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Eve is way to overrated on, probably due to the trial on this site.
Eve is missing the long-term issues that keeps you hooked on the game.
After 14 days or a month you will be bored, frustrated, annoy, mad and/or angry.
Eve has way to many bugs that cause server and client crashes, setbacks to the players progression, both on small and large scale.
You can say that Eve is a young MMOG still, but its unimportant, since the current state is all that counts, and Eve is way more bugged than many of the other MMOGs.
Eve has a good support staff, but due to the amount of bugs many valid petitions are closed with the message "the logs do not show that" or they are simply ignored.
The support staff can be good, but it will mean nothing if the bugs is causing the amount of work to rise too high.
Eve lacks content.
Currently you can do mining, production, research and hunting.
Mining is simply find a stone and press a key.
Production is find a factory slot and make it run.
Research is find a research agent and make him work or find a research slot and improve your blueprints.
These 3 things are sadly tied up way to tight, so you pretty much need to do them all to be any good and research slots are simply bugged, which cuase you to lose out on a big part of the game.
Hunting is the last job you can take on, but hunting in Eve is like playing Counter-Strike on a flat map with no structures or objects. Its impossible to have a fair fight.
The only way to fight is to make sure the teams are uneven.
Eve needs items, structures and skills that makes defensive stands possible, which could be achieved with "Area of Effect"-addons.
Eve lacks a synergy bonus.
Currently there is no bonus from working together other than the leadership skill bonus.
Area of Effects-addons could be one way of making the use of one item benefit more than just one groupmember and thereby making 3 working together more effective than 3 flying alone.
Another way could be to make items that are more powerfull at their normal function, but cause limitations in other areas, like a targetable shield booster that does 150% of a self-only shield booster, but at the same time takes up a turret hardpoint or cause the turret damage to be lowered by 50%.
Eve lacks goals that can measure a players progress.
So far I have heard goals, like become a big corporation, defend a corporation, destroy a corporation and build a battleship from loot, but these goals are either fuzzy or easily achievable.
You can join a big corporation and complete that goal easily or you can make your own corporation and just recruit members like a mad, but anyway it will only be a few that can really call it "their" corporation, the rest will just be players that joined a big corporation.
You can shoot down 2 enemies and you will have defended a corporation.
Its impossible to define that goal easily and therefore its impossible to say when you have reached it.
Did you really defend the corporation or did the enemy just turn their focus on something else.
You can just as easily destroy a corporation by killing a few ships, but its again impossible to say if it was your work that did it or even had an effect on it or if the corporation was just disbanding due to internal problems, like a missing leader or quitting people or a merger.
Building a battelship from loot is the only real clear goal, but if you go straight for it, then its actually quite easy to reach, so after 2 or 3 months of hunting the same boring rats you will have your battleship and you will be without goals again.
Shiva might come with a solution to these missing goals with the implementation of "dungeons".
Eve is in the current state a singleplayer game with player-controlled monsters, its not really a MMOG.
Most other MMOGs require teamwork and tactics to accomplish something big and Eve will need to aim for this or it will slowly die out due to bored players.
Currently Eve needs 2 important things, which is a fast and thorough debugging and lots of content/goals added.
i find the statement that "EVE is overrated" disturbing. last i checked there were over 400 comments for rating EVE. so it is well commented on too maintain a high rating. i see 3 games i have played extensively also rated high and i do not feel they even touch EVE...those being DAoC, AO, and CoH.....bare in mind that i also feel those 3 and EVE cannot be compared properly anyways.
True some may not be bored, but it seems to be quite a big problem, since its also an often discussed topic on the eve-online forums and most players that are bored simply leave the game and do not post at all.
The problem is on other words much bigger than what the forum posts show if you just look at the numbers.
I did not say other MMOGs were bug-free, but the bugs in Eve is huge and affecting the gameplay for pretty much all players.
Its quite rare to see MMOGs were the servers are having problems staying up for more than 4 hours.
Most MMOGs have servers running with no downtime for days or weeks, while Eve has a daily downtime and still they can not keep the servers stable.
Eve has bugs that cause the client to crash or get disconnected and even worse have bugs that cause other ships to become invisible to both radar and eye, and this is even a quite common bug.
As I actually wrote, the support is giving a quick response, but they have no time to do more than a quick check of the logs, if they do that at all.
If its a problem which takes more time than a few minutes to investigate, then its ignored or a standard response is given.
