I quit playing Eve online after a couple of months because it's reallly not catered to the new players at all. I played it long enough to know how it plays in all aspects, and while Eve Online is a so-called "sandbox" game, but really who plays the game just to mine and become someone else's slave? You play the game for PvP, and let me tell you right now that you got ZERO chance against old players, well at least you won't be able to do much by yourself, so you have to join a player corp., but this is where your lack of experience and skills restrict you from going further, you see, there are two types of corps, secure territory corp and non-secure territory corp. Secure terriotry corps really are just out mining, and if they take you in, it's because they want to use you as a working bee, NO OTHER REASON. These corps while some do operate in non-secure areas as well, still are in it for mining precious rocks, and only will recruit highly skilled players to use them as security personnel. Is there a benefit to joining the secure-area corp? Yeah, you can get access to the corp hanger with the PERMISSION of the corp., which is NOT automatic all the time, so you get to use a ship or attachments you ccoudln't afford. But the incentive really isn't good enough to join a secure-area corp, you can easily mine by yourself, but there's no fun in that now is there? Nither option is very attractive.
As for joinning the non-secure area corp, well, you can't join any player-corp either, they'd want to have you as a member obviously, and without a good THREE to FOUR months worth of skills, they won't even look at your application. So basically you are not going to do much for the first 3 to 4 months if you are in it for the PvP, that's REALITY. Sure some less powerful player corp may take you in, but you'd just be a cannon fodder and quickly lose your ship left and right, player corps do provide ships, but if you keep losing it, they'll kick you out, or you'd have to earn points to buy a ship with your own cash. Even if you are lucky enough to join a good player corp, you still lack skills to fly a good ship (PLUS adequate ATTACHMENTS which are vital to the success of PvP), and do very little in group battles, so what's the fun in that? Not much. You feel like you are powerless, not effective, and pretty much a non-factor.
So here's the breakdown, if you want to be a manufacturing or mining tycoon in the secure sector, there's very little player to player interaction unless you make your own corporation and recruit others, but will take you forever to build into a good-size corporation by yourself. It's no place for PvP because you'll get shot down by AI security ships within 5 seconds. You have to go to the non-secure area to freely attack anyone, which is suicide if you fly in non-secure area by yourself. If you still feel like you want the sandbox experience, you will get it. As for PvP, you won't do squat for 3~4 months minimum, 1 to 2 months worth of skill you start out with is nothing, because no one has less skill than you, you are still at the bottom of the food chain. If you can tolerate being nothing for 3~4 months just so you can join a good PvP corp, I applaude your patience.
There are other negatives, like you will be flying in space for the bulk of play, it's a huge space. After a while, it gets tiresome. And the battles don't last too long, and you die fast without any help or if the ship is not equipped right. The true PvP happens very little, it's mostly group battle, or gang-banging on one ship with a group. Me personally don't see the attraction as a PvP gamer.
And don't get me started on the alliance stuff and the whole politics bs, it's really not noob-friendly at all.
Also, you have an interesting corp history. With your first for over 4 years, then suddenly you've changed corps twice in the last month. A four year hiatus would explain the SP listed on inEVE.net. First thing you did after leaving you corp mates of 4 years is found your own, but gave up instantly. Your "specialized miner" alt is barely over a month old, and was made just before you started switching corps.
I'm in the business of letting poeple make their own conclusions, but mine does not exactly increase my view of your credibility.
What are you talking about? She have 80 milions of SP and you have 4. She have 4 years playing, and you are new in it. She can go out from the guild every time she want with out to lose any credibility here.
Her alter have just a month, because every EVE player know that SP grow just in the active char. You will know it too when you finish your new player status.
You don't have enought time playing to know what are we talking about here. You will know in two or three month, when almost all players that started with you quit. That is all. To spend time investigating a player, to make public her permanence in a guild sucks. If that' is your contribution to this post, is really poor. Please come back when you have more usefull comments.
Seems like all you veteran players are very eager to get new players in the game.. after all who else are you going to own? EVE caters too much to it's older players. It shouldn't take you 1 month to even have a chance at taking out a vet if the game has anything to do with skill. Seems like seniority is the primary factor.. which is what makes this mmo unattractive to new players.
One of the things I like about EVE most is that it rewards players for sticking around. You can't make a supertwink and "own the battlefield" in a couple of weeks by following some online class/race guide and running dungeons with higher level characters doing all the work while you get the twinky gear. Instead you have to think: the more you think, the better you will do.
Either you like space-ship based games, or not. If you do, then who cares if older players have ships you can't have until you have been around a bit? The whole point of EVE is that you can't have everything at once, and if you want the big toys you have to work out how to pay for them in-game too: economics is a core part of the game. There are also a number of things that you are never expected to do on your own, they are designed as group accomplishments.
You can still have fun, and if you define that as being able to kill things in PvP then you can still be dangerous in PvP after not a massive amount of time, particularly if you take the time to actually talk to people and make actual friends. Besides, a month is a short time when you're not grinding levels!
