I'm eagerly awaiting the release of Aion, but I don't think my expections are set too high. I've seen alot of hype over alot of games, but it seems to come down to wait and see. I have played other ncsoft titles, for fun, but mainly to see just how the company handles their games. I see alot of potential here. The only thing that concerns me is if NCSoft is stretching themselves too thin with medium subscriber numbers on too many games. Since I'm clueless to the business end and their actual finiancial information, I can't really consider this seriously.
Since we still have a nice wait, its prolly best to just treat this game like any other purchase(time and cash). Research, listen to what others are saying and do more research. Make sure what you are getting is what you want and you are willing to overlook areas it might be lacking in. Please don't complain or think that getting all emotional is going to change this game or anything else in your life. Accept what you are presented with or move on. The best thing for gamers to do is provide intelligent positive feedback. That generally gains support more quickly than trash talking or flaming or other episodes of general ignorance.
Aion will be number 1...in my house anyways Maybe not the best game to come (scoff) but I don't care. It interests me and I can always hang on the servers with the others here equally anticipating Aion's release while those not satisfied go complain on forums for other games, LOL.
I mean, come on, we don't expect a perfect game now do we? Then the servers get full, there's a line just to log in, servers crash(only during large raids of course) and your smoking hot vid card is crunching 10fps. Yuck.
NO. number 1 is a WAR because have a history and too much player waiting for it
and aion dont have a history and people are uninformed so aion will be number 2 i think
its a AION =L2 WAR=WOW so WAR have more players AION too but not too much and i think AION will be a revolutionary with fly system i think it will be 2best game of the incoming MMORPG AOC dont beat AION because AOC is not like WOW
3.AOC and i looking at WAR and Aion i will try both if i got to beta or there be a trial
Played:WOW(2years)GW(4months)LOTRO (2MONTHS) and others i played max 1month playing:none waiting:WAR,Aion,WOW:WRATH OF THE LICH KING,GW2,
There's way too much talk and questions concerning which MMO will be biggest and so on and so forth. Honestly, I personally don't care and am a bit fed up with the hype surrounding every new MMO release and wether it will ever become #1.
Why is it that big of a deal to people? The only ones that should be concerned with the matter are the game developers as they are the ones that will generate the profits, not the players and I doubt they spend that much time asking that question in mmorpg.com.
What instead players should be thinking is: Will this game have a good community? I'd hate to play a game that's #1 and then find myself rpging/mmoing with arses. Instead, I'd be perfectly happy playing Aion with less populated servers than WOW and with a community such as say EVE Online.
NO. number 1 is a WAR because have a history and too much player waiting for it and aion dont have a history and people are uninformed so aion will be number 2 i think its a AION =L2 WAR=WOW so WAR have more players AION too but not too much and i think AION will be a revolutionary with fly system i think it will be 2best game of the incoming MMORPG AOC dont beat AION because AOC is not like WOW 1.WAR 2.AION 3.AOC and i looking at WAR and Aion i will try both if i got to beta or there be a trial
Would agree here, Doubt aion will make it #2 in the us tho , it praobly will hit #1 in the asian markets. Thou , it has a chance to hit #2 in the us.
"Society in every state is a blessing, but government even in its best state is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one ..." - Thomas Paine
Looks like another grindfest to me will get a lotta players for 3 weeks then rapidly decline ... same old cookie cutter crapolla .. Lol everyone sproutin wings ...no thx
Looks like another grindfest to me will get a lotta players for 3 weeks then rapidly decline ... same old cookie cutter crapolla .. Lol everyone sproutin wings ...no thx
I'll say it so gameloading can have a day off, try researching a game before making conclusions based on something more than just the fact its Korean made. I'm glad to see we only go so far in eliminating stereotypes...
Meh, Let them post like idiots. As long as some of us knows what's going on, it's their loss. They can only assume Koreans are unwilling to change to meet with today's demands. Even if companies can't, at least they're trying to. At this point, I'm sure the Korean peeps are also sick of the endless grinding. Their companies know this and are willing to change. Like every company trying to survive, they have to.
