i explained how to do what he asked (i was simply helping) and then not more then 5 minutes later i get a post from some random person who was trolling saying "I don't want fat people in my wow", and all i could think was wow.............
Again just venting and seeing if any other games/gamers experienced stuff like this, I can honestly say I think that it is just in WoW, and it has something to do with an elitist attitude or something along them lines with a shit population. People will say that wow is full of kids, well.. kids don't act like this, teenagers are probably the more appropriate word? I don't know.. I'm only 22 so it isn't as if I'm old.
In the end I guess it all chalks down to ignorance.
What do you think?
It has nothing to do with games or players, everything to do with politics.
When the whole "Freedom fries" thing was going on, you could see Americans being anti-european everywhere.
I just tend to ignore the hyperpolitical activists.
i have no problem with Americans although it did annoy me when I saw Americans raising their flag in Iraq like when they tore down the statue of Sadam and an American trooper put the American flag on it.
Only euros that dislike americans are the ignorant and the extreme left.. which is a small minority.
I'm "right" in political terms, but I get amazed by Americans pretty often too. Especially how "they" think Europeans love them, apparently what happened in WWII should give them eternal credit.
I actually never played with Americans I guess and I only "judge" people per each person, but as far as America goes, you gave the answer yourself.
You don't care about Europe vry much, why should the world care about you ? Americans start caring when it's politically correct to do so.
There is a good reason for people to dislike the US, however there is very little reason for an American to dislike Europeans .
Im from euro. Peeps hate americans cose the politics things, is just that. I hate nobody when I play mmorpgs cose Im playing and having fun. And hateing peeps only makes you more unhappy.
And yeah, most of people, not only europeans, are plain stupid.
I thought all Euros have huge pot bellies, and sit in their tiny '70's styled apartments drinking vodka and eating garlic sausage while lighting their farts?
PS I'm just joking! Im Canadian so I hear the "aboot eh" jokes all the time.
Currently waiting for - Perfect World English, Age of Conan
How to play Perfect World in english
Currently messing with - Requiem Online
Hehe, yet without realizing it, you gave the description Americans gave to the Germans during WWII among others.
And isn't the boot joke true ?
I'm an American and I just spent a few months in France. I did not find any anti-American sentiment. I found that most French were more irritated at their fellow Europeans than towards me. If you judge the average person based on MMOs, then you'll get a biased view on people. Stereotypes are stupid and anytime that you label a group of people, you are wrong.
They refuse to educate people in English. When you are there, French people refuse to speak English to you, so you'd better have your dictionary with you.
(Been in Paris several times, note, the European Paris )
They're basically the selfproclaimed kings of Europe, where America is the selfproclaimed king of the world.
Being British I can sadly confirm that alot of people are anti-american, not because they have ANY facts or any remote feelings towards it, but just because it's what everyone else seems to do (it has taken some sort of snowball effect).
I've played games for quite a long time now, mostly with Americans, and I have to say they're more enjoyable to play with, but I have to add this is only in MMORPGs. I've had some very bad experiences with Americans in FPSs in games like Counter-Strike and on Xbox Live (especially when they can mouth of via voice comm), but these people seem to be around 12-14 year olds.
I'm not quite sure what happened to MMO gaming in terms of europeans v.s. Americans, but I think WoW seems to have brought the worst out in everyone. Everyone wants to be the best, and they don't really care what they do to/say to others to get it.
All I can do is say that not everyone's like that, but probably about 99% of the population of WoW IS like that, because the game tends to make people rather selfish.
Hopefully things will steer towards a better direction in the future, but all I can suggest in your situation is just to stick to your group of friends, because most people are unfriendly in that game
He's right about that though. I've played with Isrealian, Iraqi , Russian etc players , basically from all over Europe and they can all be nice, but they can also all be assholes. It's just that an MMO takes away the boundries that would prevent you from doing so irl.
Except those. Must be because they're all hiding in their French servers, so they can revel in their French language and rule the French world.
Good answers all.
But again, basically it just "does not compute" for me to judge anyone who I know nothing about, and the last thing I am trying to do is start a topic to make people hate each other more due to region. As I stated my best online gamer friends are Europeans, mainly British. Thing is I met them in FPS games where this kind of baised nature simply does not exist other then your random moron.
Just didn't understand why it was so harsh in WoW, I guess because in FPS games you're too busy killing stuff.
