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I haven't played this game in 2 years, so figured I'd give it a shot. In less then 2 days I lost my only 2 ships (About 1 month of grinding) in areas I use to mine at, 2 years ago.
PvP is exactly like World of Warcraft:
Grind--->Twink--->Gank. After 2 years, more players finished their Grinding, finished their Twinking, and are now borred and Ganking. Well whoopty do, im not interested in the Grind-->Twink-->Gank formula, I tried it before and was no fun.
RRRIIGGGHHHTTT - flamebait is something i wont be joining today i think.
"Kill one man, and you are a murderer. Kill millions of men, and you are a conqueror. Kill them all, and you are a god."
-- Jean Rostand
Well I'm afraid you're going to be upset at many MMOs out there if you're disgruntled being ganked from time to time. My best advice for you in Eve is to join a corp that will assist in your protection. In Eve it is very difficult to grind the good stuff solo w/out losing ships.
Have you tried Guild Wars? While you might not like the gameplay, I've never played a game that is less grind dependent and where true skill outshines gear deficiency in regards to PVP.
Good luck.
WoW has notably one of the worst MMO PvP systems known to man. it didn't even come out with the retail game initially. EVE is known to be one of if not the best PvP systems known to man. Don't get the 2 confused. If you like being able to die a thousand times and receive no penalty (keep in mind that means when you kill someone it means nothing) then stick to WoW or Guild Wars.
You're definitely a WoW generation player it seems. Sorry to hear about your lost pixels and time. The problem with your assessment is that in EVE you lost something that you had worked for, whereas in WoW you don't lose anything. This should make you play better. If you think that you shouldn't have to be a better player to protect what you've worked for, then you shouldn't care that you lost it or else you would have tried harder and used more options to protect your assets. WoW either makes people soft or makes them appreciate things more when they lose them after having their hand held in carebear land. That's the simple truth.
WoW's formula is not even original and has been around for almost 10 years now as far as massive computer gaming is concerned.
Instead you cried about it and quit.
I like this way a lot more then WoW's way.
The only game I ever played more then 2 months is WW2ONLINE, where you gank every 5 minutes. Actually in wwiionline its called killing your enemy not "ganking." Ganking is something stupid and lame. PK'ing something is something you do in a PvP game.
sorry but while I have not played WoW ( and honestly I refuse to) but to compare a twitch style PvP to a point and click PvP is ludicrous. This is flamebait and nothing but flamebait lol.
At least WOW PvP takes some skill.
PvP in EVE is getting the best guns, clicking your optimal range, clicking all your guns and sitting. I hit Keep At Range then click all my modules, then simply go watch TV. I come back and I've either killed him before he killed me, or the other way around. It's simple as that. Whoever dies first in the empty, boring space they call EVE Online.
There is nothing else but the monthly fee you can compare between eve and wow. If you have a fight in an online game, you have atleast two sides. And there is no forced 1on1 only. In eve you are atleast supposed to have an option of hit & run against greater opposition, unlike any other game
Though I have not played eve for quite some time, IMO its flaws lie in its incompleteness and imbalance against its great content and complexity, not in the idea itself. For a player being all out for pvp but without much time to play, like me, these flaws make it nowhere fun enough to pay the monthly fee. But i keep hoping it gets better someday.
lol I'm sorry there is no way in hell this game compares to wow. Skills in wow? where are they and explain the skills that are there. wow is a button smasher, that is all it is. EVE you have so many ways you can set up your ship pending on skills that you have/ team you are on role that you may play. The type of ship you fly, skills for that ship. I can go on and on. Its not a get into a ship and kill stuff game. i have seen 2 month old players take out people that have been playing for years.
So to the OP you just sux get some skills and learn how to fly your ship. And to the rest of the people that have the attention span of a 11 year old( go back to wow its why you like it)
There is no comparison between both games, but to say WoW or EvE or any other game for that matter takes no skill to play is a fallacious and ignorant comment. Since this is the EvE forum I don’t have to defend EvE since everyone reading already knows the skill that goes into not just setting up your ship, but piloting it as well.
As for WoW, the one thing Blizzard did do right is provide fluid and reactive engine for combat. The controls are crisp and responsive making players who know what they’re doing and coordinating in a group much more effective than those who “randomly smash buttons”.
To say WoW pvp is predetermined by class, gear and spec is just like saying EVE pvp is predetermined by ship, guns and formation; it is an OVER simplification, and again as I stated, a false statement.
Currently Playing: GW2
Retired: Shadowbane, DAoC, WoW, FFXI, Eve Online, SWToR
The Aphelion MMO Blog - GW2 Initial Impressions
I tryed Eve and im playing WoW...From what i saw in WoW you really have to have more skill in PvP than in EvE.
PvP in Eve does come down to clicking range, orbit and what weapon you wana use then you prolly just sit and pray god you wont be killed first...or you can press 2-3 buttons to turn on and off some armor or shield thingies...and thats it...
