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Why do 88% of african American Voters, vote Democrat?



  • gnomexxxgnomexxx Member Posts: 2,920


    Originally posted by Thrakk

    But.. Is a few nickels worth being greedy and unhelpful to others over?

    Wahh, those nickels are my property

    Also, I believe that even if a Democratic president raised spending on health care and education -- that higher tax would cancel out with the lower tax there would be on the war on terror. Meaning you aren't being taxed more. I highly doubt that a democratic president would raise your tax more than a few nickels of what you are paying now.  Democrats are more efficent spenders. Didn't Clinton not raise the national debt much or at all?
    Furthermore, if you don't want to help the poor people, then they aren't going to change. Positive reenforcement gives them more incentive to go out and get a job than does refusing to offer them welfare benefits. Also, better education is something that I would gladly pay taxes for. It's good to rid the world of idiots. That won't happen if you hog your nickels because of some stupid principle - that just so happen lets you save your nickel. HOORAY for my nickel.

    I don't think you understand the whole concept of "mine".  What's mine is not yours and you keep your freakin' hands off of it.  You are not more qualified to decide what is better for my money and labor.  I am.  I don't need you coming in and telling me how to manage my finances and where my charity should go.  I don't agree with you on what is right or wrong so get over it and do what you think is right with your own cash and labor.  I've committed to leaving you with your choices, so quit being such a bigot.


    I will take care of my family, friends, and community how I see fit.  Keep your grubby hands out of my pocket book!


  • Cabe2323Cabe2323 Member Posts: 2,939

    Some more misconceptions. 


    Republicans are more inline with decentralization of government.  Libertarians are closer to republicans then democrats BY FAR. 

    Democrat programs will cost a lot more then a few nickels in taxes.  Every government that has the programs that Democrats want to instil have a bottom tax rate of 35%+.  Places like France, England, Canada, Iceland, Sweden, etc.  They take anywhere from 35% of your pay to 60% of your pay check.  (Iceland's combined federal and local taxes came to about 58% of a person's paycheck).


    It is not a matter of being greedy.  IT is a matter of wanting efficient means of helping people.  The federal government is a horrible instrument of helping the correct people.  It would be much better accomplished by local communities, local government, and private charities.  Americans are not greedy, they are actually the highest giving people in the world.  We give more money to charity then any other country in the world. 

    We want our money to be used properly and the Federal government is incapable of doing so.  We also want to have some measure of control over how our money is being used.  For instance if you don't want to provide money that gives illegal immigrants healthcare then you just don't donate to a charity that does that.  But if the Federal government is taking the money and providing these things then you have no choice. 


    Libertarians and classical republicans (not these neocon republicans, that aren't even real republicans) believe in limiting the government's role in our everday lives.  Democrats like Hillary Clinton want to control people's lives from the moment they are born to the moment they die. 

    I honestly can't believe that people by into the crap that the Democratic party puts out. 

    (and for the record I do put my money where my mouth is.  I did not vote for Bush in either election.  Just like I wouldn't of voted for Clinton in either election either.  I voted for Nader actually and would of voted for Perot if I was old enough at the time.  In the current primary I will vote for Paul.  Not sure who I will vote for in the actual election since I know Paul isn't going to get the nomination).

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  • lomillerlomiller Member Posts: 1,810
    Originally posted by Muirin

    Originally posted by Thrakk

    "the fruits of our labor"
    is a few nickels worth being greedy and unhelpful to others over? come on.
    Ive allready asked this question and people skiped over it.



    Do i not have a right to my property?  Money is property, its my reward for hardwork.  Why should i have to give up my property to someone else just becuase another person decided it was ok to steal from m?.  My money is stolen every time its taken from my paycheck and given to someone else.  If anyone but the government did this they would be in jail.  But yet the government gets away with stuff like this all the time.  So for everyone who supports welfare.  Do i not have a right to my property?