I have had problems in Eve that could only be caused by slow communication between the gameserver and the database-server which cost me like 50% of my current amount of money at that time, which was an annoying setback, especially since I had just lost my ship to a "lost connection to the server"-error minutes before, which I knew I could not for sure pinpoint to a problem at CCP.
Actually, there is very little content due to the "player content".
The player content consist of 99,99% fighting and in 99% of the cases one of the parties involved will flee right away, because the fight is uneven.
Its currently not possible for a group to become stronger due to tactics. All that counts are numbers of ships and firepower.
The items that exist have no synergi effect and there is VERY little bonus in working together, except chosing the same target.
The items that are available are pretty close to zero-sum value, which means that if you equip a targetable item with a bonus effect on 2 ships and aim it at eachother, then the benefit would be no greater than if you had chosen a self-only item for each ship and used that.
A good synergy effect would be an item that really lowered the effect of the equiped ship, but at the same time boosted the effect of the targetted ships so much that the 2 could be more effective working together, than they would by just shooting at the same target.
Its not impossible to have an open ended game with some preformed content.
Currently there is very little preformed content and encounters with named rats are not even the same from time to time, so its impossible to measure your strength.
Measuring strength against other players are not really an option either, since they are not always flying with the same setup.
Its a goal that can never be reached and never measured, since you have no way of doing it.
I have been in big and succesfull Everquest guilds, so I know the work required, but I also know that its impossible to say if you are improving or degrading in power, if you are not tested regularly against a known standard.
What I am looking for is encounters/quests/missions/fights that can not be achieved by having a number of ships.
Currently there is nothing in Eve that can not be achieved by having lots of ships shooting at whatever moves without any communication required what so ever.
I am not seeing this as being possible with the current state of Eve simply because Eve has no defensive stand options other than fleeing.
I have earlier on the Eve-online forum talked for new items that have defensive effect and therefore allow the parties involved in a PvP battle to choose different tactics, like attacking the enemys weakpoints or attacking with what attack type that is most powerfull for you.
I like long winded games, I played Everquest for 4 years.
I like open ended games too, but Eve is currently not that open ended, its actually quite simple with very few ends.
I think many people here actually rate the game on what it could be other than what it currently is.
Eve is currently rated 8.2 on this rating list, which is the highest number, yet it still got lots of huge, interrupting bugs and lack of content, which is clearly shown by looking on the Shiva expansion.
If the current state of Eve was really worth a 8.2 rating, then it would be 15.0 rated when the most annoying bugs were smashed and the first Shiva patch was released.
Eve might be worthy of a 8.2 rating in the future, but that first when most of the bugs is smashed and Shiva is implemented in full.
If CCP can get all bugs removed and all the talked about content added, then it might even be higher.
Eve's current rating is overrated!
LOL, i am not an "old head" at all in EVE. barely thru the 14 days, BUT. i was off the last 2 days and NEVER had a crash. was on well over 10+ hours those days. and yes, no life, ask my EVE has a helluva a lot less bugs then EQ and DAoC do, if you want too compare....where does my thoughts come from? played EQ for 2+years and daoc 1 1/2 years. so i am very well versed in the "biggies" out there.
i find your thoughts troubling too the extent i do not even feel you gave EVE a chance. yes i struggled mightily with EVE for the first few days. ui and such were very hard for me too get a feel for.
as far as not everyone made a rating or comment about EVE just simply left....hmm, it appears too me that is prolly the case in most of these ratings on ALL the games. i see daoc and AO are 8.2's also, now not flaming them at all, BUT i did not feel those 2 games were that good. yes, good games, BUT after giving EVE a faor try, i feel EVE is a much better game.
EVE, too me, is not gonna be for everyone. i think there are plenty of posts out there that state as much. basically it appears too have a built in weeding out system, so too speak. the ones that like it stay. the ones that don't leave and appear too gripe about it.
very few posts i have read leave any middle ground. so it appears either all love EVE or hate EVE, no middle ground it seems.
Show me a mmorpg that doesn't have bugs. The only mmorpg I can think of is FFXI...but FFXI as other issues.
I think the EVE's high rating is warranted. EVE is a mmorpg where most of the player base are older, mature, and often times intelligent players. I think the learning curve gets rid of most of the "I wanna own cool ships cause Im just too damn l33t" players.
I am not saying you are one of those types at all. I am just glad there is a game that has so much depth and options as EVE does. I was getting sick and tired of the atypical hack and slash and level mmorpgs.
If you dont like this game then that's cool; its your opinion just as this is mine. EVE scores are def. worth their marks.
