Mine would be LOTRO i love the game so much it is tearing my marriage apart so therefore i hate it if that makes sense? Well maybe if my wife would shave her feet every once in a while i would start to like her again No but seriously i do spend way too much time on this game and it is starting to annoy me for i know that i should step outside once in a while and and get some fresh air, and prolly feed the dog lol..
Wow forsure ive tryed playing it twice both times ive left not been able to log in for more than 5 minutes. Second time i went into deadmines and seen everything doing the exact same things as the first time i went in i turned around and walked out
So i leveled my rogue up and farmed gold bought gear right to 60 , only setting foot in instance's if a friend needed help I did the only thing i could do to get good gear . i pvp by myself till i hit grand marshal and by that time i just couldnt play any more
So i took a year off went back about 4 months after burning crusade with the intent to play the game the way blizzard wanted .I leveled to 70 than ran the 5 mans till i had the first blue rogue set and that was it i could'nt stand another day of repeating the same content over and over
man i dont know how those people do it most mind numbing game ive ever played and the only thing you get out of it is the gear your wearing and a few mounts. But just because it turns my stomach dosent mean its a bad game thats forsure
I respect Runescape completely. There are some great folks that love that game. I do not care for it personally but much respect! Same goes for alot of other game such as UO, AC.
EVE hands down. I respect that it was the first sci-fi MMORPG out there that had a realistic space scene. But the inaction/repetitiveness of the game play really lets the game down. The eye candy only lasts so long and combat most of the time involves you firing at targeting squares in the far distance. If you wanted to do some thing different - such as mining or what ever else - you wouldn't be effective at it as you'd have to change your whole skill structure. Forcing you to one aspect of the game. I played 10 days and didn't want to play the remaining 4 of my trial. (made 50 mil in my time there though, so money wasn't a problem)
Compared to WoW. Even though I prefer Sci-fi over fantasy by far. The enjoyable and polished world was far more interesting and interactive. Most importantly 'fun'! A game can be innovative, creative and ground breaking. But if it lacks fun. What's the point of playing? It has kept my interest for well over a month and I'm thinking of resubing after the busy holiday period. But some say it gets repetitive and boring at the end game. The thing is, all games do eventually. Getting the best gear is like doing all the unlockables/easter eggs in single player games. You've finished the game, but keep going for the carrot on the stick that is being dangled in front of you. The thing is, there are other things to do. Yet people don't because all they care about is progression and stats.
I respect EVE and actually like the game. I would say I hate playing it, but I don't like playing it.
I respect LOTRO, but after being in beta and playing for a few months after release, I hate playing it. There is so much untapped potential in LOTRO. One day they might turn it into a game that I would enjoy playing.
Asheron's Call: The only one of the big three i didn't play. It was a little too abstract for me, I was more into the traditional fantasy games back then, but i wish I would have. I have much respect for it, as it is a true classic.
Also, WOW of course. I played it for a couple months, but it was too mainstream for me, I prefer my mmos to be a little more "hardcore". Needless to say, It got boring for me pretty quickly. The anorexic pvp turned me off too. But I have much respect for this game, as it brought mmos to the attention of the masses.
EVE is cool but I agree that it's boring. ( I imagine it's different running with a huge alliance at war in 0.0 ) WoW was fun in the beginning but then it was just raiding which is boring as hell imo as well.
the ones I always respected and loved and never hated to play... DAOC - I'll never stop loving this one. Asherons Call - Forever the first original classic for me.
Raiding was the whole reason I leveled to 60 in Wow. Now that you can get similar gear from arena, not as many people want to raid which is why I'm sick of WoW.
Eve. Never have i played a game that was so good and so bad at the same time.
That pretty much reflects my feelings on it also. While EVE has some excellent ideas, overall after I had figured the sytem out in a couple of months, it all got totally boring - just logging on 1-3 times a week to change skill training, then go back to playing EQ2.
Finally last week, I said to myself "self this is stupid paying for a game you never play", and cancelled both my EVE accounts.