    Money is an absolutely meaningless concept without society to give it value. Since society is what gives your money value to begin with how can you claim society has no claim on a part of that money?  Humans are inherently social creatures, we can’t survive as individuals.  For humans to exist we must first build societies, then and only then can concepts like individuality personal property come into play.  It seems to me that if your money only has value because of your society, and you have existence only because of your society then it’s reasonable that your society is entitled to some of what you earn.   



    I’m not saying complete subversion of the individual to their society is a good idea either, rather I’m suggesting there must always be a balance struck between individual and society.  It’s obvious, however, that “whatever you feel like contributing to society” isn’t going to work.  It’s human nature to always think we deserve more for less, so you will never cover the costs of running a society with voluntary contributions.  Those contributions can be enforced by community standards, religious beliefs or taxes but one way or another they are going to end up being enforced or you will lose the things society gives you.  (Your money and your existence)
  • 8hammer88hammer8 Member Posts: 1,812
    Originally posted by Muirin

    Problem with giving government youre money to fix problems is, they dont know how to manage ANYTHING efficiently.  If the government was a private business they would of gone out of business a long time ago.  Problem with government health care is in order to pay for it the quality of care will go down.  Look at VA hospital and that is what a government runhospital is like.  Clinton did not raise national debt at all or very little, he did this by creating high taxes.  But he din't work towards paying off the debt at all, so hes neutral, not great and not bad.
    A positive reenforcement can also be if you work hard it will pay off.  Giving people money for doing nothing doesnt drive alot of people to want to achive.  It drives some people to achive and get out of poverty, only becuase the idea of gething welfare is shamefull to them.  The problem with welfare is their is an income gap were youre quality of life is better on welfare then off.  So what is the insentive for some people to work hard knowing they will have a period in their life that is going to be worse off welfare then when they were on it?
    Education needed to be changed, throwing more money at it wont fix the problem.  Need to tie the money to the kids and let them pick what school they want to go to.  Currently most schools get money for the kids in their district and they have to go to the school in that district.  Tie the money to the schools and give them the choice of were they want to go will improve education.  The crapy schools will go out of business and only the good schools people want to go to will stay.  But education system needs a complete fix before you try to throw more money at it. 
    How is my principle stupid?  Reward people for hardwork, let them keep what they earn.

    I like the 2 link myself, has some good facts in their.


                "In 1993 President Clinton inherited the deficit spending problem and did more than just talk about it; he fixed it.  In his first two years and with a cooperative Democratic Congress he set the course for the best economy this country has ever experienced.  Then he worked with what could be characterized as the most hostile Congress in history, led by Republicans for the last six years of his administration.  Yet, under constant personal attacks from the right, he still managed to get the growth of the debt down to 0.32% (one third of one percent) his last year in office.  Had his policies been followed for one more year the debt would have been reduced for the first time since the Kennedy administration.  

                 When President Bush II came into office in 2001 he quickly turned all that progress around.  With the help of a Republican controlled Congress he immediately gave a massive tax cut based on a failed economic policy; perhaps an economic fantasy describes it better.  The last year Mr. Clinton was in office the nation borrowed 18 billion dollars.  The first year Mr. Bush II was in office he had to borrow 133 billion.  The first tax cut Bush pushed through a willing Republican Congress caused an upswing in government borrowing that was supposed to stimulate the economy, but two years later Bush had to push through yet another tax cut.  The second tax cut was needed because it was clear that the first one did not work.  Economic history tells us the second did not work either.  As a result of all his tax cutting with no cutting in spending, in 2003 President Bush set a record for the biggest single yearly dollar increase in debt in the nation’s history.  He did it again in 2004, increasing the debt more than half a trillion dollars.  Since 2003 total borrowing has exceeded $500,000,000,000 per year.  Even Mr. Reagan never increased the debt that much in a single year; Mr. Reagan’s biggest increase was only 282 billion, half of GWB’s outrageous spending.  As a result of the fact that the debt was already pretty high when Bush II entered office, his annual rate of increase is only averaging 7% per year so far.  In 2006 he was holding press conferences bragging that the debt was increasing at the rate of only 300 billion dollars a year, yet in reality it was twice that.  Again the facts do not match Neo-Con rhetoric."