A key to EVE is that it's not what you have, it's how you use it - and numbers used well are dangerous. A point you may want to read up on is that for all their skills and options, a bunch of the older players prefer to fly frigates in squadrons anyway - they are cheap, so they are not worrying about losing their pride and joy quarter of a billion ship. They are just focusing on making their prey lose theirs, so they can try to loot the bits
One of the greatest misconceptions of Eve Online, is that new players will never catch up with older players, but you should not view the game in this way, this game has hundreds of skills and dozens of roles for all kinds of players, older players can fulfil more roles, but you can only play a single role at a time.
That is not a "misconception", it is entirely true.
The best that a new player can do is lessen the gap.
The skill based system in EVE is one of it's best things, but the implementation is one of it's greatest drawbacks. And that is simply because no matter how much or how little you play, you will not progress any faster than someone that logs on once a month to change skills.
The "same rate for everyone" is unlike any other mmo, and I think it is one of the major reasons why EVE has such a terrifice churn rate for players compared to nearly all other games.
There are many things that could be done to fix that, such as a small boost when you are logged on, missions that give SP, and many other things, but none of them will ever be done I am afraid.
One of the ulterior motives behind the recent "2 for 1" offer by ccp was in effect, to reduce the training time for specialized skills, or more exactly to spread them out to make it seemess tedious.
A noobie should not be able to come into EVE and be the equal of someone playing for 4 years - but neither should there be absolutely no chance in hell of ever catching up.
As someone noted earlier: "but the comunity dont grow like other famous games. Why? because you try the game, you get in love, you understand you can't do your own path, and you quit...." is very true. While I have seen peaks of 37k online for brief periods, it never lasts long and it can never seem to really sustain over 33k or so for anything more than a day or two.
I don't have 80 mil skill points, but I have continually watched EVE's community grow. Not only that, I have watched a steady stream of regular expansions come out, all of them Free. This trend will not change. It will not change because EVE's formula works. There are so many ways for new players to exploit this game and to exploit players like myself (with many more skill points), as long as they have the "BALLS" to do it. Show me another game that ask that of it's new players. That is exactly why EVE will not change and will continue to grow.
When players complain that " they can never catch up" all I hear is someone that didn't have the strength to take on player that might be better than them.
i havn't been playing eve long and am just hitting the 4mil sp level.
Everyone who says EVE doesn't cater for the n00b is wrong. It caters for everyone, just more so for the older players, and rightly so, if you played a game since beta wouldn't you want something to reward your loyalty.
I live with someone who has been playing since beta (how i found EVE) and he explained to me that while skills do mater, for every pwn ship set-up there is a counter. Yes it will take a while to get base skills to L5 like mechanic, electrics, ship nav but once the CORE/ESSENTIAL skills are maxed (or even L4) it then comes down to specialization. Only learn the skills you need and you become formidable against anyone. My flat mate considers himself one of the best players in the game to fly a certain ship (based on sp being L5 for all skills relating to the ship and equipment) and that would only take around 9-12 months (learning skills depending...) to get to that stage, L4 would take a lot less time and also be quite adequet. The interesting thing is he will openly admit that a piolet with a decent skill level could take him out in a different ship or even much smaller ship designed specifically against his tank. With this in mind and being true across all EVE systems it is not hard for a n00b to have fun, just slightly harder than all the other mmorpg, which is surely why people try it.
I will admit i got a bit bored while waiting for these skills to get higher but im now exploring space, cloaking around with T2 guns in about month and half. and loving it.
All i would say is that EVE doesn't favor the oldies, it favour's the wise. the oldies are just wiser and how quickly you learn is down to you. Being a better piolet is better than lots of skills.........allthough they help too.
It has nothing to do with "having balls" duh, it's how the game is set up, you won't do squat for the first 3 months in terms of PvP because CCP wants to get your money and it's better for them to make you wait 3 months to get anywhere than just a month to do something and quit because you end up not liking the PvP anyway. The reason why they made it 3 months is that it's a good amount of time to make the player think about quitting even if they are not sure about the gameplay because of the time and money invested already into the character.
Eve online PvP has nothing to do with balls, heck it doesn't even have nothing to do wtih actual player skills, it's all what ship you are flying and how the ship is setup, the combat system is point and click for pete's sake, the better ship wins 99% of the time.
If you want to talk about "balls", play COD-United Offensive multiplayer, where I constantly blast tanks away with a bazooka in my hand, just yesterday I managed to blow up three tanks in 2 mintues all by myself just with a bazooka, that's real "balls", not point and click Eve online.
It has nothing to do with "having balls" duh, it's how the game is set up, you won't do squat for the first 3 months in terms of PvP because CCP wants to get your money and it's better for them to make you wait 3 months to get anywhere than just a month to do something and quit because you end up not liking the PvP anyway. The reason why they made it 3 months is that it's a good amount of time to make the player think about quitting even if they are not sure about the gameplay because of the time and money invested already into the character. Eve online PvP has nothing to do with balls, heck it doesn't even have nothing to do wtih actual player skills, it's all what ship you are flying and how the ship is setup, the combat system is point and click for pete's sake, the better ship wins 99% of the time. If you want to talk about "balls", play COD-United Offensive multiplayer, where I constantly blast tanks away with a bazooka in my hand, just yesterday I managed to blow up three tanks in 2 mintues all by myself just with a bazooka, that's real "balls", not point and click Eve online.