I'm so glad so many people have spoken up about how mind numbingly boring EVE is. I've posted this a few times and even got a temp ban once for making a joke about how the developers are trying to make walking around sound bigger than it actually is by calling it... drum roll please... AMBULATION!!! (so lame)
I hate when people say it's SO complicated. It's really not complicated at all. It's one of the most boring games ever. The gameplay is stale, and the real time skill training is the worst idea in the history of gaming, from a gamers point of view. It makes great sense from a money making perspective and I'm sure some EVE shill will come running to this thread to tell everyone about the joys of jehovah... I mean EVE.
The game has great freedom and I like alot of the ideas in the game, but the gameplay is stale and all the PvP and politics in the world can't make it fun. Furthermore the graphics update isn't going to make the game fun either. I think they should work on overhauling the gameplay itself, but then the 26k people that play on a regular basis would have a coniption. They advertise that they have 200k subs or whatever, but every single time I've ever logged in the most I've seen online is 26-28k.
The community in the game is great, but the community outside of the game are like abunch of over zealous religious nuts that feel it's their duty to convert everyone to their faith. There's rarely a missed opportunity for this either.
Sorry for ranting, but EVE has so many things that make a good game, but the game turns people away inspite of itself and that's really frustrating to me... even more so given the current line up of lackluster titles that are out now, or coming out in the near future.
Most games have fun gameplay, but a shallow world. EVE has a deep world, but shallow gameplay.
I love of CoX and I played for about 2 years between them but a lot of little annoyances added up to me never being able to subscribe again. Horrible questing, Super Grind between levels 30 and 40, no end game worthy of mention, inequality between CoH and CoV(has CoV gotten Epic Archetype yet?!), useless PvP, etc.
Star Wars Galaxies: A game that was packed with so much game design genius, but was sold short by an early release. Last of the great social games I am afraid. The constant lies by upper management killed it for me. That and the long list of problems that has been beaten to death.
Vanguard is another game I like, but just can't bring myself to play. It has a lot of nice elements that stray from normal MMO design like the large world and long distance views. Overall though the game just doesn't deliver enough to be worth playing and it may never get there sadly.
Eve. Never have i played a game that was so good and so bad at the same time.
That pretty much reflects my feelings on it also. While EVE has some excellent ideas, overall after I had figured the sytem out in a couple of months, it all got totally boring - just logging on 1-3 times a week to change skill training, then go back to playing EQ2.
Finally last week, I said to myself "self this is stupid paying for a game you never play", and cancelled both my EVE accounts.
Thats really funny you know a few weeks ago you said the reason you left eve was because you got scammed on the Ingame market and a few weeks before that the reason you left was because of the Dev scandal that hit eve in Febuary [i think].
So which is it really? If any.
On topic id have to say Horizons and LOTRO for what it tried to do.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Retired from: Neocron, Everquest, Everquest 2, Guild Wars, RF Online and Final Fantasy VII
I respect it a great deal but its just too slow and cumbersome. The thought of killing some rats and then SLOWLY looting each can is just a pain. After a while I am like man I really wish I didn't have to sit around and waste 50% of my play time.
And I am not talking about space travel the time limits on that are just fine. But I have better things to do than wait 30 seconds before my ship gets to a can so that I can wait another 30 seconds to get to the next can and repeat 10 times. I understand that its more realistic and that in some cases it allows contention between players for loot.
But in the end its just worthless busy work. Since this is a game that really detracts from quality for me. I can do busy work anytime anywhere and get paid for it. Not talking about grind here. I mean this is stuff a robot could do that I need to do by hand and takes up quite a bit of time. Its annoying to go into a mission. Spend 5 minutes clearing the place and 10 minutes looting it while I watch TV.
If it wasn't for that sort of thing I would probably play it.
I'm considering canceling my sub to EVE, simply because it IS so boring. I compare it to GW pvp and UO:t2a pvp and remember how frantic interrupting spells was or how excited you would get when you caught somebody with a hammer blow+explosion potion combo timed perfectly.
In EVE it's basically turn all your modules on and tweak your flight path every now and then and just wait for your high skillpoints or expensive equipment to win the day for you. You get excited in the rare event that you are both at low HP and anybody could win in the last couple of seconds, but it comes down to dice rolls, not reaction time or real time strategic decisions.
I would call EVE an economy simulator, not a PvP mmo.