To tell the truth, I wouldn't be surprised if half the peeps from WoW move over to Aion just for this one and only reason: the 3rd race NPC Power Balance feature. I played WoW for 2 years on several servers and I know this for a fact: The Horde are almost always outnumbered by the Alliance(Then again, all of them sucked so it actually balanced out). Those who have played Horde know this is true. I'm sure some of them would want to see a bunch of Dragons come out of no-where and attack that enormous opposing faction.
The only reason people don't want to leave WoW is so they can keep that shiny new Epic Mount they got with the gold they bought on E-bay.
"When you're born you're naked, when you die you're naked again, and in-between all we do is work, eat, and play MMOs." ~Forum Warrior #141
Don't get me wrong Aion is my top game and systemholic Rohan. But I rather a grindfest then questing. Grind is there, quest items not always or they a bitch to get. Correct me if I'm wrong but I'm pretty War and AoC will have more features then Aion. Hell even SWG has/had, whatever happened to that pile of junk, more features. Castles sieges were already implemented in Lineage 2 and others. Systemholic rohan and *cough* *cough* darkfall players can build their own cities. Also AoC has environment affecting gameplay, as far as I know Aion will not. Everything that you've just sited is nothing new. As for the wings well thats pretty much it. Where Aion will top everyone is in gfx. Also just look at the customization of characters. Like you said flight will have a major role on how they implemented it. If its like perfect world and its just there to be pretty thats pretty shitty if you ask me. Note: havent following as of late Aion just waiting for release
Just from looking at the game and the research I did on it. I don't really see it even reaching the top 5 when it comes out. Because there not enough fire under it to draw people to the game. I'm still seeing WOW as #1 maybe WAR #2 Maybe if it don't overtake WOW because a franchise name can take you very far WOW proved that. AOC #3, Spellborn #4, POTBS #5. Aion just don't have that hype under it to make people for the game. All the other games have that flame and that hype of giving people much more than I see Aion giving. That's just my 2 cents on that question of Aion being #1.
Hi I'm Ravkeen!
Emilia_Emi Lvl 56 Witch Now Playing : Black Desert Online "America is not at war, the US Military is at war, America is at the mall."
Just from looking at the game and the research I did on it. I don't really see it even reaching the top 5 when it comes out. Because there not enough fire under it to draw people to the game. I'm still seeing WOW as #1 maybe WAR #2 Maybe if it don't overtake WOW because a franchise name can take you very far WOW proved that. AOC #3, Spellborn #4, POTBS #5. Aion just don't have that hype under it to make people for the game. All the other games have that flame and that hype of giving people much more than I see Aion giving. That's just my 2 cents on that question of Aion being #1.
And look where WoW is.... being number 1 is imo very bad for players good for the company. I.E. WoW over 9.3 million players and i can tell you from experience the people im forced to group with is declining and declining. They are dumbing the game down just for these people and lowering the stuff most players from the beginning loved, i HOPE that Aion isnt number one as for being in the tp 5 if its not in the top 5 then its in the top 8 or so. and that means if you havent been looking at it your not gonna get on the bandwagon which means less little kids and a overall better quality of players.
Just from looking at the game and the research I did on it. I don't really see it even reaching the top 5 when it comes out. Because there not enough fire under it to draw people to the game. I'm still seeing WOW as #1 maybe WAR #2 Maybe if it don't overtake WOW because a franchise name can take you very far WOW proved that. AOC #3, Spellborn #4, POTBS #5. Aion just don't have that hype under it to make people for the game. All the other games have that flame and that hype of giving people much more than I see Aion giving. That's just my 2 cents on that question of Aion being #1.
And look where WoW is.... being number 1 is imo very bad for players good for the company. I.E. WoW over 9.3 million players and i can tell you from experience the people im forced to group with is declining and declining. They are dumbing the game down just for these people and lowering the stuff most players from the beginning loved, i HOPE that Aion isnt number one as for being in the tp 5 if its not in the top 5 then its in the top 8 or so. and that means if you havent been looking at it your not gonna get on the bandwagon which means less little kids and a overall better quality of players.
I understand what your saying but Blizzard built it game on its franchise name Warcraft. Thats why it got such a high player base. Not because it was a good game not because it was a balance game. But I do hope they don't rush out Aion like they did Tabula Rasa that is one of the most buggy game I have ever played before in my life of playing MMORPG. I will be looking for more info on this game to see if it gets that hype like all the other game and will it make me .