In WoW i play warrior, and PvP is damn hard cause for every other class i need to play totaly different tacticas and combos. Yes it comes down to pressing buttons but you have to know what button to press when and in what order...+ there you have stance for example
warrior vs rogue - allto zerk stance does more damage you wana be in battlestance cause of overpower. Rogues do dodge alot and thats chance to do uber damage via overpower (especialy if you are arms spec). Except of that you dont wana turn your back to rogue, cause then you are dead so you allways try to stay in front of him. Demo shout + thunder clap can help.
warrior vs mage - first you charge, then hamstring, then fear, then MS, then change stance to zerk then intercept then pray god youll do enough crits to take him down
warrior vs hunter - you dont even start with charge but you stay close to hunter. Do hamstring first, fear pet away and work on hunter...
So thats is it for 3 classes, you have pala, priest, druid, shaman, warlock and warrior to deal with more..and for every class there is different tactics to fight. + There is f course luck, will you be lucky to do that crits or not...well that is just part of everyday life.
True is that Eve is maybe more PvP game than WoW only because of some realism that if you loose you will really loose something. Penality for loosing battle in WoW is minor compared to that...few gold, reputation and lost time.
Would you like some cheese with that whine?
Again, gross understatements. I’ll let someone with more experience in real EVE pvp shoot you down Qark.
Currently Playing: GW2
Retired: Shadowbane, DAoC, WoW, FFXI, Eve Online, SWToR
The Aphelion MMO Blog - GW2 Initial Impressions
Regardless of the differences in the actual fighting in WoW and EvE's PvP systems, there are two obvious other differences. In Eve, PvP affects something. It affects the game world. Things actually change. In WoW, you can kill someone as many times as you want and there is no gain and no loss for either person. They just come back and do it again. You may not like the 'grind', as you put it, but it has a purpose. The only thing the grind in WoW does is take up time so that you can be on par with other grinders.
In EvE, the grind at least allows you to differentiate between other people. It also doesn't require you to grind for ages just to be able to compete. The only grind you even need to do is to get money.. but if you're in a good enough corp and you're helping them out with PvP, then you shouldn't even need to worry about getting money. You do your part in the corp, and they will provide you with things. People seem to forget that just as there are crafters in other games (who are still required to fight even if they don't want to in order to lvl up and get more tradeskills), there are also people in EvE who willingly dedicate their time to mining because that's just what they enjoy doing.
When people do that, it leaves more time to the other people in the corp to do what THEY want to do - PvP. And if done correctly, there will be little to no grind for those people. In the same aspect, the people that enjoy mining (for whatever reason.. maybe they just want to be crazy rich), have little to no grind because that is simply the part of the game they enjoy. They may not wish to get involved in PvP at all.
That is the beauty of EvE.. if you don't want to do something, you don't -have- to do it.
EVE has a lot of options ... I've played for a year now, and only lost one ship. And I enjoy EVE, although how I play is far different from how many others play. Where you choose to fly, and what you do en route, is entirely up to you - EVE does not spoon feed its players: if you want to play safe you can, if you want to team up with a mob of people flying stealth bombers ... well with planning you can do that too.
Player owned Stations, uber skills, and uber ships only delayed the inevitable. And the inevitable is rampant ganking/PK'ing.
I have an advantage over other players of being able to see this, because I haven't played in 2 years, I could see an entire 2 year span without the gradual change, but a big shift. The place I use to peacefully mine at, was now overrun by borred gankers.
Unless the developers ove EVE up the level requirements (WOW terms), and/or new content, then the players as a whole, slowly increase in level (WOW terms) till they hit the cap and get borred and go on a ganking spree.
Using this formula Grind-->Twink-->Gank, having a higher level (WOW terms) to grind to, then it only delays the ganking phase. What happens when a brand spanking new server opens up in WOW? A bunch of people start playing there, in disproportionate numbers, because they want to be on top of the curve. Understandable. But EVE Online only has one server, so the effect is mitigated, but not avoided.
Similarly, even in a MMOFPS game like Planetside, the Grind-->Twink-->Gank forumula is shortened to Grind/twink-->Gank. Although there is no ganking in a FPS game, there is an unfair advantage quotient to many of the Planetside toys. And thats where the term "GANK" originates from, an unfair advantage. Now the Planetside servers are full of (equivalent in WOW terms) a bunch of level 70's who run around and Orbital Strike on a regular basis. It became patently absurd to see. The big laser from the sky, a big level 70 skill (in WOW terms again).
10 Years have elapsed since UO tried to tackle the problem of players exploiting the bounty system (players exploited it by having their friends kill them, collect the bounty, then turn the money over to the guy they killed, basically paying off the PK'er with the money the PK victim gave). And until this problem is resolved, PVP in games is either going to be turned off, or really lame.
Again, gross understatements. I’ll let someone with more experience in real EVE pvp shoot you down Qark.
In some way he has right, the only tactics (skills in eve-pvp) is setting up your ship. That is even more notable in the bigger ships you get.However he is completely wrong if you fly a frigate sized ship that can be blown up with only a few hits. Then there I want to see him hit orbit, keep at range or whatever. To be honest I love those type of people, they are easily killed. For a ship with a decent tank it doesn't matter much though. Reason why I'm a interceptor pilot as well as assault ships
"If all magic fails, rely on three feet of steel and a strong arm"
i didnt loose any ships...thank god ^^ but that was only because i was dodging 0.0 areas and if i had to go there i went with some cheap ship...anyway i had insurance and clone so i didnt had trouble with that.