_______________________________ PM me when an MMO as good as UO was comes out.
EVE is cool but I agree that it's boring. ( I imagine it's different running with a huge alliance at war in 0.0 ) WoW was fun in the beginning but then it was just raiding which is boring as hell imo as well.
the ones I always respected and loved and never hated to play... DAOC - I'll never stop loving this one. Asherons Call - Forever the first original classic for me.
Raiding was the whole reason I leveled to 60 in Wow. Now that you can get similar gear from arena, not as many people want to raid which is why I'm sick of WoW.
The raiding certainly alienated me as I originally played WoW under the premise that it was trying to avoid the catass EQ lifestyle. It seemed that way at first but as the designers culminated their raid masturbation orgy around the time of the impending release of the third 40 man and the resultant gear it was obvious they were simply lying. Or acting like the playerbase were children who wouldn't eat their vegatables(raid).
I don't understand why anyone would pay to play WoW arena when you can play Guild Wars GvG for free.
I guess there is the gear progression, but seriously WoW arena vs Guild Wars is like checkers versus chess.
One of the things that really soured me on WoW was seeing Guild Wars pull off many things with the classes and teams just way better and with way more elegance and realizing the WoW guys really were just hack copying EQ.
I know they are different games with different aims, but when it comes to the classes and the easy to learn hard to master. Guild Wars is the real deal, WoW just smoothed over EQ and slapped the slogan onto something that can never truly fit it.
Seeing multi-dimensional deep game play versus WoW one-dimensional gameplay really made me lose a lot of respect for WoW.
I guess initially I was comparing WoW to various MUDs and my reactions was "Meh hey this is pretty good , about as good as anything else I have seen. Plus its good that they take measured deliberate decisions with things."
But after seeing Guild Wars and Eve it really hit home that WoW was intellectually lazy and completely unable to think outside the EQ box. This is esepcailly obvious because the counter system in Guild Wars and the powerful effects it allows could easily exist in WoW. It is true that the progression-junky mentality of a game like WoW can interfere with the limitations necessary for the GW system to work well. But you could definitely make a hybrid if you wanted.
WoW never wanted anything but a progression-junky system and that really kind of disgusts me. I like RPGs and I like progression in them. But going to the extent of trying to turning every-one into crack-whore loot junkies is just disgusting.
Because no matter how nice the instances were, they were boring after the second time. But compare that to a CoX instance which is not all that interesting but is fun each time even in a PUG.
WoW really is just one-dimensional it starts to become obvious when you player other games. The major draw is the the progression-crack. Everything else is simply made to run smoothly so it doesn't interfere with you becoming a junky. In CoX people play tons of alts, play in groups, play random instances, all just for fun and some profit. In Eve or Guild Wars you have multi-dimensional, counter based game play with many novel techniques for many different situations and due to load outs you must make many interesting playstyle choices which you can change at a later date. WoW has none of these draws in fact its gameplay becomes stiflingly the same and you are locked into it.
A monk in Guild Wars can heal in 20 different ways. But even a standard Boon/Protection Monk can do quite different things depending on what is going on and must pay attention and react right. Kiting to stay alive, watching for various enchantment removers, keeping track of who is giving him energy back, and smart use of the right protection at the right time, for the right situation. In WoW you just wait for of the tank and pile on the on the heals and maybe throw out a power word: shield when something is off and you do that for the rest of your characters life. Boring and predictable, people run instances for the loot and for some social interaction, not gameplay. But in other games they do it anyway because the gameplay is either fun or deep. WoW is neither. In the end its just loot-crack. And sadly it is to the point where many players believe that a game without loot-crack is not worth playing because they played WoW.
One of the "concept" i respect the most on paper, but probably my top 3 boring game in my life time. Considering i started with pong in the late 70's, that says a lot... (The first place goes to E.T. on Atari, which was never finished and Trojan on Nintendo 8 bits gets my silver medal)
What deserves to be done, deserves to be "well" done...
Eve Online. I just wish it was fun to play.
Mine would be LOTRO i love the game so much it is tearing my marriage apart so therefore i hate it if that makes sense? Well maybe if my wife would shave her feet every once in a while i would start to like her again No but seriously i do spend way too much time on this game and it is starting to annoy me for i know that i should step outside once in a while and and get some fresh air, and prolly feed the dog lol..