Hi I'm Ravkeen!
Emilia_Emi Lvl 56 Witch Now Playing : Black Desert Online "America is not at war, the US Military is at war, America is at the mall."
i dont know why they dont do much promotion for this game. i mean a company like ncsoft who made games like gw, lineage or tr must know that a game just grow by publicity
If things continue the way they are now, all the way until launch, then there's no chance of Aion being #1. Since NCSoft is only leaking out tiny bits of info could mean they're being extremely cautious as to what the public should and shouldn't know. NCSoft considers this game to be extremely important to them as far being real competition to Blizzard's Warcraft(they want to steal back the subs they lost cause of WoW), even if it means having to keep everyone in the dark. It would be bad for them to make a bunch of promises, get everyone excited and in the end, unable to keep most of those promises(ex. So far, they had to exclude the effects weather has on spells, no biggie though). If and when they decide to do full-scale advertisement, hopefully as much as GW, if not more, everything will change. The graphics alone will make people curious and draw people in(maybe not hard-core gamers that know "looks are deceiving"), although at this point, hard to say most will stay because of content. Even some of those delusional, ego-centric hypocrites who think Aion is "another Asian grinder" will turn a blind eye.
As much as I want Aion to be good, I can only hope for the best.
Time for quotes!
Originally posted by fantaros
No game run by NCSoft will, or should be number 1! or even number 10 imo Customer support anyone?
Originally posted by Keogh
NCSoft, "is" a Korean company. It won't be a WoW killer and won't knock WoW out of its #1 position.
Originally posted by Lauraliane
They day when a korean company will hire game designers as good as their artists (both visual and sound), then maybe, one of their game will rise to the top. Aion is just the same "korean pvp sh..." with the "omg you can fly !" masturbating feature added.
It's too bad open-mindedness isn't a popular virtue. I guess it's a 1,000 years too early for that.
Unfortunately, NCSoft is a business, so their main motivation is to make money. So what's the best way to make money? Find something everyone wants and milk them as much as possible. Apparently, it seemed like the majority of the Korean population didn't mind being spoon-fed the No-Brand-Grind-Flakes year after year. Thus, they found their cash-cow and milked away. That was until WoW came along, those that were sick of the grind-flakes ran over to the fruity tasting, easy-to-consume product made by the famous Blizzard. As painful the reality is, NCSoft can't get away with selling their grind-flakes any longer. And it's a matter of time until people start getting sick of the fruity taste of WoW. If NCSoft wants to get their customers back, they'll need to dish up a wonderful new flavor.
Aion... will it taste heavenly?
"When you're born you're naked, when you die you're naked again, and in-between all we do is work, eat, and play MMOs." ~Forum Warrior #141
I think Aion will certainly reach number 1. The problem with Aion right now is the lack of official information about it, once Beta arrives to US/Europe the hype will increase for sure.
Alot of people have very messed up information about the game, Aion will follow the westerm MMOs grind style, not the korean grind fest..
But again, Aion is still a long way till Live, the closer it becomes to it, the higher its hype will become, when people actually have the oportunity to try the game, I bet theire standings to Aion will completly change..
If you really look intensivly for information about Aion you will understand alot better what kind of game it is, and most people here in US/Europe still seem to think its going to be a failure like Lineage 2...
If things continue the way they are now, all the way until launch, then there's no chance of Aion being #1. Since NCSoft is only leaking out tiny bits of info could mean they're being extremely cautious as to what the public should and shouldn't know. NCSoft considers this game to be extremely important to them as far being real competition to Blizzard's Warcraft(they want to steal back the subs they lost cause of WoW), even if it means having to keep everyone in the dark. It would be bad for them to make a bunch of promises, get everyone excited and in the end, unable to keep most of those promises(ex. So far, they had to exclude the effects weather has on spells, no biggie though). If and when they decide to do full-scale advertisement, hopefully as much as GW, if not more, everything will change. The graphics alone will make people curious and draw people in(maybe not hard-core gamers that know "looks are deceiving"), although at this point, hard to say most will stay because of content. Even some of those delusional, ego-centric hypocrites who think Aion is "another Asian grinder" will turn a blind eye. As much as I want Aion to be good, I can only hope for the best. Time for quotes! Originally posted by Keogh
NCSoft, "is" a Korean company. It won't be a WoW killer and won't knock WoW out of its #1 position.