I got bored with Eve soon, maybe its lack of good corp cause i really didnt have anything to do in one where i was. maybe with better company i would have more to do like transporting miners cargo to station and so on...
On other side thats my personal thing and why i didnt like Eve enough to continue playing so i get back to wow.
Would you like some cheese with that whine?
Im reading the WOW forums, and a bunch of players are complaining that they can't find groups of 1-60 leveled players, they got to solo-grind all the way up. And the level 60 (former level cap) dungeons are void and empty.
New content only delays the inevitable. For EVE the inevitable is rampant ganking. For WOW, the inevitable is rampant ganking on the PVP servers. For the PvE servers, the inevitable is borred players.
I wouldnt agree that players cant fing groups 1-60. There is enough of new players and twinks to find group, then again group for Gnomergan was allways too hard to find. That lvl 60 dungeons are empty is true...noone have reason to go there any more.
Would you like some cheese with that whine?
I think the problem with many games today is that they try to make ganking not possible. People always exploit systems sooner or later, and the key is in how the developers respond. Old-school UO was a good example, rather than increase the bounty system's penalties to make it more work to exploit it, they basically conceded and added no-PvP areas. WoW has taken that to another level, with PvP on the majority of servers being something you have to que up to do, and there are various "all-but-guaranteed to win" combinations of items and talents for various levels. Even on "PvP" servers the extent of instancing means that you can avoid PvP and ganking to a substantial extent if you want to, not to mention that the death penalties are well, basically non-existent for PvP.
EVE, like every other PvP game I have played, has gankers. But a key difference in EVE is that unlike WoW, level is not everything. A level 70 in WoW should never lose to a level 20, indeed a mob of level 20's is still not going to hit, let alone win. In EVE, sure people who have played a long time, who have the money, and corporate connections, will have seriously nasty ships and will undoubtedly be able to "go forth and gank", but unlike WoW they are by no means invulnerable.
go to high sec, much less ganking. with the whole security status comes a police force, they are your protection.
if you are in low sec, expect to be ganked so get protection.
never fly what you can't afford to loose.
don't whine about losses, you will not get any sympathy only ridicule.
take joys in your losses, boast about them, especially what you learnt from the loss, you will get respect.
I was not intruding on anyone's space, I received no warning that I was intruding in anyone's space, I wasn't asked to pay a toll, I wasn't PK'ed by a roleplaying pirate, I wasn't carrying anything of value. I was ganked for no other reason then why someone ganks on a PvP server in WOW. Boredom. The very same boredom I will have to face for endgame content. But I don't want to be that person.
I played the endgame in WOW once, I ganked a couple players on the PVP server in WOW and felt totally empty inside, it was completely unsatisfying. I cannot comprehend why others think its satisfying. Because theres no point to it, there is no profit.
The rewards of ganking someone in WOW is zero. The rewards of ganking most players (like me) in Eve Online is almost zero. To me there is little difference between 'very little' and 'zero'.
I could understand corporations trying to control systems so they could mine it themselves. I could understand someone webbing me and forcing me to pay a toll if I stupidly flew into their system. I could understand pirate roleplaying. But random ganking is something I will never understand.
In less then 2 days playing I was randomly ganked twice. 2 days, thats like a quarter of a skill training, whoah. Way too frequent for my tastes. 2 years ago I played for a couple months, and was never shot at by any player. Now, boy is it a different story, most of the playerbase at the endgame and borred to tears. And for a noob, that is bad news.
Im on normal server in wow...and sometimes i put PvP /on, when im bored. then there comes some horde with balls to attack me...he loose usualy...and that gives me satisfaction...then i forget to turn PvP off and i go fishing...then i get ganked by mage in 5 seconds...well that was fun allso
Would you like some cheese with that whine?
"Endgame" is what you define it to be. For me it will never be ganking, honestly I could never see the point - no challenge, no glory, nothing - indeed I still equate it with griefing. For a new player EVE can certainly be deadly, it's a game that is unforgiving if you take a wrong jump, and new players don't know that there are things like map overlays of ships destroyed etc to flag the dangers.
But it is certainly not like WoW, where one bored level 70 warlock on a PvP server can effectively take out a zone, say Refuge Point, essentially indefinitely - typically all the level 60's are in Outlands, and the 70's are off doing raids etc. The player-killer dynamic is certainly a risk in most PvP games, but EVE is simply so much bigger that it isn't the same - you do not have to go into low-sec space, although the risk/reward curve means that many people do, despite the risk of other players pouncing in.
When you see several hundred millions ISK worth of mining fleet strip-mining merrily in 0.6 space, you just know they are making money. Sure, they might make more on better minerals in low-sec space, but then again they would have to take the risk.
At the end of a day it's a game. It's meant to change over time, and the simple reality is that the changes will not always be for the better, despite the Dev's efforts. If it never changed, there would be no point to playing it, watching the same DvD over and over would be as entertaining.