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mikutyramikutyra Member Posts: 1
i'm looking for a game which has a feel of Myst,maybe quests of that type(adventures),but has also pvp(Lineage 2 style or so),only pvps which would require brain usage,not only grind and gear the sh out...
Could anyone suggest at least anything alike?


  • phatpeteyphatpetey Member Posts: 323

    If you want to pay to play an MMORPG like that I would suggest:

    -World of Warcraft, it has alot of great quests(not much grinding in WoW) and the PvP is very well aswell. The raids and dungeons in WoW are aswell a strong point of WoW.

    -Another choice could be Lord of the Rings Online, many great adventuring quests here, a huge area to discover. I don't know alot about the PvP in LotR so...

    If you don't want to pay I suggest: 

    -Rappelz a MMORPG created by GPotato(developers of Flyff, Corum,...), in this game you will have to grind but there is a pretty good PvP included in this free game.

    -Archlord, a formal Pay2Play but now Free2Play, I didn't like this game at all because I don't like the serieus style. Not so much grinding, and a pretty cool PvP, with a leet Archlord-sysytem.


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