It's too bad open-mindedness isn't a popular virtue. I guess it's a 1,000 years too early for that.
Unfortunately, NCSoft is a business, so their main motivation is to make money. So what's the best way to make money? Find something everyone wants and milk them as much as possible. Apparently, it seemed like the majority of the Korean population didn't mind being spoon-fed the No-Brand-Grind-Flakes year after year. Thus, they found their cash-cow and milked away. That was until WoW came along, those that were sick of the grind-flakes ran over to the fruity tasting, easy-to-consume product made by the famous Blizzard. As painful the reality is, NCSoft can't get away with selling their grind-flakes any longer. And it's a matter of time until people start getting sick of the fruity taste of WoW. If NCSoft wants to get their customers back, they'll need to dish up a wonderful new flavor.
Aion... will it taste heavenly?
The following will be a wall of opiniated text. WARNING: unless you are one of the (very) few who can agree that Granado Espada (Sword of the New World) is the most innovative MMORPG released stateside this year - followed distantly by Tabula Rasa - you will most likely NOT agree with me. Noting that SotNW doesn't even have its own forum in MMORPG.com, many here may not even know if its existence.
I bring up the subject of innovation because I feel that the next great taste in MMO will probably not be achieved by Aion. Although Aion has an abundance of new appeals, my opinion is that it will take an overhaul from the "camera follows character as character travels across luscious environments" design that the majority of MMORPGs in development still follows to satisfy the next generation of taste buds. Nonetheless, NCsoft will be very cautious in regulating Aion's flavor to the masses to ensure that the game will be at its ripest to all senses at launch.
WoW is a cultural phenomenon supported by a population of not just casual, but I-DON'T-CARE-casual, gamers carried along in its avalanche. Many of these players, which I believe to cover over half of WoW players in North America, will not follow the MMO world into its next best thing. With that said, I don't think any upcoming MMORPG to date is going to kill WoW or knock WoW off its #1 position (in subscribers, i presume). Even if Blizzard were to create a Diablo MMORPG, a World of Starcraft, or pool together Activision Blizzard resources to develope a colossal MMORTS, the title will most likely not cross paths with WoW within its first 8-10 years; WoW can easily be a decade-long storm.
Fortunately, this does not mean that NCsoft will stop trying! Following consecutive (relatively disappointing) attempts to establish a strong beach front in the North American/European MMO market, NCsoft's efforts will only increase. Even if Aion turned out to not become the destined next great taste, NCsoft will continue to make tasty games.
Please do not get me wrong; like suu141, I hope the greatest success for Aion. Aion looks to me like the best upcoming fantasy MMORPG title announced to date, and possibly the dominating competition for new players that the title I am working on will face (if it even comes out in time)! If the #1 seat MMO previously mentioned is not based on subscriber numbers, I reasonably believe that Aion (and maybe a few others) can become a better game than WoW in a large portion of gamers' eyes. The tone used in some of the comments previously suggested may not be too helpful for the MMO community.
I look forward to eating my own words in the near future.
No. LIke it our not Asian developers haven't figured out how to do MMORPGs yet.
Maybe eventually they'll figure it out and we'll see them produce MMORPGs as good as some of the single player Asian RPGs but for right now, not a chance.
If they do a good job, Aion will give some stiff competition to WoW though, and that's always a good thing. Blizzard has been having it far to easy with their only competition being the likes of Dark and Light, Vanguard and EQ2.
No. LIke it our not Asian developers haven't figured out how to do MMORPGs yet. Maybe eventually they'll figure it out and we'll see them produce MMORPGs as good as some of the single player Asian RPGs but for right now, not a chance. If they do a good job, Aion will give some stiff competition to WoW though, and that's always a good thing. Blizzard has been having it far to easy with their only competition being the likes of Dark and Light, Vanguard and EQ2.
so I'm going to assume you played all 200+ asian MMORPG's and did not refer to stereotyping when you made that comment? I'm going to assume that you did intensive research on the next generation of asian MMORPG's?
