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Personally, I'd like to see them get away from the overdone player as the central avatar and like to see them go more like Earth and Beyond and EvE where your ship is the main focus. As you gain levels you can pick from new hulls, weapons, engines, flight controls, shields, tractor beams, communication devices and so on. I'd still like to see all the quests and stuff that all MMO's have now, but it would be spread about over an entire galaxy, not just a single world. And there could be a few quests that could be completed by your character, but most quests would be accomplished while piloting your ship across the galaxy. And exploration would be a central theme whereby you could learn new technologies by discovering new races and things while you travelled, but not everything would be accessible from the beginning, you would have to have a powerful enough engine for example to be to travel to a very distant place to learn a new technology or perhaps you would have to research suspended animation before you could travel there or something along those lines.
Earth and Beyond and EvE are great starting points, but there is just so much more that can be done in the genre without resorting to asteroid mining.
SWG pre cu styled mmorpg.
Yes, or Dune.
Battlestar Galactica that way you can have RVR.
Dune , but it would have to be far away from WoW
What would I like to see? What else ever since the cancellation of Starcraft: Ghost that left me wanting...
Starcraft in 3d!!!
-Azure Prower
Well I was thinking more along the lines of what you would like to see from a gameplay perspective, but IP is fine too. I just don't see Blizzard using an existing IP unless it's Starcraft.
Well, what I would like to see in a Starcraft MMO is a horror theme aspect to it. Not for kiddies. Kind of like Doom 3 style. Where Zerg are truly the things of nightmares and come at you from no where/dark areas.
-Azure Prower
Gothic or Warhammer 40k. The ships in Gothic looked so damn cool. Ohh or Mech Warrior.
I know a lot of people have poo poo'd the idea of a Starcraft mmo, but I think it has great potential.
If Blizzard made a Sci-Fi MMOG it would be Starcraft Online. Any other option would be ridiculous.
If you don't mind I'd just like to use your post to dig a little deeper to get at what I'm really asking. When you say Starcraft Online, what exactly do you mean by that? Obviously it would be set in the Starcraft universe, but what types of features would you like to see? Would it be just like WoW only set in the Starcraft universe or would you like to see something a bit different. If different, in what way? For instance I mentioned I would like to see the game revolve around your starship rather than revolve around your avatar. I think that's a fundamental difference that hasn't been explored to it's potential. Is there something you think might be able to work well in a Sci-Fi that may not necessarily lend itself well to the Fantasy genre? That's what I'm trying to get at. Starcraft is an IP, but Starcraft Online or World of Starcraft can be anything we want it to be. What would you like it to be?
won't happen you can simply see it by watching Game Releases, what was the last big Sci-Fi Simulation? Freelancer? There is simply not enough interest in Sci-Fi Simulations.
BTW i still wait for a Freespace 3 ... .
Jews in space! from history of the world part 1
R.I.P. the Descent series of all sagas.
-Azure Prower
I prefer the player avatar approach (as the central focus). It is difficult for me to become attached to a "ship" (compared to with my humanoid avatar) and most space simulation style games seem very impersonal and your actions have very little meaning in the game itself. Also, exploring space is kind of like exploring the inside of a box, not visually exciting at all.
There is also the fact that a design team can really focus on the finer details of the game world when we aren't talking about a "galaxy". Space style games are flat and lifeless IMO, you can't devote a lot of details that are necessary to make a game really immersive. That is my opinion.
Earthsiege and Mechwarrior MMORPG's
Now that would be fantastic.. run around in 40+ ton mechs, questing around whiel your in-city you are an avatar.. and out of city piloting a Mech.
That would be my dream come true :-) The Crysis mod for mechwarrior is going to look fantastic.. but I want to level up and upgrade whatever I want to upgrade.. full customization
Blizzarrd has confirmed they are working on a new MMO, and it isn't WoW2.
There biggest playerbase is in Asia. Starcraft is huge in Asia. Blizzard likes to use their own IP for games.
If you put these together, you get World of Starcraft. You won't see a Lost Vikings MMO.
Agreed, more like EnB in my opinion though, there are too many games that pit players against themselves these days and not enough to promote team work and cooperation. Not forced grouping, don't get me wrong but just casual assistance,lending a hand where needed that sort of thing.
Something new. Using old already existing stuff forces you to do things like the community want. Creating a brand new thing would be much better as they could let their mind flow freely (lol, hippies) and come up with something creative (even if that's not exactly what they showed that they can do when they created WoW).
Something incredibly crappy so they can move on, and get the hell outta the Sci-Fi market!
But if they absolutely have to do a effort, some Star Craft'ish.
When I created a very similar topic questioning what game system is Blizz going to use (copy :P ) it got twisted to a heated debate basically concerning the originality of Blizzards IPs (in which also the OP participated IIRC ).
