Originally posted by Vincenz 'll be amazed if people pay for in enough numbers to keep it alive.
Eh, it will stay around for some time, it is a part of Station Pass, which has a pretty low threshold.
To be honest, it is a niche game. Avatar combat kinda sucks. Ship combat is better, but against NPCs is kind of repetative. But the main issue is that people are not seeing the main focus of the game yet, which is RvR PvP.
The game is obviously very different from EVE (nowhere near as wide open), but yet it does remind me of EVE quite a bit in some respects. EVE has no avatar combat (perhaps an option this game should have taken), and really subpar, boring, repetative PvE combat with NPCs. Again the focus is PvP and economic warfare, and that seems to be where this one is focused as well from what I have seen so far. Still, I find it very hard to judge given that I haven't been able to see PvP yet, and looking at the game it seems clearly to be a heavy guild/RvR PvP setup such that the stuff you are seeing from levels 1-20 is probably mostly irrelevant to where the real game is (kind of like judging DAoC based on the level 1-20 leveling experience, which kinda sucks as well).
So for me the jury is still out on this one. Clearly some glaring weaknesses, but a good number of unique things too.
Originally posted by Vincenz 'll be amazed if people pay for in enough numbers to keep it alive.
Eh, it will stay around for some time, it is a part of Station Pass, which has a pretty low threshold.
To be honest, it is a niche game. Avatar combat kinda sucks. Ship combat is better, but against NPCs is kind of repetative. But the main issue is that people are not seeing the main focus of the game yet, which is RvR PvP.
The game is obviously very different from EVE (nowhere near as wide open), but yet it does remind me of EVE quite a bit in some respects. EVE has no avatar combat (perhaps an option this game should have taken), and really subpar, boring, repetative PvE combat with NPCs. Again the focus is PvP and economic warfare, and that seems to be where this one is focused as well from what I have seen so far. Still, I find it very hard to judge given that I haven't been able to see PvP yet, and looking at the game it seems clearly to be a heavy guild/RvR PvP setup such that the stuff you are seeing from levels 1-20 is probably mostly irrelevant to where the real game is (kind of like judging DAoC based on the level 1-20 leveling experience, which kinda sucks as well).
So for me the jury is still out on this one. Clearly some glaring weaknesses, but a good number of unique things too.
A agree with you Nova in some aspects of what you said..
You nailed it right there with.. Heavy Guilding/RvR PvP setup and Economic Warfare. Our guild just ran its 1st pre-launch PvP flagged event tonight. We had a total of 4 groups which pertained to 6 players in each group. A officer in each channel of TS and group to set sail. With a total of 24 ships, it was pretty spectacular! We coulda of gotten and extra fleet, but the rest of the guild is pressing to 21 for release date.
2) I hope he goes bankrupt and the goverment takes his castle away
3) just cause its new and original doesnt mean its gonna be good, i mean if some one made dookiefart flavored popsicles its new and unique but doesnt mean its gonna be good.
and my personal favourite.....
4) I didnt mean to sound funny but real pirates wernt cool like the pirates in POTC real pirates many actually had homosexualy tendencies and many were actually gay, i think there were more homosexuals or practicing of homosexuality with pirates then heterosexuality.
You people who constantly yell "TROLL" and "Don't listen to the TROLL" are tip-toeing around the issue here. This game has been in development for a ridiculous amount of time, and they don't have anything to show for it.
I really, really wanted to like this game. I love the age of sail and I love PvP, being a former Eve player. They turned the age of sail into a joke with fairly cartoony graphics and too many pirate cliches to count. I could probably look past these things if the gameplay was actually good. Guess what? They fudged that too. Avatar combat is boring, repetitve, and not worth the time they delayed the game for it. Ship combat at least takes some thought, thats one good thing about the game.
My biggest beef with this game is the PvP system. Come on people, it's a game about pirates. Why in the world does a pirate game have restricted PvP????? I don't understand it at all. It's the most ridiculous decision that could have possibly been made. This should be totally free for all. No "flagging" or any carebear crap like that. Pirates were gankers and jerks, but in this they are basically just one more boring nation in one more boring, over-hyped MMO.
And don't give me the crap about "everyone would leave if PvP was FFA" Eve's is largely FFA, or, at least a lot more than PotBS is, and it has a great population and apparently brings in enough money for (competent) developers to keep expanding the game.
It's not a bad game in terms of gameplay, graphics and sound. However, It's a bad game for people that are looking for immersion. Seriously, everything is instanced in that game and that's a major turn off for many. I was surprise to see that even going inside a house was an instance with a loading screen. It basically felt like a huge mod of Neverwinter nights 2. I'm sure some people will love that game while others will hate it but where I stand, it's a major let down.
