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the elite that run this planet believe in a philosophy called Heglian dialect. Basically it means they pit one person against the other. It gives the common folk the choice to support one person or ideology over another.
The truth is that you have no choice. Both candidates support the same thing. The choice you imagine is all an illusion brought about by public relations, media manipulation and plain old lying.
All the candidates, both republican and democrat (except for ron paul) are members of the Council on Foreign Relations. The CFR advocates a world govt with the banking families running the show. Obama may sound like a liberal and McCain like a conservative but in reality theyre both globalists.
All the candidates support a private central bank running the show. All the candidates including Obama attend typically Ivy league schools like Yale. They are trained in the elitist cultist corporate ideology. They believe in socialism but its really facism in disguise. And the secretly plot to lead us into world govt while lying to the people (see the immigration issue for proof).
This election is a complete fraud. And fyi, not that it matters but Hillary was chosen as the next president 2 years ago. She attended Bildeberger convention back then which is usually an indication who will be the next leader of America. Just ask Bill, he was an unknown govt of Arkansas in 1991 when he attended Bildeberg.
The dirty little secret in the elitist world is that the Bush clan and the Clinton clan are the best of friends. When you realize this truth, then you begin to see the way they manipulate us. And with Hillary's impending election, it will be 28 years (assuming she gets re-elected) with a Bush or Clinton running the show. And if you consider that Reagan was a senile patsy, we will have had a Bush/Clinton team running this nation for 36 years.
I urge you all to do some real research. Look at documentaries like Clinton Chronicles or anything about Bush background. Look at how our govt has lost its way since the illegal Federal Reserve Act of 1913 came into being.
This nation is no longer a constitutional republic (and by the way, we arent a democracy, our founding fathers in fact HATED democracies). We are a fascist nation now owned by an elite corporate oligarchy who despise our cowboy mentality.
And the really depressing part is that nobody even knows theyre slaves. Watch this video clip (warning, some language is colorful), George Carlin sums it up best about us...
Hey look, Alex Jones duped another idiot into buying his shit.
And how is it so different having the elitists run the country now than it was with the founding fathers? You don't believe they were common folk do you?
Go back to bed America. Everything is under control.
Christ...people are morons.
Please tell me more about this Great Conspiracy before the wool is successfully pulled back over my eyes and I fall asleep again. I want to see! I want to see!!
I don't think you really want to see. As they say, ignorance is bliss. Enjoy it.
That video is amazing..
It spoke all my thoughts to me.. I have been up on all that dirty politics stuff for a while and for the most part it matches my idea of the government..
My favorite line:
Blindly believing everything the governemtn says is truth = patriotism: FALSE
And so many people think that too! They think that if you oppose of the slaying of thousands of civilians in another country for no proven reason that you are un-patriotic and bleh bleh... Like what the media did to the dixie chicks for speaking out about iraq and our occupation...
I don't think you really want to see. As they say, ignorance is bliss. Enjoy it.
Vague cliches are not a good way to prove your argument. If you have something significant to say please do so but save the tired bumper-sticker catch phrases for BTW you forgot to call him sheeple.
the sheeple need to elect someone. pick a the best you can. hope the president you elect nominates judges to the bench that will either support the constitution or look to other nations laws and rules to bend it.
-I will subtlety invade your psyche-
I don't really believe it- the whole mega conspiracy that big banks and big business runs everything. I mean, yeah, it makes for an interesting point that we've had little variety in geneology and associations amongst presidents these past couple decades. But it doesn't prove anything accept American's general disinterest in politics; or the lack of willpower to participate in the voting process.
Like- ok... if there was this big uber secret shadow sneaky elite who ran everything. Why would you know about it? Why would they have this organization, the CFR- that had a global government charter posted for all to see- and then have a roster list of all card carrying members party to the conspiracy? Does that make any sense? Or is the CFR just as innocuous as it sounds; a council on foreign relations. Which in and of itself is something it would behoove most would-be presidents to be a member of. Like mentioning you were a troop leader with boy scouts. People eat shit like that up on resumes.
And I'll tell you something else- even if it's all true. I don't care. I'm happy with what I got. And if anyone ever tries to take it all away from me in a manner so grievous that there is nothing to resort to but violence... Im ok with that too. I've got the firepower and the training to deal with that.
That's my insurance policy. The global conspiracy was real and they're taking over? Ooops my bad. Plan B. Break out the weapons and body armor and cover your own ass.
So get yourself a dandy arsenal, some field manuals/dangerous knowledge, and practice your skills. In the meanwhile just be happy and enjoy life while ya got it.
