August 24, 2007 - Our Age of Conan GC demo started off with a brief tour of one of the high-level dungeons, but by far the most interesting part of the presentation was sacking cities. In Age of Conan, large guilds can eventually build their own towns. The basic plan is to form a guild then begin constructing buildings in predetermined areas of the game world. Cities will start out quite small, first as trade posts and small houses. Eventually guilds can add fortifications and larger buildings to their claimed area, along with high walls and an inner keep.
However, cities won't necessarily last forever. Since there are a limited number of spots to build on in the game world, invariably other guilds will be looking to sack your city to set up a home of their own. While medium to large cities will be low instance areas because of all the activity, they will be prime places for guild wars.
By Crom, you will not take this city!
Cities can only be attacked by other players during specific periods of time after the inner keep is built. The controlling guild sets the open attack interval based on a few variables; allowing more time to build further fortifications and walls results in fewer bonuses when the assault is finally declared, while setting the attack window to a shorter time period means the defending guild will have the advantage of more bonuses, but ultimately less time to construct a full set of defenses.
To prepare for the battle, the attacking forces can build huge siege engines such as ballistas, as well as ride into battle on war mammoths, rhinos, and stallions. Ballistas can be set to aim at specific strike points in the city to weaken defenses, and war mammoths and rhinos can be used to knock down gates and walls. If the attacking guild doesn't have enough members online during the battle window, they can recruit other players to act as mercenaries for their side. After the battle begins, attackers only have a certain amount of time to enter the defending guild's battle keep in order to capture the city for themselves.
Dying in the middle of a siege raid isn't permanent. Defenders will respawn at the central keep to keep a constant supply of city guards, while attackers will respawn at a nearby siege camp. If the attacking side takes down a battle keep in time, ownership of the land transfers to their guild and they can start building a new city. If the defenders manage to hold off the invading forces, they retain control of the town, but it behooves them to refortify their city again for the next battle window.
As announced earlier this month, Age of Conan has been pushed back until March of 2008 on the PC, with the Xbox 360 to follow shortly after. That means you're going to have a wait a little bit longer to do some city sacking of your own, but from what we saw today, it looks like the wait will be worth it.
Aoc is being shown not only on the Microsoft and Eidos area's but also behind closed doors to Industry Press such as IGN - expect more to come still!
AmazingAveryAge of Conan AdvocateMemberUncommonPosts: 7,188
Considering they are implimenting a 'fog of war' system where the game only renders players fairly close to you, and slightly greys out those a distance away, and doesn't render at all players that are say, behind a Battlekeeps walls, then yea, you could get 150 people fighting over a Battlekeep and probably be lag free.
Note, before we get another troll post. The above system isn't for everything in game, just the large scale Siege combat.
Well you just proved my point thanks. If they use a fog of war then you wont be displaying all 150 people on screen at the same time with no lag.
AmazingAveryAge of Conan AdvocateMemberUncommonPosts: 7,188
The user and all related content has been deleted.
AmazingAveryAge of Conan AdvocateMemberUncommonPosts: 7,188
Originally posted by Fion
The only thing I'd like to see changed is for them to break the toolbar in two, and put it on either side of the combat rose. That way you can have combo's on one side, spells on the other. Also, shrink the toolbar down a bit and make it a bit less intrusive.
Some more media:
Dungeon Presentation Video - 8m 47s long
Also IGN write up:
August 24, 2007 - Our Age of Conan GC demo started off with a brief tour of one of the high-level dungeons, but by far the most interesting part of the presentation was sacking cities. In Age of Conan, large guilds can eventually build their own towns. The basic plan is to form a guild then begin constructing buildings in predetermined areas of the game world. Cities will start out quite small, first as trade posts and small houses. Eventually guilds can add fortifications and larger buildings to their claimed area, along with high walls and an inner keep.
