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I played the beta from when it started, and the impressions were fantastic, World of warcraft doesnt have that same immersing feel, in WoW, you can play obsessively for 2 months, then get sick of it then never play again, many of my firends had this. TR, keeps its appeal. RPG and FPS blended well, and for a beta, few glitches at the end, but......
the starting area is hard to move out from, easy to get to lvl 4 after boot camp, but then a sturugle, and a frustration, untill you learn the map, although the GPS system is helpfull, it should be improved as the maps can be quite complex, other than this it is a fantastic game, with a huge variety of weapons and armour, with new things being added all the time, i highly recomend it. But it has a long way to go untill it topples WoW, but i have every faith .
LOL!!! i have played it, am a subscriber
since beta stopped, i played WoW for 3 years, stopping, then starting.....and so on then i just got sick of it within 2 months of starting again.....LOL WoW sux :P
As sick as many people are of the fantasy setting, the majority still seem to prefer it. Thus, no sci-fi game will ever topple WoW.
TR is missing quite a few things before it can topple WoW. It's a really fun game and I don't intend to quit at this time, but overall appeal as compared to WoW when it came comparison. For now, I'm having fun in TR. I have retired from WoW 3 months ago. If TR can polish the community aspect of the game, along with some nifty PvP, it could be a solid product.
YAY someone with their head on right LOL, yeah the pvp need touching up.......just a bit though
Sadly, TR has failed. Launched with to little content. To many bugs. To narrow a focus for a MMORPG. Neither a real FPS, nor a true MMORPG, TR is really nothing of note.
Will struggle along for a while till the next great NCSoft experiment comes along. Then, it will go the way of Auto-Assault. Because NCSoft does NOT hang on to losers the way SoE does.
Just be prepared, that's all.
i sorely dissagree (no suprises there) Auto assault was a failiure, a novilty, but TR aint, it is, but it will never wear off !!! NEVER!!! its all ready topped the ammount of views of WoW on this site, and WAR, GW, all teh big names, though, your right , a worry is that the makers have made so many MMO's that they could come into serious competition with eachother, maby TR and GW, then the new MMO comes, both dropped
Everyone mention these so called bugs and that TR has failed. I have almost hear the exact same post from someone else that trolls the TR forums here, using the same words. Please be abliged to feel me in on the details of these so called bugs?
Cause you sound like pretty much a cut a paste member here with the rest of the so called anti-TR group. You claim it has failed, but as the rest as you post about the doom of TR, I am not seeing actual fact here.
Please explain why it will fail (in your own opinion) please.
Everyone mention these so called bugs and that TR has failed. I have almost hear the exact same post from someone else that trolls the TR forums here, using the same words. Please be abliged to feel me in on the details of these so called bugs?
Cause you sound like pretty much a cut a paste member here with the rest of the so called anti-TR group. You claim it has failed, but as the rest as you post about the doom of TR, I am not seeing actual fact here.
Please explain why it will fail (in your own opinion) please.
It will fail (in my opinion) because NO game in this genre has ever managed to recover from a poor launch. Even EQ2, probably the poster child for failed launch revcoveries is still in very poor shape when compared to the game that launched a mere 30 days after it, WoW.And, like I said, NCSoft does NOT baby failures along like SoE does. It nukes em.
For the bugs and defects, I will leave you to peruse these Forums and the official TR forums for info (Just Kidding).
Don't be such a fan-boi. It will only come back to haunt you later.
Yeah I see Shoal that TR pissed in your cheerios, cause it looked like you played it and was looking for a game that had a 1st person shooter view in previous posts.
And a poor launch? What was poor about it? Feel free to explain.
And for me to persue the bugs? Why? Your the one that says it has the bugs. I just wanted to see what you know about these apparent bugs in the game?
So as I am viewing your post, it looks like a person that just doent like TR. But that is cool. Just be truthful and not a xerox like the rest of the anti-TR posters on a game you rarely played.
You are correct, I do want 1st person mode in TR.
That is how I play MMORPGS.
If you cannot recognize a poor launch when you see it, well that's ok.
