Man whether it is SOE's fault or not their track record lets them pick up the tab and take the blame. Start the list of failures:
Man who is runnng the SOE boat, the same hack that has been their for all the other failures. Give him credit where it is and maybe where it may not be due, either way the wreckage in their wake has afforded them the blame.
So SOE STILL is the publisher, they just want to hide that fact. Personally, i dont care, if the game is good, i will play, doesnt matter who is what. As long as it isnt ultima online.......
Originally posted by brostyn
If SoE is still handling marketing and retail distribution, then how exactly are they not publishing it anymore? Seems like they are publishing it, but PE is trying to be shady about it.
Originally posted by observer
This makes absolutey no sense. The only thing that changed? GNH stopped SOE from being listed?
For the few who have trouble making all the funny little letters make sense, let me clarify it for you.
PE is now self-published.
This means that they will be paying more for SOE to make some ads and slap out some cds in pretty boxes (marketing and distribution for those who are uninformed).
It means SOE has no say as to when the game gets released, as they can not put any pressure of the "Look for another publisher unless you release now" crap. They get no credit for the game except for being able to draw pretty pictures for ads and make pretty boxes for cds to go in.
It also means SOE has no legal claim to the game if it fails, unlike they did with VG. SOE is putting none of their money into GnH, therefore they have nothing to collect.
Does that help you understand, now?
Well, except for the fact that being a publisher means EXACTLY; bring a product to retail and marketing said product. SoE is still doing this. So, again, how exactly is PE being self published when SOE is doing the marketing and taking it to retail, which isby definition is publishing.
If you bring a product to retail and do marketing its called publishing. Look it at up. You obviously are the one who is confused by small words.
It's pretty self explanatory. Since you still seem to be having difficulty with words I'll take another crack at explaining it(even though in the seven pages I read this has been explained in at least a dozen different ways already). PE made the decision that SOE will no longer be the publisher of the game, meaning that SOE can no longer set any deadlines, as any publisher normally can(this applies to books, games, anything that involves a publisher). However, PE is not retarded. Knowing that SOE is the excellent publisher they are, they will still be paying them INDEPENDENTLY for their work in advertisements and retail distribution. This by no means makes them the publisher of the game. Think of ANY advertisement you've ever seen on a website, hell, even on this very own website. You see advertisements for a bunch of games. Someone's getting paid for that advertisement space, does that mean that is the official publisher of every game advertised here?
If SOE can do one thing right, it's marketing. Knowing this, and knowing the fact that a million nerds are still pissed about SWG, they decided to self-publish the game. This means they can employ the service of any marketing company to do the advertisements and retail distribution for them. They, as a now independent company, chose SOE.
For those still unclear, SOE will not be hosting any servers. SOE will not have any more say in the game as VG needed SOE's help in development, which is why they made that decision. G&H however, does not. They will develop the game themselves because they can, so for those people still thinking there are shady deals being made: it would make no sense for G&H to declare themselves independent in all aspects(publishing, developing, etc.) then turn over development to another company. PE knows they can make more money if they do everything themselves. It's all business, it's not about screwing the SWG nerds like everyone seems to think. Since it's more profitable for PE to do everything internally, seeing as no profits will be shared, they have no reason to give any say to SOE or turn over development to them.
Again, this is what GnH's staff said SOE's role as "co-publisher" was, back in Feb of '06:
"This means that Platform Publishing will be handling retail marketing, PR, manufacturing, and our North American distribution. "
So, SOE NEVER had a hand in development....and were never going to host servers. So, no, that is NOT the change that was made. And, no, PE did NOT sign them up NOW as the advertiser for the game....they did that in Feb of '06, as the quote above indicates (retail marketing, PR). So, that's not the change.
As stated, SOE was never the "publisher", instead, they were the "co-publisher", so there may be some change towards their effect on deadlines, etc.....but, to suggest that they went from "controlled" to "independent" is not really right. PE made it a point, way back when, to highlight the autonomy they still had with their "co-publisher". So, that's not really the change either.