However, cities won't necessarily last forever. Since there are a limited number of spots to build on in the game world, invariably other guilds will be looking to sack your city to set up a home of their own. While medium to large cities will be low instance areas because of all the activity, they will be prime places for guild wars.
Cities can only be attacked by other players during specific periods of time after the inner keep is built. The controlling guild sets the open attack interval based on a few variables; allowing more time to build further fortifications and walls results in fewer bonuses when the assault is finally declared, while setting the attack window to a shorter time period means the defending guild will have the advantage of more bonuses, but ultimately less time to construct a full set of defenses.
To prepare for the battle, the attacking forces can build huge siege engines such as ballistas, as well as ride into battle on war mammoths, rhinos, and stallions. Ballistas can be set to aim at specific strike points in the city to weaken defenses, and war mammoths and rhinos can be used to knock down gates and walls. If the attacking guild doesn't have enough members online during the battle window, they can recruit other players to act as mercenaries for their side. After the battle begins, attackers only have a certain amount of time to enter the defending guild's battle keep in order to capture the city for themselves.
Dying in the middle of a siege raid isn't permanent. Defenders will respawn at the central keep to keep a constant supply of city guards, while attackers will respawn at a nearby siege camp. If the attacking side takes down a battle keep in time, ownership of the land transfers to their guild and they can start building a new city. If the defenders manage to hold off the invading forces, they retain control of the town, but it behooves them to refortify their city again for the next battle window.
As announced earlier this month, Age of Conan has been pushed back until March of 2008 on the PC, with the Xbox 360 to follow shortly after. That means you're going to have a wait a little bit longer to do some city sacking of your own, but from what we saw today, it looks like the wait will be worth it.
Aoc is being shown not only on the Microsoft and Eidos area's but also behind closed doors to Industry Press such as IGN - expect more to come still!
Info on Barbarian Combos again from Akalys of the Acolytes:
Stats from the videos shown at CG 2007 Leipzig:
As you can see these are only a sample of the wealth of combos available, and only up to lvl 40 !
Savage Rage
Attack: Mid-Lower Left
Stamina Cost: 75
Cooldown: 30 seconds
Level: 25
Weapon Requirement: Dual Wield 2H Sword
Description: You go berserk and become a damaging machine of death.
Reckless Blows
Attack: Upper Left-Mid
Stamina Cost: 75
Cooldown: 10 seconds
Level: 28
Weapon Requirement: Dual Wield 1H Sword
Description: You deliver a series of powerful blows against your foe.
Attack: Mid-Upper Left
Stamina Cost: 75
Cooldown: 10 seconds
Level: 28
Weapon Requirement:
Description: A direct damage attack that will also cause a... ???
Burning Punch
Attack: Upper Right-Upper Left
Stamina Cost: 75
Cooldown: 60 seconds
Level: 24
Weapon Requirement: 2H Edge, 2H Blunt
Description: A frontal punch that will stun your opponent.
Attack: Lower Left-Upper Left
Stamina Cost: 75
Cooldown: 60 seconds
Level: 24
Weapon Requirement: Dual Wield 2H Sword
Description: With great force you break apart your foes armor.
Power Bash
Attack: Upper Right-Mid
Stamina Cost: 75
Cooldown: 45 seconds
Level: 24
Weapon Requirement: 2H Edge, 2H Blunt
Description: A powerful bash that will push your opponent backwards. If you... ?? ... it will do additional damage.
Ceasless Blow
Attack: Mid-Upper Right
Stamina Cost: 75
Cooldown: 15 seconds
Level: 26
Weapon Requirement: Dual Wield 1H Sword
Description: This deliver a series of powerul blows against your foe.
Attack: Mid-Upper Left
Stamina Cost: 75
Cooldown: 35 seconds
Level: 28
Weapon Requirement: 2H Edge, 2H Blunt
Description: A single target attack that does direct damage and causes a bleeding wound. If a stun is in effect it damage is increased.