    " Comparing the borrowing habits of the two parties since 1981, when the Neo-Conservative movement really took hold and government spending raced out of control, it is extremely obvious that the big spenders in Washington are Republicans and their party’s presidents.  The only Democratic president since then, Mr. Clinton raised the national debt an average of 4.3% per year.  The Republican presidents (Reagan, Bush, and Bush II) raised the debt an average of 10.8% per year.  That is, for every dollar a Democratic President has raised the national debt in the past 25 years, Republican presidents have raised the debt by $2.53.  Any way you look at it Neo-Conservative Republican presidents cannot or will not control government spending."

    "It is easier to be cruel than wise. The road to wisdom is long and difficult... so most people just turn out to be assholes" Feng (Christopher Walken)

  • lomillerlomiller Member Posts: 1,810
    Since the end of WWII only 3 presidents have failed to reduce the US debt as a portion of GDP.  Debt vs GDP is basically the equivalent of “how much I owe vs how much I make”. This describes your debt load vs how much you can afford to pay, so it’s the best single comparison for debtedness.  


    The thee presidents who increased the US debt vs GDP are Ronald Reagan, Bush I and Bush II. Even through the Korean war, the Vietnam war, the cold war, the economic downturn and oil embargo of the 70’s and the massive spending on the space race in the 60’s every other president managed to reduce the public debt of the American people relative to their ability to pay it.  




    Note that the comming recession would increase the 2008 debt even without the unfinanced tax cuts being proposed.

  • Originally posted by Nasica

    Originally posted by Muirin

    Originally posted by Thrakk

    I'm pretty sure you underestimate the helpfulness of government spending on health care and education. Throwing money at it can fix things. You just don't have faith in people spending your nickels properly.
    Democrats are more closely linked to the liberals than republicans. Liberals favor decentralization of government more than anyone.
    Money And School Performance: Lessons from the Kansas City Desegregation Experiment


    Its a long article, but it shows that just throwing money at education doesnt work.  Or you can watch the 40 min video below.  Part about the Kansas City schools starts around 8:10


    While this video is a little biast, alot of it is true.  Money is needed in education, but with how it is setup right now throwing money at it DOESNT WORK!   Any one able to tell how old the video is?


    Need to do alot of research on Healthcare, but Government Health Care isnt a sollution.  Medicare allready costs over $9 trillion a year.


    Democrats are Liberals.  While liberals may  want to spread the government out, they are for big government.  I'm for small government.  Doesnt matter if its sprad out.  Big government makes more problems then they solve.

    You have completly changed your argument in the space of one page.


    You started off with "They are stealing my property"

    Now your argument is that its alright that they steal your property, they just arnt spending it correctly.

    So which is it? your argument is very vague.

    Dont think you understand the point im trying to make.  Its about welfare and that my money shoulnt go into another person pocket just becuase the government says they need help.  Education and Welfare are two diffrent issues.  Education is what defines someone, doesnt matter who their parents are.  With education they can suceed, it is the gate way to liberation.  Knowlege gives rise to a belief in tolerance.  The Federal Government shoul not be involved in Welfare or Education.   Would like to see government out of welfare all together.  The point is, people will always be taxes.  Their is some level of taxation that is needed and some stuff that needs to be run.  But to tax someone just to give the money to someone else isnt needed nore does it work.

    The points im making in this debate may seem vague to you because you may be looking at it from a more closed minded view.  Rather then trying to get all the facts.  This is a debate sir, im puting out my views on it and so far i havent gotten any one to actually debate them with me.  Debate me on the issues and why they do/dont work and should/shouln't continue to do them.

