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I played ffxi for almost 3 years and am finally done. Squenix has no idea what players want anymore. All theyre new content is aimed at players who have been there forever so no one really wants to start playing a new character casue nothing has changed in the early lvls in years. Now with the adding of the pic/monster system theyve effectively made it into an mmo pokemon and its a poor attempt at that also. no new races, badly designed new jobs and no real pvp. Plus soloing in this game sucks. I made fun of everyone that played wowo when it came out as they all left ff to go play it but i finally saw the light and have left to go play it as well. If you know me on ff i was hakken on remora. Ill now be on gnomeragan server for wow as shaggar. see you soon probably.
There are so many mmorpgs aimed towards just soloing, FFXI is one the rare ones left that encourages grouping.
Aye it does encourage it , but there is a problem there. As you get higher, the older players start acting like morons because the expect you to have a certain piece of gear or somethin and if you dont then they drop you. I ran into this alot when i was lvling dragoon. <This was before and after the big changes that made it accetable to be one>. If you didnt have a scorpion harness you would get kicked from parties no matter the fact that you were outdamaging others in the party or if your skillchain with another member would rock a mob. Even I got pissed at older palyers i had played with for a while becasue the way they treated new players. Theyve all forgotten what it was like to be struggling to figure out what your supposed to be doing or where your going. The community has grown arrogant. I defended this game the whole time i played it, loved the party system but now im done, i cant stand the bs that squenix has made of this game its so lame. From the lame attempts to stop gold sellers to the fake pokemon-esq new content.
Wow, i didnt know it was THAT bad
why make stupid post
I won't comment on the matter of solo vs group thing since that it is a matter of taste rather than fact. I'll point out though that in WoW that so many people consider it solo friendly, you pretty much NEED to group in order to achieve items to be effective. The difference is that WoW promotes it at max level while at FF it is promoted throughout the game.
As for the items, well I doubt in WoW you'd be able to do anything in greens, you'd have to go to instances to even get the better items. Even the joke of a PvP that it has in order to get anything or win anything you need to be in a group.
Yes many groups in Final Fantasy can be elitist regarding equipment but there are also a lot that are cool and helpful. The game offers many challenges but it tends to enforce the social aspect of MMO's more than most.That's why many new players are alienated because they have to actually interact with the players around them.
A friend is not him who provides support during your failures.A friend is the one that cheers you during your successes.
The game prides itself on grouping and being social with other people hence the point of having a persistent world with linkshells. If you like to solo in this game the BST class is ideal and it is a fun class to play.
I love the graphics but yea I can't play the game. I think it's great to have this game to keep people who do play it away from the games I play.. it's great! Yes, some people I met are cool but a lot are elitist scum.
yah, hehe it is about time for them to quit beating the old horse.
Wow is no better off, you will quit it so fast.
Because WoW is a more elitist game then any game in the world.
Meanwhile endgame loot and gear requirement is even more then FFXI itself. Meanwhile Loots are harder to get then dynamis and require an absolute devoted raiding guild that make you raid every 5pm to 10pm to attempt new dungeons.
My friend who is a casual players quit the game as well as i do because he can't devote the time into doing these endgame instances, meanwhile the gear these players use compare to the "non"-endgame players does in PVP give too much differences in balances. Hence it was really horrible when a tier 4 Rogue can kill a tier 1 rogue so easily.
You will regret leaving FFXI for wow because wow only satify you inbeginning and its horrible in the end.
The PvP sucks as well, top nothc in gear's guild vs lowbie = 99% lose. I rarely won PVP games match because i usually lose in gear wise.
Funny, I just recently re-subbed to WoW for shits and laughs after about a year or so of not playing it. It's been a day and a half and I have to say, I'm already bored again. Sure you can group till you're blue in the face in WoW...but you don't really have to 85% of the why bother right? This makes it kinda hard to enjoy the MM part of MMORPG. On the other hand, I meet all kinds of cool cats in FFXI. Maybe it is slower paced than WoW. Maybe you will have to put 20+ hours in a week to really get anywhere. Maybe soloing does suck. But these are reasons why I like the game. FFXI wins
I played FFXI for about a mounth and I have to agree. Although FFXI wasnt the game for me (Whole game was really just a drawn out slow grind) It did a good jobgetting people together by forcing them to group to kill anything. Many people may disagree and say that you should never force people to group to level up but i personaly think that theres nothing wrong with it.
I for one support the idea of forced grouping in an MMO (massive multiplayer online) game.
And yes I spent few months playing FFXI.
Personally I feel no one enjoys being forced to do anything, especially in a video game you're paying for.
Like many have already said, the key difference that sets FFXI apart from other MMOs is the fact that it forces you to socialize and interact with the community, and group throughout the whole game to be able to do anything productive.
It's all a matter of taste really, but then again, why are you playing a massively multiplayer online game, if all you're going to do is solo with the occasional visit to the auction? Thats what ordinary rpgs and dungeon crawlers (ala Diablo) are for.
Developers should encourage community involvement in their online games, but they should not "force" their players into doing it.