EVE Online
Everquest 2
Wow forsure ive tryed playing it twice both times ive left not been able to log in for more than 5 minutes. Second time i went into deadmines and seen everything doing the exact same things as the first time i went in i turned around and walked out
So i leveled my rogue up and farmed gold bought gear right to 60 , only setting foot in instance's if a friend needed help I did the only thing i could do to get good gear . i pvp by myself till i hit grand marshal and by that time i just couldnt play any more
So i took a year off went back about 4 months after burning crusade with the intent to play the game the way blizzard wanted .I leveled to 70 than ran the 5 mans till i had the first blue rogue set and that was it i could'nt stand another day of repeating the same content over and over
man i dont know how those people do it most mind numbing game ive ever played and the only thing you get out of it is the gear your wearing and a few mounts. But just because it turns my stomach dosent mean its a bad game thats forsure
I respect Runescape completely. There are some great folks that love that game. I do not care for it personally but much respect! Same goes for alot of other game such as UO, AC.
WOW - all the respect to the guys at blizzard for making such a cash cow, but seriously, the game bores me to tears.
Eve. Never have i played a game that was so good and so bad at the same time.
Final Fantasy XI. I respect that it fills a niche market for those who like to group and grind on mobs, but the grind it too much for me.
EVE hands down. I respect that it was the first sci-fi MMORPG out there that had a realistic space scene. But the inaction/repetitiveness of the game play really lets the game down. The eye candy only lasts so long and combat most of the time involves you firing at targeting squares in the far distance. If you wanted to do some thing different - such as mining or what ever else - you wouldn't be effective at it as you'd have to change your whole skill structure. Forcing you to one aspect of the game. I played 10 days and didn't want to play the remaining 4 of my trial. (made 50 mil in my time there though, so money wasn't a problem)
Compared to WoW. Even though I prefer Sci-fi over fantasy by far. The enjoyable and polished world was far more interesting and interactive. Most importantly 'fun'! A game can be innovative, creative and ground breaking. But if it lacks fun. What's the point of playing?
It has kept my interest for well over a month and I'm thinking of resubing after the busy holiday period. But some say it gets repetitive and boring at the end game. The thing is, all games do eventually. Getting the best gear is like doing all the unlockables/easter eggs in single player games. You've finished the game, but keep going for the carrot on the stick that is being dangled in front of you. The thing is, there are other things to do. Yet people don't because all they care about is progression and stats.
-Azure Prower
Another one for Eve, although to say I hate it would be overstating things. I find it all too abstract and dry, but think it's a good game.
I respect EVE and actually like the game. I would say I hate playing it, but I don't like playing it.
I respect LOTRO, but after being in beta and playing for a few months after release, I hate playing it. There is so much untapped potential in LOTRO. One day they might turn it into a game that I would enjoy playing.
Ok, this is just a joke (so please don't get started) ...
I totally respect Darkfall but so far, I absolutely hate playing it's "wait & see" features.
Asheron's Call: The only one of the big three i didn't play. It was a little too abstract for me, I was more into the traditional fantasy games back then, but i wish I would have. I have much respect for it, as it is a true classic.
Also, WOW of course. I played it for a couple months, but it was too mainstream for me, I prefer my mmos to be a little more "hardcore". Needless to say, It got boring for me pretty quickly. The anorexic pvp turned me off too. But I have much respect for this game, as it brought mmos to the attention of the masses.
EVE - I think they did great job by doing something different, how ever I did not like the game.
UO - First and one of the best mmorpgs ever made, but it's stuck in middle age graphics.
Horizons - Good community stuff and dynamic events, but game was laggy and technically badly done.
Saga of Ryzom - Interesting consept and good game with good community, but too much PvP for me.
Everquest 2 - There I heared first time npcs actually talking with voice, game was too linear for me.
Seed - Trying to make roleplaying game without combat, failed by technical reasons and not enough to do.
MMORPG.COM has worst forum editor ever exists
Raiding was the whole reason I leveled to 60 in Wow. Now that you can get similar gear from arena, not as many people want to raid which is why I'm sick of WoW.
That pretty much reflects my feelings on it also. While EVE has some excellent ideas, overall after I had figured the sytem out in a couple of months, it all got totally boring - just logging on 1-3 times a week to change skill training, then go back to playing EQ2.