I'm fairly new in EVE but my wife has been there since Beta and she even loves it so much she works for CCP as a volunteer. Trust me, my wife gets bored easily and if she's still playing this game to date, then that at least tells me something.
People who have to create conspiracy and hate threads to further a cause lacks in intellectual comprehension of diversity.
Joined 2004 - I can't believe I've been a member for 20 years! Get off my lawn!
Yes mining in high security space is just find and click. But low sec space is a alot different. You need to watch out for rats and other players. Which means TEAMWORK, like having one or two people fly cover and using combat drones.
Production in Eve is not different then any other game. You gather needed resources and find someplace to produce the items
Research right now is a pain due to the limited number of research slots. When Shiva comes out it should get much better as corps build their research modules for their stations.
And my last comment is if you hate the game so much then quite playing it.
Argean...... Caldari
Rebel Mining Guild
yeah, kinda weird that EVE has such a high rating. I mean, if you don't like it that surely means everyone in the world hates it [/sarcasm off]
People who have to create conspiracy and hate threads to further a cause lacks in intellectual comprehension of diversity.
how do you get your hands on a lady that play's EvE O_O?
People who have to create conspiracy and hate threads to further a cause lacks in intellectual comprehension of diversity.
remybuke, this game obviously doesn't appeal to you, that's fine, but don't assume all people find it boring/bad. I should think the rating this game has is proof that there are many who enjoy it. Oh wait no! They must all be wrong! You don't enjoy it so how can they! It's a terrible game, obviously there's been some mistake and the voters have voted wrong!
well there are people who would vote just to drop the games rating.
we should send an eve male to our corps members and let them pass it on, so that everybody come in and vote 10 for eve...
The Jedi Code.
There is no emotion; There is peace.
There is no ignorance; There is knowledge.
There is no passion; There is serenity.
There is no death; There is only The Force.
The Jedi Code.
There is no emotion; There is peace.
There is no ignorance; There is knowledge.
There is no passion; There is serenity.
There is no death; There is only The Force.
Horizons Warcry
Guild Wars Warcry
Public Relations -
I think the original poster is way off. You are looking at EVE through the lens of EQ, Daoc, Diablo 2 and Counterstrike. This game is not like any of those games and is more invloved then all of the above combined. Just check out the stats on that gun turrent and then tell me those other games have more content.
You say there is no content and goals? Are you nuts? There is so much content that it tends to overwhelm new players. Play the game for a month and you still may not know where to take your char goals wise.
No goals huh? Ever train a skill to 5? Buy or build a new ship? Get into a new ship class? Buy named items? Hunt down a player pirate with a bounty? Help a corp establish itself in 0.0? Get a higher level agent? Work on research and or production? These are not goals? What about the upcoming Shiva expansion where you can build and fight over Player run space stations? These are not worthy goals?
Whats boring for some is fun for others I guess. I loved the game Elite years ago and this game reminds me of that one. I also loved the game privateer. Some may not like those type of games. I do not need a game where I have to get to level 50 as fast as I can. In eve I can relax, take my time and just enjoy flying around which is what I do. The skill system in Eve is wonderful and its a welcome break from the leveling treadmill games that I have been a part of for so long.
Thousands of systems? Endless possibilities and you say there is no content? There is a huge amount of content and when Shiva comes out its going to jump by a factor of 10. Content is the least of Eve problems imo. This is not the best game for the solo player and the content does not really open up till you join a corp and have played for awhile but is that any different then other games? In Daoc it does not open up till you get to level 50 (if thats the level cap still, its been awhile for me-retired level 50 paladin lol) and can RvR and here its the same in many ways. It takes time in the game before you can operate in 0.0.
Also about ganking and griefing..Well pirates are apart of the game and are meant to be there. This game has an element of risk and it makes sense. Why would not pirates be in areas where the law is not? Look at the history of our own worlds Oceans. The same stuff happened and still happens now. Try getting a cargo ship past some areas off Indonesia and/or the Phillipines lol
And you talk about bugs? Well in the past 3 weeks my client has crashed 1 time exactly. Thats far better then what I have experienced with some other online games.
This is the most retarded and insulting thing anyone can say about EVE. If you can't find the player-interaction dependance in EVE you've got issues. Player interaction is more heavily emphasized in EVE than it is in any other MMOG right now, that's why so many young nerd-like gamers are often turned off by it (because they don't know how to deal with people so they never become amazing at it) whilst smarter, more social and mature players do stick around in it (because they have time for a life of their own since it doesn't depend on powerleveling and other useless crap like that, plus it makes you think).