Hope you got your things together. Hope you are quite prepared to die. Looks like we're in for nasty weather. ... There's a bad moon on the rise.
I agree,there is not much differenece between the canidates whoever we vote for we the people will still get screwed over at every turn and i have watched CFR trolls for decades run down the country,military,people like Arlen specter who the ignorant continue to vote in decade after decade,
But you know what? It doesnt matter they are not in charge, we are not in charge, God is in charge.
So just suck it up,get ready, and when the day arrives remember what it means to be a free American, and do your duty.
Thats exactly how the theory of Hegelian Dialectics works. Where there is one side, an opposition will emerge. If you can control both initial side, and the emerging opposition side, then you have total control over the process. So we get this system where Republicans screw us over for 8 years, then Democrats screw us over for 8 years, rinse and repeat. All the while, people watch the scripted horse race and want to believe its something more than social engineering.
? how does Hilary win the election vs McCain when husein wins the democratic nomination?
20 Jan 2009... the end of **LL **IT, bu sh .
fyi Lucifer is in charge and rules earth (aka mother nature, the natural order, the fitest will survive) presiding over ALL the rulers of the earthly kingdoms, including the vatican pope.
With people calling Christ earth-pig (ie. jesus, Christ's name was Joshua/Yehoshua) and instead of following Christ's teachings they parrot saul's dogma... more than half of the nt is written by people that did not see nor hear Christ's teachings!
Stop wasting your time here. You could show the sheeple actual proof of all the illegal crap that the US government does and they will still deny it by calling you a crazy tinfoil hat wearing conspiracist, antiamerican or worst yet, flat out not care so long as their lifestyle is not effected. I serously don't understand how some people can not tell how far down the crapper this country has gone over the past 20 years.
Apathy of the people is what is really screwing america over.
The Brave Do Not Fear The Grave
This is what I think about this Election
Trade in material assumptions for spiritual facts and make permanent progress.
Actually my beliefs have nothing to do with Alex Jones. I dont really care for Mr. Jones and his in-your-face style of tactics. Personally, I think he hurts the truth movement more than helps it.
I get my information straight from the elite's own mouths. The elite banking families are very open about their plans. They dont hide the fact that they want to dismantle the US Constitution and merge all nations under one world goverment.
The elite count on the fact that most americans arent going to read and do the research to keep the govt honest. The information is out there but most people dont bother to read anything other than their People magazines which by the way exist as a means to distract us. The elite are very good at distracting us. Did you ever notice that anytime some bad economic news or an election is impending, we have a terrorist attack ? The elite are very smart people indeed. If only americans would research the following subjects without automatically labelling it conspiracy theories we wouldnt be stuck with an elite in control...
This information Ive obtained doesnt come from prisonplanet or alex jones or stolen alien documents. this is legit info that in many cases comes from the govt itself...
The problem is that most americans arent going to read memos covering CFR meetings.
Most americans arent going to read bloated govt reports like Report from Iron Mountain.
Most americans arent going to read David Rockefeller's memoirs. David is very clear that there is a conspiracy of silence in the media to keep quiet while the elite secretly plot to rule the world. Hell, Rockefeller actually thanks them !
“… it would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government …”
- David Rockefeller in Baden-Baden, Germany 1991, thanking major media for keeping secret for decades the movement of the prophetic one world government.
Most americans dont read the 13th page behind 5 pages of advertisements on the NY Times to discover that oh by the way we were never attacked by North Vietnam in the Gulf of Tonkin...sorry about having 58,000 americans and 2 million vietnamese die, mistakes were made.
Most americans have no idea that the govt planned terrorist attacks against americans and planned on blowing up a rocket carrying John Glenn into space just so we could get americans to back an invasion of Cuba. Ask your neighbor if he thinks our govt is capable of attacking its own citizens so corporations and banks can get rich and most will of course not. Refer them to Operation Northwood, again NOT conspiracy document but rather an actual govt plan to murder americans to get us into another war...sound familiar ?
Most americans are going to get their news from a very biased source like FOX News or the Washington Post. These media giants have even larger corporate owners such as General Electric. GE makes billions off war and secrecy, do you really think their going to allow their media lapdogs to report real news that might affect their revenue ?
David Rockefeller advocates world socialist / facist govt with the elite in control. He specifically refers to intellectual elite as best suited to make decisions for mankind. Do you understand this philosophy ? Does it ring a bell from the history books ? Think back to when many nations had Kings running their land and other nobility controlling the serfs...their belief was that their blood was better than the commoners, that somehow their intellect was superior and they should make all the decisions.