Finally last week, I said to myself "self this is stupid paying for a game you never play", and cancelled both my EVE accounts.
Has to be Lineage 2 and Eve for me.
Lineage 2 - looks amazine, has an awesome feature list but just lacks something for me - and the grind was an arse.
Eve - Again, never seen a bad Eve screenshot but I am a dumb fcuker and is to complexed for me
I'm so glad so many people have spoken up about how mind numbingly boring EVE is. I've posted this a few times and even got a temp ban once for making a joke about how the developers are trying to make walking around sound bigger than it actually is by calling it... drum roll please... AMBULATION!!! (so lame)
I hate when people say it's SO complicated. It's really not complicated at all. It's one of the most boring games ever. The gameplay is stale, and the real time skill training is the worst idea in the history of gaming, from a gamers point of view. It makes great sense from a money making perspective and I'm sure some EVE shill will come running to this thread to tell everyone about the joys of jehovah... I mean EVE.
The game has great freedom and I like alot of the ideas in the game, but the gameplay is stale and all the PvP and politics in the world can't make it fun. Furthermore the graphics update isn't going to make the game fun either. I think they should work on overhauling the gameplay itself, but then the 26k people that play on a regular basis would have a coniption. They advertise that they have 200k subs or whatever, but every single time I've ever logged in the most I've seen online is 26-28k.
The community in the game is great, but the community outside of the game are like abunch of over zealous religious nuts that feel it's their duty to convert everyone to their faith. There's rarely a missed opportunity for this either.
Sorry for ranting, but EVE has so many things that make a good game, but the game turns people away inspite of itself and that's really frustrating to me... even more so given the current line up of lackluster titles that are out now, or coming out in the near future.
Most games have fun gameplay, but a shallow world. EVE has a deep world, but shallow gameplay.
City of Heroes/City of Villains
I love of CoX and I played for about 2 years between them but a lot of little annoyances added up to me never being able to subscribe again. Horrible questing, Super Grind between levels 30 and 40, no end game worthy of mention, inequality between CoH and CoV(has CoV gotten Epic Archetype yet?!), useless PvP, etc.
Star Wars Galaxies: A game that was packed with so much game design genius, but was sold short by an early release. Last of the great social games I am afraid. The constant lies by upper management killed it for me. That and the long list of problems that has been beaten to death.
Vanguard is another game I like, but just can't bring myself to play. It has a lot of nice elements that stray from normal MMO design like the large world and long distance views. Overall though the game just doesn't deliver enough to be worth playing and it may never get there sadly.
That pretty much reflects my feelings on it also. While EVE has some excellent ideas, overall after I had figured the sytem out in a couple of months, it all got totally boring - just logging on 1-3 times a week to change skill training, then go back to playing EQ2.
Finally last week, I said to myself "self this is stupid paying for a game you never play", and cancelled both my EVE accounts.
Thats really funny you know a few weeks ago you said the reason you left eve was because you got scammed on the Ingame market and a few weeks before that the reason you left was because of the Dev scandal that hit eve in Febuary [i think].So which is it really? If any.
On topic id have to say Horizons and LOTRO for what it tried to do.
Retired from: Neocron, Everquest, Everquest 2, Guild Wars, RF Online and Final Fantasy VII
Currently Playing : EvE Online.
For me its Eve.
I respect it a great deal but its just too slow and cumbersome. The thought of killing some rats and then SLOWLY looting each can is just a pain. After a while I am like man I really wish I didn't have to sit around and waste 50% of my play time.
And I am not talking about space travel the time limits on that are just fine. But I have better things to do than wait 30 seconds before my ship gets to a can so that I can wait another 30 seconds to get to the next can and repeat 10 times. I understand that its more realistic and that in some cases it allows contention between players for loot.
But in the end its just worthless busy work. Since this is a game that really detracts from quality for me. I can do busy work anytime anywhere and get paid for it. Not talking about grind here. I mean this is stuff a robot could do that I need to do by hand and takes up quite a bit of time. Its annoying to go into a mission. Spend 5 minutes clearing the place and 10 minutes looting it while I watch TV.
If it wasn't for that sort of thing I would probably play it.