I'm also going to assume that you realise those asian developers who, and I have to try hard not to chuckle" "Haven't figured out how to do mmorpg's yet" have had more success then western developers?
There is definately a possibility Aion will become #1. I would even say that the chances are high. Personally, judging from nothing other than what i read, Age of Conan looks as if it's chances may be a little higher, but being that Aion is made by NCSoft, the new mmo powerhouse in my opinion, who has been buying up some of the best devs in the world over the past few years in huge number (like 15-50 at a time) including many of the talents behind the creation of WoW who currently leads the market, the very same ones who were fired from Blizz due to creative differences or somehting and moved on to do wonders for Guild Wars, if i'm not mistaken. I was told they were the main team that made the good stuff actually happen in wow, and seeing the difference at polish and graphically that they made in GW between what i saw in beta and what i saw after they revamped it, i believe it. Saying this game doesn't have a chance is just insanity or pure hatred. Guaranteeing that it would be #1 would probably be just as crazy, but it definately has a chance to.
The videos i've seen of the game as stunning. The game already seems to be very polished / professional, and that is a very important factor in current day mmos, regardless of how good it may look, or how great the ideas behind a game are, having talented dev teams who can pull the production together and make the final product as good as the vision imagined it is probably THE most important thing.
My prediction at his time is that these 2 games, Aion and AoC, will be the top 2 games and compete against each other for the #1 slot.
I'm eagerly awaiting the release of Aion, but I don't think my expections are set too high. I've seen alot of hype over alot of games, but it seems to come down to wait and see. I have played other ncsoft titles, for fun, but mainly to see just how the company handles their games. I see alot of potential here. The only thing that concerns me is if NCSoft is stretching themselves too thin with medium subscriber numbers on too many games. Since I'm clueless to the business end and their actual finiancial information, I can't really consider this seriously.
Since we still have a nice wait, its prolly best to just treat this game like any other purchase(time and cash). Research, listen to what others are saying and do more research. Make sure what you are getting is what you want and you are willing to overlook areas it might be lacking in. Please don't complain or think that getting all emotional is going to change this game or anything else in your life. Accept what you are presented with or move on. The best thing for gamers to do is provide intelligent positive feedback. That generally gains support more quickly than trash talking or flaming or other episodes of general ignorance.
Aion will be number 1...in my house anyways Maybe not the best game to come (scoff) but I don't care. It interests me and I can always hang on the servers with the others here equally anticipating Aion's release while those not satisfied go complain on forums for other games, LOL.
I mean, come on, we don't expect a perfect game now do we? Then the servers get full, there's a line just to log in, servers crash(only during large raids of course) and your smoking hot vid card is crunching 10fps. Yuck.
answering the main question, hellz yea!
(if it has PvPvE means gameplay like WoW)
This game wil be the number 1 for two types of MMO players:
1) Gold farmers
2) Unemployed teens
For the rest it will just be another korean grinder
another person who has not done any research. It's actually quite amazing how many people mouth off before even looking at something.
NO. number 1 is a WAR because have a history and too much player waiting for it
and aion dont have a history and people are uninformed so aion will be number 2 i think
its a AION =L2 WAR=WOW so WAR have more players AION too but not too much and i think AION will be a revolutionary with fly system i think it will be 2best game of the incoming MMORPG AOC dont beat AION because AOC is not like WOW
3.AOC and i looking at WAR and Aion i will try both if i got to beta or there be a trial
Played:WOW(2years)GW(4months)LOTRO (2MONTHS) and others i played max 1month
There's way too much talk and questions concerning which MMO will be biggest and so on and so forth. Honestly, I personally don't care and am a bit fed up with the hype surrounding every new MMO release and wether it will ever become #1.
Why is it that big of a deal to people? The only ones that should be concerned with the matter are the game developers as they are the ones that will generate the profits, not the players and I doubt they spend that much time asking that question in mmorpg.com.