You make my point perfectly... Thank You! Some people will not face off with a player that "may" be better than them because they are scared. Then they set off to make up a bunch of reasons why the game is bad and unfair. What people who actually play the game know, Is that every day new younger players put the BooYahh on much older players...for a variety of reasons.... one of the tricks of the game is learning how to do this....But you have to have the strength and smarts to do it!!!
It has nothing to do with "having balls" duh, it's how the game is set up, you won't do squat for the first 3 months in terms of PvP because CCP wants to get your money and it's better for them to make you wait 3 months to get anywhere than just a month to do something and quit because you end up not liking the PvP anyway. The reason why they made it 3 months is that it's a good amount of time to make the player think about quitting even if they are not sure about the gameplay because of the time and money invested already into the character. Eve online PvP has nothing to do with balls, heck it doesn't even have nothing to do wtih actual player skills, it's all what ship you are flying and how the ship is setup, the combat system is point and click for pete's sake, the better ship wins 99% of the time. If you want to talk about "balls", play COD-United Offensive multiplayer, where I constantly blast tanks away with a bazooka in my hand, just yesterday I managed to blow up three tanks in 2 mintues all by myself just with a bazooka, that's real "balls", not point and click Eve online.
You make my point perfectly... Thank You! Some people will not face off with a player that "may" be better than them because they are scared. Then they set off to make up a bunch of reasons why the game is bad and unfair. What people who actually play the game know, Is that every day new younger players put the BooYahh on much older players...for a variety of reasons.... one of the tricks of the game is learning how to do this....But you have to have the strength and smarts to do it!!!
No you are not getting it, Eve online simply does not reward the new player for taking chances, the game is not set up that way, the combat system is not set up that way, you only encourage new players to challenge you because you know you will not lose unless you reallllllly suck at it. Eve online IS a GRIND game, it's tedious, boring, and really not meant for a new player to achieve anything outside of following the path of accumulating skill points, that's the truth and you know it. I bet you are too scared to play any real PvP games online because you don't really have real skills.
Anyway -- someone please name for me the game that a completely new player to said game can walk in and start pwning people that have been playing for 2+ years.
First Person Shooters?
That's a negative ghost rider. Even though i've been playing FPS' for years and years and I'm pretty darn good at them -- I can promise you that were I to load up Call of Duty and start playing now I would get OWNED for, at least, a month or so until I figured out the game.
Real Time Strat?
That's (another) negative ghost rider. Even though i've played ever fawking RTS since there was such a thing as RTS doesn't mean that if I find a new RTS that I have never played before I will be able to waltz right in and wtfpwn!
Again, we all see the pattern here. Negative.
No game allows anyone to walk right in and start being a badass. That's just not how things are meant to be. I've played em all, top to bottom, left to right, RTS to FPS to MMO to wtfever. I'm soooo sorry that this game, as well as most any other multiplayer game that exists, doesn't allow first day noobs to walk in and start wtfpwn'ing everything in sight. This whole thread seems silly to me...
Sure you can start this game today and have fun. Just don't expect to have everything right away. Eve is a long term game, play it to have fun, build your character and meet cool people, don't worry about absolute power. You can't start any MMO and expect to be at the top from day 1.
I started playing more than a year ago. When I started, there were players already like 3 years old. When I joined my first corp, everyone was flying around in T2 stuff and I could only fly a T1 crusier. I just went about having fun. One year later, I have two accounts, one with over 22 million SP and another with just over 10 million. I have like 6 bil in my wallet and another 3 or 4 bil in ships and assets. I can fly everything up to capitals, and have racked up like 300-400 kill mails. These days I don't even worry about SPs or ISK.
Just get into the game and over time you'll discover that it doesn't take that long to get to a point where how long you've been playing the game no longer matters. Plus, the fun part is building up your character and wealth. If it was all given to you at the start, where's the fun?
Wow. SO much hate! Anyway -- someone please name for me the game that a completely new player to said game can walk in and start pwning people that have been playing for 2+ years. First Person Shooters? That's a negative ghost rider. Even though i've been playing FPS' for years and years and I'm pretty darn good at them -- I can promise you that were I to load up Call of Duty and start playing now I would get OWNED for, at least, a month or so until I figured out the game. Real Time Strat? That's (another) negative ghost rider. Even though i've played ever fawking RTS since there was such a thing as RTS doesn't mean that if I find a new RTS that I have never played before I will be able to waltz right in and wtfpwn! MMO? Again, we all see the pattern here. Negative.