And to SyndicateX you kind of clarified what I was experiencing, it wasn't really like just now and then but really frequent (the bashing/hate that is).
In game or out I dont care where your from long as your not an asshole .
Well maybe phrased badly. I do think you realize most Europeans can't stand you politically speaking, but you also have the attitude of "why ? what did we do wrong ? , in fact, they should thank us for 80 years ago!"
More like that.
Selfreflection is a beauty ^^
And it's beautiful how you gave another reason yourself. Egotistic.
"our money and our help " "we don't care". That's what people see when they see Americans.
p.s political topics aren't allowed on MMORPG so we allhave our asses on the line here :P
I had a feeling it would be frequent. The thing is, they don't actually have anything interesting to do in WoW, considering I've played it for a while I know it's a bit of a boring grind, so most people vent their anger on others.. and being a little on the stupid side they tend to go for the only thing they know about you (that you're American), and use the stereotype to try and bully you in some way.
It doesn't make sense, but then again the only community you have in WoW is in your raiding guild.. and even then people aren't friendly (forever complaining because they didn't get picked to raid, or didn't get an item).
MMO gaming just isn't what it used to be
Wierd, I never EVER got a negative reaction based on being from a spcific country in an mmo, EVER. Been playing them since UO in early 98 . Lived in the US for most of those years and not once has anyone put me down for it. I played a myrida of asian games for example and the worst i got is some US catch phrases in broken engrish LOL.
That is sooo me!
Anatomy of a Fanboi
This is you.
Actually you misread the post was "so called " help, meaning help that isnt really help and no one wants in the first place and OUR money....would be better spent at home rather on people who do nto like us . Would you not agree?
I don't think we're quite into a political discussion yet because no one's mentioned... oops! Nearly got me there!
Actually you misread the post was "so called " help, meaning help that isnt really help and no one wants in the first place and OUR money....would be better spent at home rather on people who do nto like us . Would you not agree?
You just said the same thing again , you díd notice that right ?:) and no I don't do misreading, I chose to ignore it.
oh and *cough* I think America has a debt of about 50 bilion ?
Ok...ill try a 3rd time,lol.
definition of so called help = not help , NO help
So using this in my sentence would mean to STOP interferrign in other countries business , because it is not wanted and nto helping them at all .
Hopefully this makes better sense , if not I cant help ya .
Also, the apparent image that all non-American people are retarded. I'm not blond mate, my English is better than that of 90% of your population, so drop it.
Actually you misread the post was "so called " help, meaning help that isnt really help and no one wants in the first place and OUR money....would be better spent at home rather on people who do nto like us . Would you not agree?
You just said the same thing again , you díd notice that right ?:) and no I don't do misreading, I chose to ignore it.
Ok...ill try a 3rd time,lol.
definition of so called help = not help , NO help
So using this in my sentence would mean to STOP interferrign in other countries business , because it is not wanted and nto helping them at all .
Hopefully this makes better sense , if not I cant help ya .
Actually you misread the post was "so called " help, meaning help that isnt really help and no one wants in the first place and OUR money....would be better spent at home rather on people who do nto like us . Would you not agree?
You just said the same thing again , you díd notice that right ?:) and no I don't do misreading, I chose to ignore it.
oh and *cough* I think America has a debt of about 50 bilion ?
......again , thats why I say our money would be better spent here , no ? You are starting to sound like you really just dont like Americans?
Whahaha do you know what you just said ?:D I'm with you all the way , but damn, cold!! :P
And to above, you don't _have_ money, you're living on bought time.
Actually you misread the post was "so called " help, meaning help that isnt really help and no one wants in the first place and OUR money....would be better spent at home rather on people who do nto like us . Would you not agree?
You just said the same thing again , you díd notice that right ?:) and no I don't do misreading, I chose to ignore it.
oh and *cough* I think America has a debt of about 50 bilion ?
Ok...ill try a 3rd time,lol.
definition of so called help = not help , NO help
So using this in my sentence would mean to STOP interferrign in other countries business , because it is not wanted and nto helping them at all .
Hopefully this makes better sense , if not I cant help ya .
Also, the apparent image that all non-American people are retarded. I'm not blond mate, my English is better than that of 90% of your population, so drop it.
Drop it? You said my post was arrrogant? How can it be arogant when I agree we arent helping anyone out and should keep our noses in our own business? I think your getting yor feathers ruffled over nothing man. Either that or my "American " english is losign somethign in translation for you.