What instead players should be thinking is: Will this game have a good community? I'd hate to play a game that's #1 and then find myself rpging/mmoing with arses. Instead, I'd be perfectly happy playing Aion with less populated servers than WOW and with a community such as say EVE Online.
I still think WoW will be #1 for a while.
"Society in every state is a blessing, but government even in its best state is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one ..." - Thomas Paine
Looks like another grindfest to me will get a lotta players for 3 weeks then rapidly decline ... same old cookie cutter crapolla .. Lol everyone sproutin wings ...no thx
I'll say it so gameloading can have a day off, try researching a game before making conclusions based on something more than just the fact its Korean made. I'm glad to see we only go so far in eliminating stereotypes...
Meh, Let them post like idiots. As long as some of us knows what's going on, it's their loss. They can only assume Koreans are unwilling to change to meet with today's demands. Even if companies can't, at least they're trying to. At this point, I'm sure the Korean peeps are also sick of the endless grinding. Their companies know this and are willing to change. Like every company trying to survive, they have to.
To tell the truth, I wouldn't be surprised if half the peeps from WoW move over to Aion just for this one and only reason: the 3rd race NPC Power Balance feature. I played WoW for 2 years on several servers and I know this for a fact: The Horde are almost always outnumbered by the Alliance(Then again, all of them sucked so it actually balanced out). Those who have played Horde know this is true. I'm sure some of them would want to see a bunch of Dragons come out of no-where and attack that enormous opposing faction.
The only reason people don't want to leave WoW is so they can keep that shiny new Epic Mount they got with the gold they bought on E-bay.
"When you're born you're naked, when you die you're naked again, and in-between all we do is work, eat, and play MMOs." ~Forum Warrior #141
i think it will be in the top 3 with warhammer and aoc.
Peopple mouthing off gives me a reason to link to the latest Ken Choi Q&A!!
Ken Choi on what makes Aion different then what is perceived as Asian Grinders.
Don't get me wrong Aion is my top game and systemholic Rohan. But I rather a grindfest then questing. Grind is there, quest items not always or they a bitch to get. Correct me if I'm wrong but I'm pretty War and AoC will have more features then Aion. Hell even SWG has/had, whatever happened to that pile of junk, more features. Castles sieges were already implemented in Lineage 2 and others. Systemholic rohan and *cough* *cough* darkfall players can build their own cities. Also AoC has environment affecting gameplay, as far as I know Aion will not. Everything that you've just sited is nothing new. As for the wings well thats pretty much it. Where Aion will top everyone is in gfx. Also just look at the customization of characters. Like you said flight will have a major role on how they implemented it. If its like perfect world and its just there to be pretty thats pretty shitty if you ask me. Note: havent following as of late Aion just waiting for release
Just from looking at the game and the research I did on it. I don't really see it even reaching the top 5 when it comes out. Because there not enough fire under it to draw people to the game. I'm still seeing WOW as #1 maybe WAR #2 Maybe if it don't overtake WOW because a franchise name can take you very far WOW proved that. AOC #3, Spellborn #4, POTBS #5. Aion just don't have that hype under it to make people for the game. All the other games have that flame and that hype of giving people much more than I see Aion giving. That's just my 2 cents on that question of Aion being #1.
Hi I'm Ravkeen!
Emilia_Emi Lvl 56 Witch
Now Playing : Black Desert Online
"America is not at war, the US Military is at war, America is at the mall."
And look where WoW is.... being number 1 is imo very bad for players good for the company. I.E. WoW over 9.3 million players and i can tell you from experience the people im forced to group with is declining and declining. They are dumbing the game down just for these people and lowering the stuff most players from the beginning loved, i HOPE that Aion isnt number one as for being in the tp 5 if its not in the top 5 then its in the top 8 or so. and that means if you havent been looking at it your not gonna get on the bandwagon which means less little kids and a overall better quality of players.
Playing- nothing
Waiting for- Aion
And look where WoW is.... being number 1 is imo very bad for players good for the company. I.E. WoW over 9.3 million players and i can tell you from experience the people im forced to group with is declining and declining. They are dumbing the game down just for these people and lowering the stuff most players from the beginning loved, i HOPE that Aion isnt number one as for being in the tp 5 if its not in the top 5 then its in the top 8 or so. and that means if you havent been looking at it your not gonna get on the bandwagon which means less little kids and a overall better quality of players.