No game allows anyone to walk right in and start being a badass. That's just not how things are meant to be. I've played em all, top to bottom, left to right, RTS to FPS to MMO to wtfever. I'm soooo sorry that this game, as well as most any other multiplayer game that exists, doesn't allow first day noobs to walk in and start wtfpwn'ing everything in sight. This whole thread seems silly to me... "OMG I JUST LOGGED INTO THIS GAME FOR THE FIRST TIME 5 MINUTES AGO AND I CAN'T BEAT SOMEONE WHO HAS BEEN PLAYING IT FOR 4 YEARS?!?!?!!?!?!?!?" "OMG THIS GAME SUX!!!!" I mean, r u serious?
You are wrong, well at least on Call of Duty, while Eve Online gives the new player absolutely ZERO chance of winning any PvP againt veterans the first day, Call of Duty doesn't guarantee any veteran player anything, they still have to shoot faster, react quicker, and be more accurate to get a kill, and guess what, if the veteran player has an inferior weapon, it's not so automatic at all. And new players get plenty of opportunities to get kills even if it's by mere luck, a grenade can get a kill easily, the game does not care if you have played the game for 4 years, if a grenade lands on your feet and explodes, you'll die whether it's thrown by a noob or not. That's why I love playing COD-Unifted Offensive, it's a really skill-based FPS, without any built-in game system advantages to the veterans, when you get more kills than others, it's not because you have a better shield or armour, but because you ARE better skill-wise.
And it doesn't take a month to be decent at COD, a nice week of practice is plenty enough to make you a good player, why would it take a whole month when COD doesn't restrict a new player from being inferior to the veteran other than not being familiar with the game? Eve online on the other hand gives the veteran players so much bs advantage it's not even funny, and it's not a month until you have any chance, it's more like THREE months. If you think Eve online is just as fair like COD when it comes to giving new players a chance to compete in the same amount of time, you are delusional.
After all those years of the game servers running ,will i enjoy the game if i start today? Will i ever be competitive and have fun pvping or i will always be the new guy that lacks skills and ships and money? Also 1 other question,is a new server ever gonna be introduced for new players to join from the start? Thanx in advance for your answers ,depending on those i might or might not start the game
Heya madrandomize, I am in a really great corps and am new myself bro, and they have helped me in so many ways already with isk, and missions and mining and everything, if ya decide to play eve, i would check out sniper corps, the corps is found in the corparation forumns for eve on this site, also are listed the locations of our offices for recruitment , feel free to look us up bro, fun people, fun times, we do major mining halls a cp,le times a week to make isk for the whole corps as long as yer an active member ansd a cool person with a sense of humor, you will get treated as you treat the other members.
It has nothing to do with "having balls" duh, it's how the game is set up, you won't do squat for the first 3 months in terms of PvP because CCP wants to get your money and it's better for them to make you wait 3 months to get anywhere than just a month to do something and quit because you end up not liking the PvP anyway. The reason why they made it 3 months is that it's a good amount of time to make the player think about quitting even if they are not sure about the gameplay because of the time and money invested already into the character. Eve online PvP has nothing to do with balls, heck it doesn't even have nothing to do wtih actual player skills, it's all what ship you are flying and how the ship is setup, the combat system is point and click for pete's sake, the better ship wins 99% of the time. If you want to talk about "balls", play COD-United Offensive multiplayer, where I constantly blast tanks away with a bazooka in my hand, just yesterday I managed to blow up three tanks in 2 mintues all by myself just with a bazooka, that's real "balls", not point and click Eve online.
You make my point perfectly... Thank You! Some people will not face off with a player that "may" be better than them because they are scared. Then they set off to make up a bunch of reasons why the game is bad and unfair. What people who actually play the game know, Is that every day new younger players put the BooYahh on much older players...for a variety of reasons.... one of the tricks of the game is learning how to do this....But you have to have the strength and smarts to do it!!!
No you are not getting it, Eve online simply does not reward the new player for taking chances, the game is not set up that way, the combat system is not set up that way, you only encourage new players to challenge you because you know you will not lose unless you reallllllly suck at it. Eve online IS a GRIND game, it's tedious, boring, and really not meant for a new player to achieve anything outside of following the path of accumulating skill points, that's the truth and you know it. I bet you are too scared to play any real PvP games online because you don't really have real skills.
I get that EVE is a great game thats only getting better. I get that it has a great community and awesome PVP. I don't need to get anything else. Get it.......
To answer your statement directly...The rush is the reward for newer players...the rush of taking on someone that should be better an taking then down. It's very real and very few games provide that. Not only that...I want to point out that there have been a number of inaccuracies in your statements. Inaccuracies that show you really don't know anything about the game.
After all those years of the game servers running ,will i enjoy the game if i start today? Will i ever be competitive and have fun pvping or i will always be the new guy that lacks skills and ships and money? Also 1 other question,is a new server ever gonna be introduced for new players to join from the start? Thanx in advance for your answers ,depending on those i might or might not start the game
Heya madrandomize, I am in a really great corps and am new myself bro, and they have helped me in so many ways already with isk, and missions and mining and everything, if ya decide to play eve, i would check out sniper corps, the corps is found in the corparation forumns for eve on this site, also are listed the locations of our offices for recruitment , feel free to look us up bro, fun people, fun times, we do major mining halls a cp,le times a week to make isk for the whole corps as long as yer an active member ansd a cool person with a sense of humor, you will get treated as you treat the other members.