  • Originally posted by 8hammer8

    Originally posted by Muirin

    Problem with giving government youre money to fix problems is, they dont know how to manage ANYTHING efficiently.  If the government was a private business they would of gone out of business a long time ago.  Problem with government health care is in order to pay for it the quality of care will go down.  Look at VA hospital and that is what a government runhospital is like.  Clinton did not raise national debt at all or very little, he did this by creating high taxes.  But he din't work towards paying off the debt at all, so hes neutral, not great and not bad.
    A positive reenforcement can also be if you work hard it will pay off.  Giving people money for doing nothing doesnt drive alot of people to want to achive.  It drives some people to achive and get out of poverty, only becuase the idea of gething welfare is shamefull to them.  The problem with welfare is their is an income gap were youre quality of life is better on welfare then off.  So what is the insentive for some people to work hard knowing they will have a period in their life that is going to be worse off welfare then when they were on it?
    Education needed to be changed, throwing more money at it wont fix the problem.  Need to tie the money to the kids and let them pick what school they want to go to.  Currently most schools get money for the kids in their district and they have to go to the school in that district.  Tie the money to the schools and give them the choice of were they want to go will improve education.  The crapy schools will go out of business and only the good schools people want to go to will stay.  But education system needs a complete fix before you try to throw more money at it. 
    How is my principle stupid?  Reward people for hardwork, let them keep what they earn.

    I like the 2 link myself, has some good facts in their.


                "In 1993 President Clinton inherited the deficit spending problem and did more than just talk about it; he fixed it.  In his first two years and with a cooperative Democratic Congress he set the course for the best economy this country has ever experienced.  Then he worked with what could be characterized as the most hostile Congress in history, led by Republicans for the last six years of his administration.  Yet, under constant personal attacks from the right, he still managed to get the growth of the debt down to 0.32% (one third of one percent) his last year in office.  Had his policies been followed for one more year the debt would have been reduced for the first time since the Kennedy administration.  

                 When President Bush II came into office in 2001 he quickly turned all that progress around.  With the help of a Republican controlled Congress he immediately gave a massive tax cut based on a failed economic policy; perhaps an economic fantasy describes it better.  The last year Mr. Clinton was in office the nation borrowed 18 billion dollars.  The first year Mr. Bush II was in office he had to borrow 133 billion.  The first tax cut Bush pushed through a willing Republican Congress caused an upswing in government borrowing that was supposed to stimulate the economy, but two years later Bush had to push through yet another tax cut.  The second tax cut was needed because it was clear that the first one did not work.  Economic history tells us the second did not work either.  As a result of all his tax cutting with no cutting in spending, in 2003 President Bush set a record for the biggest single yearly dollar increase in debt in the nation’s history.  He did it again in 2004, increasing the debt more than half a trillion dollars.  Since 2003 total borrowing has exceeded $500,000,000,000 per year.  Even Mr. Reagan never increased the debt that much in a single year; Mr. Reagan’s biggest increase was only 282 billion, half of GWB’s outrageous spending.  As a result of the fact that the debt was already pretty high when Bush II entered office, his annual rate of increase is only averaging 7% per year so far.  In 2006 he was holding press conferences bragging that the debt was increasing at the rate of only 300 billion dollars a year, yet in reality it was twice that.  Again the facts do not match Neo-Con rhetoric."

    " Comparing the borrowing habits of the two parties since 1981, when the Neo-Conservative movement really took hold and government spending raced out of control, it is extremely obvious that the big spenders in Washington are Republicans and their party’s presidents.  The only Democratic president since then, Mr. Clinton raised the national debt an average of 4.3% per year.  The Republican presidents (Reagan, Bush, and Bush II) raised the debt an average of 10.8% per year.  That is, for every dollar a Democratic President has raised the national debt in the past 25 years, Republican presidents have raised the debt by $2.53.  Any way you look at it Neo-Conservative Republican presidents cannot or will not control government spending."