Distracting Blow
Attack: Mid-Upper Left
Stamina Cost: 75
Cooldown: 30 seconds
Level: 32
Weapon Requirement: 2H Edge, 2H Blunt
Description: A distracting blow that makes your opponent likely to ?? your upcoming attacks.
Relentless Blows
Attack: Lower Right-Upper Right-Upper Left
Stamina Cost: 75
Cooldown: 15 seconds
Level: 34
Weapon Requirement: Dual Wield 1H Sword
Description: You deliver a series of powerul blows against your foe.
Attack: Mid-Lower-Upper Left
Stamina Cost: 75
Cooldown: 25 seconds
Level: 34
Weapon Requirement: 2H Edge, 2H Blunt
Description: A single target attack that does direct damage and causes a bleeding wound. If a stun is in effect it damage is increased.
Jagged Cut
Attack: Lower Right-Lower Left
Stamina Cost: 75
Cooldown: 60 seconds
Level: 32
Weapon Requirement: Dual Wield 2H Sword
Description: Your hits ... foe... inflicting them bleeding wounds.
GC 2007, Summary
The Games Convention happen between 23. to 26. August 2007, in Leipzig/Germany ( Homepage )
Fanvideo of the screenhots from the Funcom booth, Lengh 2:39
[ Link ]
Live-video at Saturday, 26. August 2007, 1130 GMT / Sunday, 27. August 2007, 1130 GMT
(some different date announced between two fansites, test both days please)
[ Program ]
4 Gamer' Video
[ Link ]
Video-Interview with Tarib, German CM (german version)
[ Link ]
Private video Demonologist in PvP
[ Link ]
Private video Assassin-class in PvP
[ Link 1 ] [ Link 2 ] [ Link 3 (Best quality) ]
Gamona-AoC video Assassin in PvP new!
[ Link ]
Gamona video Babarian in PvP new!
[ Link ]
Gamona video Guardian in PvP new!
[ Link ]
Gamona video Bearshaman in PvP new!
[ Link ]
Gamona video Herald of Xotli in PvP new!
[ Link ]
Gamona video Demonologist in PvP new!
[ Link ]
YouGamers siegebattle-presentation new!
[ Low quality ] [ High quality ]
PCGames siegebattle-presentation new!
[ Link ]
Gamona interviewed LordOrion. with siegecombat (high quality) new!
[ Link ]
Gamona shows the dungeonpart of the presentation new!
[ Link ]
Official screenshotgallery from the Funcom booth
[ The start ]
[ First day ]
The "Throne" found also a place at the GC
LordOrion in action
LordOrion not in action...
Lord Orion not in action 2
But now Age of Conan in action!
Age of Conan in action, LordOrion is not...
"Capture the flag"-ruleset
TenTonHammer: (Concept Arts)
Polearm Halbard
Old Tarantia
Mamuth Armour
Khemi Auctio House
Half Giant Sorceror
Fire Demon
Ancient Evil
Acheronian Warlord
Acheronian Warlord
Picture-Galery from the Age of Conan booth
Live-Interview "Gamers With Jobs" with Jason Stone
Jeux online-Interview with Crippius, French CM
French Version
English Version
mp3-Preview by (german) new!
[ Link ]
"Capture the flag"-blog by
[ Link ]
Private impressions from SKELLETON
[ Link ]
Private impressions from Lumens (german) new!
[ Link ]
Private impressions from Sham Asar new!
[ Link ]
Private impression from Obosi new!
[ Link ]
Preview by PCGames, includes video and interview with LordOrion (preview german, video english) new!
[ Link ]
Preview by (german) new!
[ Link ]
Preview by Jeux Online (french) new!
[ Link ] [ english version ]
Preview by IGN new!
[ Link ]
New infos:
More will come in the next days...
Well you just proved my point thanks. If they use a fog of war then you wont be displaying all 150 people on screen at the same time with no lag. - Female character creation snippet from the show. - GC Age Of Conan Gameplay and exhibit - U.I looks good to me.
I agree, I hope it turns out pretty customisable.