Look at that! You've found a friendly-sounding Corp right away!
I played the game for a month a year ago (was busy with school and couldnt give it the due attention back then) and recently restarted with a friend of mine. I gotta say that being a newbie in this game is the easiest newbiness period i've had in a long time. Not that the game is easy dont get me wrong, its just that you start with 800k sps and pirate corps aside the maximum sp requirements i see around are 5m for corporations (3-4 months? depending on your learning skill up patience i guess). The average requirement seems to be 2m, which is about a month's playtime and which is definately required to learn the basics and decide on a path.
The reason i mentioned the corp requirements is that I am rather new and you probably wont take my word for starting eve and having fun but as you can see 0.0 corps are recruiting people with only one month of experience. Not to mention all the others who dont even have a sp requirement.
On the other hand, since I restarted I was rather busy with college since im nearing my quarterly finals so didn't join a corp, still I'm having a blast, everything is so detailed and if you dont feel like doing something you can always find something else to do. Right now im mostly trained as a fighter but also trained up a few trade skills and a large cargo ship and do trading now and then. I gotta say that if you watch the market carefully you can sometimes make quite big hits. Just made a couple million by flying through a couple of systems and thats more then what i make for hours of mission running :P
To clear up about what I am comparing EVE to, my previous mmos are limited to WoW (little more then a year), EQ2 (just a month) and maybe ultima but that was a very long time ago when i was like 12.
i just started playing a couple weeks ago and i would like to say its not bad. If you can get into a space sim this mmo is for you, providing you like a fairly steep learning curve,and a real challenge.
The only problem i see with it for new players is the economic costs of buying and equipping ships, but that is not insurmountable as ISK is fairly easy to come buy you have to put in time and effort.
I quit playing Eve online after a couple of months because it's reallly not catered to the new players at all. I played it long enough to know how it plays in all aspects, and while Eve Online is a so-called "sandbox" game, but really who plays the game just to mine and become someone else's slave? You play the game for PvP, and let me tell you right now that you got ZERO chance against old players, well at least you won't be able to do much by yourself, so you have to join a player corp., but this is where your lack of experience and skills restrict you from going further, you see, there are two types of corps, secure territory corp and non-secure territory corp. Secure terriotry corps really are just out mining, and if they take you in, it's because they want to use you as a working bee, NO OTHER REASON. These corps while some do operate in non-secure areas as well, still are in it for mining precious rocks, and only will recruit highly skilled players to use them as security personnel. Is there a benefit to joining the secure-area corp? Yeah, you can get access to the corp hanger with the PERMISSION of the corp., which is NOT automatic all the time, so you get to use a ship or attachments you ccoudln't afford. But the incentive really isn't good enough to join a secure-area corp, you can easily mine by yourself, but there's no fun in that now is there? Nither option is very attractive.
As for joinning the non-secure area corp, well, you can't join any player-corp either, they'd want to have you as a member obviously, and without a good THREE to FOUR months worth of skills, they won't even look at your application. So basically you are not going to do much for the first 3 to 4 months if you are in it for the PvP, that's REALITY. Sure some less powerful player corp may take you in, but you'd just be a cannon fodder and quickly lose your ship left and right, player corps do provide ships, but if you keep losing it, they'll kick you out, or you'd have to earn points to buy a ship with your own cash. Even if you are lucky enough to join a good player corp, you still lack skills to fly a good ship (PLUS adequate ATTACHMENTS which are vital to the success of PvP), and do very little in group battles, so what's the fun in that? Not much. You feel like you are powerless, not effective, and pretty much a non-factor.
So here's the breakdown, if you want to be a manufacturing or mining tycoon in the secure sector, there's very little player to player interaction unless you make your own corporation and recruit others, but will take you forever to build into a good-size corporation by yourself. It's no place for PvP because you'll get shot down by AI security ships within 5 seconds. You have to go to the non-secure area to freely attack anyone, which is suicide if you fly in non-secure area by yourself. If you still feel like you want the sandbox experience, you will get it. As for PvP, you won't do squat for 3~4 months minimum, 1 to 2 months worth of skill you start out with is nothing, because no one has less skill than you, you are still at the bottom of the food chain. If you can tolerate being nothing for 3~4 months just so you can join a good PvP corp, I applaude your patience.
There are other negatives, like you will be flying in space for the bulk of play, it's a huge space. After a while, it gets tiresome. And the battles don't last too long, and you die fast without any help or if the ship is not equipped right. The true PvP happens very little, it's mostly group battle, or gang-banging on one ship with a group. Me personally don't see the attraction as a PvP gamer.
And don't get me started on the alliance stuff and the whole politics bs, it's really not noob-friendly at all.