    The graph is a perfect example of how Democrats are good at reducing the deficate.  But i'd like to see more graphs and statics.  It doesnt show that Republicans spend more, it just shows nationl debt increases.  Would be great if anyone can find a graph of spending, eceonomic grow and taxes.  But yes, republicans do increase the nation debt, becuase they cut taxes.  But the problem Republicans have is they dont cut spending.  So even if you cut taxes without cuting spending, nothing will get better.  Bush has to barrow $2 Billion a day, thats unaccecptable for anyones standards.  Not like either party is doing anything to pay off the debt, Democrats reduce the amount it goes up.  And Republicnas make it sky rocket.  Need to get a president who is deterimined to cut the spending, reduce taxes, and statrt paying off the Debt.  My generation is the one who has been left with the bills from the other generations.

  • lomillerlomiller Member Posts: 1,810
    Originally posted by Muirin

    Dont think you understand the point im trying to make.  Its about welfare and that my money shoulnt go into another person pocket just becuase the government says they need help. 


    So you want the style of economy they have in Mexico? Very low taxes, almost  no social spending, an abnormally high proportion of millionaires, etc?
  • SoupstaneSoupstane Member Posts: 8

    I dont know why any American, African or otherwise would support either party. The US seems very proud of its freedom, the soldiers die for it yet the voters vote it away at the polls. As long as we vote for the lessor of evils we will always get evil. I dont think African Americans are any more fond of their earnings being spent on things that they dont believe in  than European, Hispanic or Asian Americans. We kinda went downhill when we decided that it was ok to take the earnings of one person and give it to someone else without the givers consent.

  • Beatnik59Beatnik59 Member UncommonPosts: 2,413

    I've worked for the government.  I've also worked for corporations.  I can say without a doubt that corporations are about as wasteful, if not moreso, than the government.

    The difference between the two is that corporations run things like a party for all of the people who are there, while the Federal government is at least somewhat (perhaps not perfectly) accountable to the elected officials and administrative law.

    "Its sad when people use religion to feel superior, its even worse to see people using a video game to do it."

    "...when it comes to pimping EVE I have little restraints."
    --Hellmar, CEO of CCP.

    "It's like they took a gun, put it to their nugget sack and pulled the trigger over and over again, each time telling us how great it was that they were shooting themselves in the balls."
    --Exar_Kun on SWG's NGE

  • Originally posted by lomiller

    Since the end of WWII only 3 presidents have failed to reduce the US debt as a portion of GDP.  Debt vs GDP is basically the equivalent of “how much I owe vs how much I make”. This describes your debt load vs how much you can afford to pay, so it’s the best single comparison for debtedness.  
    The thee presidents who increased the US debt vs GDP are Ronald Reagan, Bush I and Bush II. Even through the Korean war, the Vietnam war, the cold war, the economic downturn and oil embargo of the 70’s and the massive spending on the space race in the 60’s every other president managed to reduce the public debt of the American people relative to their ability to pay it.  

    Note that the comming recession would increase the 2008 debt even without the unfinanced tax cuts being proposed.

    good graph.  But no president has ever started to pay off the Nationl Debt, every president has raised it.  National debt started to rise sharply with Regan and Bush1,  Clinton started to get nationl debt under control at the end of his 2 term, but still dint work to pay any off.  Bush puts every one else to shame.  National debt was at about 6 Trillion when he took office and it is estimated at the current rate that it will olmst be at 10 trillion by the time he is out of office.  Thing is no president works to pay it off, they just creat more, some very little and others have screwed use all for years to come.

  (beter to look at it this way)

  • Originally posted by Soupstane

    I dont know why any American, African or otherwise would support either party. The US seems very proud of its freedom, the soldiers die for it yet the voters vote it away at the polls. As long as we vote for the lessor of evils we will always get evil. I dont think African Americans are any more fond of their earnings being spent on things that they dont believe in  than European, Hispanic or Asian Americans. We kinda went downhill when we decided that it was ok to take the earnings of one person and give it to someone else without the givers consent.

    thank you sir, i dont support either party.  I show up more as a Libertine (Hate their view on immigration and free market).  Both parties have failed use, and electing the same people expecting a different result is stupid. 