And as I said before, if TR had a 1st person view mode, I would be playing it.
And paying for it.
So, you tell me. Why does TR not have a 1st person view mode? Seems to me that all the really successfull MMORPGs have managed to get that little feature in.
Enjoy the game.
Will try it out again if and when they ever get FP mode in.
Last post on this thread.
Good Hunting
Well, as a TR subscriber and player, I can attest to the fact that the dev team is really keeping up with its end of things. Whatever bugs are cropping up are being taken care of pretty quickly. There might be a few slips here and there (i.e., bugs that should not even be there), but name me a game that doesn't have that around launch. [WoW loot lag anyone?]
Anywho, TR is fun...I don't see it going the way of Auto Assault, but I may be wrong. Only a 6 months into Auto Assault did I have that feeling.
BTW, crafting needs an overhaul or a simple nuking. Fix it or delete it.
Oh and I want a dragon mount! Oh Wait! wrong game :S
Everyone mention these so called bugs and that TR has failed. I have almost hear the exact same post from someone else that trolls the TR forums here, using the same words. Please be abliged to feel me in on the details of these so called bugs?
Cause you sound like pretty much a cut a paste member here with the rest of the so called anti-TR group. You claim it has failed, but as the rest as you post about the doom of TR, I am not seeing actual fact here.
Please explain why it will fail (in your own opinion) please.
It will fail (in my opinion) because NO game in this genre has ever managed to recover from a poor launch.Anarchy Online begs to differ.
You are correct, I do want 1st person mode in TR.
That is how I play MMORPGS.
If you cannot recognize a poor launch when you see it, well that's ok.
And as I said before, if TR had a 1st person view mode, I would be playing it.
And paying for it.
So, you tell me. Why does TR not have a 1st person view mode? Seems to me that all the really successfull MMORPGs have managed to get that little feature in.
Enjoy the game.
Will try it out again if and when they ever get FP mode in.
Last post on this thread.
Good Hunting
seems to me, that the entire basis of your dislike for TR is the lack of a first-person viewpoint. and has absolutely nothng to do with a "poor launch, horrendous bugs" or any of the other "excuses that you have put up in this stop bullsh*tting us and just say that "it doesn't have a FP view, so i don't like it" and stop trying to pull these other excuses out of your ass in order to justify your horrendously shallow complaint.
but just because YOU want to play in First-Person does not mean the game as a whole has failed.
Going back to the originall post - Hell yeah. TR is great and evryone should give it a try ! Especially now that you can get a free 3 day trial !
PS : TR had a great launch, what are you talking about, were you eventhere ??? Sure it was laggy, but hey - everyone and their sister was in thesame spot the first few days
Sinister Savant MMORPG Community
FFS! a poor launch??? its been out maby 2 months its publicity is through the roof, ure in denial run back to WoW. TR is comming and its whooping ure ass
My impressions now that my 3 day trial is over... WARNING: Long post incoming!!
First off, I didn't get to play nearly as much as I wanted to. -_- After I logged on for the first time (meaning, at this point already too late to hold off on starting the trial period), I found out that this was a really bad weekend for a short game trial. Family came over and sucked away a bunch of my time, haha. Oh well...
Despite feeling like I didn't get very far, I really liked the game. I'm definately contemplating picking it up. I agree with the OP that the first time you set foot in Concordia Wilderness, you feel a little lost... But it didn't prove to be a huge setback, at least for me. I just wandered around for a bit, killed some enemies, wandered farther, bit off more Bane than I could chew, died... haha. Eventually I started to get a better feel for the map, did a couple quests, found another Logos, etc... Once you get going, the game seems to flow fairly well.
The story so far is cool, and the game has a very nice visual style. Combat is fast and fun, and as for the oft-repeated complaint about enemy bullets tracking you awfully well... the game DOES still use background dice rolls; it's not really an FPS. Sometimes it's gonna look like you "dodged" but the game system has already registered that you got hit so you, well...get hit. I didn't try any PvP, althought I hear that right now it's fairly limited and that more PvP options will be added later. For a game of this nature, I'm much more concerned with the PvE content anyway, and PvP is pretty much a secondary diversion.