Caldari Deteis Female
Omiracon Technologies
As of 16/10/2007 00:52 WST
99 Skills / 4,764,384 SP
Care to explain this discrepancy?
Also, you have an interesting corp history. With your first for over 4 years, then suddenly you've changed corps twice in the last month. A four year hiatus would explain the SP listed on inEVE.net. First thing you did after leaving you corp mates of 4 years is found your own, but gave up instantly. Your "specialized miner" alt is barely over a month old, and was made just before you started switching corps.
I'm in the business of letting poeple make their own conclusions, but mine does not exactly increase my view of your credibility.
What are you talking about? She have 80 milions of SP and you have 4. She have 4 years playing, and you are new in it. She can go out from the guild every time she want with out to lose any credibility here.
Her alter have just a month, because every EVE player know that SP grow just in the active char. You will know it too when you finish your new player status.
You don't have enought time playing to know what are we talking about here. You will know in two or three month, when almost all players that started with you quit. That is all. To spend time investigating a player, to make public her permanence in a guild sucks. If that' is your contribution to this post, is really poor. Please come back when you have more usefull comments.
Seems like all you veteran players are very eager to get new players in the game.. after all who else are you going to own? EVE caters too much to it's older players. It shouldn't take you 1 month to even have a chance at taking out a vet if the game has anything to do with skill. Seems like seniority is the primary factor.. which is what makes this mmo unattractive to new players.
One of the things I like about EVE most is that it rewards players for sticking around. You can't make a supertwink and "own the battlefield" in a couple of weeks by following some online class/race guide and running dungeons with higher level characters doing all the work while you get the twinky gear. Instead you have to think: the more you think, the better you will do.
Either you like space-ship based games, or not. If you do, then who cares if older players have ships you can't have until you have been around a bit? The whole point of EVE is that you can't have everything at once, and if you want the big toys you have to work out how to pay for them in-game too: economics is a core part of the game. There are also a number of things that you are never expected to do on your own, they are designed as group accomplishments.
You can still have fun, and if you define that as being able to kill things in PvP then you can still be dangerous in PvP after not a massive amount of time, particularly if you take the time to actually talk to people and make actual friends. Besides, a month is a short time when you're not grinding levels!
A key to EVE is that it's not what you have, it's how you use it - and numbers used well are dangerous. A point you may want to read up on is that for all their skills and options, a bunch of the older players prefer to fly frigates in squadrons anyway - they are cheap, so they are not worrying about losing their pride and joy quarter of a billion ship. They are just focusing on making their prey lose theirs, so they can try to loot the bits
That is not a "misconception", it is entirely true.
The best that a new player can do is lessen the gap.
The skill based system in EVE is one of it's best things, but the implementation is one of it's greatest drawbacks. And that is simply because no matter how much or how little you play, you will not progress any faster than someone that logs on once a month to change skills.
The "same rate for everyone" is unlike any other mmo, and I think it is one of the major reasons why EVE has such a terrifice churn rate for players compared to nearly all other games.
There are many things that could be done to fix that, such as a small boost when you are logged on, missions that give SP, and many other things, but none of them will ever be done I am afraid.
One of the ulterior motives behind the recent "2 for 1" offer by ccp was in effect, to reduce the training time for specialized skills, or more exactly to spread them out to make it seemess tedious.
A noobie should not be able to come into EVE and be the equal of someone playing for 4 years - but neither should there be absolutely no chance in hell of ever catching up.
As someone noted earlier: "but the comunity dont grow like other famous games. Why? because you try the game, you get in love, you understand you can't do your own path, and you quit...." is very true. While I have seen peaks of 37k online for brief periods, it never lasts long and it can never seem to really sustain over 33k or so for anything more than a day or two.
I don't have 80 mil skill points, but I have continually watched EVE's community grow. Not only that, I have watched a steady stream of regular expansions come out, all of them Free. This trend will not change. It will not change because EVE's formula works. There are so many ways for new players to exploit this game and to exploit players like myself (with many more skill points), as long as they have the "BALLS" to do it. Show me another game that ask that of it's new players. That is exactly why EVE will not change and will continue to grow.When players complain that " they can never catch up" all I hear is someone that didn't have the strength to take on player that might be better than them.
i havn't been playing eve long and am just hitting the 4mil sp level.
Everyone who says EVE doesn't cater for the n00b is wrong. It caters for everyone, just more so for the older players, and rightly so, if you played a game since beta wouldn't you want something to reward your loyalty.
I live with someone who has been playing since beta (how i found EVE) and he explained to me that while skills do mater, for every pwn ship set-up there is a counter. Yes it will take a while to get base skills to L5 like mechanic, electrics, ship nav but once the CORE/ESSENTIAL skills are maxed (or even L4) it then comes down to specialization. Only learn the skills you need and you become formidable against anyone. My flat mate considers himself one of the best players in the game to fly a certain ship (based on sp being L5 for all skills relating to the ship and equipment) and that would only take around 9-12 months (learning skills depending...) to get to that stage, L4 would take a lot less time and also be quite adequet. The interesting thing is he will openly admit that a piolet with a decent skill level could take him out in a different ship or even much smaller ship designed specifically against his tank. With this in mind and being true across all EVE systems it is not hard for a n00b to have fun, just slightly harder than all the other mmorpg, which is surely why people try it.