Now in this topic he's clearly asking about what system for a sci-fi MMO is interesting to people, however all replies are basically just suggesting various sci-fi IPs which is just silly since Blizzard is not going to licence any and most probably is making a Starcraft MMO (and for the love of god, please stop calling anything in connection with Blizzard World of XYZ, I svear every time I read the words World of Starcraft I got the urge to smash blunt objects against my head).
So I'm just wondering if the players really think about how the games play or they take the always carbon copied system of leveling by killing monsters, linear quests and pve progression, etc etc we see everywhere as something granted? Can the majority even tell the difference between various concepts? Much less formulate an answer to the question which they prefer and would like to see? Because I'm starting to fear the answer is "no", but that would mean all hope for inovation in any major title is lost, since the playerbase itself may be even unvilling to accept one and anything remotely innovative or not based on the same old formula is destined to be a niche game.
Blizzard has a big chance to make a big step forward for the industry, they got the resources and experience to make it happen. So lets pray its not WoW with lazers.
Subscribtions: EVE, SWTOR WOW, WAR, DDO, VG, AOC, COV, FFXI, GW, RFO, Aion
+plenty of F2P, betas, trials
Female Dwarf player: WOW, VG, WAR, DDO
Due to the recent economic crisis and spending cuts the light at the end of the tunnel was turned off. Sincerely, God.
The only big thing Blizzard will do for the industry is bring in even more casual gamers, and ruin the MMO as a whole. Bringing it down to a very simplistic version of solitaire but has the illusion of fun. Along with being able to customize your cards.
More so on topic: I hope they create a sand box style, hardcore, mature game - That way they can tackle both the casual and hardcore market which would allow them to slowly take over the world, even faster.
All you folks who have been lamenting that Blizzard doesn't innovate should be chomping at the bit to tell them what you want, where are you people with your ideas? I don't expect you to lay out the whole game, just tell me what you think they could do to improve the basic design. And please try to be somewhat specific, simply stating you want them to make it less of a grind is pretty vague. Does that mean you want to get rid of levels? Or maybe you would like to see a straight linear progression, where it takes the exact same time to go from 1 to 10 as it does from 60 to 70 or whatever.
Put your thinking caps on folks and let's hear your ideas. Let's not just expect Blizzard to know what it is we want!!!
I'd really love a hard mmo focused around player interaction.
This would mean: player run economy, meaningfull pvp/ rvr, hard coop missions (not needed to get to top level)
I do not really care about the setting. I just hope actual player skill is the main factor for doing well in the game. (not time/items/level etc).
Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
I would like a sci-fi PVP based extravaganza!
With a rich tutorial expirience in the begining that would show you the ropes, something like starfleet academy, somewhere to learn the basics in a safe enviroment, but it can be skipable if and when you dicede to make a new character. The tutorial part would also be the major part of the character progression, learning the basics of fighting/engenieering/driving/flying skills. The rest woul be just a path into deeper specialization, but every jarhead could basicly be a useful part on the battlefield. Higher ranks would also have a social aspect as to they could give orders to friendly NPC units (robots or whatever, depending on the race).
Sci-fi setting is very important for the PVP part of the game because it lends itself naturaly to instancing each battlefield with jumpgates or any other transportation solution of choice.
The focus would be on an avatar and it's shuttle, playable from the bridge or third person. It's very important that every ship has huge posibilitys of customization, power/dmg effective as much as pure cosmetics, so that lack of avatar customization isn't that important. Ship is a mount but in the same time a "house", you can naturaly invite other players to visit or travel with you, great for newbie friends or tight groups of players.
Fighting would essentialy be used for control of regions of space rich with resources. Land based battles with vehicles, all styles, tanks, rovers for scouting and hit and run tactics, mechs and land based aerial combat. Space battles over space stations guarding asteroid belts.
If it isn't Starcraft Universe, even better, make it all faction based with possibiltys of larger alliances of diferent factions. It would fit well with the general purpose of the progression style, not to gain levels and HP, but to gain reputation and influence, also to insure some passive roleplaying (if you decide to spy for the other side be prepared to put large amount of trust in them because when you change sides, you have to climb the social latter from the bottom again if they don't "sponzor" you - another newbie friendly design solutions, great for roleplaying corrupt officers and those Novas in their tight outfits).
Basic stats would be very much static in general, but with great freedom in customizing your egzo skeleton (for power, for damage, for stealth, for operating vehicles....) engenieers FTW!!
About death, it would need to be a diferent case on a battlefield or being just ganked while doing an errand. There would be special cloning faciltiys in your base that would suply with steady stream of clones and suply you with equipment worthy of your rank (one more example of the rank over level system), also reminescent of the RTS style, very few units you send out come back alive, yet you always have fresh units waiting in the base. Death in space would ned to be taken from EVE and it's cloning and insurance mechanichs, but without the tedious refiting of every new ship. Ok, maybe not so diferent.
Well, that's few my ideas from the top of my head, I hope someone has better ones.