You have no idea what you're talking about, I'd tear apart the rest of your message as well except the rest have already done that for me, and I've dealt with too many people like you in the past. In the words of my more famous posting 'The Giant Misconception of EVE-Online' I would like to say again: "Go back to CS, because we don't want you here."
Anjelle [Freelancer Union]
I love rain, the color gray, and small apartments.
I hate CS, the term n00b and this thing --> ^^
But that's just me.
I love rain, the color gray, and small apartments.
I hate CS, the term n00b and this thing --> ^^
But that's just me.
well..... dont some peeps hate EVE, well, its really this way. if you dont like it after your 14 day trial, cancle your subscription and go back to CS or EnB.. EASY!.
If you enjoyed your experiance, Welcome to the universe of eve. Since i started my Alts, i have made several new friends from around the world, Of course you get the "hardcore" MMORPG players, and you are beaten in battle becouse you are small and inexperianced BUT GET OVER IT! its only a game. If you hate Eve online that much why continue to play??. I have come accross a few peeps that ask HEAPS of Qs on the "how to do this" subject, also assited many noobs to earn Isk and achive a sence of belonging. No one is gonna bite your head of if you ask a question like " how do i dock at this station?", Eve online is about getting together with your friends (Corporations) and achive a common goal, That could include a "corpse collection" or bounting hunting, any way..... What you think about it, is entirely up to the individual playing
Look out if ya goin on a "Hamster Hunt" coz i carry a "Big Gun"
Look out if ya goin on a "Hamster Hunt" coz i carry a "Big Gun"
This is the most retarded and insulting thing anyone can say about EVE.
Only the person who said that should be insulted as it is one of the dumbest things said and really shows ingorance on their part. :P
Why do people care so much about the ratings? Omg so your so much of a fanboy you can't stand to see a game you don't like on the top of the list? Some people just think the world revolves around them.
"Feel free to hate me, but hate me for the right reasons."
"Your still ignorant if you believe the first thing you see when the blindfold is removed."
"Be smart enough to know I'm smarter than you."
Hm, I'm not really sure what information the original post was based on. In terms of being disconnected from the server, the vast majority of disconnects are caused by hardware and software issues, not server issues. I can't remember the last time I was disconnected from EVE, other than when my ISP gave out.
In terms of bugs, there are some, but most of them are graphical and the ones that aren't are mere annoyances. The worst glitch around is probably the "stuck" bug, where you get stuck inside of a jump gate--- and that has only happened to me once (I've been playing since release). I don't think there has ever been a case of someone's ship promptly blowing up for no reason or anything of that nature.
Oh, and I'm sorry if all you can do in EVE Online is manufacture, research, hunt NPC's, pirate, mine, trade, broker, bounty hunt, guard, run a corp, play the market, enforce law, do agent missions... I guess maybe you should go to a more complex game with more content like Counter Strike where you can shoot people and, um, shoot more people... or EQ and DoC where you can fight monsters, craft, and, um, fight more monsters.
Get real.
I would say that the original poster has a few misconceptions about EVE. Sure you have played EQ for 4 years, but dont come judging how good EVE is on the assumption that EVE is supposed to be like EQ. EVE is so different from EQ and alot of the EQ aspects you wont find in EVE.
And looking on your posts I can only draw the conclusion that you have not been in many PvP battles. There is alot of tactic involved in fleet combat, what kind of ships your group have, how you equip them etc. And there are numerous ways of making a defensive setup on a ship.
hmm so much more I could comment on.....
Everquest is a PvE based fantasy role playing game. Eve is a PvP based (with PvE elements) space based simulator rpg.
How you can comapre the two I have no idea.
I think Eve is a good game. There arent too many good games to begin with. WHy would you complain about the little things when you arent looking at the big picture. What other games do you think are better? I bet you coudlnt count them on one hand.
You get the idea.
Eve satisfies me. It is constantly improving. I know I was in the beta since 2 or 3. The game has progressed 1000% since then. And it constantly gets better. In another year I will bet that it progresses another 1000%.
They are even going to add planets you can land on and planetary flight. Good luck finding a game that offers what Eve does. If you find one let me know.
Anyone who says that, should take a closer look.
Or just totally hate SF- games.
Best comic ever =P
Im a longtime player of EvE and i love it. fir instance. yesterday got pod killed and lost about 40-50 mil worth of stuff. did i quit nooo . im going to lead a assault in emeny stronghold for some action and payback. why? cus i can. is that Content for you all the PvP you can wish for with my corpmembers working as a team