Still, as stated by PE in Feb '06, and then more recently, it would appear SOE's JOB hasn't really changed (market, PR, manufacture, distribute). But, they are calling their relationship something different. Now, there could be INTERNAL differences, but we're not really seeing those, yet. So, I'd say the thought that SOE's role hasn't changed is legit....but not completely proven.
Oh, and the comparison to gaming sites is quite weak. At not time, then or now, was PE "buying" ad space from SOE. They were/are paying SOE to "create" ads for them, and to "buy" and "place" those ads strategically in multiple mediums. One is putting a personal in the local pennysaver. The other his highering a big time firm to get you in every major metropolitan newspaper in the country. The analogy is weak.
ROFL.. some of you people on this dang site (and outside of this site) are so freaken ignorant and stuck-up.
"Has SOE on the box. WON'T BUY IT!" "Envolves SOE. WON'T BUY IT!" They screwed up SWG, but that was with LucasArts approval so don't ever forget that. They fixed EQ1 before Brad tanked it. I will admit they drove it a bit to far with so many expansions. EQ2 had a ruff start, but turned into a fantastic game. Planetside is doing better and continues to grow. Matrix Online sucks due to concept.. come on.. that concept is just.. dumb.. movies are "Ok", but a game? No thanks. Not SOEs fault. Vanguard is doing much better then before and they are improving it at a hugely rapid rate. You people act like they are the freaken plague. Your under-educated brains can't comprehend the differense between. PUBLISHER and DEVELOPER. They have absolutely NO SAY in the final product. You need to understand this. They're a good company, but to many idiots screwed up their good name. Not them. Your half-arse assumptions is what screwed it. Now you spread your stupid lies accross the web and cause discontent in others. Anyway.. whatever.. I planned to try it weither SOEs name was on it or not.. i'm not that shallow
Some of you SOE fans never learn either do you?
Same stuff was said of Vanguard...They won't touch it etc etc etc. Turns out they own it now and their sucking money off it and keeping it on bare minimum life support. Sure Brad screwed it up royally but my instinct tell me it was SOE's plan to take it over all along.
You people need to realize something. SOE is not the godsend of the MMORPG world. They have a long history of crappy customer service and of course their attitude when EQ1 was king of the hill was "You don't like things the way they are then go find another game to play...ha ha ha". SWG---people who have stuck with all the don't like it, go find another game to play..Etc. Etc.
SOE just loves people that keep handing them money no matter what crap they pull. Well, friend...a lot of us have wised up to their antics and say to hell with SOE. And when they get too much flak what do they do? Hire the people that yell the most or invite them to an all-expense paid vacation called a summit...just to get them to shut the hell up.
SOE can bite me.
Never be afraid of choices. More choices are always good things.
Any company that say "No, thanks" to SOE or kick their fraudulent butt out of the boat have my respect... Even if its just a jab on the ugly SOE face...
Man whether it is SOE's fault or not their track record lets them pick up the tab and take the blame. Start the list of failures:
Man who is runnng the SOE boat, the same hack that has been their for all the other failures. Give him credit where it is and maybe where it may not be due, either way the wreckage in their wake has afforded them the blame.
For the few who have trouble making all the funny little letters make sense, let me clarify it for you.
PE is now self-published.
This means that they will be paying more for SOE to make some ads and slap out some cds in pretty boxes (marketing and distribution for those who are uninformed).
It means SOE has no say as to when the game gets released, as they can not put any pressure of the "Look for another publisher unless you release now" crap. They get no credit for the game except for being able to draw pretty pictures for ads and make pretty boxes for cds to go in.
It also means SOE has no legal claim to the game if it fails, unlike they did with VG. SOE is putting none of their money into GnH, therefore they have nothing to collect.
Does that help you understand, now?
Well, except for the fact that being a publisher means EXACTLY; bring a product to retail and marketing said product. SoE is still doing this. So, again, how exactly is PE being self published when SOE is doing the marketing and taking it to retail, which isby definition is publishing.If you bring a product to retail and do marketing its called publishing. Look it at up. You obviously are the one who is confused by small words.