This idea hasnt faded with time. These "blue-bloods" still think theyre superior to us. Where do you think the whole nazi aryan movement came from ? Eugenics also was born of this ideology that men of wealth and power are somehow genetically better than we are. The elite have even gone so far as to force mandatory sterilization laws onto what they deem as feeble minded or genetically inferior people.
And thanks to new technologies, the elite are planning on total control. And to the other poster here, you arent going to be able to simply pick up a rifle and fight back.
Kissinger writes that to control a people you need to control the food supply. Take a look at what monstrous corporations like Monsanto are doing with their terminator seed technology. Guess which family happens to own a large portion of Monsanto stock..cough cough Rockefeller.
Rothchild family in particular is moving the world to one currency, a digital currency. Their plans call for digitizing currency and planting implants into everyone's body. Your id, money, everything will be on these chips. And again, NOT a conspiracy, the rothchilds and rockefellers publicy push this policy.
What will a person do that doesnt like or want a world govt taking increasingly more taxes from them ? What will a person do when theyre told that private property is bad for the environment and should accept living in a corporate controlled city complex ? What will a person do when all their basic rights are stripped away ? The answer...NOTHING. Once chips are in place and currency is digital, if a person objects to the world control grid the elite can simply turn off your chip and render you a non-person. You wont be able to buy food without your digital money. You cant grow food because terminator seeds are sold requiring this money and dont reproduce themselves. And if you somehow still have genetically pure seeds that actually reproduce, you wont have the land to grow them on.
This horrific world vision is what the elite plan for us. And if you still doubt this, do the research. Dont just slander the idea as a "conspiracy" because it scares you. Nothing Ive stated is conspiracy but comes straight from the govt files or the elite's own writings.
The real issue here is that folks realize that if what Im saying is really true they'd have to do something about it. Like that character in the Vendetta movie says, people dont want to give up their comforts of home to fight for freedom, theyd rather accept slavery. The problem is eventually it will be too late to fight back. Once the elite have their control system in place there will be virtually no way to fight back.
And dont think for a minute that once the elite assume total world control that life will still continue as always. Their plans for the world dont include most of us living. Again, the elite are open about their plans to reduce the world population by up to 90%
In 2 words..
'Go Obama'
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Awned: World of Warcraft (Lothar)
Torren: Warhammer Online (Praag)
To quote George Carlin, "do you really think these rich *&%# care about you ?"
Obama is part of the elite's agenda. I doubt he will get elected as Hillary is the bildeberg's chosen one but it wont really matter.
Have you done any research on the man besides what FOX News tells you ?
Obama is a member of the CFR, Obama's wife Michelle is on the board of directors for the Chicago chapter of the CFR.
Do you have even the slightest clue as to what the CFR stands for ?
Have you seen the horrific orwellian socialistic plan Obama has to help the poor (which actually doesnt help them at all but rather transfers more wealth to the elite). He wants to place yet another tax on americans to fight global poverty, nevermind that 40 million americans cant afford health insurance and millions are homeless.
Do you really want to see another rich elitist Harvard man elected ? Do we really want more loss of our freedoms as this CFR patsy helps merge us into world govt ?
you posted this rhetoric crap 1.5 months ago and you got the same response for it.
Stop being a poppet and start thinking for yourself rather than the mentally insanse "everything is a damn conspiracy" cutlic groups think for you.
I swear, if some charsimatic bald headed guy with black sneakers and a black jumpsuit offered you poisioned pudding so that you can go to heaven on a comet, I have a feeling you would take the poisioned pudding.
Drugs is bad, Admriker and so is your ill-famed philospohies
People who have to create conspiracy and hate threads to further a cause lacks in intellectual comprehension of diversity.
The answer is simply Yes. I believe Obama over you.
Torrential: DAOC (Pendragon)
Awned: World of Warcraft (Lothar)
Torren: Warhammer Online (Praag)
Kick it man...everything is a damn conspiracy.HA HA HA HEHEHE
Trade in material assumptions for spiritual facts and make permanent progress.
bigfoot is a spy
The OP seems to point out everything as a problem, but what should we?
Those stupid videos go on and on about how "nobody cares," yet offers absolutely no solutions.
I will be reporting the contents of this thread to my superiors at the CFR / NWO cabal...Admriker and windstrike, you will be taken in the night by our agents, you cannot run or hide so do not try. Only hope my superiors merely send you to re-education instead of making you dissapear.
Will there be cake at the Re-education camp?