I understand what your saying but Blizzard built it game on its franchise name Warcraft. Thats why it got such a high player base. Not because it was a good game not because it was a balance game. But I do hope they don't rush out Aion like they did Tabula Rasa that is one of the most buggy game I have ever played before in my life of playing MMORPG. I will be looking for more info on this game to see if it gets that hype like all the other game and will it make me .
Hi I'm Ravkeen!
Emilia_Emi Lvl 56 Witch
Now Playing : Black Desert Online
"America is not at war, the US Military is at war, America is at the mall."
i dont know why they dont do much promotion for this game. i mean a company like ncsoft who made games like gw, lineage or tr must know that a game just grow by publicity
If things continue the way they are now, all the way until launch, then there's no chance of Aion being #1. Since NCSoft is only leaking out tiny bits of info could mean they're being extremely cautious as to what the public should and shouldn't know. NCSoft considers this game to be extremely important to them as far being real competition to Blizzard's Warcraft(they want to steal back the subs they lost cause of WoW), even if it means having to keep everyone in the dark. It would be bad for them to make a bunch of promises, get everyone excited and in the end, unable to keep most of those promises(ex. So far, they had to exclude the effects weather has on spells, no biggie though). If and when they decide to do full-scale advertisement, hopefully as much as GW, if not more, everything will change. The graphics alone will make people curious and draw people in(maybe not hard-core gamers that know "looks are deceiving"), although at this point, hard to say most will stay because of content. Even some of those delusional, ego-centric hypocrites who think Aion is "another Asian grinder" will turn a blind eye.
As much as I want Aion to be good, I can only hope for the best.
Time for quotes!
It's too bad open-mindedness isn't a popular virtue. I guess it's a 1,000 years too early for that.
Unfortunately, NCSoft is a business, so their main motivation is to make money. So what's the best way to make money? Find something everyone wants and milk them as much as possible. Apparently, it seemed like the majority of the Korean population didn't mind being spoon-fed the No-Brand-Grind-Flakes year after year. Thus, they found their cash-cow and milked away. That was until WoW came along, those that were sick of the grind-flakes ran over to the fruity tasting, easy-to-consume product made by the famous Blizzard. As painful the reality is, NCSoft can't get away with selling their grind-flakes any longer. And it's a matter of time until people start getting sick of the fruity taste of WoW. If NCSoft wants to get their customers back, they'll need to dish up a wonderful new flavor.
Aion... will it taste heavenly?
"When you're born you're naked, when you die you're naked again, and in-between all we do is work, eat, and play MMOs." ~Forum Warrior #141
I think Aion will certainly reach number 1. The problem with Aion right now is the lack of official information about it, once Beta arrives to US/Europe the hype will increase for sure.
Alot of people have very messed up information about the game, Aion will follow the westerm MMOs grind style, not the korean grind fest..
But again, Aion is still a long way till Live, the closer it becomes to it, the higher its hype will become, when people actually have the oportunity to try the game, I bet theire standings to Aion will completly change..
If you really look intensivly for information about Aion you will understand alot better what kind of game it is, and most people here in US/Europe still seem to think its going to be a failure like Lineage 2...
It's too bad open-mindedness isn't a popular virtue. I guess it's a 1,000 years too early for that.
Unfortunately, NCSoft is a business, so their main motivation is to make money. So what's the best way to make money? Find something everyone wants and milk them as much as possible. Apparently, it seemed like the majority of the Korean population didn't mind being spoon-fed the No-Brand-Grind-Flakes year after year. Thus, they found their cash-cow and milked away. That was until WoW came along, those that were sick of the grind-flakes ran over to the fruity tasting, easy-to-consume product made by the famous Blizzard. As painful the reality is, NCSoft can't get away with selling their grind-flakes any longer. And it's a matter of time until people start getting sick of the fruity taste of WoW. If NCSoft wants to get their customers back, they'll need to dish up a wonderful new flavor.
Aion... will it taste heavenly?