  • Originally posted by lomiller

    Originally posted by Muirin

    Dont think you understand the point im trying to make.  Its about welfare and that my money shoulnt go into another person pocket just becuase the government says they need help. 


    So you want the style of economy they have in Mexico? Very low taxes, almost  no social spending, an abnormally high proportion of millionaires, etc?

    You said it not me.  Im for lower taxes, and less money spent on social programs.  Their should be an effort to slowley fase out some programs.  SS, Welfare, Medicare, stuff like that.  You cant just end programs right away, people have become deponded on the government to live.  So instead of just leaving all the people deponded fase it out and  reduce taxes.  Get people to stop relying of the government and take personal responsibilities for their own lifes.  Again, care to debate with me or have any more questions?

  • lomillerlomiller Member Posts: 1,810
    Originally posted by Muirin

    good graph.  But no president has ever started to pay off the Nationl Debt, every president has raised it.  National debt started to rise sharply with Regan and Bush1,  Clinton started to get nationl debt under control at the end of his 2 term, but still dint work to pay any off.  Bush puts every one else to shame.  National debt was at about 6 Trillion when he took office and it is estimated at the current rate that it will olmst be at 10 trillion by the time he is out of office.  Thing is no president works to pay it off, they just creat more, some very little and others have screwed use all for years to come.
 (beter to look at it this way)


    That chart does not account for changes in the value of the dollar over time or the larger US economy.  If you owe $ 1 million and you make $1000 a month you are very deep in debt.  If you owe $1 million and make $1 million a month it’s chump change.  


    The way to look at national debt is to put in into 2008 adjusted dollars and compare it to the size of the US economy.  As long as it's not increasing as quickly as the economy is growing, national debt will have a smaller and smaller impact on daily life.
  • lomillerlomiller Member Posts: 1,810
    Originally posted by Muirin

    You said it not me.  Im for lower taxes, and less money spent on social programs.  Their should be an effort to slowley fase out some programs.  SS, Welfare, Medicare, stuff like that.  You cant just end programs right away, people have become deponded on the government to live.  So instead of just leaving all the people deponded fase it out and  reduce taxes.  Get people to stop relying of the government and take personal responsibilities for their own lifes.  Again, care to debate with me or have any more questions?


    So you do think the US economy should be more like that of Mexico?  You realize the Mexican economy isn’t working out so well right?  
  • ThrakkThrakk Member Posts: 1,226

    One last thing. When some of you say "I don't want poor peoples' grubby hands on my nickels cuz they're mine", I don't think you know the real meaning of being an American. I also thing you are materialistic and uncaring in general. America wouldn't exist if we were founded on this apathy for anyone other than ourself.

    Oh yeah, say we pick Obama if he's the deomocratic frontrunner in the election (I prefer him over Hillary), he has much more positive reasons to vote for him than John McCain. Remember that. If you disagree than I suggest we start a new thread called Obama vs. McCain - which I'm hoping will be the leaders of both parties come the presidential election.

  • ThrakkThrakk Member Posts: 1,226

    also, most important economists in USA are liberal, are they not?

    and I don't believe that the Republican party is more liberal than the Democratic party.

    one last thing (again), big government really scares the shat out of some of you doesn't it?

    We need to come together as a people. Most people are already disillusioned as it is. If you want to be a patriot we have to bring the people back together. I'm tired of all this hatred on lines of race, income, and even religion.

    "Big government" might be the first step towards decentralization which should be the ultimate goal -not "small government".

  • Originally posted by lomiller

    Originally posted by Muirin

    You said it not me.  Im for lower taxes, and less money spent on social programs.  Their should be an effort to slowley fase out some programs.  SS, Welfare, Medicare, stuff like that.  You cant just end programs right away, people have become deponded on the government to live.  So instead of just leaving all the people deponded fase it out and  reduce taxes.  Get people to stop relying of the government and take personal responsibilities for their own lifes.  Again, care to debate with me or have any more questions?


