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I've been avoiding it for a long time, the cartoony graphics and childishness really got on my nerves, but I think Im finally over that. Ive played DAOC, EQ2, SWG, EVE, etc... a lot of games that didnt cut it for me, whether because im a casual player or other factors. DAOC I liked the most, but the fact that cartoony WAR will erase it pisses me off so I dont want to devote time to it.
What are the reasons for me NOT to play wow? What are its main faults? Are raid, pvp, crafting, or other types of grinding really necessary to compete well in PVP?
Extremism in the defense of Liberty is no vice.
As much as i would love to tell you the several reasons NOT to play WoW, i would simply say "Why don't you try it and see for yourself." WoW has a free 10 day trial.
Just try it. It'll be fun at first, then it'll hit you like a ton of bricks on some random day and you'll be like "Why am I playing this?"
Well, that's what it was like for me anyway
Looking for something new.
never mind had a long post here and i totally miss-read what you just got off working 10 hours and hour drive home not
you seem to be after PVP and from what i've seen, PVP servers are hard up for good people. most are elitist pricks,and VERY childish.
But as others have said, just try it you may like it, and i know i had a blast on it for a good while before i just got bored(probably over a year).still playing but nothing else out there really IMO. And ever since TBC expansion the difference between what raiders have and what casuals can get is minimal, i know people that was in tier 2 raid gear pre-TBC and replaced it with quest gear from outlands.I haven't stepped foot in an instance on my Druid and I can beat raiders or atleast give thema run for their money in my, quest blues and greens.
you should try it out , its fun for a few months
"Society in every state is a blessing, but government even in its best state is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one ..." - Thomas Paine
Main reason NOT to play WoW? none. Regardless of how bad or good it is you can still chalk it up as an gaming experience
Ive never really been good with comparative criticism even though Ive played just about every mmorpg there is. I hate to give an opinion that may keep someone from experiencing something that they may find as their greatest joy of all time.
I played WoW pre TBC so I cant give a greatly informed opinion, other than yes to compete well in pvp you do need to get good items. I don't think raiding is as necessary anymore with the new arena rewards but Im not 100%.
Regardless of what anyone says imo a certain amount of "skill" is necessary to compete well, but with my experiences it isnt as dominant in WoW. Gear is certainly fundamental.
I've been playing it on and off since release. It's the only game that is so fleshed out and varying that it has held my attention for so long.
Obviously alot of folks here hate it, but alot more enjoy it.
The main problem with WoW is simply that it's a very top heavy game, ie everything happens at the highest level. Leveling from 1-70 is great, no other word for it. Once you reach the top level you'll either love it or hate it.
If you like pvp, then you'll find that pvping 10-69 to be a painfull experience as there are lots of twinks around. Once you get to 70 though things even out. You can get very good gear by devoting a few hours a week to pvp, so you'll be much more competitive. If you are playing with someone then read around and try to pick 2 classes that are complimentary at arena's. The arena system is where you can get pretty much the best gear in the game (season 3), but you will need to be seriously good to get it. It is totally independant of how much time you put in it, instead it depends how often you win, so time is not a factor.
Apart from pvp there's also the raid end game, which is what I do most of the time. There's no player housing and professions are a bit simplistic, so if you're into that it might not be your thing. There is a lot of players around on all servers, which means you'll run into more people (not all nice) so you can expect some childish behaviour sometimes. If your trying with the expansion, then i'd suggest rolling one of the new races.
I'd say give it a shot, have an open mind about it.
Raztor put it well , add to that some of the lower level zones are now empty quests are hard to complete without some help aid or a still active guild. Sometimes you can find groups other times it's echoing silence. There are areas that are very camped by higher level characters that are leveling areas for lowever levels. ( Chinese farmers).
Gear orriented,so you ran pugs did pvp did all the stuff you needed for top gear, new expansion comes you eventualy need the new gear to help make another dent pvp wise. Proving yourself in a smaller guild in latter levels may or may not get you a guild invite in a active guild raid.
There is fun to be had smooth running on many systems the trick is finding a guild finding pals and being a bit more social helps the levels go by quicker
While others been there done that they are a waiting one of the newer offerings coming out in hopes that will catch there fancy well, and bring some fun to them back. They have been there done that and are awaiting a new expearince ( another reason why not)
I forgot to point this out
One of those is cartoony, you decide.
If you have at least some socialisation skills, if you can be nice to others, not be can become good wow player. All other pricks who writte against wow in this or any other forum have problems not only with WoW but with all games and with real life too.