The following will be a wall of opiniated text. WARNING: unless you are one of the (very) few who can agree that Granado Espada (Sword of the New World) is the most innovative MMORPG released stateside this year - followed distantly by Tabula Rasa - you will most likely NOT agree with me. Noting that SotNW doesn't even have its own forum in MMORPG.com, many here may not even know if its existence.
I bring up the subject of innovation because I feel that the next great taste in MMO will probably not be achieved by Aion. Although Aion has an abundance of new appeals, my opinion is that it will take an overhaul from the "camera follows character as character travels across luscious environments" design that the majority of MMORPGs in development still follows to satisfy the next generation of taste buds. Nonetheless, NCsoft will be very cautious in regulating Aion's flavor to the masses to ensure that the game will be at its ripest to all senses at launch.
WoW is a cultural phenomenon supported by a population of not just casual, but I-DON'T-CARE-casual, gamers carried along in its avalanche. Many of these players, which I believe to cover over half of WoW players in North America, will not follow the MMO world into its next best thing. With that said, I don't think any upcoming MMORPG to date is going to kill WoW or knock WoW off its #1 position (in subscribers, i presume). Even if Blizzard were to create a Diablo MMORPG, a World of Starcraft, or pool together Activision Blizzard resources to develope a colossal MMORTS, the title will most likely not cross paths with WoW within its first 8-10 years; WoW can easily be a decade-long storm.
Fortunately, this does not mean that NCsoft will stop trying! Following consecutive (relatively disappointing) attempts to establish a strong beach front in the North American/European MMO market, NCsoft's efforts will only increase. Even if Aion turned out to not become the destined next great taste, NCsoft will continue to make tasty games.
Please do not get me wrong; like suu141, I hope the greatest success for Aion. Aion looks to me like the best upcoming fantasy MMORPG title announced to date, and possibly the dominating competition for new players that the title I am working on will face (if it even comes out in time)! If the #1 seat MMO previously mentioned is not based on subscriber numbers, I reasonably believe that Aion (and maybe a few others) can become a better game than WoW in a large portion of gamers' eyes. The tone used in some of the comments previously suggested may not be too helpful for the MMO community.
I look forward to eating my own words in the near future.
No. LIke it our not Asian developers haven't figured out how to do MMORPGs yet.
Maybe eventually they'll figure it out and we'll see them produce MMORPGs as good as some of the single player Asian RPGs but for right now, not a chance.
If they do a good job, Aion will give some stiff competition to WoW though, and that's always a good thing. Blizzard has been having it far to easy with their only competition being the likes of Dark and Light, Vanguard and EQ2.
so I'm going to assume you played all 200+ asian MMORPG's and did not refer to stereotyping when you made that comment? I'm going to assume that you did intensive research on the next generation of asian MMORPG's?
I'm also going to assume that you realise those asian developers who, and I have to try hard not to chuckle" "Haven't figured out how to do mmorpg's yet" have had more success then western developers?
Dark and Light..... rofl...
no way, the conan and warhammer will crush this on their feet but.. im definetely going to try this game out
There is definately a possibility Aion will become #1. I would even say that the chances are high. Personally, judging from nothing other than what i read, Age of Conan looks as if it's chances may be a little higher, but being that Aion is made by NCSoft, the new mmo powerhouse in my opinion, who has been buying up some of the best devs in the world over the past few years in huge number (like 15-50 at a time) including many of the talents behind the creation of WoW who currently leads the market, the very same ones who were fired from Blizz due to creative differences or somehting and moved on to do wonders for Guild Wars, if i'm not mistaken. I was told they were the main team that made the good stuff actually happen in wow, and seeing the difference at polish and graphically that they made in GW between what i saw in beta and what i saw after they revamped it, i believe it. Saying this game doesn't have a chance is just insanity or pure hatred. Guaranteeing that it would be #1 would probably be just as crazy, but it definately has a chance to.
The videos i've seen of the game as stunning. The game already seems to be very polished / professional, and that is a very important factor in current day mmos, regardless of how good it may look, or how great the ideas behind a game are, having talented dev teams who can pull the production together and make the final product as good as the vision imagined it is probably THE most important thing.
My prediction at his time is that these 2 games, Aion and AoC, will be the top 2 games and compete against each other for the #1 slot.