I will admit i got a bit bored while waiting for these skills to get higher but im now exploring space, cloaking around with T2 guns in about month and half. and loving it.
All i would say is that EVE doesn't favor the oldies, it favour's the wise. the oldies are just wiser and how quickly you learn is down to you. Being a better piolet is better than lots of skills.........allthough they help too.
*EDIT: Spelling mistakes
It has nothing to do with "having balls" duh, it's how the game is set up, you won't do squat for the first 3 months in terms of PvP because CCP wants to get your money and it's better for them to make you wait 3 months to get anywhere than just a month to do something and quit because you end up not liking the PvP anyway. The reason why they made it 3 months is that it's a good amount of time to make the player think about quitting even if they are not sure about the gameplay because of the time and money invested already into the character.
Eve online PvP has nothing to do with balls, heck it doesn't even have nothing to do wtih actual player skills, it's all what ship you are flying and how the ship is setup, the combat system is point and click for pete's sake, the better ship wins 99% of the time.
If you want to talk about "balls", play COD-United Offensive multiplayer, where I constantly blast tanks away with a bazooka in my hand, just yesterday I managed to blow up three tanks in 2 mintues all by myself just with a bazooka, that's real "balls", not point and click Eve online.
You make my point perfectly... Thank You! Some people will not face off with a player that "may" be better than them because they are scared. Then they set off to make up a bunch of reasons why the game is bad and unfair. What people who actually play the game know, Is that every day new younger players put the BooYahh on much older players...for a variety of reasons.... one of the tricks of the game is learning how to do this....But you have to have the strength and smarts to do it!!!
You make my point perfectly... Thank You! Some people will not face off with a player that "may" be better than them because they are scared. Then they set off to make up a bunch of reasons why the game is bad and unfair. What people who actually play the game know, Is that every day new younger players put the BooYahh on much older players...for a variety of reasons.... one of the tricks of the game is learning how to do this....But you have to have the strength and smarts to do it!!!
No you are not getting it, Eve online simply does not reward the new player for taking chances, the game is not set up that way, the combat system is not set up that way, you only encourage new players to challenge you because you know you will not lose unless you reallllllly suck at it. Eve online IS a GRIND game, it's tedious, boring, and really not meant for a new player to achieve anything outside of following the path of accumulating skill points, that's the truth and you know it. I bet you are too scared to play any real PvP games online because you don't really have real skills.
Wow. SO much hate!
Anyway -- someone please name for me the game that a completely new player to said game can walk in and start pwning people that have been playing for 2+ years.
First Person Shooters?
That's a negative ghost rider. Even though i've been playing FPS' for years and years and I'm pretty darn good at them -- I can promise you that were I to load up Call of Duty and start playing now I would get OWNED for, at least, a month or so until I figured out the game.
Real Time Strat?
That's (another) negative ghost rider. Even though i've played ever fawking RTS since there was such a thing as RTS doesn't mean that if I find a new RTS that I have never played before I will be able to waltz right in and wtfpwn!
Again, we all see the pattern here. Negative.
No game allows anyone to walk right in and start being a badass. That's just not how things are meant to be. I've played em all, top to bottom, left to right, RTS to FPS to MMO to wtfever. I'm soooo sorry that this game, as well as most any other multiplayer game that exists, doesn't allow first day noobs to walk in and start wtfpwn'ing everything in sight. This whole thread seems silly to me...
I mean, r u serious?
petermcclaud, have you actually read the post you just quoted?
You are right, im sorry.
Sure you can start this game today and have fun. Just don't expect to have everything right away. Eve is a long term game, play it to have fun, build your character and meet cool people, don't worry about absolute power. You can't start any MMO and expect to be at the top from day 1.
I started playing more than a year ago. When I started, there were players already like 3 years old. When I joined my first corp, everyone was flying around in T2 stuff and I could only fly a T1 crusier. I just went about having fun. One year later, I have two accounts, one with over 22 million SP and another with just over 10 million. I have like 6 bil in my wallet and another 3 or 4 bil in ships and assets. I can fly everything up to capitals, and have racked up like 300-400 kill mails. These days I don't even worry about SPs or ISK.
Just get into the game and over time you'll discover that it doesn't take that long to get to a point where how long you've been playing the game no longer matters. Plus, the fun part is building up your character and wealth. If it was all given to you at the start, where's the fun?