It's pretty self explanatory. Since you still seem to be having difficulty with words I'll take another crack at explaining it(even though in the seven pages I read this has been explained in at least a dozen different ways already). PE made the decision that SOE will no longer be the publisher of the game, meaning that SOE can no longer set any deadlines, as any publisher normally can(this applies to books, games, anything that involves a publisher). However, PE is not retarded. Knowing that SOE is the excellent publisher they are, they will still be paying them INDEPENDENTLY for their work in advertisements and retail distribution. This by no means makes them the publisher of the game. Think of ANY advertisement you've ever seen on a website, hell, even on this very own website. You see advertisements for a bunch of games. Someone's getting paid for that advertisement space, does that mean that is the official publisher of every game advertised here?
If SOE can do one thing right, it's marketing. Knowing this, and knowing the fact that a million nerds are still pissed about SWG, they decided to self-publish the game. This means they can employ the service of any marketing company to do the advertisements and retail distribution for them. They, as a now independent company, chose SOE.
For those still unclear, SOE will not be hosting any servers. SOE will not have any more say in the game as VG needed SOE's help in development, which is why they made that decision. G&H however, does not. They will develop the game themselves because they can, so for those people still thinking there are shady deals being made: it would make no sense for G&H to declare themselves independent in all aspects(publishing, developing, etc.) then turn over development to another company. PE knows they can make more money if they do everything themselves. It's all business, it's not about screwing the SWG nerds like everyone seems to think. Since it's more profitable for PE to do everything internally, seeing as no profits will be shared, they have no reason to give any say to SOE or turn over development to them.
Again, this is what GnH's staff said SOE's role as "co-publisher" was, back in Feb of '06:
"This means that Platform Publishing will be handling retail marketing, PR, manufacturing, and our North American distribution. "
So, SOE NEVER had a hand in development....and were never going to host servers. So, no, that is NOT the change that was made. And, no, PE did NOT sign them up NOW as the advertiser for the game....they did that in Feb of '06, as the quote above indicates (retail marketing, PR). So, that's not the change.
As stated, SOE was never the "publisher", instead, they were the "co-publisher", so there may be some change towards their effect on deadlines, etc.....but, to suggest that they went from "controlled" to "independent" is not really right. PE made it a point, way back when, to highlight the autonomy they still had with their "co-publisher". So, that's not really the change either.
Still, as stated by PE in Feb '06, and then more recently, it would appear SOE's JOB hasn't really changed (market, PR, manufacture, distribute). But, they are calling their relationship something different. Now, there could be INTERNAL differences, but we're not really seeing those, yet. So, I'd say the thought that SOE's role hasn't changed is legit....but not completely proven.
Oh, and the comparison to gaming sites is quite weak. At not time, then or now, was PE "buying" ad space from SOE. They were/are paying SOE to "create" ads for them, and to "buy" and "place" those ads strategically in multiple mediums. One is putting a personal in the local pennysaver. The other his highering a big time firm to get you in every major metropolitan newspaper in the country. The analogy is weak.
Same stuff was said of Vanguard...They won't touch it etc etc etc. Turns out they own it now and their sucking money off it and keeping it on bare minimum life support. Sure Brad screwed it up royally but my instinct tell me it was SOE's plan to take it over all along.
You people need to realize something. SOE is not the godsend of the MMORPG world. They have a long history of crappy customer service and of course their attitude when EQ1 was king of the hill was "You don't like things the way they are then go find another game to play...ha ha ha". SWG---people who have stuck with all the don't like it, go find another game to play..Etc. Etc.
SOE just loves people that keep handing them money no matter what crap they pull. Well, friend...a lot of us have wised up to their antics and say to hell with SOE. And when they get too much flak what do they do? Hire the people that yell the most or invite them to an all-expense paid vacation called a summit...just to get them to shut the hell up.
SOE can bite me.
Never be afraid of choices. More choices are always good things.
Any company that say "No, thanks" to SOE or kick their fraudulent butt out of the boat have my respect... Even if its just a jab on the ugly SOE face...