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Breaking news from the Austin Game Developers Conference:
Tonight at a special pre-launch event, Richard Garriott announced that the upcoming MMORPG Tabula Rasa will launch on October 19th.
More information is on the way, so check back soon!
Jon Wood
Managing Editor
Fun stuff...
good news!
There it goes! Another Vanguard Release!
Poor sods... in six months they will sit by the round table, shaking their heads "What went wrong?!"
Its not finished, spambrains! Learn from history!
Anatomy of a Fanboi
This is you.
Is that Worldwide or just U.S.A?
Well I hope the devs really pull there finger out, a good job so far.. I would really like to see this game do well..
Hope this launch date is a wise...
i couldn't said it much better.
Laggy as hell, even more if u ask me. And if u play a (sort of) shooter you need fps....
To soon.
Needs another year of polish and content.
No one seems to have yet learned the lessons that WoW put down.
Not talking about 'Game-Play'; talking about Quality and Polish.
And, yes, I was in WoW Beta and there at Launch. WoW was then, and is now, High-Quality and Polished.
I do not believe any MMORPG is going to succeed without meeting those standard levels.
So, if TR releases in 30 days, TR will fall flat and fail to achieve the success that it might have had.
Word to the Wise.
I'll reserve judgement, but I am a bit concerned.
My computer is over 5 years old and it runs the game fairly ok, I need to upgrade my ram, but over all its an enjoyable experience most of the time.
Family man first, Gamer second!
ArmySurplus makes no apologies if someone other than him has already posted his reply in part or otherwise. He cant be expected to read every single post on a thread and makes no promise to do so. If you posted a similar reply before him you undoubtedly stole his thoughts and used them without his written authorization. Please return to your post and edit it so that his post is the first to state whatever the hell he was thinking at the time. Thank you!
also...they are about 2 builds ahead of the version people are playing on the betaservers right now
big patch comming today and they have at least 1 more before launch. Let me remind you all that the last patch was 2 gig. Not that I am not nervous, but lets not be all doom and gloom here people
PS: The game is NOT laggy at all if you have enough RAM.
Exactly why I was reserving judgment, even if it isn’t polished to a fine shine, that doesn’t mean it’s doomed to fail.
To the person that mentioned WOW; lets not forget that WOW had its share of bugs on release and although those bugs may have been few, I spent my fair share falling through the world or losing some item that I know I had when I logged out.
30 days may be just about right, depending on the current build, either way we will know in a month.
Family man first, Gamer second!
ArmySurplus makes no apologies if someone other than him has already posted his reply in part or otherwise. He cant be expected to read every single post on a thread and makes no promise to do so. If you posted a similar reply before him you undoubtedly stole his thoughts and used them without his written authorization. Please return to your post and edit it so that his post is the first to state whatever the hell he was thinking at the time. Thank you!
The game is very enjoyable. I look forward to the patch tonight to see what bugs have been fixed, and am even more excited to see what content we havent seen in beta when it goes live.
The game is far from the doom and gloom people say here, in fact i bet the same has been said for every mmo to date with regards to release dates. It isnt that buggy at all, especially for an open beta.
Thats probably all I can say without a forum mod spamming me with NDA infringement warnings.
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I've never seen an MMO launch without its share of bugs, not everything can be cought in beta! TR will launch with bugs, which will be worked out, leading to more bugs, etc. Regardless of this, I'm still psyched! I've been playing the beta and have been enjoying it a lot. The only thing I'm really missing is a guild...
I've got a bad feeling, though, that when the game does launch it will be a little anti-climatic. Its not going to be a WoW, which is both good and bad. The bad is there wont be millions of players and that much love, the good is that there wont be millions of players, and that much player-based annoyance! I just hope that those of us who do play it will form a really good player base, helpful and fun!
This is actually a random occurrence.
Has the NDA been lifted? I am looking forward to hearing from the best testers, if so. If it hasn't been lifted, didn't you just sorta violate it? Or I guess since it's getting so close to release now, you probably don't care. Thanks for the info though!
A Little Dab'll Do Ya!
Wow, had plenty of bugs. Everytime you mined in the barrens you ended up bent over and sliding around instead of running. Monsters you could beat on over and over while they sat there letting you lev. up your weapon skill. Strat and Scholo bugs. Disconnects. Constant random errors over and over. There were times the game would just stop running for me then a week or so later it would run. In fact for along time after every patch I would get constant disconnects. It was like they were putting bugs INTO the game. How about logging in and no one had clothes on? How about logging in and you could see everyone except yourself ? All you had was your shadow running around. Alterac Valley= Bug fest, sometimes no npc defenders would show up, capping flags through towers, NPC's guards sitting there while the opposite faction stood next to them taking screenshots, Belinda missing. So polished, it wasn't maybe it had a light buff, but far from problem free. Any game is going to be buggy upon release and as WoW has show it will continue to have bugs for along time.
Has the NDA been lifted? I am looking forward to hearing from the best testers, if so. If it hasn't been lifted, didn't you just sorta violate it? Or I guess since it's getting so close to release now, you probably don't care. Thanks for the info though!
NDA lifted today. Waiting for specifics on the doom and gloom.
Yeah, no. I have 2gb and the game lags to hell.
The game is nowhere near ready for release. There are some HUGE bugs that should have been fixed before launch. I love Richard Garriott, and I was really cheering for this game, however, the fact still remains that this game needed about six more months of development time before achieving a release candidate status.
Maybe they do have something up their sleeve. However, I don't see why they would hide all of their 40+ content including all end game content without going through an extensive beta test. I hope for Richard Garriott's sake they do.
The word on the street is, there are a lot of changes for TR today, but as for the NDA being lifted, no word on the beta forums about it..
I hope it has been however =D
Xen of Onslaught
I , really hope you are not right.
Garriot is a great dude, and he really, really loves his games. But if they do a "vanguard" release , i am afraid the game will fail.MMO community is just not going to tolerate unfinished games anymore.
They should really hold the release if the game is not polished
Cuppa Jo posted about the NDA and launch, will be announced later today.
you know, it's a good thing auto makers don't follow the MMO trend. we'd all be driving cars with no seats, lights, and intermittant brakes, with the promise of them being finished "later".
The game is fun, but yes - it runs slow. It takes a long time to log in, and once in, there are severe lag issues from time to time. These things need to be addressed quickly, before release.
TR is one of the games I'm looking forward to play. I don't know much about how game servers work, but I had a question. Is the game lagging/running slow do to it being run on a small test server with less speed/lower end components, or is the game running on a "release date" server (I'm not sure if that makes sense or not).
Games probably in content lock-down already, so dont expect much other than bug fixes until after launch!
Launches on my birthday....not that anyone cares....I just want to feel important