And graphic is "cartoony" ... maybe cause of fact that it can be run by any machine (i was playing it on 1.8 proc with 128 mb ram and 16mb ram GFX card) or maybe cause fact that its Warcraft we are talking all warcraft games had similar characters...and its RPG...role playing GAME...if you want reality...take knife, take axe and go outside and kill people...thats best reality you will find and LIFE is, at end, ultimate game
And sorry that some loosers dont understand that games are games and life is life and you will never be able to substitute life with game
Would you like some cheese with that whine?
cause you pay for something that its not worth of it
seriously: test all beta/trials you can find 10 days for wow, also there are trials for razon and cox...
WoW is not very casual friendly, it takes 10 days /played (240h) time to get level 70 if you are good or use some guide, else it take more. After that you have reputation grinding which is like xp grinding.
You can get good items from pvping arena 2v2, 3v3 or 5v5, but you have to be good or have friends who can boost you else you are ending up with low rating and getting very few arena points per week (points that are used to buy arena pvp gear and you get limited amount of these per week). Problem is that if you start now and start pvping in arena you are up against people who have already season 1/season 2 gear. You could gear yourself from raiding, but most raiding guilds have progressed so far that they dont take new players and WoW raiding is very linear and you have to do certain instance to progress to next raid instance and have certain level gear.
Why shouldn't you play WoW? Its very simple:
Out of the millions upon millions of people who play and enjoy the game, at least 20 didn't like it, and post about how much the game sucks here on forums. I mean, I don't know about you, but I'll take the word over 20 random yahoos on a message board over my own interpretation of why WoW has 9 million subscribers, any day of the week.
Lemme tell ya something else. Billions of people may enjoy sex, but I don't. You shouldn't have sex, it sucks. I mean, you might enjoy it for 10 minutes, and then you'll be like "wow wtf, this is dumb, I feel dumb for doing this, anyone who does this is dumb, too". You heard it here on forums, so it must be true.
Perception is Reality.
WoW is not very casual friendly, it takes 10 days /played (240h) time to get level 70 if you are good or use some guide, else it take more. After that you have reputation grinding which is like xp grinding.
You can get good items from pvping arena 2v2, 3v3 or 5v5, but you have to be good or have friends who can boost you else you are ending up with low rating and getting very few arena points per week (points that are used to buy arena pvp gear and you get limited amount of these per week). Problem is that if you start now and start pvping in arena you are up against people who have already season 1/season 2 gear. You could gear yourself from raiding, but most raiding guilds have progressed so far that they dont take new players and WoW raiding is very linear and you have to do certain instance to progress to next raid instance and have certain level gear.
Will someone kill you if you dont lvl to 70 in 10 days? My RL friend joined game for first time after TBC...he just hited lvl 70 other it took him about 4 months to hit lvl 70. In that time he had fun while leveling and we had blast doing deadmines togeather... + im gathering group to reraid MC, BWL and Naxx again...just for what? We will get nice money drop out of it like when we did 5 man onyxia (we did it on lvl 60 few times allso)Other day on pvp server hordes were holding SW allmost whole day...noone chould get in or out of was fun (alltho not so much fun in that moment)
Would you like some cheese with that whine?
You should. Give it a shot. WoW has been good to me over the years, allthough I'm quite fed up with it now. Still play on and off nowadays, but that's only cause it's no other good fantasy-mmo out there at the moment. And I emphasize fantasy as there are some gems out there that is scifi, action and even fps-rpg-hybrid thingie(upcoming or out). Look around and do a little research its my advice.
Grammar nazi's. This one is for you.
WoW was one of the few games I had fun leveling up. Though, contrary to what you my have seen in the forums, it's not a few days' work. Another poster's estimation of "10 days /played to 70" seems about right to me, which should take about 2-3 months for someone who is not a hardcore grinder (and quite possibly more if you play purely for fun, enjoy the scenery and try to do most of the quests).
The problem is, it does not have the low-level crowd it used to. Yes, the quests and low-level dungeons are there, but you may not be able to get groups for them, so you may have to skip some of the content. The biggest reason I had a lot of fun in the low levels in WoW was the sense of perpetual discovery you shared with many other players leveling up... Now when there are few players in the low levels, you could miss out on that.
The reason I'm dwelling on the low levels is because the end-game is a mixed bag. Yeah, I did most of it: crafting and trading; rep-grind; PVP honor-grind pre-TBC; heavy raiding; outdoor PVP... It was hit-and-miss in terms of fun, with inhuman amounts of grinding thrown in here and there. Some like the end-game, some loathe it; for me, it was fun for a while as it usually is, but quickly I came to loathe it.