I wouldn't flame the OP for his opinion is extremely valid and true. We are in 2008 and games are regressing.
You know, Runescape has more feature then any other MMO out here lol... that's how reality is.
And don't give me the crap about "everyone would leave if PvP was FFA" Eve's is largely FFA, or, at least a lot more than PotBS is, and it has a great population and apparently brings in enough money for (competent) developers to keep expanding the game.
Meh I played EVE for almost three years -- I enjoyed it, but there is a lot of misinformation about EVE.
EVE is a "FFA" as you want it to be. The vast majority of the players online at any one time are not in the FFA areas -- it's a small segment of EVE's community that embraces the hardest of the hardcore FFA lifestyle in the game -- most people opt out of that substantially or even entirely. Sure there's always a technical risk of being ganked in high sec, but it doesn't happen much due to CCP's risk/reward system.
EVE's "new content" is largely either new ship models or new skills and modules -- once every year or two they will seed in a new region or two of space (the kind of thing that would "count" as new content in a ground based 3d game). It's not content that is very hard or expensive to produce. The biggest upgrade CCP has done was the Trinity graphics update, which admittedly is nice, but it's essentially a new paint job (and one that was needed as the graphics were getting pretty dated). EVE has always benefited tremendously on the cost side by the fact that it is not trying at all to have any kind of ground-based 3d universe, and the non-ground based 3d universe it has is not graphically intensive at all -- it has a static space background like a postcard for each constellation, a few minor effects, and then just a handful of static ship and station models. As a result, it was a very cheap game to make, and it's been a cheap game to "expand", because in reality all that is for the most part is adding new ships, modules and skills, and again that is easy to do.
Don't get me wrong, CCP has done well with EVE, but EVE by its nature was cheap to produce and is cheap to expand compared to a land-based 3d game.
You people who constantly yell "TROLL" and "Don't listen to the TROLL" are tip-toeing around the issue here. ...
No, we're not.
The OP was a troll IMHO.
Because as the opening post to a thread is was not a conversation starter.
Opening a thread with a post saying "This game suxxor. KTHXBYE." is a troll. Say WHY this game suxxor.
"This game suxxor because the sailing model is not realistic..." as an example. Discussion opener - put some thought into it.
Your post ThehumannBee, is a good example of the sort of post that should open a thread... THEN people can reply "This game suxxor. KTHXBYE." if they want. ;-)
Reviews are ALWAYS much more useful when they are truthful. You suck at reviews. You dock at ports. Ports aren't instanced. You ship off to the open sea. The open sea isn't instanced. Buildings include shops, magistrate offices, tailors, inns etc. right? They sure look like buildings when I walk into them. Those are not instanced. Battles are instanced but can be joined by others if one side calls for help. Missions. Yes, those are instanced. YOU GOT ONE RIGHT!!!! <Mod edit>
Taking a short break from my playing time on Kidd server (level 20 French captain) so wandered over here to see whats up. I'm having a blast so far and look forward to the arrival of the masses after the pre-launch is over. You can definetly solo in this game although to do the actual Nation verus Nation stuff groups are much better.
Some don't like the way NvN works but most people in my experience don't want a free for all some wanted, maybe if you boys ask the dev's they will make a server that does that for you. If you were looking for newbie ganking that just isn't happening here. The meat of the game is NvN so I would suggest joining a society and help your side to victory! Another neat feature is you can win(your side) and than the game will reset the cities to start over again!
Some have complained about the instancing in the game and that isn't your cup of tea this game probably isn't for you. That said the instancing seems to be very balanced in my opinion, such as some battles that you don't have to worry about people jumping in and bothering you. The towns aren't instanced as some have stated although their can be missions/buildings in them that are. Towns are bit basic and the devs are looking to change that in the future, but they have everything you need at present. Ground combat is instanced and I personally have no problem with that. Sea travel isn't instanced and balanced between time and travel (accelated travel), doesn't feel to long or short to get somewhere.
Many people posting don't like the avatar combat, but to me its not much different then most MMopg fare. You pick class and then pick from that branch various moves or abilities, nothing too fancy but enjoyable to me. I understand the devs are looking into this aspect of the game for improvements, so those of you who play the game but want more from this area leave them your suggestions!
This game is a blast so far and I look forward to continued played for a long while. As you can see some don't like it for various reason while other enjoy it greatly, so do yourself a favor and try it out if your looking for fun and the above problems don't overly concern you. Oh I didn't mention the economics side but most people (including me) like it. Enjoy and hope to see you in game!