I agree with ya, but there are a gagillion other mmo's out there that are solo friendly. It's cool that there is at least one that is designed the way FFXI is. I've played eight or nine other mmo's and I've always felt like I was playing a single player rpg that didn't have a whole lotta story going on, with a bunch of other people running around...and stealing my kills occasionally. I do miss world pvp though.
I've played FFXI since North America Release and still do and still end up coming back after taking breaks to play other games. As for knowning what players want. I have to agree with the other people who have posted. you've got hunreds of MMO's to go though and find what you like.
As for all the content being aimed for older players you're mistaken. Obviously you didnt play for 3 years so you say. Here is where you are wrong---
Chains of Promathia: Expansion #2
Starting Level of Missions: Lv 30
So really the game does scale with level you just obviously avoided any missions and things of such so you really didn't know what you wer esaying. this is what some of us consider as goals. Reaching a certian point to be able to do something of use for yourself.
As for turning this game into a Pokemon MMO ROFLMAO. that stupid monster battleing you can do is just something put in as a mini game to play around with with your friends (If you have any in this game) just something to pass the time while waiting for an event or something if you're not looking for a party. Also the Crafting is something you could pick up to do in your spare time not Okay I need this pattern to learn to make this so I can skilll up so I can just get my craft high enough to make this armor so i'm geared for this and to do this. Atleast you dont need the best of the best equipment to party in FFXI unlike WoW -- I have been in raids trying to trade in my greens for Epics so i'm better off for my guild.
But wait~ you have competion for this. eg
Oh WoW I just lost this uber ass mage item because some Holy spec priest lotted it for a damage set >.> need befor greed. please uderstand this. 99.999% of your WoW people are greedy and dont give a crap bout anyone but themselfs and expect to lose lots and lots and lots of items to people who only need these items as a second set instead of letting youi have it for your primary set.
as for your comment bout No PvP, Please understand this -- "Final Fantasy Series are not a PvP Type game they are Fantasy/Role Playing" hence for the lack of repitable PvP (you can ballista but unless your a die hard PvPer that likes FFXI its medocar, if you wanna PvP go play WoW and spend the next 2 - 3 years to get the best of the best gear to PvP only to find out all your gear is outdated cause of a new expansion/level cap that puts out green items that rape your epics.
Again, FInal fantasy isnt a MMOG (Massivly Multi Online Game). its drived from the Final Fantasy Series that requires working together with your "Party" to complete it. as for no new races. I really dont feel a need of new races are needed. atleast i'm not stuck Playing a Priest who is limited to only being Human, Dwarf, Night elf, Troll, Undead, Blood Elf or Draenei. if I wanted to (using WoW characters for the sake of things.) play a Gnome Priest~ or a Tauren Priest if I wished. (which pwns WoW i'm not forced to play a class that isnt listed for the race I want to be.)
If I wanted to (Using FFXI characters), I could be a tarutaru (Mage Freindly job due to high MP/INT) play a Warrior which Tarutarus have extremely low str but can be made up for by putting a little extra effort into the job. WoW is Very limited in areas that FFXI isnt and Vice Versa. but bashing a game because of your dislikes is stupid.
I personaly dont like WoW because everyone who plays it is a PvP elitest arrorgant ignorant ass most of the time. But you can find thoes people on FFXI but not as often as WoW
I love these ego-centric posts.
You don't like it anymore and it should die, 'cause you know... it's not like *anyone else* still enjoys it. Oh wait... yes they do.
You've grown weary of the game and that's fine. There are things you don't like and that's fine too - you can't please everyone all the time.
Come on, the pankration/pokemon thing is ridiculous. Yeah, one single side-activity in a game with numerous others is "effectively turning the game into a pokemon mmo". Yeah that' makes sense. I mean, it's not like there's still a long list of other things to do... Oh wait, yes there is. Well, not like you can just ignore pankration and not do it... oh wait.. yes you can. Geeze.. looks like your argument there fails on all counts.
Your other gripes...
No real PvP: It's never had full on open PvP. It's never been a PvP game. You've been playing it for 3 years despite this... kinda disingenuous to bitch about it now. This gripe fails.
Soloing Sucks: You've been playing 3 years, you should have known long ago that it's not a game geared toward soloing. It's been the topic of endless discussions debates. SE themselves has stated it's not geared toward soloing, even though it is possible. This gripe fails as well.
No new Races.. Why does FFXI need new races? Because WoW introduced them? Is there any solid argument behind what you're saying or is it just somethign else you picked from the air to complain about? I'd say the latter. This gripe fails too.
In fact, your whole post could be summed up like this:
"I don't like this game anymore, so it sucks and should die"
and the cash shop selling asphalt..." - Mimzel on F2P/Cash Shops
As for "lame attempts to stop gold sellers"... Okay, you obviously have no idea of the enormity of what they've done in FFXI in combatting it. Or have you not noticed how the economy has come *wayyyyy* down fro where it was at one point? I certainly have, as have others.
Just another failed gripe.
and the cash shop selling asphalt..." - Mimzel on F2P/Cash Shops
Well, after more than 1 year of quitting ive returned to Vanadiel. There are my reasons to return. And of course not, this game doesnt need to die.