You are wrong, well at least on Call of Duty, while Eve Online gives the new player absolutely ZERO chance of winning any PvP againt veterans the first day, Call of Duty doesn't guarantee any veteran player anything, they still have to shoot faster, react quicker, and be more accurate to get a kill, and guess what, if the veteran player has an inferior weapon, it's not so automatic at all. And new players get plenty of opportunities to get kills even if it's by mere luck, a grenade can get a kill easily, the game does not care if you have played the game for 4 years, if a grenade lands on your feet and explodes, you'll die whether it's thrown by a noob or not. That's why I love playing COD-Unifted Offensive, it's a really skill-based FPS, without any built-in game system advantages to the veterans, when you get more kills than others, it's not because you have a better shield or armour, but because you ARE better skill-wise.
And it doesn't take a month to be decent at COD, a nice week of practice is plenty enough to make you a good player, why would it take a whole month when COD doesn't restrict a new player from being inferior to the veteran other than not being familiar with the game? Eve online on the other hand gives the veteran players so much bs advantage it's not even funny, and it's not a month until you have any chance, it's more like THREE months. If you think Eve online is just as fair like COD when it comes to giving new players a chance to compete in the same amount of time, you are delusional.
Great game worth toughing it out and training all learning skill books first
effects the training time on all skill training
Heya madrandomize, I am in a really great corps and am new myself bro, and they have helped me in so many ways already with isk, and missions and mining and everything, if ya decide to play eve, i would check out sniper corps, the corps is found in the corparation forumns for eve on this site, also are listed the locations of our offices for recruitment , feel free to look us up bro, fun people, fun times, we do major mining halls a cp,le times a week to make isk for the whole corps as long as yer an active member ansd a cool person with a sense of humor, you will get treated as you treat the other members.
playing eq2 and two worlds
You make my point perfectly... Thank You! Some people will not face off with a player that "may" be better than them because they are scared. Then they set off to make up a bunch of reasons why the game is bad and unfair. What people who actually play the game know, Is that every day new younger players put the BooYahh on much older players...for a variety of reasons.... one of the tricks of the game is learning how to do this....But you have to have the strength and smarts to do it!!!
No you are not getting it, Eve online simply does not reward the new player for taking chances, the game is not set up that way, the combat system is not set up that way, you only encourage new players to challenge you because you know you will not lose unless you reallllllly suck at it. Eve online IS a GRIND game, it's tedious, boring, and really not meant for a new player to achieve anything outside of following the path of accumulating skill points, that's the truth and you know it. I bet you are too scared to play any real PvP games online because you don't really have real skills.
I get that EVE is a great game thats only getting better. I get that it has a great community and awesome PVP. I don't need to get anything else. Get it.......
To answer your statement directly...The rush is the reward for newer players...the rush of taking on someone that should be better an taking then down. It's very real and very few games provide that. Not only that...I want to point out that there have been a number of inaccuracies in your statements. Inaccuracies that show you really don't know anything about the game.
Heya madrandomize, I am in a really great corps and am new myself bro, and they have helped me in so many ways already with isk, and missions and mining and everything, if ya decide to play eve, i would check out sniper corps, the corps is found in the corparation forumns for eve on this site, also are listed the locations of our offices for recruitment , feel free to look us up bro, fun people, fun times, we do major mining halls a cp,le times a week to make isk for the whole corps as long as yer an active member ansd a cool person with a sense of humor, you will get treated as you treat the other members.
Look at that! You've found a friendly-sounding Corp right away!
awesomee game!!~
Yea u can join now as theres loads of new players joining all the time.
Dont think there will ever be a 2nd server thoguh but it would be cool if there was.
I played the game for a month a year ago (was busy with school and couldnt give it the due attention back then) and recently restarted with a friend of mine. I gotta say that being a newbie in this game is the easiest newbiness period i've had in a long time. Not that the game is easy dont get me wrong, its just that you start with 800k sps and pirate corps aside the maximum sp requirements i see around are 5m for corporations (3-4 months? depending on your learning skill up patience i guess). The average requirement seems to be 2m, which is about a month's playtime and which is definately required to learn the basics and decide on a path.
The reason i mentioned the corp requirements is that I am rather new and you probably wont take my word for starting eve and having fun but as you can see 0.0 corps are recruiting people with only one month of experience. Not to mention all the others who dont even have a sp requirement.
On the other hand, since I restarted I was rather busy with college since im nearing my quarterly finals so didn't join a corp, still I'm having a blast, everything is so detailed and if you dont feel like doing something you can always find something else to do. Right now im mostly trained as a fighter but also trained up a few trade skills and a large cargo ship and do trading now and then. I gotta say that if you watch the market carefully you can sometimes make quite big hits. Just made a couple million by flying through a couple of systems and thats more then what i make for hours of mission running :P
To clear up about what I am comparing EVE to, my previous mmos are limited to WoW (little more then a year), EQ2 (just a month) and maybe ultima but that was a very long time ago when i was like 12.
Sure, you can
i just started playing a couple weeks ago and i would like to say its not bad. If you can get into a space sim this mmo is for you, providing you like a fairly steep learning curve,and a real challenge.
The only problem i see with it for new players is the economic costs of buying and equipping ships, but that is not insurmountable as ISK is fairly easy to come buy you have to put in time and effort.
They really dont hold your hand in this one