Eh, it will stay around for some time, it is a part of Station Pass, which has a pretty low threshold.
To be honest, it is a niche game. Avatar combat kinda sucks. Ship combat is better, but against NPCs is kind of repetative. But the main issue is that people are not seeing the main focus of the game yet, which is RvR PvP.
The game is obviously very different from EVE (nowhere near as wide open), but yet it does remind me of EVE quite a bit in some respects. EVE has no avatar combat (perhaps an option this game should have taken), and really subpar, boring, repetative PvE combat with NPCs. Again the focus is PvP and economic warfare, and that seems to be where this one is focused as well from what I have seen so far. Still, I find it very hard to judge given that I haven't been able to see PvP yet, and looking at the game it seems clearly to be a heavy guild/RvR PvP setup such that the stuff you are seeing from levels 1-20 is probably mostly irrelevant to where the real game is (kind of like judging DAoC based on the level 1-20 leveling experience, which kinda sucks as well).
So for me the jury is still out on this one. Clearly some glaring weaknesses, but a good number of unique things too.
Eh, it will stay around for some time, it is a part of Station Pass, which has a pretty low threshold.
To be honest, it is a niche game. Avatar combat kinda sucks. Ship combat is better, but against NPCs is kind of repetative. But the main issue is that people are not seeing the main focus of the game yet, which is RvR PvP.
The game is obviously very different from EVE (nowhere near as wide open), but yet it does remind me of EVE quite a bit in some respects. EVE has no avatar combat (perhaps an option this game should have taken), and really subpar, boring, repetative PvE combat with NPCs. Again the focus is PvP and economic warfare, and that seems to be where this one is focused as well from what I have seen so far. Still, I find it very hard to judge given that I haven't been able to see PvP yet, and looking at the game it seems clearly to be a heavy guild/RvR PvP setup such that the stuff you are seeing from levels 1-20 is probably mostly irrelevant to where the real game is (kind of like judging DAoC based on the level 1-20 leveling experience, which kinda sucks as well).
So for me the jury is still out on this one. Clearly some glaring weaknesses, but a good number of unique things too.
A agree with you Nova in some aspects of what you said..
You nailed it right there with.. Heavy Guilding/RvR PvP setup and Economic Warfare. Our guild just ran its 1st pre-launch PvP flagged event tonight. We had a total of 4 groups which pertained to 6 players in each group. A officer in each channel of TS and group to set sail. With a total of 24 ships, it was pretty spectacular! We coulda of gotten and extra fleet, but the rest of the guild is pressing to 21 for release date.
Good times ahead!
Just wanted to post some gems from nomatica:
1) You might be a pirate if...you like men.
2) I hope he goes bankrupt and the goverment takes his castle away
3) just cause its new and original doesnt mean its gonna be good, i mean if some one made dookiefart flavored popsicles its new and unique but doesnt mean its gonna be good.
and my personal favourite.....
4) I didnt mean to sound funny but real pirates wernt cool like the pirates in POTC real pirates many actually had homosexualy tendencies and many were actually gay, i think there were more homosexuals or practicing of homosexuality with pirates then heterosexuality.
Some people shouldn't be entitled to an opinion
You people who constantly yell "TROLL" and "Don't listen to the TROLL" are tip-toeing around the issue here. This game has been in development for a ridiculous amount of time, and they don't have anything to show for it.
I really, really wanted to like this game. I love the age of sail and I love PvP, being a former Eve player. They turned the age of sail into a joke with fairly cartoony graphics and too many pirate cliches to count. I could probably look past these things if the gameplay was actually good. Guess what? They fudged that too. Avatar combat is boring, repetitve, and not worth the time they delayed the game for it. Ship combat at least takes some thought, thats one good thing about the game.
My biggest beef with this game is the PvP system. Come on people, it's a game about pirates. Why in the world does a pirate game have restricted PvP????? I don't understand it at all. It's the most ridiculous decision that could have possibly been made. This should be totally free for all. No "flagging" or any carebear crap like that. Pirates were gankers and jerks, but in this they are basically just one more boring nation in one more boring, over-hyped MMO.
And don't give me the crap about "everyone would leave if PvP was FFA" Eve's is largely FFA, or, at least a lot more than PotBS is, and it has a great population and apparently brings in enough money for (competent) developers to keep expanding the game.
I just want to say that I love the title, OP.
Let's hope this game gets what it deserves, to rott on the bottom of the ocean.