    So you do think the US economy should be more like that of Mexico?  You realize the Mexican economy isn’t working out so well right?  

     I never said we should use the type of system Mexico uses.  You just assumed that what i was saying.  And that isnt what im saying at all, im not talking about the diffrent types of economy, how did you even get to that point?

  • Originally posted by lomiller

    Originally posted by Muirin

    good graph.  But no president has ever started to pay off the Nationl Debt, every president has raised it.  National debt started to rise sharply with Regan and Bush1,  Clinton started to get nationl debt under control at the end of his 2 term, but still dint work to pay any off.  Bush puts every one else to shame.  National debt was at about 6 Trillion when he took office and it is estimated at the current rate that it will olmst be at 10 trillion by the time he is out of office.  Thing is no president works to pay it off, they just creat more, some very little and others have screwed use all for years to come.
 (beter to look at it this way)


    That chart does not account for changes in the value of the dollar over time or the larger US economy.  If you owe $ 1 million and you make $1000 a month you are very deep in debt.  If you owe $1 million and make $1 million a month it’s chump change.  


    The way to look at national debt is to put in into 2008 adjusted dollars and compare it to the size of the US economy.  As long as it's not increasing as quickly as the economy is growing, national debt will have a smaller and smaller impact on daily life.

    Your right the graph does not show inflation.  But the problem with a graph that shows inflation is the method of caculating it has changed since 20 years ago.  So unless their using the old system, or recaculating the inflation from older years then it will give you an incorect answer on inflation. 

  • Originally posted by Thrakk

    One last thing. When some of you say "I don't want poor peoples' grubby hands on my nickels cuz they're mine", I don't think you know the real meaning of being an American. I also thing you are materialistic and uncaring in general. America wouldn't exist if we were founded on this apathy for anyone other than ourself.
    Oh yeah, say we pick Obama if he's the deomocratic frontrunner in the election (I prefer him over Hillary), he has much more positive reasons to vote for him than John McCain. Remember that. If you disagree than I suggest we start a new thread called Obama vs. McCain - which I'm hoping will be the leaders of both parties come the presidential election.

    Sir, dont make up youre own quotes.  I never said that.  What does it really mean to be American then sir?  The founding fathers were influenced alot by the philosopy of John Locke.  One of his big views was that government has 3 purposes and only thoes 3.  They are that the governmens sole responsibility if the protection of Life, Liberty, and Property, nothing else.  He also said that "You have a right to youre property and the right to do with it what you choice."   How am i uncaring?  You dont even know me, yet you judge me.  On what princibles do you judge me on sir?  How would America not exist if we dint have SS, Welfare, or medicare?  America did great before these programs came about.

  • Originally posted by Thrakk

    also, most important economists in USA are liberal, are they not?
    and I don't believe that the Republican party is more liberal than the Democratic party.
    one last thing (again), big government really scares the shat out of some of you doesn't it?
    We need to come together as a people. Most people are already disillusioned as it is. If you want to be a patriot we have to bring the people back together. I'm tired of all this hatred on lines of race, income, and even religion.
    "Big government" might be the first step towards decentralization which should be the ultimate goal -not "small government".

    How do you define a patriot sir? 

    If youre tired of hatred then look at people for individuals and judge them on their character.  Not on their race, religion, gender, or class but for their character.

    The big government gets the more problems we have.  Simply put, government  makes more problems then they fix.

  • 8hammer88hammer8 Member Posts: 1,812

    Originally posted by Muirin

    Originally posted by Nasica

     You have completly changed your argument in the space of one page.
     You started off with "They are stealing my property"

    Now your argument is that its alright that they steal your property, they just arnt spending it correctly.
    So which is it? your argument is very vague.


    Dont think you understand the point im trying to make.  Its about welfare and that my money shoulnt go into another person pocket just becuase the government says they need help.  Education and Welfare are two diffrent issues.  Education is what defines someone, doesnt matter who their parents are.  With education they can suceed, it is the gate way to liberation.  Knowlege gives rise to a belief in tolerance.  The Federal Government shoul not be involved in Welfare or Education.   Would like to see government out of welfare all together.  The point is, people will always be taxes.  Their is some level of taxation that is needed and some stuff that needs to be run.  But to tax someone just to give the money to someone else isnt needed nore does it work.