My point is: if you turbo your way to the end-game, you might get disappointed with what you get for all the work you've done. Still, it's quite a fun game. If you can get a few people to level up with, do group quests and low-level dungeons with, to explore with, it might turn out to be a blast. I say give it a go.
You shouldn't play it cause haters rate the game 1 here on
you get to 60 in around 14-17 days /played and 70 in another 5 not in 10 ..pfff
You should play wow until 70 and enjoy the content thats there. Just dont get caught up in the repetitive boring gear treadmill.
----ITS A TRAP!!!----
Wrong. Got my mage to 60 in 10 days played. My Hunter to 60 in 10 days played, my Pally and shaman to 60 in 10 days played. Add another 5 at the MOST to hit 70 on each of those. Doesn't take long at all. This game IS very casual friendly. The leveling part at least. I don't RAID, though I'd like to, but time doesn't allow it for me. I still have fun in pvp even having not Raided. All depends on the class you pick and your skill in that class. So far, my best pvp is when I play my hunter and Mage. Anything, I just suck at, specially Shaman. Go figure.
Asking why you shouldn't play WoW on these boards is just begging for flames. The majority of posters here hate WoW for one reason or another.
Let me tell you what to expect from WoW haters.
1 WoW is only for retards or people that have a low IQ (or something to the same effect)
2. WoW is full of kiddies
3. Wow looks cartoony so therefore it sucks.
4. Wow is nothing more than a grind fest.
The truth is, WoW is a fantastic game plain and simple It isn't simple in a bad way, it's simple and fun and that seems to be the working formula these days. A lot of MMO's try too hard and end up dumbing down, often being referred to as 'turning into WoW'
WoW's combat system, PvP, quests, zone layouts and character development are all slick as f***
Unfortunately a lot of people see 'Fun and uncomplicated' as bellow them and not worth their level of intellect. This is complete bollox.
I have no doubt I will be flamed, but all the WoW haters seem to gather here in their teeny, weeny crowds and speak their vocal MINORITY opinions about the game. The other 9 million are having too much fun to care.
Try the 10 day trial.
Flame on haters.....
If you are looking for a new MMO to play and you haven't tried the current market leader, you really should.
I'm played WoW for over 3 years and i can tell you why you shouldnt play this game , its not only about kiddies , you can find decent guild with age over 25+ with some effort ofcourse , WoW its like ..hmmm... you grind mobs to chase high level players because you want start raid hi-level instances as soon as possible , then you grind gear ( countless runs in same instances ) , grind reputation with factions ( days and weeks killing same mobs day by day ) , then you grind consumables ( to be "raid preparded" ) , then when you start raiding you grind gold ( to have for repair bills ) , after you get "all gear about you dream " Blizzard will relase next instances with harder bosses/encounters and you grind next instance.
There is nothing else than grind instances to grind better instances for grin next instances .
With regards.
Play because its one of the best MMOGs out there, and the trial is free. Its as casual as you make it or as hardcore as you want it to be. Throw out bad habbits learned from past MMOGs...mainly, don't rush. Take your time, don't obsess over EXP per hour and just explore and have fun. Do all the dungeons. Sure you don't HAVE TO, but thats a lot of content you're skipping. Best leveling/questing you're going to find. Be social. The endgame depends on it. If you have no friends by the time you get to 60 or 70, don't be suprised if it becomes difficult to do the harder dungeons. Its amazing what happens when you actually talk to other people instead of complaining, LIKE MANY DO HERE, that "NO one talks to me, so the community sucks." Everytime I hear that I get images of the loser standing in the corner of the nightclub wondering why he isn't having a good time. WOW's community is just like every other. If you're nice and social, you'll find people to play with in no time. If you're a mute or an elitist prick, what do you expect?
Check that...being an elitist prick will make you feel right at home in Eve=)
- because you are casual gammer, top end game require lot of time and dedication
-PvP is meaningless, if you like DAOC (played it from beta to atlantis) you ll find it boring and with no point besides "farming" other players to get pvp points so yu can afford new items after a long while.. because you dont enter BGs like you used to in DAOC ( take and handle the castle) you enter BG to "grind" enemy without any penalty.
- because you want to be abe to log on whenever you want ( even if you stil play a LOT) and dont want to have to plan you're IRL life according to the need of you're guild.. that will require you to be ingame 2/5 hours 2 to 5 days a week ( if not more) at sheduled times.
if you those dont bother you and you can get over the childish general chat ( that 's eazy) and the grafic style then its not a bad game and you'll have fun for a while with the PVE aspect.