To return:
-Serious and great background storyline (nation missions, zilart, promathia, urghan and goddess.) They all rock.
-Consistent and realistic combat mechanics (skillchains, burns and all)
- Mature Community
- Gladly discovered that all the gilseller shit have been pursued seriously.
Basicaly, and i tried many mmo's in one year, all the other fantasy mmo's are childish and boring. Story for me was the great deal. It's true FFXI is not an easy game, at all. That's why is very nice to see how your character progress. Reason for me to quitting were the gilseller destruction of economy and item adquisition. Long live to Vanadiel.
Nope i have a 70 hunter and i already do end game stuff on a regular basis. If someone does nothave the time to get end game gear from instances and the like then they can easily get pvp epics which are better for pvp anyway so its balanced just really dumb to be wearing tier 1 gear now anyways
A. THis game sucks now
B. The cop content is still designed for players that have most of the highr jobs open< a warrior not subbing nin in these will get booted 90% of the time> Also cop missions end up being very elitest because certain classes just dont do well there.
C. Yes ff isnt about pvp but it is an mmo and up til Dark age of camelot i had never even tried pvp before, not counting ballista cause it really sucks. I dont want to spend all day pvpving as you have suggested i prefer being in a party finishing a mission quest or instance. I do like the option of good pvp with rewards though.
D. Crafting in ffx1 sucks ass. Anyone whos ever done any of it has to admit to this. Having a synth break or doing it on certain days facing a certain direction for better success and still maybe losing items is stupid.
E. Monet is hard to make in the game, especially if your new, quests dont give shit and players that have been playing for a long time and are trying to lighten bags space are more prone to selling early farm items for next to nothing thus crippling the newbies. Then there are the gilsellers which still run rampant. Remember a few years back after christmas when the economy on all servers wnet to shit because of gold sellers selling a few mil for like 15$? I do and it sucked ass if you were not one of the people who had millions to start with.
F. as for the problem with gettin gear in wow cmon man join guild that works on dkp points. then youll get your gear, if not then pvp for some decent gear to use til you get what you want.
G.Having to pay someone a fee everytime you get gear out of storage is crp give us a bank like on wow we can pay to get a lot of spaces then thats it no more gil spent wastefully.
H. I dont think ff will survive much longer, with warhammer coming out and the wow expansion later this year ff will nosedive worse than it already has. Soon they will prob have to cluster servers just so enough people are on servers together to still be able to party.
Last but not least i bash it cause i know it. Ive played this game for 3 years ive dont so much but its just not fun anymore. Let them change the game a bit make some of its aspects like crafting or loot drops like that ow wow or dark age of camelot and maybe ill consider it again but,,,, nah they wont ever actually improve it, theyll just keep trucking along at a crappy pace til it shuts down.
You are no different than many others who have grown weary of the game and moved on. Some have even ranted even more about it than you have, made more demands and used much harsher language before doing so. As far as "I'm leaving, this game sucks" rants goes, yours is pretty tame, by comparison. Still, SE didn't change the game to get those people to "reconsider"... They're not going to for you either.
If you want a game system more like WoW or DAoC, go play either of those games. FFXI is FFXI and will remain that way.
List off your complaints or accomplishments, argue your experience all you want. In the end, the result is the same:
The game is no longer for you, you no longer enjoy it and you've decided to move on. You are not unique, nor special in leaving, nor in your reasons. You're not the first, nor are you the last to do so. The game will go on regardless. End of story.
Find a game that better suits you and be happy and those still playing and enjoying FFXI will do the same.
and the cash shop selling asphalt..." - Mimzel on F2P/Cash Shops
If this game dies, my life will become miserable!
A friend is not him who provides support during your failures.A friend is the one that cheers you during your successes.
Just wanted to add something to this point; particularly the all-too-common flaw in the logic that "game x is going to kill game y". It's faulty logic that really boils down to "wishful thinking".
After WoW came out, it had a pretty substantial effect on other MMOs' populations. FFXI's population stayed pretty stable. Many, many people I know who went to WoW thinking it was "the greener grass", came back before long. In all, FFXI's population has stayed between 500-600k throughout it's existence - including around the time of WoW's launch.
FFXI is a different enough game, certainly a niche game, that those who play and enjoy it continue to do so becuase they don't enjoy the playstyle of a game like WoW or other so-called "casual friendly" games. It's not like choosing between WoW, LoTRO or some other game from that mold.. It's an entirely different game.
If WoW hasn't "killed it", WarHammer won't either. Sorry to burst bubbles or put a damper on anyone's wishful thinking, but FFXI will be around after Warhammer launches.
For some reason, there are people who are ego-centric enough to feel that if they're not enjoying a game anymore that no one else should/could be enjoying it either. The OP is a perfect example of this. And, like others of the same mindset, they're pretty much always wrong.
and the cash shop selling asphalt..." - Mimzel on F2P/Cash Shops
I think it's more to reaffirm the reason they left the game in the first place. More like insecurity.
By finding more people that agree with them they can justify their initial reason for leaving the game and thus feel like they are on the right side of the tracks.
A friend is not him who provides support during your failures.A friend is the one that cheers you during your successes.