    The points im making in this debate may seem vague to you because you may be looking at it from a more closed minded view.  Rather then trying to get all the facts.  This is a debate sir, im puting out my views on it and so far i havent gotten any one to actually debate them with me.  Debate me on the issues and why they do/dont work and should/shouln't continue to do them.

    Red - So that little spot on your taxes that say Social Security (yes I know the system is messed up, but we are talking principles here), you do not believe any of your money that you know you would not offer them otherwise should go towards helping the elderly get something towards their bills?  That should stay your money right, why help those greed money grubbing grandparents.  They are taking advantage of the system right, you know they could still be working a regular job at 73 years old.

    Yellow - If you truely believe that and yet you are spouting of your intollerance's to those people who need welfare among others (basically whomever is taking your money)...what does that make you?  You have not come off looking very tollerant anywhere in this thread, so I can only directly conclude that you are not as knowledgable as you need to be.

    "It is easier to be cruel than wise. The road to wisdom is long and difficult... so most people just turn out to be assholes" Feng (Christopher Walken)

  • SioBabbleSioBabble Member Posts: 2,803

    Originally posted by 8hammer8

    Originally posted by Draenor

    Originally posted by SioBabble

    A black man who votes Republican is like a chicken voting for Colonel Sanders.
    And a human being voting for a liberal is like a sky diver voting to increase the price of parachutes.



    See?  I can do it too

    Wait.....I want to play too!


    And a human being voting for a conservative is like a sky diver voting for no parachutes instead relying on god to land them safely.

    Wow, you are right, that is fun....

    P.S. SioBabble WTF uneducated is that remark

    I should have attributed the quote.

    J.C. "Buddy" Watts, Sr.  The father of onetime GOP congressman J.C. Watts Jr.

    BTW, Draenor, quality parachutes (that is, ones that WORK) will probably be a bit more expensive than the Wal-Mart variety that is made by slave labor in China.

    CH, Jedi, Commando, Smuggler, BH, Scout, Doctor, Chef, BE...yeah, lots of SWG time invested.

    Once a denizen of Ahazi

  • SoupstaneSoupstane Member Posts: 8

    I find it odd that people think the folks who are against taxation of income are greedy or selfish. Perhaps they want to keep their own earnings so that they can help friends and family. I have a sister living on the system and breeding kids she cant feed. So the tax payer foots the bill, including medical which I can barely afford and I work a minimum of 40 hours a week. Wouldnt it be better if my tax dollars were going to her instead of you supporting her poor choices? Wouldnt it be better if she had to face her lender/giver? At any rate why shouldnt the earner be the one who says where the money goes? I have always wondered why people who are on government assistance are allowed to vote, it seems like a paid vote to me.

  • lomillerlomiller Member Posts: 1,810
    Originally posted by Muirin

    Originally posted by lomiller

    Originally posted by Muirin

    You said it not me.  Im for lower taxes, and less money spent on social programs.  Their should be an effort to slowley fase out some programs.  SS, Welfare, Medicare, stuff like that.  You cant just end programs right away, people have become deponded on the government to live.  So instead of just leaving all the people deponded fase it out and  reduce taxes.  Get people to stop relying of the government and take personal responsibilities for their own lifes.  Again, care to debate with me or have any more questions?


    So you do think the US economy should be more like that of Mexico?  You realize the Mexican economy isn’t working out so well right?  

     I never said we should use the type of system Mexico uses.  You just assumed that what i was saying.  And that isnt what im saying at all, im not talking about the diffrent types of economy, how did you even get to that point?


    I’ve pointed out things that you are on record as supporting and are rampant in the Mexican economy. You have yet to tell us why the results of those policies would be any different in the US.  
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