I'm considering canceling my sub to EVE, simply because it IS so boring. I compare it to GW pvp and UO:t2a pvp and remember how frantic interrupting spells was or how excited you would get when you caught somebody with a hammer blow+explosion potion combo timed perfectly.
In EVE it's basically turn all your modules on and tweak your flight path every now and then and just wait for your high skillpoints or expensive equipment to win the day for you. You get excited in the rare event that you are both at low HP and anybody could win in the last couple of seconds, but it comes down to dice rolls, not reaction time or real time strategic decisions.
I would call EVE an economy simulator, not a PvP mmo.
PM me when an MMO as good as UO was comes out.
Raiding was the whole reason I leveled to 60 in Wow. Now that you can get similar gear from arena, not as many people want to raid which is why I'm sick of WoW.
The raiding certainly alienated me as I originally played WoW under the premise that it was trying to avoid the catass EQ lifestyle. It seemed that way at first but as the designers culminated their raid masturbation orgy around the time of the impending release of the third 40 man and the resultant gear it was obvious they were simply lying. Or acting like the playerbase were children who wouldn't eat their vegatables(raid).I don't understand why anyone would pay to play WoW arena when you can play Guild Wars GvG for free.
I guess there is the gear progression, but seriously WoW arena vs Guild Wars is like checkers versus chess.
One of the things that really soured me on WoW was seeing Guild Wars pull off many things with the classes and teams just way better and with way more elegance and realizing the WoW guys really were just hack copying EQ.
I know they are different games with different aims, but when it comes to the classes and the easy to learn hard to master. Guild Wars is the real deal, WoW just smoothed over EQ and slapped the slogan onto something that can never truly fit it.
Seeing multi-dimensional deep game play versus WoW one-dimensional gameplay really made me lose a lot of respect for WoW.
I guess initially I was comparing WoW to various MUDs and my reactions was "Meh hey this is pretty good , about as good as anything else I have seen. Plus its good that they take measured deliberate decisions with things."
But after seeing Guild Wars and Eve it really hit home that WoW was intellectually lazy and completely unable to think outside the EQ box. This is esepcailly obvious because the counter system in Guild Wars and the powerful effects it allows could easily exist in WoW. It is true that the progression-junky mentality of a game like WoW can interfere with the limitations necessary for the GW system to work well. But you could definitely make a hybrid if you wanted.
WoW never wanted anything but a progression-junky system and that really kind of disgusts me. I like RPGs and I like progression in them. But going to the extent of trying to turning every-one into crack-whore loot junkies is just disgusting.
Because no matter how nice the instances were, they were boring after the second time. But compare that to a CoX instance which is not all that interesting but is fun each time even in a PUG.
WoW really is just one-dimensional it starts to become obvious when you player other games. The major draw is the the progression-crack. Everything else is simply made to run smoothly so it doesn't interfere with you becoming a junky. In CoX people play tons of alts, play in groups, play random instances, all just for fun and some profit. In Eve or Guild Wars you have multi-dimensional, counter based game play with many novel techniques for many different situations and due to load outs you must make many interesting playstyle choices which you can change at a later date. WoW has none of these draws in fact its gameplay becomes stiflingly the same and you are locked into it.
A monk in Guild Wars can heal in 20 different ways. But even a standard Boon/Protection Monk can do quite different things depending on what is going on and must pay attention and react right. Kiting to stay alive, watching for various enchantment removers, keeping track of who is giving him energy back, and smart use of the right protection at the right time, for the right situation. In WoW you just wait for of the tank and pile on the on the heals and maybe throw out a power word: shield when something is off and you do that for the rest of your characters life. Boring and predictable, people run instances for the loot and for some social interaction, not gameplay. But in other games they do it anyway because the gameplay is either fun or deep. WoW is neither. In the end its just loot-crack. And sadly it is to the point where many players believe that a game without loot-crack is not worth playing because they played WoW.
EvE by a mile.
One of the "concept" i respect the most on paper, but probably my top 3 boring game in my life time. Considering i started with pong in the late 70's, that says a lot... (The first place goes to E.T. on Atari, which was never finished and Trojan on Nintendo 8 bits gets my silver medal)
What deserves to be done, deserves to be "well" done...