As for comparisons to WOW... I don't know if TR can topple it or even match it in terms of overall content, and frankly, I don't care. TR is just fun, and I didn't like WOW that much to beging with. Basically, I'm all about "gameplay over content" you could say. What do I mean by that? Well... this is one of the main reasons why I play Phantasy Star Universe and personally think that game is far, far more fun than WOW. Yes, PSU is not a true MMO, it's smaller in overall scope than WOW (location/exploration wise, that is...not story wise), it doesn't have the ability to just explore wherever you wanna go (it's all instance based missions), and it doesn't have the plethora of non-combat activities to engage in like WOW (or FF11, or many other MMO's). It's completely focused on the combat, but MAN it is some fun combat. It's fast, fluid, and highly interactive...basically it's an action RPG that happens to be online.
This is what I mean by "gameplay over content." I'd rather play a game that only does a few things, but does them well, than a game that has mountains of content and tons of things for the player to do...all of them conpletely boring.
Of course, the notion that WOW is boring is only my opinion, but I do find it pretty dull, as I have found most MMO's. TR has a nice style, a compelling setting, and a fun combat system (which, while it's not QUITE as fast-paced or action game-ish as PSU, it is still in the same vein, as both games showcase a battle system that moves away from the "click away and watch what happens" MMO standard).
Ok, novel over, thank you for reading.
You are correct, I do want 1st person mode in TR.
That is how I play MMORPGS.
If you cannot recognize a poor launch when you see it, well that's ok.
And as I said before, if TR had a 1st person view mode, I would be playing it.
And paying for it.
So, you tell me. Why does TR not have a 1st person view mode? Seems to me that all the really successfull MMORPGs have managed to get that little feature in.
Enjoy the game.
Will try it out again if and when they ever get FP mode in.
Last post on this thread.
Good Hunting
seems to me, that the entire basis of your dislike for TR is the lack of a first-person viewpoint. imo, that's shallow, but to each his own.but just because YOU want to play in First-Person does not mean the game as a whole has failed.
He could also stick his head through the monitor to get that 1st person viewpoint...physically zoom in!
game works to me. perhaps more demanding system requirements, but don't act like the game is unplayably broken, because it isn't.
to be honest i dont know why TR is being so discredited, its a great game, better than most games out there, even non mmo's, but, if it was gonna be a 1st person shooter, it would become too similar to games like CoD4, alhough you would still be in the same world, and not killing terrorists. FP would ruin the game, as it takes it even further away from RPG. if it was a fantasy then fine, look at oblivion, but a sci-fi, i dont think so, well, thats my opinion
I have been playing the live game for 6 weeks now - it works. yes there are the occasional bugs in quests not sure what you mean by the game not working.
To the OP - the developers have stated that they have no intention of trying to topple WOW. So lets not push that bandwagon thanks
Sci-fi is so much better for first person view than fantasy....... having a gun just cries for a cool first person view but it doesnt make a difference in the end to me because I can play CoD4 or Gears of War and both are extremelly satisfying. I played TR in beta and it was fun but in the end I felt it needed to be more like a FPS with the control scheme it has. Its not a bad game tho like all these haters are saying just not something I want.
That statement is so far from the truth I don't even know where to begin to correct it..
The game is by far the most stable and working MMO I have played from launch and on. The only lag I have really encountered are hardware based... on my end. I also don't play on Instance 1 ( you know the place everyone and their mother is) as I know from experience in any game its not going to be smooth sailings. Thats why they give you a rating on each instance to inform you of the current load and that there may be a possibility of increased latency.
TR's servers are top-notch considering the amount of traffic that goes back and for, all the details and variables from each round expended. TR not a working game.... far far from it.
Some of the quests get bugged if you goout of order in the sequence of events. That does need to be tweaked. I have also had an occassion where a boss did not respawn as often as it should, but that too, is simply a tweak fix.
Even in beta I had a really good experience as far as how well the game ran. A couple of crashes, but nothing not expected for Beta.