It's not a bad game in terms of gameplay, graphics and sound. However, It's a bad game for people that are looking for immersion. Seriously, everything is instanced in that game and that's a major turn off for many. I was surprise to see that even going inside a house was an instance with a loading screen. It basically felt like a huge mod of Neverwinter nights 2. I'm sure some people will love that game while others will hate it but where I stand, it's a major let down.
I wouldn't flame the OP for his opinion is extremely valid and true. We are in 2008 and games are regressing.
You know, Runescape has more feature then any other MMO out here lol... that's how reality is.
Meh I played EVE for almost three years -- I enjoyed it, but there is a lot of misinformation about EVE.
EVE is a "FFA" as you want it to be. The vast majority of the players online at any one time are not in the FFA areas -- it's a small segment of EVE's community that embraces the hardest of the hardcore FFA lifestyle in the game -- most people opt out of that substantially or even entirely. Sure there's always a technical risk of being ganked in high sec, but it doesn't happen much due to CCP's risk/reward system.
EVE's "new content" is largely either new ship models or new skills and modules -- once every year or two they will seed in a new region or two of space (the kind of thing that would "count" as new content in a ground based 3d game). It's not content that is very hard or expensive to produce. The biggest upgrade CCP has done was the Trinity graphics update, which admittedly is nice, but it's essentially a new paint job (and one that was needed as the graphics were getting pretty dated). EVE has always benefited tremendously on the cost side by the fact that it is not trying at all to have any kind of ground-based 3d universe, and the non-ground based 3d universe it has is not graphically intensive at all -- it has a static space background like a postcard for each constellation, a few minor effects, and then just a handful of static ship and station models. As a result, it was a very cheap game to make, and it's been a cheap game to "expand", because in reality all that is for the most part is adding new ships, modules and skills, and again that is easy to do.
Don't get me wrong, CCP has done well with EVE, but EVE by its nature was cheap to produce and is cheap to expand compared to a land-based 3d game.
No, we're not.
The OP was a troll IMHO.
Because as the opening post to a thread is was not a conversation starter.
Opening a thread with a post saying "This game suxxor. KTHXBYE." is a troll. Say WHY this game suxxor.
"This game suxxor because the sailing model is not realistic..." as an example. Discussion opener - put some thought into it.
Your post ThehumannBee, is a good example of the sort of post that should open a thread... THEN people can reply "This game suxxor. KTHXBYE." if they want. ;-)
Nothing says irony like spelling ideot wrong.
You dock at ports. Ports aren't instanced. You ship off to the open sea. The open sea isn't instanced. Buildings include shops, magistrate offices, tailors, inns etc. right? They sure look like buildings when I walk into them. Those are not instanced.
Battles are instanced but can be joined by others if one side calls for help. Missions. Yes, those are instanced. YOU GOT ONE RIGHT!!!!
<Mod edit>
Taking a short break from my playing time on Kidd server (level 20 French captain) so wandered over here to see whats up. I'm having a blast so far and look forward to the arrival of the masses after the pre-launch is over. You can definetly solo in this game although to do the actual Nation verus Nation stuff groups are much better.
Some don't like the way NvN works but most people in my experience don't want a free for all some wanted, maybe if you boys ask the dev's they will make a server that does that for you. If you were looking for newbie ganking that just isn't happening here. The meat of the game is NvN so I would suggest joining a society and help your side to victory! Another neat feature is you can win(your side) and than the game will reset the cities to start over again!
Some have complained about the instancing in the game and that isn't your cup of tea this game probably isn't for you. That said the instancing seems to be very balanced in my opinion, such as some battles that you don't have to worry about people jumping in and bothering you. The towns aren't instanced as some have stated although their can be missions/buildings in them that are. Towns are bit basic and the devs are looking to change that in the future, but they have everything you need at present. Ground combat is instanced and I personally have no problem with that. Sea travel isn't instanced and balanced between time and travel (accelated travel), doesn't feel to long or short to get somewhere.
Many people posting don't like the avatar combat, but to me its not much different then most MMopg fare. You pick class and then pick from that branch various moves or abilities, nothing too fancy but enjoyable to me. I understand the devs are looking into this aspect of the game for improvements, so those of you who play the game but want more from this area leave them your suggestions!
This game is a blast so far and I look forward to continued played for a long while. As you can see some don't like it for various reason while other enjoy it greatly, so do yourself a favor and try it out if your looking for fun and the above problems don't overly concern you. Oh I didn't mention the economics side but most people (including me) like it. Enjoy and hope to see you in game!
Buegur LaPhew